rosedere · 2 days
The Liyue Lotus and the Merchant from Snezhnaya (Pantalone x Fem Reader)
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MDNI +18
Cw: kidnapping, Stalking, non con elements, Graphic violence (later chapters), Yandere content *will update as the series goes
Cross posted on AO3
Part 1,Part 2,Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6,Part 7, Chapter 8: The lotus sailing into Port (you are here), Part 9, Part 10~
Synopsis: Unfortunately, The Regerator develops a fixation with you while you are working undercover for Yelan. And there’s no one who can get in his way of his prized Lotus.
You tell me you're the best I'll get
Just don't know how to treat you yet
You pin me down, I make you let
Me do what I like and baby you're mine
Even learned to like the way
I get so close to say your name
And baby we'll learn to ride that wave
You could give it time, you'd learn to be mine
You didn't realize how soon you were supposed to go to Snezhnaya.
But you didn't expect the next weekend that was already upon you. Naturally, you didn't know what you needed to prepare when you went to the most frigid region in all of Teyvat.
And worst your missing Bow and Vision were nowhere to be found, bothering Galina every day if she had found your vision only for her to insist it had been nowhere once more, you were going to be completely vulnerable in a new world.You tried telling yourself through the small panic that it probably was at most going to be similar to Pantalone's recent trip back to Liyue.
This was going to be a vacation at best; maybe you'll finally figure out what he was currently planning with his various branches of banks. And maybe he might grow tired enough of you to slip away.
But oddly enough you weren't finding him to be as unbearable as he was when he first decided to court you.
Pantalone's entire demeanor changed since he had come back from his business trip. The quaint smile you remember when you first crossed paths with him was back as he carried on with his duties in his office downstairs.
And to your surprise he would now allow you to wander the outside courtyard you barely knew existed, coming up with his work sometimes or just to read beside you on the bamboo benches underneath the tall trees.
Of course, his lone eye was watchful as you busied yourself with various hobbies Galina and Fedor had gotten you into as he sat in blissful silence with you.
You couldn't place your finger on what was making you feel off about his abrupt mood change, but every day since then he would also come to check on you.
Sighing to yourself you gave up trying at the task you were busying yourself with before bed by packing your things.
Abandoning the small bag filled with just the basics you could think of you looked back towards the bed briefly before you began to walk back downstairs.
Pantalone was only casually browsing some papers in the bed that you couldn't see, just assuming they were notes he was making to himself, his hair casually let down revealing the true length as you heard him scribbling on the paper.
Deciding not to bother him you only slipped out of the room entering the hallway.
Reaching the spiraling staircase you were beginning to descend, your foot on the lower step when you heard the pained hiss and groan from below you.
Your ears perked up at the sound you turned back towards Pantalone's open bedroom behind you making sure it wasn't him.
Only once more was he in his world scratching the document with his ink pen.
Deciding it probably was something you confused for the stairs you kept going down the stairs, your destination to once again bother Galina. 
At a third of the way down the sound once again was heard, this time very clearly.
“A -aaa h” 
Stopping in your footsteps you leaned over the guardrailing of the stairs staying hidden as you looked over. You couldn't see anything in the lower foyer but the hallway was brightly lit up, unusual for this time in the evening since most of the help would be in the kitchen or cleaning before bedtime came.
“I—is it bad ?” 
“ It's got to be bad if you aren't saying anything ” 
“Hold still Lina– I can't properly see with this ambient lighting ” 
Your eyes widen in realization, their voices sounding hushed and panicked from the usual formal tone they had around you gone.
“Did you inform the Lord harbinger?” 
“Of course not– This is more of an urgent matter anyway” 
“But Fedor that spy is trying to take (Name) to god knows where ”  
A pained groan was heard once more before the shushing from Fedor.
“Please Galina calm down, I will take care of it before we depart tomorrow back home”
“Right now I need to make sure the arrows didn't pierce your vitals ”  
“but what if she attacks you? That goddamn psycho woman almost killed m e ”
You didn't need to think too deeply about the words from the conversation you weren't supposed to be witnessing's actual meaning.
Starting to feel bad about what you had accused her of only weeks ago about not trying hard enough.
But you only let your frown take over as you realized the stakes once more in this highly complicated infiltration.
Deciding it was best to withdraw with your new knowledge you returned up the stairs assuming you'd see Pantalone back at his desk writing diligently.
But a thankful surprise was instead waiting there. 
At the desk was the silhouette of your boss and roommate sifting through the journal he had been occupying most of his time filling out when he wasn't focusing on you.
You took a few footsteps to approach before you saw the blue and white flash beside you grazing your cheek.
The damp spot turned to frost as you gazed at it with your fingertips before it bled out little rivets of scarlet.
“You're losing it (name)” Yelan chuckled before flickering her deep sapphire eyes at you standing in the middle of your bedroom.
“well maybe if I was back on the field I'd be strong as ever” You pouted your lip, “You know I lost some vitamins since pretending to be his girlfriend?”
Yelan only raised a brow at you, noticing her face you realized she had certainly been roughing someone up by the few scratches she had on her neck and hand.
“Hopefully he wasn't poisoning you or anything; I'll have to get you checked out by Dr. Baizhu once we get back to the safe house” She muttered to herself.
“Wait? Like today?”
I'm finally free? 
“Of course; He murdered all of my operatives that bastard— and if what I'm reading is true…” she shook her head.
“W-wait but I can't leave yet I haven't found my vision or my bow yet,” you said to her looking over to where your bed was
“I had it and I lost it a few days ago; I have zero idea where it could have gone” you panicked.
“Unfortunately you're going to have to abandon them for now; the Fatui are all leaving this fortress tomorrow to Sneznyhaya we can retrieve them after they leave” Yelan reassured you putting a hand on your shoulder.
“Come on; let's get out of here before he realizes I'm not down in the dungeon he has” She grabbed your evening dress sleeve pulling you towards the balcony; you didn't have any shoes but if it meant your freedom you assumed you could handle a few rough pebbles as you and yelan ran off towards the open balcony.
“Lián !” 
You paused but Yelan only pulled you along by your dark navy sleeves.
Fedor was standing in the entrance with his sacral blades out around his form.
“Hurry! This is our only chance!” Yelan pulled harder on your sleeve almost ripping the delicate fabric.
Your eyes flicked back at Fedor for a moment; you had spent so much time with him and Galina but your freedom to go home was finally here.
Desperately you flashed a look of apology before running along with Yelan towards the balcony.
“Lord Harbinger The target has Lián!” You heard Fedors deep voice call from behind the paper screen panels lined across the balcony.
Yelan got up first over the railing, grabbing your hand you tried to get yourself up on the railing, but every time you tried your bare feet couldn't get a grip only causing you to slip under the sleek metal.
Desperately you tried to lift yourself into the metal. Finally feeling defeated you found some success in grabbing the railing hoisting yourself up and semi heavy gown you'd pick for the night.
“Grab on tightly (name) I've never used my glider with two people before” Yelan grabbed your hands placing them around her waist.
You tried not to look down; despite being inside a cave the drop was still at least as tall as a skyscraper below in the carved rocky surface below.
Closing your eyes you braced for the drop as Yelan jumped and began to glide.
Trying to resist the urge to kick you held on so tight to Yelans curved waist you thought you were going to squeeze the life out of her as you felt the cool breeze around your bare feet.
The sound of chatter and banter coming from the balcony growing distant from behind your billowing hair from the small draft in the cave opening coming slowly into view.
You began to squint as the choppy wind began to subside now smoothly gliding forward down out of the tall cave mouth.
Calming a bit you busied yourself with looking down at the passing clouds and the small amount of fog forming from below the mountain.
“Yelan what happens now?” You asked still holding onto her tightly.
“Well first things first we're not going to the Harbor— those rats are going to try to swarm and search for you over there before they decide to check in the mountains,” she said still focusing on gliding down towards the opening.
“And of course, our home is off limits for a bit— were going to take you to Chenyu Vale near Fontaine so if they do find you at least it's going to be hell for them to get into the village” Yelan dropped a little lower finally reaching the mouth.
Your stomach dropping now being completely in the sky with no ground in sight for meters on any side of you.
“Darn, I thought I could make sure all my snacks were still in my stash and not in the stomach of a certain Official I'm riding on” you teased. 
“Tch– your snacks are all in the cupboard, I've mainly been running around doing what you and the trio used to do,” Yelan said.
After a bit of gliding through the tall mountains that made up the Mt. Aocang Yelan began to glide down slightly.
“Man this is a workout I wasn't expecting to make but at least we're away from That spiraling battle palace that rich guy has” Yelan sighed to herself.
“I see a flat patch of ground there maybe we can stop,” you said pointing towards a flat plain below the two of you.
Taking your advice Yelan began to gracefully glide down towards the quiet grassland.
Your feet were firmly planted to the ground as you both landed.
Of course, you practically fell forward onto the grassy knoll below you as you sighed in relief.
Yelans laugh once again becoming a melody that would be familiar to you as she stood over you.
“Yeah definitely once we get you back to work you're going to do some stamina training once again–” Yelan teased before she stood next to you.
Groaning you only peeked up at her.
“ugh anything but that— I’ll admit maybe thats the only thing I'll miss about pretending to be his girlfriend” You sprawled yourself on the grass.
“Speaking of, now what do we do about him? Since there's no more intel on him what are we going to do” you casually asked.
Yelan looked in the distance at the starry sky beginning to form above the both of you.
“well I did find a lot of stuff when I broke into his estate— Him and the Knave and Il Dottore are all in cahoots together,” She said scratching her chin for a moment.
“He was the one responsible for the attempted infiltration to become the new Tianshu— he even admitted to getting his agent to flee and hide out in the place you were staying out before secretly letting him slip back to Snezhnaya” 
“Woah so he has his secret agents working with him?” You narrowed your eyes.
“If what I read was true; he's got a whole prison down there in the mountain,” Yelan said
You shuddered remembering everything you had seen down in the mountain after following the mountain water stream.
“So did he ever mention me? Was I good enough at hiding my identity” you asked rolling in the grass to lay on your back.
Yelan only stayed silent looking back up at the sky for a moment.
“Come on!!! I thought I did a good job I even pretended to have feelings for him and everything”  You punched the side of her leg from where you lay.
“Maybe too good of a job (name)” Yelan lowly said
“What do you mean?” You snorted not picking up on how tense Yelan had become.
“Do you really wanna know?” Yelan said to you.
“I mean yeah I wanna know if you're going to torture me and force me to become someone's lover again” you bickered, “it was already difficult since he kind of looks like him if he was younger” 
Yelan flinched at the mention.
