rockincollege · 4 years
Agents of Shield speculation 5.08
Hello ladies and gents I don’t know how many of you are keeping up with agents of shield but I am and I have a theory to what the heck has been going on in season 5
Spoilers btw for those who haven’t watched up to 5.08
Alright my lads
This is going to be very confusing but please try to stay with me
The team isn’t traveling through time alone, they are jumping timelines.
It goes like this:
- before the unknown extinction event, there was one main timeline that we (the audience) followed in seasons 1,2,3,4
- extinction level event occurs: resulting in multiple timelines
-the team is in one right now, and they’re goal is to go back to the original timeline, stop the event, and therefore stop the extinction
Got it? Pretty easy to follow but stay with me:
As we saw in episode 8, they have lived through the event at some point. May was with robin in the lighthouse in the past, fitz was with them, as was yoyo. How is this possible you might ask? The answer: They have jumped back before
They have gone back in time before. Multiple times. They have made multiple timelines trying to fix the past.
However, each time they’ve messed up because one of them dies. Each time they went back they lost someone. Fitz obviously lost Jemma in one timeline, yo-yo lost Mack, May lost coulson, daisy clearly died
They kept messing up and they always ended up in the same place: a destroyed earth.
So they instead tried to piece it together slowly. They grabbed different pieces in different timelines: the monolith piece, the plans for the machine, the zephyr etc.
They then put these pieces in the same place with the hopes that their future selves would figure out how to put them together.
Now you ask: what the heck how do you know that?
Answer: robin
LISTEN Robin is the ONLY piece of EACH timeline that is in the EXACT same place each time.
She is always with shield.
She is a constant in a sea of variables.
We have to realize: robins power is not seeing the future or past or present. Robins power is seeing the events of another timeline.
Now you ask: what the heck?
My answer: robin is plagued with seeing everything at once: past present future.
She sees this because she can connect with herself in other timelines
Stay with me
She is seeing the events of one timeline, in another, so she reacts by telling people about it, but they don’t understand because they aren’t there.
For example,
She tells Fitz about Jemmas death because she sees it in a certain timeline. She sees it in another timeline so she’s trying to tell him how to stop it, but he doesnt understand because he’s not seeing when or what she’s seeing.
When robin tries to tell may something,
May keeps telling her, “not yet” because May herself isn’t physically in that situation yet, even though robin is
Basically, Robin has been desperately trying to connect all of the timelines she’s in. The shield agents are desperately trying to understand how to get back to the original timeline and fix things.
Now guys
In order to go back to the original timeline, they ALL have to go back
ALL of them: Coulson, May, Mack, Daisy, Yo-yo, Fitz, Simmons
All of them
And the reason it hasn’t been working is because they need someone to keep the monolith portal open when the go back.
That’s why they are losing a team member each time.
Someone stays to keep the monolith portal open, the others jump through, but this causes another looped timeline
This becomes extremely frustrating because they can’t seem to change anything
BUT then they stumble upon the last timeline
The one where Flint exists
And guys ya know what flints power is?
-Rock manipulation
Ya know what the monolith is?
-a rock
That’s right my lads
He truly is the key to ALL of them getting back to the original timeline
He is what they’ve been waiting for
He’s their ONLY ticket to ending extinction
This is Robins final timeline. She really is dead. Because every other timeline is finished. They all ended in extinction. She is gone.
That’s why she kept saying “this is the end”. Because this was her end. Her last timeline.
This really is the agents last chance.
They have gone back in time before, gathering the pieces, preparing for this opportunity.
And now they have the person they need to get back to the past and stop the earth from being destroyed.
This is it.
Another thing: in the comics, there are multiple timelines, like millions. But only ONE doesn’t result in universal extinction. All the rest end with absolute death. The only one that doesn’t is the one where the avengers exist, the one where shield exists, the one where the guardians exist, and all at the same time. That timeline is the only one that survives: and the agents of shield have to fix the past in order to get back to that timeline. Thanks for reading.
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rockincollege · 4 years
Agents of SHIELD Time Loop
The base timeline starts with the team (all 7 of them) in the diner scene.  In this timeline:
They don’t go to the future
Fitz is not imprisoned
At some point, a city becomes endangered and needs to be evacuated
Daisy tried to save the city but instead caused a 12.8 M earthquake that cracked the earth like an egg
What remains of the team and Robin evacuate to the lighthouse (5x08 scene, Zephyr One 2018)
Fitzsimmons get married
Fitzsimmons, from May’s insistence and Robin’s visions, design a time machine (5x08 scene, Lighthouse 2022)
Jemma dies
Owen Shaw builds the time machine using Fitzsimmons’ schematics
In 2091, a time machine exists
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“The City”
5x08 is the first episode where “the city” was mentioned.  In the scene with Daisy and Voss, Voss tells Daisy about a ‘city evacuated, no one else was there, Daisy walked in, quaked a 12.8 Richter scale and the world cracked like an egg.’  
Not much else was told about the circumstances in that city but, I think that what happened to this ‘city’ is  similar to what happened to Sokovia  in Age of Ultron, especially since gravitonium was already foreshadowed.
