roch-of-carim · 10 years
Can you hear "zawa zawa" echo in the distance when he gambles?
((My life is full of “zawa zawa”.))
"What is this? You speak nonsense!"
((Shh. Nevermind that. I can’t say he’s much of a gambler, either way.))
"Yes, that would be stupid. Why throw away my hard earned coin?"
((Though, if he did, he would be more like Funai from the Espoir arc.))
"What…? Drivel like this is exactly why I never bother with reading."
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roch-of-carim · 10 years
((Nose is big. Yeah yeah yeah.))
"Hmph. I should’ve expected as much. Insults right from the start."
((It’s a cruel world, beaky.))
"You know what they say about the size of a man’s nose."
((I suppose it doesn’t matter. We’ll never know, eh?))
"…I wish I could kill you."
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roch-of-carim · 10 years
Ask incredibly invasive questions about the character! The writer will answer and the character will react to having their private information made public.
submitted by anonymous.
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roch-of-carim · 10 years
Little thing!
A peasant child sits on the dirty streets of Carim. He does not play nor cry, but sits and watches the crowd. He studies them carefully and watches for opportunity. That is when he spots an unusual rarity: a knight wearing armor of Astora.
He began to follow the knight discretely. As he got closer, he noticed the knight’s armor was damaged and dirty. At first, the child thought that perhaps this fellow had been dragged and beaten by some of the locals, but the armor showed signs of rust.
There was no way this knight had anything worth picking off of him, but the child found himself curious. He had to know what this fellow was doing here and what had happened to him.
"Hey, ya dirty rust bucket!" the child called out to the Astoran knight. "Don’t you know where you are? You’re bound to get your fool head lopped off if you’re not careful."
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roch-of-carim · 10 years
Little thing
During the early hours of the morning, young orphans are typically found in classes within cathedrals, but the young Roch was rebellious from a young age. When he could find the opportunity, he would sneak away and instead skulk about the city. Wandering and dreaming of bigger and greater things. With his head so full of clouds, he hardly could watch the path before him.
The child became aware of his surroundings just in time to avoid crashing into Vesgar, but lost his balance all the same.
"Ouch! Watch it, you daft ape!" The dirty street-rat yelled up from his spot squat on the dirt. He sneered at the man, but his expression quickly changed once he saw the garb of the man he had just insulted. "I-I mean, I’m sorry, sir! It was my fault."
(Art by the great sessju below the cut for facial reference.)
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roch-of-carim · 10 years
Send "Little thing" and my character will tell you something as a child.
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roch-of-carim · 10 years
((♍ for my character's reaction to yours telling them they are a virgin )) - (Roch-of-Carim)
With a raised eyebrow, the warden stared at the thief who trembled in chains.
He had not even laid a hand upon him yet. Indeed, he had just been about to begin the torture, something he had been looking forward to given this sinner’s talent for escaping his grasp.
Only a few hours ago, he had managed to capture this fiend.
And when the warden had taken a breath to begin speaking, the thief’s various confessions came out quickly and loudly, with one being the loudest.
The two stood and sat there in silence for some time.
A cough.
More silence.
Another cough and maybe a cricket.
"…Hm. Looking at you? I’m not surprised."
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roch-of-carim · 10 years
"Just make sure it stays there."
There was something about this man Roch couldn't stand and he knew exactly what it was. He could tell by his voice that this man was Carimian — like himself — and though he looked and acted otherwise, something about him smelled of the farm lands.
Being brought up as a thief, Roch got a sense for these things. When the more cautious of the rich traveled, they usually sent a decoy ahead of them to catch robbers and thieves. Some would even go so far as to dress in peasants clothes while their decoys flaunted the silk, but there were many ways to tell people of different classes apart.
In this case, Vesgar's most prominent was the way he carried himself. If this man was a peasant, then he was dressed in the wrong garb; a knave in shining armor. He may be gussied up like a warrior, but he was a commoner all the same. Vesgar had the mightier-than-you demeanor of those pompous knights, though, and that angered Roch all the more.
