rondymylife · 5 years
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rondymylife · 5 years
Last year really showed me who I was and what I represent and a year of growing pains.There were a lot of times I would smile, and put on the face of “happy” but deep down I was fighting a mental battle. A battle of at times I didn’t feel like myself, I didn’t feel confident, I was fighting a battle of growing into the woman I was called to be. A lot of nights praying, and crying and asking God to fix what is broken in me. A lot of times as we are transitioning and shifting into greater, there’s a battle going on with who we use to be and the person we are growing to be. At the end of 2017, I graduated college and was eager to began my career in healthcare, and eventually other ventures. 2018 began, and I applied for over 50+ jobs, took interviews, and the infamous “a more qualified candidate, or the usual you didn’t get the job” was filling up my inbox. I kept praying and listening to God and towards the end of January I interviewed and got hired the same day at the job where I am still working for a year later (whoop whoop!) Time went on, me and my guy broke up and it hurt me, he was everything I wanted on paper. He graduated college, had his own car, crib, he worked, family oriented, and hella ambitious with lots of goals, and very handsome. Sounds good, don’t he? I found out later, everything that glitters ain’t gold and he was just like the next guy. He wanted the perks of a relationship but no title, and convenient on his terms. So we went our separate ways, and I started focusing on my career and just on myself. After a few months, I started to feel as if I was stuck, and limited to only a few options I started praying and fasting because career wise I wasn’t happy, and it was taking a toll on me. I had become a fussy Fanny, always coming home complaining my job, and not feeling appreciated and tired. Fast forward, and I get a promotion months later and transfer to a different department that works hard to develop and promote their employees. (THANK GOD) I started my new job after Thanksgiving, and my love life took another hit, I needed a change. I realized I was attracted to pain, same ole’, same ole’ situations, heartbreak after heartbreak I had became accustomed to. I associated my heart with pain because that’s all I knew. After being cheated on a few times, lied too and manipulated you start to believe that’s your reality and what you deserve. After awhile those patterns become too familiar, and after that last heartbreak I realized it’s time for a change. Part of the issue was I was looking for the love of my dad through a guy when I realized later on that, that void can be filled with positive things. (Change those negatives into positives)I wrote down a list of everything I wanted to change and only things God can change within me. Fixed my relationship with my dad, did some confidence boosters, and really started to focus and believe in myself. I can tell you all day to believe in yourself, love yourself, be your best you, until you start applying it your life, it’s just words. I have been single for a few months, and I am enjoying the process and really learning so much. I can say that 2018 was the year of growing emotionally, physically, spiritually, and mentally. And now in 2019 I am stronger, I made it a year in Corporate America (whoop whoop), I can truly smile because God has been good to me, and I am no longer looking to fill voids, I’m focused on me, and working on a few business ventures and spreading love and light to those around me. I feel like God had to stretch, and align me in the right direction so I can walk into my purpose and grow into the woman he called me to be. I had to pray, and ask God to heal the broken parts of me, and be transparent with myself so I can truly heal and be free. Being transparent shows your true self and allows you to be free and not be afraid of your truth. Spreading love and light. ❤️
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rondymylife · 5 years
“Don’t eat every grape you get from the grapevine”
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rondymylife · 5 years
Back to the poetry spot, with the orange paint and Cadillac rims as chandeliers, orange chairs with gold tint, posters of Erykah Badu, Bob Marley, and Marvin Gaye and vintage vinyl records on the walls. All I hear is the sizzle from the fried chicken wings dropping in the grease, and the smell of burning cinnamon incense sticks. Sunflowers on the table, and love heals all quotes on the table as well. Smelling that chicken is making me hungry, I order six honey hot wings with a side of fries with a dash of Cajun seasoning and a frozen peach mango tea. I come here to think, vent, and collect my thoughts. Love heals all, love is an universe language. There are various forms of love, but overall love is love. For the last few months, I’ve been on “secure the bag, sis” focused on my career, stack and save, and make sure to buy yourself something nice. Nothing wrong with “securing the bag” and putting your heart under construction but as a person, I am caring, nurturing, and I love to love, and eventually I do want to love again. I mean I do want to have a husband, and eventually have kids. I’ve been hurt a lot of times by people who I thought I was in love with, and it took me a long time to heal from that hurt. When I say this year was the year to evaluate, re-evaluate and deal with some shit and put things into prespective this was the year. I had to heal my heart, and really focus on getting myself prepared so I can be open to love again. I’ve realized in certain points in my life, I attracted dysfunction because that’s what I wanted and I thought arguing, pain, heartbreaks was all apart of love. Pain is not love, and love is not pain. Love is patient, kind,it does not envy (1 Corinthians 13:4-8) ❤️ Love is unconditional, and after praying to God, and letting go of all dysfunction, broken-heartedness, feelings of confusion, and doubt I started to work on myself and day by day dealt with issues, and fixed areas in my life. So, I will keep focusing on my career, secure the bag, keep praying and open my heart to love so when the man God has for me comes I will be ready. (About to order some more wings these are bussin’) I think of Jill Scott’s song Prepared, and in the song she talks about getting herself together, and preparing herself for what’s to come, and making room for her mate. ❤️
Get rid of dead weight, focus on your own issues, pray and ask God to help you, and build your strength, and other issues. Keep praying and know that God is going to send your mate to you.
