rose-laveau-blog · 6 years
“Just finishing up!” He called back to her, tightening the last screw in the handle to secure it back to the door. He had to completely take it apart to get a better look at the inside of the lock. “Should work fine now." 
He neatly packed up her small toolbox, reminding himself to bring over a few more essential tools next time he was over. She didn’t even have duct tape! 
"Where do you want me to put this?”
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“Wherever!” She waved her hand and vanished back into the kitchen. “Just not on my table.”
She busied herself at the stove, thinly slicing the gecko steaks and sprinkling them with a mix of wasteland herbs that she refused to tell anyone the details of. The bits of steak fell onto the pan with a sizzle. She dumped the macaroni into the pot as the water began to boil and periodically tended to the two dishes with a smile. It made her happy when Brick came over for dinner; she didn’t always trust that he was eating enough and that worried her.
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rose-laveau-blog · 6 years
After Rose left, Lucas made quick work of organising himself. He first hauled his cart out from under a pile of junk. It had been here since he set up shop two years ago, and came up to the bottom of his ribs. It wasn’t heavy necessarily, but it did take some effort to push it around. Especially in the California heat!
Once the cart had been pushed out and he had grabbed the bag of caps which he had brilliantly stashed inside a jangles the moon monkey, Lucas waited outside his garage for his friend.
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Rose emerged from her shop and kicked the door shut behind her. Her knives were strapped together safely on her side and a worn assault rifle was slung over her back. It might’ve seemed like a little much, but she wasn’t sure how far they were going and she always preferred to be prepared.
She joined Brick beside the cart and looked up at him with a grin, her eyes sparkling above the dark paint she’d smeared beneath them. “Ready to go?”
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rose-laveau-blog · 6 years
Bishop nodded as she spoke. New Orleans. That would explain the accent. It’s a wonder that someone so young would be able to make that kind of trip; Louisiana was quite a long way from Reno. He’d been all across the west coast and slightly further in-land, but he’d never ventured that far. Between the threat of slavers, radiation, vicious wildlife and every other life-threatening force that the wasteland had to offer, anyone else in their right mind wouldn’t think to do so either.
He wondered if she might be running from something; there were few other reasons to stray so far from home in a world on fire. Despite his curiosity, he knew better than to ask. Her reasons were her own and it’s not like she’d given him a reason to want dirt on her. Instead, he watched as her deft hands shuffled the cards without even a glance at the deck itself. Like clockwork, as if she’d been doing it her entire life. If she was telling the truth, then there was no wonder she was so protective over them.
“I didn’t mean anything by it, Miss Laveau,” he chuckled as he leaned forward, resting an arm on the table, “the cards are nice, but they’re not why I’m here. Better that they get some use out of them instead of uh, gathering dust on my shelf.” He paused for a moment before he continued, “speaking of which, why don’t we begin the reading? I’m sure you’re a busy woman. I don’t intend to waste any more of your time with idle chatter.”
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“Of course, Mr. Bishop.”
Her hands finally slowed, tucking the cards together in a neat stack. With three careful swipes and with eyes closed, she placed the cards out on the table in front of her in a neat row. She let out a long, steadying breath before allowing her eyes to flutter open and examine the cards.
Nine of Swords. Two of Wands. The Emperor.
“You,” Rose began as she cocked a dark brow, “are an interesting man.”
Her fingers hovered over the cards, just allowing for the ghost of a touch along their edges. She hadn’t been in New Reno long enough to have heard more than a few murmured rumors of the Bishop family, but her cards seemed to fill in some of the details.
“Your power in New Reno is notable. But you’ve had some taken, haven’t you? You aren’t quite the same man you were.” She paused for a beat, letting her palm rest in the air just above the center card. Her eyebrows raised in surprise and her hand moved to tap the space between the Two of Wands and the Emperor. A smile teetering on wickedness stretched across her lips. 
The future the cards showed Rose brought an unusual sense of excitement to her. It was clear New Reno was not too unlike New Orleans. Even though her reason for causing the war between the city’s raider gangs was selfish and her concern for who had or lost power was all but nonexistent, it was amusing to watch unfold. If and when a shake-up of power occurred in New Reno, Rose probably couldn’t help but get involved.
“You’re a very patient man, Mr. Bishop. I sense a lot of blood in your future, but it ends with you regaining everything you’ve lost, and perhaps more.”
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rose-laveau-blog · 6 years
“Don’t worry, I still need to sort out some stuff. Meet outside in ten?” He suggested, tilting his head slightly and turning to face her. Really, the man wasn’t expecting him for another five hours, so hopefully, he wouldn’t mind the early arrival. Lucas would hate to walk in at an awkward time.
