rockerchikmj · 6 years
I just wanna rant. For a second, how can you feel so beautiful, when he talks to other chicks???
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rockerchikmj · 6 years
Confessions of a Brokenhearted girl:[
I can’t explain what this year as bring me too. confusing and Broken hearted. I finally got this guys attention and now he is gone. he wouldn’t even talk to me. I don’t know what i did wrong. the nights we spend together felt so right. now i feel lost. you took me on dates secretly. The first date you took me too, was a restaurant called Huey Luey’s. i know exactly what you were wearing. your TA hat thats green with a american flag, with your black long sleeves shirt and your tan khaki pants. I even took a picture of you while you weren’t looking. The second date you took me on, you made me super mad, and then we went to ihop at 10:30 at night. and sat there laughing and stuff. you payed for my food and i never had a guy do that. i was always the one that always payed for the guys stuff. but i know your going through some shit, but you won’t talk to me you didn’t even look at me yesterday. it was like you were disgusted by me. that hurt my heart the most. you read my text and didn’t reply back. please Best Friend i hope your okay. Ill love you to the end of time and hopefully you'll know how i really feel about you. i love all your flaws and stuff.well hopefully one day you’ll see this.and give me a chance again~ Love your Best Friend Maria 
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rockerchikmj · 12 years
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Next tattoo I'm probably getting but different
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rockerchikmj · 12 years
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Valentines day present from my love
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rockerchikmj · 12 years
My Days Of this week 1/29/2012
So far this week sucked very bad , i got lied to by my Fiancee, I'm depressed and Disappointed about everything. i feel like i'm not good enough. I'm trying my hardest to succeed, so i can make everyone happy for me , but no its ,Maria is happy gotta get her sad again and again , i'm just going to stop trying, the more i try the more i fail miserably. Maybe i can just express my feelings in this Blog and someone can read it and see how bad i got it. jk i'm not emo i'm going to change my attitude, just like my dad, just don't give a crap about anyone that hurts you or just don't trust people period . i wanna trust drew, but every time i have my decisions up to do it. He ruins it by Talking about other girls Like simple i'm explain this whole week play by play Monday he barely text me the whole day, didn't call me . Tuesday few text and one call at 2am in the morning. Wednesday few texts and no call, Thursday rolls by few Texts and one call, in that call it was really stupid he had got an attitude, simply because i said how was your day ? his reply was like IDK i was like whats your problem. and he never ask how my day was ? and then he started to talk about this chick he is trying to hook up his best friend with that's friends with his best friend. he told me he missed the bus and got one of his best friends friend to drive him to school, i was like who ? Her name is Emily i was pissed off i was like what you guys talk about well i talked about Chris(his best friend) i was like what about just things. i was like oh, you don't tell a jealous girl that your riding to school with another chick that's BS. Oh he said that he was going to take care of her snake for her in his room, okay he hung up on me and then Friday came around one text when i was in school saying i love you , i didn't reply after school that day i went to his house and he was clean and he looks up and smiles thinking i forgot or some shit i was still mad at him and his mom can in from work, and he said hey mom i'm going to get another tattoo on my chest do you mind ? she was like no he was explain the tattoo idea he wants Princess on his chest with a crowd guess whose idea was that? guess whose taking him to get it done this Emily chick . i got mad trying to fight my tears . i was like we need to talk privately in your room . so i did i started crying i was like i thought we were going to get tattoos together . i was like i give you ideas and you say you never would get that or thats gay or stupid, but your going to go with this chick and get that on your fucking chest . i was like i'm i good enough for you .. do you even care that your hurting me . he grabbed me and hold me and kisses me on the forehead . and i had to go home , he told me that day he would come to my house tomorrow and spend the night . guess what? YOU NEVER SHOWED UP . like you fucking said. So yesterday i went to get my septum done by myself and went to the mall and then sally's beauty supply to buy hair dye . dyed my hair and pop some bottles and then went to bed . and now here i am type this stupid blog about my feeling bye 
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rockerchikmj · 12 years
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rockerchikmj · 12 years
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My Lover, My Finacee
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rockerchikmj · 13 years
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This Is Me Maria
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