rodclestrange · 3 years
"Relax” Rodolphus replied in a cheerful tone, “It’s just me. I saw you sitting here by yourself, I thought I would keep you company” Rodolphus had always found Knockturn Alley fascinating. It held the treasures that no one would sell on Diagon Alley and those treasures were some of his favourites. It also hid the gem The White Wyvern, a bar he loved simply for it’s privacy. If he didn’t want to think about prying eyes there was no where better to go. “How is my favourite cousin in law today?”
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Regulus & Open Location: The White Wyvern - Knockturn Alley
He should have gone home instead of dropping by the White Wyvern. As it was, the bar was a better option than being stuck alone with his thoughts. Half a glass of whiskey sat on the bar while he absentmindedly tapped his foot against the stool he claimed. Regulus’ thoughts were focused on his brother said and he needed a distraction to keep from over thinking about the conversation they had.
Regulus pressed his tongue against his cheek when the vacant stool beside him filled. He downed what was left of his drink then turned to the other patron, a pathetic excuse of a forced laugh escaping before he spoke. “I don’t want to hear it unless you have a way to improve my mood.”
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rodclestrange · 3 years
THE RED WEDDING. To the outside world Rodolphus Lestrange was guttered at the tragedy. Right down to the statement released by his quidditch team, the staff and players at Puddlemere United are devastated by the news that broke today and their thoughts are with the families of those who were killed and with the aurors and their families. It was a simple statement but it was perfect, playing right into the grieving public’s hands. Of course, Rodolphus didn’t care for any of them. In fact he was thrilled with what happened. He decided a night out might be on the cards, a special treat.
“With the recent news, I’m not entirely surprised. scary times.” He replied turning his head so only Narcissa was able to see his smirk. “Eating alone tonight?”  
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narcissa found herself in the midst of a rather empty diagon alley, usually it was buzzing with talk, laughter and movement but after the events of the red wedding there weren’t many on the streets. the witch strut along the brick roads, her black heeled boots clicking against it and she had an almost smug look to her face but it was natural, she always sported. in her world things were going great — she was soon to become a malfoy and inherit more money, prestige and class honor than she even had as a black and she was aligned with what she was certain was the winning side. the youngest of the black sisters went inside of the three broomsticks and sat, she was to order herself a meal and enjoy her evening. ❝ quite empty in here then, isn’t it?❞ she said, looking over to whoever was next to her.
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rodclestrange · 3 years
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Rodolphus Corvus Lestrange
ϟ.  → brett dalton : cis male : he/him : quidditch team owner : whatever it takes by imagine dragons  ϟ  did you see rodolphus lestrange ? you know ,  35 year old pureblood who was a slytherin . some say rod can be quite intelligent but are known to be . they are aligned with  the death eaters .  maybe that’s why they remind me of tailored suits, expensive whiskey, smell of fresh grass .   ϟ  penned by jace : 23 : acst : they/them
The heir to the Lestrange family. Born in the family manor, announced to the world in the traditional way of owls being sent to notable families announcing his arrival to the world. Rodolphus Lestrange was destined to be notable, his father assured it. 
He took his position as heir to the family incredibly seriously and when his little brother came about he took it upon himself to be the best example. His clothes were perfect, his hair never out of place and his attitude that of a perfect little pureblood boy.
Rodolphus very rarely wanted in life. He was given anything he needed or wanted, all he had to simply do was ask. Expect one thing, his father’s attention. No matter how hard he worked Rod could never get him to pay him much mind, only at social events where it mattered.
He worked his butt of to earn his father’s affection. Taking an extra language lesson despite already speaking French and English fluently. He took piano and cello lessons. Only ever earning a small nod from his father
The hat barely touched his head when it cried out “Slytherin!” The Lestranges had been Slytherin for countless generations. 
He did well in school. He was charming to those he deemed worthy and didn’t bother with those he didn’t. It was obvious from day one that he believed deeply in pureblood supremacy even if he never uttered it out loud.
Rodolphus continued to fight for his father’s attention during school. His desire to prove himself to him left him with no boundaries. As soon as a betrothal was mentioned he jumped at the opportunity knowing it would make his father happy. He didn’t care who, as long as it was worthy in his father’s eyes. Bellatrix Black. She was perfect.
He joined the Death Eaters as soon as he could. It suited him perfectly and his interest in dark magic. In the public eye he played the good citizen, concerned for the wealth fare of all but those close to him knew it was fake. 
At 26 he became the owner of the oldest quidditch team in the league despite not caring for quidditch at all. Owning a team with the kind of pull that Puddlemere United had over its dedicated fans meant if he played his cards right he could come out on top of this thing in more ways than one.
Wanted Connections!
Pureblood buddies: Maybe not the same age as him but someone(s) he has met over the years and actually likes the company of. 
Terrorised in school: Someone he gave a lot of grief to or bullied during school. 
Exes 0/3: Girls he was with before being married to Bella. Probably wasn’t super serious in his eyes because he knew he would be married off but maybe your character didn’t know that or thought differently?
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