romonistudies · 3 years
anyone know a story like this? 🥺
mutual destruction is very sexy actually
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romonistudies · 3 years
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GGKorean’s Resource Masterlist
Date: 12/6/2020 I think it’s time I put my resource recommendations under one umbrella. Look below for all of my recommendation posts.
My Must-Have Korean Resources My first resource guide, these recommendations cover the basics from learning hangul to my main study materials, as well as some entertainment recs.
Korean Study Material In this post, I go a bit deeper into different types of resources to add to your studying. This covers several youtube channels, webtoons, audiobooks, and a storybook, specifically marked for listening, watching, and/or reading.
Instagram Recommendations for Korean Learners Like the title indicates, this post goes over some of my favorite Korean instagram pages to follow. They cover a variety of topics.
My Korean Study Routine I included this post because it goes over the ways I utilize the resources I post about in my study routine.
Korean Youtube Channel Recommendations This post is specifically about native Korean youtube channels, so you know you’re getting quality accurate content. The recommendations cover a variety of genres so I think most people will find something they like.
Korean Webtoon Recommendations Here I posted a variety of webtoons that I find entertaining and useful for Korean learners.
Please feel free to recommend to me any posts that you’d find useful to see!
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romonistudies · 3 years
man I feel like every two years I check in on this acc, like abt two pictures and then ghost again,,
sigh can someone punch some sense into me, I need to stuDY
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romonistudies · 3 years
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romonistudies · 3 years
Don’t give up on the person you’re becoming
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romonistudies · 3 years
vaguely academic things to do to keep yourself entertained
go down a wikipedia research hole by clicking the first term you don’t understand
binge a crashcourse series end to end (personal recs: world history, history of science, big history, philosophy)
find free books on project gutenberg
download some western classics for free
borrow books and audiobooks from the libby app or borrowbox
start a commonplace book
take a khan academy course
browse MIT’s free online course materials
teach yourself to code
go on a google scholar essay dive
try the open access button to avoid some paywalls for academic media, or install unpaywall that does a similar thing
research the history of the place you where you live
tempt the wrath of the duolingo owl and learn a language
search for online streams of the local tv in your target language’s country and use as background noise for immersion points
print and scrapbook favourite poetry and literature quotes
improve your handwriting by doing handwriting exercises
learn philosophy with the philosophize this! podcast. actually just check out all the educational spotify podcasts there are many good ones
start a weekly club with friends to share new and interesting things you’ve learnt that week
clean and reorganise your study space, physical or digital
check out online museums
fave educational youtube channels that I adore: vsauce, crashcourse, smarter every day, kurzgesagt, school of life, tom scott, r. c. waldun, vsauce3, primer, mark rober, veritasium, asapSCIENCE, scishow, TED-ed
hopefully you’ll find something to enjoy! happy learning x
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romonistudies · 4 years
this looks useful, imma read it later
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Hey so, I decided to do another masterpost. This time on exams. Some tips for studying at the very last minute if you are like me, disclaimer: I am not in any way supporting cramming but this is just to help you through if you are left with no choice other than cramming.
