roleplayxlover · 6 years
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roleplayxlover · 6 years
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roleplayxlover · 6 years
munday meme // multimuse edition
send me a symbol and I will tell you…
⚔ which muse is the most likely to go to jail/prison ☠ which muse is The Worst™ 👅 which muse is the kinkiest 💑 who would make the best couple of two of your muses together 💔 who would be the worst couple of two of your muses together 👑 which muse is most likely to take over the world 👎 which muse secretly (or not so secretly) loves terrible movies 😍 which muse is the biggest heart breaker 🌱 which muse is the most gullible 💎 which muse is the biggest drama queen 🍒 which muse is the most innocent 🎭 which muse is the easiest to write 🌛 which muse is the biggest dreamer 🐢 which muse always runs late 🌉 which muse is most consumed by wanderlust 🏠 which muse is a happy homebody 👛 which muse is the most frugal 👠 which muse loves shopping sprees 🎉 which muse loves planning parties 💕 which muse falls in love too easily 👍 which muse would you most likely get along with 🔪 which muse would you most likely be enemies with 🍕 which muse is a terrible cook 😔 which muse is the biggest spoilsport 💘 which muse have you written the longest 🎶 what song makes you think of (specify muse) 💪 which muse is a health nut 🐷 which muse is most likely to win a pie eating contest 🎨 which muse is the most artistic 🍁 what inspired you to write/create (specify muse)
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roleplayxlover · 6 years
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          some call it paradise, but we call it home.
La isla Griega de Mykonos es mundialmente conocida por su deslumbrante belleza: Playas de blanca arena y aguas cristalinas que se extienden por kilómetros, hermosas casas blancas que adornan el paisaje son inconfundibles para los miles de turistas que llegan a su capital: Chora, cada año. Además de sus deslumbrantes paisajes y atractivos turísticos, la isla cuenta con una vida nocturna muy activa. Los bares, discotecas y karaokes son solo una parte de la agitada noche griega, que invita tanto a locales como a turistas a disfrutar con libertad de lo que tienen para ofrecer.
Dentro de la isla se entremezclan las vidas de los residentes permanentes y aquellos que solo se quedan por una temporada, pero la belleza del lugar logra cambiar todas y cada una de las vidas que ahí se desarrollan. Desde herederos de grandes fortunas buscando un nuevo destino vacacional, estrellas de Hollywood que escapan de los paparazzi y reconocidos chefs internacionales descubriendo nuevos sabores en el Mediterráneo; hasta meseros en los lujosos restaurantes, personal en el gran hotel Cavo Tagoo, pescadores, vendedores ambulantes y personas que buscan escribir una nueva historia, Mykonos tiene un lugar y un propósito para todos ellos. ¿Qué estás esperando? El paraíso está más cerca de lo que imaginas.
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roleplayxlover · 6 years
La isla griega de Mykonos es mundialmente conocida entre los turistas por sus hermosas playas, su activa vida nocturna y sus lujosos hoteles. Pero esta pequeña isla oculta muchos más atractivos para los que se atreven a conocerla ¿Quieres acompañarnos? // ¡Hola! Somos un nuevo oc rp ubicado en Mykonos, nos enfocamos en el desarrollo de personajes y la creación de tramas ¿Podrías ayudarnos con un shout out o difundiendo nuestra promo? ¡Muchas gracias!
Ya le di una stalkeada completa al main y quiero decirles que me encantó todo. La estética, el orden, la descripción de cada apartado, todo está muy bonito. De seguro por allí estaré llevando a uno de mis bebés ahora que estoy de vacaciones. Les regalo la promo y el shout out porque me fascino. ¡Mucho éxito!
