rocky-workshop · 2 years
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sometimes you need to revised your oc so much, that they go from a 12 year old ninja turtle foot solider oc into a lesbian biker gang member
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rocky-workshop · 2 years
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crazy fuckin bitch
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rocky-workshop · 3 years
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homosexual!!! cowboy!!!! @ BigBlast9 character from twitter btw, follow that fucker
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rocky-workshop · 3 years
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sketch dump
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rocky-workshop · 3 years
what if i just randomly came back you know
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rocky-workshop · 4 years
Ive already seen this on twitter, and i expect you all not to do it here because yall are better than that, but PLEASE PLEASE DONT TALK ABOUT WHO THEYRE GOING TO REPLACE KIRBY WITH OR WHAT THEYRE GOING TO DO WITH COLE.
Its incredibly disrespectful.
The news is still new.
Let the ninjago team have their peace, we will know whenever they decide this. Which probably wont be for a while
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rocky-workshop · 4 years
I know I said I wasn’t gonna post here anymore, but due to recent news, I just wanna reblog my most popular post here that includes Cole, and say some things.
Ninjago has been a huge part of my childhood, and had followed me growing up. They’ve accomplished so much by being the longest lasting show on Cartoon Network, getting a theatre release movie, and are now showing a show to a new generation of children who will enjoy the show as much as I and many other did when we were younger.
Though I stopped following the show for awhile now, the show took a soft spot in my heart, with Cole and Zane being my favorite ninjas.
So it took a hard hit when I learn that Kirby Morrow passed away. His family and the team grieves and I give them my condolences. He gave me and many of us so much joy and gave so much life to the characters he played. But I know through the team, his family, and the Ninjago community he will be remembered and continue to live on through his work.
Rest In Peace Kirby Morrow, and thank you for the happiness you gave us.
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https://youtu.be/ybfm8MDsnis hOYEh
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rocky-workshop · 6 years
if you want to find me elsewhere;
You can find me on my twitter and deviantart
Deviantart - RockyWorkshop
Twitter - rocky_workshop
Tumblr being shitty as always so might as well promote my other profiles.
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rocky-workshop · 6 years
Friendly reminder to all working artists or (especially) aspiring artists.
If a client says they can’t afford to pay you but you’ll get good exposure, one of two things is happening:
1. They are lying. They can afford to pay you, but they are choosing not to. They will pay the printer to print the books, they will pay the mail service to deliver them, and you’d better believe they’re going to pay themselves for sending you an email explaining that they can’t afford to pay you. They think you are a sucker, and if you take the job you’ll be telling them they are right.
2. They are not lying. They have zero budget, no audience and no real distribution system. They’ll still be paying the printer and mail service because people who work in those professions don’t work for free just because someone promises them a recommendation. But they aren’t paying themselves, they’re running on an incredibly small margin, and there’s a good chance they won’t exist as a corporate entity in a few years. Publishing your work with them will give you less exposure than putting it on tumblr or Instagram for free would. It will never lead to a paying job. 
If a client starts ranting about the “short-sightedness” of artists, or otherwise complains about artists in general in their opening offer to you, run. Run as fast as you would run if a blind date spent the whole of dinner ranting about how horrible your entire gender is. Yes, there are doubtlessly clients who’ve been screwed over by artists in the past, but the ones who complain about artists in general will not respect you, they will not treat you well. 
Working for free does not prove that you are passionate about something. It proves that you do not need to be paid for your work. How many doctors went into medicine because they are passionate about saving lives? Do you think any of them are asked to perform heart surgery for free?
No one will ever pay $50 for something if they can get something similar for $5. When you charge next to nothing for art that you’ve worked for hours on, art that required years of training to create, you are telling your client that it is worth next to nothing. They will remember that the next time they want to hire an artist.
People who are looking to exploit artists know that artists are hard on themselves. They know that most artists don’t think their work is good enough to charge top dollar. They know that artists have been told from the first day they started taking their art seriously as a career that they’ll never make any money off it, that it’s not a real job, that it has no value to society. They know how to push artists’ insecurities about their profession in order to convince them that that demanding fair compensation is unrealistic and uncooperative.
If you’re just desperate for a job in the arts, any job in the arts, give yourself a job. Start a webcomic, or give yourself illustration assignments that you post on social media regularly, create work for a gallery show even if you don’t have one yet, or make a book. Give yourself a job. If you’re going to work for free, you may as well be working for yourself, setting your own hours and following your own interests. Having original art with original characters and ideas in your portfolio, and making sure your art is visible online will get the attention of publishers who are actually looking to hire people for good jobs. Drawing a shitty comic for a defunct publisher based on someone else’s shitty ideas will not.
Protect yourself, because no one else will. Protect yourself, because no one else will. There are people lining up around the block to exploit you. Protect yourself because no one else will.
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rocky-workshop · 6 years
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My wonderful best friend made a adorable character design name “Kiwi!”  First she drew one of my characters, so I had to give it a shot and draw one of hers! Please follow my best friend, Neko, here’s her twitter NekoSama or @ Neko35585192 And the original design! 
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rocky-workshop · 6 years
Made my first AO3 fanfiction! 
Summary: Angor Rot and his older sister, Zeannu, took the chance to find the Eldritch Queen. But along their journey, Angor notice his sibling losing hope in the worst of times.
Warnings: Death
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rocky-workshop · 6 years
DAY 1 of GORETOBER; Multiple pupils
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rocky-workshop · 6 years
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i dont know which one is better Josh is a Trollhunter’s OC
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rocky-workshop · 6 years
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it’s the gucci human!angor boi
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rocky-workshop · 6 years
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rocky-workshop · 6 years
so ur the one who loves fucking hatchimals
sure jan. if that makes u feel better on ur hatchimal addition by trying to call me out, go ahead fgdsnjfgsjkgs
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rocky-workshop · 6 years
ur into eggporn smh
and? nfjgnsdgnfx
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