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rondymylife · 5 years
Lessons And Levels Up
The last few weeks I’ve been getting my mojo back, I got a new job that I absolutely love. I got my creative outlet back, and I feel so much happier, I had to burst that negative energy bubble, anyone who knows me knows I am a naturally happy person and always a smiling person. My mom said I came out the womb smiling. I was doing my usual dancing in the mirror, and I looked in the mirror, and I loved who I saw in the mirror. My skin is clearing up, when I was going through that storm (last blog post, After the Storm) I stopped caring about how my skin looked. Picked up a better water drinking habit, and my skin is looking so much better. Hair growing all healthy,shout out to my hairstylist Laney she is awesome. I’ve came such a long way from dealing with self-esteem issues, and issues with my weight. I’ve finally got to the point in my life where I’m a QUEEN, and I love everything about myself. From the beauty mark to the middle of my forehead, to my square toes. Growing up, I was the thicker one of the bunch. I used to hate being a more full figured, than all of my friends being more petite, and smaller. But, now I love it, I embrace my shape. It’s amazing when God gives you this peace and you feel like a brand new woman. You start moving different, and realizing some things are not for you anymore. My style of men has changed (Thank you God for growth, lol) I’m just in a happy place in life, my faith was tested, and after God told me I passed my test, and I’m right where I’m supposed to be, I have a new kind of glow. My mojo is coming back, and I’m living, loving, and smiling more than ever. ❤️ I can truly say I’ve been getting out of my comfort zone and it feels great. 2018 has definitely been the year of patience, from applying to other jobs to getting those emails, “your a good candidate, but we chose someone more qualified” to wanting to throw in the towel, and give up. Standing on the word, and what God told me, to taking interviews and getting denied for those jobs. But, one morning around 2:50 am, God woke me up, and said “This was a test to strengthen your faith, and prepare you greater. You passed the test.” God has to teach you, and prepare you before he promotes you to the next level; I passed my training, and now I’ve leveled up, faith super strong, and glowing more than ever. God is right there every step of the way! The love I have for myself, R O N D A L I N is amazing. I took all my past hurt, and dealt with it. (Not perfect, still dealing with a few things) Put my heart under construction, and let my mind lead. Mind, body, and soul got clearer, left my past in the rear view so new things, new life, and new opportunities could be in my clear view. ❤️ Thankful for it all. Look in the mirror, deal with your issues, put your heart under construction, get out your feelings, handle your business, and love yourself like no other. Turn all those loses into lessons and watch God do his thang. ❤️ Rondy
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rondymylife · 5 years
I Challenge You
I challenge you to write on a piece of paper on how YOU see yourself in a few years, how do you want people to see you, how do you want to be remembered.
I want to be a WOMAN OF PURPOSE❤️ a classic woman.
I see myself as a (future life goals)
Making lifelong connections and networking
My ultimate goal in life is to become the woman God created me to be
And far as ultimate goal for the future, building a legacy for future generations, praying and preparing myself for my future husband and children, and future generations.
