rollchan1985 · 9 days
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Swankiss 2018 Angel BAG
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rollchan1985 · 14 days
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rollchan1985 · 18 days
Bootleg Sailor Moon Stick
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This wand just keeps getting repackaged with more and more, weirder and weirder accessories.
Those accessories
It's chibi, but in a squished way
The colours
The heart gem
Why does it have a snowflake light where the round gem should be?
Also the hear-shaped wing-thing
Surprisingly, this one at least go the one-star-shaped-button correct, which is often wrong on even the most strikingly accurate of bootlegs.
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rollchan1985 · 22 days
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rollchan1985 · 24 days
Where are you from? Born in Japan, raised in U.S. military
How would you describe your race/ethnicity? Half Japanese, half mixed German and Dutch
Do you identify with one particular aspect of your ethnicity more than another? Have you ever felt pressure to choose between parts of your identity? I identify with both, but now that I am older, more with my half Japanese side. Enormous pressure to act white growing up, if only to escape the racism directed to me.
Did your parents encounter any difficulties from being in an interracial relationship? Yes, my father was frozen as a Tech Sargeant in the Air Force for marrying my mother, and they didn’t have their marriage here in U.S. recognized for several years after marrying in 1960 at the American Embassy in Tokyo.
How has your mixed background impacted your sense of identity and belonging? I don’t know where I belonged or who I was until I recently found the Hafu group on Facebook.
Have you been asked questions like “What are you?” or “Where are you from?” by strangers? If so, how do you typically respond? All the time. I tell them I am Japanese Americans, they say I don’t look it, I respond with how am I supposed to look. I have been accused of adopting my blue eyed children and lying about it. They are my natural children, but I am over explaining how genetics works. When they find out I am half Japanese, they ask if I know karate, or walk three steps behind me, or say I must get really smart.
Have you experienced people making comments about you based on your appearance? Yes. I get approached by men with “yellow fever” a lot, and I hear, “Oh, so you have good skin because you are ORIENTAL.” As if I don’t take care of my skin. And rugs are oriental, not people.
Have you ever been mistaken for another ethnicity? Yes. Cajun, French, Mexican, Chinese.
Have you ever felt the need to change your behavior due to how you believe others will perceive you? In what way? No, not any more.
What positive benefits have you experienced by being mixed? I am stronger and more self-confident now. I have a tremendous amount of empathy for marginalized groups.
Have you changed the way you identify yourself over the years? Yes. I used to hide my Asian mannerisms and pretend I was white so the taunting would stop. Now I am proud to get mixed because we live in a global society.
Are you proud to be mixed? Yes
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rollchan1985 · 24 days
stay silent
I am trying to have my students write an few sentences on racism in Japan. I decided to give them some facts about the Japanese system so that I don’t only get answers like, I like foreigners. Because I think a lot of the problems of racism that is happening in the states is the fact that we cannot just say “I am not racist” that is not enough, because it is the system we live under as a society is what is discriminating against peoples, in addition to racist people. Also, what I have found about Japanese is that they tend to think that they are exempt from social issues because everyone gets a long here. But the truth is, everyone is told to be silent here.
 I had made a worksheet that looked like the following:
Keep reading
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rollchan1985 · 24 days
My life in Japan as a Half Asian
My life in Japan as a Half Asian
Notice I have put “Asian” after the word half, because I want to specifically identify myself as having
both Asian parents but with different ethnicity. My mother is from the Philippines, she met my father
there when my father was traveling for his job. The number 1 question my friends and colleagues in Japan asked me is “Are your parents still together?” And my answer is, ‘Yes they are very much together and living under the same roof.’ It is important for me to classify myself as hafu Asian because I think my experience is different compared with those of Eurasian descent.
Eurasians are considered gorgeous and the Japanese are in awe when they see them even if they don’t speak fluently in Japanese; they can get away with it. It is quite different for me, I did not grow up in Japan, I studied and finished college in my home country. I came to Japan hoping for a better opportunity with regards to my career and to be with my family because they are all here. I was the only one left in the Philippines. I think the one down side of me coming to Japan later was that I never learned the Japanese Language prior to my arrival in Japan. My father can speak fluently in English so we converse in English all the time.
While Eurasians are welcomed with open arms because let’s face it, they look gorgeous, and they are from another race the Japanese consider superior, I myself faced a lot of discrimination when I started working in Japan. Mainly because I did not speak fluently in Japanese. But why do Westerners get away with not knowing Japanese? The Japanese will try and speak in English with them but the attitude towards me is that I can’t communicate in English with them and I must learn Japanese.
I should take some of the blame for not being able to learn their language before I came to Japan. I think it is important to know the language of the country that you are going to, especially if you are planning to live there for a long period of time. I was never one who would feel insecure about my race in the Philippines, they made me feel special that I belong in their society and I never experienced discrimination as much as I have experienced it in Japan.
