rockstarbubba · 3 years
Chenle: yes babe, the heelys are off this time, i promise, please come back to bed
Chenle: *rips sheets off to reveal the heelys are still on* i fucking lied the swag never stops
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rockstarbubba · 3 years
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rockstarbubba · 3 years
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(201129) Yuta ♡ Work It FaceCam
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rockstarbubba · 3 years
markhyuck where mark finally decides to initiate affection with hyuck on a vlive and hyuck becomes a blushing mess
VLieve (markhyuck)
Another Vlive.
Another chance to quietly pine over Mark through the video playback feed.
Donghyuck sighed, but Jaemin wasn’t gonna let him suffer in silence.
“What’s wrong, Donghyuckie?”
“Oh, you know. The usual.” He figured that if he was vague, Jaemin would fill in the blank with a boring assumption.
Like that.
Renjun scoffed, still scrolling through his phone. “Yeah. Right.”
Donghyuck frowned while Jaemin innocently took Renjun’s bait, his brow furrowed and expression confused. Donghyuck wanted to melt into a puddle – Renjun was the most astute, and he had known for months about Donghyuck’s crush. Hell, Renjun knew before Donghyuck knew.
And today was the day Injunnie ended his life.
“It’s Mark,” Renjun cryptically explained to the ever-oblivious Jaemin, who turned to face Donghyuck.
“Mark?” Jaemin quizzed. “You don’t like Mark, Hyuckie?”
Donghyuck watched as Renjun rolled his eyes, the panic starting to take over as his big dark secrets started spreading right in front of him. Right before a Vlive with all of them, no less. “The opposite, dumbass.”
Jaemin frowned at the insult before his eyes widened and his mouth formed a small ‘o.’ Donghyuck buried his face into his hands, trying to disappear forever. “You – you like Mark?”
“Who likes who?” another voice barged in, and Donghyuck nearly jumped out of his skin. It was Mark and his deep voice, and Donghyuck prayed that the older boy didn’t hear any of that before their Dream Vlive.
“Nothing!” Donghyuck spat out. “Nobody likes anybody.”
Mark’s bewildered expression only got worse while Jaemin started giggling uncontrollably. Renjun had a knowing little smirk on his face, and it was times like this where Donghyuck wished the sassy part of his brain worked around Mark. 
While he was busy chewing on his lower lip, the rest of his group burst into the room and grabbed seats for their group Vlive. By the time Donghyuck collected himself, he looked at a row of six seats – six seats for their group of seven.
Renjun shrugged. “Staff said they only had six seats.”
Donghyuck shot him a dirty look – he didn’t trust Renjun as far as he could throw him. “I’ll just sit on the floor,” he muttered.
“Absolutely not,” Mark spoke up, grabbing Donghyuck’s waist and quickly pulling him up. Donghyuck instantly went limp, letting Mark tug him close and place Donghyuck on his lap. “You can sit here.”
One of the staff members started counting down for the start of their Vlive, but Donghyuck was so focused on trying to fight his flushed face and shooting Jaemin, who was laughing loudly, the dirtiest look he could muster with bright-red cheeks that he wasn’t ready for their greeting.
Donghyuck immediately pulled out his phone to read the comments starting to pour in. Immediately, dozens of comments were about Donghyuckie in Mark’s lap and just how cute they looked.
“Cizennies, don’t you think Mark and Haechan are cute?” Jaemin quickly asked the camera, shooting Donghyuck a knowing look. 
Mark laughed a little, and Donghyuck could feel himself bounce a little in Mark’s lap. “I don’t know, I think it’s all Haechannie,” Mark replied, wrapping his arms around Donghyuck’s waist. It was all too much for Donghyuck, who blushed even more.
“We’re – we’re not that cute!” Donghyuck insisted, but his unsure voice betrayed him.
“Is Donghyuckie getting shy?” Renjun quickly interrogated. “How cute.”
Mark started laughing again, his eyes darting around the room for any help at all. The managers were telling them to move it along, but Chenle and Jaemin kept cooing over the two of them until Jeno brought them back on topic.
“Okay, everybody, let’s start with one fact about the members that you think Cizennies don’t know,” Jeno instructed, reading off his cue card. “Let’s start with Mark! What do you think Cizennies don’t know about Haechan?”
Of course.
Of. Course.