So I challenge you to write it on a piece of paper and pray and watch God work! 2019 is almost here, and it’s time to get the action plan together, detox all negativity, and prepare for the new year, and make 2019 the best, 2018 has been a year of new beginnings, and growth. 2019 is going to be even better. ❤️ Rondy
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rondymylife · 6 years
After The Storm
It’s definitely been a minute, I can truly say what you say you are will definitely be tested in a storm. A couple of months ago, I wrote down a list of the woman I wanted to be, and different characteristics of myself along with a few goals and dreams, and what I wanted for my legacy. A couple of my friends did the list as well, and we compared and had conversations about it. Two things I put on my list were faith walker, and strength partner. And I will tell you seems like weeks after, the winds joined forces and the storm began. I’ve always been a person who encourages those around me, and those connected to me. My faith is strong, I was raised around a praying grand mom, and mom. There’s nothing no one can tell me about my God, I got faith for days and strength to endure. Even got strength tattooed on my back. Whew, that storm came and I felt like I was getting attacked from every angle and tried on every level. Personally, emotionally, physically, and every way possible. I refused to let depression and anxiety consume me, mood swings all over, crying all the time, faith tested. I felt like this was the test of my life, how can you say you fully have faith if you ain’t never best tested. I would always tell those around me, “storms don’t last forever, it’s going to get better, have faith, you got this.” And there are times I wanted to give in, throw in the towel and just quit but everytime I wanted to quit, I would heart this light whisper, keep going, keep pushing or the storm would ease up a bit. I started eating more, not taking care of my skin, more mood swings, becoming more of a recluse. Until, I woke up one morning around 2:54 am and decided that I am strong, I am not in this storm alone and God is with me through it all. Storms don’t last forever, Friday my storm ended and I feel stronger than before, I passed my test and my faith is stronger than ever. I needed that storm to get me to my next level. There were so many days I wanted to give in, quit, throw in the towel and be done. Next level faith for a new level God promoted me too, got. a higher position and all the storms were sent to prepare me for the next level along with strengthening my faith walk, and strength level. The storm brought me even more closer to God and I’m just thankful. Depression and anxiety are real especially in this season, it is so important to pray and cover yourself and keep yourself surrounded with positivity and love. You never know how strong your faith is until you’ve been tested. After the storm,I got a higher position with my job, an upgrade. Other opportunities have fallen into place, and things are really starting to turn around. After the storm comes the rainbow and the results you’ve been fighting and praying and trusting God for.
For those going through the storm, it’s only to make you stronger. Keep pushing, keep going.
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rondymylife · 6 years
The Re-Introduction
It’s been a minute since we last connected.
I said in my last post, that it was time to start living my best life.
Which is what I’m doing, smiling more, going out more, and living more.
Hanging out with my friends and family, tried dating (ehhh I’ll speak on that topic later) , just enjoying life and everything that it has to offer.
With so many changes, and transformations, and transitions, I made lots of memories, talked to God more, allowed myself to be me, and be FREE. Learned more, tried new restaurants, wore less makeup, detoxed for more than a week, tried new recipes, made time to meditate, read more books, and just been living my best life, stress free and full of peace, love, and happiness.
Then, I started missing something, started yearning for my pen to write and create. To write ideas, and write dreams and visions, write down what God is telling me, write down my thoughts, my lessons/experiences, write down everything. I wrote a few blog ideas down but couldn’t get my words to connect, kept getting jumbled and fumbled, lost words lost connections. Scrambled, I figured the best way to write for this next chapter would be a re-introduction. A re-introduction of who I am, a re-introduction of who I am as a woman, as a brand, as an artist. As you began new chapters in your life, it’s important to establish structure, be honest, be free, and know that the words you speak life into, are the things that will happen in your life.
Hello, my name is Rondalin and I am a woman of God,woman of purpose,a sister, daughter, friend, auntie,niece, cousin, strength partner, dreamer, believer, fashion lover, and lover of life.
I love to read, and learn new things, (I love the field of healthcare and learning new things to share, and helping myself and others to learn and grow around me.) I love books, I’m a nerd at heart.
I am optimistic, strong, beautiful, charismatic, and I love to create outfits and hairstyles in my head.
I spend hours and minutes creating outfits in my head, and I love makeup. (From mattes lipsticks, color corrector, highlighter, and all)
I want to own my own lipstick line one day (it’s on the way)
I love to laugh, and be around great energy (if the energy and vibes are off/negative I’m out of there, I worked to hard to protect my peace and energy.)
I love God with everything in me, he is my number one. He strengthens me, heals me, guides me, corrects me, and gives me wisdom and peace.
I learned to master peace,healing and forgiveness. (Ain’t no bitterness in my heart, I’m good. For those I’ve caused pain and hurt, I apologize and own up to my mistakes and realize I was at a different mind space.)
I love my family, super family oriented. From my mama, daddy, my brother, my sister, my nephews, cousins, aunts and uncles, grandparents, and friends whom I call family my support system I got y’all forever.
I love to inspire and fill the room with happiness, once I learned that life and death are in the power of the tongue, I started speaking life over myself, family, and friends.
I’m flawed but I’m solid. (Hella flaws, but they made me stronger so I’m solid.)
I love good food, and I love to cook. A part of cooking I love is cooking,nmixing spices and sauces and flavoring meals are my specialty.