“You still think about that traitor?”  Yelan scoffed 
“He was probably going to turn on all of us and do what that damn Harbinger did to all our shadows” Yelan coldly said, not an ounce of compassion she usually had
You frowned looking up at her now.
“How dare you say that— we were a team and he was going to Abandon the Fatui and work with us permanently” 
Your words however only went into the empty void of the sky as Yelan began to keep gazing out towards the rolling hills surrounding both of you.
“Well I'm all rested now; we should hurry towards the Vale before the Fatui follow my energy” Yelan gestured to her back getting ready to walk off the edge of the hill.
You only quietly followed grabbing onto her waist once more getting a sturdy grip onto her before you both took off down the mountain once more.
It was after midnight when you both crossed the unofficial border towards Chenyu Vale. The lights and different water that flowed through the secluded mountains were otherwordly, different turquoise and deep reds were all around the two of you as you both were gliding down.
Only occasionally coming here once every 4 years to do errands it was a welcomed sight to the horrible trip to Snezhnaya he had probably planned for you.
Most likely selling you off to someone as the human trade in that region was high in demand .
Shuddering at the thought you only focused on the close-approaching the wooden planks of the small boat dock near the main village you and Yelan had been to before.
“you glad to see something that isn't mountains,” Yelan asked you as she landed with grace onto the open landing.
Trying to shake your legs awake you only merely nodded, rubbing your calves in discomfort.
“I just can't wait to see a bed; way past my bedtime” you murmured as you began to observe your surroundings.
“Well, follow me; Thankfully we aren't that far from the room you'll be staying in” Yelan gestured for you to follow.
Both of you weaved past the few people in the stony streets, some people still roaming around due to the weather and the clear skies as you both walked almost to the edge of the village towards a small run-down house.
“I'm not going to lie it's not the best quality but Once Dr. Baizhu checks you out and makes sure you're clear you can come back to our home in a new disguise” Yelan smiled.
You only observed the small run-down house, it was a step down from what you had been staying in.
Grabbing onto the creaky rickety door you walked in to see a cozy one room; one bed beside the window and a small stove and bathroom on the side of the house; nothing too special from what you had seen in the harbor.
Reminding yourself this was temporary as you plopped onto the bed sprawling yourself over the stiff mattress.
“Ah~” you let out a sigh of relief as you rolled onto your side.
“I still can't believe this is real— I thought I was going to be married off officially in Snezhnaya tomorrow” You stretched your legs letting yourself get comfortable on the bamboo mattress below your body.
You looked up to see yelan looking back at you with a small smile on her face.
“And I'm glad that at least I was able to rescue you from the trio,” she said before going towards the small 4x4 table near the stove and sitting on top of the small oak stool.
“You should get some rest (Name) I'll just be on watch here just in case Pantalone and his little pitiful guards come by again” She let her feet stretch underneath the table leaning with one arm folded on top of the table.
“I will but I can't sleep without you being here too,” you said propping your arm up on the bed.
“Like I said maybe once we go back home we can but for now” she looked over her shoulder towards the window.
“I gotta be on the job” she smiled at you.
Once more you practically had no recollection of how you fell asleep.
Or how long...
But you were being carried in someone's arms.
You couldn't open your groggy eyes but you heard the sound of something opening akin to a window maybe.
Before falling asleep you did fall asleep right next to the wide gated window you calmed down realizing it was probably Yelan closing the window before she crawled into bed herself.
The arms around you did feel like her after all.
You lazily swatted turning away from whoever was holding you.
But your sense came to you when you realized you weren't in your bed; the fabric around you was similar to a sheet.
And heavily insulated.
“Ye…?” You mumbled with barely functioning lips.
“Hmm? Oh, are you finally waking up?” 
The voice was not Yelan.
But neither was anyone you'd heard around you either; Their voice was hearty and light with a hint of a fontainian accent.
“Yelan?” You asked once more in your groggy voice, your eyes were still heavy with sleep however leaving you to just see the spaces your eyes created.
“You must be silent Lián– If that spy woman notices anything is amiss We might not make the ship in time” 
Oh no
You carefully let your eyes flutter open just enough to see a slit view of whoever was carrying you against their chest.
You could see a dark ebony hood over her snow-white hair peeking from underneath her hood.
Her face was obscured by a dark black mask, adorned was what seemed to be her darl red eyes.
Looking inside of the now cracked window where you were just sleeping in.
You froze.
This had to be an assassin from the Fatui ,no way was this associated with Liyue. 
You only shut your eyes tighter. When trying to think of anything to save yourself an irrational thought occurs.
Maybe if you make yourself heavy you could fall from the woman's grasp, she was only barely holding onto you anyway as she was balancing out of the window trying to shut it at the same time as holding you in her arms.
Concentrating you tried making yourself heavy in her arms; she didn't budge now but you knew if you let yourself stay heavy she would either drop you or just give up.
“The coast is clear” she whispered.
You felt yourself jolt up.
Was she flying? 
You felt yourself being transported in the early morning winds.
Despite the urge to try to open your eyes, you kept them closed only experiencing your trip through sounds and smell as you heard the two of you fly through the night.
A soft thud indicating you both landed was how you knew you were not in the small sleepy village anymore.
The sound of water rushing was all you heard like the oppressive sound of waves crashing at sea.
This time you knew exactly who was calling you from somewhere behind you.
“Galina— please allow me” The timbre tipped you off who it was exactly.
A precession of footsteps came from out of nowhere around you and the woman holding you.
You tried to relax your breathing pretending you were still asleep, or at the very least unconscious.
“Oh? I didn't realize how popular your beloved lotus was” your feminine kidnapper said to Pantalone somewhere in front of both of you.
“trust me when I say it was an unexpected ambush by the Tianquan of Liyue's eyes, Snatched away and taken to a dump of a town for god knows why” Pantalone snickered.
“Maybe she was going to be a bargaining chip,” Your kidnapper said extending their arms into Pantalone's feeling the weight transfer now in Pantalone's arms.
“Perhaps; but if it's who I think it was the vendetta that woman has against me knows no bounds” Pantalone replied.
Silence for a moment from what you could hear.
“Are you heading back to Snezhnaya? To the capital of course,” the woman asked.
“Yes, I decided to immediately go from here to the port before That spy tries to harm my lotus once more” You felt his gloved hands run a finger over your rustled hair as he said this.
“You need not worry Knave, I will not back out my word— the funds agreed upon for the children and the house of hearth will be immediately released by the bank once we arrive” 
“I thank you for your kind patronage,” Pantalone said once more.
“Bon voyage Regerator” She said, the sound of heels hitting the wooden planks below away from the group near you.
Now was a good time to pretend to wake up.
Fluttering your eyelashes open you now were greeted with a dock that you weren't familiar with. The water was reminiscent of Chenyu Vale but was more Blue and clear.
The grass was not the same as the familiar grass from Liyue.
And of course to confirm your worst fears was Pantalone looking down softly at you; his hair tied back into a neat bun and his heavy insulated cloak around his body.
A whole squad of fatuus on each side of both of you from what little you could see over their shoulders.
The urge to widen your eyes in silent shock was suppressed when you realized the ship you were supposed to board tomorrow was also on the horizon.
“Pantalone?” You managed to say.
“Where am I?” 
Instead of answering your question, however, he only began to walk towards the luxury liner in front of the small dock.
Feeling every step underneath he crossed the dock towards the unloading ramp only feet away from you as he brought you inside the small vessel.
It was around daybreak when you sailed from the small port near Fontaine.
Pantalone had left you in his private chambers; once again lying on the plush mattress facing the enormous wrap-around window.
You were defeated.
It seemed like this morning would have been spent going back to your small run-down upstairs room with Yelan.
The sunrise was pretty however, you thought to yourself.
You still haven't changed from your dress; mostly since you weren't sure where any of your things were.
A lurch was felt in your abdomen.
You clutched your stomach instinctively.
A feeling akin to butterflies was beginning to burn into your lower abdomen wall near your pelvis.
Now rolling yourself into a ball as the sensation began you assumed the worst— you had never been on a ship as long as this one before maybe you were getting motion sick.
But as much as you laid in your form under the dark amethyst silk sheets you realized it wasn't hurting.
Just a small flutter.
You heard the heavy metal door behind you swing open.
“Lián?” The familiar sing-song voice was heard.
You unsprawled yourself looking over your shoulder; Galina was holding a tray of a simple breakfast, some fruit, and a glass of water. 
However, you were more concerned about the bandages on her arms and shoulders.
Yelan must have gone in on her from the way Galina struggled to walk over to your bedside.
“I didn't realize you would be awake” She smiled from underneath the mask.
“Thank goodness my timing is impeccable even under the Hydro archons region,” She said leaving the tray on top of the desk furthest from the bed near a small wardrobe similar to the layout of his home in Liyue.
“Were in Fontaine?” You asked with alarm.
“Of course, Thankfully your kidnapper was dumb enough to take you near the Knave's territory; a little small favor to them and they brought you back safely home” Galina smiled to herself as she sat herself in the desk chair firmly bolted to the ground with nails.
You smiled masking your unease by trying to get up off the bed.
Momentarily you forgot the weird sensation in your stomach until you felt it once more when you went to retrieve the tray.
“Are you alright Lián?” Galina asked from where she was sitting.
“Not sure—” you dismissed waving with your hand.
“I think my stomach is trying to be seasick despite only being a few meters away from the dock still” you smiled to yourself.
Grabbing a hold of the tray before returning to the side of the bed grabbing for the piece of Sunsetta sitting on the furthest corner.
The door was once again opened; this time being faced with Pantalone as he entered the room.
“Oh? Am I interrupting something” 
“No, I was just sitting for a moment before I headed back” Galina began to get up from the chair, slightly hissing from the speed at which she got up.
“Galina I told you it was fine to rest during the Voyage— you defended with honor during the attempted kidnapping” Pantalone smiled interlacing his fingers together.
“I know, I just wanted to be sure Lián was safe” She finally steadied herself before brushing her cloak off.
“Besides, I won't see her for a while once we return” 
“Wait what? Are you leaving” you asked with surprise dropping the half-eating Sunsetta in the tray.
“ah– yes I'm taking a temporary leave along with Fedor once we reach the port of Snezhnaya” Galina responded meekly.
“But don't worry! Once you get to the palace you will see us again” She smiled.
Suddenly they both began discussing something unrelated to the conversation leaving you to sit with your thoughts as the boat began to rock slowly, the flutter beginning to grow intense with each bite of the fruit.
Patting your stomach helped you enjoy the rest of your meal sitting next to the warm sunlight hitting your backside.
