rolostudies · 6 years
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1월 16일 - Wednesday
I will start this blog with the last day of my study. Due to circumstances I had to quit my study for this year, but I will try again next september. I was feeling pretty sad while walking to the busstop, and the weather seemed to reflect my mood perfectly on this cold, cloudy day. For the next few months I will try to find a job in my hometown, do volunteering, start a journal and a lot of other things I previously never had the time for. 
One of those things was starting my own blog. I’m hoping this blog will consist of study related things, but also just show parts of my daily life. It was just one of the things on my bucketlist, so we will see where this ends. For now, I’m trying to make the best out of life and I am looking forward to starting university again next year!
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rolostudies · 6 years
bullet journal ideas masterpost
Over 250+ spread ideas!🎊
hoping your dreams are fulfilled, your grades are awesome and your skin is glowing in 2018!
my tips for bullet journalling
Year in Review
highlights / reflection
achievements this year
lessons learnt / growth as a person
things you want to improve on
advice you’ve received / given
best music/movies/tv shows/etc of the past year
friends made during this past year
commonplace journal pages
things you’ve discovered during the past year
useful tips during the past year
odd facts and trivia during the past year
topics to explore during the past year
questions to ask during the past year
New Year, New You
calendar / future log / yearly or monthly logs
things to look forward to this year
upcoming books/music/movies/tv shows being released this year
maslow’s hierarchy of needs self-reflection spread
goals / new year’s resolutions + steps to put it into action
skills you want to learn this year e.g. coding
habits you want to break / habits you want to pick up
diary: day-to-day happenings
budgets: monthly/yearly budgets
inspiration spread for new projects
level 10 life: rate areas (academic, personal, mental, physical, spiritual, social, financial) of your life out of 10, and write down goals to improve that rating!
monthly overviews (e.g. progress on goals)
assignment due dates calendar
18 things to do by the end of 2018
Special Pages for Special Friends
business cards from networking events
gift ideas for your friends/family/significant other
birthday / anniversary calendar
emergency contacts / phone numbers of important people
friendship journal:
memories / moments they were there for you
how you met
moments you want to share in the future
their mbti/hogwarts house
their best qualities
Trackers/Logs/______ of the Day
gratitude journal - # things you’re grateful for every day
habit trackers
motivational quotes
news headlines / this day in history
daily affirmations
currently reading / watching / listening to / feeling / eating / wanting etc.
time usage (read: wastage) tracker
k-drama or tv show episode tracker (always forget what ep I’m up to :S)
expenses tracker / tax deductibles
dream diary (tracker, plot(?), lucid or not, dream meanings)
new album or song releases
photo diary / sketch diary
follower milestones
social media post tracker
household duties/chores tracker
grades tracker
year in pixels
TIL (today I learned)
appointments: dentist, optometrist, doctor, therapist, etc.
bills: car / internet / rent etc
tax: income statements and work expenses receipts
membership/licence renewals
weight tracker
resting heart rate tracker (gives general idea of cardio fitness)
water intake tracker sleep log / time to bed / time awake / total hours slept
exercise log: number of reps / steps / minutes
mood trackers
period tracker
Various Creative Spread Ideas
day-to-day / life planning spreads
skincare routines
perfect/ideal morning routine 
self-care reminders
exercise routines
bucket list
firsts: kiss, date, house, vacation, car, concert, etc.
DIYs to attempt
savings jar (doodle it!)
yearly / monthly recurring tasks
usernames/passwords (hints only for security!) 
5 or 10 year plans
dream job
dream house
planning for moving houses
dream wedding / planning
date ideas
make a worse case scenarios primer
summary tutorials for your reference e.g. step-by-step tax returns
studyblr ideas
topics I need to revise
finals study timetable/plan
aspirations: what you want to be and why / how to get there
class timetable
assignment ideas
project schedules / team meeting dates
professors’ emails/office hours
assessment results
anti-procrastination page
motivations to study
skills you want to learn or are useful e.g. coding
formulas page
courses you want to take and their pre-reqs
college comparisons
back to school shopping list
textbook list with prices
language learning
vocabulary lists
grammar structures
media (books/tv shows/movies) to consume in that language
self-reflection / personality traits
best and worst characteristics
what to be mindful of / what you need to work on
mbti types you’re most compatible with 
fears and how you want to overcome them
letters to your future self (include hopes and dreams)
letters to your past self (include achievements and things to be proud of!)