I love fashion, from top to bottom I love putting things together.
I’m loyal as a friend, family member, sister all that. If I got you, I got you.
Put some structure around me, I got goals, and as I am in this space of trying to establish myself as a woman, I had to put some structure around myself. Old friends, old habits had to go. Everybody around you can’t always go to the places you are going too.
Never let anyone label you, or define you. I use to let people define me, my life. Nah fam, started taking my life back and leveling up and started speaking my mind, having conversations, labeled myself as a woman of worth, wisdom, strength, purpose, and a woman of God.
Got hella confident, started smiling at myself when I walked passed the mirror, no matter the size I’ll always be beautiful and I’ll always be Rondalin. I’ll detox and diet and got my mind free, just enjoying life effortlessly.
My sister Kela, told me to start putting positive affirmations around so I could always have them around started doing it, everything around me is so clear and in order.
I stopped being so emotional, sometimes being emotional can be a downfall, stopped spazzing out on people and letting my anger get the best of me. Let that hurt go,sis.
I’m still stubborn, still learning, still growing, but I am me. Once I realized my worth, and changed/shifted a few things, gave God complete control and realized I was a QUEEN and stopped dating these grown boys. I leveled up and stopped accepting less.
My favorite fries are still waffle fries from Chik-Fil-A, and I’ve finally broke out of my shell and I know who I am as a woman, and I know that God is guiding me, and the purpose he has over my life is poppin’.
Use to have hella insecurities but now I embrace them, life is a blessing and now that I have leveled up and things are falling into place, and God has blessed me and equipped me with the items that I needed for this new chapter, started with a re-introduction, now it’s time for the new chapter.
Feeling better, living better, re-introduced myself, new chapter here we come.
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rondymylife · 6 years
Repeat after me, MY strength comes from all the things I’ve endured and all the things that tried to break me, made me STRONGER in the end.
In this life, in order to become who God designed us to be, we have to go through some situations, and go through some things to make us stronger.
The things that make us stronger allow us to grow, and the pain we’ve endured, the lessons we learned, the going through process is where we get our strength from.
I have a tattoo, which I got about two years ago on my upper back that says STRENGTH with a cross going through it. I got this tattoo during a time in my life where I was going through an ending of a situation, living a life that I was content and comfortable to a shift in life where God made everything uncomfortable and all I could depend was God and my family, and support system. 
I was dating a guy at the time, whom was no good for me. I was pretty much in a situation with a person who I was giving more than he was giving me. I was giving 80%, he was giving 20%. (You know when you feelin’ someone and you really want it to work, and you do everything in your power to make it right, and appease them; I should’ve of known better, I was taught better but you know what happens sometimes when your heart leads and your brain is flowin’ with your heart) Anyways we went our separates way due to him not knowing what he wanted, and (honestly he was a time waster) finding out a few weeks later, he was in a relationship with someone else. I was all in my feelings like why would he do this to me, I thought we were good, and everything else. I was heartbroken. I remember my friend sent me Jill Scott’s cd and I blasted that album for three straight days. I felt so betrayed, numb, confused, distraught, hurt, and every emotion. Five months of my time wasted, just so he could figure out what he really wanted was the other chick. 
I remember my best friend Martez was getting a tattoo, and I went with him to the tattoo shop and I was so nervous, and I remember telling him I think I want a tattoo as well. I thought about it, thought about it some more, and decided if I was going to get a tattoo that would reflect what I was going through at the time.
I sketched out the word strength with a cross going through it, and told the tattoo artist this is what I wanted it defined what I was going through. I remember after we paid, and I put my headphones in, and as soon as I felt that needle and ink on my skin I knew it was real. It felt like more like a long pinch on the arm, mixed with a prickling razor on the skin. It definitely hurt, but after I saw the finished product I was in love.
Even though my feelings and heart were wrapped up in the guy I was dating, I knew deep down God was pulling me to greater. A lot of times in life, we start to settle and we tell ourselves we are comfortable and super content. We enjoy the company and feel as if we are “good”. I remember going to church one Sunday, and I prayed to God to take me higher, anything that is not for me in this next level to remove it, and guide me to the next level. Next thing I knew, my so called boo started tripping on me, some of the friends I thought was down were dropping like flies, and everything in my life became so uncomfortable that I had to surrender to God, and give everything to him. He molded me over, changed my mindset, changed my heart (that took ALOT of time, lol), and took me through some storms to transform me and know that through whatever this life may bring I can depend on God, and my strength comes from God. Along with all changes, and separations God grew me up and blossomed me into a person full of love, life, and strength to make it through anything.