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She hopped off the table and saluted him. “Sounds good to me.”
Rose started towards the door to make the short trek from Brick’s garage to her shop. Even though she’d just been out and about in the wasteland yesterday getting the fried power fist, it was always exciting to venture out and see what it would throw her way. Plus, it kept her anger in check. Plenty of raiders out there to take her frustrations out on. She’d managed to avoid gutting any citizens of New Reno.
So far.
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rose-laveau-blog · 6 years
He quirked an eyebrow as he watched her slide a card off the top of the deck. She seemed on edge when she first saw him, confused or maybe unsettled by his presence. That was understandable, he supposed. His status lent him a certain kind of… respect from the people of New Reno. Or perhaps it was fear? Sometimes the two were interchangeable.
When she smiled up at him, he returned it with a smile of his own, one that had been rehearsed far more times than he could count. ‘For you,’ she said. Interesting. Was that a discount, or was she charging him more than the standard fare? Either way, he supposed it didn’t matter. a hundred caps was pocket change. He slid his hand into the pocket of his jacket, then dropped a small, jingling bag onto the table. “There should be about, uh… 150 caps in there, give or take,” he said with some amusement in his voice as he turned his gaze back to the deck. “You can, uh, keep the change, of course.”
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“If you don’t mind me asking,” he started as he took a seat at her table, crossing his legs, “where did you get your hands on those cards? I’ve seen a couple of individual tarot cards, but never a full deck. They must be valuable. Even a genuine deck of playing cards is hard to find in good condition these days.”
“My cards and I are not from around here, Mr. Bishop,” she said, letting her accent drag out the way it did usually only when she was drunk.
She settled in across from him at the table and slid the sack of caps onto the floor beside her. She replaced the card at the bottom of the deck before gathering them all up and shuffling with deft hands. Her gaze did not leave Mr. Bishop’s. He radiated arrogance; it his posture, his smile, the way he dropped the bag of caps on the table as though he’d never miss them. Rose respected that, to a degree. This man clearly knew who he was, both as a person and as a member of society in New Reno. Unfortunately for him, Rose was all but aloof to the goings-on outside of her own life. She could tell he was here for reasons aside from just a reading, too, and she allowed for her curiosity to win out. No harm in it, she figured.
“These came from a very special place in the heart of New Orleans. Had ‘em almost ten years, nice and safe on my belt.” She paused and one corner of her lips quirked up. “And there’s been plenty of blood spilled to keep ‘em there.”
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rose-laveau-blog · 6 years
Kisa looked towards the other. She hadn’t been paying attention enough to even see the woman sit down, but she gave her a small smile, “It’s alright.” She wasn’t sure she had seen her before, maybe just around a few times, but since Kisa stuck to herself, she didn’t know as many as the residents as she probably should. “I’m Kisa.” She states, her smile growing until it reached her eyes. “It’s uh, Rosa? Right?” She asked, though she wasnt’ sure it was right.
“Rose,” she said, drawing out the sharpness of the s, but in more of lazy slur of the word than a sharp correction. Kisa looked familiar, but only just. Probably a face she’d seen in passing or at a bar when she’d dipped a little too far into a bottle. A pretty face, too. 
Rose blinked, caught off guard by her own thoughts, and took another long pull from the bottle. Her hand swiped across her lips to catch a stray droplet. Maybe the rest of that vodka she had before she got here was hitting her a little harder than she thought.
“Close enough, though.” She winked and rested her chin in her palm, giving Kisa a lazy smile before turning her gaze to the line of bottles behind the bar. Her voice dropped to something of a murmur. “What a fuckin’ night.”
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rose-laveau-blog · 6 years
“Yes, Xavvy.” She choked out. “I saw him and… It had to be him.” Winter looked at Rose, tears spilling. “I failed. I failed Rose I could have.. I could…” She trained off, trying to swallow a sob, “I want my brother back, Rose.”
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Rose swallowed and reached up to pull down into her, running her hand over Winter’s hair.
“Hey, hey,” she whispered in as gentle a voice as she could manage. “Don’t say that. You didn’t fail. I know you miss him. But don’t put that on yourself.”
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rose-laveau-blog · 6 years
Winter gave a smile, and turned on her heel, before starting to walk again. She wanted to show Rose right now, but she feared the little furball might escape her grasp and they’d lose it. 
“It’s good thing, I promise.” 
