rodolphuss · 12 years
"Good." Rodolphus nodded curtly, trying to hide just how giddy those four words made him. He only managed to keep his steely expression for a few moments before breaking out into a grin and moving over towards his brother, slapping him on the shoulder as he beamed at him. "That settles it, then." His tone was a bit too excited as he spoke, but there was nothing he could do to help it. This entire situation was so surreal, Rabastan had agreed so easily, that it almost felt like a dream. And if it was, Rodolphus never wanted to wake up.
"We'll have to keep it a secret, of course." He went on, still standing before his brother, though his eyes were unfocused and far off. "Father will understand if he finds out, but we still have a reputation to uphold. And I'll still marry Bellatrix as is my duty, but you'll be the one in my bed at night." Rodolphus told the younger boy, as if he had no say in the matter at all, but that was just how things were between them. Rodolphus made the decisions and Rabastan followed them. Even now, with Rod so open about his feelings, he was still the one controlling this. That would never change and he had a feeling that neither of them wanted it to.
brotherly love ~ rodolphus&rabastan
Rabastan bit the corner of his lip, unwilling to tell Rodophus about his infatuation with Sybill, since he could not deny that he loved his brother just as much as he loved her at the moment. “Uh, since yesterday. It tends to be quiet and free from filth at these hours, I’ve discovered,” he explained with a small shrug of his shoulders. 
And then there it was. That word that was always the hugest elephant in the room with them. Us. Rabastan curled his fingers around the back post of Rod’s bed, unable to fight a bit of flush rising to his cheeks at the mention of how they used to be. They were close, closer than brothers should be, yet Rabastan did not regret one second of it, even now. His only regret was that their duties and Rod’s arranged engagement to Bella caused them to drift apart. 
“…. I can’t say I protest,” Rabastan responded after a brief moment of silence, maintaining his even, dark stare as he leaned back against the post. 
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rodolphuss · 12 years
Just having Rabastan alone with him brought feelings that Rodolphus never knew he was capable of to the surface, making him want to wrap himself up in his brother and never let go. He had never been the affectionate sort, barely even touched Rabastan unless it was a slap on the shoulder or they were sparring. What a fool he had been for spending so much time without his hands on the younger Lestrange. How many nights had he wasted fighting this thing between them? It killed him to think about what might happen if he was too late and Rabastan had moved on.
"Since when do you do homework in the Astronomy Tower?" He asked, tilting his head a bit before he caught his brother's eye and a shiver shot down his spine. How he had resisted his brother this long was beyond him, but he was certain he could do it no longer. "We need to discuss... us." He said finally, trying his best to keep from throwing Rabastan back against the door right there and showing him exactly what he wanted. But he was more in control of himself than that and Rabastan deserved to hear what Rodolphus had been hiding for so long. "I think we should revisit our former relationship."
brotherly love ~ rodolphus&rabastan
Rabastan had received a lovely bar of chocolate from an anonymous donor after lunch earlier that day, and as he ate it, the realization dawned on him that he definitely had a crush on that wild haired Sybill girl from divination class. Maybe even deeper than a crush, but of course the Slytherin wouldn’t dare voice his feelings about the matter publicly, so he waited for her in the Astronomy tower, hoping to catch a glimpse of that strange, fortune telling beauty. However, the messages from his brother began to roll in, each one making his heart clench in his chest. Was this it? Had Rod finally decided to stop pushing away everything that was going on between them, and had been for so long now? 
When he was asked to meet his brother in private, Rabastan did not waste another second in proceeding down to the dungeons. Rabastan swallowed down spit as he nervously turned the door handle to his brother’s room, then gasped as he was pulled roughly by his coat into a back breaking hug. “Oh, really? We ate together at lunch, like usual,” he reminded Rod, wheezing quietly as he rubbed his brother on the back. He shot his brother a suspicious , since he was certain this was not how the conversation was going to start out. “I was… just in the Astronomy Tower.. doing some homework. Why do you ask?” he said, tilting his chin up to look his brother in the eye, his own dark ones narrowed. 
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rodolphuss · 12 years
brotherly love ~ rodolphus&rabastan
Rodolphus had been pacing back and forth waiting on his brother for what felt like an eternity, contemplating exactly how he was going to approach the topic he had called him down for. It was a touchy subject, especially between the two of them, but for some reason the eldest Lestrange couldn't seem to keep it in any longer. While he was usually the one to push for them not to broach this certain subject, now he found himself wanting to talk openly about it and even considering breaking off his engagement with Bellatrix in order to make his brother happy. That's all he ever wanted, after all... to make Rabastan happy. He just hoped his brother still felt the same.
