rosbar6678 · 1 year
Imagine: Morning Birth
Imagine you've been laboring all night while your husband sleeps beside you. You're hugely pregnant, overdue even, and you start feeling contractions before you go to sleep. You decide to wait until things progress a little, able to breathe through the pain as it ebbs and flows throughout the night. You toss and turn, maybe get up to walk around your house and labor by yourself. You try to get some sleep, sometimes on the bed and sometimes on the couch, in between walking slowly and rocking your hips.
Imagine you feel the heaviness in your belly move lower and lower, until it feels like a watermelon is lodged in your pelvis. You breathe heavily now, panting with each contraction and wondering when you should wake up your husband. You make yourself some coffee, waddling onto your back porch to enjoy the sunrise while you labor. You bring a towel just in case.
Imagine sitting in your favorite rocking chair, rocking though the intensifying contractions, moaning softly and breathing ragged. Come on, come on, something has to give. This baby is so heavy you can barely walk, you have to be able to push soon.
You decide to take a shower to ease the pain, passing your still-sleeping husband on your way to the bathroom. You're thankful one of you has gotten rest before what's about to happen.
Imagine closing the bathroom door behind you and climbing into your shower to let the warm water run down your back. Oh, God, that feels so much better. Your hips ache from carrying the weight of your child, so you squat in an effort to relieve some of the pressure. Imagine the warmth seeping into your back from the shower as another contraction hits you. Ohhh, and this one hurts so much you let out a gentle moan. You grip your belly, unable to see your vagina to see how close you are to delivering but feeling how warm and tight it feels under your hands. The pressure is so great….until it isn't.
Imagine the gush of your water breaking, the gasp of surprise as all that pressure is relieved in an instant. Your belly feels softer for a bit, in between contractions. Feel how much water is pouring out of you, know that you're almost ready. You finish rinsing off and turn off the water, drying off and grabbing some fresh towels before climbing into bed beside your husband.
You face away from him, lying on your side with a pillow between your legs to let you rest without impeding the baby's progress. You try to get some rest in between contractions, breathing deeply. It feels so much better now that your waters broke, you can feel the baby moving towards your cervix.
A contraction hits you, and you squirm against the pressure building up again in your hips. You breathe heavily, your belly heaving and round. Something tells you to prop up your leg while you lay on your side. This opens up your hips to make more room, your baby moving through your body slowly with each contraction.
Imagine your husband gently waking up behind you. You're spooning in bed, his hand lazily stroking your middle, oblivious to what's happening right now. Imagine moving his hand down to the bulge forming between your legs, the baby's head filling your birth canal in between contractions. That's it, feel me push into your hand, love.
Imagine your husband suddenly awake, about to panic, until you reassure him everything is fine and that the baby's almost here. So you lie on your side, your husband spooning you from behind and holding up your leg to help you, and start pushing.
You reach down, huffing and puffing through the burning in your pussy as the head crowns.
"Keep going, you're so strong. Keep pushing," your husband whispers in your ear. You let out a little cry after a hard push, the head filling your hands until it fully emerges.
"The h-head is out…f-feel," you pant, catching your breath to prepare for the next contraction. Your husband, still holding your leg back, slowly adjusts position to reach down with his other hand.
"Oh my God, you're doing incredible," he murmurs, holding up the head of his child hanging out from between your legs. It's huge, the baby must be at least eight pounds.
Imagine your husband looking down at the sight of you, lying languidly in your bed, stomach hard and low, panting heavily at the enormous pressure in your tenderest areas. The sight of his baby hanging out of his beautiful, birthing wife is too much and he leans down to kiss you, planting kisses on your forehead when your breathing quickens at the start of another contraction.
Imagine burying your face into your pillow, drawing your legs back, and pushing as hard as you can. You're covered in sweat now, the hardest part of your labor almost over. You husband holds your leg with one hand, staring down at you mesmerized. This baby is huge, but it's sliding out of you a little at a time, your pushes coming one on top of another now.
Imagine it's time. Spread your legs a bit wider, and push. Puuuush. Imagine your partner exclaiming in delight, but you're too focused on giving birth to register what he's saying. He reaches down to cradle the head and body as the rest wriggles out of you.
Imagine your partner holding your freshly-born baby and kissing you fiercely, telling you he can't wait to watch you do that again.
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rosbar6678 · 1 year
Imagine: Cozy Couch Birth
"Ugh…I don't know what I'm supposed to do here…" your husband mutters as his character dies again. You're sitting on the couch together, him playing video games while you labor with your first child. You encouraged him to play something so you could both distract yourselves, you from your worsening labor pains and him from his growing anxiety at seeing you in pain.
You're wearing nothing but a sports bra, sitting on a towel on your couch, a plush blanket over your lower half. You feel strangely cozy despite how heavy with baby you are and how close your contractions are getting together. You rub your distended belly, watching your husband play his game while your mind goes elsewhere.
"O-oh," you gasp quietly as fluid rushes out of you. Is that your water breaking? The pressure in your pelvis is building, concentrating on your cervix.
"You alright, honey?" Your husband has paused his game at an inopportune moment, shaken from his escapism by his worry for you. You let a breath out slowly through your mouth and nod.
"I'm fine, just a rough contraction. Keep playing, this helps." You reassure him even though you know the baby is coming soon, you don't want him to worry. There's something so normal about the way you're lounging on the sofa together, basking in these last moments before parenthood, that you don't want to break the spell just yet.
So instead you watch your husband engross himself in his game again and lie back to make yourself comfortable. The blanket over you conceals what's happening between your legs. Thankfully your waters were soaked up by the towels you'd placed beneath you, so your husband still isn't aware of how your labor is progressing.
You feel an ache in your cervix as your baby's head moves down into position. You rub your enormous belly soothingly, pretending to watch the boss fight when really you're just focused on keeping your breathing as even as possible. You feel your thighs tensing under the blanket, discreetly spreading to make room for your baby.
Feel the baby's head move through your pelvis. There you go, deep, even breaths. If your husband just peeked under the blanket, he'd see you're just about to crown, but he's busy at the moment. You breathe your baby into the birth canal, relishing the heavy pressure between your hips and the sensation of your body pushing on its own.
You subtly shift your hips, gasping quietly again as you feel your baby's head slide its way through your vagina in one big contraction.
Ohhh it's almost here now. Your husband is preoccupied, and you're too engrossed in giving birth to bother him. The feeling of your body pushing out your baby is incredible; you reach a hand underneath the blanket to feel your progress. You cup your baby's head with your palm, breathing deeply and almost silently.
"Still doing okay, honey?" your husband asks as he finishes looting, breaking your concentration. He can't know you're pushing into your hand right now, giving birth right beside him while he's oblivious.
"Yeah, it just feels more comfortable to lay like this," you reassure him. You're lying on your back, your womanhood facing towards your husband, the magic you're working only concealed by a throw blanket. You want to keep quiet but don't know how much longer you can hold on before you give in, spread your legs as wide as possible and push as hard as you can.
You breathe slowly and deeply as you feel the baby rotate inside you, your hand still guiding. You can't help yourself but pant a few times, your breathing raspy from trying to control it. Come on, you can feel the baby's head between your legs. Just a few more pushes, your body knows what it's doing.
Breathe, breathe, the baby's coming. Feel it slide out of you bit by bit, feel your body pushing for you. The shoulders are stuck. You just need to shift your hips a little, but you don't want to alert your husband just yet. Your body is giving birth on its own, you're just trying to breathe and relax as much as possible.
"You sure you're alright?" His voice sounds far away now. All you're aware of is your big round belly obstructing your view of your husband, and your hand cupping your baby's head as you birth, and your vagina stretched to its limits around your baby's shoulders.
You groan, and suddenly your husband is pulling back the blanket to see you quietly struggling to birth his baby.
"Oh my God…why didn't you say anything?!"
You're moaning with every push now, reaching down to deliver your baby, knowing birth is imminent. A hard contraction brings your hands to your hardened belly, so your husband reaches down to catch the baby.
"Oh! Oh! Oh, catch it, it's gonna be fast, darling!" you squeak, your body pushing the rest of your baby out into his waiting hands in one last wet contraction.
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rosbar6678 · 2 years
About that birth fetish writing thingy. Could you do 14, twins, overdue, with a friend or partner please? 👉👈
During an important exam, twins, overdue, with a friend.
~ I kept having to shift my hips on the hard plastic chair, the top of the desk pressing uncomfortably into the tender area of my ribs where my belly once firmly sat before it dropped, now hanging nearly over my whole lap in a lopsided torpedo. I was so exhausted. I got almost no sleep yesterday between cramming as much as I could for the exam I was currently suffering through, and breathing through the braxton hicks and back twinges and bladder punches the twins put me through the whole evening and into the night. This was my midterm for the last gen ed class I had to take before graduating next semester, and the consequence for failing the class is either summer school or not graduating, neither of which were viable options, so I had to focus on the Intro to Philosophy and Logic test in front of me. I groaned softly under my breath and then began to quietly pant as another cramp gripped my lower back and wrapped around my belly, setting my pencil down to rub my hand firmly across the broad side of my bump. These practice contractions are starting to get extremely annoying. And they had to be that, the baby book said that braxton hicks are relieved by walking around, and I spent hours last night pacing my tiny dorm as the cramps came over me in waves, not quite consistent in time enough to worry me any more than any other labor scare has in the past week I’ve been overdue. They had to be practice contractions that just happened to be getting closer and closer together... Just like the pressure over my hips and my pelvis had to be from the babies shifting around and not from my body slowly working them down. And like the very full feeling just above my cunt that had me clenching my muscles was obviously the need for a bathroom break. And also the spotting and light leaking that had me wearing a pad was normal spotting and not me losing my mucus plug during class earlier today. None of this had to do with the fact that these babies should have come a week ago, and my belly was dropped so low it rested between my knees. I breathed out as the cramp released me, not noticing how much time had passed, and hurried to continue working on the essay portion of the exam in front of me. Thankfully the professor didn’t seem to notice anything either, her eyes firmly fixed on the enormous pile of research papers that sat in front of her, in the process of being read and graded. She also didn’t notice as a tiny, balled up shred of paper hit the back of my neck, forcing me to turn and look at my best friend in my track, who was suffering through this final gen ed with me. He raised an eyebrow at me and crudely mimicked the act of spreading his legs and motioning to something shooting out from between them, accompanied by a questioning thumbs up and thumbs down. I rolled my eyes at him and turned back around to continue working, my essay about a fourth of the way through with a cool 45 minutes left to complete it. I had to focus, and I couldn’t let my friend or the damn babies distract me from doing well in this class. I can hear him sigh behind me, and can feel his gaze boring a hole in the back of my head, but elect to ignore him. I see my phone light up where it sits on top of my backpack, and a notification pops up on the lockscreen under his name. | Dude, you can’t just ignore that you’re extremely overdue and literally actively about to pop out those babies, holy shit. | A moment passes. | I’m timing them, disphit. | I grumbled, shaking my head and returning to furiously writing about Pythagoras and universal ratios.
After a while of scribbling, though not as long as I would have liked, I could feel my back muscles start to tighten up, and I try to squeeze my thighs shut on instinct. It’s an action that does more harm than good, as I squeeze my already contracting belly between my legs, and press it up against the hard surface of the desk’s bottom, the vice grip of my muscles tightening further in reaction to the external force. I let out a soft hiss and hunch over my drum tight belly, both hands frantically rubbing at my bloated flanks to try and soothe the pain, but it doesn’t help. The cramp lingers, and I’m forced to ride it out by breathing heavily through my nose. I’m bouncing lightly in my seat, my already sore and achy pussy twinging every time it grinds down into the plastic, but my hips feel so tight that I need to move them. I can feel one of the babies’ heads shift down to rest right over the base of my pelvis, head pressing down right between my hips, and it feels like if I move wrong it’ll just fall out of me. The other is still up higher, but I can tell its head is facing downward because it gives several firm kicks to my ribs, unhappy with the pressure squeezing around it and forcing it down. There’s a light on my periphery. | THAT WAS SIX MINUTES. HOSPITAL. NOW. | I once more ignore his text, not even waiting for the contraction to end before I’m back to writing my essay, now at least half way done. I’ve always been a quick writer, and we were given a set of potential prompts beforehand, so I had an idea of what I wanted to write anyways. I could do this. I could finish this and then I could go to the hospital and have my babies.
I quietly groaned my way through another four contractions before I got to the conclusion of the essay, pausing every still-six-minutes-somehow to let out a steady stream of air in my nose and the back of my throat. The bouncing was consistent, except for when I had to stop to either swivel my hips, or slide a hand between my trembling thighs to apply pressure to where I could feel my lips starting to bulge a little. Fuck, the head was right there. I could feel it. I had been fighting the growing urge to push for the last three contractions, knowing that I probably was almost totally dilated, if not at 10 centimeters already. My phone had been blinking with light as well, my friend urging me to finish the exam later, telling me we needed to go now, asking if I was insane. I continued to ignore it, focusing on the last few lines I needed to fill out the end of my essay. I’d done it. The exam was over.
I put my pencil down, and let out a breath of release, my whole body naturally relaxing as the weight of academic failure was brushed off my shoulders. But that was a big mistake. As if sensing the permission it was being given, immediately my belly was caught in a vicious contraction that had me clinging to my desktop, with one hand clutching my bump in alarm as it was gripped in a cramp so strong that the outline of my uterus was visible, and the torpedo droop of it stood straight forward. I let out a hiss of pain through my teeth, tears immediately springing to my eyes as I felt the bulge in my pussy press further. I couldn’t help it as my legs shifted ever so slightly apart, and I let out a soft grunt. *POP* *Splash!* The sound of my water breaking seemed gargantuan in the silence of the classroom, and immediately all eyes were on me, panting softly and holding my belly in both hands as a wet spot spread across the crotch of my pants and the carpet beneath me. I was flushed as I quickly gathered my backpack and handed in my exam, gesturing with my head for my best friend to follow. He scrambled after me, muttering apologies to the professor and assurances that he’d make up the exam later as he quickly moved to support me. As soon as I got out of the lecture hall and into the hallway, I let myself moan. My massively overdue waddle was pronounced, legs bowed and gait heavy as I dripped a trail of amniotic fluid behind me, shuffling toward the exit as fast as I could. “Holy shit, are you fucking nuts? I’m calling a fucking ambulance, your water broke, and we’re at least twenty minutes from the nearest hospital and I don’t think you have that long, idiot!” My friend grabbed my backpack from me, and I let him as I stopped right before we got to the exit, pausing our escape by putting a hand on his arm. “What?” He asked, finger stilling over the call button. I swallowed heavily, suddenly feeling like I might throw up. “I definitely don’t have that long. The head’s coming out.” My voice was a mournful groan as I felt another contraction pull every muscle in my back and belly taut. I bent my knees and held a hand to my lower back, frantically squeezing at the tight muscles there as my other hand reached down into my sweatpants to cup my pussy where I could feel it starting to spread through my pad and underwear. Fuck, I was pushing. I didn’t mean to be, but it’s like I didn’t have a choice. There was so much pressure, and the baby was coming now. I whimpered a bit, squeezing my eyes shut to push once more before the contraction relented enough that I could start hobbling in the direction of the men’s room. My friend quickly rushed after me, holding me by the elbow and one hip and ushering me along as his phone’s dial tone rang and rang and rang on speakerphone. As soon as I got to the restroom, my knees hit the tile. I ignored everything else around me. I grabbed my thighs, digging my nails into them as my back muscles screamed and my gravid stomach tightened so hard that I could see the shape of it change under my shirt, shifting up and under my ribs instead of hanging down low into my lap. I grunted with the effort as my body started to once more push against my will, eyes scrunching up as I finally gave in and let out a strangled moan. One hand quickly moved from my thigh to my crotch as I felt the bulge in my panties grow. I was going to crown, and my pants were still on. I couldn’t speak while the contraction still gripped my body, reduced to grunts and groans and half-screams as I tried to work the first baby out of me, but I was able to pull down the waistband of my sweats enough that my friend realized what was going on. He quickly set down the phone, the first responder on the other line audible but incomprehensible to me as I panted between hellish contractions. All of a sudden, my friend's hands were there, gently yanking down my sweats and starting to roll my maternity panties down my thighs. My fingers found their way back to my pussy, where I could feel the baby’s head was almost at a full
crown, and I moaned at the feeling of being stretched in that way. “Oh god, it’s almost out. Oh fuck, oh fuck, I’ve gotta- I’ve gotta… Hhh? HhhhHHHNNNNNG.” My knees slid as far apart as they could with my sweatpants still around them, and immediately my whole body was on fire. “HHHHHNNNNNNNNG oh god, burning, burning, the head-” I groaned, and leaned forward my belly drum tight but still massive enough to brush the cool tile. My hand was trapped between my bump and the floor, fingers trying to help spread myself open as the head inched forward and backwards through my stretching cunt. I let out another frantic grunt and suddenly the tile under me was slick with the gush of fluid that accompanied my baby’s head. My friend’s warm palm gently rubbed my lower back where my muscles were cramping with the residual shock of my last contraction, and I could hear him whispering words of encouragement to me. “Ohhhhhhh, it’s out, it’s almost out, please, god, my belly, please!” He seemed to understand what I meant, and his arm around me to rub firm circles into my flank as I panted and rested, waiting for another contraction to help me shove the rest of my baby out. For a fleeting moment, it was just him holding me while I breathed. And then I felt my body tense once more and knew this was it. My spine hunched and belly jumped as I let out a series of short, sharp grunts, slowly forcing my baby out of me inch by inch until… “UGH UGH UGH UGH UNGH HHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!” The head shoved my hand out, and soon the body spilled after, the shoulders twisting as they pushed past my burning, aching pussy. My friend let go of me, quickly catching the baby before it could hit the cold tile floor, and instantly the sound of crying echoed through the bathroom. Tears streamed down my face as a wave of relief rushed over me, and I fell backwards onto my ass so I could reach out for my baby, cord still connected. My friend quickly handed him over, and I swiped my finger around his mouth and nose, clearing his airways, before I suddenly remembered. My baby, a little boy, rested atop my still-occupied belly. I moaned, suddenly aware of how sore I was down there, and dread crept up my spine. “I can’t… I can’t do this again. I can’t.” My friend looked at me with such sadness and pity in his eyes. “The ambulance should be here in about five, if you can hold off that long.” I paused, taking assessment of my body. I still felt like I needed to push, but it wasn’t quite as urgent. The second head was still right there behind my lips, and I could feel the heavy bulge in my pelvis. I nodded, and he let out a breath of relief, kneeling down to put an arm around my shoulders to help support me while I held my son to my chest. Five minutes doesn’t seem like much time at all, in the grand scheme of things. I could make it five minutes. Of course I could. I could ignore the tell-tale tightening of my lower back, my whole body tensing in response. I could ignore the need to shift my hips that left me wiggling my bare ass against the slick bathroom tiles. I could ignore the subtle spread of my legs as the pressure, the insane amount of pressure, quickly ratcheted up. I clearly wasn’t doing a good job hiding my discomfort, because immediately my friend’s hand went to my bump and rubbed it as if he could convince it to relax. “Nononononono! No, you cannot have another baby in this bathroom! One bathroom baby is enough! You gotta hold it.” By this point I was panting, trying so hard not to give in and start pushing. I shifted my baby to one arm, my free hand coming to join his in rubbing my contracting belly as I let out a moan of despair and frustration. “ I can’t! Pressure! The pressure-! I’ve gotta push! It’s right there, the head is right there, I gotta… gotta… oooooooooh… ooooOOOOOOHHHHHHH FFFFFFFFFUUUU-” In an instant, my legs were as far open as I could spread them, and I felt the tell tale sting of a baby’s head starting to inch its way past my lips, bulging out my pussy as I pushed with all my might. I screamed as the
contraction didn’t let up, keeping my muscles locked tight in one long push that seemed to last forever, until I heard the now-familiar sound of fluid hitting the bathroom floor. The head was out. In one push, the head was out. I groaned as it spread me open, keeping my thighs apart as my weight rested pretty much entirely on my friend, who whispered a faint ‘holy shit’ behind me as I panted and shifted my hips. It was almost over. A few more good pushes and it would all be done. And it didn’t take long. Before I even had a chance to catch my breath, a vice-grip caught my worn out muscles, and there was nothing I could do to resist my body’s animalistic pull to grunt and scream and cry and push with every last ounce of strength I had. I could feel the stretch and pull of my pussy as I forcibly shoved with all my might, my teeth gritted and legs butterflied out as my baby’s body hung out between them, shoulders free. “GET OUT GET OUT GET OUUUUUUUT!” I screeched. And just like that, it was over. My baby slid out onto the tile between my blood and fluid covered thighs, which trembled with exhaustion as my body finally relaxed. And then there was crying. My second baby boy. The EMTs arrived another five minutes after that (a time I now know I never could have waited), and traveled me, my children, and their newly appointed godfather to the hospital to make sure the three of us were healthy. Thankfully there were no complications. A month later, I received my graded essay. It was a B+ with an added note. Bonus points raising it to an A. Perfectly comprehensive points. Perhaps next time, try not to have your baby in my class? - Prof. Roberts.
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rosbar6678 · 2 years
Unexpected Mall Birth
You thought you had more time.
Sure, you knew full well you were cutting it close, but you thought you had at least another week left. That was how you’d reasoned yourself into going out today; you were starting to get a little stir-crazy anyway and you figured a walk around the mall might do you some good. Not to mention it was early on a Monday, which meant there would hardly be anybody there, so you could be as leisurely as you pleased.