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rosedere · 2 days
The Antique Pearl (Ghost! Azul Ashengrotto x fem reader)
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CW: Soft Yandere, NRC is a university AU, implied sex (later chapters), Mentions of Ghosts
Summary: You find a job along the large network of piers on Sage’s Island, but you didnt know you would catch the attention of a ghost who lives in your small Thrift shop you manage.
Cross posted on AO3 as well! :D
Chapters: 1. Job hunt (you are here), Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13,
“So (name) found a job yet?”
You scowled in response dropping your perfectly manicured brow in a scrunch before flipping your hand out at Ace across from you at the table.
"Hey, have you found a girlfriend yet?” You sarcastically replied.
“You answer first,” your fiery red-head friend said now smiling before letting his hand rest under his chin.
“I’m going to say no for my answer,” you answered, rolling your eyes. “And I’m going to assume it’s a no for you too,” you smirked.
"Oi, I’m just asking because no one’s called me back yet, and I’d rather die than work in the dining hall all semester with Ortho and Grim,” he said, swirling his spoon in his brightly colored sundae.
Ace Trappola was one of your five friends you talked to on a regular basis, mostly because you all attended the same prestigious college on Sage’s island, unintentionally forming the “freshman group” some people nicknamed in lectures, half of you at first werent friends with each other only sitting next to each other in the same classes you shared. 
But then the familiarity in the large university got everyone to begin to talk to one another. You being the oldest out of the group and the only "ma'am,” you practically kept the group knitted together.
You and Ace were the first two of the friends from your group to arrive at your usual hangout spot, a diner tucked away next to the docks and piers, with various boats lining the way.
Epel had said he and Jack were almost there, while Duece wasn’t going to arrive until later, after his interview wrapped up on the other side of the harbor. Sebek wasn’t here yet, but knowing him, he was probably still asleep and would come rushing in 20 minutes later, cursing Silver's name for not waking him up on time who was also most likely asleep against the headboard of their shared dorm.
"Well, it seems like we gotta do another walk around the pier today,” you declared to no one in particular.
Ace looked over at you with the shit-eating grin he always had when he had a remark in mind. Your face immediately forming a frown.
“Maybe they’ll take pity on us if you say you're a single mom,” Ace cheekily said.
“I know you were screwing around, but I think that might be my next sales pitch.” You sighed.
Defeated, you looked out the window, absentmindedly eating a crispy fry from the blue basket in front of the both of you.
However, before you could look out and daydream while watching the same ten seagulls glare at you from outside the rope-lined pier, a blur of green and blue passed your line of sight.
Confused about what you had just seen, you looked out the window towards the entrance of the diner to see on the otherside of the entrance Jack and Epel casually walking in, opposite from where the flash of green was charging at an immense speed.
Then you heard the crash.
Ace finally caught on to what just happened, but you were still trying to figure out how fast Deuce and Sebek were running to knock Jack completely over into a decorated potted plant near the entrance of the diner.
“I WON THAT ONE DEUCE; LOOK, MY FOOT IS OVER THE ENTRANCE THRESHOLD,” your green-haired friend huffed, scrambling to get up.
Deuce, however, was completely flustered, realizing he was sprawled over Epel, who looked at the two of them with a huff.
“Epel, are you okay?” Your beastman friend said aloud, pushing the loud green-haired boy off of him.
“Yeah, let’s just get inside before we have to pay for the damages,” Epel told the three of them, getting up.
The delightful shipyard bell above the door signaled the rest of your group's arrival.
Of course, looking over to Ace, you could tell he was already cooking up a fierce roast to throw at Deuce and Sebek as they quickly took their seats at the circular booth you and Ace were sitting at.
Feeling the violent shift in the red pleather curved booth from the weight of Jack and Sebek taking their seats first before Epel and Duece squeezed into their usual spots at the end of the booth, leaving you and Ace sitting together as usual.
“So what in the otome was up with that?” Ace teased 
“I’m pretty sure there was going to be an overlay of pink cherry blossoms over Epel and Jack, with a dialogue box popping up over that scene outside,” Ace giggled.
“I’d say you should ask those two; we were just walking when we got trampled.” Jack gestured towards Sebek and Deuce.
“He started it! I was just running from the heartslaybul dorm when Sebek started to run after me, charging me,” Duece wined before grabbing a fry from the basket and rubbing his elbows.
“I WAS SIMPLY TRYING TO CATCH UP TO YOU, BUT YOU KEPT RUNNING PAST ME,” Sebek said with his usual booming voice.
For a moment, you all bantered, catching up with each other since you had all been on break after the spring semester ended.
But with the summer semester starting up again, you all reunited last week on the mostly empty campus.
"Oh, right before we get too distracted, did anyone find a job yet?” You asked everyone around the table.
Everyone around the table sighed.
"Okay, I guess we can safely say what we’re going to do after lunch,” you sighed.
“TO BE FAIR, I HEARD FROM SILVER THAT THERE ARE JOBS OFF CAMPUS,” Sebek once again yelled to you all, causing Epel to cover his ear.
"Yeah, but not at the pier; I don’t want to work on a farm anymore,” Epel said, twirling his hair with a perfectly manicured nail. “Vil would never let me live that one down if he found out,” he sighed.
Just as soon as all of your banter began, it silenced once the waitress came around to get everyone’s order before retreating back to the kitchen.
"Well, I mean, there’s still 14 more days until our deadline; who knows, maybe there might be more jobs today,” you enthusiastically announced, trying to motivate your friends.
They all still remained unmotivated, however, until Duece spoke up.
"Yeah, that is true (name). The summer carnival is coming up soon, around the middle of the month. We can get guaranteed jobs then." Duece then proceeded to reach towards the basket of fries in the middle of the table.
Of course, Ace quickly pushed the basket to the side, leaving poor Deuce to just grab the air where the fry would be.
“H-hey!” Duece exclaimed, staring down at Ace, who was now passing the fries to everyone at the table except for Duece.
You knew today was going to be the start of an eventful summer day with your friends compared to last semester.
The walk down the longest pier on the island was becoming more and more familiar to the five of you all.
Ace leading the group, followed by Duece and Sebek, who follow close behind the bright, vermillion-haired boy, with Jack and Epel behind those two in front of you, close to the end of the group.
So far, it seemed there were more for hire signs out today, which you all went to eagerly fill out the applications or took a break from the heat to fill out online applications on your phones.
“Hey Ace haven’t we already been down this way today?” Duece spoke up, looking around at the surrounding colorful stalls.
"Yeah, we have, but you never know, maybe the churro stand might be hiring,” Ace said, looking off towards the horizon.
“She’s not interested, Ace,” Epel replied softly.
Ace abruptly stops almost tripping duece, and Sebek following far too close behind the stunned boy.
“How would you know, Epel?” 
Epel made a sly expression in response.
“Because I banged her last night,” he casually threw out. Everyone giggling around Epel.
"Yeah, and I banged your mom last night, and she wasn’t interested at first,” Ace wiped at his nose.
The laughter and “oh snaps” that erupted from the boys in front of you was blusterous. You could only stand there shaking your head thinking about how Epel had walked into that one; everyone knew saying anything to the fast-thinking Ace was literal suicide unless you beat him to the punch.
As you took the opportunity to take the lead of the group, you were faced with a crossroad you called it on the sprawling pier as you kept walking ahead.
You had all been up and down the straight path of the creaky,hole-ridden path leading to the end of the entertainment district of the pier. 
However, there was a left path of pier leading to the street that had old buildings lined up that you don’t think you’d ever walked towards, or at least never really paid any attention to.
As you walked down the street, you could see the contrast from the weathered wooden scape that was the pier to the rustic, whimsical coastal buildings lined with various boutiques, restaurants, and residential buildings, all in unique shapes but mostly in the same weathered red and sun-faded blue.
But as you strolled along, a building like none other you’ve seen on the street appeared before you.
A two-story building between an abandoned lot and a tourist gift shop seemed to be one of the original buildings that were built here since Sages Island was founded. It had what you’d call a Victorian Seashell aesthetic going on, being a dusty lavender color either from the sun hitting the paint for so many years or just needing a new paint job on the entire outdoor building. 
Your eyes next followed the side of the building, where a big sign was hanging on the side of the window in the shape of a clam shell with a pearl in the middle and neon lights lining the design.
“The Antique Pearl” was what the sign letters read as you got closer to the building on the street.
Remembering your group of friends, you turned to look around for your friends to make sure they were following behind. 
They were a considerable distance from you, seemingly going back to their previous roast session they had started while you were busy looking at the building.
Walking up to the building, briskly closing the distance between the buildings, and passing an ally where a lonesome black-railed staircase led up to the business that was above the shop, you finally reached the storefront window.
You expected to see a display in the window, but instead were greeted with a look into the actual interior of the place.
Racks and racks of various sizes and lengths were littered around the cool blue-toned lighting, and the various clothes were packed tightly together like sardines in a can.
You looked towards the wall, which was a circular rack. The clothes seemed to catch your eye, but suddenly the back of a man was seen blocking the particular patch of clothes you were about to examine. 
Normally you wouldn’t think much about it, but the way this particular man looked and dressed was definitely different.
He wore a pristine, crisp white dress shirt with black and purple suspenders holding his dark dress pants. His hair was as silver as a full moon, giving him an ethereal look. It was styled in a neatly trimmed undercut, from what you could tell.
To you, he was incredibly handsome; despite just seeing the backside of him, you could tell his face was probably as defined as his back looked. 
A chill arose from your back, causing you to shake. It was very out of place since it had to be at least 33 degrees Celsius outside under the June sun.
Looking around to see if you were maybe in the shade to verify why the sudden drop in temperature was only met with no rational answer.
You thought to yourself that it might be anemia, looking back at the man you assumed was an employee.
He was now standing still, stopping his task of presumably hanging clothes. Ever so hesitantly, his head turned towards the window you were staring in from.
Crap you must have been checking him out for too long, worriedly thought.
As much as you wanted to back away and run back to the pier where your friends were probably looking for you, a force was the best way you could describe it; it kept you firmly planted in place in front of the window you were peeking through.
Maybe fear? Maybe curiosity kept you there to see the handsome strangers full face.
Distinctly, the first thing you noticed was his very beautiful side profile, a very boxy-like jawline giving him a very masculine, mature look, making you assume he had to be in his twenties if not older than you, a pair of glasses framing his face, and his unmistakable aquamarine eyes highlighting his recessive features.
You weren’t sure how long you sat there staring at this poor random employee, but he didn’t look annoyed at you staring at him. In the moment, you couldn’t place exactly what the expression was, but it felt like he was trying to figure out if you were staring at him or not. Just as gradual of a time he took to turn around, he twinkled a grin across his pretty lips, revealing what you think was a beauty mark placed on the left side of his chin.