After ages of wringing his hands and anxiously watching the door for his brother, Rodolphus nearly jumped out of his skin when he heard the unmistakable sound of it unlatching and opening. Grinning widely, he took two long strides towards the door before hauling his brother in by his furs and hugging him tight. "Merlin, I've missed you." He sighed, even though they had seen each other not three hours earlier at lunch. He couldn't help it. Even being away from Rabastan for a moment made his chest ache painfully and his entire mood turn sour. 
"Where have you been?" He asked, pulling away reluctantly before he shut the door behind his brother, making sure to lock it as well so that they wouldn't be disturbed. "I've been waiting for you. I was beginning to think you weren't going to show up." Rodolphus continued, sounding much unlike himself but not caring at all. He wanted to know what kept his brother away for so long and why he didn't rush back to speak with him.
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rodolphuss · 12 years
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I know I should’ve been doing herbology but, I just wanted to make something to cheer Rod up!
Aren’t we just cute?
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rodolphuss · 12 years
purebloodedyaxley replied to your post: I want you to stay away from my Doris, Lestrange. You hear me, stay away from her!
Don’t flatter yourself. Doris is far too intelligent to be chasing after the likes of you. And watch your mouth, she’s not creepy in the slightest and you would do well to remember it.
Well, she is. So why don't you go get your creepy little Hufflepuff and keep her the hell away from me, yeah? That way I don't have to hex her for being so bothersome.
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rodolphuss · 12 years
Good. Meet me in my room in a bit, then?
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Well stop. We have much to discuss brother. About us. Are you still up for meeting in private? Because I don’t think these are matters to be discussed in front of others… yet.
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rodolphuss · 12 years
Your little... what?! I'm not your anything, woman! Now get out of my sight before I hex you.
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Oh, well…I’m sure you have a lot of thinking to do. Just don’t let me stray too far from your thoughts my widdle schnookum! I’ll see you at dinner later!
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rodolphuss · 12 years
Well stop. We have much to discuss brother. About us. Are you still up for meeting in private? Because I don't think these are matters to be discussed in front of others... yet.
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I apologize. I didn’t know you cared so much. I’ve been too busy staring at Sybill focusing on my studies. 
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Close. Hm. That’s definitely one way to put it.
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rodolphuss · 12 years
I want you to stay away from my Doris, Lestrange. You hear me, stay away from her!
No problem, Yaxley. I don't want her anywhere near me.
Though, the problem is more keeping her away from me. She keeps popping up everywhere. I'm beginning to wonder if she's going to watch me while I sleep as well. Creepy little thing, she is.
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rodolphuss · 12 years
Oh, I pay you plenty of attention, Rabastan. How could I not? You just never notice. Not anymore, at least.
What happened, dear brother? We used to be so close, you and I.
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Perhaps you should pay more attention to your own little brother, then. 
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rodolphuss · 12 years
dorispurkiss replied to your post: What’s your birthday? You know…gotta see what your sign is so we can plan accordingly!
Oh, you know…you’re pureblood…I’m pureblood…it’s kind of a stepping stone into a beautiful relationship.
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0 notes
rodolphuss · 12 years
Go away.
rodolphus replied to your post: I personally think that Mrs. Kissy Lestrange has a…
You’re so cute when you’re confused.
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rodolphuss · 12 years
What's your birthday? You know...gotta see what your sign is so we can plan accordingly!
...Plan what?
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rodolphuss · 12 years
Of course not. I guess I just never noticed how much you've... grown.
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Sweet Salazar… the Lestrange men really are attractive, aren’t they?
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rodolphuss · 12 years
Sweet Salazar... the Lestrange men really are attractive, aren't they?
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rodolphuss · 12 years
Hilarious, love. Really. But don't you think you're complaining a bit too much about this arrangement? Makes it seem a little put on, like you're scared of people realizing you actually want it.
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How long until Christmas break again?
I don’t know what’s worse. Knowing that’ll I’ll be marrying you when we leave or that we have 10 months of this Hell to get through first.
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rodolphuss · 12 years
Maybe not for someone like you.
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How long until Christmas break again?
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Surely it’s not that bad here   But yes Christmas, I’m looking forward to the holidays too! 
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