romanomancini · 10 years
The dark corner was quiet and secluded, removed from the rest of the world. A million scenarios ran through his head as he waited… he ignored every one of them before they drove him mad. Thing was, he’d done way too much thinking over the last year. This was not the time for thinking anymore; it was the time for changing the thoughts into action. It was time to move towards the extreme and take what he can get. She could deny him once, she could deny him twice but if he kept his persistence he knew he could break that barrier. The fact that Noah had finally started giving her the benefit of doubt was also something he’d taken into account. He was slowly letting his shadow fade and now Romano would make sure he stole it without his knowing.
Her voice shook him off his thoughts and he couldn’t help the surge of excitement that raced through him. Her frame was shadowed by the moonlight and she appeared ethereal to him. Allie always had been beautiful and now seeing her in the darkness, all by herself, after so long… Romano forgot where they stood with each other and went forward to gather her in his arms. After so long, he finally found the life inside him. This was what he always wanted, his woman with him. Nothing mattered more than she did and when he finally found her responding, that was all he needed. He bent her back cupping her face and kissed her with complete abandon. This was nothing like their previous kisses, it wasn’t tender or sweet. It was all tongues and teeth, grinding with each other. He was a downing man and she was his ocean, it never mattered to him how deep he went as long as he was inside her.
The sharp bite of her teeth made him loose his grip and he felt her shoving at him. Setting her free from his embrace but keeping her at arm length to make sure she didn’t disappear, Romano looked at her fired eyes. The look on his face made a small cry of laughter escape from him. He was unable to control it, the face she made was borderline adorable. It reminded him of a mad child, not that he had ever thought of kids before. But Allie always wanted kids and her dreams had always been his… keeping his straying thoughts away he focused at the woman infront of him, “I see you still have the edge about you and thank you for such a warm welcome” He winked at her and then took a you turn hiding everything deep inside. If this was to work then he needed to keep himself in check. He was not supposed to get soft but god dammit.. he never was soft. It was only Allie who could do this to him, make him conflicted and doubtful.
Pushing himself out of the car, he opened the door to her and waited for her to get in. He could see her mind working if she should get in or not and before Romano lost his cool, he picked her by her arm and left her on the seat, “Keep your sharp mouth shut or else we might get caught again and I if we get caught here I’m not sure your Labrador will ever let you get out of the jail.” He licked his lips as a wicked thought crossed his mind, “Imagine the horror of the guard who’d catch us in action. The position we could be in.” He scanned her face before continuing casually as he got in his seat, “I can think of a lot of scenarios we could work on… I insist we must work on them soon.” Giving her a smirk he only reserved for her, Romano started the car and drove off.
inizio di una fine |Romano & Allie|
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romanomancini · 11 years
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romanomancini · 11 years
Stop blaming me, fratello. If your life isn't the way you want it to be then that's your own fucking mistake, not mine. Open your eyes, the world doesn't think I'm the good one among the two of us and we both know the world is right. Now lets just leave it at that.
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I know what the hell went down, everyone else who sailed along with you. You fucking ruined my friend’s life, I will point my fingers at you. Oh please, don’t try to be a saint. We hardly ever got along and suddenly you want us to sit together and what braid each other’s hair. Face it Mano, you’re the one insecure here trying to prove the world how good you are. Truth is, you’re worse than any of us.
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romanomancini · 11 years
inizio di una fine |Romano & Allie|
It appeared as if he'd spent thousand years at this place, a thousand year waiting for the girl who once used to be his. Life seemed to always play games with him; when he thought he was close to his destiny, everything came falling apart. Now was the same old scene repeating once again. She was there, he was here but even when all they needed to do was take a few steps to reach each other, the whole world seemed to form a barrier between them. He could cry out to her, grab her and take her away but will she ever forgive him after that? It was something Romano never wanted to try. He could see the loathe for him in anyone's eye but not his Allie, definitely not her. She was life for him, without her presence Romano wouldn't even exist.
Green eyes focused right at the corner where another set of brown eyes tried to avoid it but failed every time. Romano had always known what affect he had on her. Their hearts were connected in such a way that they could know about the others presence from a distance. It was hard to avoid that big a presence and by the way her heart rate increased and face became pink, it was obvious she could never not notice him.
Romano watched as the waiter went towards her with the note on the service tray. He waited for her to notice the piece of paper. Big brown eyes met with him and he just gave a nod before getting up from his seat. It was time for her to make her move now and till now Romano had played all his cards well to strike her where it mattered the most. Like every other day he wasn't going empty handed this time.
Taking a long drag of smoke he waited outside in the cold Chicago air, his body frame being supported by the black car. He'd dismissed his driver today not wanting any eye witness for what was about to happen there. He wasn't going to repeat the same mistake again. This time he'd act according to the plan and not listen to his beating heart.
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romanomancini · 11 years
Don't put that blame on me, fratello. You know it well what went down so don't you dare try pointing fingers at me about my own relationship. You don't think I try? Who's been trying to get into your fucking head while handling your crazy ass for months now, huh? You're just an insecure jerk who can't see his own brother happy.
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She came into all of this when you fucking decided it was time to ruin her life. I warned padre it wasn’t going to end well and look where it all is now, down the drain. Oh don’t talk shit with me, they love me because I care while you don’t even try and get everything. That’s not fucking what I like.
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romanomancini · 11 years
Wait a second, what were you saying again cause all I heard from that sentence of yours is the word Allie. How did she get into all of this? care to elaborate, mio fratello. As to both Sofie and Rena, they'll blindly take your side any time of the day that's how they are when it comes to you. Rena hates me and Sofie still walks carefully in my presence. So, there's your reply. You're the most loved one fratello, be happy now.
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Madre, padre, Sofie… Allie. Hell, even Rena thinks that you’re better than me which you certainly are not so go on and get rid of that act for fucks sake.
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romanomancini · 11 years
Uh.huh and pray tell me who exactly this they is?
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Stop with the fucking act, Mano. You’re not as good as they think you are.
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romanomancini · 11 years
You're making it quite clear out here who the crazy shit is.
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Don’t try to act smart with me, Mano. You’re so not the man you show to the world you are, you’re a fucking crazy shit.
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romanomancini · 11 years
Wow, another of the famous Ric Mancini drunken rant. Go ahead, speak up. I'm all ears now.
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No no, but you must hear this out. Will make it a lot clear on how absolutely frustrating and fucked up you are.
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romanomancini · 11 years
Looks that way. You don't have any target today?
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I'm having so much fun.
I’m bored out of my mind.
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romanomancini · 11 years
Do I even care?
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Right back ‘atcha, broda. I see you’re just wasting your shit on nothing. You know how that makes me feel?
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romanomancini · 11 years
Fuck you!
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Stop being a whiny baby and grow some balls, will you?
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romanomancini · 11 years
You appear to be having fun.
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I'm having so much fun.
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romanomancini · 11 years
I highly doubt that.
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I keep forgetting things lately.
No, not at all.
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romanomancini · 11 years
And aren't you proud of the fact?
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I keep forgetting things lately.
I already specified I was being forgetful.
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romanomancini · 11 years
Puts one of his hand at the small of her back while the other helps to wear the hat to avoid getting noticed. He brought her closer to him as they walked out into the chill evening sky, "Lets go somewhere new today."
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Time for another drink
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romanomancini · 11 years
Yet you're lazy enough to miss appointments, classic.
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I keep forgetting things lately.
That’s for people like you and not like us. We value time in our profession and don’t prefer it when we keep someone waiting.
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