Trying to contain the wildfire of blush running wild on your cheeks, you gave him a polite smile back.
Yeah, I'm so getting the cops called on me.
Unfortunately, before you could soak the image of the man into your memory, a sudden hand was placed on your bare shoulders.
Gasping quickly, you were greeted by someone who wasn’t your friend but strangely looked familiar to you.
He was tall with teal hair, and one strand of black hair lazily sat over his right eye, which was strangely a piercing yellow color while his other eye was a darker color. It also didn’t help that he also had a few lip and face piercings, giving him a distinctive look about the young man. Wearing a suit with a dusky lavender shade as the shop was, you couldn’t help but stare at how tall he was compared to you as he smiled down on you in a cool smile.
“I noticed you were staring very intently at the sign." The mysterious man gestured in front of him.
You didn’t even notice, but in front of you, slightly higher than your forehead, was a sign. 
“Now hiring immediate spot open.”
“Oh—I uh was,” you said, clearing your throat.
You found out his name is Jade.
He also attends the university you and your friends go to, along with his brother.Jade tells you this as he takes you into the vast building. 
Jade interviews you in front of the cash register over a glass case where the jewelry that was sort of valuable stayed in.
“So just curious, but why hasn’t anyone applied for store manager yet, if I may ask Jade?” You casually said leaning against the case,
“Because of where the shop currently resides, not a lot of locals come this way, leaving only tourists and the few that do know about our store,” Jade replied. Initially, when you found out that it was a thrift shop, you were surprised, mainly by the fact that you’d never heard of it before in the year you’ve been studying here for school.
“That does make sense—I guess,” being satisfied with the answer you received.
“So (name), what day would you like to start? I’ll unfortunately won’t be able to get your lodging accommodations ready immediately, but—“ 
“Hang on to lodging accommodations?” Your eyes almost bugged out. You were aware you’d pretty much have owner responsibilities, but having a free place to live was an instant success in your book.
“I thought I told you after the questions." Jade tilted his head in curiosity. 
“Here, I can actually show you,” he said, leaning over the glass counter across from you, making a beeline through the cramped space next to the register of vintage clothes.
The floorboards creaked and groaned under the weight of you both walking on them, feeling the vibrations as you eventually reached an employee entrance tucked behind a couple of rooms that you couldn’t quite look into as you passed by. The dark oak stairs were slightly dusty, seeming like no one had been through here in years as you went up the thick wooden stairs behind Jade.
The stairs weren’t well lit, but the beautiful vintage light fixtures seemed to be in need of new lightbulbs.
Jade stopped at the top of what looked like a sturdy house door with intricate wooden engravings of shells on the outside and a golden mail slot that had a scratched off name plate and electrical box on the right side of the crème walls wrapping around the landing.
After a few moments of him fiddling with the rusted, dark ebony key, the door finally opened, kicking up the stagnant air that had presumably been trapped there for years as he held the door open for you to enter.
Now, you weren’t at all one of those ghost and superstition kinds of people, but immediately upon entering the space, it felt creepy.
It was probably how dark the space was to assume there probably hadn’t been running electricity in this particular area in years hell, even decades from the faint piles of dust you could see between the thick boards above what you assumed was the window. 
“One moment (name)” Jade quickly went towards the breaker in the hallway.
A few flickers and the sound of electricity filled the room until they flickered on, revealing what was hidden in the darkness.
The floor beneath you is a deep cherrywood color, with a few coats of dust gracing the antique floorboards leading all the way into what was a very spacious kitchen that seemed mostly untouched, besides a few vintage knick-knacks and cooking books laying on the counters. 
A small hallway with three dark oak doors with old shaggy carpet started past the end of the kitchen, leading to where the room you'd be staying in was. 
Jade definitely wasn't kidding about how much dissaray the loft was in, but to you, if it was just a perk for working here, why complain anyway?
“So this whole loft is where I'll be staying, or just the room?” You questioned Jade, turning towards him and standing beside the entrance door.
“Everything here will be yours." Jade answered, “My brother and I live on campus at the Octavinelle dorm after all.”
Figures you thought of hearing the mention of the prestigious dorm name.
You took a moment to excitedly think about where you were going to place the few things you owned in the deserted loft.
Since you came later in the semester, you were put in a last-minute dorm that was in an old building called the Ramshackle Building. It certainly wasn’t as spacious as this place was, with only a small twin bed and wardrobe to your name in your room, and a very small mini fridge was all you had in your dorm compared to your friends, who had a literal bathroom and private suite to themselves.
This was a blessing to have a whole place free for exchange to work and take care of a beautiful vintage thrift store.
“So does the job seem enticing enough (name)? We'd hope you can accept our offer; we’ve been in dire need for the position to be filled after all." Jade smiled, putting a hand to his heart.
Without even thinking, you instantly agreed. 
“I can start as soon as you need me,” you said with no hesitation.
Jade gave you a reassuring smile before reaching for your hand in a professional handshake.
Following him out of the loft, however, another sudden chill ran up your spine, forcing you to look around once more before you 
Surprised couldn’t even be the right word to describe how you felt when you went downstairs and saw your group of friends in front of the counter joking with... well
He wore the exact same work uniform as Jade, the same colored hair, and the same exact black streak over their different colored eyes.
Ace seemed to be joking around with him while Duece and Epel were looking at the sports equipment leaning on a wall next to a bunch of tall displays with mannequins in colorful outfits. Jack and Sebek were talking next to a couple of book shelves near where Duece and Epel were seemingly discussing something about a book on the shelf Jack was looking at while Sebek seemingly was giving his opinion about, well, something you couldn’t hear from that far.
As soon as you got a few footfalls away from the glass counter where you had conducted your interview, Ace immediately perked up at the sight of you.
“(Name)! Thank God Duece wasn’t lying; we thought you went missing,” Ace said, waving at you.
The Jade look alike looked in your direction.
Looking at him closer, you could tell he was definitely not Jade at all but a lookalike; his eye shape was more droopier than Jade's upturned eye shape, giving him a bit more of an exaggerated appearance; he also did not have the lip piercings or the distinct piercings on his eyebrows like Jade had.
Walking over to Ace, you quickly grabbed his shoulder, pulling his ear close to you.
"Ace, who is that?”
You subtly gestured to Discount Jade in front of the two of you.
Ace was about to speak when Jade came around from the back of the employee area, giving you the paperwork for you as a new hire he promised once you went down the stairs.
"Oh, did I forget to tell you about my brother?” he asked innocently.
You only stared at Jade in bewilderment now, staring at the two of them side by side.
Discount Jade starts to laugh a wheezy, creaky laugh, definitely sounding the complete opposite of the brother you met.
“So this is our new storekeeper? What a cute little thing.” 
“Hey! (Name) isn’t cute, they're ugly." Ace spoke up, puffing his cheek.
You only slapped his shoulder with all your might, causing him to wince in return, causing the discount Jade and Jade to laugh in unison.
“I’m going to make a wild guess and assume you two are identical twins,” you remarked.
Discount Jade only smiled at you while Jade laid out the paperwork in front of where you were standing.
"Hey, wait a minute, you got a job (name)?” Ace blurted it out.
"No, fair. I want to work with (name) and Floyd." He pouted
"Unfortunately, we only had one position to fill. If we see (name) bring more business to the shop, however, we will keep you in mind." Jade simply smiled.
Contently, you signed the paperwork Jade gave you, filling out your information as best as you could, while Ace and Floyd continued talking to each other besides you.
You had to check something you had on your phone, prompting you to pull your phone up from your shorts back pocket and fish it out.
Usually, as most of the time you would do this routine, on the ebony screen, you’d catch a glimpse of your face, a random reflection from the ceiling above, or even your unflattering double chin looking down towards you before you’d power it on and see your screensaver and passcode screen.
This time wasn’t like the last few times.
Looking at your phone's dark screen reflection caused you to audibly gasp, turning around quickly. This abrupt reaction made Floyd, Ace, and Jade look at you in curiosity.
Although you completely expected to see the well-dressed man behind you, there was no one there behind you that matched the handsome stranger's appearance.
You knew you saw his face behind your shoulder peeking over at you; those eyes were so unmistakable, you knew it had to be that man.
“Are you okay, (name)?" Jade furrowed his brow.
“Yeah, it happens when you have a face like that and look at your reflection." Ace mimicked your voice before Floyd and Ace erupted into laughter, immediately melting the tension you felt and replacing it with rage as you slapped his thin arm again, leaving a red sting on his flesh.
After finishing the paperwork without further incident, you were officially hired. Your group of friends was overall supportive as you told them all the details about your first day being Monday, giving you all the weekend to hang out before you had to attend your first gig.
The rest of the evening, you all walked the entire boardwalk as the sun set for the evening, prompting you all to go home for the night.
But you, however, are too excited to immediately go home to your dorm.
Remembering the directions you took to get to your new job and future home, you’d approached the dimly lit building. It looked different at night; the streetlights illuminated the inside of the sprawling thrift store.
You stopped walking to admire the building in its entirety, as you did when you first ran into it.
The top floor where the loft was that you’d walk into was completely dark, which made sense since, because of how boarded up the windows were, they were not allowing any moonlight in nor streetlights.
Staring at the window in the middle that you assumed was the living room window you’d observed when you walked in viewing the lonely loft.
However, the longer you looked, the more you swore you heard something.
Bringing your attention to the street to make sure you weren’t in the way you looked around you.
Tap tap tap 
The sound was soft but enough to drive you crazy—was someone walking from the opposite direction or was something on the verge of diving out of your purse you had wrapped around your shoulder?
That damned chill ran up your spine for the third time today, causing you to wrap your arms around yourself. You’d have to remember to bring a jacket when you came to work on Monday since it seemed like it was a cold spot in town. Most likely due to being close to the waterfront, you thought.
Abruptly, you paused when you heard humming.
A soft humming of a tune that sounded very melodious, very vintage
The tapping sound was accompanying the cold hum, but you finally realized where the sound was coming from.
Inside the dark store, the stranger from before was walking towards you, emerging from the shadowy ultramarine hues and the lack of lighting cast on the worn wooden boards.
His striking azure eyes were all you saw as he emerged from the back of the store. His polished, well-taken-care-of dress shoes made a tapping sound as he walked towards you at a crawling pace, humming the tune as he took an agonizingly slow step forward.
He still looked very attractive now that you could see his flawless features up close...
The trance you were in was immediately broken as soon as you realized he was walking to the front door.
Where you currently were standing.
