ronan-ia-blog · 7 years
Ronan tilted her head in response to his question, adjusting her bag on her shoulders.  “Yea, sure. A month or so would probably be my limit,” she answered, wondering how long she actually could go away from the sea.  She’d always stayed close to the water, so she hadn’t experimented much with testing her boundaries.
Replying with a soft hmmm to his explanation, Ronan nodded.  She definitely considered herself to be a very curious person, so she understood the draw of odd and unexplainable things.  She listened to him with a bewildered but amused expression as he described humans’ fascination with clapping seals, shook her head slightly.  “I’ve never even heard of it, but I’ll have to check it out next time I visit,” she mused, marveling at the endless mysteries of the human world. Nodding unconsciously as he spoke, Ronan followed his description with apt attention, her smile growing wider and small laugh falling off her lips.  “Oh, yea I met Yoongi! Didn’t get a chance to know him very well, but we said hello here and there...but damn, so you basically just elbowed your way into our world?” she said, murmuring a ‘thank you’ as he opened the door.  Sliding into the Taxufo, Ronan felt a little rush of giddy excitement rush through her.  “It’s always a rush watching the world float away. Amazing, isn’t it?” she said in awe as they began ascending above the city.
Curiosity Killed the Cat II Ronan & Mino
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ronan-ia-blog · 7 years
A little flustered and a lot worried, Elidyr made his way to the kitchen to get the food and warm drinks. he did not want to intrude on the girl so he just made whatever he had and hoped that Ronan wouldn’t mind… He also did not realize he had no dry underwear for the girl… sighs. 
The house was a little cluttered but the ground was free from obstacles mostly, this used to be different but the magical engineer had now an almost-blind roommate that he did not want to see hurt. Nor did he want to see the girl be hurt and addiction… well…
‘Ronan, you have nothing to be ashamed of, you are already five steps in the right direction by admitting that you have an addiction.” he smiled and nodded “Addication creeps up on you in the oddest of ways, you start with something one day and then…. Then it becomes a weekly thing, sometimes twice a week and before you know it, the thing becomes your best friend and you can’t go without.”
Elidyr touched her hand “But like with a friend you can’t go without it isn’t really a friend at all. It is an enemy and you need to cut the ties as soon as possible before it consumes you.” His smile became softer and sadder “Believe me, I know.” 
His word brought her attention back to the present, and she returned his smile with a small one of her own.  As he spoke, she thought about all the times over the past few months she’d slipped some liquor into her morning coffee, had a few sips here and there between classes, gone through most of her days in a slight fog...at first it had just been to numb the pain of the loss that she’d been suppressing for years now.  But after a while she’d started to feel nothing at all.
Letting out a soft breath as his warm hand settled on hers, Ronan nodded and frowned.  “I suppose I should quit my job at the bar, then,” she murmured.  Glancing at his arms where she had earlier seen scars, the selkie raised her eyebrows slightly with sympathy.  “Not to intrude, but what got a hold of you?” she asked, a touch of curiosity in her voice. 
Even though Elidyr was a complete stranger, she already felt comfortable with him.  His sweet and somewhat sad demeanor intrigued her, and she was surprised by how easily she was able to talk to him about her alcoholism ~ no one else had known until now.  Perhaps it was because he had clearly struggled with something as well...and she for some reason felt a kinship with him due to their close heritages.  Wales and Ireland weren’t all that far away, and it was unusual to find others from that part of the world around here.
Sunday Surprises II Ronan & Elidyr
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ronan-ia-blog · 7 years
Ronan shrugged, her mouth twitching down in a slight frown.  “I think I would have liked it more under different circumstances,” she replied vaguely, unwilling to go into the details of why she had been hiding among humans for a time.  “But yes, it was very difficult having to hide my true self.  It got very lonely, and sometimes even frightening.  Humans can be so hostile to things they don’t understand...” She trailed off, shuddering slightly.
Considering his question, the selkie hummed for a moment.  “I don’t quite know how to answer that,” she admitted finally, biting her lip.  “Humans are so...new. Something about their customs and emotions seem so volatile and immature.  Even when other creatures act in the same exact way, there is something older about their souls that humans are lacking.” 
When they were settled into the gondola, Ronan took out her camera and snapped a picture of the rower in front of the sunset.  Smiling back at Bobby, she turned the camera towards themselves and took another photo. “It really does, huh?” she agreed, letting out a content sigh as they began drifting down the canal.  “Bobby, do you know what makes people fall in love? Or rather, what makes people good to fall in love with each other?” she asked curiously, occasionally taking pictures of the rustic streets and houses surrounding them.
