rose-pictures-2021 · 3 years
Free shooting
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rose-pictures-2021 · 3 years
Free shooting
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rose-pictures-2021 · 3 years
Cotton Reading Response
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This photograph was taken by Breda Beban. I chose this image for a few reasons. I chose this because it’s funny how the monkey doesn’t want anything to do with the camera. It’s also funny.
I fund this photograph interesting because you’re taking two different things that don’t normally go together but they put them together. I also find it funny how the monkey is just relaxed.
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rose-pictures-2021 · 3 years
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I found this photograph because it reminds me of a quote from the Willis reading. The quote is “ The car is parked away from the curb, the woman is wearing a full- length raccoon coat, as is the man. He is partly seated in the car on the passenger’s side, and she is standing in the street.”  The connection between this photograph and the quote is kind of similar in a lot of ways. The way that it is similar because when I look at it, I’m seeing a person with horse’s and a trolly. Its another way of using machines to travel whether it’s a car or trolly. They both show and talk about how people would travel in Harlem.  
 Alfred Stieglitz, The Terminal (1893), From J. Paul Getty Museum
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rose-pictures-2021 · 3 years
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I take photographs because I like them, and they come out nice. But sometimes I will just take pictures just to see what comes out or if I like it. If I like it i’ll keep it. Some of the pictures I take I don’t even know how I get them. It might just a day or at the right place at the right time. My connection to the pictures of the beach and bridge is kind of like my relaxing place. As far as the other photographs I just take them because I like the scenery. I really like photographing the beach because there is just something about the salt water, the waves, and the lights on the bridge, and the surroundings that can make it relaxing. Also, the pictures help me stay in that place when I am not there. I take photographs of a lot of other things, but the beaches or bridges are my best ones. Nothing really changed about how I see taking pictures with a camera. Nothing really changed because I try to make sure my pictures don’t really come out blurry or overexposed or underexposed or anything like that. I try hard to take good photographs. I want to show that you can take a lot of nice pictures in the same place. If you change the angle of the camera, the place or position you are standing at, the time of day you   take pictures without leaving the location that you are in. In other words, if you just change a few things, you can get nice pictures without leaving your location. It’s like I said in one of the homework’s when I did the New York times article and chose a picture to write about. I take a lot of pictures at the beach because it’s my relaxing place. But it got me to look at other details that can help me with photographing no matter where I go.
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rose-pictures-2021 · 3 years
 I don’t get why the links are not in blue but if you click on it the links work.
Mine -Research Paper
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Rose Riccio
College of Staten Island CSI
Professor Nichole Frocher
November 12,2021  
               In the first  self-portrait I chose there is a person sitting in a chair. With this photograph it is easily and somewhat hard to figure out what is going on.  Also, it’s black and white photograph. It gets to ask you to ask questions or wonder what is going on. The kinds of questions it gets you asking are: what went on before the picture was taken?  Was there even anything that went on? Why is the persons facial expression mad? And who is the person?
               In the second self-portrait image I chose you can see two people and a shadow of a person with a staircase on the side. In this photo I can see a lot because it has more detail. It looks like the two people who were sitting were having a disagreement. These two self portraits had similarities, but a lot of differences. The difference is in one you can ask a lot of questions about what went  on or what happened, and it makes you wonder about a lot of things. Meanwhile the second image there is only one big question. What was the disagreement about if there was one?
               In the first color photograph I see people rushing and figuring out wherever they need to go. It looks like a normal daily way of living. In my next color image, you see a dog that has an injured leg and the leash around a pole. This photograph tells us a lot. This photograph tells us that the dog has an owner. You can tell because the leash looks clean. The dog has one of its legs in a cast and that shows us that the dog is taken care of. The only question I would have been what happened to the dog’s leg? When you look at all four of these images there are a lot of differences. A difference is the number of questions you ask or things you wonder about. Another difference is the subjects and what is going on.
               All the photographs I used were from a photographer named Vivian Maier. She was born on February 1, 1926, and died on  April 21,2009. Maier did street photography and switched to color photography in 1956.  An interesting fact I found out from her street photographs online is  “Maier was unique amongst Street Photographers in the way she was able to interact with children, be they posing for portraits or caught in spontaneous moments of play. Her affinity with a child’s worldview (most of her photographs of children are shot from the eye-level of the child) no doubt stemmed from her affection for children which was fostered in her “day job” (as a nanny).” I find this interesting because she was able to interact with the people, she was interested in photographing. That is a good but important thing when you plan on taking pictures. An interesting fact about her color photographs that I found online is “In her later years, Maier turned exclusively to color photography, and having done so, some commentators have suggested she unwittingly predicted the shift in attitude that allowed color photography to be considered artistically credible. On a personal level, the move away from her monochromatic phase saw Maier replace the human figure with color as the “protagonist” in her images. For this reason, her mature works allow for more abstract formal elements to dominate her frame.”  I find this a cool fact because she opened people’s eyes to color photography.  She also used something in her personal life to give her a push or help her photograph something new to her.