Donghyuck squirmed in his seat – Mark’s lap – while the older boy pretended to be deep in thought. 
“Oh, I got it!” Mark exclaimed. “One thing about Haechannie is that he loves getting kisses.”
The rest of the group started howling in laughter, and Jaemin shouted for him to demonstrate. Donghyuck’s cheeks were completely flushed now; he was a blushing mess.
Oh god.
Mark wasn’t saying no.
Donghyuck glanced back at Mark, but the older boy had a knowing glint in his own fond eyes. Instead of shrugging the dumb suggestion off, Mark leaned in toward Donghyuck and kissed him on the cheek.
In front of the cameras.
In front of all the Cizennies.
“Haechannie’s too cute not to kiss,” Mark sing-songed. “So cute!”
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rockstarbubba · 3 years
Magnets - Markhyuck
Summary: Or alternatively, The Ass Grabbing Fic.
A/N: Sorry about this literally every second word is ass. Also I added in them singing Playboy by EXO bc the video of them at the SM Rookies show is my favourite thing ever.
Neither of them could say when it started, or where it started, just that it probably wasn’t ending anytime soon. Honestly, the ass grabbing itself wasn’t the problem, more the consequences of said ass grabbing.
For months, it had just been cheeky slaps or squeezes here and there. Like when Mark was standing on a chair to grab something up on a high shelf, and Donghyuck walked past, casually stroking his friends ass as he went. Or when Donghyuck was singing loudly while waiting for the kettle to boil, and Mark “helped” him reach the high note by aggressively pinching his ass.
But perhaps the best example of how common these events were, was when NCT 127 were asked to line themselves up shoulder to shoulder in order of age. And Mark and Donghyuck had both extended their hands at the same time reaching for the other’s ass. This ended up, of course, in both boys laughing softly at the situation, not daring to give themselves away by looking at each other.
It happened so often, that Taeyong had to approach the two about their behaviour, which really, was when the situation became a problem.
“Mark, Haechan, a word?”
“What’s up?” asked Donghyuck, while Mark innocently put a reassuring hand on his ass.
“That,” said Taeyong, pointing to Mark’s hand which was not-so-subtly connecting them. Mark retracted his hand quickly.
“I don’t know the implications of your relationship but I know at this time, you two might feel desires to touch each other or whatever but, I think it might be better not to let the fans know of your involvement with each other. It’s clear that they’re already catching onto it and because I’m your leader and you are kids, I just want to make sure you two don’t make any mistakes in the public eye, and that you know we are all so supportive of you” Taeyong rambled in one breath, as if he had rehearsed.
Mark just stared in shock, slowly comprehending exactly what Taeyong had said. Everyone thought they were dating because of the ass grabbing?
“Ahh~” Donghyuck sang, breaking the silence between the three, “Thank you for accepting us, hyung, we were so worried! But honestly, I would keep my hands on Markie’s squishy behind all day if I could! Maybe, I’ll have to, for all the times I won’t be able to in front of the fans anymore…”
Mark stared at Donghyuck in confusion, until it dawned on him that maybe he should play along.
“As if you could do that, babe,” Mark flirted in response, “If anyone, it would be me who couldn’t keep my hands off of you”
“Really? I bet you I could keep my hand on your ass for longer” Donghyuck stated, dropping the act they were keeping.
Mark raised his eyebrow and loudly smacked Donghyuck’s ass, but leaving his hand there. Donghyuck smiled sweetly and slid his hand into the backpocket of Mark’s jeans.
“We’ll see, babe” he challenged, using the pet name Mark had called him earlier.
Mark just made a face back at Donghyuck and whisked him away by the hand on his ass, forgetting about Taeyong, who was struggling to comprehend what had happened.
Mark was making dinner, about an hour after the conversation with Taeyong, and the bet was still on. It was hard cooking one handed, so he did have to ask Donghyuck for help a lot. However, it wasn’t until Johnny strolled into the kitchen with a smirk that they realised their mistake.
“Taeyong told us about your little competition,” he said, opening the fridge and taking out a can of sprite, “I had to see it for myself”
“Also,” he said, putting a hand on both of their backs, “I’m happy for you guys” And then he left.
“Well shit” whispered Donghyuck, voicing both of their thoughts.
“You should probably tell them” Mark suggested, pushing Donghyuck forward by the hand that didn’t seem to be leaving his ass.