inspirational people
stress management tips
charities to donate to and why you support them
volunteering activities
fun, cute, and aesthetic spread ideas
things worth staying alive for / getting out of bed for
a spread with all the things you were worried about which turned out fine
message page from your friends to you
“i can’t live without ______”
creative crafts spread: tips / equipment / tutorials
aesthetic colour moodboards
happy / comforting / relaxing / funny things spread 
seasons (summer/autumn/winter/spring) spread
rainy day spread
holidays spreads: christmas / easter / halloween / thanksgiving
idioms and proverbs from all different cultures
flowers spread: fav flowers, meanings, bouquet/arrangements, press ‘em!
crystals spread: fav gemstones (doodle ‘em), meanings
succulents spread: fav succulents, terrarium layout ideas
coffee/tea spread: paint with coffee / fav blends / best cafes
what’s in my bag (doodle it!)
outfit ideas / polyvore style collections
magazine clippings
shower thoughts / hypothetical ideas spread
draw my life spread / personal timeline
favourite characters e.g. gudetama, kumamon, etc. (doodle ‘em!)
interesting words list (ephemeral, mellifluous, serendipity, scintillating etc)
ideal date ideas
wedding anniversary ideas (like 1st is paper, 25th silver, 30th pearl, 40th ruby, 50th gold, 60th diamond)
baby animals spread (duckies, puppies, bunnies!!)
#just bullet journal things
bujo spread layouts and devices to try out (e.g. chronodex, parallel time ladder) 
key/legend (keep it simple!)
colour palettes/swatches
washi tape / pens / markers swatches
banners / fonts
ticket stubs / receipts
stickers / stamps
cutouts of info brochures
pressed flowers
calligraphy / brush lettering / handwriting practice
favourite stationery
_______ that you want to do* / have done* (kind of bucket list) *watch, read, listen to, try, taste, cook, play etc. 
tv shows
arts/crafts e.g. paper quilling
sports e.g. archery
how to play / equipment / etc.
video games
board games
books / movies / tv shows
summary / review
favourite characters
meaningful moments / moments that made you laugh / cry
(for the media critic) artful moments:
best descriptive passages
best cinematography
best action scenes
best use of soundtracks
(basically moments that make it deserving of awards)
album reviews
favourite songs
playlists for every mood and all seasons
meaningful lyrics
songs you shazamed
favourite genres and exemplar songs
reasons why i love my bias / bias wrecker / group
letter to your bias
comeback concepts / favourite outfits
visual/picture tutorials for makeup styles
calendar of your favs’ schedules during comeback season
awards / achievements / records broken / milestones
translated lyrics
kpop songs vocab lists
upcoming releases
on this day
pics of your favourite artworks/artists + write about it
art styles you want to emulate
explain techniques for different media e.g. watercolour wet-on-wet
doodle ideas
natal chart readings/aspects/placements
solar return reading for the incoming year / transits
synastry / compatibility chart readings
constellation/star charts
symbol reference page for planets, zodiac signs, aspects
meal plans
shopping lists
interesting foods: (doodle ‘em!) taste / texture / smell (e.g. truffles, caviar)
cafes/restaurants you want to go to + their specialty dish (photo)
cocktails you want to mix/taste (doodle ‘em!)
interesting articles + moral/ethical issues it prompted you to think about
controversial topics on the news and for/against arguments/your thoughts
on this day in history
fav websites / blogs
jokes / puns / pickup lines
favourite poems / quotes / short stories
burn book - write things that make you angry/sad and rip the page out
wreck it journal - e.g. colour, scribble, stickers all over this page
places to visit
travel itinerary
cultural parables
useful phrases in the language and their meaning
travel memories spread: things you did / places you went / selfies
postcard collection
packing list
friendly and not-so-friendly people that you met in foreign lands
short story ideas
plot brainstorming spreads
journal prompts
character designs
foreign words which can’t be directly translated into english
Follow optomstudies for daily original posts and study masterposts!  Links: all originals + langblr posts + 15-part college 101 series + web directory!