["Failure" prompt.] "You're a sad sack of salt. How you ever get anything done is beyond me." - (Roch-of-Carim)
Vesgar gestures with his hand, dismissing the rude man. “Coming from a man who has the attitude of a skeleton? That means a lot, and i’ll take it to heart. I dare say that a skeleton might have a better personality than you. And is more likeable.” He looked at the thief, as he leaned against a wall.
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roch-of-carim · 10 years
"You talk an awful lot, you know that? That's coming from me of all people." Roch could only grit his teeth. If he could have the chance he'd have this man tasting his own metal, but there were more important things to keep in mind than pride and anger. 
"I got it," he said, not bothering to hide his contempt. "You're a big, scary prick with a sword. Save it for the barmaids. Start anything and you'll regret it. We both will."
["Failure" prompt.] "You're a sad sack of salt. How you ever get anything done is beyond me." - (Roch-of-Carim)
Vesgar gestures with his hand, dismissing the rude man. “Coming from a man who has the attitude of a skeleton? That means a lot, and i’ll take it to heart. I dare say that a skeleton might have a better personality than you. And is more likeable.” He looked at the thief, as he leaned against a wall.
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roch-of-carim · 10 years
"OY! What’s that about!? Tryin’ to say I’m unpleasant to look at or somethin’? I’ll skin your proud bastard face! Then we’ll see who is unpleasant!" After his outburst was over, Roch promptly bit his lip under his mask. He lost his cool in front of this cocky know-nothing of all people. If he had moved forward on any threats, he would be in trouble for certain. It was better to turn this around as soon as possible.
"Pfeh," he sighed as he relaxed himself. "Forget it. Have it your way. We’ll call it bygones for now."
["Failure" prompt.] "You're a sad sack of salt. How you ever get anything done is beyond me." - (Roch-of-Carim)
Vesgar gestures with his hand, dismissing the rude man. “Coming from a man who has the attitude of a skeleton? That means a lot, and i’ll take it to heart. I dare say that a skeleton might have a better personality than you. And is more likeable.” He looked at the thief, as he leaned against a wall.
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roch-of-carim · 10 years
Is that this guy's idea of an insult? Roch thought to himself. What's he got to do with skeletons? 
"Sing your praises of those bones all you want. The catacombs are full of them for your taking, but you're stuck here the same as anyone; so, I'd drop the snooty attitude if I were you."
["Failure" prompt.] "You're a sad sack of salt. How you ever get anything done is beyond me." - (Roch-of-Carim)
Vesgar gestures with his hand, dismissing the rude man. “Coming from a man who has the attitude of a skeleton? That means a lot, and i’ll take it to heart. I dare say that a skeleton might have a better personality than you. And is more likeable.” He looked at the thief, as he leaned against a wall.
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roch-of-carim · 10 years
Introduce your muse!
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Name: Roch Age: Late 20s Height: 6’ Eye Color: Green Hair Color: Dark Brown Sexual Orientation: Doesn't Matter 'Cause There's No Damned Way Species: Undead Nationality: Carimian  Positive Weaknesses: I don't know what that means. Positive but a weakness? Allergies: Used to be allergic to berries, but that seems to be a thing of the past now that he's undead
Fears: Death, Hollowing, Emotional Attachment How sickly they are: Not in the least, unless slain. Relationship Status: Total Virgin
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roch-of-carim · 10 years
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Andre. Andre, you're drunk. Go home.
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roch-of-carim · 10 years
"Yeah, what will you do about it? Subdue me with projectile vomit?"
[Hangover] Pat you on the back, give you a little "hair of the dog" as they call it, and hold on to your keys and wallet for good measure. ... I'm not giving them back. - (Roch-of-Carim)
Hangover meme
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Are you sure that is a wise decision, thief. Do not do something you will regret, and I promise you, you will regret it dearly. 