It also meant there weren’t too many people around when you winced and rubbed your swollen belly, caught off guard by a faint twinge of pain. You were quick to reason this away too; it wasn’t your first bout of braxton-hicks and it certainly wouldn’t be the last. But as you kept walking, they kept coming, and eventually you couldn’t distract yourself any longer.
“Mnh…just gotta sit for a little bit, it’s fine…” you murmured to yourself, your hand still cradling your belly as you sought out a bench not too far away. A loud sigh of relief left you when you finally sat, and you hummed softly as both your hands ran over your bump, the soft fabric of your sundress stretched tightly over it. Feeling better already, you chuckled quietly at how you’d almost panicked over nothing–
Or what was quickly proving to not be nothing.
That one had hurt, many levels above the slight discomfort you’d experienced before, and your heart raced as it settled in. You were really in labor. You’d parked clear on the other side of the mall, and while initially you thought you might make it back, another contraction gripped you as soon as you stood from the bench.
So that option was out. Ask for help, maybe? You were out of luck on that front too; the mall was pretty much dead, just how you’d anticipated. Now you were really panicking, although you did your best not to show it. What were you going to do?
As you scanned your surroundings, your eyes settled on a bathroom a little ways off. There was a small sign on the front saying it was closed, something about it currently being renovated and if you could please use another of their available bathrooms.
“Fuck tha-aah!-t…” you groaned, clenching your teeth through this contraction. You walked as fast as you could, something in you felt you were rapidly running short on time, and you quickly looked over your shoulder before entering the bathroom, which had blessedly been left unlocked. The door had barely clicked shut when you cried out, they were coming faster and faster now. Your belly felt lower, your hands trembling slightly as you rubbed and attempted to soothe yourself, trying to remember how you should be breathing.
Your train of thought was soon interrupted by a contraction, but this one felt different. Something shifted in you, and you barely managed to stifle a cry as your water finally broke. It just kept coming, a low moan escaping you as you felt the liquid gush down your shaking legs.
“Shit, it’s r-really coming…!” you whimpered, chest heaving with every breath.
It took a moment for you to gather yourself enough to move, carefully sidestepping the puddle of amniotic fluid while it kept trickling out of you, and you finally made it into the handicap stall, not bothering to close it. With your back to the wall you inched your way down until you were seated on the floor, the cool tile a welcome relief against your heated flesh. Once another contraction came and went, you hurriedly shifted your ruined panties down, struggling to finally get them off before your hand moved to your cunt. You whined softly, slipping two fingers into yourself to check how far you were, even though you honestly had no clue what ten centimeters would even feel like. Your cervix certainly felt open enough, and even if it wasn’t you were sure you wouldn’t be able to wait any longer.
You braced yourself against the wall, your hands hooked under your knees to keep your legs as spread as they could go, and when the next contraction came you finally gave in, bearing down with your first push. Despite your best efforts to stay quiet you were quickly losing that battle, and when you pushed again a guttural moan escaped your throat.
“M-mmnnngh, please, c’mon baby, please…” Your hands were on your belly again, pressing down with every push as you tried to hasten things along. After a bit you felt yourself again, your pussy bulging as your baby was on the verge of crowning. In an attempt to feel something besides the searing pain your fingertips brushed over your clit, swollen and throbbing with all your efforts. The pleasure mixed oddly yet perfectly with the pain, and you kept going just like that; one hand rubbing at your tight belly, the other rubbing furious circles at your clit. It wasn’t long before you could feel it coming, and you moaned with loud abandon as several things happened at once; you came, gushing a mix of squirt and birthing fluid, and your hips bucked forward as your baby’s head finally crowned, stretching you impossibly wide.
“Ffffuck!! Oh fuck, a-almost there…!!” Panting heavily, you took this opportunity of clarity to shift positions, gradually propping yourself up to a squat. Your baby felt so heavy between your legs, and you hoped being like this would help it along. You didn’t have to wait long to find out, and with this next contraction you bore down, sweaty hands gripping your thighs. Your laboring cunt stretched wider still, making way for one shoulder, then another, and you moaned loudly as finally, finally the rest of your baby slid out of you. You caught it with shaking hands, blood and birthing fluids dripping from you, and you slid exhausted back onto the bathroom floor.
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rosbar6678 · 2 years
Imagine You’re the Pregnant CFO of a Successful Company
Hello! You can call me Ros B. First time posting a story here! Feel free to follow me over at @rosbar6678 if you'd like. Hope you enjoy my fic!
You shift in your chair, fighting the urge to let out a sigh. You're 41 weeks pregnant, almost 42, and extremely uncomfortable. Your back has been hurting all day, your massive stomach feels rigid and tight, and there's a strange growing pressure in your hips that makes it really difficult to sit comfortably at all.
You're in a board meeting at your company, and your husband, the CEO, is currently presenting on the last quarter's product line. What had started as an illicit affair between two executives just over a year ago had unexpectedly resulted in you pregnant and married. You still couldn't totally believe it. It was just supposed to be a bit of fun between you two, something to help blow off steam at the end of a hard day at work (almost quite literally – there was a non-zero chance that your baby was conceived in this very meeting room), but you somehow managed to fall for each other.
You almost roll your eyes at how sappy and cliche it was, thinking about it now. Both you and your husband are very practical and logical people, it's part of the reason why you both have had such successful careers, but being with him threw all that practically and logic out the window. While he was stern and stoic at work, he was actually a very sweet and thoughtful man outside of it. And when you discovered you were pregnant, you two didn't even hesitate to go straight to the courthouse to make everything official. You both knew this was jeopardizing your jobs, but neither of you cared. And while you got sternly reprimanded by the board, they ultimately decided to keep you both on. The company had become hugely successful since you both started working there, after all.
And now, your husband was presenting on exactly how successful the company had become, particularly in this last quarter, and you were to be presenting next.
You adjust yourself in the chair again, trying to ease any of the discomfort in your body, but it's pretty futile. Your husband's eyes dart over to you for a moment, narrowing imperceptibly as he spoke. He has been trying to get you to go on maternity leave for weeks now, but you've refused. Even this morning, as the two of you got ready for work, he tried to convince you to stay home.
"It's not going to happen, love," you said loudly as you hefted your now much larger breasts into a bra, pulling the straps on to your shoulders and hooking it around your back.
You heard your husband grumble from the walk-in closet.
"You're overdue by almost two weeks," he called out into the bedroom. "The baby can come basically any second. And I swear your stomach has dropped since yesterday. You really should stay home."
You've managed to don a pair of sheer black pantyhose, pulling them up your legs and over your belly, before shimmying into a dark gray pencil skirt.
You certainly couldn't deny anything your husband has said. All of what he said was true, and then some. For the past few days, it’s felt like more and more weight had descended into the bowl of your pelvis, and your belly definitely hung lower and lower. Despite it’s size, it had always been a fairly “perky” stomach, but that had changed significantly in the last few days. Plus, you had been dealing with your fair share of Braxton Hicks contractions lately, too.
But you wouldn't be caught dead telling him that.
"I tell you what, my dear husband," you replied, as you zipped up the back of the skirt, drawing it tight under your belly and around your hips. You turn to look in the mirror, admiring how it hugged your curves. 9 months pregnant and you still got it.
"I will go on maternity leave when you go on paternity leave.
More grumbling from the closet.
"I'm sorry, my love, what was that?"
"I said," he shouted, clearly annoyed, "that I don't want to go on it yet."
"Well, neither do I."
He stepped out of the closet, wearing a sharp navy blue suit and a gray tie with gold diagonal stripes.
"Oh, darling, now, really?" he demanded.
"That skirt? Those stockings?"
You rounded on him as you finished buttoning up your white collar maternity shirt. "What's wrong with my skirt and stockings?"
"Can't you wear sweatpants like a normal pregnant woman?"
You felt anger flare in your chest. "I don't want to wear sweatpants," you snapped. "Why are you suddenly so hung up on my clothes?"
He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.
"I just…want you to be comfortable," he muttered, dropping his hand and looking away from you.
You softened a little at his admission, and approached him.
"You're always so uncomfortable and I just wish…there was something we could do to help with that…"
Once you were close enough, you wrapped your arms around his waist and pulled him as close to you as your baby bump would allow.
He still wasn't looking at you. You could see the tension in his jaw and shoulders.
"You know I could never be comfortable in sweatpants, love, especially at work," you said as you reached up to adjust his tie.
He sighed again, closing his eyes and tilting his head down to rest against the top of yours. "I know, darling," he said, resigned, his hands coming up to cradle your stomach. Your baby gave a solid kick against his palm.
"Look,” you began, smoothing his tie back against his shirt, “I promise I'll go on maternity leave tomorrow."
He pulled away a little in surprise, and you looked up at him, smiling.
"Really?" he asked, relief on his face.
"Yes." You leaned up and gave him a quick peck on the lips. "I just really want to present at the board meeting today. I worked so hard to leave the company in a good place before we left! Let me just have this victory lap."
"I know, I know." He kissed you again, running his hands from your stomach to your hips and back again. "And you deserve a victory lap."
"You're goddamn right I do," you said, grinning, pulling away from him. "I mean, who successfully negotiated the merger with Equiva?"
"You did."
"And who saved the company almost 20 million dollars in the last three months?" you asked, pulling on a suit jacket to match your skirt.
"You did."
This conversation continued in much the same way as the two of you gathered your things to leave for work…at least until, much to your husband's chagrin, you put on your 3 inch stiletto heels.
That was several hours ago, but it felt even longer than that. Your husband has been watching you like a hawk all day and even in the middle of his presentation, his attention wasn't totally diverted from you. You try to keep your face neutral, idly tapping your pen against your cheek.
He finally looks away from you, and you let out a small exhale of relief. You would not put it past him to stop this entire meeting in a heartbeat if he thought something was wrong.
The minutes tick past. You try to not squirm and shift around so much, but you can't help it. You're so uncomfortable. The pain in your back is getting worse, and so is that incredible pressure in your hips. Your stomach has been cramping and tightening over and over again, intensifying that pressure. You attempt to spread your legs to ease some of the discomfort in your pelvis, but that pencil skirt you insisted on wearing doesn't allow for much of that. Are these more Braxton Hicks contractions? Or are these…real–?
You quickly push that question out of your mind, huffing.
You try to pay attention to the meeting, but you can't help it, your focus is turning more and more inward, the more and more your body tenses and twists against your will. Even your baby seems to be against you, kicking up a storm against your ribs. You try to keep your breathing steady and even, and you cup your hands underneath your belly and press up, weakly attempting to lift some of the weight off your straining back and hips.
Maybe your husband was right…maybe you should have stayed home…
You don't know how much time has passed when you suddenly hear your husband say your name, startling you out of your thoughts.
"...our amazing CFO, who will now report on last quarter's record earnings."
Everyone applauds as you stand up and your husband heads over to his seat opposite yours, never taking his eyes off you. You just barely manage to suppress a groan as you haul yourself up on unsteady feet, a hand still cupping your heavy stomach.
You force a smile as you approach the front of the meeting room. It almost feels like your baby's head is already wedged in between your legs, and you vainly try to not walk so bowlegged. You stand behind the podium, looking out at the two dozen other executives and board members, and begin your presentation.
You're incredibly thankful that you practiced it so much that you could basically present it in your sleep. Standing has made your back pain even worse, and it feels like gravity is slowly pulling your baby deeper into your hips. You keep trying to spread your legs, but again, that damn pencil skirt keeps your thighs much closer together than you'd like.
You can feel sweat break out along your hairline, and you keep compulsively running your hands through your hair to try and subtly wipe it off. Your stomach feels like it's permanently seized up, gone completely rock hard, and it seems to hang lower than even this morning. 
You can see your husband out of the corner of your eye. He's leaning back in his chair, his arms crossed, his lips a hard line. You know that face. That's the face he makes when he's trying to figure out if something is wrong.
You swallow hard. You get a little flustered and you stumble over your words a bit, but you keep going. You are going to finish this presentation, dammit. 
You shift your legs again, trying to find some measure of relief. God, the pressure is getting so bad, it's making the whole lower half of your body shake, and now you're cursing your stiletto heels along with your skirt. You have one hand holding the remote to flip through the slides, but the other is gripping the edge of the podium so hard that you wouldn't be surprised if you crushed the cheap wood in your grasp.
A terrible spasm shoots through you, making your voice catch for just a moment. It sends pain radiating up your back, down your thighs, and makes your vaginal muscles clench involuntarily. You almost groan at the sensation, as it felt like they were clenching down on…something…
You're now flipping quickly through the last of your slides, just going over the very basic points for each one, and another sharp pain rockets through you. Your voice wavers as you resist the urge to moan. It takes all of your willpower to not just tear off your skirt right there and drop down into a squat behind the podium, to push your knees as far apart as they can go, to try to make some space within your pelvis to ease some of this maddening pressure. 
Fuck, this is all getting to be so much that you almost feel like you need to push…
You can't help but notice that your husband is shifting around in his seat almost as much as you were. He knows this presentation almost as well as you, and he knows you're rushing through the end of it. He looks like he's about to jump out of his chair right when you shoot him a pleading look. Please. I'm almost done. Just give me a few more minutes. Please.
Your legs are pressing so hard against the sides of your skirt, you're surprised the seams haven't ripped. You're so hot that you're simultaneously both frustrated that you left your suit jacket on and grateful you did, otherwise everyone would be able to see you sweating straight through your white blouse. Your stomach has never felt heavier, and it’s hanging so low that the underside of it is peeking out from under said blouse, and you are confident it was definitely not doing that when you got dressed this morning…
"In conclusion," you say, your voice straining slightly. 
The pressure inside you is climbing, climbing…your muscles are spasming and it feels like your baby’s head is so deep inside you it's already trying to force your legs apart. You clear your throat, and take a breath.
"In conclusion, I –"
The pressure reaches it's apex. You almost cry out from the pain. But instead, you feel something break inside you, and to your horror, fluid gushes out from between your legs to splatter audibly on the floor.
There's a moment of shocked silence. You're visibly shaking as you look down at the puddle beneath you.
"I – I think my water just broke," you say softly.
There's a moment of commotion from your colleagues, but then your husband is on his feet.
"Out!" he shouts. "Everyone, out!"
The small crowd of people quickly head towards the door as your husband rushes straight at you, looking furious.
"You're in labor, aren't you?" he demands. "God dammit, I told you that you should've stayed home!"
As soon as he's close enough, you reach for him, barely paying attention to what he's saying. You pull him close and press your head to his chest, gasping and moaning. The pressure is now the worst it's ever been, becoming completely unbearable, and without hesitating, you grit your teeth, grab fistfuls of your husband's jacket, and push.
That heavy weighty feeling deep inside you slides even lower, and you let out a guttural groan, almost of relief, as you finally give in to your body's demands. You can barely hear your husband speaking to you over the blood rushing through your ears and the desperate noises you're making (he's saying something about getting to the hospital), but then realization seems to strike him and he demands, "Are you pushing?"
You can only nod in response as you stop for a moment to catch your breath, before wincing and taking in sharp inhales of air between clenched teeth as your stomach somehow tightens even more.
"Don't! Don't push!" he yells, panicking. 
"I can't!" you grit out. There is so much pain and pressure and weight inside of you, wedged tightly inside your pelvis, and you need to get it out now!
"I can't, hnngh, god, I can't, oh god, oh, oh!"
You gasp, feeling something new... You let go of your husband's jacket to reach under your skirt, and you cry out in shock as your fingers brush against your completely soaked stockings. Your labia is bulging out from you – the baby's head is right there!
"Help –!" you cry breathlessly, releasing your husband to reach behind yourself, fumbling with the zipper of your skirt. "Help me get this off!"
Your husband starts to object, but another contraction grips you, making you wail, cutting him off.
"There's no time!" You grab his hand and force it underneath your skirt, between your barely parted legs. Your husband curses in surprise, his fingers pressing against your opening as it distends outwards from your child's encroaching head. "The baby is coming now!"
He quickly reaches around to try to unzip the skirt. You fall back against the podium, still desperately trying to separate your legs to make room for your baby. He's yanking on the zipper, but it doesn't move.
"Fuck, it's jammed," he mutters, but before you can say anything, he slides his hands quickly up your thighs, rucking the skirt up your hips and underneath your enormous belly, allowing you to finally spread your legs. That action alone makes it feel like your baby drops several inches, almost like it was about to fall right out of you, but was caught at the last minute by your seizing vaginal muscles, the sensation making you yelp in surprise.
You're leaning back against the podium now, gripping the edge of it, in as wide a stance as you can manage in your heels, bending your knees slightly. You're panting and whimpering, and all your muscles start to tighten and clench again in another contraction. You throw your head back with a groan, feeling your body heave against the hefty mass of your baby as it slid forward a bit more, and you quickly join in with a desperate push of your own.
You groan even louder as you feel yourself start to spread wide, your parting lips brushing against the fabric of your underwear as your baby's head starts to crown.
"Oh god, it's coming, it's coming!"
You suddenly realize that you still have your panties and stockings on, but your husband is way ahead of you, already trying to tug your leggings down.
"Shit shit shit," he mutters. The stockings aren't budging – you hiked them up over your stomach when you were getting dressed earlier this morning, but your pencil skirt is cinched tightly around your hips, preventing them from easily sliding off your legs.
"Oh, get them off, please!" you beg, voice straining from your efforts. They're so tight against you that they almost feel like they're pressing the baby back in at the same time you're trying to push it out.
Your husband lets out a noise of frustration, before dropping to his knees and bunching the stocking in the inside of your left thigh in both hands.
You stop pushing for just a moment, just to take a breath, but your pantyhose immediately drives the baby back into you, and you wail in anguish.
“Get them off, get them off!”
Your husband seems to be trying to rip them open, his nails digging into the fabric, but they’re sliding in his grasp from their sheerness and from being doused in fluids.
Another contraction takes you, hard and fast, and you can barely gasp in a bit of air before you’re pushing again, struggling to force the top of your baby to stretch out your skintight nylons.
“Please get them off!”
"I told you you shouldn't have worn these!" he shouts, before finally ripping them apart, tearing a hole up towards the crotch. You jump when you feel him hook his fingers into your panties and tugs them to the side, the cloth once again brushing against your most sensitive parts.
"Holy shit," he breathes. All the anger in his voice disappears instantly, replaced with shock. He stammers out your name, looking up at you. "I – I can see the head!"
You try to respond, but all you can do is nod. You can definitely feel the head, hard and unforgiving, causing a terrible pressurized burn between your trembling thighs as you try to maintain the push, shrieking and crying out in agony.
The contraction mercifully ends, but you whimper in despair when you feel the baby slide a little back inside you, even without the stockings. You pant, your eyes sliding shut, trying to catch your breath in preparation for your next push. 
God, everything hurts. Your stomach hurts from the intensity of your contractions, your back hurts from the straining weight of your belly, your hips hurts from your baby filling the space between them with it's seemingly massive body, your legs hurt from having to keep them so far apart, your feet hurt from those stupid high heels, even your throat is starting to hurt from all the noises you're making.
You suddenly feel your husband's hand gently rubbing the outside of your leg, startling you. You look down, and he's gazing back up at you, eyes wide, his other hand still between your legs. Your normally calm, stoic husband looks uncharacteristically scared and excited at the same time.
"The baby's almost here," he says. "It's almost here. You're doing so great, darling."
You can't help but give him a shaky smile, but that quickly turns to a grimace as your uterus tightens painfully inside of you. You gasp as you feel the baby slip out of you a little more, even without you pushing, and you take a deep breath and bear down.
You almost immediately throw your head back, biting back a cry of pain. You're being spread and stretched and pulled apart, and god, god, it burns so much. You want to stop, you want all of this to stop, but your body bears down anyway, indifferent to your suffering, forcing your huge baby through an opening far too small for it.
"Push! Push, darling!" your husband shouts.
"I can't! Oh, god, I can't!"
"Yes, you can! Push!"
You grit your teeth and do as he says, because what other choice do you have? Shutting your eyes tightly, you push with everything you've got, the burning sensation magnifying with every centimeter of ground your baby makes.
"Nnngh! Gah! F-fuck, oh god, it hurts!"
"Keep going, love!"
You take a deep breath and heave against your baby as hard as you can, when the burning spikes suddenly and horribly, and an anguished scream is torn from your throat.
"The baby's crowning!" your husband yells.
You barely register what he's saying as another sharp spasm immediately shoots through you, triggering you into another involuntary push. You almost instantly regret it, as your baby lurches down and a sudden lancing pain, the worst pain you've felt so far, jolts up from between your legs, feeling as if you were being cut open with fire.
"The head's halfway out!"
You scream in sheer agony, arching your back, tossing your head, and standing up on your tiptoes in your heels. The contraction fades, but to your horror, the searing, stinging pain from your baby's skull remains, splitting you so impossibly wide that you're sure that at any moment, your sensitive flesh was going to tear right open. You can vaguely hear your husband yelling at you to breathe, but you can only let out another ear piercing scream and push, desperate to get the head out and end the agony.
Your inner muscles clench and spasm around your child's enormous head, trying to find purchase, as you struggle to expel it from your tortured body without the aid of a contraction. You're howling mindlessly from the pain, almost bucking your hips as if to shake the baby free, and for one terrifying moment you think it might be stuck. But then there's a sudden popping sensation, like a cork from a bottle of champagne, making you gasp. Fluid sprays your inner thighs, and a sudden merciful release of tension and pain floods your system.
You slump back a little against the podium, releasing the edges to catch yourself on your elbows. Your legs are shaking wildly now, and it's a small miracle you're still standing up.
"The head's out! It's out!"