29K notes · View notes
rolostudies · 6 years
15 Things I Learned My First Semester of College
As some of you might know, I started my first semester of college at Cornell University last fall. Here are some of the things I learned during the five months I was there. Perhaps not all of these things are accurate - I am still a freshman, after all - but these are what I’ve observed. Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong, or share your experience if it isn’t the same as mine :)
Talk to your professors
Professors are usually very approachable, and as long as you show that you’re eager to learn, they’ll talk to you. Like you know how in high school (or at least my high school) you could ask a question and your teacher might shut you down and tell you it’s not in the syllabus, or kind of imply that it’s a ridiculous question… yeah that hasn’t happened in college so far.
Time management is crucial
Like you don’t even have to do assignments as soon as you get them, but just make sure you plan things out so that you’ll have time to do them.
Spacing out your tasks is optimal
Don’t try to rush assignments or cram tons of tasks into a single day, i.e. planning to do a 10-hour assignment 2 days before it’s due is certainly possible, but trust me, it’ll stress you out.
Revise or prepare for class
People tell you to study/revise every day after class. Personally, I’ve found it more helpful to study before the lecture and then use the lecture as a revision session and to fill in any gaps in my understanding. After class, you’ll also get to ask your professors any questions you had while you were studying before class.
Ask questions
In high school, I could always figure things out on my own, or reverse engineer things, but in college, I’ve found that having a person explain something to you can be a lot easier and save a lot of time.
No one’s going to regularly check your understanding of a certain subject, so it’s your responsibility to do so. You should know if you need help and seek it when you think you do. Ask questions after class or during sections (small group discussions within a certain course, taught by a teaching assistant).
Attending discussions/sections is very useful
A lot of people like to skip sections because they think the lecture’s enough and the section’s useless. However, I personally prefer sections to lectures. Lectures just give you information, but sections allow you to have more in-depth discussions, which allows you to refine your understanding.
Befriend someone from a higher semester
They’ve definitely been where you are now and can give you awesome advice. It’s even better if they’re pursuing the same major/career as you are.
The attitudes of the people around you really matter
Hang out with people who are equally positive as you are. I’m very much affected by my environment, so if all I hear throughout the day is ‘I despise this class’ or ‘I wish I could just sleep right now’ or whatever, I’ll only end up feeling really drained. I know it can be relieving to agree on negative things, like ‘I really wanna go home’ ‘omg same’, but it’s really distracting when you’re trying to not want to go home.
Make friends
It sounds so obvious, but when you’re like me and you’re used to doing things independently, sometimes it just doesn’t cross your mind. It would suck not to have any friends in college.
Friendships in high school and college are different
The structure of my social life (I guess) changed in college. In high school, I had a solid group of friends who I hung out with whenever I could. In college, though, I have more casual friends and hang out with a bunch of different people.
I’ve also found that keeping friends in college takes more effort, especially since you and your friends may have such vastly different schedules. In high school, you and your friends stay in the same building and have a lot of common classes. You definitely gotta be more proactive in sustaining friendships because there’s no guarantee that you’ll see each other often.
Respect differences
You’re going to have friends who come from a wide variety of backgrounds. Sometimes they’re gonna say things you don’t agree with or have never heard before. Respect them, learn from them, and don’t judge their opinions until you learn where they’re coming from.
Health & Wellbeing
Having a hobby keeps you sane
Especially if it’s a hands-on one like music or art. Sometimes you just need a break from all that studying. Sometimes you need a break from socializing, too. Also screens. Maybe try listening to podcasts.
Eat well and move
Whether or not you gain the freshman fifteen is up to you. Don’t eat like it’s Thanksgiving or Chinese New Year every day. And at least stretch and take a walk every now and then.
Start the day right
Having a solid morning routine definitely helps me stay calm throughout the day. I like to meditate, stretch, and journal in the morning. Get some more inspiration from this post.
Don’t study/work all the time
Schedule in breaks/leisure time and meals. It’s very easy to get caught up in all the tasks and assignments that you’ll forget to let yourself rest or you’ll find yourself forgetting to eat. I like to walk around the art museum sometimes (it’s free!)
1K notes · View notes
rolostudies · 6 years
in 2019 i want to fall in love
but mainly with myself
8K notes · View notes
rolostudies · 6 years
make no mistake i love the ocean with my whole heart but deep water terrifies me so much.. what’s goin on down there? nothing i want to be a part of
281K notes · View notes
rolostudies · 6 years
30 day back to school challenge
hey folks! as september rolls around and everyone gets back to school, the studyblr community is getting a bit more crowded! I thought to help everyone (myself included) get back into the swing of school (and therefore having things to post!) I’d create a little challenge. Each day, post a picture (or text post) following that day’s prompt, and be sure to tag them #universi-tea challenge so I can see!