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Her nerves settled a little as Winter smiled at her. Rose’s mind raced. What could she be talking about?
“Yeah? Can’t wait to see it.” She paused and laughed a little. “I guess.”
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rose-laveau-blog · 6 years
Now resting comfortably on the floor by her door, Lucas took the shot from her and after taking a deep breath threw it back. He had never been much the drinker, and so the burn of the liquor very visibly affected him. Coughing, he sat the glass next to him and responded, “surprise me.”
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Rose bit her lip and turned away to hide the little bit of laughter at Brick taking the shot. That was always the best part of drinking with him.
She disappeared into the little side room she used as a kitchen, mac and cheese in hand. A few loud clangs ensued as she dug through her cabinet and started on the food. She went with the gecko steaks, since they were going to go bad soon anyway.
A few minutes passed and she poked her head out of the doorway. “So. How is everything? You doing okay?”
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rose-laveau-blog · 6 years
Bishop wasn’t superstitious by any means. Ghost stories might have a certain novelty to them at first, but in the end, they were just that; stories. It’s not like anyone watches a magician because they think the magic is real. It’s for the sake of entertainment, to be amused for a few hours over a drink or a game of cards. And after their last big draw at the casino quit the stage, entertainment was exactly what they needed.
That’s precisely why he was standing there in front of her shop as the sun began to set over New Reno, washing the fortune teller’s shop with a mysterious, yet inviting glow.  He would imagine that if she were ever to get any business, now would be the time of night for the customers to start flowing in. He’d heard some good things about the so-called witch. It makes sense. People were drawn to the unknown just as much as they feared it. If she lived up to her reputation, he might just invite her to work for him.
He dropped his cigarette on the concrete and snuffed it out with his heel before rapping his knuckles on the door. A low, menacing voice greeted him from inside, and he chuckled in amusement. The little establishment was more atmospheric than he expected it to be. Good. Presentation was important. He pushed it open to be greeted with warm candlelight, and finally, the famous witch herself.
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“Ma’am,” he greeted her in passing as he approached the table, scratching at the scruff on his jawline as he eyed the deck of cards. Tarot, if he wasn’t mistaken. Hard to find a deck like that in good condition. “You’re a, uh, fortune teller? How much do you charge?”
“That depends on--”
Rose paused as she turned from her plants. She eyed the man carefully, not quite recognizing his face, but was bothered by the unusual air that entered the room with him. Wastelander, sure, but… different. He reeked of confidence bordering on cockiness. Was he a Van Graff? No, no. That couldn’t be it. That family had a look about them, one that this man just didn’t quite have.
She set the watering can down on the shelf and wordlessly moved to pick up her deck, sliding the top card from the stack. Her eyebrows furrowed as she examined the card pinched between her fingers.
The Emperor. Not just the Emperor. A reversed Emperor. Rose suddenly knew exactly who he was.
“For you, Mr. Bishop,” she said, a small but sickeningly sweet smile forming on her face, “a hundred caps.”
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rose-laveau-blog · 6 years
“Well,” he grunted, yanking a small tub of screws out from the bottom of a box, “Some guy wants to sell me parts of an old protectron and a few others things-” he stood up and walked to where Rose stood- “but, it all needs transported in a big cart. Could use an extra hand to wheel them back here in one piece - or, pieces." 
He shoved his hands in his pockets and sighed. It was about an hours walk out of town, and he probably could have done it by himself, but being alone outside the moderate safety of New Reno with valuable parts? He didn’t want to take the risk. 
Plus, he’d appreciate the company.
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Rose patted her waist, feeling around for the weapons she so often kept holstered there. Since Brick’s shop was right next to Rose’s, she hadn’t brought anything with her. Just the little blade she always had strapped to her forearm. “Gotta swing by the shop first. I don’t like going to far without the twins.”
The twins, as Rose so lovingly called them, were a pair of blades that sat somewhere between being long knives and cutlasses. They were an unusual weapon in the wasteland, but she wreaked havoc with the blades back in New Orleans, and frankly, they hadn’t let her down since.
She smiled. “But yeah, I’d be happy to help.”
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rose-laveau-blog · 6 years
“I’m tired, but I need to talk to you and sooner is better than later.” Winter said, “Like, do you want to power walk to my place cause I wanna show you something.” 
Actually, it surprised Winter that it wasn’t mewling loudly currently- it was alive though, she knew since it was wiggling about a bit. “….Please?”
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“Oh, uh--”
Rose paused, nervousness and concern starting to creep up on her. She was suddenly worried everything wasn’t okay. But she brushed it off, a little relieved to not be shooed away.