In a panic, you wasted no time finally moving your legs out of the way of the door before he’d open it and ask you what you were doing there, most likely.
As you bolted down the road, you didn’t turn around once, afraid of, god knows what, him running behind you. Getting in trouble for trespassing since you were just standing around.
You never got randomly anxious like that before.
collapsing outside your delapidaed dorm, you stumbled inside the dark doorway bolting to your room upstairs.
not glancing once as you slammed the door to your dorm entry.
A new customer came by, and being so young and full of life, they stared at me for what felt like forever.
I need to know more about her. It seems Jade recognized my curiosity towards her as well.
Hopefully, I will meet her tomorrow.
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rosedere · 3 days
Yay! First Tag :D <3 Ty Fish brain go burr!
Favorite color? B l u e (esp like royal blue I think) Banger color/ only color I personally think flatters me imo
Last song? https://open.spotify.com/track/5HWpvZB86fyCx0qBbaLptC?si=DBxLBsVzRcSXrr_9qfOwbA
I know im so 2000 and late on MILGRAM but like Riddle’s Va sings this and I Froth at the mouth when I hear THAT part of the song and— and *Blows up* like woah sir u can have my body and nectar-
Currently Reading? Manga wise Im reading Black Butler (the Green witch arch) and regular book wise im reading Chaos Theory by Robert m drake! Im trying to get into Poetry because I wanna fit in*tm
Currently Craving? I want to eat Crumble Cookies because I see all of those TikTok’s of ppl trying them and they look so Good.
Coffee or Tea? Tea for me unless it’s a apple crisp oat milk latte *I wILL INHALE IT*
Also sobbing bc Idk who to tag but genuinely if anyone who follows me or see’s this wants to do it feel free to tag yourself and be it!
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​༉‧₊˚.​ get to know me better !! ♡
— 𝜗𝜚 thank u @cosmiiwrites nd @queenofmistresses for the tags, my lovies <3 i love u both
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favorite color? pink!! i love pink!! you know the colour of hello kitty’s bow? pink!! my melo? pink!! my socks rn? pink!! did i mention my favourite colour is pink?
last song? someday - from the zombies soundtrack (banger)
currently reading? i finished the hurricane wars by thea guanzon a few days ago so im using this as an excuse to tell you to read it n i loved it so much but im currently starting (only a chapter in) a feather so black by lyra selene
currently watching? i don’t think i am watching anything… i last watched the zombies movies though… (im not obsessed you are)
currently craving? NOODS ugh i could demolish some noodles rn
coffee or tea? yes.
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@nebulacrumbs @blooming-crimson-flower @hellsgreatestslut @lilsleepybear1029 @ustulia tag you’re it <3
1K notes · View notes
rosedere · 1 month
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Our Spring Secret
Jade Leech x Reader x Azul Ashengrotto (Modern/Office AU)
Summary: You find yourself as the new acting CEO’s Friend with benefit— but little does he know about your secret involving Azul.
MDNI 18+
General cw: Yandere content, NSFW, non con, Kidnapping, drugging, pregnancy (reader), love triangles, Suicid3 attempt.
Sequel to Murder Mountain. (Can read separately though)
Pt. I, Pt II (you are here), Pt.lll, Pt.l, Pt.IV, Pt.V,Pt.VI,Pt.VII,Pt. VIII,Pt.XI, Pt.X, Pt.XI
You don't know my brain the way you know my name, You don't know my heart the way you know my face, You don't know what I've done, I'm wanted and on the run. I'm wanted and on the run. So I'm taking this moment to live in the future
Lately, your days have began to feel like they all blended in together.
You used to work almost every day until Jade decided to have your hours reduced because of your “stomach issues”, now only going in every three days out of the business week, and when you were at work most of the time you were completely bound to your desk doing paperwork the minimum.
Assuming Jade decided to let you off on a certain day, you couldnt even go home without an immediate call to your phone from Jade asking for some “private time” with you at his penthouse.
Completely at his mercy you gave up going back to your small studio apartment deciding to let a friend take over your lease while you stayed with Jade. It made sense in the long term anyway since you wanted your bloom to have a more spacious place to live than a one bedroom, one bathroom apartment in the bustling part of the city.
The day when you had told Jade your plans to simply move in with him was the day he began to practically bend to you. Massaging your feet after work, driving you anywhere you desired, occasionally cooking for you when you’d be utterly exhausted.
He truly was sticking to his promise of treating you like a princess during the little arrangement you both had going on.
All you had to do was just please him and hope he didn’t tell Azul you tried to kill him.
Which is where you currently were while Jade and Floyd were at work; turning the electric stove on while you scurried the spotless kitchen for pots and pans to begin their dinner for this evening.
Anything to get brownie points with Jade.
Grabbing the ingredients to make Floyd’s dinner, you opened the fridge to get eggs and butter to fry the Takoyaki balls sitting on the cutting board patiently waiting to be thrown into a circular pan.
Reaching for the top shelf where the egg carton was in the cold French door fridge, a tiny flutter in your flank area tickled you.
Lightly tapping the top of your abdomen before you kept on searching for the butter.
Only this time when the flutter came back again tickling your flank once more, accompanying the feeling this time with an angry punchy kick inside the thin skin of your abdomen.
“I know—you don’t have to remind me twice,” you let out a frustrated huff patting the top of your abdomen wall where you knew they were curled up against.
Putting the eggs and butter to the side. Your priorities shift from Floyd’s dinner to your sassy little one, who was giving you a daily “shovel as much of whatever it was craving for the day into you before feeding anyone else” reminder.
Recently, your body changed: your stomach rounding slightly like an oval and the hard texture around your stretched skin creating small stretch marks around your naval. It hadn’t pertruded yet; your breasts had also started to get well… swollen, heavy and discolored from what your doctor said was just your body beginning to recognize your small bean beginning to grow.
It was official: your body was finally showing signs that you were indeed pregnant.
But this unfortunate change meant if you were noticing these changes to your body: so was everyone else.
Occasionally when Jade wasnt home you’d allow your belly to breathe getting compliments from other women way older than you about how cute your bump looked.
You assumed you did a good job hiding your pregnancy, Jade never really commented on your appearance changing, but you weren’t sure if he didn’t because he didn’t want you to feel self-conscious, or if he was genuinely clueless.
The changes harder to hide as well since Jade was eager for any kind of intimacy when Floyd would leave you both alone for the night.
Almost being caught when Jade wanted to lay you on your stomach for a change of pace instead of having you always riding him. It just was beginning to make you paranoid when he would finally bring it up to you about your stomach.
But you had to create the illusion of being obedient to Jade.
Slipping your once-broken mask onto yourself again.
You had to admit that after Azul had ripped your mask off the first time by turning the situation in his favor, you were angered but felt equalized by him being knocked down a few pegs by your doing.
But you still had a burning hatred for him. Sometimes waking up remembering the horrible morning in broken pieces.
Always knowing what was about to occur, but being powerless to scream or deviate from the script your tired mind made you reenact every night.
It’s partially why you submit to any of Jade's requests with glee; the sadistic thought of turning up with Jade of all people while he’s writhing in pain in his hospital bed alone excites you.
Making him watch you be happier with Jade.
Only a part of you didn’t. 
A small voice.
He loves me right? He did put a child in me? It’s impossibly rare to get pregnant your first time was what the doctor told you…
You didn’t have much before in your life besides a good-paying job and briefly your ex-lover when he was willing to see you, but even then you still felt unneeded.
No one relied on you ever, which broke your heart, especially when Azul started to turn everyone at work against you.
The pain of coming home to your apartment with no one to greet you after a long day was painful.
So dark had your life became, but you began to realize your little bloom would be your entire garden, watering it and giving it the light and nutrients it needed to grow.
In an ironic way, you were grateful to Azul for giving you someone who would love you in your life.
Even if they made you raid the fridge for the 7th time today…
You’ll probably ask Jade to let you buy groceries after dinner since you’ve been eating all of his snacks and food recently, only confirming it when you looked inside the pantry for something sour only to see flour and pasta shells left in the tall frosted glass pantry.
Gingerly eating a bag of healthy mushroom crisps Jade had on the very top shelf, You continued on your cooking quest hoping the quick snack was enough to quell them until you finished Floyd’s dinner.
But as you began to finish the preparations you slowly realized the issue.
You forgot to make you and Jade’s dinner…
The most important part of your ritual…
Grabbing your phone you immediately ordered most of the items to make a quick dinner for the both of you, multitasking making sure the delicate fried balls wouldnt burn as you tried to think of something creative to make for the evening.
Finally settling on making chicken and mushroom dumplings was the way to Jade’s heart you hurried around the kitchen trying to keep everything together.
After a few hours later than you would like you were finished with everyone’s dinner.
Taking a sigh of relief as you rested against the counter.
You only groaned; having little under 20 minutes to yourself before Jade or Floyd would return.
Exhausted from being on your feet, you shuffled down the long monochrome hallway over to Jade's frosted bedroom door, hastily propping the door open your logic was to just lay in his bed for a little while before the two brothers got home.
“Twenty minutes” you thought to yourself as you tucked yourself in underneath the fleece lined blanket on your side of the white bed.
Of course, your body betrayed you as you fell back into the soft bed and lazily stared at the ceiling, closing your eyes slowly before falling into a peaceful sleep, fading out remembering your little bloom making a few small flutters.
You awoke to a gentle shift in the bed besides you. Awakening to see Jade’s gleaming eyes watching you from the bedside where he sat.
Still in his pressed dark plum suit, he gradually was taking his attire off folding his suit jacket on the bed, kicking his shoes off from the side of the bed.
Deciding to finally wake up you lifted yourself up against the plush headboard, unwrapping yourself from the several blankets you didn't realize you had been underneath.
“Sorry I didnt greet you Jade; I was just so exhausted,” you murmured rubbing the sleep from your heavy eyes.
“Why the apology? You know you're allowed to sleep in my bed anytime princess.” You could feel him reach your back gently.
The movement rousing your little bloom from within, you guessed they also decided to drift off with you.
Instead of giving a reply, you just stretched yourself out from your spot on the bed, letting a small yawn out.
“Have you eaten yet? I left our on the stove if you want me to serve you,” you began to crawl towards Jade still sitting on the side of the bed, your low hanging belly weighing you down as you moved across the king sized mattress.
You were almost right next to Jade before he gingerly scooped your body up effortlessly and with care as if you were made of glass, now currently having you crane your head against his neck.
The overwhelming scent he had on filled your nostrils with sandalwood, amber, and a hint of green, reminding you of the forest.
Dreamily inhaling his scent, you let yourself melt into Jade’s hold on you.