So, if you are a person who is going through, and feeling as if you cannot make it, know that in this life everything you go through is to make you stronger. A lot of times when we are transition to becoming the person God has called us to be, it’s a lot of growing pains and a lot of strength build ups. Encourage yourself; uplift yourself, grow from your mistakes, learn from your mistakes,inhale love, exhale hate. Know that your strength is what makes up your character. You are powerful, you are loved, you are everything that your heart desires. Sometimes it takes a bad break up, or ending of anything to began the transformation of becoming your best you. LET THAT HURT GO; don’t let anything hinder you from being the best person you were placed on this Earth to be. Let your strength build itself, and know that you are phenomenal. Your strength defines you, don’t let anything in this life break you, or make you feel as if you are not worthy. 
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rondymylife · 6 years
Healing, Peace of Mind.
Back to the poetry spot.
With the mirrors, the retro vintage furniture, and bangin’ curly fries and bbq wings that has the sauce that drips everywhere.
I come to this spot often to reflect, to inspire, to vent, to write out my frustrations.
From relationship issues. Personal issues. Friendship issues. To all of the above.
The last few weeks, I have had conversations, been around people and have observed so many different emotions, body language, and more emotions.
What I observed mostly is that a lot of people are not “genuinely” happy at all. A lot of people put on smiles and hide all their pain, they mask their pain behind the infamous poker face.
It’s a lot of people who are not happy with their life and their situations. We run to social media and live this social media life, that is not even realistic. We try to find a temporary “fix” to maintain our lives, and we look for temporary happiness to maintain our brokenness. Which is cool, but that wound that you keep adding band aids to is not going to heal itself. We have to deal with our issues head on, easier said than done, but to get to a place of pure happiness and peace it must happen. Healing must happen. Uncovering the issues, and start the healing process.
I remember there was a time in my life where I craved toxicity, and the more dysfunctional it was the more I craved it. I was attracted to pain, and that’s what I desired. Peace and dysfunction have no relationship, after the heartbreaks, and almost loosing my mind, it was time for a major change and lots of healing.
Here are a few changes I made to help heal, and get peace of mind.
One - Get closer to God, he’s the only one that can give you internal peace, and give you everything that you need. He will give you peace, love, understanding, strength, and will equip you with so much to make it through. Whatever you are lacking God will provide you with and much more. The wisdom and knowledge you will need for your life all comes from God.
Two-Take care of your mind and body, self-care is so important. It’s your body, take care of it. Your body will give you signals that it needs to be taken care of. Drink more water, take a workout class, hang out with friends, paint your toes, eat right, shave, take that relaxing bath, take a minute to breathe. Be good to your body, and it will be good to you. Far as your mind, identify things that make you happy, learn to manage your emotions, journal, read, do things that will make you happy. Sometimes for peace of mind, we have to shut off those things that are distracting us.
Three- Be accountable. Take ownership, that’s a part of growing up. Do your part, if you made a mistake or feel as if you’ve done wrong or did someone wrong just own up to it. You will feel so much better, and better about the situation. Being accountable is a great character trait, and it helps us to develop more into who we are supposed to be and designed to be.
Four- Let go of those who hurt you - You know those people who always try to bring you down, they don’t do nothing for you but try to break you, and hurt you. It’s 2018, we are not dealing with the hurt anymore. Love those and stay connected to those who inspire you, help push you to the next level, love you enough to motivate you to be better, and genuinely care about you.
Just a few tips to help get you to a point of peace and happiness, do things that make you happy, heal from those things that cause you pain, and get rid of barriers that are blocking you from greatness. Write, reflect, find your peace of mind, and do it all over again.
Heal from your hurt, heal for those around you connected to you, heal to become your best you.
Follow and get connected to God, and the rest will follow.
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rondymylife · 6 years
Living My Best Life
“Yeah, yeah I’m living my best life. Made a couple of M’s with my best friend. Turned all my L’s into lessons. “ Best Life x Cardi B & Chance The Rapper
A few weeks ago, after having a conversation with my homegirl she asked me was I living or just existing. Our conversation went from there, and I said from that day forward I was going to LIVE to my full potential, and live my best life. Maximize every opportunity, and live life.
I wrote down a list of things that I wanted to do, and told myself that first I needed to get out of my comfort zone. I always felt as if, in order to get different results I would have to do some things differently. I am more of a “home body” and even though I love binge watching my Netflix shows, and cooking and relaxing after a hard day at work, it’s time to LIVE. Time to do some sight seeing, traveling, bonding and developing and cultivate some friendships and relationships.