“Yeah, of course,” she said, gesturing in the direction of Winter’s house. “Lead the way.”
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rose-laveau-blog · 6 years
“Exactly,” he agreed, taking the toolbox with a grin on his face. The sound of Rose drunkenly kicking down her own door at 3am had been a wonderful thing to wake up to, and he just loved running out of his house barefoot in New Reno to see if she was all right. 
He would say never again, but he knew that wasn’t true. He liked her too much to take the chance.
“Should only take me a few minutes.”
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Rose returned to the center of the room and dug through her pack, pulling out the box of mac and cheese and the bottle of vodka. Under her reading table, there was a small metal box that she retrieved to fish out a pair of carefully cleaned shot glasses. Experienced hands cracked the seal on the booze and she poured two shots.
“Take your time,” she said, bringing the glass over to Brick. “Dinner will take a minute anyway.”
She threw back her own shot, not even reacting as the liquid left a sharp burn in her throat.
“What d’you want with the mac and cheese? I’ve got brahmin and a couple gecko steaks, I think.”
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rose-laveau-blog · 6 years
“You have no idea,” he muttered, wandering off towards his cupboard to raid for the right tools. Someone Lucas wanted Rose to beat the daylights out of? Was he allowed to list the entirety of Caesars Legion, or was that too much for one woman? Not that he doubted Rose would object, but he didn’t want to put that on her. Not yet. 
“Although, I do need some supplies from out of town if you’re interested,” he called back, settling himself on the floor to search through various boxes. Why couldn’t he learn to organize?
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“I wish I had an idea.” Her voice was low, protected by the faint music in the shop so that he wouldn’t hear. It killed her how secretive he was about the things that bothered him, but trying to get anything out of him was like talking to a wall. She perked up when he mentioned needing things from town. She liked it when he let her do things for him; Rose felt guilty about how much he did for her without asking for anything in return.
The raiders she used to lead back in New Orleans would cackle if they knew the Fleur de Mort of all people was feeling guilty about anything.
She shook her head, brushing the thoughts of the past away. “Yeah? Whatcha need?”
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rose-laveau-blog · 6 years
Winter puts her hands behind her back, hiding bruised knuckles and gives Rose a tired smile. “Dunno, have you checked her home?” Winter jokes, before relaxing. “What are you doin’ here?” She asks, brows furrowing. 
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Rose’s smile faltered slightly and she shrugged. “Just looking for you. I was actually just on my way to your place.”
She swallowed, thumbing the amulet of bone around her neck. She didn’t want to admit it to herself, but Winter’s reaction--or lack thereof--stung a little. Scavving took a toll and Rose tried to remind herself of that. Winter had just gotten back too. But… still.
“You okay?” She paused, steeling her voice so there wasn’t any hint of hurt. “I can just head back home and find you tomorrow, if you want.”
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rose-laveau-blog · 6 years
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{ playlist for rose }
Ancient Names, Pt. I ~ Lord Huron
Before the Hurting Lands. ~ Jaws of Love.
Port of Morrow ~ The Shins
Holocene ~ Bon Iver
Palms ~ Local Natives
Flaws ~ Bombay Bicycle Club
Oh My Dear ~ The Head and the Heart
Fickle Game ~ Amber Run
Renegade ~ The Paper Kites
I Am ~ Jorja Smith
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rose-laveau-blog · 6 years
It had been a while since she’d seen Winter. Rose knew she was out scavving and that sometimes it took some time for her to get back to New Reno, but she’d gotten antsy. Despite her best efforts to avoid it everywhere she went, Rose always ended up getting attached to people. And--even though she’d do everything in her power to not say it out loud--she missed Winter.
Her shop was closed up earlier than usual because she decided to make the trip to Winter’s house, but shortly after she left, she saw Winter out of the corner of her eye. She hurried to catch up with her, and when Winter turned, Rose put her hands on her hips and gave her a crooked smile.
“I dunno. Maybe? I’m looking for my friend. Feel like I haven’t seen her in ages. Any idea where I might find her?”
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Her pockets jingle, her shoulder bag is heavy, and the duffle she carries is just as heavy. It was a damn good haul, in her opinion.  
She bobbed and weaved through people, mostly intending to go home and sort through it. Winter wanted to put it all out into groups, to decide where to take what. She found some things for various friends, of course, and was excited to give them her findings, but for now it was home. 
However, heavy footsteps behind Winter caused her to turn, frowning at the figure approaching her. “Can I help you?” She asked. 
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