“Mark, I’m not doing it, and anyway, you’d have to come with me” Donghyuck replied, gesturing to the hand he still had on Marks ass.
“Okay, let’s just sort this out quickly”
They walked right into the next room, prepared to let the other members know that it was a joke, when Chenle and Jisung appeared out of nowhere, arguing while trying to congratulate their friends.
“We’re glad you two are happy,” Chenle smiled, “but PLEASE use a condom, you don’t wanna get infected”
“Chenle, pregnancy is not an infection” Jisung chimed in, “and boys don’t even have to use condoms, what are you saying”
“Yes they do! I saw it in a yaoi-”
Mark just shoved them aside, ignoring the question of why they were even there, and started looking for Taeyong in the living room, but instead he was met with a shitload of cheering from the other members. And of course, they were cheering for Markhyuck, finally setting sail.
“Fuck,” breathed out Mark.
He really didn’t want to disappoint the older members. It was so rare that something this interesting would happen in their group, and everyone seemed to be enjoying it so much.
“How about, whoever loses this bet has to tell them,” whispered Donghyuck in Marks ear. “We can pretend until then, right?”
The idea seemed ridiculous to Mark, but he really, really did not want to tell them now, so he agreed.
“We’re gonna have to lie on our fronts if we wanna have any feeling in our hands,” Donghyuck stated, staring at the bed.
They had both just come back from dinner, and were both worn out from sitting weirdly so they didn’t squish each other’s hands.
“I’m more concerned of how we’re gonna get changed,” Mark said, looking at his friend.
“You can take your hand off my ass if you want” smiled Donghyuck
“Yeah, no,” Mark ‘smiled’ back, “This is so ridiculous, just look away”
Donghyuck rolled his eyes and looked over his left shoulder, away from Mark. All he could do was listen to the ruffles of Marks clothes wondering how he could do the same without falling over. Although it sounded like it was working for Mark, it really wasn’t. He was struggling to get even just his tshirt off, and when he had it over his head, he realised he needed to move his hand to properly get it off.
“Agh- it’s so hard” he whined.
“I don’t wanna know that,” Donghyuck said, shuddering for extra comedic effect.
“Fuck you,” Mark retorted “That’s not what I meant. This is just really difficult to do”
“You can take your hand off my ass if you want” Donghyuck repeated.
“Nope,” Mark replied simply, while switching the hand that was on Donghyuck’s ass so he could get his tshirt off properly. Next were his pants, which were a lot easier to take off than his tshirt, but Donghyuck didn’t think so.
“Ewww I’m gonna have to touch your bare ass,” he whined.
“Get over it,” Mark retorted, scrunching his face up at the feeling of his friends hand on his asscheek.
“Wait, are you completely naked right now?” Donghyuck asked, chuckling slightly towards the end.
“Yes, don’t look” Mark said, reaching for his tracksuit bottoms.
“Not looking, just feeling” Donghyuck smirked, giving Mark a small squeeze.
“I’m gonna slap you across your face if you don’t shut up” Mark replied.
“Yeah sure, just take your hand off my ass and do it~”
“Try not to scream my name like that, people might get the wrong impression”
Mark wasn’t looking at him, but he could imagine the smirk spread across Donghyuck’s face.
“Alright I’m finished,” he sighed, “Your turn”
Donghyuck was a lot faster than Mark, sorting his pants out first, and then moving onto his shirt, and they were done in no time.
“Wow Mark, I can’t believe you struggled so much with that” Donghyuck teased, and Mark hit him across the head with his free hand before carefully lying down on his bed next to Donghyuck.
“It’s because I made it less weird for you,” he said.
“Or maybe it was because you liked touching my bare ass” Donghyuck replied, laughing, and turning his head away from Mark.
“In your dreams, Hyuck” Mark sighed, before turning away to go to sleep.
The next day was spend struggling through daily tasks as the members tried to enjoy their free day. Which is, surprisingly, very hard when you’re glued to the person who annoys you most - while you’re pretending to be in love. Which actually wasn’t a problem until one of the older members brought it up.
“You two don’t have to hide in front of us anymore,” Doyoung said, looking over at the two boys who were sitting awkwardly on the couch so they didn’t squish their hands underneath each other. “I mean, look at them”
Doyoung pointed to a couple of unrecognisable NCT members which were violently mauling onto each other on the couch across from them.