A Trip to Venice II Ronan & Bobby
Ronan chuckled at the secret, but her chest still twinged with something like pity for the cupid.  Even though he’d never been in love with someone, she couldn’t imagine knowing that to fall in love would strip her of her abilities.  Even if they weren’t all that great to begin with…it shouldn’t have to be a choice, in her mind.  But she just smiled and nodded, not wanting to disrupt their lovely day with more of such talk.
At his question, the selkie’s lip twitched and she shrugged.  “Yes, I had to for many years.  Growing up, we pretended to be humans every time we were in human form, so people wouldn’t grow suspicious of us.  And before I came to Insolitus, I lived among them for a time…” She sighed, looking around them at all the humans going about their normal lives.  “They’re fascinating creatures, though I don’t understand them very well.  I didn’t assimilate as much as I’d have liked,” she admitted, gathering up their now empty food containers and utensils.  “I can’t either, and I hope I never have to find out,” she replied with a small laugh, standing to throw away their trash.  
They walked towards the canal, and Ronan flagged down a gondola.  It pulled up to the side for them to get in, and she smiled at the man rowing.  “Here, watch your step,” she said to Bobby, holding out her hand to help him.  They had perfect timing, it seemed, since the sun was just setting as they started down the canal.  Brilliant golds and pinks and oranges thrown in every which way as it sparkled off the water.  Grinning, she pulled out her camera and snapped a picture.
“But did you like it?” Bobby paused and turned so that he could look at Ronan. “Playing human that is? I know some people talk about liking that kind of situation, but I don’t think I would. I mean I can’t anyways, but not being able to openly be me….would be depressing.” Bobby wasn’t accustomed to being sad for a long time, so the idea of being locked away from expressing himself made him feel horrible on the inside, stomach clenching at the thought. “Why didn’t you understand them?” The cupid was curious. While he had dealt with humans, he could understand them a little bit. Well from emotions that is. He understood the pain and happiness that love, lust, and friendship could bring. Once they made it to the gondola, the male smiled sheepishly. Her words of being careful were something that was taken seriously. He was extremely clumsy.
Slowly, Bobby stepped into the rocking gondola, feet unsteady. He would have loved to have helped the female out more, but honestly he probably would have pulled them both into the water. Taking a seat, he smiled at the girl, excitement thrumming through his veins. “I never thought I would be doing such a thing. It seems like one of those Hallmark moments.” The only thing missing was the romance.
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ronan-ia-blog · 7 years
Ronan nodded silently as he left the room, lowering herself to lean against the edge of the tub. Her head was still pounding, but the nausea was finally beginning to subside somewhat.  When he returned with dry clothing, the redhead looked up gratefully and let out a small huff of laughter.  “These are wonderful, thank you so much,” she replied, taking the clothes from his hands and nodding.  After he went out to the kitchen, Ronan hung up her wet underclothes to dry and slipped into the oversized and well-worn clothing.  It was enormously more comfortable than what she had been wearing, though it was almost comically large on her.
When she emerged from the bathroom, she took in the rest of the home with curiosity.  There were several animals milling about, and Elidyr had prepared tea and cookies that were now waiting at the table.  When she sat down, she couldn’t help but notice how nicely the bright yellow of his jumper complimented the red of his hair.  “Thank you,” he murmured as he poured her tea.  The hot liquid warmed her through, and she felt her head begin to clear a bit as she drank. At his question, Ronan’s eyes dropped to the table and she nibbled at a cookie for a moment.  She wasn’t trying to avoid answering per se, but it was an embarrassing topic for her to speak about, especially with someone who was practically a stranger.  But Elidyr was so kind and sweet, and he seemed genuinely concerned.  She didn’t think he would judge her for whatever she told him.
Sighing, Ronan ran a hand through her now dry and tousled hair.  “I’d say around a year now,” she said quietly, a frown appearing on her lips.  “I didn’t even taste alcohol for the first time until two years ago...I suppose it got the better of me pretty quickly.” h took another bite of the cookie, chewing slowly and absentmindedly.  “Addiction is an odd thing, isn’t it?” she mused, staring past him at some point in space.  “You don’t even realize how strong it is until it’s too late.”
Sunday Surprises II Ronan & Elidyr
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ronan-ia-blog · 7 years
Escape From Terevaka II IA Event II Ronan & Joshua
Ronan awoke with a start, wincing in discomfort as he eyes opened.  It was windy and somewhat cold, and the sun was beating down mercilessly on her.  It must be mid-morning by now, she decided.  Her body was stiff and sore from sleeping on the hard ground, and as the selkie sat up she felt a pounding in her head.  How the hell had she gotten here? On minute she was falling asleep with the rest of the students, and the next she was finding herself atop some kind of mountain?  Ronan supposed she should be used to finding herself in situations like these where the academy was involved but still...it never ceased to surprise her.
