romssidewaystooth · 15 days
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hey y'all!
I'm reeeeeally trying to get some of these older collages to homes so in the red is the price I've had up until now and the green is what the sale price will be for now. I know my art can cost a little too much for a lot of people to afford so I'm hoping this gives more people a chance to get something fun for themselves and for me to pay some bills! lol.
everything that says "cradled" is on a wood panel that is attached to a frame on the back so those are ready to hang! everything that is labeled "flat" is on a flat piece of hardboard.
it's all free shipping if you're in the US! if you're somewhere else then I will need to calculate that for you but it will be discounted based on the average shipping rate in the US!
send me a message through through messenger (not my inbox) if you're interested in any of these! I will update the post as they get sold.
SOLD: the 6x8 inch garak collage, the 8x10 inch garak/bashir collage
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romssidewaystooth · 1 month
Honestly, it's just transphobia. Pure and simple. It's using 'correct' language to ask a super transphobic and irrelevant question.
They should ask for your sex. If they want to have a separate check box that says cis/trans that would be fine I guess, but honestly it's just a shitty transphobic way to try to reduce you back to your asab.
I had to fill out a form recently that asked for my mother's name, 'as printed on my birth certificate' my mother's name is not printed on my birth certificate, my birth mother's is.
I went up to the counter-lady and asked her what I should put and explained that I didn't want a woman I have no familiar or legal connection to on my form. She said to just put my actual mother's name, but then I had to check a box and sign that 'the above information was true under penalty of law' and I felt super uncomfortable doing it.
This is definitely true to an extent, sometimes it really is just "we don't care if your new gender is legally recognized, we don't think it's real." But I do think there are also cases where it's less malicious and just the ignorance-flavored transphobia of people not taking into account that ASAB could be different from current legal sex. I think at least SOME adopters of "ASAB" terminology genuinely thought it was the new "right way" to ask and just have never had to think it through.
I think forms like as an entire thing need to be written with more care and attention because, yeah, that thing with your mother's name is demonstrating the same lack of foresight. I think forms need to be more human. And that includes recognizing that sometimes options might be limited due to stuff being used for machine input, and acknowledging that IN THE QUESTION so that people know what kind of answer to give/what it's being used for. Then we're not left wondering if we're going to be treated appropriately (or get arrested for filling it out "improperly"!)
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romssidewaystooth · 1 month
Anyway, all of this to say that you CAN and SHOULD lie sometimes if the questions are being asked wrong! I entered my assigned sex as male on a form for the hospital where I literally got my bottom surgery done, because there was nowhere to enter current sex. And nothing bad happened! :)
The infuriating experience of trying to apply for health insurance and the application ONLY asks for assigned sex at birth. Which I was immediately skeptical of because I don't know what they ACTUALLY want.
Are you trying to match this with my ID? I sent a copy of my driver's license in to verify my identity. My license says I'm male. That is not the sex I was assigned at birth. There would be a mismatch.
Is this what they are going to use to determine how to categorize me for medical procedures? I am a post-op man with no uterus, ovaries, vagina, or breasts. I have a dick and balls and have been on HRT for over 10 years which means my risk factors fall on the male side of things.
This shift in language to account for trans people actually makes info collection WORSE for us when there is no recognition of the fact that our current (legally recognized!) gender/sex could differ from what we were assigned. I'm not saying there are NO possible cases where my assigned sex might be relevant, but every time I fill out a form like this I am left guessing what I need to put down in order to have my information recorded accurately and receive proper treatment.
These forms NEED to ask for what they actually want. "What is the gender currently listed on your ID?" is a perfectly valid way to ask a question if that is the information that is actually being sought. If your new doctor's office needs to record what sex you are listed as on your insurance in order to send a claim, "assigned sex at birth" is NOT an accurate way to collect that information. The form should literally say "what is the sex listed on your insurance?" Be as specific as possible!
And if you aren't willing to do that, then just go back to asking for "sex" instead of "assigned sex at birth", because at least that leaves some room for self-determination and then further specifics can be gathered as needed. (Of course many places do not WANT us to have any self-determination, so, you know.)
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romssidewaystooth · 1 month
The infuriating experience of trying to apply for health insurance and the application ONLY asks for assigned sex at birth. Which I was immediately skeptical of because I don't know what they ACTUALLY want.
Are you trying to match this with my ID? I sent a copy of my driver's license in to verify my identity. My license says I'm male. That is not the sex I was assigned at birth. There would be a mismatch.
Is this what they are going to use to determine how to categorize me for medical procedures? I am a post-op man with no uterus, ovaries, vagina, or breasts. I have a dick and balls and have been on HRT for over 10 years which means my risk factors fall on the male side of things.
This shift in language to account for trans people actually makes info collection WORSE for us when there is no recognition of the fact that our current (legally recognized!) gender/sex could differ from what we were assigned. I'm not saying there are NO possible cases where my assigned sex might be relevant, but every time I fill out a form like this I am left guessing what I need to put down in order to have my information recorded accurately and receive proper treatment.