Jade sneakily laid a small peck on your out-of-place hair from where you had fallen asleep.
“I’ll only eat once you eat, dear.”
You pouted against him, puffing your cheeks out.
“Knowing you well you probably just had snacks all day instead of eating a meal” he tutted at you.
"Fine, you caught me” you sighed against him, “I just didnt want to eat alone again” you murmured.
“And dont say I can eat with Floyd I hate having to clean up after that messy eater, like does he even chew his food” you complained.
Jade only chuckled in response rubbing your back once more.
“I forgot to text you that we’re going to be alone for the night; Floyd is busy with a task I gave him Monday,” Jade reassured you with another peck to your cheek.
“Really? Perfect timing I think I am a bit hungry,” you excitedly replied, perking up out of bed and heading towards the kitchen.
“I made a different recipe I saw online since I almost forgot to make us dinner” you giggled to yourself.
You could sense Jades presence, a silent but calm aura, as he followed you down the hallway to the stove where you had made his dinner and yours sitting on the stove wrapped in the cross cross wooden basket steamer you had bought.
Grabbing a chopstick from the side of the stove top, you pried the basket lid open grabbing onto a succulent dumpling in the bottom of the basket.
“Jade” you playfully called for him, who was already at the kitchen counter behind you.
“Try one” you held the chopstick up to his lips, “I made it just for you”
Blowing on the dumpling you let him reach for it biting into it.
“It’s good right” you asked looking up watching his eyes light up, “how did you know I was craving Mushrooms” he teased taking another hungry bite from the chopstick.
“ just had a little feeling” you replied, discreetly rubbing the top of your bump.
Turning around you began to plate Jade’s dinner first. Thankfully, you made a huge portion due to both of your enormous appetites and then some in case Floyd would burst in and want more as well.
Grabbing the pots and smooth clay plates, you started to serve Jade, hoping the food would be warm enough to suit his tastes.
passing through the double glass doors past the living room you reached the open dining room in front of the balcony besides the side of the apartment. Placing the plate in front of Jade’s spot.
Jade shortly sat down in front of you, seeming like he had washed his hands before seating himself in the expensive granite table. Planting a tender kiss on his cheek, quickly racing to the kitchen to serve yourself.
Grabbing your plate you began to scoop the soup dumplings on your plate along with some of the rice you originally made to go with Floyds dinner just in case your little bloom was in a mood for something else besides dumplings.
Remembering their presence you gave a light pat on the top of your bump. It had become you and your baby’s greeting to each other, the tap signaling them to move towards the sudden tap.
Grabbing your plate you finally sat down with your full plate.
Having your appetite back once more was a gift and a curse.
The aromatic smell of your dinner had you eagerly begin shoveling the food into your hungry mouth barely using your chopstick or fork as you chewed and ripped at the delicate buns.
"Im glad to see you eating again (name)”
“I’ll take this is my warning to come home faster” he chuckled from across the table watching you with care.
Pausing, you’d forgotten about him being across from you at the table while watching your ravenous display of feeding yourself.
“Well the doctor did say with the medicine I should be back to my old self soon, most pr—” you stopped yourself before continuing.
“er.. most women with gastrointestinal issues feel better after a few months on the medicine” smiling with a few bits of food on the corner of your mouth.
Jade only pointed to the corner of his mouth alerting you to what you had accidentally done.
You reached for a napkin on the corner of the table, wiping the corners of your lips.
Resuming with stuffing yourself full you noticed Jade was watching you; he had done so more often after the incident in the elevator.
“Jade, I have to ask you something important,” you furrowed your brow, putting the napkin down beside your plate and chopsticks.
"Oh, I don’t like the way you framed that question,” Jade smiled before laughing his usual nervous laugh, “What did I do?" He asked taking another bite out of his dinner.
Giving a “really” look, you before you spoke up.
“Nothing you did, but it might break my heart depending on how you answer,” you eyed Jade, taking a small bite of the rice in front of you.
“Oh? You must tell me now,” he dropped his fork into his plate.
“Hopefully it’s what im thinking your going to ask” He smiled.
"Well," you trailed off, “do you actually want to be with me beyond—this—or are you just well…waiting for something better to come along?"
“I’ve been thinking about what we talked about at the doctor's appointment every day, and you never answered me,” you frowned, tapping a finger on the table.
He perked up at the mention of the last sentence.
“Do.. you love me Jade Leech?”
Staring into his eyes, you waited for his response, picking at your rice.
Jade dropped his silverware before he laid his napkin next to his nearly empty plate.
“You remember the retreat, right?” Jade began
“What I had said that night and what I promised you”
You blinked in surprise at his response.
"That one from all those years ago, right? When you…”
Jade nodded in agreement.
“I love you, but I wanted to prove my worth to you (Name)”
“Since I’m most likely going to become the CEO of Mostro Inc. for a while, and since Azul is out of the picture, I feel like I can be a great husband” Jade smiled to himself messing with his plate, “and maybe even a father eventually..” he looked away towards the balcony.
You had truthfully forgotten his promise; it had been a while since the retreat all those years ago when you first joined the company.
You could see tears lining his eyelashes as you looked closer at his bashful face.
Even someone as straightforward as Jade has emotions too.
“You say that as if you weren’t somebody before; you may not have been as famous as Azul, but you were still the glue that held the company together Jade” you instinctively reached for his hand across from you, playing with his warm hands with a small grin.
“You dont have to become some huge big shot for me to fall for you” you sighed.
After you said that, Jade once again fell into silence, leaving the whole dinner with lingering thoughts about the conversation.
Excusing yourself, you went to the sink to start washing the dishes from you and Jades dinner, scrubbing the two plates as Jade sat at the table waiting for you to finish, seemingly in thought about something.
Your bloom contently full just sitting idle inside of you, for now however…
Probably in a few hours he’d bring it to your attention for you to eat a whole Melon and egg before bed.
Finally loading the last dish into the dishwasher, you went to the stove. Floyd hadn’t come home yet, leaving his dinner untouched in the simmering pan on low. Sighing, you turned the stove off before grabbing a plastic container to store the flavorful fried takoyaki in when a sudden, loud slam of the entrance door was heard, causing the two of you to turn to the source of the sound.
“Heyyy I’ll tell ya that was one hell of a job, but it’s finally done, like you asked Jade."
After a few footfalls, Floyd entered the kitchen, causing you to begin to abandon your original task of packing his dinner into containers.
“Hey floyd, sorry I thought you were going to go out partying again”
However, just before you were to greet him, you recoiled at the sight of him.
Usually he was a wild card when it came to his appearance, occasionally dressing up in whatever casual clothes he had or a fancy tracksuit.
But this was not even close.
His hair was disheveled and matted with a liquid; you weren’t sure what it was. There were scratches on his neck, ranging from deep jagged cuts to small slices in his alabaster skin. His clothes though, had dark crimson stains and what appeared to be earthy soil caked onto the front and sides, which apparently dripped to the bottom of his jeans and cool electric blue shoes, making them a muddied dark violet.
And… a horrible odor came off of him every swing of his arms, something like onion and rancid iron coming off of his jacket.
The dark liquid was now trailing down the apartment floor, another mess you had to clean.
You made a small gasp as you stopped filling the to-go container.
Jade, noticed your worried expression, got up from his chair and walked towards Floyd, who was standing on the opposite side of the kitchen.
"Floyd, could you come here and talk to me for a moment?" Jade asked sweetly.
Pushing his chair out, he immediately swarmed around floyd who was lazily looking over at you both.
"Aww, why are you mad at me? I was in a good mood and everything until you made that face at me,” Floyd pouted as Jade guided him by the shoulder, ushering him out of the door he’d come from.
“Erm, Jade?” You asked, “I’ll be back (Name)” Jade’s voice echoed down the hall.
“If it’s not too much can you bring me a melon and some vanilla ice cream” you requested.
The door slammed with no confirmation.
Sighing your stomach growled as you leaned against the kitchen island.
You silently turned back to look at the container, deciding to walk towards the stove resuming placing the contents back into the pan to warm for when Floyd came back from whatever Jade and he were discussing.
A bad feeling bubbled into your gut.
Not wanting to deal with whatever Floyd did and the gross mess on the ground, you quietly waddled back to the bedroom to get ready for the night. Trying to distract from whatever you saw in the hallway.
You tried to take your time showering and drying off to hopefully talk to Jade a bit more as you both did at the end of the day, Lying on your side in Jade's bed, you drifted off to the thoughts of what you’d tell Jade when he got back.
Your stomach growling slightly reminding you of your predicament from earlier. Deciding to ignore the feeling you patted your small bloom.
Of course, Floyd had to come in at the worst time.
That was all Jade could think of when he practically dragged his dirtied brother into the vacant hallway by the arm.
"Where are we going anyway? I’m hungry and tired. I’ve been up since 5 a.m. hunting our target down,” Floyd wailed.
Eventually Jade stopped near the emergency staircase towards the end of the hallway, going through the dark doors into the concrete stairwell.
“I understand, but you have to remember we have to be stealthy, as I’ve said numerous times to you, Floyd,” Jade sighed, “I just need to confirm if you did it or not. You put your effort in just this one time and I’ll put my part in.”
Floyd just made a long sigh before finally digging through his pants pockets, shuffling for several things.
Finally, he retrieved a white napkin stained with something saturated in a deep brown liquid that had dried sometime earlier.
With a smile Jade retrieved it carefully, opening the napkin with a smile.
Looking at the item, he quickly refolded the napkin, putting it in his pants pocket with satisfaction.
“My Floyd, I didn’t think you’d actually do it…but I have to know—“
"Yeah, I snagged some of his journals and stuff. I don’t know if he had a lot of stuff in his drawers; I just grabbed it all and put it in a garbo bag in my trunk."
Floyd yawned before lazily grabbing what appeared to be a book stained in a crimson liquid splayed across the cover.
Jade cautiously grabbed it before examining the cover of the book.
“Yeaah I’m not sure what it could be either, but he had it on him when I jumped him behind the parking lot.”
“He gave me a struggle trying to keep me from it, so I just figured you might want to look at it; all I found was boring reports and stuff,” Floyd kicked at the ground in boredom.
Floyd was right; after Jade carefully inspected the contents inside, he realized he had ultimately struck a gold mine.
Initially, Jade was going to use the items to destroy the competition by using the same tactics as they had found success with, but the new information he came across could create a scandal big enough to wipe the competition out by just leaking the contents within.
Though Azul would seem like a better person, it could bring the company good press. It was a start he was willing to make time for he thought to himself.
Smiling, he escorted Floyd back inside the familiar penthouse.
It was close to midnight when Jade got back to the bedroom.