Goals for the semester
What are you excited about?
What’s in your bag?
Study essentials
Favorite study snack
Your handwriting
Daily routine
Good morning!
Good night!
Favorite subject
Least favorite subject
Something you’re proud of
How you study best
Supplies + reviews
Shelfie/pic of your books
Your favorite part of your school
What’s in your pencil case?
Show off your favorite back to school outfit!
Coffee or tea?
Your study style
Favorite way to take a study break
Study playlist
What motivates you?
Favorite quote?
Favorite study spot
Your to do list
The best thing about school
Your top 3 tips for school
I can’t wait to see what you guys come up with! Don’t forget to reblog and tag #universi-tea challenge!
6K notes · View notes
rolostudies · 6 years
Oprah Winfrey
6K notes · View notes
rolostudies · 6 years
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Hey guys, so I’m nearing the end of my senior year, and it’s been great so far! I accomplished my academic tasks efficiently and didn’t burn myself out, and I think the main contributor to my success as a student is my organization system. This system has been refined throughout my high school years, but I think now I’ve finally found the most effective methods.
Please remember that this isn’t the only organization system you can adopt; this is just the one that works the best for me, and I hope that by sharing it with you, you’ll gain a new perspective on how to stay organized as a high school student.
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The first thing I wanna talk about is my notebook system, which I briefly mentioned in my Guide to Note-Taking.
My notebook system comprises three types of notebooks: the Everything Notebook, the subject notebook, and the revision notebook.
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The Everything Notebook
The first stage is in-class notes. I only bring one notebook to school every day. I call it my Everything Notebook, and this is where I write down all of the notes I take in class. This way, I don’t have to lug around six notebooks where I’m only going to use a few pages in each of them that day.
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Subject Notebooks
At the end of the day, I would revise my notes and compare them to the syllabus so I know where we are in the learning process. I would then transfer my class notes from my Everything Notebook to my different subject notebooks. This is stage two. I also start to jazz up my notes because I use the notes in my subject notebooks to study for tests.
In addition to my class notes, I include material from my teachers’ notes that they might not have elaborated on, as well as points in the syllabus (I’m currently taking A2) that were only glazed over briefly, or not at all, in some cases. (Note: this does not mean they completely skip a chapter or topic; it’s more like they missed a few bullet points that should be in my notes but aren’t. An example would be if we’re learning about phenol reactions and the teacher forgot to mention the use of FeCl3 as a test for phenol.)
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Revision Notebooks
Stage three comes a little later, when exam week is just around the corner. Essentially, I rewrite and improve my notes from my five different subject notebooks into a single revision notebook or binder. (Recently, I’ve opted for a revision notebook because they’re lighter and easier to carry around.)
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Because my teachers don’t always teach in the order of the syllabus, the first thing I do is organize my notes according to the syllabus. I would then fill in any other missing gaps in the material that hadn’t been filled in stage two.
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When compiling material for my revision notebook, I use as many sources as possible: my own notes, my teachers’ notes, youtube videos, online sites, and my favorite, the mark scheme! I add in some answers from past papers (explanations only, so no calculations) mainly to secure marks. It’s safer to memorize definitions straight from the mark scheme than from the textbook or from handouts. I also do this to ease my memorization, especially for topics that require lengthy explanations. It’s a lot easier to remember the 6 points I need to explain the principles of NMRI than to remember everything in the four-page handout my teacher gave me.
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Folders and binders are essential to organizing your papers. Some people keep a single accordion folder for all their papers, but for me it’s just too heavy to carry around all the time. The same goes for subject folders that are brought to school every day.
Instead, my binder/folder system comprises my Everything Folder and my subject binders.
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The Everything Folder
The folder I carry with me to school every day is this A4 folder I got from Tokyu Hands. It has 5 pockets, one for each day of the week, so all the papers I receive on Monday will go behind the first divider, and so on.
Some people also keep blank papers in their folders; I don’t because my school has its own lined paper and graphing pads that I keep under my desk that I use if a teacher asks us to do an assignment on those papers. If I do work at home, I prefer to just use a plain A4 paper or a legal pad.
