roisinrock-blog · 4 years
Overall Evaluation
So I have found this task quite hard with the coronavirus outbreak, however, we have all just had to adjust and change as we have received new information daily. I am annoyed as I had different ideas at the start of the assignment and I had an idea of how I wanted my photoshoot to turn out and I was really excited to use the studio to shoot my photographs in. Therefore, from this I decided to just do my photoshoot as home as I am high risk, therefore I can only use myself/family members as models or try to shoot the clothing on the floor or on a hanger in an editorial way. As I had already had pictured my outfits on models, I decided to still shoot the clothing on myself. This turned out a little bit harder than I had anticipated with my tripod and camera, however, my cousin helped me out. I also said I was going to collage my images as I had been inspired by Damien Blottiere and I looked into fashion collagists too. However, when I had shot my images I preferred them just like they were, slightly edited as I think the outfits were mixed anyway. I think if it was collaged, it would not have matched the Gentlewoman’s magazine as they are quite simplistic in their approach and I did not quite think of this at first. Therefore I decided to just edit my images on photoshop how they were with brightness/contrast, black & white, shadows & highlights and the camera raw tool.
Even though this did not go to plan with how we wanted it, I still enjoyed doing this photoshoot at home as I think it allowed us to think more outside the box and brands had to do this too with the social distancing measures. Therefore, these things can happen at work and we do need ideas. 
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roisinrock-blog · 4 years
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For the 8th page, I decided to include a bigger image and then a close up. However for the close up I decided to include a shape. To do this it was quite simple, I just used the left task bar and clicked where I would usually use the rectangle frame tool and held it down which gave me more options, therefore I then clicked the eclipse tool. The eclipse tool then allowed me to draw a circle, this then give me an outline of a circle, I could have filled this circle with a colour using the colour picker. However, I left it as I placed an image there instead. I thought it was important to show the detail of the back of the blazer, as it is grafitti writing, which fits in with my theme. 
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roisinrock-blog · 4 years
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This time I decided to include bigger placeholder text above the picture as on the other pages I put it below the image or around the image. On the other side, I decided to include 2 images again one being the front of the outfit and one being the behind of the outfit. 
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roisinrock-blog · 4 years
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When looking at other Gentlewoman’s publications, they usually have one side with images on and then one side with simple graphics. However, I just wanted to include text therefore I decided to include a strong font (Lust Display) with ‘FREEDOM’ on in Black and Red as this is what I decided to call my shoot as it is a mix between the Elizabethan Era and Hip Hop. I then decided to include more images from my shoot on the 4th page, I decided to include 2 images on the same page this time, one being a close up (including detail) surrounded by placeholder text. 
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roisinrock-blog · 4 years
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To create the second and third pages of my editorial magazine, I inserted an image on my second page. To do this I had to draw a square/rectangle with the Rectangle Frame Tool, I then went to file>place which then opened up my documents in which I could pick the picture that I wanted there. This then opened in the shape that I had drawn earlier on. I could then adjust this if I needed to make it wider/longer. I then needed to add some text onto this, to do this I can insert placeholder text by clicking the T on the left taskbar and then I can click Type> Fill with Placeholder Text. I can also change the size and font of this by clicking properties on the right task bar and it will open up settings which we can change. We can also go to type at the top which will have font and size which we can change too. I then did the same for the 3rd page, however, I changed the size of the placeholder text as when I looked at previous Gentlewoman’s publications they typically have 3 different sized texts across the magazine. 
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roisinrock-blog · 4 years
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This is how I created my front cover for the assignment on InDesign. To do this I opened InDesign on my laptop and I went to Print as we can pick what size paper we would like to print in. For this particular magazine, we have certain measurements which are 23 cm width by 30cm length, we are also creating an 8 page magazine therefore we will want to insert 8 on the pages part of the settings. We also want 4 columns and we want the margins to be 1.27 cm all the way around and the bleed to be 3cm which is important for printing. I then pressed ok which opened up the blank document and columns across it. I then wanted the front cover to look like The Gentlewoman’s front cover, as I had chose this editorial magazine instead of the Fantastic Man. When I looked at all of The Gentlewoman’s front covers I noticed that they often had a pretty strong close up either in colour or black and white with a black or white background or a block colour. I decided to go with a block colour (red) and chose a sans serif font (Seria Sans Pro) as I thought this was quite similar to their font as the l was elongated and the h in ‘the’. I went with a black and white image as I thought this looked good against the red background. 