Cramming tips that actually work by @optomstudies
The night before the exam
What to do the night before an exam by @beautifullearning
The night before your exam by @tiny-personal-university-thing
The night before exam and I didn’t study guide by @renaistudying
The night before test and I haven’t started studying by @getstudyblr
Revision methods
Revision methods that actually work by @alimastudies
The 5 Best Revision Methods by @bstudies
Study tips
More unconventional study tips by @minimaliststudy
A stash of tiny study tips by @justestjarchives
College study tips that actually help by @samsstudygram
Five tips for study marathons by @booksavolonte
General study tips by @plantednotes
More study tips
My study tips by @anatomyandcappuccini
My study tips
Personal study tips
Quickfire study tips by @annabaestudying
Rare study tips by @studybllog
Scientifically proven study tips by @swankiegrades
Secret study tips I wish someone would have told me by @fearlessroadtomd
Some rare study tips by @organisedorgana
Top 5 study tips by @studyign
Weird study tip by @artemissstudies
101 study tips by @study-early
Study tips by @howtohighschool
Study tips from someone who has already been there by @haylstudies
Study tips straight from my professor by @just-refuse-to-be-stopped
Study tips that helped me get back on my feet by @sillydaisies
Study tips that aren’t bullshit by @thebitchwhomadeit
Tips for effective study by @kimtented
How I write revision summaries by @athenastudying
Ways to study for exams that are actually productive
10 mistakes when studying by @howtostudyquick
Memorising information
How to memorise information by @monetstudy
How to memorise information faster by @qxzu
Memorization tips by @aescademic
Memorization tips by @determinationandcaffeine
Memorization tips by @studyquill
Exam tips
How to cope with exams by @uk-studying
How to revise for exams by @a-pro-s-studyblr
Studying for exams by @orangeblossomstudies
Tips for doing well on your exams by @aboysstudyblr
Tips for doing well on your exams by @thepeachystudies
Exam tips by @studywithmaggie
Exam guides
Finals: study guide for the brave by @educatier
Pennyfynotes guide to exam season by @pennyfynotes
Quick guide to doing the finals by @inkskinned
Test taking tips
How I revise for exams + tests
How to study for a test by @tbhstudying
My test taking tips by @55studies
Test taking tips
Exam preparation
How to make a stress free exam plan by @marias-studyblr
How to mentally prep yourself for a test by @eruditicn
How to beat procrastination by @eintsein
Types of procrastination and how to deal with them by @emmastudies
Time management
Time management by @academiceve
Time management tips for busy students
My motivation tag
Other masterposts by me
Notetaking masterpost
College advice masterpost
Apps for students masterpost
Icon credits to @rhubarbstudies
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romonistudies · 4 years
Man deleting all my social media (but this, cause it's my source of motivation;)) was a good idea- would recommend
checked what I knew, revised history nd read the book pages
re-read my social studies summary and marked questions
Let's see whether I can
read the last part of history
answer ss questions
memorize legislation organs
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romonistudies · 4 years
if it takes less than two minutes, do it now
always carry a water bottle!! you’ll (obviously) drink more water but you’ll also save money on buying drinks when you’re out on hot days 
if you notice something you like about someone, tell them. genuine compliments are way too few and far between. 
when you meet someone, repeat their name back to them. it’ll help you remember it (bc i am the worst at zoning out and immediately forgetting someone’s name)
give yourself a time limit to get work done. you’ll do more up against a 30 minute timer than if you have all day to get something done
also: be specific with your goals. if you want it done by winter, say you’ll do it one november 15. it’s easy to let time slip by. 
no one’s forcing your friends to hang out with you. they want to be around you. don’t try to convince yourself otherwise. 
never under estimate the power of a hot meal if you’re feeling unmotivated. take a break and make a grilled cheese dude
always keep $20 in your car for emergences
have a binder/folder to keep all your financial/important documents together. even if you don’t organize them beyond that it’ll make them so much easier to find when you need them
don’t sleep w makeup on!! keep a travel size thing of makeup wipes by your bed for nights that you’re too exhausted to wash your face for real
if you’re studying/working and can’t focus, go outside and take a walk around the building. stare at the sky for a minute. it helps.
networking: when you meet someone, put some notes in with their contact. remembering their kids’ names will make you stand out
fold your clothes while they’re still warm + you won’t have to iron later
get that chair out of your room. we all know your dirty clothes are sitting in it more than you are.
instead, stick some hooks on your closet door for those sorta-clean, sorta-dirty clothes that you wanna wear again
keep a running list on your phone of songs you hear that you like, books you want to read, etc
write down all your friends birthdays!! 
if you can’t sleep, try to imagine something in great detail. design your dream house. plan your wedding. whatever makes you happy + relaxed
get dressed as soon as you get up, even if you aren’t going anywhere. it’s hard to feel productive in sweat pants.
if you don’t ask, the answer is always no
thrift stores are super trendy lately, but they really are great for finding high-quality clothing for cheap.
don’t read the comments section. especially if it’s something you actually care about.
fresh veggies go bad fast, so if you can’t get to the store often have a couple frozen bags of your favs on hand!!
also, pasta is crazy cheap and easy to make into a meal. add some olive oil and those frozen veggies and bam, grown up meal in no time.
be intentional with your friendships. if you want to see someone again, set a date instead of the old “let’s get coffee sometime!” that never actually happens
libraries exist!! and theyre fantastic!!! 
if you’re buying anything, always google “_______ coupons” while you’re in line. you can usually find one, esp at chains!!
if it’s not something you need, put it back and sleep on it. if you want it bad enough to go back and get it a day or two later, it’s (probably) worth the money.
also, think if you’ll enjoy it for the same amount of time if took to earn that money. doesn’t work with everything (food, experiences), but for things like clothes/technology/home goods, it can help you save some $$$
you don’t have to do something if it makes you unhappy. sure, there are times that you have to suck it up and power through, but 99% of the time you have to option to say no and get outta there. 
be kind. seriously you hear it a lot but it is so important. 