“Of course,” Donghyuck smiled innocently “We’re just so used to it, thanks for reminding us”
He then turned to his side and pressed a soft kiss to Mark’s cheek while the older squirmed in disgust but smiled at Doyoung like he loved it.
“You know this is only making it harder for when you have to tell them, right?” Mark whispered in Donghyuck’s ear.
“Don’t you mean when you have to tell them, Markie?” Donghyuck whispered back, pinching Marks ass again to remind him that his hand was still there.
“You two are so cute~” Doyoung mused as the two whispered back and forth, before getting up and walking to the other end of the room to very obviously point out how cute they were to Taeil.
The next obstacle was showering.
“Maybe we just don’t need to shower,” Mark suggested, knowing full well that they had a schedule tomorrow which they could not leave for looking like gutter rats.
“If you don’t wanna do this, you can just take your hand off-”
“ALRIGHT,” Mark almost yelled, “Come on, let’s be quick”
Neither of them had showered for about three days, which was getting pretty gross for both of them seeing as they were practically inseparable.
It was awkward at first, stripping in the bathroom while trying not to make eye contact. But soon, it just seemed like a normal shower with the addition of another person who’s ass needed to be held for the duration of said shower. The two boys washed quietly, opening the caps of their shower gels with their mouths and trying not to injure themselves.
Donghyuck broke the silence by starting to hum. He was used to singing in the shower a lot, so being in complete silence was pretty weird. Mark looked over at him and tried to recognise the song.
“Playboy?” He asked and Donghyuck nodded, continuing to hum softly.
Mark smiled. He remembered when he and Donghyuck had performed that song for an SM Rookies show when they were younger, and how fun it was to walk up and down the aisles of the audience. He recalled how Donghyuck looked when he was singing, and how it was in comparison to the boy in front of him. Donghyuck hadn’t really changed, apart from his hair, but other than that, he was still the same annoying bastard that he was in SM Rookies. Mark suddenly felt that maybe he and Donghyuck would be annoying each other for a very long time.
He was broken out of his reverie by Donghyuck, who had began singing the words instead of just humming. Mark joined in, by repeating the English words at the end of each sentance. They sang it almost exactly the same way they had when they performed it. Passing the words back and forth to each other as Donghyuck sang while Mark rapped.
“Gwaenchanha, gwaenchanha,” Donghyuck sang, sarcastically serenading Mark.
They kept going, regardless of how funny it was, and soon the highnote came.
“My babyyy~” Donghyuck sang perfectly and loudly, but by then it didn’t matter because they were both singing like they were giving the best performance of their lives.
“Play, boy. Play, play, boy,” They both practically yelled, forgetting the structure of how they had done it before, and just enjoying the song as it came to an end.
The two were in a good mood then, finishing up, putting on their towels and heading back to their room to get dressed. It was a faster process this time, as Mark had gotten more practice.
After that, it was dinner. The other members weren’t even surprised that the bet was still going after 24 hours, but that didn’t stop them from commenting on it.
“We heard you guys in the shower earlier, I see this competition has no exceptions?” Johnny had pointed out. Donghyuck and Mark blushed, they were standing together against the counter, waiting as Johnny plated their meals. Mark caught Donghyuck’s eyes and they exchanged a look which highlighted that neither of them had even considered exceptions.
Mark didn’t know what came over him. He pushed Donghyuck against the counter, putting both hands on his ass, before leaning in and kissing him. Maybe it started out that he was only trying to make it harder for Donghyuck to tell the other members when he lost, but Mark found himself enjoying it, and judging by the reaction, Donghyuck was too.
There they were, standing in the kitchen, with their hands on each other’s ass, with their whole team watching them kiss like they had never done before (which they hadn’t). Mark let his tongue slide over Donghyuck’s bottom lip, and suddenly they were properly making out, ignoring the awestruck silence from the other end of the room. If the other members hadn’t already been bewildered by the suddenly intense PDA going on in front of them, then they were definitely shocked by Donghyuck, who was slowly moving his hands away from Marks ass to cup his jaw.
Mark smiled into the kiss as he felt Donghyuck’s hands finally somewhere other than his ass.
“Maybe let’s just not tell them,” Mark mumbled against Donghyuck’s lips, moving his hands from the younger’s ass to his waist, and pulling him closer. There was a hum of agreement in response from Donghyuck before he pulled back, leaning his forehead against Mark’s and breathing roughly.