Holding a hand up to block the sun, the selkie squinted and looked around.  She was now standing at the edge of the mountain, with water surrounding one side and a small valley on the other.  Careful not to topple over, she took a few steps closer to the valley in the center of the hill and frowned.  This must be a dormant volcano. Unsure of how to get down from here, Ronan started walking along the edge to look for a path.  She’d only been wandering for a few short minutes when she saw a figure in the distance, hopefully someone who knew the area.  Feeling her spirits rise a bit, Ronan waved her arms and tried to raise her voice above the sound of the wind.  “Hello! Yea, you there! Can you help me please?” she called, making her way towards the silhouette.
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ronan-ia-blog · 7 years
She felt a small pang of relief shoot through her as she saw the understanding dawn on his face.  Although she was incredibly embarrassed, it was a small comfort to see someone who had a somewhat shared background.  Wales and Ireland weren’t terribly far away from each other, and it was pretty rare to find someone from those parts around South Korea.  Ronan wondered who and what he was, to have ended up out here.  “I moved here from Ireland, actually,” she muttered in reply, with the barest of smiles.
His words made her look up at him, her green eyes locking with his.  “A cup of tea sounds lovely,” she said quietly, pulling the towel tighter around her shoulders.  After staring at him for another moment, she shook her head and gave him a humorless smile.  “My name is Ronan, by the way.  I can’t thank you enough for all you’ve done, truly.” Her eyes suddenly glazed over with tears that she refused to let spill onto her cheeks, which were now blushing pink with humiliation.  She’d refused to admit that her drinking had become a problem so far, but now it was undeniable.  
“You must be an awfully kind person, Elidyr. Not many people would show such consideration for  stranger, and a bloody alcoholic at that,” she murmured, her voice cracking on the last few words. Taking a deep breath to calm herself, Ronan let out a huff of laughter and ran a hand through her hair.  “I’m sorry, I’m sure you want to change out of your wet clothes,” she said, regaining her composure.  “Thank you, again, for everything.”
Sunday Surprises II Ronan & Elidyr
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ronan-ia-blog · 7 years
Laughing, Ronan shook her head.  “As incredible as the space station is, I had some things I had to do down here,” she answered, having her hand dismissively.  “Besides, there’s hardly any water up there, and I can’t be away from the sea for too long.” Nodding in agreement with his suggestion, she grabbed her bag and followed him out of the club.  
She smiled as they walked, glad to hear that he didn’t think of her as sticking her nose where it didn’t belong. Her eyebrows shot up in surprise at Mino’s confession, but she didn’t believe that he was a cruel or malicious person so it didn’t concern her too much.  Besides, there was probably much more to that story than she knew. Ronan’s cheeks flushed a bit in response to his question, and she let out a soft laugh.  “Me? Oh, I’m a selkie,” she answered, shrugging.  “Though my kind is far less interesting than yours, I think.  We’re just people that turn into seals...nothing spectacular.” She paused for a moment, twirling a length of hair around her finger.  “But I’d like to hear more about your friend.  How did you find out, and what did you think of them after you knew? Why did you want to be more involved in all this?”
Curiosity Killed the Cat II Ronan & Mino
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ronan-ia-blog · 7 years
Ronan chuckled at the secret, but her chest still twinged with something like pity for the cupid.  Even though he’d never been in love with someone, she couldn’t imagine knowing that to fall in love would strip her of her abilities.  Even if they weren’t all that great to begin with...it shouldn’t have to be a choice, in her mind.  But she just smiled and nodded, not wanting to disrupt their lovely day with more of such talk.
At his question, the selkie’s lip twitched and she shrugged.  “Yes, I had to for many years.  Growing up, we pretended to be humans every time we were in human form, so people wouldn’t grow suspicious of us.  And before I came to Insolitus, I lived among them for a time...” She sighed, looking around them at all the humans going about their normal lives.  “They’re fascinating creatures, though I don’t understand them very well.  I didn’t assimilate as much as I’d have liked,” she admitted, gathering up their now empty food containers and utensils.  “I can’t either, and I hope I never have to find out,” she replied with a small laugh, standing to throw away their trash.  
They walked towards the canal, and Ronan flagged down a gondola.  It pulled up to the side for them to get in, and she smiled at the man rowing.  “Here, watch your step,” she said to Bobby, holding out her hand to help him.  They had perfect timing, it seemed, since the sun was just setting as they started down the canal.  Brilliant golds and pinks and oranges thrown in every which way as it sparkled off the water.  Grinning, she pulled out her camera and snapped a picture.
