romeoclarkk · 7 months
Romeo chuckled, raising his glass in return before pouring Sofia another drink. "Yeah, figured I couldn't let a little broken glass scare me away for too long," he replied with a grin, glancing at the now-fixed window. "And hey, no wind means we can actually enjoy the view without worrying about getting blown away, right?" he added with a light laugh, hoping to lighten the mood a bit. He appreciated Sofia's company and was glad to be back, even if the circumstances were a bit unconventional. @sofiaxcarmichael
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"You and me both." She commented to him and took a deep breath as she looked over at the now fixed window. "I'll cheers to that." She said and held up her glass to him before taking a drink and motioning for another. "Decided to still come back to the scene, huh? At least there's no wind this time." Sofia commented. @romeoclarkk
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romeoclarkk · 7 months
Romeo chuckled at Xia's comment, taking the bag of food from her. "Ah, so now you're just showing off, huh? The perfect granddaughter and cousin, bringing food and all," he teased, giving her a playful grin. "But seriously, thanks for stopping by. This injury has been the bane of my existance." He stepped aside to let her in, grateful for her visit and the thoughtful gesture of bringing food. @xiahuangclark
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Xia had, of course, heard about her cousin's injury and her grandparents got on her to go check up on him. It wasn't like she wasn't going to in the first place, she was just busy with work and Poppy's appointments. She finally was able to head over and she had picked up an already done meal for him to drop off while Poppy was in school. Knocking on the door, she smiled as she saw Romeo and nodded. "Well, I was planning to visit anyways, but our grandparents insisted now as a perfect time." She said and offered him the bag. "I brought food too. I'm just a proper founding family lady now." She teased. @romeoclarkk
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romeoclarkk · 7 months
Romeo chuckled, enjoying their banter as always. "Ah, so I'm just a captive audience for your culinary creations, huh? Well, I can't complain. Your food is top-notch, and the company's not bad either," he teased back, giving her a playful nudge. "Seriously though, I'm glad to be here. It's always a good time hanging out with you, whether I'm your taste tester or just keeping you company while you work your magic." He flashed her a genuine smile, grateful for their long-standing friendship. @reneexthompsxn
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"Those are two things you do very much have," she grinned back at him. "I do know," her smile softened with the sentiment. Besides Prue, Romeo and Javier were people she trusted with her life. Romeo had been in her life just as long as Prue had been as well. "That's right," she laughed, "I'd made nothing but the best for you," and all the other customers, "how else would I convince you to hang out with me while I work?" Renee teased him once more. @romeoclarkk
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romeoclarkk · 7 months
Romeo grinned, relieved to have a chance encounter with someone as charming as Rory. "Hey Rory, nice to meet you! I'm Romeo. Lucky for you, you've stumbled upon the right person. The Silver Moon Hotel? That's just a few blocks down this road. I was actually headed in that direction myself. How about I walk you there? " He offered his arm with a friendly gesture, eager to assist her and perhaps make a new friend in the process. @auroraxjackson
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Seeing someone who looked to be around her own age, turn to her to help, Rory felt a wave of relief. At least this town had some young people, some cute young people too, she thought. Of course moving across the country, wasn't ideal and though it was her choice, she still second guessed herself. But things seemed to be looking up, at least for now. Returning the other's smile, she responded, "oh thank goodness. I'm trying to find the Silver Moon Hotel? I think that's what it's called. And that would be amazing if you could. I'm Rory by the way." @romeoclarkk
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romeoclarkk · 8 months
Romeo, who happened to be browsing nearby, couldn't help but overhear Sonja's comment. With a playful grin, he approached, eyeing the vintage jacket and the old notebook in her hands. "Well, well, look who's got a keen eye for hidden treasures," he remarked, nodding toward her finds.
As for the creepy doll incident, he chuckled. "Ah, the haunted dolls of The Treasure Chest. Classic. I'd say you're probably safe from a Chucky scenario, but hey, you never know. Just in case, make sure to keep that vintage jacket on hand for a quick getaway, and maybe the notebook can be your ghost-busting manual." He winked, joining in on the humor.