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Subject Binders
At the end of the week, I’ll sort my papers into my subject binders. Sometimes I’ll keep some papers in the folder if I think I’ll be needing it the next week. This usually only applies to worksheets because all my teachers’ notes are available on Google Classroom, so I can access them even if I don’t physically have them.
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Each of these binders have sections inside them:
Physics: 1 for handouts, notes, and tests, 1 for Paper 4 (Theory), 1 for Paper 5 (Practical Planning). I included extra tabs to mark the different topics in the handouts section.
Chemistry: same as Physics.
Economics: 1 for Paper 3 (MCQ), 1 for Paper 4 (Case Study and Essay). A lot of my Economics material is online, though.
English: 1 for Paper 3 (Text and Discourse analysis), and 2 for Paper 4 (Language Topics, which includes 1 for Child Language Acquisition, 1 for World Englishes). Past papers, handouts, and notes all go under their respective topics.
Mathematics: I just keep everything together because I never revise math and just constantly do past papers.
This makes it easier for me to revise each subject because I can just take one binder with me instead of a messy folder with everything just shoved in there.
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I keep a magazine file for each of my A-Level subjects (English and Mathematics are combined). All my textbooks, revision guides, and subject notebooks are kept here, so if I need to revise one subject, that’s the magazine file I’ll take out.
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These magazine files prevent any small things (like my book of flashcards) from being shoved to the back of my bookshelf, or materials from different subjects from getting mixed up.
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In my senior year, I mostly plan using this app called Edo Agenda. It syncs across all my devices for free and has all the features I need: a to do list to organize tasks, monthly and weekly calendars to organize events, a journal to organize notes and memos.
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I used to bullet journal regularly, but it takes too much time during weekdays, so now I just bullet journal for the therapeutic effects it gives me, and I use an app for organizing tasks and events. Sometimes at the end of each week, I’ll transfer my tasks to my bullet journal and then decorate the page, but again, this is just for its therapy.
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Organizing your school supplies is just as important as organizing your papers and notes. With a more organized backpack and pencil case, you won’t waste time looking for your things at the bottom of an abyss.
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Pencil Case
I don’t find it necessary to bring so much stationery to school unless I plan on making notes at school (usually during revision week).
Because we’re already in the revision term, I don’t really carry a lot of things in my everyday backpack, just the following:
Pencil case
Everything Notebook
Everything Folder
Revision notebook
Drinking bottle
A pouch with things like a hairbrush, pads, and lip balm
And that’s all for now! I hope this post will help you organize your school life (if you haven’t already) or at least provide some useful insights on some ways to stay organized as a high school student.
45K notes · View notes
rolostudies · 7 years
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part one here
Wow, I really didn’t think you’d like the first part as much as you did - Over 9K notes! I’m stunned! Well, here is part 2 - chrome extensions 😊 I’ll try to update it once I work more with my laptop and as always, recommendations are appreciated!
bolded = favourite, cursive = apps I use every day
Forest well, everyone knows forest right? It’s great for concentrating and motivating each other. How about joining our forest group on discord?
Studyblue Create, study and share your own digital flashcards for free
StayFocusd restricts the amount of time you can spend on time-wasting websites. Highly configurable which is great!
max words learn about Latin and Greek roots with nice graphics
Flashtabs FlashTabs is a tool that enables you to set a deck of flashcards and process them at every new tab screen.
myHomework Student Planner planner for students. tracks classes, homework, etc. available offline and mobile
Focus A bit like Forest. A timer & distracting websites on your list will be blocked during that time.
Noisli Blocks out annoying noises - timer and study sound, very good for concentrating. Also available for iOS
Note taking and co
Evernote On my phone/computer for over 4 years now. The group feature is so great for projects. A bit like OneNote
wunderlist for lists and to-dos. you can share them too. available offline and mobile
lucidpress you can create newsletters, brochures, etc. using templates or making your own.
OneNote online gathers web pages, notes, pictures, bujos, documents all in one notebook. includes collaboration.
Canva Easily designs beautiful, professional graphics.
Mainichi Learn Japanese each time you open a new tab.
Grammarly checks your grammar while you write. Really helpful, especially for non-native speakers.