You were blissfully sleeping in an oversized nightgown wrapped under one of the various blankets ontop of the bed.
Sighing to himself he debated if he should wake you so you could eat the melon and tub of ice cream he had drove to get in town.
You seemed to be deep in sleep, not even snoring or loudly breathing into your pillow as you would do during these nights.
His hand began to snake under your dress.
A heartbeat.
Leaving his hand above your stomach.
The flutter returned as he ghosted over your naval once more.
You stirred suddenly causing his hand to retreat from your sleeping form.
Hesitating for a moment from his side of the bed he began to make his move towards his desk, he still held the book and the items Floyd had given him a moment ago.
Opting to throw them into his bottom drawer that was vacant, he threw various papers and pens over the pile of items just in case someone were to pry.
“Jade? Where were you?” Your tiny voice echoed from the bed behind him.
Turning around and dawning his signature smile, as he always did to reassure you
"Oh, just discussing business with Floyd; I had a word with him about how unprofessional it was to barge in with all of the filth on him, so you can only imagine where he is now,” his tone demure as he closed the drawer he had been in.
“Don’t tell me you made him mop! I’ll have to clean the floor tomorrow; he doesn’t know how to mop at ALL” you groaned crossing your arms from under your blanket.
Jade found you adorable when you let yourself become so soft around him compared to how you’d usually act at work around him. It almost made him feel bad for what he had ordered done not too long ago to your ex-lover.
“Oh? So you don’t want to come with me tomorrow to see Azul?” Jade observed your previously sleepy self become animated in seconds.
“Y-yes if you want me to come with you…”
“But what changed Jade?”
“I felt bad. I promised we could see him Wednesday, but I got busy with work. I just figured it could be somewhat of a date,” he smiled, merely shrugging.
“We haven’t been out together as a couple yet and I would like to change that” he eyed your swollen belly under your night gown.
"Well, I can’t wait then” you rolled back towards the otherside of the bed.
“you just better not flake out on me again,” you threatened.
Waiting to hear your light snores again, he quietly retreated to his nightstand for the evening. Changing into his own night wear for the evening.
Sliding into bed next to you, he only closed his eyes wrapping his arms around the curves of your body.
Until tomorrow, he can focus on his next victim: Azul Ashengrotto.
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Note: btw my requests are open for Twst and genshin stuffs! Last call before I temporarily close them for September!
Also this story deviates slightly from the AO3 version so if your interested in seeing the alternate storyline feel free to read there :)))
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rosedere · 1 month
Murder Mountain
(Yandere Azul ashengrotto x Afab reader x Jade leech)
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Modern Au
TW: Dark Content, Attempted Murder, Harassment, Non Con/Rape.
Cross Posted on AO3.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6 (you are here) END
Want more?- - -> Our spring secret (sequel)
I thought I had a happy life
And the city lights
Didn't bother me
Before I met you
You're always on the go
Don't you love me anymore
Please stay
When you arrived to work that next day the usual busy, chattering, environment was missing. No one would look at each other in the elevators nor in the breakroom, some just dilligently typing on their computers or carrying on with their job.
All of a sudden Floyd burst in the cubicle row you were working in informing you to all meet downstairs for a emergency meeting.
Everyone at work was informed via Floyd and Jade in the office courtyard about Azul’s Absence.
Finally someone asked if Azul was still alive.
It was definitely their attempt at damage control, dispelling the rumors the media had spread about Azul being hunted by a bear on the trail or that he had been attacked because of his status as CEO being the few you had seen on TV.
Your ears perked up as you looked at Jade who hesitated before explaining he was in a comatose state and at present, was unsure when he'd awaken, but he was mostly out of any life-threatening harm.
After the slew of questions about the future of the company Jade declared Floyd and him would be temporary acting in Azul’s absence along with rescheduling the retreat indefinitely until Azul came back.
Floyd would be the temporary assistant of finance and assistant director of the company; Jade, however, was to become the acting CEO of Mostro Inc.
You were relieved. Learning you would never see Azul again as long as you got your transfer started before Azul woke up from his coma, you could finally leave. You knew Jade would certainly help transfer knowing he most likely already had certain people he wanted lined up to take up positions in the company. Plus, your lover had already offered you an open position as finance director of Sugar Horned Devil.
Why wouldn't you accept freedom? You would be a higher position than you had in your whole career in Monstro inc.
After the meeting was dismissed, you eagerly went home to submit your notice for transfer as soon as possible, quickly typing the form you got the bright confirmation page. In 3-2 business days, it would take for you to be freed from this corporate hell.
Just a little longer..
As the days went on peacefully, you felt yourself being able to be happy, even engaging more often with your co-workers in the break room and chatting with your desk neighbors at your computers.
You guessed it was because, without Azul's overwhelming influence in the office, people were able to relax.
Especially with Floyd being in charge of the floor, everyone enjoyed his impulsive mood swings and chill demeanor. It felt like you fit in for once, having people ask for your opinions on how to do certain tasks or just to talk as friends.
You were becoming yourself again.
It's been 10 days.
You took the week off from work after an on-and-off stomach bug you got one morning a while back, your stomach becoming bloated and a bit, irregular feeling.
Assuming it was bad food the first few times you tried to power through work only for you to have only taken three steps into the lobby before you ran to the restroom to vomit for half of the morning in the lobby restroom.
Nothing was really helping with your stomach so you went to the doctor to get blood work and figure out what was causing your flu-like symptoms after numerous failed flu tests and anti nausea medicine you recieved.
The fear of this being the way you found out you had something dire like Cancer or a Gastrointestinal disease was all you could think as you checked your phone every other hour for any news about it.
Currently, you were lying in bed with the worst cramps and nausea youd had from all the days you had been sick; it was so bad you couldn't even brush your teeth without feeling like you were going to throw up.
Rolling to your side, hoping it would relieve you of vomiting, you heard the familiar ring of your phone, immediately making you perk up out of your stupor.
Your lover had texted you: They had asked you why you declined the position.
“What happened (Name)?”
Frowning, assuming you read it wrong and fighting the urge to spit the rising stomach acid and the overwhelming sense of wanting to vomit that had begun right away during the usual evening hours.
In confusion, you checked if your request was approved.
Previously, when you checked at the beginning of the day it showed pending…
“Declined by manual review??” You whispered to yourself reading the automated letter.
Maybe it was a mistake… you could have gotten lazy and left something crucial out of your application.
Dragging yourself to your computer, ignoring the onslaught of your usual symptoms of overwhelming fatigue. You sent the best short professional email to your higher-ups about your request to transfer.
Sending the email with the small chirp you were about to roll back to your blanket cocoon you were forming ontop your mattress.
Not even 15 minutes later, you received an email saying they had no control over it and instead told you to talk to Jade.
The acting CEO.
Knowing Jade had everything Azul didn't was an indescribable joy. Sure, he was the former Director of Finance in the company, but that didnt come with the ultimate rewards he wanted…
Azul’s company, his friends, his status…
And the biggest treasure…
He had to admit the former things were not as important as the latter, but nonetheless, he was waiting for you to look for him.
Just like old times…
Despite the rift in Azul and Jade's current relationship recently, Jade still dearly cared for Azul, just as he did back when he was in high school.
It was one Spring luncheon; it was unusual for Azul to invite Jade and pay for his lunch.
He should have known something bad was going to happen as he ordered his lunch that day…
“You might know her, Jade, She's a part of the company." Azul dreamily sighed as he began swirling the fruit infused sweet tea he had ordered with his straw.
Raising a brow Jade only smiled, Azul confiding in him was rare these days.
“Oh? Is she an employee? Or is she a client?” Jade mischievously added, sipping his lemonade.
Watching Azul’s lips twitch into a confident grin he uttered the worst response to the question he could think of.
It being two years ago, but he could still remember his response clear as a bell.
“Oh no, she's actually working in our finance department,” Azul’s face began to blush.
“She transferred from the lower floors a while ago, but she's the one; I just can't get a chance to talk to her,” Azul muttered raising his glass of tea taking a sip.
“I wonder who she might be.” Jade trailed off.
Jade felt the dread in his stomach.
Everyone knew that Jade had fallen for (Name), The office couple, ever since the moment she joined their company.
A small, quiet type, basically lost in the sea of many young professionals at the company, diligently working hard and taking only a few days off.
Jade met (Name) because he had to train them since Azul thought he was too good to talk to (Name) at the time.
Reminiscing to that moment when he helped you take your things to the 86th floor of the Finance department It would be the beginning of a friendship.
But that's all it was; mostly for a little while, Jade didn't know how to progress the relationship since he got promoted to work closer to Azul. Having to follow his tailcoats as he conducted buisness he only would see you maybe once or twice a month.
He couldnt figure out why he wanted to seize any opportunity that would arise to be with you, the one most would look over in favor of anyone else.
“If I tell you Jade you must not tell anyone” Azul looked around under the private dining veranda they were seated at.
“I'd rather not have PR about this— it could ruin the company if everyone knew I was going to pursue a date with someone” Azul’s voice dripping with a haughty tone, setting his glass down before flicking his gaze towards Jade, staring at him with excitement in his hues.
“Her name is (Name)” Azul’s grin never slipping off his face.
Jade only scowled in response, clearing his throat to mask his true emotions.
“Not to come off as rude, but why her?” Jade interjected.
“I mean let’s be honest here, the city’s most eligible bachelor wants to date a regular office worker? Not a super model or a celebrity...”
“She’s a super model to me Jade” Azul sighed, “besides I’d rather have someone Independent and a hard worker like them” he drank some more of his tea for a moment.
“I think she's dating someone anyway, and she’s like a little mouse— it’s hard to even get a hello out of her…” Jade quickly responded, “plus she’s a bit boring once you get to know her” Jade chuckled to himself.
She's very much single and has so much personality to her.
“Ah well, I love that in a woman—She does not stir drama, diligently works, and asks question's when she needs help”
“I can just see her by my side,” Azul rambled on.
Jade was in his office, unboxing all of the items from his previous office. The large vast space that was once a reflection of Azul was looming over him as he began to silently place the ugly decor he had decorated his desk with into the same box he used to bring his items upstairs.
Diligently humming he unpacked his replica mushroom statue placing it besides his laptop. Reaching once more into the box however he reached something he had thought was his stapler.
But when he pulled it out of his desk items was when he saw what it truly was.
Smiling down at the crudely made picture frame, the hot glue beads and small candy canes decorating the boarder of the frame. Jade could already picture how adorable you looked assembling the gift you gave him last Christmas; the wobbly Polarbear with a scarf holding a mushroom in the bottom corner on your side of the picture.
