rock-the-ghost · 3 years
Time for another fun fact !
There are actually three Aphrodites !
Aphrodite Urania ( Αφροδίτη ουράνια ) and Aphrodite Pandemos ( Αφροδίτη Πάνδημος ) meaning
"Aphrodite for all" and the lesser known Aphrodite Apotrophia ( Αφροδίτη Άποτροφία ).
They are kind of the polar opposite of eachother, while Aphrodite Urania represents the pure love of one's body, Aphrodite Pandemos represents sensual pleasure and Aphrodite Apotrophia represents pure lust.
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rock-the-ghost · 3 years
This statue of Aphrodite will never fail to make me feel better about my body :-D
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rock-the-ghost · 3 years
Did you know ?
Ancient Sparta actually had two kings ! One king would go and fight in the battle field with the army and the other would stay back and defend Sparta's walls :-D
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rock-the-ghost · 3 years
Apollo and Helios are both the sun god ?? WRONG !!! >:( Helios IS the sun, Helios ( gr. Ήλιος ) literally translates to sun. Apollo in the other hand idk he's just horny for Helios I suppose
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rock-the-ghost · 3 years
This is so GORGEOUS
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rock-the-ghost · 3 years
Frog bag my bff got me <3
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Military boots that I bought from the military :-D bonus uncuffed jeans and leaves !!!
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Mushrooms I found :-))
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Have a nice day lol
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rock-the-ghost · 3 years
A deep dive into Alexander (2004) directed by Oliver stone ( this definitely isn't my personal thoughts on it )
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Let's start with the basics, what is this movie about, it's a "epic dramatic" films about Alexander the Great's life ( played by Colin Pharrell ), it was a runtime if 3 hours and 37 minutes. Yes you heard that right 3 H O U R S. Ahem anyways it tries to explore Alexander's relationship with his mother Olympias ( Angelina Jolie ), his father Phillip ll ( Val kilmer ) and his "close friend" Hephaestion ( Jared Leto )
Next let's talk about what the public thought about this film according to rotten tomatoes, film critics score is 16% and audience score is 35%, and all I have to say is fair enough lol, the film isn't that good, it has alot of moments that stretch out for far too long, weird shots and weird time jumps, time jumps I think are the biggest problem with this film but I will go more into it later. This movie tried to explore Alexander's personal life, childhood, relationship, army life, all the battles he and the army went through all the while trying to make it "epic" and interesting and obviously that's just too much to handle for one movie even for a 3 hours film. Now let's talk about the time jumps, they're too much, too confusing the film starts at a battle then jumps back to Alexander's childhood then jumps to the future and it just keeps going back and forth, I also suffers from what I like to call too many flashbacks syndrome, I just think it would have been so much better if it started with his childhood and slowly progressed to his father's death, his rise to the throne, army life and eventual death.
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Now I would like to talk about what the
Thought about this film. I am greek and I personally liked it but it might be because I suffer from, I have no sense of judgement syndrome ha...haha.. right anyways. So in little word the Greeks HATED this film for ONE small reason, and my father told me when I asked him about this film "they made Alexander a
Sissy , a faggot, a fig tree"
AH YES HOMOPHOBIA, yes Greece is indeed a homophobic country this film dives DEEP into Alexander's sexuality and is bisexual in this film, his "close friends, comrade fellow army general" Hephaestion and him are obviously in a relationship although it is not explicitly shown, like they share intimate moments and do alot of like touching and shit but like they never kiss or explicitly show in any way shape or form that they're in a relationship ( except from the moment where Olympias yells at Alexander that all of the women think that he is fonder of Hephaestion's thighs rather the theirs ahem ) I would ALSO like to point out that when I watched Alexander on greek television the scene where Alexander like makes out with bagoas or however u spell his name is cut out AND alot of the scenes between Alexander and Hephaestion are cut out e.i the scene that Hephaestion gives Alexander a ring. AHHH I HATE IT HERE like yes hate this film cause it isn't that historically accurate not because of the gay. Now was he gay I'll talk about that in a separate post probably lol.
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Right anyways but how is the cinematography ? It's alright all the locations are gorgeous and it has some pretty scenes but like I said most of the scenes are really stretched out. The acting is alright Colin Pharrell is immaculate like he out so much emotion to this role, he's great.
And lastly why isn't it that historically accurate well this film kinda leans to the conspiracy side of Alexander's story cause like there are alot if unanswered questions like why/who killed Phillip and in this one the film falls to the conspiracy that it was a guard that was r*ped by Phillip but also has some subtext of Olympias doing it ?? Idk it's weird.
Finally what are my thoughts on it. Personally I like it, besides it flaws it's a fun film, some might say it boring considering its three hours long but I have an undying love for long films so I like this one. Yes it is bad BUT it's the funny bad and it also had the balls to tackle lgbt themes in 2004, UNLIKE S O M E OTHER FILMS THAT CANE OUT THE SAME YEAR AHEM* TROY *AHEM.
6.9/10 would recommend <3
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rock-the-ghost · 3 years
Fun fact !
In ancient Greece there was an army that was made out of about 150 mlm couples, they were founded in about 379 b.c ( but it was believed that it existed before that ) and was one of the most powerful army in Greece. Why were they so powerful you might ask ? Well because it was entirely made up of couples, everyone would fight harder and were less likely to abandon a battle because they wanted to protect their lovers ! :-D how cute. They were eventually defeated by the Macedonians at 338 b.c
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