Hearing him speak about his son was so beautiful and sweet. She could listen to it all day. “You’d be an excellent father.” She smiled, kissing his chest again and then up to his neck. “When you love, you love deeply. And… if you can’t say it now, I understand. I just had to get that out I suppose. I didn’t even know I had too.” She smiled. “Don’t feel obligated. I know it’s a tough thing.”
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“I don’t know. I’ve already been a bad one, I’d say. Atticus back in Birmingham with a nanny and tutor while I only speak to him once a month.” He murmured, a frown creasing his brow. He looked at her, the frown still there. “I don’t know if I can say it now. You’re right-- It is tough. I don’t want to disappoint you but I also don’t want to be false. I still like you so much that I don’t want to lose you anytime soon.” 
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Just Say You Won’t Let Go || Ryland
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“Very nice. My mom got me this Michael Kors one for Christmas this past December.” He pulled up his shirt sleeve and showed the other man, very proud. “She gets me a new one every year. Has since I was 17.” He smiled. “I also collect wallets and Star Wars memorabilia.” He smirked. “I’m looking to travel this year though. Maybe London will have to be my first stop.” He smirked.
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Roland looked at the watch and nodded his head slowly, examining it. “That is a lovely piece.” He agreed. “She sounds lovely.” He added. “That’s interesting. I collect watches and vintage cars.” He responded. “Please do, it’s a lovely city and lots of exquisite items to buy.” 
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She closed her eyes as he spoke and kissed her. She sighed, feeling an air of contentment and relief. She had no idea she was holding that all in and when it came out, it spilled out like a waterfall. “I feel that with you. Something I’ve never felt with anyone. Thank you.” She said, kissing his chest as she leaned into the kiss he laid on her forehead.
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“It’s a scary thing, I know.” He cooed softly as they sat in each other’s embrace for a moment. “I remember the first time I held my son. It was the first time I truly experienced love. I'm not sure I completely loved my wife. I adored her, and was glad I had her, but love isn’t an easy thing to come by. But Atticus.. He was so innocent and so pure.” He spoke. Roland rarely spoke about his family. “I told him I loved him as soon as he was put in my arms.” 
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Just Say You Won’t Let Go || Ryland
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“Well, some of us do have better things to do- I have work to do and don’t really care about whether or not you found your first grey hair or something today,” Jackson raised an eyebrow.
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Roland tipped his head to the side curiously, “Then why don’t you go off and be your important self?” He asked. “Or am I too attractive to leave?” He teased. 
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“That’s definitely a possibility,” she chuckled. “But, i really wouldn’t worry about it. You look good.”
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“Thank you.” He gave her a kind smile. “Oh, and I’m sorry about the self-absorbed question.” He added. 
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Skyler was walking by, and overheard him. She smirked a little. “You do not look old,” she said. “Trust me.”
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“Alright, good, good.. Maybe I’m going through identity crisis or something.” He joked.
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Kai was shopping around for a few new pairs of clothing when he came across the familiar voice. He studied the man for a moment, taking in his features and shaking his head. “Wouldn’t say you look old but you look your age? I’d place you…” He tossed his head back and forth, as if tossing the idea around. “Mid twenties to maybe early thirties?”
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Roland recognized the man instantly and he smiled. “Really? I’m doing well then. I’m in my mid-thirties. Makes me want to cringe sometimes.” 
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“Old compared to what?” Jackson snorted. “That’s too vague a term. I know you probably asked me that hoping I would say "No, you don’t look old,” but I tell the truth, and the truth is often subjective. Do you look old compared to a senior citizen? No, obviously, you look much younger. Do you look old compared to a teenager? Yes, because I’m afraid to say you couldn’t successfully pass off as a fifteen year old. Compared to a ninety year old you’d look incredibly young. Compared to a baby you’d look ancient.“ Jackson rolled his eyes. "Now don’t you have better things to do than fish for compliments?”
