roscoe42-blog · 13 years
How it's made
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roscoe42-blog · 13 years
Chapter 12, Proposals
This chapter discusses long form and short "pitch" proposal writing techniques. The long form proposal should be contain certain parts.
-Introduction defining a problem
-An analysis of the problem discussing cause and effect
-A detailed plan to solve the problem
-a conclusion calling to action
Writing a pitch is a different process with different points. A pitch must be short and direct to communicate strongly and clearly to whomever you are persuading.
-Introduce yourself and establish credibility -Use attention grabbing tactics, make it interesting
-Present the "big idea" in one sentence
-Present best reasons
-What distinguishes your idea
-brief cost-benefit analysis
-be memorable
not all of those tactics will apply to my project proposal, but many of them will.
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roscoe42-blog · 13 years
Project Setbacks
My biggest problem currently is that my banjo is broken. Several weeks ago I was in the process of adjusting the position of the bridge to tune the instruments harmonics, when the tuning peg on the G string cracked and fell off. The gear casing on the  same tuning peg also lost a screw. With no ability to tune the string I was forced to remove it and the broken peg. I should be able to make a trip to the music store today to fix the problem. I'll be doing the work by hand.
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roscoe42-blog · 13 years
Class interveiw
Today in class, I interviewed Neme about her interests and hobbies. She said that among other things she enjoys shopping at stores like forever 21 and other online stores like gojane. She also enjoys going to thrift stores and finding clothes there. She likes to buy dark colored loose fitting comfortable clothes. She said that she's not all that into shoes, but later said, "I'll buy anything, as long as it's cheap." She also enjoys watching reality tv, and eating different kinds of foods, such as Dominoes pizza or authentic African dishes. She likes Italian, Mexican, and Chinese dishes, but doesn't like Japanese food, or sea food. In High school, she used to be a cheerleader. She said the most fun part of cheer, was stunting, where you throw someone up in the air, and they do a trick. However, she wasn't fond of her coach, and cheer can be dangerous from the standpoint of injuries. "Cheer is an underrated sport. You work really hard, and it can be vary dangerous."
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roscoe42-blog · 13 years
Library assignment
    At the turn of the 20th century, the world was about to change. Visionaries like Ransom E. Olds, the Apperson brothers, the Duryea brothers and of course Henry Ford envisioned a world where people would travel from town to town in their own motorized “horseless” carriage. The first automobile in the United States came to life in a puff of smoke in September 1893. The car built and designed by Frank and Charles Duryea made it about 100 yards before stalling, but with it a revolution was born.  Other cars would soon appear on the streets of American towns across the county. Little did they know that in less than 100 years automobiles would dominate transportation.     During the 1960’s a lot was changing in the automotive world. The book I picked out was about the proper way to practice “sportsmanlike” driving, which means to be a safe, responsible driver.  The book lists a lot of information about safety precautions and good habits or drivers to practice. This ranged everywhere from keeping a safe following distance, to being aware of pedestrians at an intersection.  A lot was changing when it came to safety and regulations for cars in the 1960’s; all of this was to promote being a better driver and building a safer car.     There are a lot of was he fuel economy can affect MGP. When you have quick acceleration and heavy breaking can cause reduce fuel? Driving at higher speeds increases aerodynamic drag reduces fuel economy. When using a 4 wheel drive, all four wheels make the engine work harder and increases transfer case and differential losses. Quote “letting your car idle to warm up, doesn’t help your fuel economy. These are all bad factors but there are ways were you can better your fuel economy.     The problem of the demand for consumer durables consists of the demand for the total stock of durables   at a point in time and demand for new purchases per period of time. Stock demand and purchase demand are related b the identity that the total stock of a durable held by a consumption unit, or by a group of consumption units, at the end of a period equals the sum of its depreciated stock from the end of the last period its depreciated net purchase during the present. 
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roscoe42-blog · 13 years
Project blog topic: Banjo!
My project this semester is to improve my banjo playing. In particular I'll be focusing on finger picking styles and techniques. I will practice every day with a metronome and record my progress in terms of technical ability and finger picking speed. I'll also learn and practice songs to apply my new skills. I hope by the end of the semester to have a a better understanding of clawhammer, double thumbing, the Keith style and the Scruggs style of playing and to continue developing my own style.
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