You try to lean forward to see, panting and gasping, but your stomach is in the way. Your husband has both hands between your legs and you can feel the backs of them brushing against your skin. Something heavy dangles uncomfortably from your body. You're trembling from exhaustion and effort, you're drenched in sweat, and your vaginal walls throb painfully against your baby.
"Check –" you manage to stammer out, remembering something from one of the many books you read in preparation for the birth. "Ch-check for the c-cord."
Your husband grunts in acknowledgement, and you inhale sharply as he slides his fingers between your battered, sensitive lips and the baby's head. You adjust your stance a little and feel your thigh brush against it, sticky and hot.
"Shit –" he mutters.
You gasp, feeling a contraction start.
"Shit, god dammit –" He says your name sharply, immediately grabbing your attention. 
"Don't push."
Panic grips you, almost as hard as the contraction.
"I think the cord is around the baby's neck, don't push!"
You feel your husband's fingers fumble around, and the pressure inside you starts to grow.
"Ah!" You pant, rocking your hips back and forth, but your husband stops you with one firm grip on your upper thigh.
"Hold still."
You freeze, your inner walls pulsating and tightening around your baby's heavy, squirming body as it rotates within you. The sensation is overwhelming, and you tilt your head back, mouth hanging open as you pant desperately.
"Hurry," you manage to gasp out between breaths.
You're fighting, fighting against that growing wave of unbearable pressure, with everything you have, but it's not enough. Your muscles seize up, almost violently, and push against your will, and with the aid of gravity, you feel your labia start to spread apart again.
"Don't push!" 
"I'm not, I'm not!" you cry breathlessly. "I swear I'm not – I – oh! Oh, god!"
Your body crushes down on the baby again, inching it out of you.
"Oh no, god, please –"
"Hold on –"
"Please, I need to –"
"Ok –"
"I need to push!"
"OK, push!"
And with a great guttural yell, you bear down once again, thrusting your hips forward. Mercifully, your baby starts to slide out of you, one shoulder popping out –
– and then the other –
You shudder, your baby hanging halfway out of you, your body still gripping onto it stubbornly.
"You're so close, darling, just one more –"
You push your knees apart, drop your hips into a slight squat, and give one final desperate push. There's an incredible rushing sensation, startling you and making you shriek, followed by a torrent of liquids gushing out from between your legs, and suddenly, all of that pain and pressure is gone.
You're still somehow standing upright, gripping the podium behind you for dear life. Your head is still tossed back, looking up at the ceiling, mouth hanging half open as you catch your breath. Your vaginal muscles are still weakly clamping and twitching around nothing, sending small shudders through your aching body.
Suddenly, you hear a cry.
Your head snaps down to look, and you see over your still enormous belly, your husband, kneeling on the floor in a puddle of milky pink fluids, the whole front of him completely soaked. 
But there, in his arms, is a baby.
It's bright pink and wailing, kicking it's little legs and flailing it's little arms. Your husband looks up at you, looking completely shocked, and says, in a shaking voice,
"It's a girl."
You blink, the words slowly filtering into your mind.
"A – a girl?" you stammer, breathless.
He nods, holding the baby – your daughter – up to you, and as if on instinct, you quickly unbutton your blouse. Once it falls open, you gather your baby in your arms and cradle her against your skin, as she continues to cry in protest.
Your husband falls back onto his butt, resting his arms on his raised knees, his head hanging down. His shoulders are shaking, and you don't know if he's laughing or crying. As you watch him, dazed, you vainly attempt to comprehend the magnitude of what just happened. You just gave birth during a meeting at your job, and your husband delivered the baby. You're standing in 3 inch pumps, your stockings are torn open, your skirt is bunched up around your hips, and your breasts are completely out on display (although still in their bra). Your baby is wriggling against you, wailing loudly, still covered in blood and amniotic fluid and who knows what else, the umbilical cord dangling between you. You're completely out of breath, your head is spinning from exertion and shock, and you suddenly say out loud to your husband, without even really realizing it,
"I ruined your suit."
Your husband snaps his head up to look at you, looking absolutely incredulous.
"I – I ruined your suit –" you say again.
He bursts out laughing.
"I really liked that suit –" you add, weakly.
He scrambles to his feet, still laughing, and as if in emphasis, wipes his hands on the back of his sleek wool pants, before bringing them to rest on your hips as he leans down to kiss you.
"I love you so much," he says.
You start to respond, when suddenly the doors to the meeting room burst open and a group of EMTs rush in. Someone must've called 911. They all descend upon you and the baby, helping you onto a stretcher, examining the baby, and interrogating you with a myriad of questions (including one EMT, a woman, demanding in shock, "You gave birth in those shoes?!")
You lose your husband in the chaos for a moment as you lay down on the stretcher with your daughter still resting on your chest. Panic grips you, and you call out his name. He's suddenly there by your side, your hand in his, looking at you as if you're the only person in the room.
"Don't leave me," you say, feeling uncharacteristically vulnerable.
He kisses the back of your hand fiercely. "Never."
"Hey, hey, Mr. Midwife!" one of the male EMTs says jovially, holding out a pair of scissors to your husband. "You did so well delivering the baby, we thought you might like to cut the cord!"
Your husband smiles brilliantly as he takes the scissors with his free hand. The EMT directs him to cut the cord between two clamps, just an inch or so from her belly button, and with a few quick snips, your daughter's body is separated from your own.
They drape a blanket over you and your baby and wheel you out of the meeting room, past all your shocked colleagues and coworkers, into the elevator and then outside to the ambulance, your husband staying by your side the whole time. Your baby is still mewling and crying, and that same female EMT from earlier suggests that maybe she's hungry.
Once in the ambulance, you shrug off your shirt and undo your bra, freeing your breasts, and you bring your daughter up to one dark nipple. She instantly latches on and begins nursing, and you gasp in surprise and joy.
You look up at your husband excitedly, who laughs and kisses the side of your head. Now that the shock has started to wear off, an overwhelming sense of love and protection for your daughter has replaced it. You can barely take your eyes off her, you count her fingers and toes over and over again as she nurses. You smooth her little wisps of hair back, the same color as her father's, as she blinks up at you with eyes that match yours. Your husband traces the curves of her little cheek with his finger, before pushing that same finger against one of her palms, and her tiny hand closes around it.
He kisses you again, his hand stroking through your hair, as he says softly to you, "You were amazing, darling. You were so amazing. I love you so, so much."
You turn to kiss him on the lips. "I love you, too." You tilt your head forward to press against his, closing your eyes. "You were pretty amazing yourself. I can't believe you delivered our baby."
"Hey, I just caught her. You were the one who did all the work."
At the hospital, your daughter is quickly whisked away for tests as you deliver the placenta. The lovely staff were kind enough to lend your husband a set of clean, dry, hospital green scrubs. When your daughter is returned to you, she's all swaddled up, and given a clean bill of health, coming in at 9lbs, 13oz.
"Nine pounds?!" you exclaim as your husband takes her from the nurse.
"And 13 ounces!" the nurse adds, cheerfully. "22 inches long and a head 15 inches around."
"Oh my god," you say quietly, completely stunned. "No wonder that hurt so much…"
"You can say that again! Can't believe you delivered her with no pain medication!"
Your husband sits down in the rocking chair next to your bed, cradling your daughter close as he starts speaking to her, not paying attention to your exchange with the nurse.
"Hey, sweetheart," he says in a sing-song voice. "Hey, you gave us quite a scare today, showing up when you did."
The nurse checks a few things before leaving you with your new family, insisting you get some sleep.
You lean back against the pillows as you close your eyes, your hands resting on your slightly deflated stomach, listening to your husband speak softly to your daughter. You're exhausted. There are muscles in your body that you didn't even know exist that are already starting to ache. You want to stay awake, to watch your husband interact with his first born child, but you can already feel yourself drifting off. Bits and pieces of their "conversation" filter in as you start to doze, but it's his comment of, "...now that you're here, Mommy is finally gonna take some time off and relax…" that grabs your attention.
You rouse yourself from sleep as best you can. "Not yet," you say, your words slurring together.
"Hmm? What was that, darling?"
It takes you a moment to respond as you drift in and out of consciousness.
"'m not taking maternity leave yet."
You hear your husband laugh.
"...didn' finish…my quarterly reportsssss…"
"You're kidding, right?"
"...need to finish 'em tomorrow…"
He laughs again, but he sounds much more uncertain this time.
"You're…you're kidding," he says. When you don't respond, he repeats more insistently, "Darling, you're kidding, right?"
But you don't reply, finally falling into a deep, dreamless sleep.
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rosbar6678 · 2 years
Imagine You’re the Pregnant CFO of a Successful Company...
First time posting a story like this. Hope you enjoy it!
You shift in your chair, fighting the urge to let out a sigh. You're 41 weeks pregnant, almost 42, and extremely uncomfortable. Your back has been hurting all day, your massive stomach feels rigid and tight, and there's a strange growing pressure in your hips that makes it really difficult to sit comfortably at all.
You're in a board meeting at your company, and your husband, the CEO, is currently presenting on the last quarter's product line. What had started as an illicit affair between two executives just over a year ago had unexpectedly resulted in you pregnant and married. You still couldn't totally believe it. It was just supposed to be a bit of fun between you two, something to help blow off steam at the end of a hard day at work (almost quite literally – there was a non-zero chance that your baby was conceived in this very meeting room), but you somehow managed to fall for each other.
You almost roll your eyes at how sappy and cliche it was, thinking about it now. Both you and your husband are very practical and logical people, it's part of the reason why you both have had such successful careers, but being with him threw all that practically and logic out the window. While he was stern and stoic at work, he was actually a very sweet and thoughtful man outside of it. And when you discovered you were pregnant, you two didn't even hesitate to go straight to the courthouse to make everything official. You both knew this was jeopardizing your jobs, but neither of you cared. And while you got sternly reprimanded by the board, they ultimately decided to keep you both on. The company had become hugely successful since you both started working there, after all.
And now, your husband was presenting on exactly how successful the company had become, particularly in this last quarter, and you were to be presenting next.
You adjust yourself in the chair again, trying to ease any of the discomfort in your body, but it's pretty futile. Your husband's eyes dart over to you for a moment, narrowing imperceptibly as he spoke. He has been trying to get you to go on maternity leave for weeks now, but you've refused. Even this morning, as the two of you got ready for work, he tried to convince you to stay home.
"It's not going to happen, love," you said loudly as you hefted your now much larger breasts into a bra, pulling the straps on to your shoulders and hooking it around your back.
You heard your husband grumble from the walk-in closet.
"You're overdue by almost two weeks," he called out into the bedroom. "The baby can come basically any second. And I swear your stomach has dropped since yesterday. You really should stay home."
You've managed to don a pair of sheer black pantyhose, pulling them up your legs and over your belly, before shimmying into a dark gray pencil skirt.
You certainly couldn't deny anything your husband has said. All of what he said was true, and then some. For the past few days, it’s felt like more and more weight had descended into the bowl of your pelvis, and your belly definitely hung lower and lower. Despite it’s size, it had always been a fairly “perky” stomach, but that had changed significantly in the last few days. Plus, you had been dealing with your fair share of Braxton Hicks contractions lately, too.
But you wouldn't be caught dead telling him that.
"I tell you what, my dear husband," you replied, as you zipped up the back of the skirt, drawing it tight under your belly and around your hips. You turn to look in the mirror, admiring how it hugged your curves. 9 months pregnant and you still got it.
"I will go on maternity leave when you go on paternity leave.
More grumbling from the closet.
"I'm sorry, my love, what was that?"
"I said," he shouted, clearly annoyed, "that I don't want to go on it yet."
"Well, neither do I."
He stepped out of the closet, wearing a sharp navy blue suit and a gray tie with gold diagonal stripes.
"Oh, darling, now, really?" he demanded.
"That skirt? Those stockings?"
You rounded on him as you finished buttoning up your white collar maternity shirt. "What's wrong with my skirt and stockings?"
"Can't you wear sweatpants like a normal pregnant woman?"
You felt anger flare in your chest. "I don't want to wear sweatpants," you snapped. "Why are you suddenly so hung up on my clothes?"
He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.
"I just…want you to be comfortable," he muttered, dropping his hand and looking away from you.
You softened a little at his admission, and approached him.
"You're always so uncomfortable and I just wish…there was something we could do to help with that…"
Once you were close enough, you wrapped your arms around his waist and pulled him as close to you as your baby bump would allow.
He still wasn't looking at you. You could see the tension in his jaw and shoulders.
"You know I could never be comfortable in sweatpants, love, especially at work," you said as you reached up to adjust his tie.
He sighed again, closing his eyes and tilting his head down to rest against the top of yours. "I know, darling," he said, resigned, his hands coming up to cradle your stomach. Your baby gave a solid kick against his palm.
"Look,” you began, smoothing his tie back against his shirt, “I promise I'll go on maternity leave tomorrow."
He pulled away a little in surprise, and you looked up at him, smiling.
"Really?" he asked, relief on his face.
"Yes." You leaned up and gave him a quick peck on the lips. "I just really want to present at the board meeting today. I worked so hard to leave the company in a good place before we left! Let me just have this victory lap."
"I know, I know." He kissed you again, running his hands from your stomach to your hips and back again. "And you deserve a victory lap."
"You're goddamn right I do," you said, grinning, pulling away from him. "I mean, who successfully negotiated the merger with Equiva?"
"You did."
"And who saved the company almost 20 million dollars in the last three months?" you asked, pulling on a suit jacket to match your skirt.
"You did."
This conversation continued in much the same way as the two of you gathered your things to leave for work…at least until, much to your husband's chagrin, you put on your 3 inch stiletto heels.
That was several hours ago, but it felt even longer than that. Your husband has been watching you like a hawk all day and even in the middle of his presentation, his attention wasn't totally diverted from you. You try to keep your face neutral, idly tapping your pen against your cheek.
He finally looks away from you, and you let out a small exhale of relief. You would not put it past him to stop this entire meeting in a heartbeat if he thought something was wrong.
The minutes tick past. You try to not squirm and shift around so much, but you can't help it. You're so uncomfortable. The pain in your back is getting worse, and so is that incredible pressure in your hips. Your stomach has been cramping and tightening over and over again, intensifying that pressure. You attempt to spread your legs to ease some of the discomfort in your pelvis, but that pencil skirt you insisted on wearing doesn't allow for much of that. Are these more Braxton Hicks contractions? Or are these…real–?
You quickly push that question out of your mind, huffing.
You try to pay attention to the meeting, but you can't help it, your focus is turning more and more inward, the more and more your body tenses and twists against your will. Even your baby seems to be against you, kicking up a storm against your ribs. You try to keep your breathing steady and even, and you cup your hands underneath your belly and press up, weakly attempting to lift some of the weight off your straining back and hips.
Maybe your husband was right…maybe you should have stayed home…
You don't know how much time has passed when you suddenly hear your husband say your name, startling you out of your thoughts.
"...our amazing CFO, who will now report on last quarter's record earnings."
Everyone applauds as you stand up and your husband heads over to his seat opposite yours, never taking his eyes off you. You just barely manage to suppress a groan as you haul yourself up on unsteady feet, a hand still cupping your heavy stomach.
You force a smile as you approach the front of the meeting room. It almost feels like your baby's head is already wedged in between your legs, and you vainly try to not walk so bowlegged. You stand behind the podium, looking out at the two dozen other executives and board members, and begin your presentation.
You're incredibly thankful that you practiced it so much that you could basically present it in your sleep. Standing has made your back pain even worse, and it feels like gravity is slowly pulling your baby deeper into your hips. You keep trying to spread your legs, but again, that damn pencil skirt keeps your thighs much closer together than you'd like.
You can feel sweat break out along your hairline, and you keep compulsively running your hands through your hair to try and subtly wipe it off. Your stomach feels like it's permanently seized up, gone completely rock hard, and it seems to hang lower than even this morning. 
You can see your husband out of the corner of your eye. He's leaning back in his chair, his arms crossed, his lips a hard line. You know that face. That's the face he makes when he's trying to figure out if something is wrong.
You swallow hard. You get a little flustered and you stumble over your words a bit, but you keep going. You are going to finish this presentation, dammit. 
You shift your legs again, trying to find some measure of relief. God, the pressure is getting so bad, it's making the whole lower half of your body shake, and now you're cursing your stiletto heels along with your skirt. You have one hand holding the remote to flip through the slides, but the other is gripping the edge of the podium so hard that you wouldn't be surprised if you crushed the cheap wood in your grasp.
A terrible spasm shoots through you, making your voice catch for just a moment. It sends pain radiating up your back, down your thighs, and makes your vaginal muscles clench involuntarily. You almost groan at the sensation, as it felt like they were clenching down on…something…
You're now flipping quickly through the last of your slides, just going over the very basic points for each one, and another sharp pain rockets through you. Your voice wavers as you resist the urge to moan. It takes all of your willpower to not just tear off your skirt right there and drop down into a squat behind the podium, to push your knees as far apart as they can go, to try to make some space within your pelvis to ease some of this maddening pressure. 
Fuck, this is all getting to be so much that you almost feel like you need to push…
You can't help but notice that your husband is shifting around in his seat almost as much as you were. He knows this presentation almost as well as you, and he knows you're rushing through the end of it. He looks like he's about to jump out of his chair right when you shoot him a pleading look. Please. I'm almost done. Just give me a few more minutes. Please.
Your legs are pressing so hard against the sides of your skirt, you're surprised the seams haven't ripped. You're so hot that you're simultaneously both frustrated that you left your suit jacket on and grateful you did, otherwise everyone would be able to see you sweating straight through your white blouse. Your stomach has never felt heavier, and it’s hanging so low that the underside of it is peeking out from under said blouse, and you are confident it was definitely not doing that when you got dressed this morning…
"In conclusion," you say, your voice straining slightly. 
The pressure inside you is climbing, climbing…your muscles are spasming and it feels like your baby’s head is so deep inside you it's already trying to force your legs apart. You clear your throat, and take a breath.
"In conclusion, I –"
The pressure reaches it's apex. You almost cry out from the pain. But instead, you feel something break inside you, and to your horror, fluid gushes out from between your legs to splatter audibly on the floor.
There's a moment of shocked silence. You're visibly shaking as you look down at the puddle beneath you.
"I – I think my water just broke," you say softly.
There's a moment of commotion from your colleagues, but then your husband is on his feet.
"Out!" he shouts. "Everyone, out!"
The small crowd of people quickly head towards the door as your husband rushes straight at you, looking furious.
"You're in labor, aren't you?" he demands. "God dammit, I told you that you should've stayed home!"
As soon as he's close enough, you reach for him, barely paying attention to what he's saying. You pull him close and press your head to his chest, gasping and moaning. The pressure is now the worst it's ever been, becoming completely unbearable, and without hesitating, you grit your teeth, grab fistfuls of your husband's jacket, and push.
That heavy weighty feeling deep inside you slides even lower, and you let out a guttural groan, almost of relief, as you finally give in to your body's demands. You can barely hear your husband speaking to you over the blood rushing through your ears and the desperate noises you're making (he's saying something about getting to the hospital), but then realization seems to strike him and he demands, "Are you pushing?"
You can only nod in response as you stop for a moment to catch your breath, before wincing and taking in sharp inhales of air between clenched teeth as your stomach somehow tightens even more.
"Don't! Don't push!" he yells, panicking. 
"I can't!" you grit out. There is so much pain and pressure and weight inside of you, wedged tightly inside your pelvis, and you need to get it out now!
"I can't, hnngh, god, I can't, oh god, oh, oh!"
You gasp, feeling something new... You let go of your husband's jacket to reach under your skirt, and you cry out in shock as your fingers brush against your completely soaked stockings. Your labia is bulging out from you – the baby's head is right there!
"Help –!" you cry breathlessly, releasing your husband to reach behind yourself, fumbling with the zipper of your skirt. "Help me get this off!"
Your husband starts to object, but another contraction grips you, making you wail, cutting him off.
"There's no time!" You grab his hand and force it underneath your skirt, between your barely parted legs. Your husband curses in surprise, his fingers pressing against your opening as it distends outwards from your child's encroaching head. "The baby is coming now!"
He quickly reaches around to try to unzip the skirt. You fall back against the podium, still desperately trying to separate your legs to make room for your baby. He's yanking on the zipper, but it doesn't move.
"Fuck, it's jammed," he mutters, but before you can say anything, he slides his hands quickly up your thighs, rucking the skirt up your hips and underneath your enormous belly, allowing you to finally spread your legs. That action alone makes it feel like your baby drops several inches, almost like it was about to fall right out of you, but was caught at the last minute by your seizing vaginal muscles, the sensation making you yelp in surprise.
You're leaning back against the podium now, gripping the edge of it, in as wide a stance as you can manage in your heels, bending your knees slightly. You're panting and whimpering, and all your muscles start to tighten and clench again in another contraction. You throw your head back with a groan, feeling your body heave against the hefty mass of your baby as it slid forward a bit more, and you quickly join in with a desperate push of your own.
You groan even louder as you feel yourself start to spread wide, your parting lips brushing against the fabric of your underwear as your baby's head starts to crown.
"Oh god, it's coming, it's coming!"
You suddenly realize that you still have your panties and stockings on, but your husband is way ahead of you, already trying to tug your leggings down.
"Shit shit shit," he mutters. The stockings aren't budging – you hiked them up over your stomach when you were getting dressed earlier this morning, but your pencil skirt is cinched tightly around your hips, preventing them from easily sliding off your legs.
"Oh, get them off, please!" you beg, voice straining from your efforts. They're so tight against you that they almost feel like they're pressing the baby back in at the same time you're trying to push it out.
Your husband lets out a noise of frustration, before dropping to his knees and bunching the stocking in the inside of your left thigh in both hands.