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romonistudies · 4 years
shit I managed to get done today
finally order my friend's gift
study history and social studies (or at leat do the summaries for it)
wrote that darn test today
brainstormed gift ideas
brainstormed wishlist
ok good nice
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romonistudies · 4 years
I check this acc out like every 2 years I feel like
anyway, I decided to do productivity >>>>> pretty
so I'll just rly uglily keep this acc up to date
(at least I hope i will)
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romonistudies · 4 years
How to remain productive with online classes:
A few tips from a broke neuro-divergent academic
Try and wake up early, and go to bed early too. I’m not saying get up at 5 (unless that’s you’re thing) but sleeping into noon is a productivity blackhole. I go for 8 or 8:30, generally, but that’s just what works for me.
Get dressed for the day. I’m not talking like, jeans and a business casual outfit, but a clean pair of sweatpants, fresh underwear, and a new shirt can really put you in the mood for a new morning.
Have a workspace. Whether it be the kitchen table, a desk, a spot on the floor with a lap desk, have a place that’s dedicated to your work. Have items that signify that workspace too, like your book, planner, laptop, lamp, whatever. It can help you get into the zone, being in that space.
Have a morning drink. I choose earl grey tea with honey and cream, but black coffee, herbal tea, lemon water, whatever works for you is awesome, as long as itll wake you up and start your day.
To do lists. To do lists and to do lists and more to do lists. I have three. One is a post it weekly planner deal (3.99 at a local grocery store). it’s a weekly spread already set up, and if you’re anything like me, its really hard to set up a weekly spread. Then I have an app called Ike. I have a daily to do list I write on that app, and then I have four more to-do lists of what I have to for each specific class.
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Spread out your assignments. Don’t overwhelm yourself. If you’re professors are like mine, and have the due date for each module as Sunday at midnight. What I do is spread out all my assignments from Monday to Saturday, and I leave Sunday blank, so anything I didn’t do that week, I finish on Sunday. It works for me, it might work for you.
Have a folder for each class, and a notebook for each class. I hate spending money, I’m broke as hell, sono al verde as the Italians say, but a 0.99 cent folder and a 0.25 cent notebook can do wonders for motivating one to fill them up.
Study with a drink. Tea, water, coffee, whatever, but my go to is generally a warm drink. I cannot study if I’m cold, I get tired and groggy, so warm socks, a robe, and a hot drink really keep me going.
Take breaks. Make time for your hobbies, for something fun. Working without stopping absolutely destroys my motivation, and let me tell you, when I feel like that, an episode of Avatar and a snack gets me right back on the wagon.
Do self check ins. Does your back hurt? Are you sad? Stressed? Do you have to pee? Are you hungry? Never put your homework over your health. You won’t be able to get anything done well anyway if you’ve got those blocks.
Most importantly, get enough sleep. I beg of you. Sleep is so important, and it’s the game changer, at least to me. We as students have such an amazing opportunity to get more sleep than we ever have before during the year. Take advantage of that.
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romonistudies · 4 years
What’s going to make you happy right now? Is it some cake? Is it a nap? Is it calling your mom? Is it going on a drive and blasting music? Is it taking a bath? Is it reading a book?
Check in with yourself because you deserve that happiness, whatever it is.
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romonistudies · 4 years
spoiler: I never updated it or did a "proper" intro avssj I still love joonie banoonie though 🥺🥺💜
Improper introduction
I’ll probably write a proper introduction later, bUT!!! yeah, no buts sike.
This is just a way to make me come back to write a new intro, bc I hate leaving things unfinished.
So! If for whatever godforsaken reason you actually stumbled across this post: you deserve a cookie. Have one. You’re amazing.
