rokuro707 · 5 years
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rokuro707 · 5 years
Just a friendly reminder: Don’t allow people to tell you who you are because of the games you play
Just because you play otome games doesn’t mean you are missing something in your current relationship.
Just because you play otome games doesn’t mean you don’t want a real relationship.
Just because you play otome games doesn’t mean you prefer 2D men over real ones.
Just because you play otome games doesn’t mean you have given up on real dating.
Just because you play otome games doesn’t mean you are hideous and desperate.
Just because you play otome games doesn’t mean you don’t deserve real love.
The games you play don’t affect anyone else. Don’t allow other people to tell you that you should be ashamed to play these games. Don’t allow other people to embarrass you for playing these games. If your significant other breaks up with you because you play these games, maybe they weren’t worth your time in the first place.
Seriously. Don’t give these people a second thought. They aren’t worth your time.
You deserve to be happy.
You deserve to play the games you want to play and be happy.
Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
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rokuro707 · 5 years
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You could be doing your best, but it could still not feel like enough with how much the world highlights achieving more and more. Despite the pressure from society and even from yourself internally, I want you to know that you are enough. 💛 You don’t have to be more.
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rokuro707 · 5 years
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You could be doing your best, but it could still not feel like enough with how much the world highlights achieving more and more. Despite the pressure from society and even from yourself internally, I want you to know that you are enough. 💛 You don’t have to be more.
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rokuro707 · 5 years
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After watching Willy Wonka, 5-year-old Jack Zerndt wanted to give everyone a Golden Ticket. 
Instead, he and his dad, James, author of The Cloud Seeders, left $100 bills in 5 random copies of the book across Portland. 
The first was found at a Goodwill with the note: ‘This book is free. If you need the money, please keep it. If you don’t, please give it to someone who does. You are not a Leftover. None of us are.’ 
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(Source, Source 2)
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rokuro707 · 5 years
I really think MM fandom is already dead lol
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rokuro707 · 5 years
Tokimeki Adventures- Ruka
So the Christmas Party came so i got Ruka a nice Christmas Wreath and he loved it and what i got in return…. an opened bottle of maple syrup
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Ruka, is this a motherfuckin game to you. I went out and spent 10 friken rich on your present, and you give me some used syrup. you are supposed to be my future bf, get yo shit together
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rokuro707 · 5 years
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A penguin friend to motivate you this week! 💖🐧
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rokuro707 · 5 years
You know you are addicted to otome games when...
1 - You don’t go out just to play the game.
2 - Your everyday responsabilities is put aside just for you to play a little more.
3 - You have a husbando (or lots of husbandos).
4 - You want to buy everything about the game or fave character.
5 - Sometimes you get distracted thinking about a game.
6 - The rage burn inside you when you get a bad ending in the first try.
7 - You dream about the game (or about that favorite character.)
8 - Your mobile/computer wallpaper is about otome game.
9 - You wake up in the the middle of the night just to play an otome game (cof, cof…..mystic messenger….)
10 - You wish to learn japanese so you can play a lot of otome games that do not be translated…
11 - You collects photos and fanarts about otome games.
12 - You have a blog/site/tumblr about otome games.
13 - Sometimes you cry playing the game.
14 - It hurts a lot when you fall in love with a character but you have to play another route and reject him.
15 - But, in spite of everything, you love all of this and you are happy!
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rokuro707 · 5 years
[MM] Mystic Messenger Event Announcement: Happy Children’s Day★
Here in Korea, the warm spring wind is blowing gently around us, brightening up our days! (♥ω♥*) We hope you’re enjoying the beautiful weather as well! (´∀`)♡ Today’s announcement is about..!! (drum roll please) Our Children’s Day event, which we usually celebrate on the 5th of May in Korea!
<Mystic Messenger’s Children’s Day Event!>
What do you think the Mystic Messenger members did on their Children’s Day growing up? Please share your thoughts on how you think they spent their childhood days on Twitter or Tumblr with the hashtag #MM_Childhood to participate in this event!
How you want to share your thoughts is completely up to you! You could even write a diary entry pretending to be one of the members as well. Oh and please remember! We love all sorts of doodles!
Event Period : May 3rd(Fri) ~ May 20th(Mon) Winner Announcement : May 28th(Tue), 6 winners Event Prize : 1 Badge SET (Random), 1 Mystic Messenger’s Character Chat Bubble Sticky Note (Random), 1 bag of Korean Honey Butter Chip
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*You can choose to download this image and use it for your event participation!!
We wish your May will be filled with love and happiness! (灬♥ω♥灬)
Thank you. Best, Cheritz.
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rokuro707 · 5 years
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Only day you can reblog this
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rokuro707 · 5 years
*whispers*your art ask with mysme is so good. I was wondering if you could do something with mysme and a chubby, insecure mc. I understand if you dont want too, I just thought id ask ;-;
I’m sorry this came so late but so much kept coming up!!
I’ve been working on this sporadically since you sent this ask, to be honest, and I’m honored that you trust me to answer this sensitive question for some.I wanted to share screenshots from the game where I remember the members themselves telling MC they dont care what she looks like, but somehow I can’t find them though I remember them!! (So many routes, how would I remember which one it happened in;;)
But nonetheless I worked on this, hopefully it conveys my feelings on the matter. I thought that the best to answer this would be the one guy who probably knows the least about what you look like….
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rokuro707 · 7 years
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Dui ♊ Star Crossed Myth
↳ Zyglavis  ♎  l  Aigonorus   ♑  l  Ichthys ♓
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rokuro707 · 7 years
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rokuro707 · 7 years
I’m sorry if it’s kinda late but I read your fanfic!! It’s so cool! +_+
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rokuro707 · 7 years
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Have some happy yellow chibirds to motivate you! I needed some motivation myself, so these little birbs popped out.
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rokuro707 · 7 years
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Hanzō Hattori icon set requested by @steelbloom // Feel free to use ☆
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