You stop pushing for just a moment, just to take a breath, but your pantyhose immediately drives the baby back into you, and you wail in anguish.
“Get them off, get them off!”
Your husband seems to be trying to rip them open, his nails digging into the fabric, but they’re sliding in his grasp from their sheerness and from being doused in fluids.
Another contraction takes you, hard and fast, and you can barely gasp in a bit of air before you’re pushing again, struggling to force the top of your baby to stretch out your skintight nylons.
“Please get them off!”
"I told you you shouldn't have worn these!" he shouts, before finally ripping them apart, tearing a hole up towards the crotch. You jump when you feel him hook his fingers into your panties and tugs them to the side, the cloth once again brushing against your most sensitive parts.
"Holy shit," he breathes. All the anger in his voice disappears instantly, replaced with shock. He stammers out your name, looking up at you. "I – I can see the head!"
You try to respond, but all you can do is nod. You can definitely feel the head, hard and unforgiving, causing a terrible pressurized burn between your trembling thighs as you try to maintain the push, shrieking and crying out in agony.
The contraction mercifully ends, but you whimper in despair when you feel the baby slide a little back inside you, even without the stockings. You pant, your eyes sliding shut, trying to catch your breath in preparation for your next push. 
God, everything hurts. Your stomach hurts from the intensity of your contractions, your back hurts from the straining weight of your belly, your hips hurts from your baby filling the space between them with it's seemingly massive body, your legs hurt from having to keep them so far apart, your feet hurt from those stupid high heels, even your throat is starting to hurt from all the noises you're making.
You suddenly feel your husband's hand gently rubbing the outside of your leg, startling you. You look down, and he's gazing back up at you, eyes wide, his other hand still between your legs. Your normally calm, stoic husband looks uncharacteristically scared and excited at the same time.
"The baby's almost here," he says. "It's almost here. You're doing so great, darling."
You can't help but give him a shaky smile, but that quickly turns to a grimace as your uterus tightens painfully inside of you. You gasp as you feel the baby slip out of you a little more, even without you pushing, and you take a deep breath and bear down.
You almost immediately throw your head back, biting back a cry of pain. You're being spread and stretched and pulled apart, and god, god, it burns so much. You want to stop, you want all of this to stop, but your body bears down anyway, indifferent to your suffering, forcing your huge baby through an opening far too small for it.
"Push! Push, darling!" your husband shouts.
"I can't! Oh, god, I can't!"
"Yes, you can! Push!"
You grit your teeth and do as he says, because what other choice do you have? Shutting your eyes tightly, you push with everything you've got, the burning sensation magnifying with every centimeter of ground your baby makes.
"Nnngh! Gah! F-fuck, oh god, it hurts!"
"Keep going, love!"
You take a deep breath and heave against your baby as hard as you can, when the burning spikes suddenly and horribly, and an anguished scream is torn from your throat.
"The baby's crowning!" your husband yells.
You barely register what he's saying as another sharp spasm immediately shoots through you, triggering you into another involuntary push. You almost instantly regret it, as your baby lurches down and a sudden lancing pain, the worst pain you've felt so far, jolts up from between your legs, feeling as if you were being cut open with fire.
"The head's halfway out!"
You scream in sheer agony, arching your back, tossing your head, and standing up on your tiptoes in your heels. The contraction fades, but to your horror, the searing, stinging pain from your baby's skull remains, splitting you so impossibly wide that you're sure that at any moment, your sensitive flesh was going to tear right open. You can vaguely hear your husband yelling at you to breathe, but you can only let out another ear piercing scream and push, desperate to get the head out and end the agony.
Your inner muscles clench and spasm around your child's enormous head, trying to find purchase, as you struggle to expel it from your tortured body without the aid of a contraction. You're howling mindlessly from the pain, almost bucking your hips as if to shake the baby free, and for one terrifying moment you think it might be stuck. But then there's a sudden popping sensation, like a cork from a bottle of champagne, making you gasp. Fluid sprays your inner thighs, and a sudden merciful release of tension and pain floods your system.
You slump back a little against the podium, releasing the edges to catch yourself on your elbows. Your legs are shaking wildly now, and it's a small miracle you're still standing up.
"The head's out! It's out!"
You try to lean forward to see, panting and gasping, but your stomach is in the way. Your husband has both hands between your legs and you can feel the backs of them brushing against your skin. Something heavy dangles uncomfortably from your body. You're trembling from exhaustion and effort, you're drenched in sweat, and your vaginal walls throb painfully against your baby.
"Check –" you manage to stammer out, remembering something from one of the many books you read in preparation for the birth. "Ch-check for the c-cord."
Your husband grunts in acknowledgement, and you inhale sharply as he slides his fingers between your battered, sensitive lips and the baby's head. You adjust your stance a little and feel your thigh brush against it, sticky and hot.
"Shit –" he mutters.
You gasp, feeling a contraction start.
"Shit, god dammit –" He says your name sharply, immediately grabbing your attention. 
"Don't push."
Panic grips you, almost as hard as the contraction.
"I think the cord is around the baby's neck, don't push!"
You feel your husband's fingers fumble around, and the pressure inside you starts to grow.
"Ah!" You pant, rocking your hips back and forth, but your husband stops you with one firm grip on your upper thigh.
"Hold still."
You freeze, your inner walls pulsating and tightening around your baby's heavy, squirming body as it rotates within you. The sensation is overwhelming, and you tilt your head back, mouth hanging open as you pant desperately.
"Hurry," you manage to gasp out between breaths.
You're fighting, fighting against that growing wave of unbearable pressure, with everything you have, but it's not enough. Your muscles seize up, almost violently, and push against your will, and with the aid of gravity, you feel your labia start to spread apart again.
"Don't push!" 
"I'm not, I'm not!" you cry breathlessly. "I swear I'm not – I – oh! Oh, god!"
Your body crushes down on the baby again, inching it out of you.
"Oh no, god, please –"
"Hold on –"
"Please, I need to –"
"Ok –"
"I need to push!"
"OK, push!"
And with a great guttural yell, you bear down once again, thrusting your hips forward. Mercifully, your baby starts to slide out of you, one shoulder popping out –
– and then the other –
You shudder, your baby hanging halfway out of you, your body still gripping onto it stubbornly.
"You're so close, darling, just one more –"
You push your knees apart, drop your hips into a slight squat, and give one final desperate push. There's an incredible rushing sensation, startling you and making you shriek, followed by a torrent of liquids gushing out from between your legs, and suddenly, all of that pain and pressure is gone.
You're still somehow standing upright, gripping the podium behind you for dear life. Your head is still tossed back, looking up at the ceiling, mouth hanging half open as you catch your breath. Your vaginal muscles are still weakly clamping and twitching around nothing, sending small shudders through your aching body.
Suddenly, you hear a cry.
Your head snaps down to look, and you see over your still enormous belly, your husband, kneeling on the floor in a puddle of milky pink fluids, the whole front of him completely soaked. 
But there, in his arms, is a baby.
It's bright pink and wailing, kicking it's little legs and flailing it's little arms. Your husband looks up at you, looking completely shocked, and says, in a shaking voice,
"It's a girl."
You blink, the words slowly filtering into your mind.
"A – a girl?" you stammer, breathless.
He nods, holding the baby – your daughter – up to you, and as if on instinct, you quickly unbutton your blouse. Once it falls open, you gather your baby in your arms and cradle her against your skin, as she continues to cry in protest.
Your husband falls back onto his butt, resting his arms on his raised knees, his head hanging down. His shoulders are shaking, and you don't know if he's laughing or crying. As you watch him, dazed, you vainly attempt to comprehend the magnitude of what just happened. You just gave birth during a meeting at your job, and your husband delivered the baby. You're standing in 3 inch pumps, your stockings are torn open, your skirt is bunched up around your hips, and your breasts are completely out on display (although still in their bra). Your baby is wriggling against you, wailing loudly, still covered in blood and amniotic fluid and who knows what else, the umbilical cord dangling between you. You're completely out of breath, your head is spinning from exertion and shock, and you suddenly say out loud to your husband, without even really realizing it,
"I ruined your suit."
Your husband snaps his head up to look at you, looking absolutely incredulous.
"I – I ruined your suit –" you say again.
He bursts out laughing.
"I really liked that suit –" you add, weakly.
He scrambles to his feet, still laughing, and as if in emphasis, wipes his hands on the back of his sleek wool pants, before bringing them to rest on your hips as he leans down to kiss you.
"I love you so much," he says.
You start to respond, when suddenly the doors to the meeting room burst open and a group of EMTs rush in. Someone must've called 911. They all descend upon you and the baby, helping you onto a stretcher, examining the baby, and interrogating you with a myriad of questions (including one EMT, a woman, demanding in shock, "You gave birth in those shoes?!")
You lose your husband in the chaos for a moment as you lay down on the stretcher with your daughter still resting on your chest. Panic grips you, and you call out his name. He's suddenly there by your side, your hand in his, looking at you as if you're the only person in the room.
"Don't leave me," you say, feeling uncharacteristically vulnerable.
He kisses the back of your hand fiercely. "Never."
"Hey, hey, Mr. Midwife!" one of the male EMTs says jovially, holding out a pair of scissors to your husband. "You did so well delivering the baby, we thought you might like to cut the cord!"
Your husband smiles brilliantly as he takes the scissors with his free hand. The EMT directs him to cut the cord between two clamps, just an inch or so from her belly button, and with a few quick snips, your daughter's body is separated from your own.
They drape a blanket over you and your baby and wheel you out of the meeting room, past all your shocked colleagues and coworkers, into the elevator and then outside to the ambulance, your husband staying by your side the whole time. Your baby is still mewling and crying, and that same female EMT from earlier suggests that maybe she's hungry.
Once in the ambulance, you shrug off your shirt and undo your bra, freeing your breasts, and you bring your daughter up to one dark nipple. She instantly latches on and begins nursing, and you gasp in surprise and joy.
You look up at your husband excitedly, who laughs and kisses the side of your head. Now that the shock has started to wear off, an overwhelming sense of love and protection for your daughter has replaced it. You can barely take your eyes off her, you count her fingers and toes over and over again as she nurses. You smooth her little wisps of hair back, the same color as her father's, as she blinks up at you with eyes that match yours. Your husband traces the curves of her little cheek with his finger, before pushing that same finger against one of her palms, and her tiny hand closes around it.
He kisses you again, his hand stroking through your hair, as he says softly to you, "You were amazing, darling. You were so amazing. I love you so, so much."
You turn to kiss him on the lips. "I love you, too." You tilt your head forward to press against his, closing your eyes. "You were pretty amazing yourself. I can't believe you delivered our baby."
"Hey, I just caught her. You were the one who did all the work."
At the hospital, your daughter is quickly whisked away for tests as you deliver the placenta. The lovely staff were kind enough to lend your husband a set of clean, dry, hospital green scrubs. When your daughter is returned to you, she's all swaddled up, and given a clean bill of health, coming in at 9lbs, 13oz.
"Nine pounds?!" you exclaim as your husband takes her from the nurse.
"And 13 ounces!" the nurse adds, cheerfully. "22 inches long and a head 15 inches around."
"Oh my god," you say quietly, completely stunned. "No wonder that hurt so much…"
"You can say that again! Can't believe you delivered her with no pain medication!"
Your husband sits down in the rocking chair next to your bed, cradling your daughter close as he starts speaking to her, not paying attention to your exchange with the nurse.
"Hey, sweetheart," he says in a sing-song voice. "Hey, you gave us quite a scare today, showing up when you did."
The nurse checks a few things before leaving you with your new family, insisting you get some sleep.
You lean back against the pillows as you close your eyes, your hands resting on your slightly deflated stomach, listening to your husband speak softly to your daughter. You're exhausted. There are muscles in your body that you didn't even know exist that are already starting to ache. You want to stay awake, to watch your husband interact with his first born child, but you can already feel yourself drifting off. Bits and pieces of their "conversation" filter in as you start to doze, but it's his comment of, "...now that you're here, Mommy is finally gonna take some time off and relax…" that grabs your attention.
You rouse yourself from sleep as best you can. "Not yet," you say, your words slurring together.
"Hmm? What was that, darling?"
It takes you a moment to respond as you drift in and out of consciousness.
"'m not taking maternity leave yet."
You hear your husband laugh.
"...didn' finish…my quarterly reportsssss…"
"You're kidding, right?"
"...need to finish 'em tomorrow…"
He laughs again, but he sounds much more uncertain this time.
"You're…you're kidding," he says. When you don't respond, he repeats more insistently, "Darling, you're kidding, right?"
But you don't reply, finally falling into a deep, dreamless sleep.
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rosbar6678 · 2 years
Imagine You're a Viking War Prize (Part IV)
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
The pains that you awaited so impatiently have come at last, fiercer than you could have expected.  Outside, the wind howls, snow piling high against the hut.  You will be alone for this, you and Den, the two of you bringing this child into the world the way you made it.
Despite the storm that rages outside, you are unbearably hot. Sweat rolls down your brow, through the loose strands of hair that have escaped from your braid as you pace and you groan as a fresh wave of heat and tightness washes over you.
Den’s fingers press into the small of your back, just above where the burning ache has settled. Your arms hang around his neck, his broad shoulders carrying most of your weight, and you press your face into his chest. His skin is cool against your own, a small relief.
The pain passes, finally, and you sag against Den’s chest.
“Good,” he says. “Good.”
The encouragement barely registers, as the pain returns and your world narrows to the heat of your skin, the burning downward pressure of the child within your belly.
They’re coming faster now, the pains, one fading into the next with scarcely enough time for you to catch your breath between, it seems.
The early hours of your labor were nothing compared to this and you begin to wish that you’d taken the chance to rest when you could. Instead, you’d spent them with Den’s hands on your body. Now to can barely stand his touch, your skin is so hot, so sensitive and overwrought and burning.  Absurdly, though, the memory of his mouth on your breast, his fingers circling slowly between your legs, makes something not altogether unpleasant pulse between your thighs, cresting as the pain does.
You moan.  
You feel, more than hear, Den’s breath catch at the noise. He knows that moan, you imagine, the one you make for him and him alone.
He strokes your hair, presses a kiss to your forehead, and ignores the sound of pleasure that you surely couldn’t have made.
This is not a man’s place, you think, pacing out of your husband’s embrace.. You attended many a birth with your mother, before you were brought here, and you cannot recall a man in the birthing room at a single one. Perhaps, you think, this is why, this pleasure that you have never heard discussed, that pulses through you when you should be feeling anything but.
Leaning heavily against one of the beams in the hut, you struggle to catch your breath.  Your legs shake beneath you and Den, ever attentive, catches you and holds you steady.  The fleeting arousal flares again at his touch.
You moan louder this time, pressing Den’s hand into the swell of your belly.  There is a nudge against your backside: your husband’s cock swelling at the noises escaping you.  
There’s nothing to be done about it, not while your child is still fighting to escape your body, but you flush hotter at the notion that your pleasure is shared.
Den’s hand reaches out for the bare skin of your back but you shrug him off. The fire is hot, the hut is hot, your skin is hot. It’s burning and his touch is too much. “Too much,” you murmur, your body rocking against the bed as you kneel on the mattress.
“I’m sorry,” he says, your great, hulking Jarl of a husband, who is so patient, so tender when you need him to be. “I didn’t mean-”
“Talk to me.”  You need the distraction.
Your womb tightens again, a counterpoint to the crushing pain at the base of your spine, and you cry out.
Although your face is pressed to the bed, which Den stripped to the sheets hours ago, you can see him out of the corner of your eye. He looks lost, more so than you think you’ve ever seen.
“Make me want you,” you sigh.  He won’t succeed. You know that the pain is too much, the pleasure too ephemeral, but there may be something to be gained in the trying. “I was thinking about before, when you touched me.”
“You felt so tight,” he says softly, hesitantly. “Your belly. Tight and full, hard as my cock gets when I think about you.”
His words stoke the feeling within you again, pulsing and throbbing with the pressure of the child within you. Your belly is tight like that now, gripped by the throes of another contraction, and you run your hand over your mounded stomach, nodding. “Tell me more.”
“I wish I could touch you,” Den says into your ear. “Lick you, fuck you.  You must be so soft now, all warm and slick and open. I’d slide right into you.”
You groan. Between your legs, there is a driving pressure, spreading between the wings of your hips, the child pushing down and out of you. There is also a warmth, bubbling up at Den’s words. You pant, lightheaded, focusing only on his words, the waves of pleasure and pressure and pain that wash over you.
The sensations peak, all of them at once, and you cry out. Your face is wet, you realize, slicked with sweat like the rest of your body.  
Sparing a glance at Den, your shudder to see that, rather than touching you, he is palming his stiff cock through his woollen pants.  It is enough to make your insides  throb.  You can’t tell whether the pleasure brings pain or vice versa, but another contraction grips you right on the heels of the last.  
The time draws near..
You throw your head back, crying out as Den’s fingers circle just above the nub between your legs.  You are on your back now, legs and arms splayed across the bare sheets.  His mouth his at your breast, suckling and licking, drawing pressure to match the press of his fingers against you, the push of the babe within.  
The world narrows to the space encompassed by your body, the places where your husband’s touches it.  
Your are so full, aware of nothing but the descent of your child’s head between your hips, stretching you apart.  There is something fitting in the stretch, not dissimilar to the press of Den’s cock within you, and your hips writhe, seeking some sort of relief, caught between pain and pressure and ecstasy, but it eludes you.
Instead, the sensations mingle together into an overwhelming urge to push.
A bolt of cloth has hung tied to the rafters of your hut for weeks now. It is an old trick, one learned years ago from your mother to help in just such an occasion, a tactic to aid stubborn babies’ passage into the world.  
The fabric is damp in your fists, but you hold it tightly.  Teetering on the edge of the bed, you put your weight into the security of the cloth.  Your muscles clench in protest, clenching around the solid weight of the child crowing between your legs.  The lips of your cunt burn from the stretch, but the pressure is so heavy and satisfying that you push into it.  
You are moaning, you think, or groaning perhaps, along with the waves of pain, with the stroke of Den’s hands along your spread thighs.  
Your husband’s hands trace your skin, but his eyes are fixed firmly between your legs. You can see the outline of his cock still, hard and long.  “You’re beautiful like this,” he says.  “You’re stretched so wide.  Wider than I stretch you, even.  I can see the whole head.  Feel.”
Reaching between your legs, you feel it, the warm, pulsing bulge.  Your body pushes harder, almost as though you have no choice in the matter, just as you have had no choice in the way your body has swelled these last months.  This child will make its way into the world of its own volition, but you want to do your best to help it along.  
Catching Den’s gaze, you push harder, leaning heavy into the cloth rope for leverage.  You feel the burning stretch again, like you are splitting open, the pressure building and building, brushing that spot inside of you that Den so loves to stroke, until finally, something gives way and you feel the rest of your child slide from your body into Den’s waiting hands.  You cry out, the relief more exquisite than anything you think you’ve ever experienced, and you sink to the ground.
“A boy,” Den cries, cradling the squalling infant to your chest.  
“A boy,” you echo.  A perfect son, the first of many, you hope.
You turn your attention to the child, secure in the knowledge that you have given your husband a strong heir.  You have done your duty, willingly, happily, and found pleasure in it.  More than that, you have found a family where yours was lost, a purpose where you had none.  You cannot wait to see how it will grow.
(Sorry for the long wait!  Hope the conclusion was worth it!  Thanks for reading-Asphodel)
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rosbar6678 · 2 years
I downloaded this crowning video from before the tumblr porn ban, so I don’t remember where it’s from anymore. But otherwise, enjoy!
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rosbar6678 · 2 years
Tumblr’s dumb NSFW filters wouldn’t let me post the direct youtube link to this fantastic birth video, so I’ll be posting a link to it on my google drive instead. Here’s a non-direct link to the video: hxxps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5nxZB3pKiR0
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rosbar6678 · 2 years
Matt began to sweat as soon as she walked in to the wedding venue with her husband. He wasn't the only one. She caught the attention of a few other family members who immediately ran over to greet them. A couple bent over to coo at the massive torpedo bump that stuck out far under her dress.
He took a sip of his water and listened, opting to focus on the decorations while he eavesdropped.
She was past due and massively pregnant with a set of healthy, large twins. Because of how close she was to giving birth, she wasn't supposed to attend the wedding today. However, the bride was her husbands little sister, and she was coaxed into attending by the man.
He happened to take one glance over to where they stood and as soon as his eyes fell on the couple, her husband went behind her and wrapped both hands around the base of her bump.
His cock twitched.
The babies had dropped so low, her belly hung down to her thighs just standing up. A couple of guests gasped in awe. One asked how she was still standing. Another woman said that's how she looked just hours before her youngest was born. The boring small talk began and he zoned out, focusing on greeting a few guests before the main event started.
As the time drew closer, everyone took their seats. Matt sat at the very end of one of the front rows and waited. His brain had completely forgotten about the man and his overly pregnant wife.
Until they came to his row.
Earlier, he had only seen her standing in one spot when they entered and chatted with family members. Now that she was up and walking, he was hit with a pang of sympathy for the woman. Her body was so overtaxed. Her stance was wide with a gait that was awkward and slow. She reached his row, and he was now watching her waddle heavily towards him. The sway of her belly was pronounced and exaggerated, moving with the weight of two full-term babies and amniotic fluid, reacting to ever calculated step she took.
She eventually reached her chair which was almost next to his. The space in between the two of them was occupied by the purse that was hastily thrown on it. She giggled and apologized for it bumping his arm, and he smiled and waved it off.
Then came the difficult task of sitting.