Rememberry Translate words and phrases while browsing the web and learn them through flashcards
Tab Extensions
Momentum A Tab extension that has established itself well between studyblrs. It’s simple and elegant with a to-do list feature and a focus
Tabby Cat I Such a cute extension! Every time you open a new tab there is a new calming lil’ cat waiting for you. It even purrs! Very nice an simple design.
Color tab shows a new stunning colour palette with every new tab
Infinity highly configurable tab extension Weather Tips, To-dos, History Management, Notepad Apps like Evernote, HD wallpapers and Google Search
ColorZilla allows you to pick up a colour from any site 
Inspiration & Motivation
Drink! Reminds you to drink in between your study sessions
Planetarium An interactive sky map for exploring the stars and planets.
PostureMinder Pops up every once in a while to tell you not to slouch. Didn’t think it would help but I’ve actually noticed some progress.
Spotify My main source for music. You can find my study playlist here
8tracks another great site for study playlists but not free
Animal crossing music Play Animal Crossing’s smooth background music in real-time throughout your day
Aerys Open too many tabs in your browser? Don’t worry, let Aerys II Targaryen, also known as the Mad King, help you burn them all!
Save to pocket save articles and websites to pocket to read later and offline
Adguard blocks pop-ups and banners and lets your battery last longer
5K notes · View notes
rolostudies · 7 years
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13.1.2018 | [7/100 days of productivity]
I had a wonderful week! 😊 ( click on the pictures for hq )
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rolostudies · 7 years
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A little while ago, I posted up a study & chill playlist and received such positive feedback, I’ve decided to make a new one!
PLUVIO (taken from ‘pluviophile’) is a compilation of slower, calmer songs I listen to on moody study cafe days (⺣◡⺣)♡*
Want it to sound even better?  Open a tab and play this as background noise to mimic the rain! + it actually blocks out the noisiness when working in loud environments too (*ꈍ꒳ꈍ*)
It’s going to be constantly updated with every good song-find so please do give it a follow if you like it ~~! ♡
click here to see more of my other playlists 
415 notes · View notes
rolostudies · 7 years
You know what’s awesome?  Research.  You know what’s not awesome?  Not being able to get access to research because it’s stuck behind a paywall and you don’t belong to an institution/your institution doesn’t subscribe to that particular journal.
Here is a list of free, open access materials on a variety of subjects.  Feel free to add if you like!
Directory of Open Access Journals- A compendium of over 9000 journals from 133 countries, multilingual and multidisciplinary.
Directory of Open Access Books- Like the above, but for ebooks.  Also multidisciplinary.
Ubiquity Press- Journals covering archaeology, comics scholarship, museum studies, psychology, history, international development, and more.  Also publishes open access ebooks on a wide variety of subjects.
Europeana-  Digital library about the history and culture of Europe.
Digital Public Library of America- American history, culture, economics, SO MUCH AMERICA.
Internet Archive- In addition to books, they have music and videos, too.  Free!  And legal!  They also have the Wayback Machine, which lets you see webpages as they looked at a particular time.
College and Research Libraries- Library science and information studies.  Because that’s what I do.
Library of Congress Digital Collections- American history and culture, historic newspapers, sound recordings, photographs, and a ton of other neat stuff.
LSE Digital Library- London history, women’s history.
Wiley Open Access- Science things!  Neurology, medicine, chemistry, ecology, engineering, food science, biology, psychology, veterinary medicine.
SpringerOpen-  Mainly STEM journals, looooong list.
Elsevier Open Access-  Elsevier’s kind of the devil but you might as well take advantage of this.  Mainly STEM, also a linguistics journal and a medical journal in Spanish.
113K notes · View notes
rolostudies · 7 years
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hello everyone!! as a high school junior taking 4 aps, 3 other classes, preparing for the act, trying to do college research, stage managing a musical, and trying not to lose my mind, here are some fun n handy tips for not Dying when ur schedule is hell!  
if you found this post helpful maybe give it a like/reblog and check out my other posts here!
Keep reading
505 notes · View notes
rolostudies · 7 years
me to myself: get it together sis. 
40K notes · View notes
rolostudies · 7 years
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13-17/💯 days of productivity 
Just random pictures of my study sessions during finals.. I’m so sorry I didn’t post for so long, I had exams ofc and on top of that I fell 😷😐 just hope i get better before my other two exams though 🙏🏼
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rolostudies · 7 years
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2017, be good to me.
37K notes · View notes
rolostudies · 7 years
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Morning clutter.
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