Playing it safe is cool and has it perks, but how can we say we have enjoyed life, and all it has to offer, if we never truly live LIFE. Best advice, get out of YOUR comfort zone. Try new things, be open to new things, life is way too short to be afraid to try new things. Embrace change, because a lot of times we close the door to change due to being afraid.
Change it up, fix it up, mix it up, and live your BEST life. God has been too good to us for us to just be mediocre. He designed us in his image to be purposeful, full of life, flavorful, and magnificent.
I challenge you to start off making some changes, like maybe you try a new polish on your nails, or call your homegirl up and try a new work out class. (Tried yoga for the first time it was definitely a fun experience, lol.) Then, level up to bigger things sight seeing, traveling, classes, getting more involved. Make everyday count.
Make your life the best, get out of your comfort zone, let everything that is negative out of your life, smile more, love more, find events to go too, develop those relationships with those around you, turn all those losses that you feel are holding you back, let them go. Those lessons that you learned apply them, and move on.
Do everything that makes you happy, no regrets.
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rondymylife · 6 years
Season of Living
In this season of life I am in, I have realized so much more about myself as I am gearing up to start my new job in two weeks, I have had the best time alone evaluating, writing, thanking God for where he has brought me from and where he's about to take me, and self- reflection realizing so much about myself. I can honestly I love to LIVE, I was having a conversation with my sister this weekend and I was telling her how much I am enjoying living every day to the fullest (sounds cliche, lol) but it's the truth. Every day is not peaches and cream, but every day that God wakes me up, and puts breath into my body I am going to live LIFE to the fullest. I told myself that in 2018, I was going to speak life in situations, and remain positive through it all, now I want lie, sometimes it's hard to speak life into a situation when there's so many negative factors surrounding the situation, but I am determined to speak life over my friends, family, and myself daily. I have realized that I am one of the dopest, but at the same time weird as ever, I like to read, write, create fashion and hairstyles in my head, I love to learn, and having stimulating conversations, I have hundreds of dreams, ideas, and thoughts run across my mind all day long, I'm learning to sit still, and just let allow things to flow and align as they please, I am a woman who is far from perfect, but owning her truth and understanding that God created me Rondalin, to serve a purpose, and to live for Rondalin. I trust God more than anything, and I know he's working through me to fulfill my purpose, I love gospel music, r&b music, and trap music. From Money Bagg Yo to SZA to Yolanda Adams, I love good music, my weight fluctuates, some days I eat more calories than I should, and then I'll work out, and start the process of getting healthy. I'm finally at a place in my life where I can honestly say I'm at peace with who I am, and I know who I am, and no matter what I will always be R O N D A L I N. Took me awhile, I use to look for inspirations through other people , and get on Instagram and look at what other people had, and think I didn't have what they had, my life is not "poppin" as it should be, but then I realized no one is the same, everyone's life is different, and God designed me, how he designed me, and I am me, live your best life, and live in your own truth.
Just a tip of advice, be your best you, find things that make you happy, and if the people around you are "negative" and not uplifting, encouraging, or trying to help YOU better YOU, let them go. Cut all the ones that are "iffy" off too, 2018 is the year of new beginnings, and living your best life possible. Instead of focusing on the negative, start focusing on the positive, dance in the mirror, do things for yourself (get your hair done, write in your journal, get your nails done, go shopping, take yourself on a date) Go you! Be your best you, surround yourself with people that embrace you genuinely, stay close to God, maintain your happiness, and smile!
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rondymylife · 6 years
Back to the poetry spot
With the good vibes, good people, and the bangin' chicken wings and curly fries
Retro themed, and full of mirrors,
Mirrors to show the reflection of your soul,
Lots of vibrant colors to embrace you
Old school jams echo through the speaker
Another night of open mic
Mic check, mic check
"It's open mic night, along with painting for a cause"
As the poets are flowing, the painter will be creating a portrait"
I take another sip of my mango tea lemonade and hit the stage
Mic check, mic check,
I call this one "Exclusive"
We were exclusive
We were deep
We were too caught up in our feelings too realize that this thang we had was only temporary
You push, I pull, some days I need you more than you need me
We were exclusive
We were deep
We were lost in each other
We were connected, we were together
Never put a title on it, just had a bond that kept us connected
Everybody knew what was up with us
We were exclusive; we were deep,
It was like a love story, except in the movies there's a fairytale and with us, after the smoke cleared was all a lie,
can't believe it all was a lie, and how one day the person you thought everything was all good with, creepin' with the girl he said was just a "friend" , a friend who been waiting on him for three years, he was weighing his options out, I said I didn't want any parts of that dead weight misery, plus if I ain't the only one , then I really don't want to be apart . He was down with having multiple women , believed in the "polygamy" lifestyle, options and side chicks, So I bounced, "nice knowing you" and realized we were never "exclusive", should of known when he posted our pictures and all the side eye comments, and whenever we stepped out, all the eye rolls, should of known better, he played the game and had me thinking we were really "exclusive" when in reality, he was having all his cake, and eating it too. Next time around, I'll be wiser, and make sure I'm not "exclusive" with anyone that's for everybody .