"By the way, if that doll does decide to haunt you, I've got a secret weapon against creepy dolls – bad jokes. They can't resist rolling their eyes when you hit them with puns. Works every time," he added, sharing a friendly laugh with Sonja. @sonjacarswell
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location: the treasure chest status: open @easthavenstarters
This wasn't going to be permanent, that's what Sonja told herself over and over again. There truly wasn’t a plan for her stay in East Haven cause that would require her to know what the hell she was doing. But then days passed and suddenly the holidays passed too and she no longer lived out of her suitcase and the view from the cabin she rented at Moose Lodge started to feel comforting instead of strange. So when she browsed the shelves at The Treasure Chest, it became harder to continue saying ‘no’ and stick to her plan to keep all purchases limited so it would be easier when she inevitably had to leave again. Still, a vintage jacket couldn’t hurt, right? Or an old canvas-bound notebook for sketching. They did need a new home anyway. Sonja clutched her finds to her chest as she turned the corner and startled more than she’d care to admit when she accidentally kicked something propped up on the floor and discovered two porcelain eyes staring back at her. “Sorry,” she murmured as if the inanimate object would mind. Although, her victim, an old doll, was the stuff from nightmares. Picking it up, she put it back in place and noticed one of the customers glancing her way, surely attracted by the hollow sound of a kicked toy. “On a scale from 1 to Annabelle, how likely is it this thing will find me again tonight and get its revenge? And please don't say Chucky.”
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romeoclarkk · 8 months
Romeo chuckled, a warmth in his hazel eyes as he met Renee's gaze. "Well, it's not hard to be your favorite person when you've got the charm and charisma that I bring to the table," he teased, a playful glint in his eyes. "But seriously, you know you're my favorite person too, right? Who else would I trust to whip up the best cocktails and burgers in town?" @reneexthompsxn
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"Ah, I love that idea," she smiled pleasantly at the other. "I am always game with a laid-back day." For someone that worked as both a bartender and a cook at her mom's bar and grill, the evenings often came with a degree of chaos. "It's like you know how to be my favorite person in the world?" She grinned at him, though truly no one would ever be able to replace Prudence, Romeo came in as a close second for her. @romeoclarkk
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romeoclarkk · 8 months
Romeo, a member of one of the founding families in East Haven, turned to face Rory with a warm smile. His family had deep roots in the town, and he was well-acquainted with its winding streets and hidden gems. "Of course, I'd be happy to help! Where are you headed, and I'll do my best to guide you there?" @auroraxjackson
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Who: Open and Rory (3/8) @easthavenstarters Where: Founder's Square When: Sometime early 2024
Rory had only been in town for a few weeks, and she still couldn't figure out how to get around without getting lost. Back home she was a pro at getting around LA, practically able to travel the entire city with her eyes closed. But East Haven? Nope, she got lost going around the corner, trying to find her hotel from each store. It seemed as if the gps on her phone only helped a little. She tried not to rely on it, since she was planning on staying here for a long time and figured it'd be best to get to know her way around. "Damn, didn't I just pass this store?" She asked, probably louder than she anticipated. She was trying to get back to the Silver Moon Hotel, after doing some shopping at Book Haven for some books to read at night. "Excuse me, can you help me by any chance?" She asked to the person beside her.
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romeoclarkk · 8 months
where: his apartment who: @xiahuangclark
Romeo winced as he adjusted the sling supporting his broken arm, the discomfort evident on his face. The storm had left its mark not just on the city but on him as well. Despite the chaos outside, there was a knock on the door. He frowned, not expecting anyone, and cautiously made his way to answer it.
Opening the door, he was greeted by the sight of his cousin, Xia, standing there. A mixture of surprise and delight crossed his face. "Xia! Well, this is a pleasant surprise," he exclaimed, a genuine smile breaking through the fatigue on his features.
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romeoclarkk · 8 months
Romeo nodded in agreement with Jaslene's sentiments about the storm. "Absolutely, being alone in a situation like this can be tough. It's good that we found each other," he said, offering a comforting smile.
"I'm Romeo," he introduced himself with a friendly tone. "Hopefully, the storm will pass soon, and everyone can reconnect with their loved ones. In the meantime, we can stick together and weather it out." He appreciated the camaraderie in times of uncertainty, and Jaslene's company seemed to bring a sense of reassurance amid the relentless storm. @jaslenexclairmont
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"Yeah, relentless," Jaslene nodded her head in agreement to his words. That was certainly the best word to describe the raging storm and the way that her mind kept wandering to her daughters, hating that she was unable to reach her mom with the winds breaking cell service across town. "Yeah, it could be worse, being alone. I hope no one is alone," though it was likely that someone, somewhere, was in a position they could not get out of until the storm passed and they were having to go through it alone. "I'm Jaslene," she told the other, realizing she hadn't introduced herself. @jaslenexclairmont
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romeoclarkk · 8 months
Romeo grinned at Renee's playful banter, appreciating the camaraderie they shared. He leaned back on the couch, considering her suggestions.