  Links for quotes or facts
 biographical information 1- About Vivian Maier | Vivian Maier Photographer 
biographical information 2- Vivian Maier Photography, Bio, Ideas | TheArtStory 
images taken from- Vivian Maier Photographer | Official website of Vivian Maier | Vivian Maier Portfolios, Prints, Exhibitions, Books and documentary film
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rose-pictures-2021 · 3 years
Going to a Jungle/ Rainforest in New Jersey due 11/1
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I chose the Rain Forest Café in the Menlo mall to do this documentary because it looks and feels like you are actually out in a rainforest or jungle. its also cool because you don't have to take a plane or worry about any physical  injury's you would get if you went out into the place. its like i said before  you are out there but your not really out there and it feels so real. i tried to take photographs of the animals and the surroundings because it can make you feel like you are there. but i also took these photographs so  that the nice scenery from rainforest or jungle can be seen.it is just a good way of experiencing  life of that part of the world without going all the way out to the real thing.
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rose-pictures-2021 · 3 years
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exhibition review post 
 The name of the exhibition is Night Coming Tenderly, Black. This exhibition can be found at the Whiteny Museum of American Art.  The artist of this exhibition is Dawoud Bey. There are approximate five even if it was dark or didn’t look that good photographs in this exhibition. The approximate dimensions are between 48x55in(12.19x139.7cm) and 44x55in(111.8x139.7cm). a lot of the photographs are of different angles of a farmhouse, one is a forest, and it has aa couple of images of a lake.  In the exhibition Bey’s main topic was “flight of enslaved Black Americans.” He was kind of focused on the journey that Black Americans would have to take just to get to the lake.  The lake was called Lake Errie and on the other side was Canada, after crossing lake into Canada Black Americans would be free. Bay uses these images that was safety places. This is a Bay turned into land scape photography exhibition.
 The two images I am going to be using is one of the farmhouses and a lake.   I chose the farmhouse even though it was used as a “safe house” it looked lonely, no freedom, and cramped (at least from this angle). It can kind of show how the Black Americans could have felt.  To me it would remind me back to when thy were slaves. It was kind of dark and the fence makes it seemed trapped. I am choosing the image of Lake Errie because it symbolized freedom. Even though in the photograph it looks dangerous, it’s not. They saw that passed the lake would be freedom. I can kind of picture myself looking out into the water and looking up at the sky and thinking and picturing freedom if almost there, we will be free. It brings a scared yet happy feeling in that image.
 I see these photographs and they have me thinking about “staying power” and has relevance to us today. Even though the photographs were taken in 2017 it made me feel like I was back in time. Theses are relevant today because in my opinion we take a lot of stuff for granted. This is a free country for everyone. I can’t imagine going through what Black Americans had to go through. They had to walk, hide, sneak, hoped not to get caught, and cross a river just to be free. Today we don’t have to run, hide, or do anything. It’s good that people got freedom. So, these photographs helped me see what it was like, to not take things for granted, and understand a piece of history.
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rose-pictures-2021 · 3 years
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place assignment  due 9/27
image 1: taken outside at midland beach(south beach), outdoors, public place, natural light, took on September 6
image 2:taken outside at midland beach (south beach), outdoors, public place  natural light, took on September 6
image 3:taken indoor, private place, backlight, took on September 26
image 4:tken indoor, private place, kind of has some muted color, taken on September 26
image 5: taken indoor, private place, mixed light, taken on September 26
image 6:taken indoor, private place, mixed light, no flash,  taken on September 26
image7: taken indoor, private place, with flash, mixed light, taken on September 26
image 8: taken outside, public place, south beach (midland beach),natural light, taken on September 6
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rose-pictures-2021 · 3 years
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 Top image 
From New York Times article
by Erica Deeman 
Bottom image
a view of part of the scenery at midland beach
taken by me 
Response to images
In the New York Times article the words talk about a person who wants to go somewhere just to breath or get to look at something new (weather its a new place or things that are new in that place). When  I  look at the image I see that the person is kind of happy. You can tell that because when you look at the image the person looks like they are sitting straight or enjoying the view of something new. It looks like the person is relaxed.
The images relate because everybody goes to or has there  place if they need a change or just need something different. Also everybody has a point, a place , and a time period  when they just need a place to run to when or if they feel the need. The second image is kind of my personal space to relax if  I feel like I need a change.
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