roguenetdev · 9 months
you arent going to be capable of any meaningful kind of solidarity with anyone if your response to new perspectives or information is to pretend you already knew.
if you cant say things like “i hadnt thought about it that way” or “thats a good point” (or even, god forbid “thanks for checking me on that”) when theyre appropriate, consider whether youre actually interested in developing your understanding or if youre just invested in your political self image.
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roguenetdev · 10 months
Another update!
It's been a while, but I'm still plugging away at development. Things are going slow because I've got a lot of personal stuff going on (surgery, moving, transition, doctor appointments, all that junk).
The biggest hurdle right now is rewriting the entirety of the game display functionality to use the modern OpenGL pipeline (that being *shaders*). I can't easily use any of the old RLNET code because it was displaying vertices in pixel coordinates, not Normalized Screen Space :/
Anyway, on the side, at work, where my machine isn't "authorized" to have a modern .NET install, I've been working on understanding a bit more of the RogueSharp library in the hopes of making that a bit easier to port over in the meantime.
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roguenetdev · 10 months
Tumblr media
hotdog burst in microwave
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roguenetdev · 10 months
RLNET? Why are you using API that has been deprecated in OpenGL since 2003?? Guess you're really going for that authentic old-style development workflow.
Anyway, I'm nearly completely done with the conversion to .NET 8.0 with RLNET's functionality. Making the jump to rendering each cell with shaders instead of direct triangle rendering has been the largest jump of functionality. Once that's done, I'll be refactoring a bit of the functionality in there to start utilizing more modern features of .NET 8.0.
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roguenetdev · 10 months
Thinking I'll move to using SkiaSharp to parse image data, since System.Drawing.Common is not present in .NET past version 7 :(
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roguenetdev · 10 months
I've now converted the majority of RLNET to use .NET 8.0 and modern OpenTK. Hurray!
Last little bit of work I gotta do is figuring out a way to get Bitmap functionality working on CPU/GPU architectures on non-windows machines...
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roguenetdev · 10 months
Starting development on RogueNET
Or should I call it CrawlSharp? I might call just the C# portion of this CrawlSharp, since I'm gonna be writing it entirely in C#...
ANYWAY! This is my effort to ignite the Indie roguelike development scene for developers who like C# but who'd rather have something a bit lower level than Unity, Godot, (or even python haha) (ily libtcod, nothing against ya, I just do C# dev at my job and am a bit more familiar with it ;))
There's two main repos/packages for development of Roguelike Dungeon Crawlers in C#; RogueSharp and RLNET. RogueSharp has some awesome features, but it only is targeting .NET Framework, which is pretty exclusive to friends who want to play and develop these awesome games for other CPU architectures and platforms. RLNET has not seen a single major update since 2015, so it needs a li'l love. Trying to get RLNET running on .NET 8.0 does not work nicely, since OpenTK has had some pretty significant updates since 2015, too.
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