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rondymylife · 6 years
Time To Check In
It’s been a minute since we last spoke, so much has happened since we last connected, December was a very busy month for me, I accomplished one of my major goals graduating college with my Bachelor’s degree.
It was such a beautiful day, I was surrounded by family and friends, it was awesome and filled with emotion and love.
The holidays were great, filled with the same love and genuine feelings. Fast forward to the new year, full of 2018 mantras and goals. I took some time to write out some goals, and make a vision board, and also some words for 2018.
2018 the year of new beginnings and transformations, that was one of the things I wrote in my journal.
Some other excerpts from my journal,
I am determined to make this the best year ever, so many things changed and were completed last year, time to make this year the best with the next level thinking and living.
Year of transformation, and moving outside my comfort zone
Start my career in healthcare
Become more healthier in food choices
Speak life into MORE situations, optimistic thinking and mindset
EXCEED the expectation
Give God MORE
2018 Year of MORE
Most of my journal writings for 2018 are achievable.
Most people know that I am a “planner”, not the most organized at times but when it comes to ideas, and things that pertain to my life I am a planner.
I just knew after graduation I would be working, sounds good to say “oh yeah, I got offered a position and I start the following Monday after graduation.”
That wasn’t the plan God had for me, he needed me to stay still until what job was meant for me, and career path was open for me to come to pass.
The devil started to get in my ear, and really tried to discourage me, but after picking myself up I knew this time of waiting was all apart of God’s plan.
I interviewed for a position I had been praying about, had the interview at 1:00, got hired two hours later, now I’m working for a company that is a top healthcare company and has some of the best opportunities to grow and learn. Now that’s favor. God’s plan is definitely way better than the plan I had for myself, I am so thankful and happy.
For anyone who is the “waiting” period, and feels like they aren’t hearing from God keep praying and talking to God and he will show you the way, keep being faithful, and doing your part. When it’s time God will bless you in abundance, more than you will ever expect. Keep the faith!
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rondymylife · 6 years
Conversations with Strangers
As I sit here pondering my thoughts and jotting down my words . . I realized the ones closest to us, we repeatedly hurt but the ones that don’t know us we treat them like royalty.
Conversations with strangers are easy, they don’t require our time and loyalty, energy given they don’t know our past, our secrets, or the “you remember when you did this” conversations
Conversations with strangers, a simple hello, oh I like your shoes, simple pleasantries. No strings attached, no feelings attached, just simple pleasantries with conversations with strangers for a few moments.
I recall a certain conversation with some strangers, I observe a lot, body language is eye-catching we are more open to those who don’t know are hurts, aches, problems. Strangers are there for a mere-second and then their gone about their day. .
Conversations with strangers, simple pleasantries, no strings attached, no feelings attached, simple pleasantries, a smile, a wave and then we out this thang.
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rondymylife · 7 years
Time To Take The Mask Off
Before I begin I want to say I dedicate this to my sister and all the women who feel like they ain’t good enough,
This is a story of realizing worth and acceptance
She sits there
Looking in the mirror, scars and bruises from
her past appear . . She was taught to stay strong
Pain is only temporary, these emotions are temporary
It’ll get better sooner than later, she takes a deep breath
She pulls out her makeup kit, and applies her makeup so effortlessly
Eyelashes on, eyebrows poppin’
Bonnet off, Curls bouncin’
Feeling like that chick, she puts her clothes and struts her way to work
She carries the worries of the world on her shoulders
She juggles the pain of her past, and the decisions of her future on her shoulders
She’s indecisive, she’s insecure, she’s critical
“Everything will be alright” , “It’ll get better soon”
Everyday she covers the pain of her life under a mask
A mask that is hiding her true self
Her true self is broken, hurt, and tired
To the ones around her she’s strong, she pushes through, and she’s SUPERWOMAN
She holds it down for her family and her friends
She’s gotta remain strong through it all
Time goes on, she’s pushing and being strong for all the ones around her, except herself
She begins to crack, and crumble
Crumble to the point there’s no more giving of herself
The facade she portrays as the “perfect woman” starts to fade
The mask she puts on, is starting to deflate
She’s loosing control, all her imperfections are eating her alive
She’s not light enough, so she buys the lightest shade of makeup to cover the scars
She’s not smart enough, so she stays up half the night doubling up on her reading
She’s not pretty enough, so before she goes anywhere she packs on the makeup and doubles the weave tracks
She lives behind this mask; afraid of what people will think of her, and say about her
She crashes, collides, and falls out
She’s tired of living behind the mask of being “perfect”, she wants to be free
She cuts the negativity out of her life, adopted some new mantras for her life, and started to live as she pleased.
