roocey-blog1 · 6 years
1307 words added to Happy to be There
Today was a bit of a slow day. Not surprising because yesterday, before I started this tumblr, was an extraordinarily productive day where I clocked in 5500~ words.
The new total is 29,743 words. I’m quite pleased with that. I’m well beyond the halfway count, in words, and we’re not still halfway through July. I’d like to finish with a week or more to spare, although I don’t consider that a strict necessity in order to feel successful about the whole ordeal.
I only wrote one scene today, although I did write it entirely from beginning to end. It involved a new POV character that I started the first chapter for yesterday. 
Qualitatively, I felt okay about today. I can already tell I’ll need to rewrite this scene fairly substantially, but its overall approach and how it fits into the story at large is perfectly fine.
That’s all for today. Peace.
P.S. Since I forgot to mention it in the introductory post, “Happy to be There” is the working title of the novel.
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roocey-blog1 · 6 years
Hi, I’m roocey aka Andrew Wright.
On July 1st, 2018 I decided to partake in Camp Nanowrimo (https://campnanowrimo.org/). I set my sights on the classic NANO goal: 50,000 words.
The most I’ve ever written in a single document is around ~18,000 words. That was a few years ago and I’ve done relatively little creative writing since that time.
It is now July 12th, 2018 and I am 28,000~ words in to a brand new story and loving it. I’m starting this tumblr as a place to talk about my writing, word counts, etc. I own other blogs in other places on the internet, but this is going to my holy writing domain. No other content shall pass through these walls.
I am now going to give a quick n’ dirty rundown of some of the main characters in the story so far.
Rachel Cirillo: “detective” in Lionell, a gigantic city on Earth. she spends a lot of time walking around the city and eating noodles. she likes to spend time in her apartment working out and chilling with her cat, Vel.
Chi Wu: the youngest of the Wu family, which controls the interplanetary Wu Corporation. she’s the only one of her siblings that hasn’t been granted a space station to manage and she’s upset about that. she likes talking to the Professor, a little can-shaped thing that’s basically just a heavily restricted AI.
Antonina Saboski: Secretary-General of the United Nations, which is the primary government controlling Earth & the Solar System at the time of the story (several centuries down the road). she’s mostly interested in stopping the interplanetary corporations from gaining too much power (whoops) and also trying to settle disputes between them before they escalate to war.
That’s all for now. I’m going to aim to do a daily word count post. 
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