But you know who’s also amazing? Right, me. (astounding transition wbk)
Now you’re probably curious who that confident, astonishing individual is, so here some facts abt me:
Name: Romy
I like bullet journaling, thinking (yes. don’t even), learning new things, helping others, befriending people, doodling, lettering, taking pretty notes,, and hugs- tho I don’t think that part’s relevant for a studyblr(good day, this is a studyblr intro, totally forgot to tell ya oopsies)
I respect, adore, love, support and cherish Kim Namjoon/joonie/moni of BTS, he’s an admirable person and one of my role models.
I’m learning hungarian, korean, japanese and honestly also re-learning german bc I suck at it (kind of)
I’m extroverted as hell, so if you wanna talk, and are just to shy, write a “hi” and I can initiate a conversation and possibly friendship. Isn’t that an amazing service???? damn right, so let’s be friends, pls. I’m lonely :’(
I’m actually not stupid, class rep and in the “gifted group” of our school (prolly get kicked out next year tho, as I wasn’t that productive studywise this year ahahah(end me pls thx)
I love the Harry potter books and I have no idea what house I’d be in bc I have qualities of all for. But I guess I’d like to be a slytherin without the asshole part :’)
??? dunno what else
Oh yeah, while my mental health is amazing to the point that I cannot uphold negative emotions for more than 3 minutes when with other people, my body is p much dead, so I want to study medicine once I get outta school!
I’m basically a ball full of love, so if you need any (or just someone to rant to/talk to/befriend/..) let’s talk! (I’ll send you wholesome memes :’) )
MUAH! thanks for reading! I’ll post aesthetic note-pics tmw ;)
Love, Romoni
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romonistudies · 4 years
Wow 👏 I'm on here for the first time in ?!?!?!? AND productive?? what sorcery is this
@futureme ur welcome
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romonistudies · 4 years
How to Get (and Keep) Your Life Together 101
Here’s a quick masterlist of all the tips, hacks and advice that stuck with me from reading so many articles, videos and research. Feel free to ask me any questions, or add tips of your own. 💜
Hydration: Make sure every day you stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water, green tea, black tea. You see this everywhere but it’s true. Just drinking water wil do wonders for your skin and your overall body health.
Nutrition: Maintain a healthy diet by letting go of toxic “restrictive” diet culture and realizing that food is sacred fuel for your sacred body, so offer your body the best! Eat lots of vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds; lots of wholefoods. Incorporate smoothies into your mornings for extra dose of vitamins. Practice mindful, conscious eating, be there in the moment when you are eating, taste the food, enjoy the experience of it. Meditate over your relationship with food and try to work through any unhealthy beliefs.
Exercise: Pick one or multiple forms of exercise that suits your schedule, lifestyle and personality; whether it’s jogging twice a week, going to the gym daily or even just a fresh walk every evening. Pick what is suitable for YOU and keep it part of your life. DYI your own gym routine or hire a trainer; train at home or in the gym; whatever works best for you.
Growth Mindset: Maintain a positive mindset that is always open and curious to learning new things, trying new skills and ever willing to improve itself. Redirect your attention from drama, gossip and toxic comparison beliefs to healthy ones; unfollow accounts online or delete all your social media if that’s what you need. Recreate yourself if that’s what you want. Focus on YOUR growth! Make a habit of reading new books, watching TedTalks, documentaries, etc. Look at educating yourself as a way to invest in yourself, a way to honor yourself. Maintain curiosity in your heart for the ways of the universe. Stay humble and graceful in the face of adversity, but never give up on your dreams, failed attempts are only lessons for improvement and the only true failure is giving up. As long as you keep going you’re still winning. Bonus tip: comparison is self harm, and a denial of your own power; so remember that nobody can be you and that’s a good thing. You can only be you, so make it count and honor yourself!
Relationships: Don’t cling to relationships and don’t be afraid to lose people. Be your authentic self at all times, and do not be afraid to intimidate people or be too much! Those that matter don’t mind, and those that mind don’t matter. Know that the friends/partners that are meant for you, will stay or will find their way back to you. Be mindful of the dynamic in a relationship, and be self-loving enough to walk away from what is toxic, unhealthy, restrictive, disrespectful, etc. Forgive those that wronged you, but tolerate no mistreatment; you can forgive them from afar, but make sure they’re no longer a part of your life.
