rogueartist4 · 2 months
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rogueartist4 · 3 months
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rogueartist4 · 10 months
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rogueartist4 · 1 year
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rogueartist4 · 1 year
The sister of John Druid a Nikola tesla love story
character background
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Name:Emma Rose Druitt Tesla
Gender: female
Eye color: ice blue
Hair color:brown/purple
Favorite poem by William Shakespeare: The Phoenix and the turtle
Truth may seem but cannot be;
Beauty brag but 'tis not she;
Truth and beauty buried be.
Favorite color:🔴🟠🟡🟢🔵🟣basically the rainbow
Love ones : John Druitt (twin brother)
Helen Magnus and Ashley (friend and niece)
Husband: Nikola Tesla (best friend)
Alias: Rosalie and Emily
Height: 5'2
Organizations/groups: the six/midwife/doctor/scientist/inventor
Date of birth:August 15th, 1857
Back story of Emma: the year was 1857 the year my brother and I where born to two parents who loved my brother and hated me all because I was a girl year's later i was sent to a school in Serbia it was an all girls school so every Sunday and Wednesday we went to church and that's how I met Nikola he was nice funny and really smart as we got older Mr.Magnus convinced my father to send both me and John to Oxford as soon as I got the news I wrote a letter to Nikola and he wrote back telling me he would see me soon I was excited about getting to go but also excited to see my best friend I have known him for six years as soon as we got there we settled into you're rooms I shared with Helen I have known her for two years and your father's have known each other for many years and I'm shocked he convinced father to let me go to college I was very very smart for being a girl and I loved learning so when Helen found ancient vampire blood my brother John can teleport to anywhere in the world Helen Magnus is immortal and has a really high IQ Nigel griffin can go invisible and James Watson has Enhanced Intelligence and Nikola tesla vampire and me a vampire/dragon/werewolf yeah mine took a very crazy turn and I married Nikola tesla so that's a little bit about me know let's get on with the story so it was Ashley's first birthday when Helen decided it was to dangerous for me to know about Ashley and kicked me out of the sanctuary and told me I wasn't aloud to pack anything but my stuff I had on my back and my wallet and my medicine was in my room so I begged her to let me take those things and go and she had big guy watching to make sure I wouldn't touch anything else so behind his back I took all of my jewelry and my wallet and medicine big guy knows I have my jewelry but still let's me leave because he knows my room will new be changed and nobody will live there I still do my job for the sanctuary but I decided to go see Nikola I know where all of his facilities are because he told me where they where and now I'm standing outside the door waiting for someone to answer the door to let me in well I hope he lets me in we really didn't leave eachother on a good note we where fighting with each other and if you were wondering what we where fighting about well let me tell you we where fighting about Helen and my brother him trying to kill Helen and him getting mad at my brother and taking it out one me I really hope where still something If where not at least I will still keep the memories of when we were kids.
"Emma? Is that you?"
"Yes Nikola it's me can you please let me in."
"Sure but you have to wait a little bit for me to get to the door."
"Ok I'll wait."
Well it's sounds like he was busy.
"Emma welcome to my home."
"Hi Nikola how have you been?"
"I'm good so how are you."
"I'm good just was told by Helen I'm a danger to my niece and she told me to leave and said along the lines of never come back if you stay here John will hurt Ashley and so I didn't know where to go I'm going to sell all of my jewelry tomorrow for what there worth and then fine work and then get a place to stay and I'm sorry I came to you hun."
"Sounds like a lot but it's ok you can stay but I have to say I'm sorry for being such a jerk to you about John in the past."
"It's ok and I'm also sorry I shouldn't have acted like a jerk as well."
"It's ok and also what happened to the government paying you?"
"Helen told them I didn't need it at all but I get a check that Helen takes it from me and uses it for the sanctuary and it pisses me off because I find out after she has spent it all so I got to get my check's sent to me I will have money tomorrow to get a apartment and live my life and I will get all the money sent to me was used without my permission and then look for jobs I have many degrees."
"I'm going to stop you there Helen hasn't taken money from you she keeps your checks from you so you don't spend them it's in a bank account growing with time."
"How do you know this?"
"I'm in charge of the account and I don't spend any of the money in the account but I will give you the passwords and everything let's just say you are a billionaire so please don't sell your jewelry unless you want to it's not my stuff we will deal with all of that tomorrow though so please stay here with me and help you don't have to do a lot it's just I'm."
"I get it I'm lonely to I will stay but I work with you an In return please don't lie to me I will do the same thing in return ok because you have a huge history of lying to me but all I want is honestly can you you agree with that?"
"I can but you have to know one thing I have my secret's and you have yours so please don't expect me to keep that promise to a tea because I'm not perfect but if you and I stay honest with each other will I have to be honest with Helen?"
"No you don't have to be honest with her just me and I will be honest with you and I don't want promises because I don't like promises in general ."
"Ok deal but I get a day of lying and so do you."
"What day?"
"Our Birthdays."
"Deal I have missed you love."
"Missed you to old girl and also where's your clothes?"
"Oh couldn't pack any Helen told me just my wallet and medicine but I stole my jewelry with big guy's help that's all I have well you know me."
"Helen said she was going to kick you out but I thought she would let you take all of your stuff."
"Well our room is upstairs on the right and my office is right next store so if you need anything let me know."
"Thank you."
"But I have one question."
"I know why you left but why have you been gone for five years?"
"Well I thought you needed a break from me and then I was asked to come work for the sanctuary and forgot to come home I know that sounds like an interesting thing but it the thing is I missed you so much but didn't want to call you because I knew you where busy."
"Here's the thing I'm never busy for you even if you call me I'm never busy."
"I understand that but I wasn't going to make you any anger with my problems dear."
"But your problems are my problems but any way's since we will be working together again there some things that you need to know."
"We have to go to bed Hun but give me the full explanation tomorrow when we both are more awake."
"Ok let's go."
And that's it the life I have with my husband and I still keep in contact with my brother and Helen but I have become busy with helping tesla with his vampire stuff but it's cute how excited he gets about it until it fails but we keep going until we can get it right.
(The next day)
"Emma this is Helen."
"I don't want to talk to you."
"I know but I forgot to tell you why I kicked you out other than putting Ashley in danger."
"Ok then get to the point."
"Ok fine John was hunting for you."
"What does my big brother want from me?"
"I don't know Emma but it's not good and I'm guessing Nikola told you about the money you have correct."
"Yes and I'm sorry for being such a jerk to you in the past."
"It's fine but Emma can you can still work with me if you like if you want to you don't have to."
"No I made a promise to Nikola and if you need my help call me."
"Yes ma'am."
"Emma who was that?"
"It was Helen."
"What did she call you for?"
"She gave me the full story of why I had to leave it's because of John."
"What does he want from you?"
"I don't know but it's never anything good and on top of all of this I still have my job at the sanctuary."
"What's wrong Hun?"
"Nothing I'm happy for you."
"Do you not want me too leave again?"
"Fine I really don't want you to leave."
"Nikola I told Helen I'm working with you know and if she needs me to call me."
"Ok I love you Emma."
"I love you too get some rest I knew you were up all night."
"No I have to go and finish.."
"No you need sleep to recharge your brain so please rest my love and plus you look tired  come and get some cuddles and sleep."
"I love you."
"I love you too."
For more chapters visit the link below for more of my stories.
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rogueartist4 · 1 year
I am sorry for taking my chapter down I needed to do some editing will put it back up soon.
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