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Originally posted by qeckosfuller
Roland looked at him with slight amusement at his rambling. Once he was finished, “You blew that out of proportion and unnecessarily expanded the meaning.” He said and fixed his expensive tie in the mirror. “And no, I don’t have anything better to do.” He added and gave a light smile, playing along to the kid. 
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“I mean, not really but it’s probably going to. I just don’t have the self motivation I used to.” She rolled her eyes with a snort, mostly in agreement. “Every once in a while they get a really good looking one. For me it was Chris Soules, but he had literally nothing else going for him.”
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“I think many adults think that way.” He replied. “I certainly don’t have the motivation anymore.” He snorted. The Brit looked at her, “I don’t watch The Bachelor. I just see their faces on the tabloids.” He said. “I bet I’m better than half the Bachelors.” 
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“I’d say I don’t do autographs, but you haven’t expressed any signs in actually knowing who I am, so I’ll bite,” he offered a lazy smirk. “Am I supposed to know who you are? ‘Cause I meet a lot of people in one day, buddy.”
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He looked at Roman with a level gaze, his expression unreadable. “I don’t know you because of.. Whatever it is you do.” He replied. He shook his head, “No, no reason to know me.” He added. 
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“By the looks of you, I don’t doubt that.” He smirked. “Where’d you get that watch though? It’s great. I collect so, I always like to get my hands on interesting pieces.”
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Roland looked down at his watch, his Jaeger-LeCoultre. “Oh, I got him in London at a shop called Watches of Switzerland. Lovely place, caters to my needs. I love watches.” He chuckled. “I too, collect.” 
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She nodded, agreeing that indeed it was a huge step and she was glad he was so sweet about it. “More than I trust myself…” She kept looking at him, staring into his eyes.
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“Then I don’t ever want you to be afraid to tell me something. I will always understand and take it in stride.” He told her and kissed her forehead lightly. “You are safe with me. Mentally and physically.” 
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Just Say You Won’t Let Go || Ryland
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She was shaking as she kissed him, tears wetting her eyes and then falling down her cheeks. His lips were warm and sweet and she never wanted to kiss anyone else’s lips again. “I just… I’ve never said that to anyone in my entire life… Not family, not friends, not anyone.” She was still a little shaky but she was glad she said it.
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He wiped her tears away with his thumbs. “It’s a big step. And I’m glad you took it with me.” He told her as they pulled back. “Do you trust me, bird?” He asked after a moment. He brushed his hand gently from her cheek to her chin and kept her looking at him. 
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Just Say You Won’t Let Go || Ryland
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He nodded. “See? You’re fine. She’s probably crazy about you.” He smirked. “Jameson. The fact that I own a bar has no correlation with my name. Just a happy accident.” He shook the other man’s hand. “You shopping for something for you or your girl?”
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Roland laughed, “I hope so. I hope I can keep my  old lady happy.” He chuckled. “Pleasure to meet you, Jameson. Now we have that in common. I also own a bar.” He told the man. “I was just passing through. I don’t shop at department stores.” 
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When she heard the low, British accent, she turned, her eyes widening at the gorgeous man. Then she smirked. “Practically ancient!” She laughed. “Are you kidding? I don’t know how old you are but whatever age you are you look good. Don’t sweat it!”
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Roland gave a small laugh, “I knew it. I’m glad you agree with me.” He turned away from the mirror and studied the girl before him. “I’m thirty-six, that’s old.” he grunted.
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“Is there a point to this or– what is this? What do you want?”
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“I just wanted to speak to you in person.” 
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After what could possibly be the longest day of my life all I want to do is go home and drink like three bottles of wine while soaking in the world’s most luxurious bubble bath. The reality is that I’m going to go home and try to keep my neck above the mounds and mounds of paperwork I needed to have done three weeks ago and hope I don’t literally drown in it. If all else fails I can just use my tits to get on The Bachelor ala Andi Dorfman. I mean, that’s always a happy ending, right?
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Roland couldn’t help but laugh at her long explanation. “That paperwork can wait one more day, can’t it?” He asked and smiled. “And the boys that end up on The Bachelor aren’t that good looking.” He snorted. 
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