Focus & Goals: Keep a journal and as frequently as you can, write down bullet lists of to do lists, goals, dreams, daily reflections, aspects of yourself to improve upon, positive affirmations, wishlist etc. - in other words, brainstorm all the things whirling around in your head regarding your own life. Remember all those things you’ve wanted to do? Bucketlists, reminders, curiosities, etc? Keeping a journal, staying focused on your goals, checking progress and practicing positive affirmations will transform your life.
Fashion: Elevate your wardrobe to a whole other level by sitting down and figuring out what your style actually is. Play around in your journal by creating a collage of your favorite colors, textures, patterns, styles, outfit combos and accessories. Mix and match, figure out what your aesthetic is. Refine, polish, remove what doesn’t click. (You can find a bunch of videos on YT for organizing clothes and being effortlessly fashionable/put together.) When you reorganize your wardrobe according to the above, you can easily mix and match anything because your wardrobe makes sense and it’s already planned out. Bonus tip: do your laundry the same day every week (ie. Saturday) and do a wardrobe prep on Sundays for the upcoming week; so that at any moment you can be ready in five minutes looking perfectly polished, and avoid the whole ordeal of being stressed/rushed and not knowing what to wear.
Skincare and haircare: Golden advice - invest in natural products/oils/ingredients instead of investing in brands. Why? Because otherwise you’re paying for a concept instead of actual health benefits for your body. Try natural soaps, oils (shea butter, coconut oil, argan, avocado, jojoba, rosehip, etc), and water extracts (rosewater, hazelwater) for toner. Coconut oil and argan oil is particularly famed for hairgrowth and shine. Castor oil as well helps hairgrowth, including for brows or lashes. Rosehip and shea heal discolorations, scars and marks. Do your research and try out what fits you, your skin will thank you later. I’ve been using natural products & oils for 9+ years and people always compliment how clear, smooth & glowy my skin is. Bonus tip: if you don’t use sunscreen already, try to incorporate it into your routine; just make sure it has gentle, non-harmful ingredients (for both yourself and the environment.
Etiquette, manners, poise, posture: Watch videos, read books or listen to audiobooks about confidence, proper etiquette, leadership skills, how to make people listen when you speak, etc. There are things which are so intuitive, obvious and logical, and yet simply becoming aware of them and having the science of it explained will transform your perspective (and the way you carry yourself).
Finances: Perform a monthly financial review to make sure you know where you are, what your budget is. Make a plan for backup funds, or savings for travels, or new tattoos, or a house, or whatever you want. It doesn’t have to be complicated, you can keep things simple by listing your expenses in five categories (Necessities, groceries, luxury, savings, free/remaining funds). Keep track of your expenses or habits, there are even apps that show statistics or analysis for easy use. The point here is to stay on top of your own finances: know how much are the monthly necessities (rent/mortgage/etc), know what has been payed and keeping receipts, knowing when things need to be paid, etc.
Integrity: This means knowing yourself, having standards, knowing what your boundaries are, what you are willing and not willing to do. When you know yourself and know your worth, you won’t ever tolerate or accept anything less. Know what your principles, values, beliefs are and hold them firmly because it is what you stand for. At the same time, it is important to keep an open mind to growth and improvement, but not so much that any persuasive argument will change your mind. Hold your own, but be gracious to other perspectives. And through it all remember - only you know what’s right for you, what’s best for you. Literally nobody else but you can know what’s in your best interest!
Efficiency & Improvement: This ties in with growth mindset but in a more practical way; make sure that you’re always leaving open space for improvement in your life, don’t ever just settle down/get stuck/let yourself sink into complacency. Know that you can always change anything! Make a habit of frequently reviewing aspects of your life (ex. via journaling) to see whether there’s anything you can make more easy, more efficient. Instead of spending hours grocery shopping, check out shops online where your favorite products can be home delivered in a snap. Instead of driving to a vet for your pet, have a call in. Setting up recurring payments for finances also counts. Literally any process or activity whereby you can automatize a service, delivery, payment, etc. will help you in the long run, so you can focus more on enjoying life, instead of wasting time with Trivial Adult Things.
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romonistudies · 4 years
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