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roisinrock-blog · 4 years
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roisinrock-blog · 4 years
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These are some of the images that I had edited after I had done my photoshoot. 
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roisinrock-blog · 4 years
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This is also another step to step of how I turn my images black and white. There is two ways that I can do this on Photoshop. The first way I usually go to Image> Mode > Grayscale which turns the image black and white. We can go to Image > Adjustments > Shadows and Highlights which we can also make higher or lower. The shadows are the dark parts of the image and the highlights are the light parts of an image. When we make it higher or lower the dark parts/ light parts can also darken or go lighter. Another way to make it black and white is to go to Image > Adjustments > Black and White which then opens up another window of colours which can make it darker/lighter. 
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roisinrock-blog · 4 years
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This is a step to step of how I have been editing my images on Photoshop. I have been opening the image and with some of them I have been having to crop them as I wanted close up’s but it was hard to do with my tripod on my own. It was only later on in the shoot that my cousin started helping me take the images. Therefore with this image I had to crop it. I then went to Image >  Auto Tone and Auto Contrast. I like this as it automatically changes the image for me. I then went to Filter > Camera Raw Filter to edit more. It then opens up another window in which I usually just use the brightness & contrast, and for this particular image I used the texture tool to lower it as this softens the image. I sometimes also use the Clarity tool as this sharpens the image, however, I try not too over use this. 
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roisinrock-blog · 4 years
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roisinrock-blog · 4 years
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This is the contact sheet for my still life photoshoot. As I had focused on freedom, the Elizabethan era and Hip Hop I decided to focus on this for my still life. Therefore I decided to buy a spray paint can in red, and a grafitti image of the queen I wanted to buy the spray paint can so that I could put the image down on the ground on top of paper and spray paint around it to make it all come together. I also included a crown and pearls which are often associated with the queen, I did include my Vivienne Westwood pearl necklace too which she is quite known for being quite punk rock, therefore I thought it fit in quite well too. I then wanted to tie it back to graffiti by buying little badges with old school hip hop rap artists and bands that people would listen to including myself and I still listen to some of them now.   
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roisinrock-blog · 4 years
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This is the contact sheet for the second part of my shoot, I took these images on another day. I had actually dyed the front part of my hair blue in-between the shoots which was not meant for the shoot but I actually think it tied in quite well. I had also forgot to take a picture of an Elizabethan ruffle collar on my other shoot therefore, I just wanted a detailed close up of it to include on my magazine that I could crop. 
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roisinrock-blog · 4 years
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These are the contact sheets for the first part of my shoot. As you can see on this I tried different locations around my home and I tried some close up images to get details of the outfits and I also got some normal pictures too. 
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roisinrock-blog · 4 years
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This was the day of my photoshoot at home. I set up my tripod and I ended up putting my Canon EOS on it and setting it on a timer, however, my tripod wasn’t that high therefore I struggled quite a bit taking my own images. I changed my plan to do two separate shoots which was going to be one Elizabethan and one hip hop, however, as I put all my clothing together I figured it looked better like this. I also planned to shoot most of them on a white wall to edit graffiti behind them, however, I also loved my wallpaper as a background as I felt like this fit in with the Elizabethan and Hip Hop. In the end, my cousin took my images for me as it was easier but this was a challenge as she was the only person I could really count on to take images for me at home and I would have liked them to turn out better as you can sometimes see the surroundings in my living, however, I am pleased how they have turned out with the current situation. 
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roisinrock-blog · 4 years
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I have researched how people did their makeup in the Elizabethan and I also researched some tv shows as I think that they would have also put a lot of research in too. I wanted to know for my shoot, from what I found in my research I found that they wanted to be quite pale with rosy cheeks which is what I intend to do for my shoot. I also plan to wear red lipstick for one of my looks. 
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roisinrock-blog · 4 years
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