Whenever I would tell my co-workers that I am half Japanese they would immediately ask me where my mother is from and then ask me if I can speak in Japanese. With my answer, that’s where they would start treating me differently from my other western colleagues. Eurasians in my experience have received special treatment and a warm welcome from them. One of my experiences was my boss telling me to be diligent in studying Japanese or else he won’t talk to me anymore.
My other Caucasian colleagues and Eurasians can get away with it and did not even hear a word from my boss about needing to learn Japanese. My Japanese co-workers would always make me feel left out and not make me feel like I’m one of them. Even though I am half Japanese I never felt like the Japanese considered me as one of them as much as the Philippines did. Racism and Discrimination exist everywhere even in the Philippines, but there I feel I can just be who I am. I have started feeling insecure about myself since I came to Japan.
There was a time where I wished I was a Eurasian instead. Because I felt I would be easily accepted in society if I was half European or half American. I hated the feeling of being half Japanese and half Filipino because I wasn’t accepted in society as one of them.
I needed to adjust and do more than what was required of me because I always thought that I need to prove them wrong, that I’m worth being called a Japanese. I studied their language but even now that I can speak and understand Japanese, nothing has changed. They still treat me like an outsider, like I am not worthy of being called one of them because only half of my blood is Japanese and the other half is not from a country they consider superior to them. I have always admired Japan for their culture and the country itself is beautiful beyond measure. The discipline they imposed on themselves is admirable and astonishing I have never seen a country with such discipline and respect for their culture.
Japan is a wonderful place to visit, I just wish they would start being multi-cultural and that some Japanese would consider me even slightly as one of them. I am still a Japanese despite growing up in another country and having mixed ethnicity. I just want equal treatment when it comes to me and other half Japanese. To be treated as a person living in Japan rather than a foreigner trying to make a living in Japan. That feeling of belongingness and acceptance, that they would somehow welcome me with a smile instead of a crooked eyebrow. I just want my insecurities about my race to go away and start feeling secure and be relevant in the country I want to live in for the rest of my life.
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rollchan1985 · 24 days
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Ariana Miyamoto Born May 12, 1994) became the first Miss Universe Japan of mixed-race descent on March 12, 2015. The beauty queen, the product of a brief marriage between an African American serviceman and a Japanese woman. Her father returned to America and she was raised by her mother’s side of the family in Sasebo, Japan.
She and others of half-Japanese descent are commonly referred to as “hafus.” She endured racism throughout her childhood. Some children refused to touch her, fearing that her Black skin would “rub off” on them.
She moved to Jacksonville, Arkansas to live with her father and learn more about her African American heritage. She was surrounded by people who shared her skin color, but due to her limited English and Japanese mannerisms, she had difficulty adjusting to her new home. She spent two years in Arkansas and started high school there, she returned to Japan and worked as a bartender.
She has a wide variety of interests including volleyball, cooking, and motorcycle riding. She has her motorcycle license and hopes one day to be the owner of a Harley Davidson motorcycle. She is a 5th-degree Japanese calligraphy master.
The tragic loss of her friend spurred her to enter the Miss Universe competition to confront Japanese racial stereotypes.
Her crowning has been controversial. Her reign has been ignored by the Japanese media, She has been criticized by many Japanese individuals and organizations. Online commentators, for example, stated that she is not “Japanese enough,” does not have a “real Japanese face,” and is unfit to represent Japan. She responded to her critics by arguing that her becoming Miss Japan is a specific challenge to that stereotype. She believes that her Miss Universe Japan victory is a sign of racial progress and will help start a much-needed dialogue on what it means to be Japanese.
She competed at the Miss Universe 2015 pageant where she made it to the Top 10. She is married and has two children. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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rollchan1985 · 30 days
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rollchan1985 · 30 days
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rollchan1985 · 30 days
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One of my first ever pieces of Roll fanart!
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rollchan1985 · 30 days
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rollchan1985 · 30 days
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rollchan1985 · 1 month
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Look at my boy helping people I’m so proud
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rollchan1985 · 1 month
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Winnie the Pooh Musical in japan
(The visuals are changed to the animated version.)
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rollchan1985 · 1 month
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Hey, hey Sprinklie!
I'm so in love with these rare beauties I can't stand it
The Sprinklies were made in 1991, by Meert and Lambert who where tangentially involved in bringing over the Smurfs (and later the Snorks). Presumably, they were exclusively made for a music video. You can read the lyrics, see the art of them on the album cover and hear the song here: https://www.bide-et-musique.com/song/11674.html it's very catchy lol
I love the environmental message of these adorable little guys. They're bigger than I thought they'd be!
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rollchan1985 · 3 months
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I received a package from Japan today and it contained this totally random clipping from Ribon with very early art by Ikeno drawn for an apron giveaway. It's hard to see, but the fat man on skiis is drawn by Ikeno and she drew 31 of these little guys for the calendar printed on the apron! This is from January 1981, when she started her first serialized work Mai-chan non stop. Never seen or even heard about this before!
I'll be taking a break with my collecting for a while, but this package contained a bunch of really nice Ikeno art so I'll update my site one of the coming days. :) And then, to start saving money...
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