ronnieonfire-blog · 10 years
Albus, honestly I just want to sleep in. 
Merry Christmas! Rise and shine, you can’t sleep this day away. It’s the most important one of the year.
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ronnieonfire-blog · 10 years
Ronnie brightened a little but quickly shrugged it off. "Yeah, sure that could be..good." She hook a few hesitant steps into the room but still kept a distance away. "I have your presents anyway."
  "A little." He was more prepared for his little sister to come in and drag him out the door and honestly didn’t expect for Ronnie to show up. "Want to have Christmas with me then?"
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ronnieonfire-blog · 10 years
"Doesn't change your sour mood does it." Ronnie rolled her eyes before leaning against the door. "No. No, I'm not. Last christmas didn't go to well, so. I'll be staying here."
  "Don’t care. Besides I didn’t even see that it was you." He shook his head, glancing at her quickly before turning away. "You going home?"
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ronnieonfire-blog · 10 years
"Wow your manners are out-fucking-standing."
"If you’re here to suggest I go home, I suggest you to fuck off."
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ronnieonfire-blog · 10 years
"Oh those fuckers. Who bans people from pubs? It's just downright cruel. I say we go to the party for a little to glare at people and make em piss them selves before heading off and making chaos."
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  "We’re also all wanted in muggle London for one thing or another, though it is Halloween and the mugshots would be much more interesting to see —if we even got caught. C’mon, it’ll be fun. We can jump ship if it’s really lame. And thank you Ronnie, you two both look smokin’.”
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ronnieonfire-blog · 10 years
"Lookin good Vic! Whadda babe."
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"If you think my costume’s great, you should see Nova, Ronnie and I together. Fucking ace." 
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ronnieonfire-blog · 10 years
"Pretty please love."
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  "Ah, well, I am quite good at playing my cards right. Would you like another drink?"
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ronnieonfire-blog · 10 years
"If he wasn't such a douche I'd be down. He was hot as hell. Whiskey. Neat. and In a bottle."
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  "If that’s your magical connection, then I think you and Tom Riddle might have gotten on well too. Sure, what do you want?"
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ronnieonfire-blog · 10 years
"It must be our hatred of vomit flavored jelly beans. Hey Lils can you get me another drink?"
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  "Merlin, I’m just asking if he was a good snog! Well, you’d be right, but you two have always seemed close.”
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ronnieonfire-blog · 10 years
"Lily. He's 18. No. We don't, I think he's mopey and annoying. Also he doesn't blink hardly enough."
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  "Ooh, was he good? Mm, sure you don’t.”  
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ronnieonfire-blog · 10 years
"Well if you play your cards right, maybe you can see that tonight too."
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  "I look forward to it. But to be honest, my favorite costume of yours will always be your birthday suit."
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ronnieonfire-blog · 10 years
"Nope. I was shagging the McLaggan boy, not that that is any of your bussiness. James and I don't do..that." 
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  "And what were you up to in your fourth year, pray tell? Banging my brother is my guess."
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ronnieonfire-blog · 10 years
"That's much more accurate. But I wouldn't compliment me too much before you see me all dressed up. Much easier to get off then last years ensemble.
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  "No, you’re just a very, very sexy angel."
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ronnieonfire-blog · 10 years
"Lily my love, you are fourteen. I don't want anybody bowing at your feet unless their being beheaded."
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  "And who are you going as?" Lily pouted at her words, disappointed that she had guessed so quickly. "But I look adorable in my costume, Ron. You should see it. Boys will be bowing at my feet.”
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ronnieonfire-blog · 10 years
"Am nooooot. My costume is in my room! I was just waiting for the trash to filter out." Ronnie pouted taking a sip of her 'pumkin juice'. "If the pair of you have dressed as a angel and a devil, I will puke on you."
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  "I see you’re going as a drunkard." Lily said, laughing a little. "You have to guess.”
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ronnieonfire-blog · 10 years
"An angel? I don't think that's quite fitting Lorcan."
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"Somehow, you managed to look like an angel without it even being your costume. I’m impressed."
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ronnieonfire-blog · 10 years
"Look you've gone and ruined the whole illusion MacMillan. You're a disgrace."
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"Wearing this mask is already making me sweat."
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