A Trip to Venice II Ronan & Bobby
Had it been anyone else to make the suggestion, Ronan probably would have just laughed and brushed them off good-naturedly.  But Bobby seemed so genuinely sweet and she certainly didn’t believe that he had any ulterior motives, so she was fine with this.  The picture had turned out pretty well, she thought as he looked at it for a second on the camera screen.  It was certainly candid, with Bobby’s mouth tilted in a content half-smile and his posture natural and relaxed.  It was a good photo of him, she’d have to send him a copy later.
The selkie hummed and chuckled lightly at the mention of Bobby’s limited clothing options~ she had never really thought about the fact that his wings might restrict what he was able to wear. But he seemed to get along just fine regardless.  His next words caught her off guard, however,, making her nearly drop the forkful of food that she had been holding.  “You can’t fall in love with someone?” she asked, her expression incredulous.  “But how can you help that?”  How horrid it would be to have such a pre-determined fate, to never be able to have what you find and create for others.  She wondered how many cupids had decided to give up their gifts in order to be with someone they loved….she couldn’t imagine it to be an easy decision.
His question cut through her speculation., making her stutter for a moment before answering.  “Well…I suppose it’s not too different from being a human,” she answered, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.  “I mean, of course I spend a lot more time in the water and I can shift forms and everything, but I could also pass for a mortal if I wanted to,” she said, letting out a soft sigh.  Ronan had never really thought about how lucky she was to have that privilege.  “But it can be very dangerous.  Many places hunt seals, so we must be careful.  And if someone steals your seal fur…well without it we can’t return to the sea.  It’s pretty much a death sentence for a selkie, not being able to go back home.” Shuddering at the thought, Ronan shook her head and smiled.  “Well, it looks like the sun will be setting soon.  Want to find a gondola?”
“Well we can fall in love it’s just the risk that is involved.” Bobby was naturally used to living as a cupid so the idea that love could interrupt his magical abilities wasn’t anything new. He had grown quite used to it. “I’ll tell you are secret though.” His smile was wide and gummy as he leaned in close. “It’s never bothered me, because I’m already bad at magic.” Not that the male was necessarily looking for someone to be with. He had been enamored before and didn’t like the obsessive qualities that seemed to happen. “Besides cupids love too strong. We are born to like that, but nowadays it comes off not so well with independent people.” It was within a cupid’s nature to be overly protective and loving and with the new generation that could scare many potential people away.
“Ah well that’s interesting.” Bobby had never been able to fit in with humans. Not when his physical form made him stand out so much. If it wasn’t the wings it was his pink toned skin color that made him look abnormal in their presence. “Have you ever pretended to be human?” The male tilted his head in curiosity, the sun slowly drifting down in the sky so that the streets were lit in reds, oranges, and pinks. It was beautiful among the cobblestone. “I couldn’t imagine what it would be like for someone to have their fur stolen.” The idea of not returning home made his stomach clench in a way he was unfamiliar with. It brought a frown to his face. While Bobby didn’t specify one area as home, the idea that he could be kept away from somewhere he wanted to return left him feeling empty and cold. “A gondola?” He seemed to perk up at her words and he found himself nodding enthusiastically.
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ronan-ia-blog · 7 years
Oh god no she was speaking in tongues. Was this some kind of lusty sin demon that came here to kill him (and worse; ate the poor seal)? However the girl seemed less than demonic and he pressed his lips together as she suddenly jolted up and tried to hide her body. A nice body but not Elidyr’s to admire in this way. He looked away, cheeks even redder. 
He did what he wanted to do for as long as he had been awake, he got up. The water was running off him and his clothing hysterically and he realized the scars on his arms were awfully visible so the man quickly unrolled his sleeves, covering them up before standing in the tub a little unsure what to do. If there had not been a naked lady in the room he had taken off his clothing and dried off. If he got out of the tub now his whole bathroom would be wet. This was a problem. 
The girl was talking to him and Elidyr had to focus on the issue at hand, not the one that would have to be solved in about 3 minutes. He shivered a little. “I’m Elidyr, Elidyr Owen and uh- you are in my bathroom for…. some reason.” He said, pointedly looking at the door, the ceiling and anywhere that was not the girl. Then he reached out and grabbed one of the large towels and held it out in the general direction of the girl. 
“Uh, not to seem very unkind but do you know where the seal is? It was about this big-” he gestured with his hands “And it was intoxicated and while the mystery why you are here is very…. curious I am rather worried about the animal.” He said and finally got out of the tub. He would have to mop up the water later. 