In the Age of Ultron, Ultron raised the country of Sokovia up to the sky, and planned to have it crash down to earth to end humanity.  The Avengers had to find a way to split Sokovia (once evacuated) in pieces before it crashes down, otherwise, the impact could obliterate half of the planet.
If my hypothesis is correct, I think that is what Daisy was trying to do, quake the city mid-air, but failed because her powers were not enough.
The base timeline, with the destruction of earth, triggers Chronicom intervention to prevent an extinction-level event.  The intervention caused the time loop to be created in which the team goes back and forth in time, until they are able to save the world (like an upscale version of the Groundhog Day).  
When Loop 1 (first iteration of the time loop) begins, the time machine was already built in 2091.  This means that the team can now be sent to the future through the aid of Enoch.
They go through iterations of the time loop because every time they complete one (so far), they do not manage to save earth.
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What Robin remembers and is able to communicate to the team in an iteration of a time loop.  Remember that as early as 5x05, it has already been established that her memories and visions are not in chronological order.  She is unable to distinguish past, present, and future events.  I think this also includes that she can’t distinguish if an event happened in one timeline or another.
What the team acknowledges every time Robin shares her vision.  In 5x08, there were plenty of scenes where her visions were dismissed
The action and decision of each character during each iteration
I am going to refer to the events that we’re seeing in the episodes as the Final Loop.  This means that this is the last time the team is sent to the future and the last time that they will go back from the future to correct the events.  The iteration of the time loop immediately before the Final Loop is Loop (Final-1)
I think something in the Loop (Final-1) iteration happened that caused Fitz to be left behind.  (At the start of 5x08, scenes from previous episodes, the flashback that was shown was from 5x05 when Fitz was asking Robin why he was left behind)
I also think that the Fitz and May’s argument happened in this iteration. Robin thought that she already told Fitz how Jemma dies and it was supposedly a bloody death.  (I’m leaning towards thinking that the picture with the decapitation was actually Jemma’s death).  I don’t know how much of their memory is reset at the start of a time loop but it seems that in this scene Fitz is aware that they are stuck in a loop and that the ‘tweaks’ that have been done so far didn’t have an impact (i.e., Earth is still destroyed, Jemma still dies).  He alluded in this scene that Daisy has seen the aftermath but still destroys the world. This may really just be an awareness or a “sense” not true recollection.  Or what he “remembers” is informed by what Robin shares in that iteration.  I think this somehow explains why the first time we see Fitz and Simmons together in space, the thing that is in the fore front of their minds is to propose.  Don’t get me wrong, the two proposals gave me major feels, but I’ve had this niggling thought that it’s a bit OOC for two people who have been beating around the bush when it comes to their feelings.  I don’t think that the proposal in previous iterations happened in space, but what we saw in 5x06 is them ‘sensing’ that they have spent a few lifetimes being married which influenced their behavior the first time they see each other in the Final Loop.  This early proposal may also have an effect on what will transpire in the Final Loop.
Bullets 2 and 3 lead me to my next point, I have also found it odd that in 5x06, Fitz kept saying “I will never leave you again”.  I found this phrasing odd because the times when Fitzsimmons were significantly separated, it wasn’t because of Fitz.  The only time I can recall when he actively decided to “leave” Simmons, he only left the lab to join Mack in the garage.  I’m thinking that this phrase is somehow related to the events surrounding Jemma’s death.  He may have been separated from her around the time that she died, and by separated I don’t mean divorced but just not physically with her (i.e., was out on a mission, etc.) or at least wasn’t with her in time to save her (which makes his line “
how am I supposed to live with that?” a little more poignant and tragic).  I think the prophecy of Jemma’s death that Robin remembered in 5x08 is the time that she gave the decapitation drawing to Fitz in 5x05 (that’s why she said ‘I thought I already told you’).  I think in Loop (Final-1), eventhough Robin already shared to Fitz the prophecy, he still wasn’t in time to save Jemma and Jemma still died (I think we will see some parallels here with Spacetime when the team tried to prevent Daisy from going to Transia but she still ended up going there).  I think this what prompted Robin (or at least part of what prompted Robin) to leave Fitz behind in the Final Loop.  And when she shared the drawing/prophecy to Fitz (again) in 5x05, that is what prompted Enoch to help Fitz travel to the future.
This is the iteration when Robin has a vision of Flint and how Mack will help Flint.  This, I think, is also the iteration (and the only iteration) when Robin has a vision of the team going back to the past with (at  least) Flint in tow.
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Because Fitz did not travel to the future with the team in the Final Loop, it changed the experience/circumstances of the team when they reached 2091.
Jemma’s and Daisy’s captures by the Kree and the team learning about how Kree forces Inhuman terragenesis allowed them to meet Flint and to become aware of his powers
This presents an opportunity for them to travel back with Flint and with his help, save the world.
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rockincollege · 4 years
Agents of Shield speculation 5.08
Hello ladies and gents I don’t know how many of you are keeping up with agents of shield but I am and I have a theory to what the heck has been going on in season 5
Spoilers btw for those who haven’t watched up to 5.08
Alright my lads
This is going to be very confusing but please try to stay with me
The team isn’t traveling through time alone, they are jumping timelines.