These forms NEED to ask for what they actually want. "What is the gender currently listed on your ID?" is a perfectly valid way to ask a question if that is the information that is actually being sought. If your new doctor's office needs to record what sex you are listed as on your insurance in order to send a claim, "assigned sex at birth" is NOT an accurate way to collect that information. The form should literally say "what is the sex listed on your insurance?" Be as specific as possible!
And if you aren't willing to do that, then just go back to asking for "sex" instead of "assigned sex at birth", because at least that leaves some room for self-determination and then further specifics can be gathered as needed. (Of course many places do not WANT us to have any self-determination, so, you know.)
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romssidewaystooth · 2 months
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I just think they're neat
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romssidewaystooth · 3 months
I recently became aware that what's now considered a "relatable" trans origin story is people who realized they were trans during Covid lockdown, or realized after seeing Abigail Thorn/Elliot Page/[insert relatively well-known person here] come out. Yeah, I was...like 8 years on testosterone when that happened. Makes me feel old!
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romssidewaystooth · 6 months
TMI phallo talk
Just jerked off properly for the first time since getting my erectile implant, and like. Finally the motion feels right. This is how I've been wanting to do it my whole life. The way it feels in my hand, the motions I get to make, it feels correct. It's like finally getting to sit down after a very very long day on your feet.
Not to mention the feel in my hand is just like how it feels to jerk a cis guy's cock, the way the skin moves around the firm inner core, it's really familiar lol.
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romssidewaystooth · 7 months
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Saw this tweet and I couldn’t help myself (Has this one been done before?)
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romssidewaystooth · 7 months
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hey y'all! I finally put together a post with everything I have for sale currently! some new things, some old things. click the photo descriptions for information and price for each collage!
if you're interested in anything, please send me a message through tumblr messenger and not through my inbox. feel free to use my inbox for your anonymous questions and comments though!
btw! the prices here are decided by the materials used, how long I've had it, and the time spent on it. they do not necessarily reflect my commission rates. if you're interested in a commission check out my pinned post!
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romssidewaystooth · 7 months
I'm off work after my most recent surgery and I've been going around thinking of these great things to do once I'm healed and can move better, like just reorganizing my room and random projects and things like that. And then I realized, no. I'll be back at work at that point and I won't have the time or energy to do any of that. Life is awful.
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romssidewaystooth · 7 months
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hey y'all! so I wanted to do another raffle but this time it's for a commission and I'd like each entry to be a donation towards your choice of a fundraiser benefiting Palestinians!
What you get:
if you win, you'll recieve a commission from me! the commission will be on an 11x14-inch wood panel that'll be ready to hang up! after you win we'll talk about what you'd like me to do and I'll get started! my only specification is that it needs to be Star Trek and it's got to be something I can do with what I have already unless you'd like to pay the cost for me to order something specific. I have a couple of hundred Star Trek magazines though, whatever you're thinking is probably doable if I dig enough!
How I do it:
I've got a cute little spin-the-wheel app! I'll put each entry on the wheel then record the first spin to post here. I'll do it a month from now (2/25/2024)
How to enter:
for every $10 you donate, you get an entry! you can get as many entries as you'd like to increase your odds. you can choose multiple fundraisers! you just need to message me with proof of your donations. I'm going to list some options but if there's somewhere or someone else you'd like to donate to, that's totally okay! my only guidelines are that your donation benefits Palestinians and it can't be a donation you made before this raffle.
Some donation options:
Palestine Children Relief Fund
eSims for Gaza
World Food Programme
Care For Gaza
Palestine Red Crescent Society
Medical Aid for Palestinians
thank you and good luck! 🇵🇸
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romssidewaystooth · 7 months
More DS9 Valentines
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Sloppy because I don't have my computer at the moment
Last year's: here
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romssidewaystooth · 7 months
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Some low-effort DS9 Valentines from this year and last year
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romssidewaystooth · 8 months
For the record: as a post-phallo guy with the full ability to stand to pee at a urinal, I still usually use a stall. Why? Because there's toilet paper. "Shake it off" doesn't always work fully and I hate having drips in my underwear.
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romssidewaystooth · 8 months
At the airport heading to surgery to get my erectile device, and my dick is already setting off crotch alerts on the body scanner.
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romssidewaystooth · 9 months
My mom knows that I have read a few Star Trek novels, and on Christmas I opened a present from her and it was a hardcover copy of Imzadi, which I have already read and...did not think was very good...
And then she goes, "I read that this was hilariously bad!" and I was like oh thank god.
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romssidewaystooth · 10 months
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hi! here's something new. it's on a 12x16 inch cradled wood panel and has a satin finish. click for higher quality + details!
so, this one did not turn out how I had originally wanted at all but now I kinda love it! I used pictures from magazines from the 60's and scrapbook paper. the orange circle is a picture of a cave painting from this cave!
you can find a link to my shop in my bio but send me a message here before buying it! it's listed for $200 to account for fees but it's $180 + shipping costs if you buy outside of etsy.
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