She stared with a confused and somewhat worried expression as he stood, water streaming down from his soaked clothes.  And although he quickly hid his arms, Ronan caught a glimpse of the scars across his skin.  She nodded in silence as he spoke, still a little too shaken up to say much else.  But when he held a towel in her direction, the selkie stood and took it gratefully.  “Thank you,” she murmured, wrapping it around herself.  It was soft and dry and she hadn’t realized how cold she’d been until it was draped over her shoulders.  Her head was still pounding and her stomach rolled with waves of nausea, but the warmth was definitely helping.  
Frowning at his words, Ronan raised her eyebrows and watched him get out of the tub.  This man was certainly no threat to her...she’d have to thank him very kindly for his help.  With a small sigh, she covered her face with her hands in embarrassment.  “Oh goodness, you brought home an intoxicated seal?” she repeated, feeling the heat rising to her cheeks.  Her drinking must really be becoming a problem, as she didn’t remember anything from last night.  But she must have shifted forms (at least that explained her lack of proper clothing) and been found by this man.   
Biting her lip, she took her hands away from her face and pulled the seal skin from her shoulders.  “Is this what its fur looked like?” she asked, holding it out to him with a shaking hand.   “I...I don’t know what to say.  Elidyr, right? Are you Welsh?” she asked, her eyes brightening a bit.  “Surely you’ve heard of selkies and...well I’m afraid that seal was me.  I’m terribly sorry to have caused you so much trouble...I’ll certainly clean up, and I’ll find some way to make it up to you, I promise.” The burst of talking, along with standing, had made her feel a bit lightheaded and dizzy.  Closing her eyes, she sat down on the edge of the tub and winced.  “Sorry, I’m horribly hungover,” she muttered, rubbing at her temple. 
Sunday Surprises II Ronan & Elidyr
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ronan-ia-blog · 7 years
She raised her eyebrows in surprise at his comment, letting out an amused chuckle.  Sometimes she forgot just how much older she was than most humans.  “It certainly was an interesting time,” Ronan commented, following alongside him.  Grinning at the suggestion, she nodded excitedly.  “I’ve never been to a jazz club before, that sounds incredible!” she said, her steps becoming a bit more bouncy.  “You have a motorcycle? How cool, I’ve always wanted to ride one,” she mused quietly, growing more and more glad that she had run into him tonight.
Snorting at his reference to the director (whose movies she had just recently become familiar with), Ronan allowed him to lead her over to the table and sat down, somewhat heavily as her body was weighed down by the alcohol coursing through her system.  “I do the same thing...so many books, so little time,” she agreed, finishing off the little liquor left in the bottle a she listened.  Ronan smiled and tilted her head as he mentioned this beach, curious about the somewhat subdued yet still intense life he seemed to lead.
“Ah, well getting drunk and contemplating existence on a beach is one of my favorite activities,” she mentioned with a huff of laughter.  “So let me know if you’d ever like some company.” Now that he mentioned it, she was pretty ure she had seen him around the library a few times ~ she tended to go there late at night, when it was fairly empty so it was pretty noticeable when someone else was around.  Leaning closer to take a look at the menu he was holding, Ronan hmmmed for a moment before pointing to something on the list.  “A...hurricane? I don’t know what that is, but it sounds like it’ll fuck us up.  How bout we order and then go dance?”
After Hours II Ronan & Soohyun
“I know right!” The warlock’s face lit up in delight as soon as it became evident that the two of them shared more than he had thought they would have. “Sometimes, I really wish I could have been born around that time, or at least be there to witness that whole atmosphere.” Eh. He really was an old soul stuck in a young body, wasn’t he? Not that this bothered Soohyun who always shamelessly spoke about his interests.
“You know what? There’s a real good jazz club in the city, I went there a couple of times and their playlist is usually fantastic. You should hit me up when you have free time so we can go there, we can ride on my bike.” Yep, because, you see, he did not have a car. As nice and gentlemanly as it would be to pick the lady up in his car, the only vehicle he had was the motorcycle but it would have to do. Besides, riding a bike would be more exciting, right?
Taking the bottle, he chugged a generous amount, looking around for a table as they made their way through the swarm of dancing bodies that paid the two of them little to no attention. The music indeed was too loud and the lights somewhat blinding, which explained his looking down most of the time and leaning closer to Ronan so that he could hear what she was saying. “Uh. I’m afraid my life lately has been as predictable and dull as a Michael Bay movie.” Yup, he really disliked that director. “I’ve been trying to read up, I have this habit of hoarding books and then keeping them on my shelf for months. Look, there’s a table,” he pointed.
Hooking his arm loosely around her’s he tugged her towards the emptied table before someone else claimed it. Once there, he continued his story. “Been working on some spells and uh, well I do like riding over to the beach. There’s one I like, it’s not…usable, you know, during summers and all. Small and unattractive, but still appealing for me. I go there to drink soju and contemplate my existence,” he chuckled as he sat down, glancing at their drinks menu.
