roderickcooney · 7 years
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The quality of your thoughts is the measure of your happiness . . . . I find myself everyday having thoughts that are only for the positive. Im not saying everything is good everyday, but keeping those positive thoughts in my head, really translates to my overall mood. I can’t speak for everybody but its what keeps me from going to a not so positive place. Remember you can only control yourself . (at The Naked Lounge)
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roderickcooney · 7 years
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What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals . . . . I appreciate my journey everyday. I'm fortunate enough to do what I love and I don't take that for granted. Everybody that's apart of my journey makes it worth the work and without them in, I can tell you for a fact, that the journey wouldn't be the same. My journey is unique and the goals are a small part of the experience. (at The Naked Lounge)
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roderickcooney · 7 years
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No relationship is all sunshine, but two people can share one umbrella and survive the storm together . . . . My wedding photography isn't something that I normally post (obviously). In the past two years I've really come to enjoy the process of wedding photography and the pressure that you're under while shooting. I view myself as having a very "go with the flow" personality and I think that fits perfectly with the craziness that comes along with weddings . . . (at San Francisco City Hall)
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roderickcooney · 7 years
Stop getting attached to people so fast, because attachments lead to expectations and expectations lead to disappointment. . . . . The only thing that I want to be attached to is my dream. I do have expectations for myself and can handle the disappointment if things don't go as planned. What I won't do is attach to people that don't believe in my dream, cause in the long run you will end up disappointed. @juliahamiilton (at Temple Coffee Roasters K Street)
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roderickcooney · 7 years
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Walk away from anything that gives you bad vibes. There is no need to explain or make sense of it. It's your life, do what makes you happy. (at Sacramento, California)
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roderickcooney · 7 years
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By doing what you love, you will no doubtably inspire the people around you . . . . We've all heard that you are the equivalent of the people you hang out with, and I am incredibly lucky to have the group of people around me that I do. They not only keep me grounded, but they continue to inspire me and push me unknowingly by their actions. As we all tackle life's challenges, let's not lose sight of the amazing support system we have around us . (at The Naked Lounge)
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roderickcooney · 7 years
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We need to realize that our path of transformation is through our mistakes. We're meant to make mistakes, recognize them, and move on to transform into what you strive to be. (at War on Walls Studio)
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roderickcooney · 7 years
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If you don't turn your life into a story, you'll end up just being a person in someone else's. . . . . It's hard to follow your own path when there are so many others that cross yours. Don't get distracted by others and just continue on your own unique path. No one else will ever be able to write your story like you. (at Warehouse Artist Lofts)
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roderickcooney · 7 years
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Having a bad attitude can literally block opportunity, love, friendships, and your destiny from finding you. Don’t let yourself from being the reason you don’t succeed . . . . Your attitude towards each day is going to dictate how that day is going to go. Yesterday I had something happen the really threw off my attitude towards today. Having a bad attitude literally doesn’t accomplish anything. Thats why I had to look at what I was in control of and that was myself. Change yourself and I feel like your attitude will change with it. (at Warehouse Artist Lofts)
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roderickcooney · 7 years
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If you're working towards something really exciting that you care about, you don't have to be pushed, the vision pulls you. . . (at Las Vegas, Nevada)
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roderickcooney · 7 years
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A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than they love themselves. . . . I love animals, but by far my favorite is dogs. I don’t personally have one but will hopefully change that soon. When it’s time to get a dog I plan to adopt and the only place that would feel right is from @thefrontstreet. Check them out and its a must follow for all you animal lovers. (at Temple Coffee Roasters K Street)
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roderickcooney · 7 years
Sometimes life is about risking everything for a dream that no on can see but you. . . . . When I bought my first camera I made the choice of getting one with no video capabilities. I stayed away from video because I fully wanted to concentrate on photography. This is my first attempt at video and I'm really excited on what @alexkimikoo and I were able to create. The approach to photography and videography is one in the same but vastly different at the same time. I'm excited to grow with this new medium. It's been a long time coming. (at Warehouse Artist Lofts)
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roderickcooney · 8 years
Trust the process. Your time is coming. Just do the work and the results will handle themselves. . . . Im incredibly lucky to not only do what I love, but to do it with my friends and family. Its an awesome to see amazing photos, but i felt like there was a huge void in letting people see how we got there. These videos give you a small glimpse into the process. Thanks so much to my amazing friend @andleslieann for bringing the fire to the table and @chadross for always capturing the moments that last a lifetime. Who's would you guys like to see in the next process video? Tag them below and let's work! (at Warehouse Artist Lofts)
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roderickcooney · 8 years
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Life is about trusting your feelings, taking chances, finding happiness, learning from the past, and realizing everything changes. . . . All of those will shape who you are, and you will continue working and learning from all of those. Currently I fell like the biggest thing I’m dealing with is change. As much as you want to fight change, its impossible. Change can happen at anytime, and its about excepting that and moving gracefully with those changes. Don’t fight the current, or it will drag you under. (at Warehouse Artist Lofts)
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roderickcooney · 8 years
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The person that follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd. The person who walks alone is likely to find himself in places no one has ever seen before. (at Warehouse Artist Lofts)
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roderickcooney · 8 years
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Until you cross the bridge of your insecurities, you can't begin to explore your possibilities. (at Marin Headlands)
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roderickcooney · 8 years
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Don’t let todays troubles bring you down. Don’t let life’s little obstacles keep you from trying. Don’t let fears keep you from dreaming. Don’t give up for any reason. Believe in yourself . . . Bad thing are going to happen to you on your journey, its how you deal with it, that will translate to success. I find having emotional intelligence as a creative is one of the most important things. As a creative you are constantly spilling your heart and dreams out there for people to see and its not always taken with open arms. Mean things will be said and done but its about your emotional intelligence to bring you back to the goal you strive for. (at Warehouse Artist Lofts)
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