ron--winters69 · 3 years
WOW,,,, when you find out when your X-fiancee is a back stabbing piece of shit, and that her whole family is just like her,,,,
EXTREMELY HAPPY she is gone from your life,,,
You evicted the rest of her family from your house,,, YEAH YEAH,,,
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ron--winters69 · 3 years
Drugs can help you out with anxiety, Drugs can help you out with sex, Drugs will help cure a disease, illegal drugs WILl ruin your health and safety and life..
Keep using you will find out.
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ron--winters69 · 3 years
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Drug deal in progress???
WTF Who knows what they are doing,,
I know but anyone have an opinion!!
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ron--winters69 · 3 years
There is something dreadful about the legal system in this country..
Innocent black men being murdered,
White women destroying property get no punishment,
Cops that don't know the law, and don't care to learn the law WTF this country is going down the shitter faster than shit falls out of my ass.
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ron--winters69 · 3 years
I don't know who reads this Tumblr,, or who gives a Fuck...
I'm being victimized by Shantel Stearns, destroying my property because she is pissed off because I'm evicting her.. Worse tenant I have ever seen!!!! The law enforcement community says this is civil???
If I murdered the bitch it would be a crime.. Why is it some worthless, asshole can Fuck up your property and not be a crime??
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ron--winters69 · 3 years
September 27, 2021, the no rent paying bitch in my back apartment is going to get her eviction paperwork,,
No more Free living,,,
Phycopath 1st class...
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ron--winters69 · 3 years
The Billionaire's want to live forever 🤣🤣
When God calls you home. You are going, going, GONE! Doesn't matter how long you pay to stay alive..
Get real rich people,, don't be brain dead.
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ron--winters69 · 3 years
I'm not paying rent, we have roaches,,
Well Valuable tenant,, try cleaning up your place, you haven't washed dishes in 3 months, haven't worked in 6 months, your boss told you not to come back until you stopped using illegal drugs, you buy illegal drugs on my property, sleep all day, I do admit that you take a shower every day lolol,, why not, free water, Free electric, free place to stay, free food, free laundry lololol, although you only wash clothes once every other month,, and wonder why it takes so long...
WTF. are you a fucking idiot????
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ron--winters69 · 3 years
People to lazy to find work complaining about being evicted.
Pay your rent assholes......
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ron--winters69 · 3 years
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ron--winters69 · 3 years
People not paying rent, are fucking idiots,
They think they are smart, Think they are going to live free forever... WRONG, OCTOBER 3rd these assholes are GOING, GOING, GONE, Hope they have saved money for their new place.
Probably not, I don't give a rats ass.
The woods are a fitting place for the assholes.
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ron--winters69 · 3 years
People that have passive entitlement, think they are special, deserves everything for free. Room and board, food, water, el6t5
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ron--winters69 · 3 years
When You know you are being used, and the user knows that you know, the user will use this tactic,
Pretend that they are your friend and say that you are wrong, to think they are users, offer cash or something else to seem like they are trying to help you,,, then stab you in the back.
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ron--winters69 · 3 years
Covid 19 and the various mutations, Delta, and Lamda..
Must have mind altering properties.
Mainly assholes that don't think they need to pay rent. Living for free while getting thousands of dollars of government assistance every month.
Those poor people.
Those type of people will Fuck themselves in the long run EVICTION IS COMING...
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ron--winters69 · 3 years
Some people that do really stupid things,,, You ever thing the stupid things they do are planned to piss you off?
Not stupid but done in spite, because they are a form of phycopath.
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ron--winters69 · 3 years
WOW I got an unexpected $1400 stimulus check... I gave my landlord $300 Dollars for rent,, That should be good for 3 months,. I spent $100 for food. WOW I have $1,200 dollars left, WOW I can get 40 pills to get HIGH on WOW OMG I am so lucky. Those pills will last me two weeks WOW.. Whoops, then I can't pay rent OH WELL fuck-it I'm special.
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ron--winters69 · 3 years
I'm a wonderful mom, I don't work, I don't look for work, I don't pay rent, I sleep 18 hours a day, I have other people watch my kids, I'm so depressed I can't stop using illegal drugs, my BF died, my baby's daddy died, My other babies daddy don't pay child support, I'm doing good, no matter how fucked up I get, someone else will help me. I'm entitled to a free ride in life,, I'm special.
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