“Oh and I frequent your school’s library. What do you want to drink?”
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ronan-ia-blog · 7 years
It was a recent development that he had become so quiet. Normally he wouldn’t be so stand-offish, though over time it had come to this nervous quiet behavior–it wasn’t as if he was afraid of the woman by any means (she’d given him no reason to be fearful) but he also didn’t want to risk doing something stupid. Or saying anything, at that. But as he became accustomed to her company, just her company, he found that his nervousness was diminishing.
What did he like? This caught him a little off guard, not expecting her to be able to order right there– “Uh,” the cheshire stepped up beside her to peek at her phone curiously, knowing very well that there wasn’t a menu of sorts, but curiosity got the better of him. “Anything sweet really,” honestly he’d eat anything. But he figured saying that would be even more vague than ‘sweets’. Hopefully she didn’t find that to be troublesome–it had been a while since he’d been to the bakeries in the village.
Following along with her down the trail to the village, he looked up as they crossed under the initial mountainous passage and into the light of the village. For whatever reason, he felt more relaxed outside of the grounds for the time being.
“Oh, no,” he shook his head quickly at her question, though he held out his hands, offering to take the box to carry–even dark spawn had manners. Sometimes. “How much do I owe you–You work here?” Seemed like it. His eyes glanced outside again, “Do you want to find somewhere outside to sit instead?”
She chuckled a bit at his answer, but nodded understandingly. It could be a bit overwhelming to answer such a broad question unexpectedly, and without the options listed right in front of you.  “Alright, I’ll just tell them to give us an assortment, that way we can have a bit of everything,” Ronan said, sending the text and slipping her phone back in her pocket.  
The assortment of sweets looked and smelled delicious, and the selkie hadn’t realized how hungry she’d been until she was holding the food in her hands. “Oh, thank you,” she murmured as he offered to carry them. Her stomach grumbled, making her laugh lightly as she handed the box over to Taemin.  Waving her hand to dismiss his question, Ronan just shook her head and smiled.  “Yea, I’ve been here for nearly two years! And don’t worry about it ~ we have to throw out the pastries we don’t sell anyway, so they won’t be missing these,” she answered with a wink.
Following his gaze outside, she nodded and went to open the door for him.  “Sure, it’s such a lovely day out,” she replied, squinting a bit in the bright sunlight.  It was warm, and the sky was so blue with only a few fluffy white clouds scattered across it.  “There’s a little garden tucked behind some of the shops down the street.  Not a lot of people know about it, so perhaps we could eat and practice a bit there?” she suggested, tilting her head.
all my friends are heathens || ronan & taemin
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ronan-ia-blog · 7 years
Bobby was quite surprised that Ronan wasn’t freaking out about his suggestion. It wasn’t like they were super close before the vacation trip to Venice, but he generally warmed up to people rather easily. It was a part of his cupid charm to be rather flirty, but he also was trustworthy enough to not be as cold as other people could be. His lips split into a grin and he found himself taking the offered bite of food, the rich flavors bursting across his taste buds in sugary goodness. Swallowing he couldn’t help but be filled with mirth as the sun beamed down upon them, his shirt clinging to his back.
He was caught off guard by the clicking shutter of the camera going off, no doubt the picture would come out more candid than posed. The cupid liked that more, because it showed true personality. Scrunching his nose up, he shrugged, wings folding around him slightly. “Well I suppose there isn’t very much different between me and other people. I mean I have wings, so that definitely makes some interesting fashion choices difficult. People also confuse me with an angel and that is annoying.” Pausing, he prodded at his food in thought. “I think a lot of people think cupids have amazing talents. We can make people fall in love, create friendships, which is all good. However, if we end up liking someone romantically our gifts stop working correctly and if we decide to not pursue love, we die. It’s not so great, especially when gossip negates us as promiscuous creatures too.” Bobby felt bad talking about himself, especially in a negative light. Smiling, he decided to switch the subject. “What about you? What’s it like being a-uh selkie?”
Had it been anyone else to make the suggestion, Ronan probably would have just laughed and brushed them off good-naturedly.  But Bobby seemed so genuinely sweet and she certainly didn’t believe that he had any ulterior motives, so she was fine with this.  The picture had turned out pretty well, she thought as he looked at it for a second on the camera screen.  It was certainly candid, with Bobby’s mouth tilted in a content half-smile and his posture natural and relaxed.  It was a good photo of him, she’d have to send him a copy later.