She spread her legs wide and motioned for her husband to help. He was quick to wrap an arm under hers and the two of them bent their knees, getting lower and lower together. Apparently, it was still too fast for the mother-to-be, and she shouted for her husband as her hips bucked upwards and the hand that wasn't clinging to her man's suit flew down to the base of her belly.
He jumped in his seat, thinking a baby would just fall out with her sudden movement.
"Dom, stop! Wait!"
It must've scared Dom just as much because he looked panicked for a brief moment before bringing his hand down to cover hers at the bottom of her belly. The two of them lifted the weight off her hips together and sat her down properly. Her face twisted as she shifted in the chair that creaked under all that weight.
He listened as she whimpered quietly. Her husband rubbed aggressively at her lower back and whispered something in her ear. She whispered back. Something about Braxton Hicks, a head, and her pelvis. A false pain triggered by a big baby in her hips, he assumed.
The ceremony began, and the rest was uneventful. The bride came and everyone stood except for the woman.
She couldn't.
He looked down briefly to see her eyes closed as she swayed lightly in her seat, using the distraction to her advantage. Her eyes flew open suddenly, and her gaze was now fixed on the chair in front of her. One of the hands that was resting at the top of her belly flew down to her crotch. She stopped breathing as she felt down there for a moment. He waited for a burst or a trickle of water. They both did. But there was none. She released a breath and closed her eyes again as her husband sat down and the ceremony continued.
He paid attention to wedding all the way through, and was happy that his coworker finally tied the knot. The wedding party left and the guests were starting to file out. He looked down at the overdue woman, curious as to how she would look trying to stand up while being so ripe with child. She looked like she was mentally preparing for the ordeal, and nodded to Dom when she was ready.
He slung her arm over his shoulders and counted to three. The two of them struggled. Her legs shook from the weight as a hand lifted the base of her belly. He didn't know what pushed him to do this, but he immediately moved to her side and offered help to the couple. One of his hands grabbed her other arm while the other went to the small of her back. He could feel the pull of her baby filled mound on her spine through the fabric of the dress.
She was fully on her feet within a few seconds with the extra help, and swayed a little as she adjusted to the gravity. He released her and backed away. The couple thanked him, and he nodded. He looked down at her belly and swore it hung lower now than it did when they came in. They turned to leave, and he noticed she waddled more heavily, her stance a little wider.
He followed suit as everyone left the venue for the reception building that was across town. Everyone hopped in their cars and headed out. He did the same.
They pulled up to the mansion where the reception was being held. He entered the building and started his own tour since he'd arrived earlier than most of the other guests. There were two ballrooms, a dining room, a kitchen, living area, and bedrooms in the upstairs. He opened the double doors to one of them and saw a king sized bed covered in roses and drapes.
His mind wandered.
He thought of the woman. He imagined her there, swaying her hips in the middle of the bed, deep in the throes of childbirth, sheets soaked with sweat and the waters that exploded after an intense labor pain. His cock swelled as he imagined her belly heaving and rock solid, so tight that he could see the outline of a baby through her skin. He could hear the sounds in his head. The sounds of birth. Anguish. Pain. He could see the crown behind his closed eyes. He deserpstely wanted to be the one to guide both of her children into the world.
He needed a bathroom.
There was one down the hall. It was vacant, much to his relief. He rubbed a quick one out before going back to the first ballroom where people began to gather.
To his surprise, he saw Dom and his wife. They moved slower than ever, but there they were, coming down the main hall together. He was shocked. He expected them to go straight to the labor and delivery ward after the wedding, but it seems they had other plans.
Dom whispered something in her ear and she nodded. He ran ahead, leaving her alone with nothing to lean on but a table that was by the entrance to the ballroom. One hand was braced on the table while the other cradled her torpedo shaped load. At that moment he couldn't help himself. He had to say something.
As soon as the wide space between them was halfway closed, Dom came back. He made the quick decision to act as if he needed something on the other side of the hall. Lucky for him, there was a water tower just across from the couple. He occupied the space there and listened.
"They're cutting the cake in a few hours. Can you wait until then?"
She groaned. "Babe, I don't know if I have three hours in me."
She absolutely did not have three hours in her. She was about to drop now.
"Where is she sitting?"
"She's low, Dom. She's so low." His wife's voice was so tired and pitiful. "There's so much pressure. She's so big."
Don chewed on his bottom lip. "Look, if we go to the hospital now, we might be sitting there for a good ten hours before your water even breaks."
She raised her voice, growing more and more frustrated by the second. "We had to stop to the corner store on the way here! I had to put on a pad, Don! I'm leaking! Are these kids even important to you?"
"Don't even go there, Cara. You know they are."
"Then act like it!"
"I wanted you to be induced last week like the doctors recommended! It's not my fault you wanted to wait and now you're scared! You wanna give birth so bad? Fine then, call a fucking cab and go!"
"I'm not doing this without you."
"Then you'll have to wait. This is my only sibling, Cara. I can't miss this. I love you and the kids. You know that. But I can't miss this."
Clapping came from inside the ballroom. Cara sighed and placed both hands on the table, closing her eyes.
"They cut the cake. We leave." She said with flared nostrils and clenched teeth.
Don let out a sigh of relief and nodded. He reached out to touch her, but she snapped at him and waddled ahead into the ballroom with both hands digging into her back. Matt shook his head and followed close behind.
The night went on and the couple disappeared from view. He had left the ballroom and entered the empty one, not caring to see them cut the cake. Instead, he explored the other large area and found a flight of stairs that led to a mini hall. In the middle, there was a balcony that overlooked the living area. It was spacious with a sofa in the middle than faced a large, marble fireplace. The room was decorated with tables, chairs, and different types of plants. A few expensive looking paintings hung around the walls.
He took a seat on the balcony and opted to admire the view for a while before going back to mingle with the guests once more. He played games on his phone and scrolled through social media, enjoying the break while taking a few pictures of the living room with different angles and filters.
Then the doors burst open.
Cara waddled in and shut them quickly before throwing herself on the nearest table. She was frantic and grunting through what he assumed was the worst contraction she'd felt so far. He could tell by her sounds that it hadn't peaked yet. Her voice rose with the pain.
The contraction finally reached its maximum power, and she began to call out to the void. "GOD PLEASE!"
His cock stiffened.
It wept with precum.
"Fuck, FUCK I'M–"
What could only be described as a waterfall came from under her dress. He placed a hand tight over his mouth as he shot a load into his pants. She began to blow out of her mouth hard as the weight of the first baby crashed down on her dilating cervix, nearly taking her to the floor in the process. Her arms and legs shook violently as she forced herself to remain upright, no matter how bad she wanted to drop down on the marble floor and bear her twins.
He watched as another contraction hit as soon as the last one ended. More water hit the floor. He knew he should be calling an ambulance, but he was frozen in his seat with his eyes glued on the birthing woman.
She flung herself from the table to the back of the sofa as the next pain came to a head.
"Don't push." He could barely hear her whisper. "Don't push. Don't push. D–"
A strangled cry was ripped from her throat as she gave in to her body's need to bring the child down and out. He knew she needed to check her dilation. She knew she needed to check her dilation.
When the pain released her, she pulled a phone from her dress pocket and began to type. After a few seconds of scrolling and tapping, she moved to the front of the sofa and, with a lot of effort, propped one leg up on the cushions. Matt craned his neck so he could see a bit better, but was careful not to get caught watching.
Cara waited for the next pain to pass, wailing until it was over. Then she hiked her dress up to reveal an angry, red bump that was riddled with stretch marks from carrying so much babe. Her hand vanished under her load and she groaned out loud. It didn't take long for her face to go white.
"No. No-no-no-no-no. No, I can't." She panicked even more, feeling a head at the tip of her fingers, her cervix fully blasted around it. Another pain came, and she gave in, keeping her leg hiked up on the sofa as she bore down.
Right when she thought the baby would fall out, Dom came in the room.
"Cara? They cut the cake, we can–" He slipped on the puddle of amniotic fluid at the door, but kept his balance. He looked frantically at his wife who was fully focused on pushing out the first of his kids.
She looked up at her stunned husband through pained, pleading eyes when the pain ended. "Dom! Dom, I need you! I need you, babe!"
"Oh shit." He said as reality finally hit. "Oh, sweetheart I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Cara."
He was at her side in a flash with a hand on her belly. He looked down at her dress that had been ruined by birth and sweat. There was so much she wanted to tell him but couldn't. Instead, she guided his hand down under her dress to cup the crown of his first born. Don gasped and blinked rapidly.
It took a moment, but she was finally able to put a few words together.
"Big! Too big!"
Dom kissed her neck. "Do you think you can hold her there while I get the truck? I'll be fast."
Cara shook her head. "She's coming now. She's coming, Dom, don't leave. Please don't leave me."
With a bulge that large, he knew that baby was going nowhere. At least not immediately. Cara was right. It was very large. But after holding back for so long, her body was ready for this baby to come, and forced the child down faster than she thought it would move for its size. She moved the baby from a simple teardrop shape to the forehead in one push alone.
"I'll be quick. I'm sorry, sweetie. I'll be very quick."
A scream tore though the air as he ran out the door and down the hall. The next contraction was hard on the poor mother.
Two more pains came and went. She pushed aggressively with both, unable to wait for her husband. This baby was demanding to be born now. He watched from the balcony as she tucked the dress under her breasts and shifted her hips. He now had a partial view of her opening, and could see where the baby was stuck at a full crown from his seat.
He shot another load.
Water spurted in all directions as the head passed. The sofa was ruined. She held the large head in her hand and swayed like she was about to pass out. Her eyes rolled back as the baby rotated. The shoulders grinding on her sensitive opening, a movement that made her hips buck in pain as she saw stars.
Dom returned, and swept her away with a hand holding the head of his impatient baby in place. Cara was limp and delirious as she put all of her weight on her husband. Just the head of the first baby alone had taken its toll from the looks of it. But she stumbled alone as they made for the exit.
Just like that, the room went silent and the couple was gone. Leaving him with ruined pants and the musky smell of birth in his nostrils.
He scrolled through social media later that night. His feed was full of pictures and videos from the wedding. The most popular one, however, was a video of the couple in the parking lot of the hospital across the city. The woman had a baby in her arms, with her legs pulled back as doctors rushed from the entrance of the hospital to assist with the birth of her second that hung halfway out of her pussy. They were a healthy 9 and 8 pounds. The couple posted pictures from inside the hospital with the last one being the twins sleeping soundly together.
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rosbar6678 · 2 years
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Fox momma forced to push out her baby against gravity
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rosbar6678 · 2 years
"Intimate unassisted birth"
This is a story written by someone on hidden-desires that I like and wanna preserve.
I let out a slow breath as the contraction passed, running my hands over my nine-month-pregnant, soon to be deflated stomach. Leaning back against the plush pillows of the bed, I let my legs fall apart, my heels connected in front of me with my hands coming to rest on my knees. “That one wasn’t too bad. I think I’m just getting used to them.” I tell my husband, Liam, smiling weakly. He chuckles a bit and squeezes my calf. “Yeah, you’ve only been at this for nearly ten hours now. I bet your body just thinks they’re like a hiccup or something. Want a back massage?” “A hiccup that feels like someone with an abnormally large hand is squeezing my uterus in their fist,” I correct with a little smile, then nodded gratefully. “That sounds great. Can you check me again too? I must have progressed some in the past hour.” “I think you just want to be fingered.” “Maybe that too.” Liam chuckled and leaned in, kissing my lips soundly. I decided before the pregnancy was even confirmed that I wanted a unassisted homebirth with Liam. Of course our midwife is on speed dial just in case, but all I want is to push this baby into Liam’s hands and share the moment only with him. I let him know early on that this was the route I was planning to take, and he has been more supportive than I could’ve ever dreamed, from providing for my midnight cravings to keeping me comfortable in labor far better than most husbands. I feel Liam’s hand trail up my inner thigh as his lips wander to my neck. I immediately melt under his touch as he spreads my lower lips with one hand and massages my clitoris with two fingers of the other. Truthfully, I had just wanted him to check my cervix, but in no way am I complaining. My stomach visibly tightens with the beginning of a contraction and Liam stops his teasing, instead resting his hands on my thighs. I quickly shake my head. “No, no. Don’t you dare stop.” Liam quickly returns to my pussy, running his fingers over my slick lips, teasing me. The contraction builds and I find some relief in rolling my hips, increasing the friction of his fingers against my most sensitive area. “Fuck!” I find myself groaning, both out of pleasure and pain from the pressure in my abdomen. The contraction soon ebbs, but Liam’s fingers continue to stroke and massage me. I feel myself coming apart as he gently squeezes my clit between his thumb and forefinger. Arching my back, I clench my muscles and buck my hips involuntarily as my orgasm erupts within me. I fall back against the bed, breathing heavily. “That was quick.” Liam chuckles as I try to get my breathing under control. “You have very talented fingers,” I smirk and brush some hair out of my face. “Now really, check me, please.” I softly gasp in discomfort as my husband gently slips two fingers into my overstimulated sex. His other hand pushes down on my full stomach with a bit of pressure, feeling the position of our baby. “You’re really opening, babe. Not much longer now.” “Ugh, can you give me a number? I’m getting a bit tired of this.” I feel myself whining but for good reason. Ten hours! Liam’s fingers move inside me. “I’d say about seven centimeters. How about that massage now?” I’m a little disappointed because I had been stuck at six centimeters for the past three hours. The contractions are so much closer now and I was hoping it was my body working overtime to help me dilate. Liam senses this and removes his fingers, gently patting my inner thigh. With a hint of a disappointed sigh, I maneuver myself out of bed and stand on the side of it, resting my upper body on my elbows, digging them into the soft bed comforter. Liam stands behind me and applies firm pressure to my lower back. I moan contentedly, but it’s cut short by another contraction. Breathing deeply and stiffening under Liam’s hands, I lean my head down on the bed and let out a low groan. Sensing my discomfort, Liam digs the heels of his hands into my lower back, the counter pressure feeling heavenly. He continues his pressure until the contraction ends and I let out a heavy breath. “Did that help any?” he asks, moving his hands to massage my shoulders and neck. “Yeah, it did,” I still feel uncomfortable, though, and pull off the t-shirt of Liam’s that’s the only article of clothing I’ve been wearing since a labored in the bath four hours ago. I pulled my hair into a bun on top of my head and am surprised by how much the small acts increased my comfort level even slightly. Liam continues massaging my lower back through a few more contractions, until I get tired of standing and decide I want back in bed. By this point, the contractions are getting more and more intense, my belly tightening and squeezing extremely uncomfortably with every one. They’re also coming more frequently, and I both welcome and am nervous at the thought that I will be pushing soon. I am resting on my knees with my hands pressing into the pillows of our bed. A contraction starts to build and I begin to rock my hips in circles, searching for relief from the pressure building in my pelvis. “That’s good, babe. Bring our baby down.” Liam is behind me, applying pressure to my back and soft kisses to my shoulder. During the height of the contraction, I feel the overwhelming urge to push. I’m surprised and know I shouldn’t, that I’m not dilated enough, but I bear down with a groan. “I’m pushing!” I announce. “Oh no, no, no!” Liam objects, his hand flying to my vagina and sliding two fingers in. “You’re not open enough, babe, and your water hasn’t even broken yet.” “Doesn’t matter! Gotta push!” The feeling is primal and I can’t stop it. I’m feeling so much pressure that I think I will die from the relief I get from pushing. The contraction ends but the pressure remains and I bite my lip, gripping the headboard of the bed. “You cannot push, honey. You’re not dilated enough and you’ll swell. You know this.” “I know that I’m feeling a lot of pressure right now and I need to push!” I insist through gritted teeth. The baby feels like a bowling ball deep in my hips. I know I’m not ready, but the pressure I feel is absolutely unbearable. Somewhere in my subconscious I’m telling myself not to push, but the pressure is impossibly strong. I change positions, lying on my back against the pillows and spreading my legs wide. Another contraction starts to build and I grip Liam’s arm, squeezing and primally growling, my eyes rolling back in my head. I have to push. I have to do it now. “Please, Liam. There’s no fucking way I cannot push. It’s coming.” “No.” he says simply. “It’s not your choice!” I’m gritting my teeth, everything in my power going towards not pushing. “Liam, please. The baby is coming.” I feel his fingers inside me and let out a low breath. “Liam, please, tell me I can push. Say something. I need to push! I need to push, really! I have to push!” I know I’m rambling, but I can’t express how badly my body wants to force this baby out. “Sweetie, we have a big baby in here and you’re only dilated to eight centimeters at most. If you want your unassisted birth, you cannot push.” All I feel is his fingers inside me and the insane pressure in my hips. Suddenly, I feel a gush of warm water shoot out of me, sighing as some of the pressure is relieved. “There goes the water.” Liam says, quickly going to our bathroom and grabbing a hand towel. He gently dries my thighs and sex, dries his hands, and situates the towel under my butt. “Feel any better?” “A bit. I could push though. There’s still a little bit of the urge.” “Well let’s wait a bit. I don’t want to risk anything.” I huff and roll onto my side, squeezing my knees together so I wouldn’t be tempted to push. Liam strokes my hip and presses a kiss to my head. “Not much longer now, love.” “Still too long.” Another contraction grips my abdomen and I grip Liam’s arm tightly. My face screws up into a clenched frown and I squeeze my thighs together, irrationally feeling that the baby would shoot out if not. Panting as it passes, I roll back onto my back and spread my knees, giving my husband a nonverbal cue to check my cervix. He slides a few fingers deeply into my vagina, kissing my knee in an attempt to soothe any discomfort. His face lights up as he moves deeper into me. “Our baby has so much hair.” Despite the discomfort, I smile weakly and then genuinely when he slides his fingers back out. He felt our baby in the flesh for the first time and I’ve never seen someone as excited. He kisses my lips and rests his forehead against mine, a sweet moment that turns sour soon with the arrival of another contraction. I breathe heavily, both hands on my rock hard stomach, biting my lip and praying that it will be over soon. The pressure returns and I resist the urge to bear down. “How far along was I?” I ask after the contraction passes, trying to regain control of my breathing. “Still around eight. I’ll let you know when you can start pushing, babe.” “I think I know when I should push, and that’s now.” “No.” I groan, “I can’t do this!” “You can, baby. You’re so fucking close,” he tells me, pressing a kiss into my belly. “You’ll be pushing in no time. Which reminds me, we should probably do one last stretching.” “Ooh, fun,” I say sarcastically. With it being our first baby and an unassisted birth, tearing has been a worry of ours. Over the course of the third trimester, per suggestion of our midwife, Liam has been stretching my vagina and perineum to prepare for delivery. It’s not the most comfortable process, but he’s gentle, and I know it’s helping me in the long run. Liam smirks and grabs the bottle of coconut oil that stays on our bedside table. Massaging some onto his fingers and nudging my knees open, he easily slides two fingers of both hands into my vagina. I suck in a breath of discomfort. “Sorry, beautiful. It’s your fault for being so tight.” he jokes, slowly and gently stretching my vaginal opening apart with his hands. He massages the oil into the skin of my perineum with his thumbs and pushes open my vaginal walls. To heighten my discomfort, another contraction arrives and I quickly snap my knees shut. “No, stay open. Relax and let everything stretch and soften.” Liam says as he nudges my knees apart again. He pushes two fingers deep inside me and probes at my cervix. “Liam, I’m so uncomfortable! Can’t you stretch my cervix around the head?” “I don’t want to risk anything, baby,” he insists, but continues to probe inside me. “I think with the next contraction the head will be passing through your cervix anyway. I can feel it poking out.” Although the news is good, I still feel an urge to push now, not with the next contraction. Liam continues prepping my opening and leans in for a kiss. “Really, not much longer now, babe. You’ve almost made it.” I mentally decide to push no matter what on my next contraction. There is a burning deep in my hips, and I know it’s my baby’s head pushing through my cervix. It’s painful, but I’m tired and ready to be done. The next contraction arrives and I bear down, groaning primally. “Go ahead and push, baby. Push my fingers out.” Liam is still probing around in my hole (He just loves it in there!) and I manage to grit, “I already am!” through my teeth. I feel incredible relief from pushing, but I don’t feel the baby move. The contraction passes but I continue to push, desperately wanting to progress. “Wait for the contraction to push. You don’t want to tire yourself out, sweetie.” Liam kisses my stomach and moves his fingers inside me. “If you’re feeling any burning, it’s because the head is pushing through your cervix.” I nod. “Almost there, alright?” He smiles at me and swipes his thumb over my clitoris. I gasp and playfully hit his chest. I settle my knees far apart, feeling the need to make room for a bowling ball coming out of me. Liam strokes my inner thighs as we await the next contraction. When it comes and builds, I nearly scream. The pressure to push is so intense and the burning in my hips so painful that I can’t react. After a moment, I bear down, subconsciously hearing Liam counting and feeling fingers inside me, presumably stretching my cervix around the head. The burning in my hips moves to my vagina and I throw my head back in pain. “The head is right inside you! You got it past your cervix!” The words don’t register; I just continue to push even though the contraction has faded, going against Liam’s earlier warning. The baby is slowly moving down my birth canal, and I feel its every move. “It’s right here, babe. Our baby is right inside you. Just a few more pushes and you’ll be able to see it.” That reminded me, “Get the mirror, please,” Liam ran to the bathroom and grabbed the small mirror we purchased specifically for this moment. He held it up. “Nothing to see yet, but trust me. He’s right inside you.” “He?” I chuckle lightly, then pant a bit, “And yeah, I know. Trust me. I can feel him. Or her,” A contraction started rippling through my stomach and I bore down again. Liam held up the mirror and I saw my labia remain tightly closed, but a telltale bulge was forming behind them. I held the push until the contraction ended and rested my hands on my stomach, trying to even my breathing. “Want to feel it?” I nod and reach my hands down, one parting my labia and one slowly inserting two fingers into my opening. I don’t have to go to far before I feel a hard, slimy mass inside me. I grin and let my fingers rest there as I feel another contraction. I bear down, simultaneously pushing my moist vaginal walls back around the head of my baby. The head is large and only moves slightly, but I’m proud of my progress. I bear down hard again after the contraction subsides. “Babe, just rest between contractions.” Liam suggests as I grunt and bear down hard. I breathe for a moment, but another contraction comes before I can truly rest. I push hard and start to feel burning again, this time much worse and in a different place than earlier. Liam holds the mirror up with one hand and gently parts my labia with the other. I feel the baby moving toward my opening but still can’t see. The contraction ends and I lean back against the pillows. “Beautiful, babe. This baby is coming down so fast. It’ll be crowning so soon.” “I don’t want it to crown. It burns enough already.” I whine and push some hair out of my face. The contractions are basically on top of one another, and I push again with the next one. Looking in the mirror, my labia are still tightly closed, but I can definitely feel my baby close to the opening. Liam parts my labia and I catch a glimpse of a dime-size amount of wet, black hair. He grins from ear to ear and uses his fingers to hold my lips open. “Look at that!” He says excitedly. “Look, babe!” I pant and let the push go, and the baby slides back up my birth canal slightly. I groan in frustration. “You knew that would happen, honey. Keep pushing and it’ll stay out.” I listen to his advice and start pushing again right as my next contraction arrives. There is a fire in my vagina and I scream out as I see the head part my folds. Liam rests the mirror against his leg, freeing his hands to help stretch me. I see more of the head poking out, but can’t see past my pain to be proud of it. I bear down hard and my opening takes a teardrop shape. The stretch makes me scream loudly. “God, please, no more!” I’m screaming and it’s unimaginable how I’ll get this whole baby out. I let go of the push but Liam holds my lips open and the baby stays right at my opening. There’s so much burning and pressure and I feel tears welling up in my eyes. Liam lovingly pats my thigh. “Push again when you’re ready, love.” I take a breath and push down, screeching as I feel the burning increase. I look down, not in the mirror but over my belly, and see my labia bulging out significantly. All I can do is bear down and scream as the head descends slowly. The baby is large; at our last midwife appointment we were told to expect at least a nine pounder, and I’m convinced the head alone weighs nine pounds at this point. I glance in the mirror at myself bulging and stretching and feel accomplished, but the baby isn’t even crowning yet and it’s already almost impossible for me to bear the pain. My uterus contracts and I push, my inflamed slit stretching the farthest yet. I don’t back down as the contraction ebbs, and I soon feel the excruciating pain of crowning. The top of the baby’s head wedges itself right between my lips, stretching them taut and wide. I feel spasms of pain zip through my whole body as I’m split apart, and I screech and quickly snap my legs shut, in turn pushing the baby back inside me. “No, no, no! Babe, no!” Liam nearly yells, frantically grabbing my knees and pushing them back open. I fight with him to keep them closed, to grant the baby no passage, but his strong arms force them open and push them back. He firmly keeps my thighs apart during my next contraction and push. “Splitting apart!” I insist as I push, fighting against my husband’s hands in a desperate attempt to squeeze my legs together and salvage my burning slit. I soon realize I am fighting a losing battle and give all my energy to bearing down, which leads to the even more painful full crown of the baby’s head. The head sits in my opening, out to the middle of the baby’s forehead. Liam quickly grabs the oil from the nightstand, lubricates his hands, and presses a hand on either side of the baby’s head. He rubs the oil on the tight skin of my vagina and applies counter pressure to my perineum. “Give me some small pushes, babe.” My legs are shaking from the pain and exertion as I grab behind my knees and give a small push with a small grunt. I do this for a while until the baby is out to its eyes, at which point I shriek and plead with Liam not to let me tear. “You’re not going to tear. I’m giving you some counter pressure on your perineum.” His hands are strong and warm against my perineum and it’s a bit soothing. He oils me again, and I’m so slick with oil that I’m convinced the baby will just slip out. Oil is dripping down from my labia into my ass. I push again and he places his other hand firmly against my upper vulva, resting right on my clit. My hips buck a bit at the contact. “Not now!” I whine. “Do you want to tear here?” He’s applying counter pressure as I push and I moan from the overstimulation. “I want this huge thing out of me.” “Then push.” His thumbs carefully push my labia back around the head and I moan in protest. Then I’m pushing and feeling the baby’s nose and mouth against my inner walls right before the entire head emerges. A rush of fluid splashes out behind the huge head and my body spasms in shock, my lips tightening around the baby’s neck. Liam reaches inside me to check for the cord, then guides my hand down to our baby’s head. I see in the mirror that the head is huge and covered in curly dark hair. I bring my other hand down and cup the head as I push to birth the shoulders and body. I give three hearty pushes to no avail. After the third, Liam brushes my hands away so he can grip the head and gently tug. The pressure in my hips is almost unbearable. “Stuck!” I cry out, wriggling my hips.. “Alright, big baby and small pelvis. We were expecting this.” Liam says, pushing a finger into me by the baby’s shoulder. I cry out as my hole is so sore, but I know that he desperately needs to get the baby out. He adjusts the baby slightly, removes his finger, and pushes my legs back by my feet. “Push. Hard,” He instructs me and I do as he says, anything to relieve the pressure in me. “Grab your ankles and pull back. We need you wide open.” I moan and obey, bearing down as hard as possible. Liam grips our baby’s head and pulls, really pulls, tugging the head back and forth to free the baby. I’m exhausted and in so much pain that my vision starts to fade out. “Please pull it out! PLEASE! Pull it out of me!” I hear myself begging and screaming but to no avail. “Liam, get this out, please!” He tugs hard, freeing a shoulder and then the second. I look in the mirror and see my vagina stretched obscenely around the baby’s stomach. I am still screaming and pleading with him to pull it out of me that I don’t realize when the entire baby slides out. My vagina is still spasming painfully and I’m rambling something like “Oh god, you pulled it out. You got it out of me. So much pain,” as he sets the baby on my chest. “Say hello to our little boy.”
