romeo-kid · 4 months
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114 notes · View notes
romeo-kid · 4 months
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romeo-kid · 4 months
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608 notes · View notes
romeo-kid · 4 months
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romeo-kid · 4 months
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wyd after smoking this
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romeo-kid · 4 months
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romeo-kid · 4 months
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visual by zayn alarbi, words by ibrahim nasrallah
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romeo-kid · 4 months
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romeo-kid · 4 months
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romeo-kid · 4 months
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romeo-kid · 5 months
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Killing Joke - Love Like Blood
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romeo-kid · 7 months
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romeo-kid · 10 months
The Palestine Reader
The following is a collection of articles, essays, and books on Palestine. These are not introduction texts to the question of Palestine or the Palestinain-Israeli “conflict”. If you need one read The Palestine-Israel Conflict by Gregory Harms and Todd Fery. Further, this is not an “unbiased” or “neutral” readng list. Everything listed below is counter-hegemonic. I feel absolutely no need to provide anything from the Zionist or Israeli point-of-view when that is the dominant narrative. With that said, I believe this provides a diverse, but in no means comprehensive, overview of the discourse on Palestine. A continuously updated page of this list can be found here.
On Theory
Orientalism by Edward Said
Orientalism Reconsidered by Edward Said
The Question of Palestine by Edward Said
Reading Said in Hebrew by Ella Shohat
Notes on the “Post-Colonial” by Ella Shohat
On History
History of Palestine by Dr. Mohsen Mohammed Saleh
Sabra and Shatila: September 1982 by Bayan Nuwayhed al-Hout
Peace and its Discontents by Edward Said
On Being Palestinian
What It Means to be Palestinian by Dina Matar
A Narrative of Palestinian Dispossession by Samia Costandi
The Palestinian Exile as Writer by Jabra I. Jabra
My People Shall Live by Leila Khaled
Memoirs, 1948 Part I by Fauzi Al-Qawuqji
Memoirs, 1948 Part II
Palestinian Identity and the Performance of Catastrophe by Ihab Saloul
On Zionism
Zionism from the Standpoint of its Victims by Edward Said
Zionism from the Standpoint of its Jewish Victims by Ella Shohat
Jewishness and the Critique of Zionism by Judith Butler
The Invention of the Mizrahim by Ella Shohat
Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel by Israel Shahak and Norton Mezvinsky
Jewish History, Jewish Religion by Israel Shahak
The Ends of Zionism by Joseph Massad
The Persistence of the Palestinian Question by Joseph Massad
On Imperialism and Settler Colonialism in West Asia by Jamil Hilal
The Hidden History of Zionism by Ralph Schoenman
How the Zionists Took Over Palestine by Adel Safty
Imperial Israel and the Palestinians by Nur Masalha
After Zionism by Antony Loewenstein and Ahmed Moor
On the Holocaust
Respecting the Holocaust by Howard Zinn
The Holocaust: Learning the Wrong Lessons by Boaz Evron
The Victimhood of the Powerful by Jennifer Peto
On Media
Propaganda, Perception, and Reality by William A. Cook
Israeli Cinema an interview with Ella Shohat
Israeli Cinema by Ella Shohat
Palestinian Cinema by Nurith Gertz and George Khleifi
On Al Nakba
The 1948 Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine by Ilan Pappe
The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine by Ilan Pappe
The Saga of Deir Yassin
The Fall of Lydda by Spiro Munayyer
Returning to Kafr Bir'im
How Palestine became Israel by Stephen Hallbrook
The Palestinian Exodus of 1948 by Simha Flapan
Why Did the Palestinians Leave by Walid Khalidi
Selected Documents on 1948
The Limits of the New Israeli History by Joel Beinin
On Genocide
Genocide or Erasure of Palestinians by Kathleen and Bill Christison
Israel’s Slow-Motion Genocide in Occupied Palestine by Steve Lendman
Ongoing Palestinian Genocide by Gideon Polya
The Lessons of Violence by Chris Hedges
The Brutal Siege of Gaza Can Only Breed Violence by Karen Koning AbuZayd
The Olive Trees of Palestine Weep by Sonja Karkar
Slouching toward a Palestinian Holocaust by Richard Falk
Gaza is Dying by Patrick Cockburn
Israeli Immunity for Genocide by Andrea Howard
Palestinian Misery in Perspective by Paul De Rooij
A Slow, Steady Genocide an interview with Tanya Reinhart
Gaza’s Holocaust by Dr. Elias Akleh
Genocide Hides Behind Expulsion by Adi Ophir
The British in Palestine, A Conveniently Forgotten Holocaust by Robert Fisk
European Collusion in Israel’s Slow Genocide by Omar Barghouti
Genocide in Gaza by Ilan Pappe
Genocide Among Us by Curtis F. J. Doebbler
Bleaching the Attrocities of Genocide by Kim Petersen
The Rape of Palestine by William A. Cook
Israel Plots Another Palestinian Exodus by Jonathan Cook
Slow Motion Ethnic Cleansing by Uri Avnery
Disappearing Palestine by Jonathan Cook
The Problem With Israel by Jeff Halper
Gaza in Crisis by Noam Chomsky and Ilan Pappe
Drying Out the Palestinians
Israel’s Latest Assault on Gaza by Norman Finkelstein
To Gaza I Did Not Go by Gideon Levy
Gaza, the World’s Largest Open-Air Prison by Noam Chomsky
The Most Humane Little Checkpoint by Amira Hass
BDS: Winning Justice for the Palestinian People
Why Boycott Israeli Universities?
The Necessity of Cultural Boycott by Ilan Pappe
Companies Supporting Israeli Occupation
On Solutions
Two-State Illusion by Ian S. Lustick
Relative Humanity: The Essential Obstacle to a One-State Solution by Omar Barghouti
Where Now For Palestine? by Jamil Hilal
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romeo-kid · 10 months
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Günther Domenig: Zentralsparkasse Bank (1979) Located: Vienna, Austria
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romeo-kid · 10 months
who are you when you are not watching tv or movies? when you aren't playing video games or reading a book or fanfiction or listening to music or whatever other kind of media that you engage with? who are you when your mind isn't in another world or story, when you are forced to sit with yourself and the only experience you have is your own sensorial life? can you define yourself outside of what you consume? who is that person? do you like them? can you bear it? can you bear it?
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romeo-kid · 11 months
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romeo-kid · 1 year
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