The selkie hummed and chuckled lightly at the mention of Bobby’s limited clothing options~ she had never really thought about the fact that his wings might restrict what he was able to wear. But he seemed to get along just fine regardless.  His next words caught her off guard, however,, making her nearly drop the forkful of food that she had been holding.  “You can’t fall in love with someone?” she asked, her expression incredulous.  “But how can you help that?”  How horrid it would be to have such a pre-determined fate, to never be able to have what you find and create for others.  She wondered how many cupids had decided to give up their gifts in order to be with someone they loved....she couldn’t imagine it to be an easy decision.
His question cut through her speculation., making her stutter for a moment before answering.  “Well...I suppose it’s not too different from being a human,” she answered, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.  “I mean, of course I spend a lot more time in the water and I can shift forms and everything, but I could also pass for a mortal if I wanted to,” she said, letting out a soft sigh.  Ronan had never really thought about how lucky she was to have that privilege.  “But it can be very dangerous.  Many places hunt seals, so we must be careful.  And if someone steals your seal fur...well without it we can’t return to the sea.  It’s pretty much a death sentence for a selkie, not being able to go back home.” Shuddering at the thought, Ronan shook her head and smiled.  “Well, it looks like the sun will be setting soon.  Want to find a gondola?”
A Trip to Venice II Ronan & Bobby
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ronan-ia-blog · 7 years
He had been slightly scatterbrained on the study and such he had been gathering up for his students when she had walked in; making sure it wasn’t too difficult or too simple, just right for every student regardless of if there were four or fifteen of them. 
“I mean… where I come from it really isn’t a bother but if you would like for us to e formal with the traditions of where we are I am happy to do that.” He gave a small shrug and tilted his head, a soft and sincere smile on his lips all up until the guitar was mentioned by the student. A light blush crept up on his cheeks as he eyed the guitar behind him.
“I’m not the greatest, my focus is generally with the piano and vocals but I have been learning guitar on my travels for about two years now.” He spoke honestly, “I can certainly teach you the best I can but please forgive me, as I am learning too. For all I know you could surpass my talents. What do you play mainly?” 
Noticing the reddening of his cheeks, Ronan smiled softly and decided that she really did like this new teacher.  It was so refreshing to hear a professor admit they weren’t the best at something, especially since so many of the instructors at Insolitus tended to be somewhat arrogant.  Not that it was necessarily a bad thing but...well Ronan appreciated humility.  
“I’m sure you’re better than you’re giving yourself credit for,” she replied, her expression brightening as he agreed to help her learn the instrument.  “Well...I’m best at piano and vocals, though I’ve also practiced the harp for many years,” she said, remembering her mother’s insistence that she learn to play ~refined~ instruments.  
The selkie grinned and dipped her head in a grateful nod.  “I’m really looking forward to learning the guitar, and being in your class,” she admitted, adjusting the strap of her bag on her shoulder.  “It was nice meeting you, I’ll see you in class!”
Welcome II Charlie & Ronan
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ronan-ia-blog · 7 years
It was such a beautiful day out and Ronan had decided to take a pleasant walk through the forest to clear her head.  The bright spring sun was shining through the leaves far above her head, and the air was quiet and warm.  Until an odd...yell? cut through the stillness of the forest and startled her.  It didn’t sound like any animal she’d ever heard before, it was high-pitched and almost wail-like.  Furrowing her brows, the selkie wondered if anything had gotten injured.  What else could have produced a sound like that?
Walking in the direction that she’d though the sound had come from, Ronan was filled with a mixture of curiosity and concern.  She’d only been walking for a good twenty minutes when suddenly a small, humanoid figure came flying down at her from the treetops.  Letting out a startled yelp, Ronan jumped back in surprise as a petite woman caught the branch above her head. Stunned into silence for a moment, she couldn’t do anything but blink blankly at the woman’s words.  But when she’d recovered her voice, she still didn’t know quite what to say.  “Uh...I um...what on earth are you doing up there?” she ended up stammering out, staring at the woman with a mixture of awe and confusion.
Airborne || Ari&Ronan
Another warm and sunny spring day meant a wandering person might find her out and about if they looked in the right place. This time, Ariana was in the forest practicing a variety of tricks for her solo act. Since aerial stunts were her favorite, the woman was thinking up move after move, trick after trick. The tightrope was obvious, and she already had a grand finale type trick for her show. In the mean time she had to think up a few smaller and shorter acts that would lead up to her grand finale. Perhaps trapeze work? But Ari had been running into a thinking block in her classroom and had sought out the deep forest where she might find hanging vines, or at least trees with long branches that were close enough together.