"How about a laid-back day? We could grab a coffee from that new place downtown and take a stroll in the park. No rush, no plans, just enjoying each other's company," he suggested, a hint of warmth in his eyes. "And definitely no work talk. I'm all for some peace and quiet with my best friend." @reneexthompsxn
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starter for @romeoclarkk
location: romeo's place
"What are we going to do today?" Renee questioned Romeo, her legs curled up underneath her as she sat on the couch, "I've got the day off, so I'm all yours if you'll have me," she playfully jested with him. The two, were an unlikely pair of friends, but other than Prue, the woman really didn't feel like anyone knew her better. "We could go to the aquarium, grab a drink, but anywhere other than my work, please," not that she didn't have a special place in her heart for Nancy's Bar and Grill - but she'd prefer not to be there on her days off if she could help it.
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romeoclarkk · 8 months
Romeo chuckled at Sofia's sarcastic remark, taking a sip of his own drink. As the wind howled outside, he noticed Sofia's unease. When the window suddenly broke, he instinctively shielded his face.
"Yeah, I've had better nights," he replied with a wry smile, assessing the broken window. "I'll live, though. Just a broken arm nothing a little tequila can't fix." @sofiaxcarmichael
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"Oh yeah. So much fun." Sofia said sarcastically as she downed her drink and put her glass on the table. Drinking was making everything a little better, but as the wind kept making noises against the building, she would jump. It got worse when the window broke and she hid from the mess. Looking over at the boy, her eyes widened. "Oh. You're the one who was injured. Are you okay?" @romeoclarkk
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romeoclarkk · 9 months
Romeo flashed a playful grin in response to her teasing, leaning in with a mock-serious expression.
"Drama-free, you say? That sounds like the dream," he replied with a theatrical sigh. "I might need some lessons from a pro like you. Clearly, you've mastered the art of a serene existence."
He chuckled, the banter flowing easily. "No dating, huh? Well, that does sound like a drama deterrent. But you know, sometimes a bit of excitement adds spice to life. Just saying, I'm always up for some harmless mischief." @hazalxsenkan
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"Ah, that's surprising to me," she teased, though she was impressed to hear that he was aiming for a drama-free lifestyle, "yeah, it's a much better life, not having any drama." She teased, though it was the truth. Since her mishap in assuming Javier missed her and not the prom where they were dates, she had done her best to also have a drama-free life.
"I'm always in pursuit of drama-free," she joked and thankfully with their current family set up in East Haven, it was easy to do so, "no dating, or anything of the likes," her shoulders lifted in a shrug, "that tends to bring a bit of drama in itself, no?" @romeoclarkk
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romeoclarkk · 9 months
Romeo winced in pain as Donny approached, his attempt at a casual stroll through the storm having ended in an unexpected tumble. He nodded in response to Donny's inquiry, offering a weak smile. "Yeah, I've had better days," he admitted, trying to sit up without aggravating his injuries too much. "I appreciate the concern, though."
As Donny urged him not to move the injured arm, Romeo nodded in agreement. "Sounds like a plan. I'm not in any rush to test out my superhero abilities today." @donnymorgan
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Donny was starting to get worried as the storm was ranging on. That he did not have his generator going yet, he was saving it for when it was fully needed. The power was going in and out as the storm was blowing and getting stronger. Donny doing his best to make rounds to check on people. To make sure everyone was inside and away from windows as much as they could. Donny was making rounds to hand out water and check on people when it happened.
He looked over as he saw the quick movement of someone falling, falling hard "Oh no" he did try to hurry to him. But with how far away he was and Donny wasn't able to move as quickly as he used too he did not make it in time. "Are you okay?" he could tell the younger male was not but he had to ask. "Let's not move a lot okay?" he said as he was on the ground by him. He did his best to look him over, seeing the cut that was causing the blood and his arm looking red and not looking too good. "Let's not move that arm" he said hurrying behind his bar for the first aid kit and heading back over to. Romeo. @romeoclarkk
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romeoclarkk · 9 months
Romeo looked up from his solitary contemplation, the chaotic sounds of the storm raging outside providing a fitting backdrop to the unease in the air. He offered Jaslene a sympathetic smile, understanding the shared feeling of confinement.
