rosaaureaart · 4 years
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Study of a Tangerine
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rosaaureaart · 5 years
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Aurum, 2019
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rosaaureaart · 5 years
Study of a Woman, 2019
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rosaaureaart · 6 years
Sketches, concepts, memes.
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rosaaureaart · 6 years
WIP :)
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rosaaureaart · 6 years
Portrait of Autumn Salcedo, 12/30/18
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rosaaureaart · 6 years
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Here are some drawings involving my ocs and worldbuilding for their world :)
1st pic- my oc Autumn Salcedo, a fire witch from Earth
2nd pic- my oc Aed, another fire witch but from Osce, the world in which my story takes place
3rd pic- Hceratsa Acasma Lomidze, al Lyda ya Nahiis i Zatattiar ya Xas Amroas (Queen Acasma Lomidze, the Lion of Nahiis and Protector of Her Realm)
4th pic- my thought process about costuming for the world
5th pic- the four primary characters in this story + some more fashion stuff. From left to right there's Belle Sinha, Autumn Salcedo, Hazel Desrosiers and Noah Palladino
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rosaaureaart · 6 years
Me? Changing the account name and theme constantly? Its more likely than u think.
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rosaaureaart · 6 years
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Hey guys! I'm so sorry for my hiatus my camera i use is broken right now and I'm trying to get a scanner to show my drawings in a better quality and such. Anyways, i found an old drawing i did months ago and yeah, here it is! Inhabiting the waters of France, Italy and Spain, the Velue is a relative of wyrms splitting around 39 Ma from the main line of wyrms possessing traits found in the ancestors of modern wyrms such as strong and nonvestigial hindlimbs. However, since their Bartonian split Villochelonia has devoloped porcupine-esc quills originally purposed to protect their smaller ancestors. They are known to attack other predators with their powerful tails when threatened.    These quills evolved from the filaments homologous to pycnofibers found on all dragons in varied amounts. Villochelonia however is famed for its shaggy appearance. "The Velue" is split into two species: V. peluda and V. vela, the former inhabiting parts of Italy and Southern France while the latter inhabits parts of Eastern Spain and Northern France.
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rosaaureaart · 7 years
Pleeeeeeease do a mermaid.
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Atargatidae, known to laypersons as mermaids, first appeared around 243 Ma in modern day South America, where they hunted throughout the coastal waters of modern day Chilé for fish and invertebrates. They quickly diversified and spread out throughout the entire Panthalassic coast.
This family of stereospondyls displays the most complex external gills ever seen by scientists, stemming from all over the upper cranial area and continuing down their back in most species. These breathing apparatuses also function as environmental camouflage, blending in with underwater flora to aid in ambush hunting and avoiding predation.
The hunting habits of these creatures differ wildly, and range from actively following boats and ships in search of food, to active hunting to a patient ambush style of hunting. The intelligence of mermaids is similar to that of dolphins, though whether the mermaids will congregate in pods like dolphins is dependant on several factors such as habitat and species.
Most species reproduce via oviparity and lay their eggs in nests, whos materials are dependant on habitat, though usually local flora is a guaranteed. These nests are often victims of predation by other carnivores such as octopuses and if they’re close to the surface, some sea birds are courageous enough to take on the challenge.
The modern range of Atargatidae is almost worldwide, from the frigid waters of the arctic circle, to the warm waters of the Caribbean and Mediterranean, to the unpredictable waters of South Africa. Some species even have evolved to live in the mesopelagic zones of some areas, which has led to interesting displays of bioluminescence in some of said species.
Atargatidae has become somewhat famous for their beautiful “singing”, which in reality are calls used to communicate with other Atargatids in the area.