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rosbar6678 · 2 years
This is the start.
This is the start.
The condition you have craved for your entire life could begin in the next few moments.
Your partner's enthusiastic, do they know you're trying to create life? Parhaps they know your deep desires, and the time is finally right. Perhaps they are completely unaware, and are simply enjoy the intense sentations of being bare within you. The ripples, the pressure, the soft squirt with each crescendo. Perhaps they don't know more than your face, a donor of convenience who fits the criteria you have for your baby. Not that you need to have all this agreed, but imagine what makes you wettest.
The deep strokes push on your cervix and bring you just a hint of pressure, a tiny glimpse at the sensation you seek. The rhythm is getting unsteady, and you are slick with pleasure and gripping then as tight as you can when they release their fertile gifts  within you. Remember to wait for the seed to settle, you want your best chances of fertilization. Enjoy the bliss of the moment.
The decisive screen, you have made a baby! You've followed all the steps: taken your vitamins, eaten healthy, avoided what you needed to and indulged in what you could. Your folds are slick as you just imagine how these months will be. The sickness, the discomfort, the annoying mood swings and large pills, they are all worth it for your baby.
Do you run to your partner and share the good news? Do you keep your hidden little secret as long as you can? No matter, they will be with you as much or as little as you wish. This is your pregnancy. Indulge in your pleasure, bring yourself to climax knowing you'll be round and full of life in a few months.
You've started to show. Your baby wants the world to know of its presence. Your belly feels like the surface of a sweet peach, firm yet soft. Your baby has started moving; this is really happening. There is life within you. You shield this baby, keeping it safe from the world while keeping yourself full and needy. You rub your bump often, especially when you seek pleasure. The pressure you apply to your womb reminds you of what's to come. The pain, the pressure, the ultimate stretch and spread of your tunnel, when it's bringing your child from your womb into your life. You can hardly wait.
You're getting so close. Your belly is so large, you can't even see your feet. Your gait has long become a waddle, the baby keeping your pelvis wide and open for their arrival. Your breasts are large and leaking, ready to feed your child. The baby could come at any moment, that excitement alone keeps alert and on edge. The tightening of false contractions constantly has you hoping it is time. But no, they only fade and come whenever is least convenient. Until they start to come every hour or so. Could this really be it?
The pressure is intense, so hard and so much better than you imagined. It has you growing wet already. Maybe you invite your partner to keep speed you along, their hard thrusts in your contracting tunnel bringing unknown levels of bliss to you both. Maybe you partake in solo play, a dildo hitting that perfect spot and a vibrator applying the perfect rhythm to your clit. Maybe you choose to let labor bring you to ecstasy, the waves of pain and pressure bringing you release.
The contractions are getting closer, the pressure so strong you are no longer able to feel anything but, until it peaks, and you are suddenly soaked in your waters. Perhaps that brings you to orgasm again, but your relief will be short as it's finally time. What position do you pick? Do you seek ultimate lack of control, flat on your back and pushing over and over? Do you soak in the bath, letting your belly float just enough to let you focus on the baby barely pressing out of you. Maybe you are spread in a wide crouch, letting gravity do the work while you soak in the feelings.
Your baby has just started to descend, your cervix is dilated but still you feel the force of every inch of your baby that slowly slides through it. You have so far to go, as you have only just begun. Every contraction hits you like like a sonic wave, rolling through you with incredible pressure and force. Your pushes can only do so much, your body needs time to move something as large as your baby. But tell this to the baby, they face new sensations and become intensely active, their arms thumping against your belly, their legs that have yet to pass and remain in your womb, kicking you and thrashing, unaware that this is their moment.
You continue to push, feeling fuller and stronger than ever before. The slow progression leads your to multiple peaks of orgasm and pain, and soon the fire begins. You are only just starting to spread your lips, a tiny teardrop of the baby's head showing from within. Go slow, soak in the fullness and burning between your legs. You don't want to tear, tiny pushes and gravity will move the baby along. The baby's crown is at your lips. The next push comes from deep within, you're already tiring from the hours of labor before. Your push goes until you can't hold on, releasing with a hard sigh, and the crown refuses to stay, sliding back within you. Over and over, you push your baby into a crown to lose all progress as soon as you let go. Try harder, reach deep, your baby needs you to push. The next contraction comes, and you give your everything in the push. You don't want to let go, you don't know if you could do it again. All too soon your body releases your muscles, but the feeling is different. The burn is harsh and constant; the baby is at a crown.
Your tiny pushes return, giving your body the time it needs to adjust to just how wide its being forced open. The sensations are overwhelming, so much pressure within your womb and your walls, the intense burn at your lips, the exhaustion going deep within you, and through all of this, your baby shifts and continues to force your lips to open and submit. Your pushes continue until a thrilling pop; the head is out. Check for the cord, your baby's health and safety is the most important. You find yourself in the clear, but the waiting must continue. The shifting ripple of your baby turning within starts. It's a sensation that's almost indescribable. Your wait is over, but your work is still going. The shoulders wait just beyond your lips. No small pushes will help you now. The deep push you give shifts your baby out part of the way; you can see the top of their head, covered in your fluids and tissues. Taking a gentle grip on their chest, you push with your next contraction, and the rest of your baby slides out with a long rippling side.
The gentle pinch waskes your newborn, the scream awakens an all new feeling. A feeling that leads to your breasts leaking and your eyes and ears forever tuned to the young life you now hold. Congratulations, welcome to motherhood.
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rosbar6678 · 2 years
Too Late to Reschedule
Summary: a pregnant midwife goes to assist a client in labour, goes into labour herself, and tries desperately to hide her own labour until she can leave.
Tags: birth denial, slight clothing birth, third person POV
Word Count: 5431
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As one of the most successful midwives in her city, Dana’s schedule was always booked and she always had a lot of pregnancies to look after. One of the pregnancies she looked after most closely was her own, as she was almost due with her third, and she'd hoped to take on clients whose due dates were not close to hers. Unfortunately, her last client was very overdue and did not want to go in for an induction, leaving Dana no time to go on her maternity leave.
Today Dana finally received the long awaited call and she put her phone down excitedly, grinning at her amused husband.
“I’m assuming Emily is in--”
“Emily is in labour!!” Dana cut him off before he could finish his sentence, bouncing in excitement as best as she could with her heavy bump weighing her down. “No more worrying, we can wait for this little one stress-free!”
She gathered her bag of supplies, always neatly packed up and stored under the coat rack, and her husband followed her to the door.
“Make sure you take care of yourself too,” he insisted, one of his hands raising up to caress the bump. “If something happens, get Emily to another midwife or a hospital and then call me.”
Dana rolled her eyes affectionately, leaning up to kiss him goodbye and shivering pleasantly at the feeling of his abdomen pressed up against her rounded belly.
“I promise we’ll be okay, I’ll text you updates!”
The drive to Emily’s house seemed to take forever, but Dana enjoyed the comforts of her tricked-out midwife van while she drove. After multiple instances of clients unexpectedly delivering inside her car, she added stain resistant fabric to the seats and soundproofed the vehicle in case another incident occurred– which had the added bonus of drowning out most of the traffic.
As soon as she pulled into the driveway, Emily’s husband was running through the front door towards the van. He was almost vibrating as he stood outside the driver’s side door, staring at Dana through the window with a nervous expression.
“Hi, how’s Emily doing? Any big changes?”
He shook his head as he led Dana into the house, taking her bag of supplies in order to hurry her along.
“Nothing major to report, the contractions are coming steadily at about five minutes apart and I’m trying my best to keep her relaxed and comfortable.”
Dana had to hide her smile at his pre-parental panic, and he rushed away at the sound of a pained groan from the other room. She followed at a more calm pace, and found him rubbing Emily’s back and whispering softly into her ear. Dana watched them sympathetically, waiting out the contraction before attempting to speak up.
“Hey Emily, I’m glad to see things are finally progressing. How are you feeling?”
The look on Emily’s face was pure relief as she saw her midwife in the room. Using her husband as support, she stood up from the couch and walked towards Dana with both hands cradling her overdue belly.
“I’m feeling tired but excited to not be pregnant anymore,” she joked wryly. “Contractions are pretty bad but I’ve been able to get through them so far. Glad you’re here to help out.”
Dana got into action, opening up her equipment and explaining each step to the couple. Between contractions, she took a moment to examine Emily and check the baby’s position as well as her dilation.
“You’re certainly doing well, baby’s head is engaged and you’re at six centimetres dilated. Do you want me to start filling up the tub for you, or would you rather labour out here for the time being?”
“Let’s do the tub, I heard that it might speed up labour if I do certain positions in there,” Emily said, starting to walk towards the stairs. Mid-stride, she stopped in her tracks and reached out for her husband to lean against him. “Fuuuck, there’s another contraction. Oooohhh…”
Emily swayed her hips in a figure eight as she moaned under her breath, her husband holding her up with his hands on her lower back. Wanting to give them privacy, Dana headed up the stairs to begin filling the bath up for her client. As she reached down for the tap, she could feel her back twinge and she pressed a hand against the aching spot. The pain radiated for a couple of seconds before slowly fading again, and Dana returned to her preparations. This late into her pregnancy she had been feeling Braxton-Hicks as well as the general aches of having such a swollen belly, but it was hard to discern what the source of this pain was.
“Is the tub ready? The bump is so heavy and my back is killing me!” Emily waddled into the room, stripping off her loose clothing as she lowered herself into the water. Her husband settled himself by the side of the tub, rubbing her back as she squirmed to find a comfortable position, allowing Dana to rest and sit on the toilet lid as she observed the labour.
Over the next hour, Emily’s labouring grew more intense as she switched positions to speed up the delivery. Dana’s periodic check-ins confirmed that everything was going well, so she sat back and allowed Emily to do whatever felt most comfortable. During this observation Dana also felt a number of strong Braxton-Hicks contractions, choosing to dismiss them as she looked after her client.
“My fingers are getting wrinkly, I want to dry off,” Emily cried out as she abruptly stood up from the tub, her husband catching her before she could wobble. “Help me into the bedroom!”
As Emily slowly moved back towards the bedroom, Dana followed and observed her movements and her lowered stance. The baby seemed to be much lower in Emily’s pelvis judging by her widened legs as she walked, and her turbulent behaviour made Dana think that she might be entering the transition stage, getting closer to delivery.
“Any changes in how you’re feeling, or still just the steady contractions?”
Emily grimaced, massaging her bump as she leaned back against the bed. Before she could respond, another contraction slammed into her and she groaned, reaching out shakily to squeeze her husband’s arm.
“It… ohhhh… it feels different, they’re worse now and it feels a lot tighter.”
Dana reached out, placing her hands firmly against Emily’s bump and applying even pressure as she rubbed circles around the swell. Her belly felt a lot firmer and the contractions had her muscles rock-hard under Dana’s palms.
“Feels to me like your water might have broken while you were in the tub. When you feel ready, I can check your dilation again to see how far your labour has progressed.”
“Wait, not yet, not--” Emily’s words were cut off as she focused all her attention on breathing through her next contraction. Dana leaned back again, rubbing one hand against Emily’s thigh to reassure her. As the pain subsided, she looked back up at her midwife and nodded. “Alright, check now before another contraction hits.”
As Dana carefully examined Emily’s cervix, she felt a similar tightening in her own stomach and had to steel herself from exclaiming out loud. Of course she’d felt Braxton-Hicks for a couple of weeks, but after two children she was fairly sure that she could recognize a contraction. It was stronger than she would have hoped for her first real contraction, but of course her third child would come much more quickly than her two older ones. Dana kept moving with muscle memory, her mind concentrating on keeping her expression calm. As the pain began to fade, she took note of Emily's level of dilation and gingerly pulled her fingers out.
"Alright Emily, it feels like you're in the transition stage, which means you're dilating quickly and you'll probably hit ten centimetres pretty soon," she said with a reassuring smile.
Emily didn't seem all that reassured, reaching a frantic hand out to grab her husband's arm.
"No, it's going way too quickly. I can't do this yet!"
She attempted to stand up, wobbling as she grasped the bed for support. Rather than stop her, Dana encouraged the labouring woman to begin walking around the room with her husband.
"Remember how you were trying to speed labour up earlier? It worked, and you're hopefully going to have your baby in your arms within an hour or two."
As Emily's husband reassured her, Dana left the couple to their quiet moment in order to clean up the bathroom and get all her equipment in order. She knelt down to mop up the spilt water around the tub, draining it to refill with fresh and warm water. A contraction suddenly hit her when she stretched to reach the tap, more intense than the previous one, and she had to stop for a moment to pant and catch her breath. In her kneeling position she rocked from side to side to lessen the pressure on her hips. Through the haze of pain, she could hear Emily crying out mid-contraction from the other room and couldn't help but chuckle at the unfortunate coincidence.
"Hey, just stay in there for a little longer, alright sweetheart?" She whispered, cupping the underside of her bump.
Once the tub had been filled, she shut off the faucet and attempted to get out of her kneeling position, hampered by the weight of her heavy womb pressed atop her thighs. Dana felt ungainly as she reached the sink, but a glance in the mirror had her admiring the roundness of her belly. The various tools were disorganised on the bathroom counter, and she began to sterilise them one-by-one and place them on a tray so she could easily bring them to Emily. The sound of more moaning from the bedroom drifted through the door, and Dana peeked her head out at the couple, Emily now on all fours upon the bed.
"How are they coming along, any increased pressure or urge to push?"
Emily groaned angrily, and her husband made eye contact with Dana to surreptitiously shake his head in response. She nodded and left them to their privacy to continue her preparations in the bathroom, listening to Emily’s cries taper off and the sounds of quiet conversation between the couple.
Dana was wiping some water off of the blood pressure cuff when another contraction hit her, making her double over against the sink, her knees nearly buckling with the force of it. As her muscles tightened, she could feel the pressure intensifying between her hips, tempting her to switch positions to relieve the ache. Shaking her head, she pressed her face against the cool ceramic to focus herself. Once it abated, she gathered her equipment and carried it into the bedroom, setting it on the bedside table next to Emily.
"How are you doing? Is there anything you want me to set up before pushing starts?"
Emily was catching her breath in between contractions and looked up at her with a wan smile.
"Just some way to make it stop hurting. And something that will make me stop wanting to throw up," she mumbled, leaning against her husband for support.
"I can't make it stop hurting, but we can keep moving around and trying different positions to see what feels best during this stage."
The trio moved around the room, Dana explaining different positions and techniques to alleviate pain as Emily tried them out. As another contraction hit, she batted her husband's hands away angrily, hunched over on an exercise ball. Emily swayed her hips from side to side with her hands on her knees, beginning to vocalize deeply as the exercise ball eased her movements. Dana checked the contraction timer to ensure that things were moving steadily, watching as the wave of pain tapered off and Emily took a deep breath.
"Alright, it looks like we're getting close to the finish line, I'm going to grab you some ice chips for the nausea and then we can decide whether you want to start off in the tub or in here."
As Emily once again situated herself within her husband's grasp, Dana headed to the kitchen to get some more ice chips as well as some bottles of water. Each step down the stairs felt like it was spreading her pelvis wider, allowing her baby's head to descend lower and lower within her birth canal. Her phone vibrated in her pocket, and while she opened the fridge with one hand, she swiped open the notification on her phone with the other.
💖LOVER💖:How's the birth going? Are you and baby doing alright? Let me know when you're finishing up there.