"Yeah, it's one hell of a storm," he replied, taking a sip of his drink. "Hard to say when it'll let up, but it seems pretty relentless. Hopefully, sooner rather than later, though. Being stuck indoors for too long isn't anyone's idea of a good time."
He gestured toward the window, where the wind howled and rain lashed against the glass. "I guess we're all in this together, just trying to ride it out. At least we've got some company, right? Stay safe and patient; it's bound to calm down eventually." @jaslenexclairmont
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starter for @romeoclarkk
location: tequila cowboy, 5:30 pm
The wind storm was not what Jaslene had been expecting to encounter. After work, she headed to Sutherland Park to meet a friend for a late lunch. As she was leaving Tequila Cowboy, the winds picking up sent her back inside. That was shortly after three in the afternoon, the hours ticking by on the clock on the wall. With the ever increasing wind speeds, she knew that she would not safely be able to leave the establishment to go home to her daughters until it was safe. While at this time, there wasn't a stay in location ordered, Jaslene wouldn't risk her life when she knew both of her daughters were safe at home with her mother.
She had finished another drink, opting to switch out to water for the time being when she walked over to a table with someone sitting alone. "You think this is going to be over anytime soon?" In part, it was a rhetorical question, a sigh pushing over her lips, "I'm already starting to feel cooped up."
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romeoclarkk · 9 months
Where: Tequila Cowboy Who: @marcelvaughn
The wind roared outside Tequila Cowboy like an enraged beast, battering the windows and rattling the very foundation of the establishment. Romeo, caught in the midst of the tempest, felt a shiver run down his spine as he tried to distance himself from the vulnerable glass panes. He stumbled backward in the dimly lit chaos of the bar, desperately seeking refuge from the storm's fury.
As he shuffled away from the windows, Romeo's foot tangled with a chair, sending him sprawling to the floor. Pain shot through his arms upon impact, and he winced, aware of the throbbing ache in his limbs. To make matters worse, a warm trickle on his cheek alerted him to the fact that a sharp edge of the chair had left him with a bleeding gash.
In the midst of his disorientation, Romeo's eyes landed on Marcel, another patron caught in the tumult of Tequila Cowboy. Through the dim haze of the storm and the flickering lights, Romeo managed to lock eyes with Marcel, silently pleading for assistance. With a strained voice and a touch of urgency, he called out to his fellow captive in the bar. "Hey, Marcel! Help me up, bro," Romeo exclaimed, his voice competing with the relentless howl of the wind outside.
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romeoclarkk · 9 months
Where: Tequila Cowboy Who: @donnymorgan
The deafening howl of the wind outside rattled the windows of Tequila Cowboy, as if nature itself were rebelling against the chaos within. Romeo, caught in the midst of the tempest, staggered backward, desperately trying to escape the threatening gusts. The dim lights flickered overhead, casting eerie shadows across the distressed patrons.
As he stumbled backward, his foot caught on a chair, sending him crashing to the floor with a painful thud. His arms absorbed the impact, sending a searing jolt of pain through his body. Disoriented and wincing from the sharp sting, Romeo instinctively brought his hand to his cheek, only to feel the warmth of fresh blood.
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romeoclarkk · 9 months
Where: Tequila Cowboy Who: @sofiaxcarmichael
In an effort to numb the physical pain and perhaps escape the emotional turmoil brought by the storm, Romeo had taken refuge in the amber liquid that filled his glass. The scent of alcohol hung heavy in the air as he raised the glass to his lips, each swallow carrying with it a temporary reprieve from the harsh reality outside.
The tape on his cheek served as a makeshift bandage, a feeble attempt to conceal the evidence of his misadventure. With each sip, he winced, the fiery burn of the alcohol momentarily eclipsing the persistent ache in his injured arm. Around him, fellow patrons clung to their drinks as if the glasses could shield them from the turmoil beyond the bar's walls.
As Romeo sat at the bar, nursing both his physical and emotional wounds, the storm's howl seemed to blend with the muted hum of conversation, creating a surreal backdrop to the collective attempt to drown out the chaos in the amber embrace of Tequila Cowboy. "So this is fun isn't it."
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