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roch-of-carim · 10 years
The dogs were hardly worth the effort. Their hindrance was little more than tedious. As they leapt at him, Roch raised his small shield to guard against their bite and carved out their innards with his dagger. As each one got a taste of metal, his metal tasted their flesh.
The guard would be a different matter. The thief raised his puny shield up to guard against the swing, but it was like holding a pot under a falling tree. His shield was easily knocked aside and the weapon cut well into his torso.  He needed to get away and heal, but there was no way this giant, lumbering mummy was going to let that happen.
Roch leapt backwards down the stairs, somehow catching his footing upon one of the steps. He dropped his dagger and shield, and switched out to his bow. Arrow after arrow was shot into the gigantic jailer, as Roch kept his distance.
"They were both poisoned. I spent the last few years building up an immunity to iocane powder."
That was something Roch had not anticipated. What kind of sick-minded maniac would willingly poison themselves? How many times did he have to do it before he was finally immune to it? This was a man on an entirely different level from most, but very few men were immune to being stabbed. If only he could get past that disturbing whip.
Roch backed away from the warden until he was flat up against a wall. There was no room for running, so that left only one last desperate idea: Flattery and begging.
"That’s some, uh… Dedication you’ve got there. You’re something really amazing. I was in the wrong to cross you. Let’s just call it square and even, shall we? There’s no reason anyone has to be maimed for this."
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roch-of-carim · 10 years
"What am I doing here?" Roch was becoming more and more certain this knight was daffy in the dome. What kind of question was that, and what business was it of his? "I'm trying to find Gwyn's trousers so I can use them to sail my way out of here. What kind of answer are you expecting? I'm trying not to die a cold and bloody death hugging my knees in fright of the creeping shadow of death. Same as everyone else in this hellacious clump of misery."
The thief didn't have a whole lot of patience to begin with, and it was clear he was sparing none for Lautrec. The knight had insulted and scoffed at him, and now the gaudy blockhead seemed to be taking a shine to him. So they were both from Carim. So what? They could have been from the same town and never cross paths, yet alone have a conversation like this. Even if this knight was from a small village, that didn't mean he wasn't born well-off and it sure didn't mean they were kin.
Interesting. Carim was not the smallest of countries, but meeting another Carimian all the way out here in these god-forsaken lands had been few and far between. He was only aware of a certain pardoner and— a chill of disgust runs up his spine. 
Shaking off the unpleasant thoughts, Lautrec nods. “I too hail from Carim. I was raised in a small village out on the countryside, near the outskirts of a city. Perhaps you may have noticed by now but we are few in numbers, so that begs my next question: What are you doing out here?”
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roch-of-carim · 10 years
"Uh, yeah. The name is Roch."
This pardoner was truly a weirdo. Seeking forgiveness? Yeah, he guessed that's what someone would call it, but more than anything Roch wanted those blue phantoms off his back. Lordran was a scary enough place without people like that stalking about. The only problem was this picky pardoner and his pesky particulars.
The thief twiddled his thumbs as he waited. He began to wonder what qualified as a sin under Velka's rules and how many he had listed. Murder was apparently over the line, but what about thievery or murder by proxy? Then there were invasions and indictments. The whole thing was a messy business. He much preferred less lethal confrontations. After all, if the victim lives then you can rob them again after they've restocked.
"So, we're good then? Clean slate, right? No more blues hunting me down?"
"Rodents Of Unusual Size? I don’t think they exist."
"Look, pardoner, I couldn’t give a Rodent of Unusual Size’s ass if you believe me or not." Roch crossed his arms and stared down the cleric from under his hood. This one asked a lot of questions and he didn’t like that. What happened to the good old days when sleazy clerics would absolve your sins for a small fee? Now, they all demand higher prices or want an explanation. It’s hard to be an honest scumbag with clergy like this.
"I’m telling you, it was a mercy killing. The damn fool was being eaten alive and my arrow was but a tender mercy delivered by an angel of death into that poor man’s throat. Not the most pleasant death, but beats being rat bait."
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