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Jesus Christ that’s a pretty cake
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Example email to professors/teachers regarding your name/gender on the roster vs what it actually is
I’ve used same format on emailing professors about my name multiple times. It’s clear and succinct, which makes it like the best or something.
Mr/Ms/Mrs/Dr/Prof [Last name],
I am a student in your [Name of course] class next semester. The roster will list me as my legal name, [Birth name]; however, I prefer to be addressed as [Chosen name] and with [female/male] pronouns [he/she], [him/her], [his/hers]. Please also forward this to the appropriate T.A. or assistant or let me know who they are so that I may inform them of this preference as well.
Thank you very much.
[Chosen name]
Credit goes to some university (was it U of Colorado? I think it was)
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reblog if you think animation, photography, theatre, music, image editing, video editing, and creative writing are all forms of art
the amount of people that think these aren’t art forms angers me
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Who will win?
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Here’s a question that no one ever has a good answer for: why are cashiers forced to stand? Who decided people need to stand for 4 hours straight between breaks when they don’t MOVE?
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birds: what a beautiful morning
birds: but you know what this needs
birds: yelling
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Hey! So, Coming Out Day is coming up soon (Oct. 11) and I just want to post a very stern reminder to NOT out anyone without their explicit permission.
Do NOT out anyone.
Got it?
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How awesome does this sound though. You get infinite money and once a week you get to take a child to a candy store or toys or us or somewhere they love and buy them as much they want this would be fun given the kid wasn’t a brat.
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you know what’s always bugged me? when a character is faced with some magical two headed being or some shit and one always lies while the other tells the truth and to figure out which is which the character’s like “which one of you is the liar” or something like bruh literally all you gotta do is be like “what’s two plus two” one of them’s gonna say four and the other one is gonna say 83 or some shit. there you go. answered. go on with your magical quest to defeat david bowie. 
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Please fire me. I work at McDonald’s and last week I spent 15 minutes trying to explain to an old man they we do not sell hot dogs (McDogs as he claimed it) then he threatened to report me for “withholding products from him”!
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So my mom told me a story...
Growing up, my mom and her siblings would make banana bread every week.
Literally every week since the first one of them learned how to make it, they started making banana bread- lo and behold though, they liked it with walnuts and they all knew their dad hated walnuts.
So they made a special loaf of banana bread just for him every week, just for him to eat. Nobody else was allowed to eat it because that was his banana bread, baked especially for him.
So anyways, they did this once a week from middle school up until every last one of them moved out of the house (and considering there was at least 10 years difference from the oldest to the youngest, this was quite some time). So that’s like… 16 years of weekly banana bread. And he always finished it. He, without fail, ate the whole loaf of bread by himself.
That’s approximately 835 loaves of banana bread.
Skip ahead a few years…
and they’re all visiting and baking banana bread and they start making a dad’s bread and their mom comes in, “I don’t think he can handle eating one more slice of banana bread!”
“What are you talking about? He loves banana bread! He had it all the time!”
This is when my grandma, their mom, broke the news that my grandfather loathed banana bread with every fiber of his being. He just adored that his kids loved him enough to make him a special loaf of banana bread every week (and he didn’t have the heart to tell them that he couldn’t stand banana bread) and he was incredibly, utterly upset that my grandma told the kids his big secret.
My grandfather was a loving, patient, gentle man who absolutely hated banana bread but loved his kids so much more and I just wanted to share that with you guys. I think this story is just about the perfect example of the kind of person he was.
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