This was how the tiny woman found herself swinging from branch to branch, doing flips and acrobatics where she could fit one in between take off and landing. It reminded her so much of the movie Tarzan that at some point she couldn’t stop herself from calling out like he did when she did one last large swing. In her laughter, the woman missed the branch with her feet and only managed to grasp it by her fingertips at the last moment. She found herself hanging just above a woman who had happened to be walking below. “Oh, oops! Didn’t, uh, didn’t see you there.” The teacher flushed with some embarrassment; had the woman been there long enough to hear her Tarzan yell?
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ronan-ia-blog · 7 years
Charlie was perched comfortably at his desk, generally procrastinating on designing the next terms assessments and assignments as he had a guitar beside him leaned against the desk and a blank piece of sheet music in front of him when he looked up and saw the beautiful young lady approaching.
“U-Uh.. no- I mean yes! I have a moment…” He stammered briefly without the expectation of many people coming to visit him in his classroom until, well, class. Hearing her explanation in regards to being his student his face lit up with a mix of surprise and joy, soon before he brought himself to his feet to take her hand, giving a graciously gentle shake before smiling brightly and pulled his arm back to rest it at his side. 
“Please, the pleasure is all mine Ronan…” A soft chuckle leaves him, partially built from his nerves. “I’m Charles Stein… Both students and teachers have been just calling me Charlie though so make do with what you will.” 
Chuckling at his slightly flustered response, Ronan tilted her head and grinned.  He seemed sweet, if a bit nervous.  But she supposed being in a school of this size with so many different, and some intimidating creatures, would be daunting.  
“Well, Charlie, welcome to Insolitus!” she said, feeling slightly odd using a teacher’s first name.  Then again, it’s also odd to call someone so much younger than herself by a formal name, isn’t it? She presumed he was pretty young, since she’d heard he was human and he didn’t look any older than...well she wasn’t quite familiar with how human age worked, but he didn’t look old.
Eyeing the guitar he had left lying on the desk, Ronan raised and eyebrow and smiled.  “You play?” she inquired, leaning forward a bit to get a closer look. “I’ve always wanted to learn guitar.  Can you teach me this year?”
Welcome II Charlie & Ronan
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ronan-ia-blog · 7 years
Mino eyed her in high amusement when he heard where they got the neon coloured shit. “Oh damn– really? Now this turned into an experiment and a challenge.” He said, bringing the glass up to his nose to smeel it before adding. “I went up to the space station but surprisingly didn’t got any booze, I have to go up there again and hit the clubs.” It seemed like an invite, he didn’t meant it that way but thinking of it, both their shifts were done, so why not. “Oh don’t worry– I’ll take my risks, is not like it would be the first crazy thing I get into my system.” He said with a slight smirk and sipped from his glass.
Differently from what she might have thought, Mino had no idea what the hell she was– she looked very much human and they have never engaged in that conversation, or have they? He was not really sure at this point, he’s been drinking for a while and even when he was a heavy drinker the mixed rums were starting to kick in. However at her question he quickly realized, if he haven’t before, that she was indeed not human. Chuckling to her question, he put the empty glass down and served himself another drink as he glanced between the his actions and her beautiful emerald eyes. “Oh– well long story short, it only takes to be friends with a vampire.” He said and laughed before bringing more of the drink to his lips. 
She laughed at his comment, raising an eyebrow as he sipped at the drink.  “I went to one of the clubs on the space station once, but I didn’t get to stay very long,” she mentioned, shuddering as she remembered the burning blue drink she’d had there.  “I’d be down to go back though, and actually stick around for a bit.” Ronan grinned and shrugged, taking another swig.  
Giving him a surprised look, Ronan leaned forward with interest.  “A vampire? Really?” she mused, extremely curious but not wanting to pry.  The selkie had met a few vampires in her time, but not many of them had left a very good impression.  She wondered what his story was.  “You humans lead such interesting lives,” she said, tucking a long strand of strawberry-blonde hair behind her ear.  “Did you believe in all this stuff before you knew? Sorry, I don’t mean to be nosy...I’ve just never really understood the way your world works.” She tried to make light of the comment, but her cheeks flushed a light pink.  To be quite honest, Ronan was a bit embarrassed about her lack of knowledge in the human world. 
Curiosity Killed the Cat II Ronan & Mino
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ronan-ia-blog · 7 years
Welcome II Charlie & Ronan
Ronan approached the half-open door, knocking lightly as she peeked her head around the edge.  “Hello, do you have a moment?” she asked, seeing a man sitting inside the office.  “You’re the new advanced music teacher, right? I believe I’m one of your students,” she began, stepping in to the room and holding out her hand.  “Ronan, it’s a pleasure to meet you,” she said, a warm smile on her face.  
The selkie was excited about this new teacher ~ he looked young and decently friendly.  It was refreshing to see a teacher that was actually passionate about what they were doing, so Ronan was really looking forward to being in his class. 
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