Dana began to type out a message to her husband about the contractions, but stopped herself mid sentence as she finished grabbing the supplies. If she told him about her contractions he would insist on her leaving immediately to go to the birth centre, and he'd probably show up to take her there if Dana didn't leave on her own. There was absolutely no way she was going to leave Emily this late into her labour. She'd been progressing remarkably quickly, especially for a first baby, and there was likely ample time for Dana to finish up the delivery and then get herself taken care of. She shot off a quick text telling him that everything was going well and that she was perfectly fine–not a lie–and headed back to the stairs.
Going up was even harder than going down had been, and it felt like a bowling ball had lodged itself in her pelvis, greatly restricting her range of movement. Finally making it up to the bedroom, Dana set the water bottles on the dresser and handed the ice chips to Emily’s husband to give to her.
"Any changes in what you're feeling?"
Emily nodded, looking both alarmed and excited for what was to come.
"The pressure’s gotten a lot stronger and I definitely feel like I want to start pushing."
Dana grinned, reaching a hand out to gently feel and examine her client’s bump, finding the muscles within to be much tighter than they had been an hour ago.
"Excellent, can I check your dilation one last time before we move forward? We don't want to bruise your cervix by pushing too early," Dana said, already moving forward as she spoke.
The final examination was fairly quick, Dana could easily tell that Emily had reached ten centimetres, and the excitement in the room was palpable.
"Alright, I'm going to go sanitize my hands thoroughly, and when I get back then we can get started."
Dana quickly stepped back into the bathroom, closing the door behind her as she leaned against it nervously. She could feel another contraction beginning as she spoke with the couple, and it hit her harder than any of the others, nearly making her cry out before she bit her lips to hold back. She began to walk around the small space, catching a glimpse of her reflection in the mirror looking like a woman well in the throes of labour. She turned on the taps to mask any noises and to sound busy, then allowed herself some quiet groans as the pain peaked within her. It was only a couple more seconds until it began to subside, but the pain combined with the anxiety of feeling contractions in a client’s bathroom made it feel much longer.
Once the pain abated, she quickly yanked down her leggings and set one foot atop the toilet lid, wobbling for a moment due to her imbalanced centre of gravity. She struggled to reach around her heavy bump, visibly lower than it was even an hour ago. Slowly inserting her fingers, she fumbled around for the right angle to reach her cervix and nearly stumbled back off the toilet lid when she felt it. She was much more dilated than she anticipated, and had she been at home, this is the point where she would have called the babysitters and started preparing to head to the birth centre.
"Oh god, why now, baby?"
As she set her foot back on the floor and pulled her leggings back up, she felt a little pop within her and looked down to see a trickle of liquid running down her thighs and soaking the fabric there. Through the door, Dana could hear another contraction starting up for Emily, her moans faintly audible behind the sound of the running tap.
"Ffuck," Emily groaned deeply, "I really need to push! NNgghhhhaahhh ooh ohh oohhhh pleaaaseee!!"
Hearing that, Dana raced into action in order to prioritise her client’s pain in the moment. She leaned down over the filled tub and splashed herself with the bathwater, making sure to get the front and the back of her leggings in order to cover up the evidence of her water breaking. Thoroughly washing her hands with the water that's been steadily running into the sink, she finally turned off the tap and walked back into the bedroom as Emily’s noises died down.
"Alright Emily, I think we're ready to start pushing now."
Apparently the contraction had not completely ended, as Emily turned her head to glower at Dana.
"You keep saying ‘we’, we're not doing anything! I'm the one giving birth here, not either of you!" She snapped, her words wavering as she grunts throughout them.
Dana smirked to herself at the irony of that statement, waiting for Emily to signal that the pain had finally stopped.
"Oh god, I'm so sorry Dana, I didn't mean to yell at you like that," Emily apologised as she felt the contraction end, and Dana just smiled and nodded in understanding.
"Why are you all wet?" Emily’s husband asked, furrowing his brow at how soaked Dana's clothes were.
"Just a mishap with the tub, don't worry about it. Did you want to start the pushing there or would you rather stay here in the bedroom?"
Another contraction had started remarkably soon after the last, and Emily only managed to point at the bed before succumbing to her groans of pain. Dana assisted her in slowly walking to the bed, helping her to kneel in front of it and rest her elbows against the mattress.
"Just breathe until this one ends, then we can get you into your ideal position and start pushing properly."
Despite her instructions, it seemed like Emily had already begun pushing, as her chin was pressed down against her chest and she was grunting under her breath. Rather than say anything, Dana just rubbed the labouring woman's back, applying some pressure where it would most relieve some of the ache. As Emily raised her head again, looking winded but satisfied, her husband and Dana supported her as she clambered atop the mattress, bringing the exercise ball atop the mattress so she could rest her arms on it as she kneeled. Dana moved around the mattress so she could kneel near her, close enough to reach out and help without crowding her.
"Okay, with the next contraction we- you're going to push really deeply. You only push during your contractions, so make it count. Make whatever noises you want, you can grunt, pant, moan, just bear down as soon as that contraction hits."
Emily nods, her husband sat next to her and whispering words of love and encouragement in her ear. Though Dana couldn't hear them, the sight still made her smile and think about her own husband, wishing he was there to support her during her own contractions.
As another contraction hit Emily, she pressed her forehead firmly against the exercise ball, spreading her legs further apart as she pushed.
"Nggghgghh fuck fuck ff- UUHHHNNnnnn! huhh huhh ooohhhh…"
As Dana looked back and forth between Emily’s flushed face and her equally flushed cunt, she began to feel a contraction of her own rising and struggled to bury her reaction. She closed her eyes for a moment in pain, opening to see that thankfully neither of them had noticed. Emily's contraction ebbs while Dana's is still happening, but the couple whisper to themselves rather than seeking guidance from their midwife, allowing Dana to ride through the pain on her own.
This pattern continued for about fifteen minutes, Dana and Emily’s contractions happening in near tandem, making it difficult for Dana to concentrate on her job and equally difficult for Emily to notice her midwife struggling to hide her pain.
"OOOOhhhhhh oh god, oh god mmmmnnnnnnhhhh fuck," Emily cried out with an especially bad contraction, holding her breath as she pushed.
"No, no, don't hold your breath, you have to breathe or pant," Dana corrected gently, rubbing Emily’s back. "hhhhuhhhh huhhhh huhhhh ooohhhhhhnggggghh!" Dana began to pant in order to demonstrate, but her contraction forced her to pant in earnest along with Emily, barely holding back from fully moaning. She vocalized alongside Emily for the next few contractions she experienced, pretending to coach her client as she found her own relief.
Dana gingerly moved towards Emily’s open legs, each shuffle feeling like her baby is dropping lower within her, placing a hand against Emily's pussy to examine her.
"Good job, baby's so close, you'll start crowning in a couple more--" Dana wasn't able to finish that sentence as another contraction slammed into her, but Emily’s renewed moaning would have drowned out her words anyway.
"Mnnnnnhhhhhhhhh huhhh huhhh hnnnngGGHHHHH oh my god, oh god, oh god AAAAHHHHH!" Emily’s groans suddenly turned into shrieks, and she attempted to lunge forward against her exercise ball, her pendulous belly beneath her stopping her from moving far. She tried to close her legs, Dana's hands against her thighs not letting her, and her husband held her steady as she panicked to try and get away from the pain.
"PLEASEEE oh fffuck, it's burning it's burning OOOOHHHHHH MMMNNNggghhhhh…" Her cries tapered into grunts as she pushed through the pain, and Dana watched as Emily's pussy began to bulge with the force of the baby's head against it. She pressed her hands there, applying steady pressure as the sliver of visible skin began to widen, the head emerging from within.
Emily was no longer able to speak through her contractions, her vocalisations as she pushed were raw and animalistic moans, her body desperately working to get her baby out. Dana cupped around the head as it moved forward, inch by inch, and she could feel Emily’s body straining under her hands as she held them over her burning hole. As Emily pushed, Dana could feel an intense contraction hitting her as well, making her double over despite herself, her head resting just above Emily’s back and giving her the perfect vantage point to see her lips stretch as the head emerged.
Luckily, Emily was too consumed with her pushing to notice, and her husband was solely focused on her, so Dana was free to ride out her contraction without either of them noticing. Keeping her hands against the bulge of the partial crown, Dana closed her eyes and began to moan under her breath as she was gripped by pain. The only things she noticed were the pangs of her contraction, the heat of Emily's cunt beneath her hands, and the earthy and intense scent of sweat and birth around her.
Dana's contraction finally ended and she was snapped back into awareness by a sudden jolt from Emily as the head moved even further out of her.
"No, no, nnghhhhh fuck I can't do this!" She moved to stand up, her husband holding her up and looking at Dana in alarm. "Please, I need to be in the tub hhhhnnnnnngghhhhhh"
Dana nodded quickly, getting up from the mattress as best as she could with the feeling of pressure in her pelvis.
"Get her into the tub and I'll be right behind you with the supplies."
Dana couldn't help but watch as Emily slowly made her way into the bathroom, barely able to walk and leaning heavily on her husband. Her legs were spread far apart, and with each step Dana could see the head peeking out between them. Another contraction slammed her before she could even cross the bedroom's threshold, and she nearly crumpled to the ground, being entirely held up by her husband's arms as she bore down in a squat and the baby's head slid down even further.
As this contraction subsided, Emily’s husband swept her into the bathroom as quickly as he could, the head peeking out as she followed alongside him.
Dana was about to follow them in with her equipment when another contraction hit her and she found herself using the exercise ball for support in nearly the exact same position as Emily was. With the couple occupied in the other room, Dana allowed herself to vocalize, breathy moans escaping her as she contracted. She could feel the pressure getting more intense by the minute and as soon as it let up she scurried to the bathroom, eager to deliver this baby before her own arrived.
Emily was on her hands and knees in the water, leaned against the lip of the tub with her back facing Dana, allowing the midwife to easily observe the delivery. Dana could see the muscles tightening in Emily’s body as she pushed, screaming as her baby's head reached a full crown.
"OOOOHHHHHH FUCK FUCK mnnnhhhhh mmmmmmnhhhh I'm gonna tear it's TOO MUCH!"
Dana cupped her hand around the emerging head again, using her other hand to rub Emily’s back.
"The head is fully crowned, do you want to feel?" At Emily’s frantic head-shaking, Dana applied firmer pressure to her back and smiled. "That's alright, for the next contractions I don't want you to push, you're just going to pant and let the baby emerge naturally so you don't tear anything."
Another contraction hit Dana as she finished speaking and she panted alongside Emily while watching the head slowly slide out. It took two contractions of the women breathing through them together before the head fully emerged and Dana was able to check for the cord.
"Head is out guys, just a couple more big pushes until you meet your baby!"
Emily straightened up her back, seemingly invigorated by this, and bore down again desperately.
Bizarrely, hearing Emily’s labouring noises was helping Dana feel a bit of relief, as if she were imagining that her own body was bearing down to get her baby out. Upon noticing her thighs shaking, Dana realized that she actually was bearing down, that she'd been holding back for so long that her body instinctively started pushing anyway.
"Pushpushpush, you're doing so well! PUSH!" This was the first time the soft-spoken man had yelled out his encouragement, having previously whispered it to his wife intimately, but it seemed like the excitement of nearly meeting their baby had gotten to him too. This encouragement to push unfortunately also affected Dana, who widened her knees to push, even as she reached forward and caught the newly-born baby.
Dana rubbed the baby's back until he began to wail and rested him against his mother's bare chest.
"Congrats, it's a boy," she said, leaving the bathroom under the guise of giving the new family some space. Immediately upon reaching the bedroom, she rested herself against the bed and pressed a hand against the crotch of her leggings in order to determine how dire her situation was. Not feeling any external signs, just intense pressure within, she decided to complete the post-birth tests as quickly as she possibly could before making her escape.
Dana could not remember anything about her postnatal care of the mother and baby, relying solely on muscle memory as she worked on autopilot to focus on not giving birth on the floor right in front of her clients. Triple-checking the results of her tests to ensure she hadn't missed something vital, she made a mental note to set up a follow-up appointment for them with someone before she haphazardly grabbed her bag and closed the bedroom door behind her.
"Ffuck fuck ohhhhhh huhhh huhhhhhhhhh…"
Dana dropped to her knees outside of the room, counting on the baby's crying to drown out the sounds of her labour. A contraction had her doubled over on the floor, and she gathered all her energy to bear down desperately. She nearly cried out again in shock as she felt the baby slide down much farther than she expected, increasing the pressure between her legs. As it abated, she used the wall to stabilize herself and slowly shuffled down the hall.
As she stepped onto the top stair, she felt another jolt as her baby moved further down, feeling like the head was about to pop out of her if she took another step. The muscles of her womb tightened again and she squatted on the stairs, far enough from the bedroom to freely vocalize.
Once the haze of pain cleared, Dana was left with the realization that if she kept doing this she would end up giving birth on the stairs. Steeling herself, she placed a hand against her clothed pussy and pressed up, trying to hold back against the head coming out until she could get out of this house. Her desperation-fueled adrenaline allowed her to get all the way down the stairs before her next contraction where she was squatting in front of the couch, holding herself up with one hand and pressing between her legs with the other.
"hoooo hooo huhhhhhh hnnnnnhhHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHH FFFUUUUUUCK!"
Dana kept her face muffled against the cushions as she screamed, feeling the warring sensations of her body pushing the baby down while her hand pressed up to prevent it.
"MMMMMMMMMMMM NNNGGGGHHHHHAAAAA! NO no not yet baby, we're almost out!" She pleaded with her bump, eying the door desperately and rushing towards it as soon as the contraction ended, beginning to feel a bulge pressing against her hand.
As she exited the house, another wave hit her and she was struck with the realization that giving birth in the house would have been much better than giving birth outside it. She pressed her head against the door to hide her expression from any prying neighbours as she moaned under her breath, tears pricking at her eyes from the strain.
Dana looked incredibly strange walking to her car soaking wet with a hand pressed against her pussy, but she stumbled into the backseat and locked the doors behind her. Immediately pulling down her leggings, she sat at the edge of one of the seats with her legs up against the headrest in front of her, bearing down with a shriek.
The hand that was holding the baby in was now ready to catch, and Dana could feel the head rapidly emerging from within her now that she wasn't holding anything back. With her other hand, she fumbled for her phone to call her husband–or anyone who could provide moral support–but she dropped it to the floor as she was trying to call.
The burning sensation was beginning, and though this was her third child it never got any easier. The baby was coming quickly, stretching her skin thinly around it as she tried to hold it back once more to prevent tearing.
Dana knew not to push but she was tempted to do so anyway, needing to get her baby out after ages of holding back her labour. She made sure the baby was in the right position and that the neck was clear of the cord before making one final push and catching her baby in her arms.
"UHHHHH NNNNGGGGHHHHHH! Oh fuck, oh… oh my god," she began to cry as she brought her baby to her chest, helping the newborn to latch on as she caught her breath.
"Baby? Can you hear me? Hello??"
Dana was startled by the sound of someone speaking, then looked down and realised that her phone call had connected after all. Incredibly sore, she leaned down to pick up her phone and responded to her husband.
"Dana, what the fuck was that?? Did you have the baby??"
"Would you believe me if I said that was the client?" She joked breathlessly.
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rosbar6678 · 3 years
what about public birth (one of my fav kinks tbh) or clothed birth with the partner on the phone? or the partner surprising you/reader by showing up when they thought they were gonna miss it? maybe birth denial to make sure partner makes it?
this is one of the blurbs i was excited to write and i'm glad i finally managed to finish it!!
Tags: (self) birth denial, fluff, unsafe driving (keep your eyes on the road!)
Word Count: 2061
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The weekly team meeting usually has you staring at your phone under the table, but the busy agenda this week actually had you engaged in a very interesting discussion with your coworkers. Unfortunately, this means that you didn’t see all the missed calls and texts from your wife. Your very pregnant wife.
contractions are getting worse...
2 Missed Calls from ♡wifey♡
Please pick up, I need you to come home!
Babe, this is happening really fast!!
3 Missed Calls from ♡wifey♡
COME HOME RN I don’t know how much longer I can wait
You always made sure to triple check that her calls could bypass your phone’s do not disturb setting, but something went wrong at the most inopportune time.
♡wifey♡ would like to facetime…
You immediately pick up the call while fumbling for your bag with the other hand. The sound of crying is the first thing you register, then you see your wife’s sobbing face appear on screen.
“Where are you?” she cries, her face bright red with exertion. “Why weren’t you picking up?”
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry,” you stammer, ignoring your boss as you run to the door. “What’s going on, I’m on my way home right now.”
She tries to answer you but cuts herself off with a pained grunt. The image on your screen is blurry, her hands shaking, and you are suddenly faced with a view of your ceiling as she puts the phone down.
“Honey? Honey, what’s happening?” You’re trying not to freak out at the sound of her moaning, juggling your keys, satchel and phone in your hands to get into the car without looking away from the screen.
The image begins to shake again and you think she’s propped her phone up on the dresser, giving you the perfect view as she paces in front of your bed. She reaches a hand beneath the hem of the oversized t-shirt she wears, running her hand across her bump with a grimace.
“Th-huhhh… the baby’s coming riiight noowwwwww!” Her words trail off into a tremulous wail and she rocks her hips back and forth while breathing through the contraction.
You nearly drop your phone trying to put it in the dashboard mount but you manage to set it up so that you can keep your eyes on the screen as you drive. Of course it’s unsafe, but you can’t bear to take your eyes off your wife at this moment. As your phone connects to the Bluetooth, you can hear her moaning and heavy breathing through the car speakers.
“I’m on my way, just try to stay calm and keep breathing,” you say nervously, tightening your grip on the steering wheel to stop your hands from shaking. She seems really far gone, you can see her legs shaking as she leans against the bedpost.
“Get here soon, PLEEEAAAASEEEE”
Your eyes dart between the road and your phone screen and you watch your wife moving around uncomfortably, squatting and rotating her hips, doing whatever she can to ease the pain. Facing away from you, she bends over and you are given the perfect angle to look between her legs at the bulge. You watch in awe as you see her lips begin to part slightly, the top of your child’s head peeking out, and it slips back in as the contraction fades. Your wife straightens up, squeezing her thighs together and stumbling towards the phone again.
“Oh god, is that the head?”
Unable to respond, she just moans tearfully and nods as she struggles with the hem of her t-shirt. She pulls it over her head and you’re able to see how tight her belly has become, much lower than it was in the morning.
“You can’t just hold back from pushing, you need to let it happen.” You try to soothe your wife and encourage her to push but she just glares at you with red-rimmed eyes.
“No, I need you here!”
Before you can protest, she slips a hand between her legs and presses firmly, grunting in pain. You stomp on the gas pedal in sheer panic, hurrying to get home before your wife exhausts herself by denying such primal urges.
She begins to pace again, one hand still pressed to her aching cunt to stop the baby from shifting lower. Her steps are bow legged, the pressure in her pelvis forcing her legs apart, and her other hand is rubbing circles around her heavy bump. You can tell that the next contraction has started from the way that she holds her breath, trembling with the effort of holding back. Her hips are jolting involuntarily, trying to shift the pressure without giving in to her need to push.
“You need to breathe,” you urge, trying to provide support through the screen. You’re only minutes away from home, but you can tell that she’s quickly tiring from her attempt to hold back.
At your urging she lets out a gasp immediately followed by a guttural moan, knees nearly buckling from exhaustion.
“Pleeaase…mmmm...get home soon... The baby’s right there!”
You mumble reassurances as you speed down your street, unsure of what you’re saying but knowing you need to comfort her. As soon as your car is in the driveway you’re grabbing your phone, pulling the keys out of the ignition and racing to the door, neglecting to lock the car in your rush.
“I’m here,” you say into your phone and you hear tearful laughter on the other end. Opening your front door, you hear her above you as well, the surround-sound of your wife propelling you towards her.
You race up the stairs, making it into your bedroom where your wife is leaning against the bed with her hands still between her legs. She looks up at you, her expression somewhere between fear and relief as she tries to stumble towards you. Dashing forwards, you catch her and help her to her knees, pressing your hand to her bump to feel the last kicks you can before the baby’s finally in your arms.
“Y- oooooohhhh… you made it!” Her sweaty forehead is resting on your shoulder as you support her weight and she sounds exhausted as she breathes her words against your collarbone.
“I did, but you shouldn’t have waited,” you chide, rubbing her back soothingly. “You know my first priority is your safety.”
She ignores you and just leans against your chest, which means that her bump is pressed against your stomach and you can feel her muscles tightening with the next contraction. You reach for her hands, pulling them from between her legs and letting them wrap around your back. The absence of this obstacle causes the head to slip down to where it was before and she grunts at the sudden jolt of pressure. She spreads her knees wider on the floor, rocking her hips with the pain.
“Ohhhhhh f-fuuuck!” She bears down, finally allowing herself to give in to what her body has been demanding, letting the baby slip lower to press agonizingly against her core. You can feel her trembling in your arms and you reach down, feeling as her pussy stretches with the force of the baby’s head.
The rapid bulging between her legs makes your wife scream. After holding back for so long, the baby is coming quickly and her body isn’t able to adjust to the strain. You hold your hand in place against her pussy, not applying pressure but preventing the baby from shifting lower and your wife screams again. Her desperate pushing isn’t moving anything faster and she’s starting to lose control.
“Shh, don’t push,” you murmur into her ear, using your free hand to massage her back soothingly. “Just breathe, let yourself stretch with the next contraction.”
She moans and nods against your shoulder, leaning all her weight against you as she rests between contractions. You’re not sure how long she’d been in labour before you answered the phone but she seems exhausted, panting breathlessly against your neck.
The first hint of the oncoming contraction is that you can feel her cunt clenching and twitching against your hand, her walls trying to push the baby out even as she breathes through it. Her hips are moving as well, bucking away from your hand and shifting to ease the dual pressure of the contraction and of your hand blocking any movement.