She found happiness within herself, she found the true essence of herself
Audience repeat after me,
“It’s time to take the mask off”
It’s time to take the mask off
A lot of us are trying so hard to not only impress people, but also live a facade that is not us.
It’s okay to live and be happy in your own truth.
It’s okay to stand up for yourself.
You don’t have to hide behind makeup and cover your scars with the makeup
It’s okay to take the mask off and live in your own truth.
Remember you can only live a facade for so long . . It’s time to break free and do the things that make you happy and make you complete
Life is of the essence, forever learning and growing, it’s okay to make mistakes learn and grow and forgive.
Repeat after me,
“it’s time to take the mask off”
It’s take to take the mask off
Whatever is stopping you from your full potential, let it go. Those scars you cannot seen to let go and covering those scars, let it go. It’s time to take the mask off and live your best life.
Also, check on your friends and family members, you never know what a person is going through, check on your people.
Spread love, blessings, and God is love
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rondymylife · 7 years
Inorganic Chemistry
Inorganic Chemistry
Mic check, mic check
Is this mic on?
If you can hear me, repeat after me
“Chemistry is an attraction between two people”
“An attraction of two people that sometimes fizzles in and out”
“Two people that had a chemistry so strong it was organic until the end
Fought to the end, and it became inorganic”
Now, stop repeating after me and listen to the story
This is inspired by a true story
I met him at an art show
He was a tall figure, about 6’2
Brown skin complexion
Nice teeth, and a scent that complimented his swag
He smelt like Old Spice, and a fresh pair of New Jordan’s
He spoke with such intelligence and his confidence was ravishing
It was like we were the only two people in the whole art museum
As I was noticing him, he was noticing me
He approached me, and asked me for my name and my number
“Persistent”, I said. He smiled, “I like what I see and want to know you better”
We exchanged numbers, and everything happened so organic
Conversations grew, feelings grew, moments spent
He was the artist, and I was his muse
He was the peaches to my pie
And I was the honey to his nectar
We were connected, it was organic
Natural feelings, sparks flew
We fell in love quick
Use to write poetry and listen to Nas together
Eat ice cream together, and connect over life memories
We bonded naturally like two people who knew each other
All of their lives; the pain in his eyes told a story
And the pain in my heart wrote a story
Organic chemistry, we were connected
Months flew by, the spark started to dim
Those love letters and sweet words started to become distant
We began to outgrow each other
A few arguments later, and the spark dimmed out
Both tired of fighting and trying
Trying and fighting for a love that was burning out
We no longer saw eye to eye on a lot of things
He broke up with me on Earth day,
Said he wanted to get back to his Earth ways
He wanted freedom, he wanted to save the world
I wanted to travel the world, and live out my dreams
Our chemistry became inorganic
We were two people that outgrew each other, but fought to be together
Fought until the end, until we both knew it was time to let go
I call it inorganic chemistry it became unnatural, the feelings shifted
The sweet smile and the person I became attracted to started to change
Changing into someone I didn’t understand nor relate to anymore
Views changed, life changed the chemistry became inorganic
Inorganic and unrealistic
The vibe became too different to understand
He wanted his chakras and his oils and sage
I wanted my Michael Kors bags and my High heels
What I believed was organic chemistry, became inorganic chemistry
We both knew it was time to end the relationship that was meant for a season
Inorganic chemistry that was only meant for a season
A season of lessons, love, and experiences
I thank him for giving the experiences, and also the free sage
He taught me how to mediate, and how to go green
Repeat after me, “Chemistry is an attraction between two people”
“An attraction of two people that sometimes fizzles in and out”
“It has to be organic to be real, and for it to last”
“Inorganic chemistry is unrealistic and forced”
Know the difference, spread love, live life, God bless
 My name is Rondy
This is my story on inorganic chemistry
See y’all next week *drops mic*
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