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roleplayxlover · 6 years
La guerra ha terminado y es imposible no lamentarse por la cantidad de vidas que se ha llevado. Corre el año 2100 y el mundo se encuentra desanimado, desorientado y en ruinas. La única solución que las grandes cabezas de cada país es traer a la monarquía nuevamente al poder. ¿Siempre has deseado formar parte de la monarquía? Es el momento. // Hola Yoe! Somos un roleplay nuevo buscando un shoutout o promoción. ¿Nos podrías hacer el favor? ¡Muchas gracias!
Por supuesto que les regalo un SHOUTOUT. Me encantan los rp de monarquía así que les deseo mucha buena vibra, espero tengan mucho éxito con el proyecto. 
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roleplayxlover · 6 years
tell me how you feel about me on anon!
🌞 - i really like your blog! 🌙 - you’re really cute!  ✨ - i love seeing you on my dash! ☄️ - we don’t talk, but i wish we did! ❄️ - you’re my best friend! 🌸 - you’re really sweet! 💫 - you’re super talented! ⭐️ - you have a nice aesthetic!  🌹 - i have a crush on you! 💐 - i wish i could take care of you when you’re sad! 💥 - you seem a little bit intimidating! 🔥 - you need to stop being so hard on yourself! 🍂 - i don’t like you very much! 🌈 - i think i really like you… 
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roleplayxlover · 6 years
‘  you’re not letting me win to boost my ego, are you?  ’ ‘  i want to destroy you.  ’ ‘  i’m just trying not to make my concentration face.  ’ ‘  well, now you just look like one of those blow-up air men outside the car dealership.  ’ ‘  i like you. so, so much.  ’ ‘  you’re not hard to get. at all. you’re hard to earn and it’s… so much better.  ’ ‘  you are way too nice to everyone. except me, apparently.  ’ ‘  don’t be weird.  ’ ‘  i need pizza!  ’ ‘  i know this is not gonna sound how i mean it to sound, but i wanna fuck this pizza.  ’ ‘  i get it. you should never say that to anyone else, but i get it.  ’ ‘  you’re gonna let the smell out!  ’ ‘  i want that pizza box to be my bed.  ’ ‘  it’s like battle of the bulge over here. it’s a war zone.  ’ ‘  i’ve never even had a boyfriend.  ’ ‘  i just don’t even know what’s going on with your dancing.  ’ ‘  just stop thinking. nobody cares.  ’ ‘  look at these assholes.  ’ ‘  there are two kinds of compliments to give a woman: the things she already thinks about herself that need confirmed and the things she doesn’t think anybody else notices about her.  ’ ‘  you can’t make it better until you actually do it.  ’ ‘  stop feeling sorry for yourself.  ’ ‘  i said yes!  ’ ‘  we’re not old enough to get married, though.  ’ ‘  i’m gonna take a picture of you and post it on tinder.  ’ ‘  you know, guys love girls who like sports.  ’ ‘  i know that i’ve been cunty to you.  ’ ‘  don’t be one of those girls who can’t say cunt.  ’ ‘  but you’re like… a grown-up.  ’ ‘  the best meal i ever had was a five dollar pizza thrown up a fire escape.  ’ ‘  do you have a guy over?  ’ ‘  why do you always assume i have a guy over?  ’ ‘  it’s just sometimes i get emotional over sports.  ’ ‘  i need that food!  ’ ‘  first guy i ever slept with came as a gay man while he was inside of me.  ’ ‘  he’s in my room right now drinking gatorade to recover from our vigorous love making.  ’ ‘  do i look like somebody who can afford interest? i steal my toilet paper from the office bathroom.  ’ ‘  you should probably just be a little easier on the ‘hahaha’s’. i mean, you find him humorous, you’re not a psychotic clown.  ’ ‘  nobody likes the actual work. that’s the point of a job. you do the best one where you make the most money.  ’ ‘  you like someone because of all of their qualities and you love someone despite some of their qualities.   ’ ‘  you like because, and you love despite.  ’ ‘  a lot of men proposed to me. i could be thrice divorced by no.  ’ ‘  it’s kind of like you don’t really know until you tried it and then, once you tried it, you really know.  ’ ‘  it’s been so long since i’ve been to a party. or made out with someone. i don’t even remember how! it’s like my tongue has atrophied.  ’ ‘  i made something!  ’ ‘  why are you so quiet? you move like a prius.  ’ ‘  people call me creepy? …i love it.  ’ ‘  i got here so early that i thought i had time to dick around, so i went there, then i lost track of time, and suddenly i was late.  ’ ‘  that’s the dumbest thing i’ve ever heard. that is not a real thing.  ’ ‘  it’s the over-dick-around thing. i over-dicked it.  ’ ‘  this is the best meal i’ve ever had. in my entire life.  ’ ‘  please don’t drop my pizza.  ’ ‘  stop making me laugh.  ’ ‘  no, not you, i’m talking to my pizza.  ’ ‘  we’re full-on parent trapping them.  ’ ‘  okay, i think i’ve seen the lindsay lohan classic enough times to know that we’re full on parent trapping hard.  ’ ‘  i don’t know what you’re getting out of this, but you deserve better. you are better.  ’ ‘  one is a beautiful woman with dark hair and a fierceness that’s both scary and inspiring… the other is a guy.  ’ ‘  take that back.  ’ ‘  he’s a selfish, superficial asshole, but he can’t help it.  ’ ‘  you could be a good person, but you want to be an asshole.  ’ ‘  you’re choosing to be a piece of shit.  ’ ‘  stop pretending this is some moral dilemma.  ’ ‘  i’m telling her. the whole truth. all of it.  ’ ‘  i don’t wanna do this anymore.  ’ ‘  you’re my backup.  ’ ‘  don’t marry him.  ’ ‘  i know you don’t put up with any shit. so don’t put up with his.  ’ ‘  oh my god, i gave myself goosebumps.  ’ ‘  you douche-tard.  ’ ‘  i googled it so i know what it means now.  ’ ‘  you displayed a total lack of character when it mattered.  ’ ‘  you have the romantic and sexual personality of a seventh grader.  ’ ‘  you’re a know-it-all.  ’ ‘  you are unbelievably bad at beer pong.  ’ ‘  you’re a sore winner.  ’ ‘  you use too many explanation points.  ’ ‘  and yet…  ’
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roleplayxlover · 6 years
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Jane Fonda attends the 69th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards at Microsoft Theater on September 17, 2017 in Los Angeles, California
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roleplayxlover · 6 years
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And the password is… Lollipop.
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roleplayxlover · 6 years
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roleplayxlover · 6 years
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…i love her?!?
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roleplayxlover · 6 years
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‘Tis firm! ‘Tis firm as stone! Sarah Jessica Parker as Sarah Sanderson in Hocus Pocus (1993)
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roleplayxlover · 6 years
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“And in 2017, we STILL refuse to be controlled by a sexist, egotistical, lying, hypocritical bigot.” | Lily Tomlin, Dolly Parton and Jane Fonda, Emmys 2017
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roleplayxlover · 6 years
🌼~BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you're supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens , but it's sweet to know that someone thinks you're beautiful inside and out.~🌼
Sonic!!!!!!!! You’re a beautiful person too. Es un gusto tenerte en mi dash siempre
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roleplayxlover · 6 years
🌼~BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you're supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens , but it's sweet to know that someone thinks you're beautiful inside and out.~🌼
Awww graciiias
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roleplayxlover · 6 years
Give me a letter. 
a – age
b – biggest fear
c – current time 
d – drink you last had/are having 
e – easiest person to talk to
f – favorite song 
g – ghosts, are they real 
h – heritage 
i – in love with 
k – kissed someone
l – last time you cried 
m – middle name 
n – number of siblings 
o – one wish
p – person who you last called 
q – question you’re always asked 
r – reason to smile 
s – song last sang 
t – time you woke up 
u – underwear color 
w – worst habit
x – x-rays you’ve had 
y – your favorite food 
z – zodiac sign
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