Oh, how annoying, those types of boys are the worst.
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You had every right to punch him. Although I'd get someone else to do it for me.
I may have punched someone today.
A guy who asked me out, but it was in a really rude way. 
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Well, it does depend on who you punched. 
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I may have punched someone today.
I don’t know if I should be upset or proud?
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It has been far  too long, I apologize for my absence. 
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Well, there are a lot of Asgardian children. 
So this is Fury Academy.
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I am the only child of Fandral the Dashing and the now deceased Maid Marian.
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So this is Fury Academy.
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That is extremely true. Even after all this time, I still find it bothersome. 
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Would you not be used to it by now Rosamund? On Asgard you always had so much attention given to you by many suitors.
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I'm sure he does, but that is little excuse to be in such close proximity. 
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I have tried.
Or maybe he likes you! You could politely tell him to leave you alone Rose…
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The boy who sits behind me in class is not well acquainted with the meaning of personal space. It is most annoying.
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Well, you don't have to meet all of them. 
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I am flattered but please do not think me too kind, I am just a decent human being.I am well. There are many people at this establishment, I fear I will never meet all the students.
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Rosamund! But you may call me Rosa.
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So this is Fury Academy.
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Always so kind Flosi.
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How are you?
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I am always will to be company to anyone.
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I suppose that makes a little sense... not really. 
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Your father's name is Remy Lebeau, but what is your name?
So this is Fury Academy.
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Rosamund swung her axe around chopping one of the academy's dummies in half. Though it was always so big for the fragile and small girl, Rosamund had always use an axe.  They had always seemed such the perfect tool. the whole thing is a weapon. She was able to use it not only to slash and cut, but to slice as well - and when she got close to your enemy, she could use the axe edge as a knife. She could stab with the front edge corner to opponents face or neck. They were deadly and simple for her, always her weapon of choice.
She dropped her weapon for a moment, fixing her hair. She always made it a point to look beautiful, even in the heat of battle. That was her real weapon her charm and looks. Some may say it was vanity, but to Rosamund, it was just the truth. 
Tarrent was across the room, doing something with a blade. That was odd, Rosa had never known him to be the warrior. "What are you doing with a weapon, Tarrent?" she asked as she walked over.
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Training {Open}
With little effort Tarrent drew the blade from the target; he studied it for a second. It was one from Asgard, he recognized the symbols and how compared to something of Midgard it was so strong yet so stealthy. He had never been one for battle but had recently taken to knife throwing and had found it to his liking.
He ran the back of the blade along his fingertips then slashed it into one of the training mannequins. He was feeling more and more like his warrior siblings by the day, he no longer hid in the library; he now felt at ease with weapons. His father would be pleased. That was the whole point of the voyage to Midgard was it not?
Releasing the blade from the mannequin, Tarrent looked over his shoulder at the sound of footsteps behind him.
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No, it is my free period right now. 
Hey there!
Now no more tears ok. And don’t you have classes for today? Am I keeping you from anything?
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Who are you?
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Hello Flosi.
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Oh, I was just looking for company. 
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I am here Rosamund. Is there anything you need?
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Why did your father call it that?
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So this is Fury Academy.
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