Their habitual range has led to a prominent incorporation into human cultures worldwide, but the reality is far separated from beautiful maidens with the infrasacral body of a fish. Notable stories of mermaids include the Japanese Ningyo, which was described as a fish with a human face and a monkey’s mouth, with fangs and horns, which can be seen in some Asian species, along with the Sirens of the Mediterranean, which would attract ships with their loud and beautiful singing and lead them to crashing on the jagged rocks and coral often leading to the deaths of the seamen on board. Whether this was a learned behavior in order to acquire food or coincidence is unknown.
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rosaaureaart · 7 years
Anye way you could do a Nue?
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     The Nue (Simiafaca ornithovoca) is an arboreal omnivore native to Japan. It belongs to the same order as asian dragons, sphinges and manticores. They live in the trees of Japan eating vegetation and fruit and preying on birds and small mammals (and Emperor Konoe). It’s eerie bird-like calls are thought to help attract birds and even earned it it’s species name; “bird voiced”.
     Their ancestors first migrated to northern Japan about 20 Ma and spread throughout the island and adapted to an arboreal life.
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rosaaureaart · 7 years
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Hi ! Thank you all for the recent influx of notes ! Pictured above is the head of the Liung type species L. tetranguis and a juvenile Liung sp.
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rosaaureaart · 7 years
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 These non-mammalian cynodont giants inhabit the waters of East Asia, first appearing in the late Paleocene, the genus Liung evolved on the Indian subcontinent and began to migrate through waterways to places such as China, Korea, Vietnam and Japan.   They are mostly ambush predators, mostly preying on medium sized animals drinking from their waterways, but often feed on the fish and animals swimming in said waterways, even other liung sometimes, though it’s speculated that this is to assure their territory. The females are aggressively territorial against males on their territories, as they will often crush unattended eggs to assure that their offspring succeed in their place. Sometimes the females will be aggressive against other females, but often this is because they pose a similar threat. Related females will commonly roost together to care for their eggs and assure the safety of the babies.   The females usually lay one to three eggs, mating in autumn and with the eggs hatching in the spring. The females are often guilty of choosing a “favorite egg” and carrying the egg around in it’s mouth when not hunting.   The Chinese species (L. tetranguis) is also often recognized for it’s large dewclaws which look like a 4th digit.
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rosaaureaart · 7 years
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Ranafacium is a genus of amphibians native to North Eastern Europe. They spend most of their time in the muddy waters of lakes, streams and ponds. The ancestors of Ranafacium were bottom-feeders, using modified sensory organs to find prey. This is still visible in the genus today, and has a similar use. They have no known relatives and due to human encroachment on their habitats they are difficult and hard to find, leading some in the scientific community to assume that they are now endangered, although their technical status says otherwise.
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rosaaureaart · 7 years
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More manticores! The one labeled Ekaankh is blind in one eye and known to be a ferocious and persistent predator. The one beside Ekaankh is a drawing of a manticore cub, they’re born without tail spines and without the white facial fur, which fully appears upon sexual maturity. The bottom is a mature “golden” manticore.
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rosaaureaart · 7 years
@nunyunnini-speaks I'm glad you enjoy it !
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Family: Manticoridae Subfamily: Manticorinae Genus: Manticora Type species: M. indicus
I’ve redesigned my Manticore a bit since my last post and changed the genus. These feliform monsters have a range similar to the only other Manticorid, the Sphinx (though not ranging as far west), ranging from India to Indonesia. They have evolved tail spines once used for self defense by their smaller ancestors. Their colorations range from a light orange to a “cinnabar” coloration to a reddish-brown. Outside mating season the males wander the landscape preying on anything it can, often including humans, leading to it’s Greek title “androphagos” or “man eater”. The cubs are born in the spring, usually only in litters of two or three and are protected my the mother, as the cubs don’t yet possess the tail spines used to defend themselves.
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rosaaureaart · 7 years
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Jotna is the genus for trolls, Scandinavian giants and ogres (J. trolda, J. elatior and J. pugila, respectively) they’re large hominids with a nasal proboscis and mostly live in the hills and mountains of Europe
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