“Ohhhhh… hnnghhhhhh please let me PUSH,” she moans, overwhelmed by the urge to bear down. “I need to puuuuushhhhh!”
You hate seeing your wife in distress, but you know that she’ll likely tear if the baby comes down too fast. Instead you beg her not to push and rub her back more firmly, trying to somehow comfort her.
“Pleeaaase I need it! I need to push, I need to puuuuuuuuuushh! Baby’s right there, let me- nnnngghhhhhh...let me push!” She’s squirming to get out of your grasp, trying to push despite the barrier of your hand.
As you continue to soothe and support her, the contraction comes to an end and she slumps against you. She’s teary-eyed but gives you a tired smile, pressing a kiss to your shoulder.
“I can push with the next contraction, right?”
At your nod, she repositions herself on her knees, opening up her pelvis and using you to steady herself. Once she’s ready you slowly slip your hand away, feeling the bulge grow larger again without you there to impede it. Your wife grunts at the sensation, the head shifting further down and beginning to open her up.
You still keep your hand between her legs, ready to support the baby, but you just lightly skim your fingers over her folds as she begins to push again. Beneath your fingers you can feel the head beginning to emerge, her lips stretching into a teardrop shape around it.
“Ohhhhh oh god…Nnngghhhh!!”
The baby’s head continues to slowly slide out, so you cup your palm to support it. Though you can’t see what’s happening you’re able to feel as she stretches wider and wider and the head begins to slip through.
“Fffuck, it's burninNGGGGGGHHHH”
With a deep grunt your wife bears down and you can feel the head reach its widest point, crowning and stretching her thin. She gasps for air as the contraction ends, but the pain is worse than ever and you can feel how wide the baby’s head is in your palm, her lips strained around it. She is exhausted and you need to motivate her.
“Okay, gentle pushes right now so you don’t tear, you’re almost there”
Running your fingers around the head, you begin to gently massage the skin in order to help the head slip out. You help her stretch slowly and you can feel the head shifting downwards from her pushes and your assistance.
“Ohhhh… mmnnnn… I’m gonna tear… ohh fuckkkk”
“No you’re not, you’re so strong, I love you so much. You can do this.”
As she bears down again you feel the head finally emerging past the widest point and you end up cupping your baby’s whole head in your hand, running your thumb over the delicate features. Moving your other hand from her back, you ready yourself to catch the baby, waiting for the next contraction to hit.
“This is going to be the last one, honey, so make it count!”
The shoulders twist with her final push and your baby slides into your waiting arms with a shrill cry. You help your wife finally sit down, propped up against your chest, and she cradles the newborn against her chest. Feelings of bliss and relief envelop you and you wrap yourself around them both.
“Sweetheart, you shouldn’t have waited for me like that. You were exhausted, and if anything had happened to either of you I would’ve been heartbroken.”
Holding your little family in your arms, you press a kiss to your wife’s temple. She looks up at you, exhausted but happy, and wholly unrepentant.
“I needed you here with me. I couldn’t do it alone.”
You sigh and continue to press kisses wherever you can reach on her skin. Despite your frantic rush home and the fear that flooded your mind at the thought of her attempting to hold in the baby–you’re grateful that you got to be there too.
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rosbar6678 · 3 years
I was reading your story about birthing in a college class (love it soooo much) and was wondering, would yoy do like a version of it where reader does leave the class, and makes it to the quad to give birth there, maybe trying to meet up with her partner instead of getting to a hospital?
ooh, I'd love to do a remix of that one, sounds like it could also satisfy a couple of other prompts I've received! This was probably your inspiration for asking but just in case you've never read it (or if someone else reading this hasn't), this sounds a lot like Overdue with No Extension by @bellyloveerotica, another fantastic fic!
(I've got a similar blurb that fulfills a lot of the same prompts that I'm going to post tomorrow but this is the superior one imo so I'm posting this first)
Tags: clothing birth, public birth, fluff (kinda)
Word Count: 1911
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Your chemistry prof was the kind of hardass who didn't tolerate lateness, extensions, or anything else that would imply that you have an existence outside of his classroom. One example of these strict policies is that if a student walked in late or left early, he would stop lecturing and stare at them until they found a seat or walked out the door. Of course this drew the attention of every other student as well, though your more sympathetic classmates tended to fix their gaze down at their notes until the staredown ceased.
Now you had never asked about his policy about students going into labour in the middle of a lecture, but the suggestion that you had any priorities other than Chemistry 201 was unlikely to go over well. However, getting up in the middle of his teaching and stumbling your way to the door was probably going to be less disruptive than pushing out a baby during the lecture so you were going to have to take the risk of getting out of the lecture hall before it was too late.
Pretending to continue typing up your notes, you pull up a messenger tab on your laptop to send a quick text to your partner about being in active labour. They immediately call you and you're so grateful you put your phone on silent before coming to class because you didn't want to draw any attention just yet. You text them again, warning them not to call while you're still in class.
💖Lover💖: im omw rn, dont worry!!
💖Lover💖: jsut keep breathing and ill be there soon, i love you!!!
You try to keep your face impassive as you respond to their frantic messaging, telling them not to cause a scene and to just wait outside your classroom until you can find a good moment to slip out.
You: Just wait outside of my lecture hall, I'll meet you in the corridor in a minute
💖Lover💖: are u serious?? how far apa rt are the contractions???
You haven't been able to properly time them through your panicking, but they're not very far apart at all and they hurt really badly. You're trying to pack up as discreetly as you can while texting your partner about the pain, bracing as you feel your belly tighten with your next contraction.
You: Idk, they're pretty close together now
💖Lover💖: but ur water hasnt broken yet, right?
The contraction is an intense one, stealing your breath and drawing all your focus within you before you can respond. You press your palms against your bump and it's rock hard. The pressure builds in tandem with the pain, reaching a new peak that you've never felt and it makes you feel like your baby is just going to slip out of you the second you move. You can feel the pain slowly begin to fade as the contraction ebbs, but the pressure abruptly disappears with a pop, leaving you confused.
You shift in your seat and register two new feelings–that a new, worse kind of pressure has settled low in your hips; and that your sweatpants are wet. You run your hands down your belly and feel that the bump is much tighter and lower, no longer as round as it was when you walked into the classroom. The baby's head is engaged in your pelvis, stretching you open wide.
You: You jinxed me :(
💖Lover💖: what hte fuckk does tht mean?????
💖Lover💖: babe?? did your water break??????
You ignore their increasingly panicked texts as you slip your laptop into your bag, no longer caring about being discreet when you slip out of the classroom. Thankfully you sat at the back, so you stand up and quickly wrap your sweater around your waist before anyone can catch a glimpse of the growing wet spot between your legs.
The professor stopped speaking as soon as you stood up and his eyes are fixed on you coldly. Unfortunately, your escape plan is thwarted by the shifting in your belly as soon as you stand up, gravity pulling your baby's head lower into your canal and making you grunt under your breath. You hold your tote bag in front of you to hide your soaked sweatpants and you take a step forward, waddling to accommodate the feeling of the head between your legs.
Between your flushed face and wobbly gait you're sure a number of your classmates can tell what's going on, but you keep your eyes focused on the door and your partner's anxious face peering through the window. You groan with each step, the twisting of your hips bringing the head lower with a trickle of fluid every time you move. Your contractions seem to be coming much faster without your waters acting as a cushion in your womb and you have one hand supporting the bump as you waddle as fast as you can. The pain is beginning to worsen again and you feel the urge to squat and bear down right in front of the blackboard. Thankfully, your partner opens the door for you and you're able to slip through before you're doubling over into their arms.
They shuffle you away from the window, rubbing your back soothingly. You can hear your professor start speaking again but that's quickly drowned out by your ragged breathing and the pounding of your heartbeat filling your ears. Leaning all of your weight against your partner, you widen your stance to relieve some of the pressure you're feeling in your hips.
"No, no no, stop," they stammer, trying to pull you fully upright. "Don't push, not yet. We can get you to the university hospital, we're not far."
Ignoring your whining, they begin to tow you down the hall past gawking students, cradling your bump with one arm as they push people out of the way with the other. Each step feels like the baby is going to slip right out of you but you manage to stumble alongside your partner and into the bright sunlight of the quad.
"Mmm-mmmmmm.... wait," you groan, pausing on the steps of the building as another contraction begins. Your partner is looking back and forth between you and the parking lot, unsure whether to support you or try and get you to safety. You moan again and they give you their hand to squeeze, breathing deeply along with you. Despite their pleas you can't stop your body from its primal instincts and you feel your walls tightening as the head gets closer to your entrance. You press your head against their shoulder, rocking your hips as you try to fight your urge to push your baby into the world.
Your partner is tugging you towards the parking lot and you follow as fast as you can, keeping your legs spread apart with a hand pressed between them in a futile attempt to hold the baby in. You make it halfway across the grass before the next contraction overwhelms you and you know that it's too late to go anywhere. You stop in your tracks, your spread legs and low center of gravity keeping your partner from pulling you any further. They turn to face you and see that you're squatting down, slowly trying to get to your knees.
"Don't- ohhhh fuck!! Don't try to...uhhnnnnnnn... get me somewhere safe, it's too late!" You can't help but to whine as you give up on getting to the car, resigning yourself to giving birth right where you are.
Their hands settle on your waist as they help you kneel, finally giving in to what they always knew was going to happen. They get on their knees in front of you and let you wrap your arms around their shoulders, keeping you steady as you focus on pushing. You can feel their fingers skimming your bump searching for the drawstrings on your sweatpants, slipping a hand into your waistband to check you.
A finger reaches your folds just as you begin to feel the sensation of being stretched and they look incredibly alarmed. You spread your thighs wider and it feels like the head is pressing against your vulva, causing you to bulge without actually stretching your slit. Your partner slips their finger into you very shallowly, eyes tearing up as they feel the hair on your baby's head in their attempt to stretch you. They slip a second finger into you and spread you open just as you bear down again, causing a sliver of the head to slip through.
You shriek at the sudden burning sensation and your partner massages your pussy as it stretches around the head, applying even pressure to the straining skin. All of the students on the quad are staring at you, some of them are probably recording you as well, but you can't bring yourself to care about anything other than what's going on in your little embrace as you both work to bring your baby into the world.
"Th-uhhhhhhh... baby's coming ouuuut! Hnnnghhhh... hmmmmmm... you need t-ooooohhhhh... to catch it!," you say raggedly and you feel your partner nod and kiss the top of your head.
You can feel yourself getting louder the more you push, the head slipping down into your partner's hand as you bury your face into their neck. Biting against their collarbone is barely muffling your vocalizations and their encouraging words are the only thing you can hear over the sounds you're making. When you try to shift your hips you can feel your partner's hand against your inner thighs as it cups your baby's head. It feels incredibly sticky, your sweat and all those juices soaking into your sweatpants as you give birth into your clothes, but the alternative of getting naked in the middle of campus isn't great either.
The ring of fire is overwhelming now and you can feel your cunt throbbing as the massive head stretches you out. Your partner's massaging of your lips is now causing you more pain than relief but you're too overwhelmed to speak so you just pant and moan against their skin until the next contraction. Despite your hopes, the baby's head doesn't emerge quickly once it has fully crowned and you feel it slip out of you inch by inch and into your partner's waiting palm. Their voice sounds choked up by awe as they press kisses against your face but you can't make out the individual words as you continue to bear down.
Your next push is the worst one yet, you groan with effort but you're not able to get the shoulders out, leaving you stretched wide open. Another contraction hits you and your partner gently turns the baby's shoulders as you bear down. You can feel every second of the burn, each minute movement of your baby and of your partner's fingers skimming against your swollen and aching cunt. One shoulder slides out of you, then the next, and finally your partner catches your baby as it fully slips out. You have to pull down your waistband so that your partner can get the wailing and squirming baby out of your sweatpants. Exhausted and relieved, you collapse against your partner and they bring the baby to your arms. Now that you're holding your child in your lover's embrace you're glad you decided to call them for help; even giving birth in the quad would be better than in chemistry class alone.
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rosbar6678 · 3 years
for a blurb maybe giving birth at a wedding? maybe the bride and a bridesmaid go into labor and try to gide it cause they dont want to ruin the day?
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if these asks aren't from the same anon then that would be an extremely bizarre coincidence, but here's a little blurb based on the idea!
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you've been hiding your pregnancy for the past nine months, somehow making it through regular life plus wedding preparations without anyone noticing. you and your now-husband wanted to get married before revealing the pregnancy, hoping to somehow convince your more conservative family members that you haven't been having sex premaritally.
unfortunately, scheduling errors and shutdowns meant that your wedding date kept getting pushed forward until your ninth month, and your flowy empire-waist wedding dress is barely hiding your round baby bump. you probably should have just revealed your pregnancy at some point, because no one will believe you conceived and somehow had a full-term baby during your honeymoon, but you're already in too deep so you've both been trying your best to hide it.
but it worked! you're finally married and you've never been happier than you were in that moment of kissing your new husband, feeling the baby inside you kicking gently, as the officiant pronounced you husband and wife. standing in front of the altar for that long gave you a wicked backache, but your husband offered you a sweet massage in the limo to the venue which quickly became a sloppy makeout session while he fingered you until you were dripping onto the tulle inside your dress.
now you're sitting at your sweetheart table in the venue, your wedding party at tables flanking you, and your husband has his hands caressing your bump through the layers of your dress as you listen to the best maid speech.
"How are you feeling, babe?" He whispers into your ear and you see a flash from the corner of your eye as the photographer snaps a picture.
"My back pains are getting worse and now my stomach hurts as well, I think it's all the standing and posing we've been doing," you say, leaning against his shoulder with a sigh.
He pulls a sympathetic face, pressing a kiss to your head as he starts to massage your back. You're thankful that your little table is high enough that your waists are concealed by the tablecloth so no one can see his tender ministrations.
"And now it's time for the first dance!" The DJ calls into the microphone and the lights dim, all your guests looking at you expectantly. Your husband helps you up and the guests all coo, mistaking his assistance for a romantic newlywed gesture. He guides you to the dance floor, applying firm pressure against your back as he wraps you up in the dancing position.
You can feel the pain get worse as you move around, each swivel of your hips increasing the pressure that you feel between them. You press your head against your husband's shoulder, looking like a sweet embrace as you hide your pained tears from view of the cameras.
"I'm so sorry baby, we don't have to dance anymore after this. We can sneak out early for the honeymoon and get you somewhere where you can take off this dress and lie down," he murmurs. 
You nod with your face still pressed to the fabric of his suit, soothed by his reassuring words. He nudges you to lift your head for one final twirl before the dance ends, and as you gently spin around you can feel your water break. 
“What’s wrong, what happened?” Back in your husband’s arms, he can see your startled expression and just sways in place with you. 
“My water just broke,” you whisper, swishing your dress around in hopes that the fabric will soak up the puddle somehow. His eyes widen and he begins to look around for help so you squeeze his arm frantically. “We are not announcing this now, I will not have our baby at our wedding reception! Get me out of here as soon as you can.”
Your husband nods distractedly as he leads you off the dance floor, trying to figure out how to escape your wedding reception without drawing any attention. You barely make it to your seat before the next contraction and you have to hide your face against his shoulder again to muffle your groans. The sound of glasses clinking draws your attention, and you look up to see the crowd eagerly awaiting a kiss. Gentle hands cup your face and you press your lips against your husband’s as you moan into his mouth. The comforting feeling of his warmth against yours is the only thing helping you through this process of trying to hide your labour at your own wedding.
Every time you attempt to sneak out you are called to listen to speeches or cut a cake or some other attention-grabbing spectacle that keeps you under the scrutiny of all of your friends and families. During each speech you moan during every round of applause or laughter, hiding your vocalizations under the tumult of your wedding guests. Your husband has been darting increasingly worried glances at you throughout the night, and you’re sure your façade is getting weaker as your urge to push gets stronger. 
As soon as you get onto your feet to cut the cake you can feel the gravity pulling your baby down despite your desperate clenching to keep from pushing. You wrap your hands around your husbands as he holds the knife and his face begins to twist with pain as well as you squeeze tightly with your next contraction. While your wedding planner wheels the cake away from your table, your husband wraps an arm behind you as you sit.
“How close are your contractions? How long do we have?” You can tell that he’s putting on a brave face to keep you from freaking out, but there’s nothing that can alleviate the stress of having spotlights and cameras and over a hundred pairs of eyes staring up at you while you hide your labour pains.
“They’re fucking close, I can’t time them properly but they’re almost right on top of each other,” you groan. You choose not to mention your growing need to push, as the stress would probably screw you both over. You clap distractedly through the distribution of the cake and the remaining speeches, relying on your husband as a signal while you squeeze your thighs together and ignore the pressure to bear down.
“Uhhhhhh...huhhhhhhhhh...fuck babe it’s too much,” you whine, pressing yourself against your husband so no one can see how much pain you’re in. His hands rub your back lovingly and you can feel how tense his muscles are beneath his tuxedo. 
“Just one more thing before we can leave,” he says in an attempt to soothe you as he pulls you back up in front of the crowd. You can barely keep a strained grin on your face as you move forward. You feel like you baby is about to fall out of you with every waddling step and your pelvis and back are aching with how stretched apart you feel. Your husband hands you the bouquet and positions you away from the crowd, holding onto you for support. 
Your hands clench in pain, knuckles white around the wilted stems of your wedding flowers. Some petals float to the floor as you squeeze to suppress your pained groans but you finally manage to lob the mangled bouquet over your head towards the group of excited women. Your husband is rubbing your back and murmuring something in your ear. While his tone and voice are incredibly soothing, you are unable to decipher a single word he says as you try and focus all your energy into not pushing despite the fact that you have felt your muscles tightening and moving the baby lower for the past hour. He leads you towards a chair for your final tradition, the last thing you need to do before you can leave.
It’s a struggle for you to get into the overstuffed chair they’ve provided, but you eventually manage to sink down so that your puffy skirt is fluffed around you like a nest. Your husband lifts up the layers of tulle, being careful not to expose your bump has he does so. His body is halfway under your skirt as he reaches for your garter, but you can feel one of his hands pressing between your legs, fingers stroking against the fabric. 
The pressure has been increasing all day, but you can feel that pressure transforming into a stretching feeling right where he sets his fingers. Your lips are being spread and you’re terrified to consider what might be pulling you open from within. As he gets back up he flings the garter behind him without looking, leaning down towards you to speak.
“The head is coming out. Now. We need to get out of here,” he says under his breath while helping you stand, using all his strength to support you as your knees buckle. You can barely get back to the sweetheart table with how spread apart your legs are. Because of your husband’s words you can now feel the head pressing up against your slit, a bulge growing in your panties and under your dress where you were able to ignore it before. You bite your lip hard as you suppress your screams, just blindly following your husband as he grabs your bad and leads you to the closest exit. 
“No, no, no, put me down so I can push!” You say this under your breath, managing to keep quiet with the last of your awareness and you slow your steps as your husband tugs you along the dance floor. 
You push every time you manage to stop moving, though you know you’re only supposed to push with contractions you’re so overwhelmed that you don’t care anymore. With this push you stop completely, beginning to squat down low as your husband holds you up by your upper arms. Your voluminous princess style dress is the only thing concealing you from the rest of the reception, and the burning feeling increases as you keep pushing. 
“Only a couple more steps and we’re out of sight, I know you can do this,” your husband says as he pulls you back upright and helps you walk to the door. 
As you straighten up again you can feel the head go further within you, your hole shrinking again as you lose your progress. You want to scream from the pain and frustration, but you put your trust in your new husband’s hands as you walk along with him across the floor. By this point his arm is fully around you, holding you upright as you walk while everyone else only sees smitten newlyweds. You groan as you keep walking, the movement is widening your pelvis and moving the baby down. With one swift motion you both burst through the door and bustle away from the reception hall, your husband hoping to get you as far away as possible before you start to push again.
You manage to tug him into a little alcove off of the hallway and press your hands to the wall, leaning towards it with your legs spread wide as if you’re being frisked. This position opens your hips and you begin to bear down, your knees squatting as you moan. 
“Nghhhhh, ow, ow, ow, mmmmmm,” you cry out, panting between each push while your husband begins to flip up your skirts. You can feel your sodden panties being pulled down your legs and his fingers begin to skim around the burning ring between your legs.
“Oh my god, I can see the head. You’re doing so well, just keep pushing!” 
His encouragement helps you push even harder, the pressure that was in your back is firmly between your hips, keeping you trapped in place as the head splits you open. Your husband’s warm hand is cupping your sex, providing counterpressure for the head.
“HHHHHNNNGGGG- oh god ohhhhhhhhhhhh fuck!” 
A gush of fluid accompanies the head as it slips out of you, further staining your white wedding dress. You can hear your husband weeping behind you, elated at the sight of your baby’s head no matter how stressful the situation has been. With his spare hand he rubs your upper thigh, praising and reassuring you breathlessly. 
You only pant with the next contraction, the stretch compelling you to push though that you know you need to make sure you don’t tear. The pressure is almost too much and you have to focus on the warm callouses of your husband’s hands against your skin to distract yourself from the desperate compulsion to bear down. However, the next contraction is fair game and you push with all your might, grunting with the effort of bringing your baby into the world. The sudden lack of pressure within you occurs just as you hear the cries of a newborn.
“It’s a girl,” your husband says tearily, helping you slide to the ground as he sits next to you and hands you your newborn child. While you press the fussy baby to your skin you see a flash out of the corner of your eye and you look up to see the videographer, photographer, and most of your wedding reception standing in the hall and staring in shock and awe. 
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