It goes like this:
- before the unknown extinction event, there was one main timeline that we (the audience) followed in seasons 1,2,3,4
- extinction level event occurs: resulting in multiple timelines
-the team is in one right now, and they’re goal is to go back to the original timeline, stop the event, and therefore stop the extinction
Got it? Pretty easy to follow but stay with me:
As we saw in episode 8, they have lived through the event at some point. May was with robin in the lighthouse in the past, fitz was with them, as was yoyo. How is this possible you might ask? The answer: They have jumped back before
They have gone back in time before. Multiple times. They have made multiple timelines trying to fix the past.
However, each time they’ve messed up because one of them dies. Each time they went back they lost someone. Fitz obviously lost Jemma in one timeline, yo-yo lost Mack, May lost coulson, daisy clearly died
They kept messing up and they always ended up in the same place: a destroyed earth.
So they instead tried to piece it together slowly. They grabbed different pieces in different timelines: the monolith piece, the plans for the machine, the zephyr etc.
They then put these pieces in the same place with the hopes that their future selves would figure out how to put them together.
Now you ask: what the heck how do you know that?
Answer: robin
LISTEN Robin is the ONLY piece of EACH timeline that is in the EXACT same place each time.
She is always with shield.
She is a constant in a sea of variables.
We have to realize: robins power is not seeing the future or past or present. Robins power is seeing the events of another timeline.
Now you ask: what the heck?
My answer: robin is plagued with seeing everything at once: past present future.
She sees this because she can connect with herself in other timelines
Stay with me
She is seeing the events of one timeline, in another, so she reacts by telling people about it, but they don’t understand because they aren’t there.
For example,
She tells Fitz about Jemmas death because she sees it in a certain timeline. She sees it in another timeline so she’s trying to tell him how to stop it, but he doesnt understand because he’s not seeing when or what she’s seeing.
When robin tries to tell may something,
May keeps telling her, “not yet” because May herself isn’t physically in that situation yet, even though robin is
Basically, Robin has been desperately trying to connect all of the timelines she’s in. The shield agents are desperately trying to understand how to get back to the original timeline and fix things.
Now guys
In order to go back to the original timeline, they ALL have to go back
ALL of them: Coulson, May, Mack, Daisy, Yo-yo, Fitz, Simmons
All of them
And the reason it hasn’t been working is because they need someone to keep the monolith portal open when the go back.
That’s why they are losing a team member each time.
Someone stays to keep the monolith portal open, the others jump through, but this causes another looped timeline
This becomes extremely frustrating because they can’t seem to change anything
BUT then they stumble upon the last timeline
The one where Flint exists
And guys ya know what flints power is?
-Rock manipulation
Ya know what the monolith is?
-a rock
That’s right my lads
He truly is the key to ALL of them getting back to the original timeline
He is what they’ve been waiting for
He’s their ONLY ticket to ending extinction
This is Robins final timeline. She really is dead. Because every other timeline is finished. They all ended in extinction. She is gone.
That’s why she kept saying “this is the end”. Because this was her end. Her last timeline.
This really is the agents last chance.
They have gone back in time before, gathering the pieces, preparing for this opportunity.
And now they have the person they need to get back to the past and stop the earth from being destroyed.
This is it.
Another thing: in the comics, there are multiple timelines, like millions. But only ONE doesn’t result in universal extinction. All the rest end with absolute death. The only one that doesn’t is the one where the avengers exist, the one where shield exists, the one where the guardians exist, and all at the same time. That timeline is the only one that survives: and the agents of shield have to fix the past in order to get back to that timeline. Thanks for reading.
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rockincollege · 8 years
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rockincollege · 8 years
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For more on the Fermi Paradox and why alien life hasn’t found us yet. (Infographic via futurism)
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rockincollege · 8 years
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                                                    Wanda & Clint
                                           Age of Ultron - Civil War
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rockincollege · 8 years
you will feel fantastic after listening to this i swear.
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rockincollege · 8 years
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rockincollege · 8 years
friends, lemme share this little gem with you
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FIRST! The inner flap:
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oh dear indeed
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some people crayons are jerks.
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:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :’’’’) :’’’’’’’’)))))))))))
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i just have a lot of feelings about this book and think everyone should own it
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rockincollege · 8 years
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My new favorite reaction gif.
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rockincollege · 8 years
Like a mustached lion dragging a gazelle through the Serengeti. 
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rockincollege · 8 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZLo80ugXahk)
Holy hell! This is the best thing ever!!!! Look. All SW and ST fans, look! This is brilliant! My fav is the: “Get out of the chair” part.
My fav is the “Get out of the chair part
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rockincollege · 8 years
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This musical never gets old
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What if oxygen is poisonous and it just takes 75-100 years to kill us?
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rockincollege · 8 years
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rockincollege · 8 years
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The boy has never had anything nice and the second he gets his hands on some money he tries to buy a fucking solid gold cauldron like started from the bottom now we here I love him so much
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