“I guess we both lost,” Donghyuck muttered under his breath, so no one but Mark would hear.
“No, technically you moved your hands first, so I win,” Mark smiled, “I know you’ve been dying to let go of my ass all this time”
“Oh please,” Donghyuck teased, “It’s like a magnet. My North,” he said reaching his hand up as high as he could, “Is just attracted to your South,” and he brought his hand back down to give Mark’s ass another cheeky squeeze.
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rockstarbubba · 3 years
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just markhyuck having the time of their lives to brighten up your dash
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rockstarbubba · 3 years
jaemin: welcome to the “fuck donghyuck” support club, where we collectively say “fuck you” to that stupid bitch. before we begin, a few words from our newest member.
mark, sweating: so i may have misunderstood the club’s name—
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rockstarbubba · 3 years
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pretty jaehyun ♡
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rockstarbubba · 3 years
Please read.
Okay, I usually really hate when people tag their posts with unrelated groups, but considering that I am now the third blog that pops up when you search for TRCNG on tumblr when I only started actively tagging my posts like a week ago, I don’t know what else to do anymore to get attention and I need more people to talk about this.
//tw abuse
Some of you might already know but Taeseon and Wooyeop of TRCNG sued TS Entertainment for habitual child abuse and violence and have since officially left the group. They were also deprived of basic needs because TS didn’t pay bills for their dorm or got shit fixed when it broke. I don’t want to go in too much detail but @justicefortrcng has done a pretty good job at collecting evidence of what is happening. These boys are 18-19 old and have reportedly been abused since before their debut in 2017 and I personally highly doubt anything will change for the remaining members, because it’s fucking TS entertainment they just don’t fucking learn. I can’t blame them for staying though, if everything that was reported is actually true (and I honestly don’t believe anything that TS’ side says, so far they accused everyone that sued them of lying - and that’s a lot of lawsuits), they’re in a shit ton of debt, they’re probably scared as hell, they look terrified in the video they posted where they announce they’ll continue as 8 and I’m scared for them.
Champions are a really small fandom so all I’m asking is to spread the word and maybe take a minute to sign the petition in the replies (because tumblr doesn’t like to show links in the searches), show these boys that they’re not alone and maybe we can get TS to finally take responsibility.
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rockstarbubba · 3 years
My favorite part of heartbreaker ☺
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rockstarbubba · 3 years
a fandom can just be you and the ten people you haven't blocked yet
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rockstarbubba · 4 years
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Art by Azamat Khairov
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rockstarbubba · 4 years
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He said y’all can shove it with your unhealthy fitness routines to make male heroes look unrealistically buff. Honestly? King 👑
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rockstarbubba · 4 years
you weren’t a “well behaved” child you had anxiety and were terrified of conflict
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rockstarbubba · 4 years
the power…
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now there were a LOT of powerful scenes in the society but this one really hit me. grizz visser, a popular football star who’s been hiding who he is all his life finally gets to be himself around this amazing boy who feels the same way he does. and then his heart gets broken and it’s honestly the MOST painful scene to watch when his eyes tear up and he has to look away. but i think the most painful bit about it is sam, who is so clearly heartbroken, he’s finally found a boy he can connect with [remember the scene earlier in the show where he said he didn’t think he’d ever find anyone who would love him] but a lie has ruined their relationship. and it hurts so much because all he wants to do is tell grizz it’s not true, he’s not gonna be a father but he puts his loyalty to becca before his own happiness and i just think that’s so heartbreaking :(
these boys are actual angels and deserve all the happiness in the world :/
also the acting in this scene!!! jack mulhern first professional acting job and look at him go.. THE POWER!!
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rockstarbubba · 4 years
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I feel like this is a good example of racism and fatppobia in the Queer community, because on one hand you have a friendship that's developed over the course of two movies where the two show love and care for each other and on the other hand you have two skinny white boys that share 1 frame in a movie and have a vague maybe connection through a third character...
It's obvious who's more shippable, right?
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rockstarbubba · 4 years
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I feel like this is a good example of racism and fatppobia in the Queer community, because on one hand you have a friendship that's developed over the course of two movies where the two show love and care for each other and on the other hand you have two skinny white boys that share 1 frame in a movie and have a vague maybe connection through a third character...
It's obvious who's more shippable, right?
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