Dressed in a long Santa clause themed dress, you had your hand placed on Jade’s much taller shoulder, A nice memory he had on his desk for the longest while he would fondly look at everytime he’s come to work.
And now he could finally place it overlooking his new desk.
With silent admiration he placed it at the center of his desk, hopefully camouflaged enough anyone that walks in wouldnt comment on it.
Especially his brother…
With a sigh he turned to look towards the bright tall windows in front of him.
He hoped today would be the day you would return from your sick leave.
After another week off from work, you reached a breaking point.
You felt terribly tired, not as sick as you normally were in the morning, despite being warned to stay at home until your results came in you decided to return to the office.
In your casual clothes since your abdomen was uncomfortable in anything that wasnt stretchy or loose, you approached the door you had been eager to see the whole time of your absence.
Raising your fist to the hard oak doors, you made a small curteous knock against the door.
As you waited for a response, you casually glanced at the title placard on the door.
“Jade Leech, Acting CEO”
I guess he didn't waste any time taking over Azul's office.
Not that it was any of your business anyway.
“Come in,” you heard faintly on the otherside of the door.
Opening the door, you were shellshocked with the new scenery in Azul’s office.
The various glass knickknacks, photos from Azul's high school days, and his coin collection were gone from the tall walls of the office, now replaced with various terrariums filled with mushrooms, different pictures of Jade on top of mountains, and just pictures of mountains were also around the vast walls of Azul's walls.
“Did you redecorate in here, Jade?” You were looking in awe at the change of office space approaching where his desk was, the temptation to sit on it like you use to when Jade had his office downstairs.
“It looks wonderful; it reminds me of your old cubicle,” you laughed to yourself.
You glanced over to see Jade half turned towards the tall windows beside the desk in front of you.
"Well, it might be a while before Azul comes back to work, or even at all,” Jade wryly smiled with his signature hand over his heart gesture as he took his seat in Azul's huge dark leather swivel chair.
It felt unusual to see the normally passive man in a position of power Normally demure and quiet, but when he spoke up, he was actually an intelligent and sometimes silly man. Although, once he became Azul's assistant, you rarely if ever saw him, and when you did, he never talked to you, making you a bit sad at how he made it obvious he had chose Azul over your friendship.
“How so? I heard he might be able to go back to work in a few months," you watched Jade for a reaction.
Jade tight lipped as always eyed you from where you stood.
With a sigh you decided to listen to your intrusive thought to sit on his desk, covering your legs with your dress.
Jade smiled up at you, his sharp, needle-point teeth glinting dangerously at you.
“so why did you request to meet me today, (Name)?”
His hand creeped towards the front of the desk near his laptop, sitting close to where you were currently sitting.
“If I recall correctly, you aren't supposed to be out of bed and yet here you are," Jade spoke, eyeing you with his mismatched gaze.
His fingers tapping at the wood on the desk, anxiously.
Blinking, you remembered why you were here.
"Oh, yeah—sorry," you cleared your throat crossing your legs across the table.
“I submitted a request to transfer a while ago, but it got denied... I'm just curious if this is a mistake or not, '' you informed.
Jade narrowed his eyes, the screech of the chair moving back as the tall man began to stand up from his desk, walking over to, what you thought, him standing in front of your spot perched in front of his desk.
Only, he sat besides you on his desk. His expensive cologne extremely strong in your nostrils as he leaned into your person bubble.
Moving back a little bit only encouraged him to inch closer as he began to rest his hand on your shoulder.
"Well, you see, dear (Name) I can't let that happen." Jade whispered giving your shoulder a light squeeze, his one mismatched eye on you.
Like you were possesed you pushed his hand off of your shoulder, annoyance written all over your face as you felt your chest flutter once more.
"What? Why not?” you almost growled.
Jade only gave a chuckle, suddenly he grabbed you with a strong force watching you struggle as he held onto your bare shoulders with his mismatched eyes, Staring dead into your colored hues.
“Because I finally won, why would I give away the prize I earned, fair and square?” Jade sighed to himself.
He decided to take the opportunity to grab the loose strands of hair that was stubbornly not falling into place with the rest of the hair that was framing your scared face.
You felt yourself flinch away from him, but his grip was almost stronger than Azul’s grip he had on you.
“I dont get it, Jade?” you stuttered trying to hop off of his desk, only for his long leg to pin you into place ontop of the oak desk.
“You see, Azul has been acting as a roadblock for me as well name” Jade lowered his voice a few octaves, “He was catching onto my feelings for the one he also sought after," he clicked his tongue. “So I had to distract him with a rumor about this rival that was talking to the woman he was attracted to,” Jade said, looking deeply at your face.
He then shrugged, “I however didnt anticipate this woman was actually speaking to the Rival I lied about”
Realizing the weight of his words, you got up from your spot and backed away from him towards the skyline window.
“It was you? But why? Azul almost killed me for that incident” you were feeling tears blurring your lash line as you gasped your words out.
So many different emotions; you wanted to scream.
As suddenly as you backed away, Jade came to your side, swiftly holding your face into his chest, his head leaning over yours as he kept you stuck there.
Normally, you wouldn't have minded for Jade to give you a hug, but this wasnt a normal hug, his hands beginning to dip behind your back towards your dress.
“What the hell is wrong with you? I thought you were my friend Jade” You shoved him in a rage you hadnt realized was festering inside you, pushing into his chest with the heel of your Palm as hard as you could.
As you pushed him, Jade grabbed your wrists with a bone-crushing grip, stopping you altogether, your face turning red from the exhaustion and anger.
"Please, (Name) don't make a scene—if anyone you should hate is Azul”
“Regardless of whether I told him or not, he was going to know when he���d see you two kissing each other at the company retreat,” Jade calmy explained.
“You dont know what I had to deal with that asshole” you angrily spat shoving him once more to make a point.
“Just stop talking to me; I don't want to hear this anymore”
Fixing your dress you began to walk around his desk past the gaudy decorations before stopping in front of the door.
“And If you don't approve my transfer request— I'll just leave this company with no pay. I don't care anymore." You screeched back at him.
Unfortunately, Jade followed close behind his hands reaching for your own, his mouth about to open and tell you something before you swatted at him, freeing your hands and dusting your dress almost about to open the door.
Jade didnt follow you, only staring calmly at your disgruntled figure.
Eventually, he closed his eyes, exhaling as he did so, placing his hand over his heart.
“(Name) I wouldn't try that if I were you,” he sternly warned with a cold smile.
You turned to look back at his eerie gaze.
“Why are you going to fire me or something? You and Azul already have tortured me enough,” you scrunched your eyebrows at him before scoffing.
Jade hesitated before he laughed.
You only stood watching him laugh and point at you.
"Well, (Name)”
He once again stood close to you grazing the back of your dress with his hands.
“I never told you to go get Azul Friday morning,” he gingerly whispered with a smile.
Eyes widen at the mention you felt your blood go cold.
“Now why would you quietly go behind me and Floyd's back and reach out to meet the man that’s been actively lusting after you?” Jade annunciated with his open needle like teeth.
“It seems like you wanted to meet him alone at the retreat and when he rejected you that morning you snapped and tried to kill him”
“What are you insinuating?” You shouted with venom over your shoulder.
“Just letting you know, I will find out the truth. And you better hope I don't figure it out soon,” Jade leaned his head down on your shoulder, letting his breath graze your neck.
A kiss was all he had time to plant on your bare neck before you shoved him off without another word: You paused for a brief moment turning to look at the still smiling tall man before abruptly leaving Jade's office.
Harshly you pressed the button to call the elevator impatiently waiting to be let down to the parking lot.
After getting out of the towering office you had grown familiar with, reaching the familiar employee car park, you briskly walked to the familiar baby blue color of your sedan.
Clicking open the door, you harshly threw the door open before slamming it hard against the frame.
Throwing your purse and things a into the passenger seat you threw your head ontop of your steering wheel.
The urge to cry overwhelming as you felt your composure fall.
A shaky exhale before you felt the tears began to fall down your cheeks in rivets.
but right before your pity party began it ended.
The little constant melody coming from your phone that was now thrown under the passenger seat.
Angrily, you shifted over to look under the seat, finally grabbing your phone. Normally when you were in a pitiful mood you’d just decline and forget about it, but the caller was someone you’d been waiting desperately for.
"Oh, thank God, it's the clinic; hopefully it's good news,” you muttered to yourself, grabbing a tissue from your middle console you wiped your face before clicking the green icon.
“Hello, this is (Name)”
“So… What's wrong with me? Is it bad or...”
“Oh yes, (name) we just got your blood results back since as we know we tested you for everything after your flu test came back negative..”
You kind of dreaded the answer, especially with the hesitation from the nurse who was calling you.
Well (name) at least you have a perfect mountain to end it all on if the worst news comes out of this sweet nurse’s mouth…
“Well, first off, congratulations (name)…”
“Congratulations for…” You winced.
“Congratulations on the little troublesome bloom causing all that ruckus in your body” the nurse chuckled.
“Your four weeks along, according to the bloodwork it's causing you to have a storm of hormones right now”
“Since we found out the true reason for your vomiting and nausea, we'd like to see you come in around the 15th of January so you can have your specialist visit and get you prescribed some medicine so you can go to work soon”
“Works for me”
The tears were falling like a waterfall now.
“Thank you have a nice day (Name)”
The line cut off. You dropped your phone under the pedal this time barely registering it.
4 weeks pregnant.
You laughed— a loud maniac Laugh from you belly until it started to melt into a heartbroken wail eventually dying down in a messy sob.
Any people walking by would have probably thought you were insane. Your disheveled dress and running mascara as you wailed into the leather steering wheel.
You thought you'd puke.
What horrible irony was this?
The only person you've ever had sex with…
Was the man laying in a coma in the hospital right now, unknown to the true consequences of that morning four weeks ago.
He might not even make it, and this baby would be the cruel reminder that…
Azul had gotten you pregnant with his child.
You felt like you wanted to die.
What were you going to say? How do you tell anyone about this?
Your lover would leave you.
Worse, what would Azul think?
Would he even want to keep the baby? Or hell even you?
Would you have to marry Azul? He wouldn't want you at all as a wife.
You felt a headache coming on as you started to feel your tears building up again. As you were spiraling from your driver's seat, you heard your phone's delightful ping noise alerting you of its location below.
Azul woke up yesterday.
Your face flushed as hot as ever.
You knew what you had to do.
Or at least what you should do.
But why say anything? You calmly thought to yourself.
It's only been 4 weeks, and you're not even showing… apparently Most of the time, people don't tell anyone until about 5 months, so... at most there was 4 months to go to do the deed.
So Why don't you keep this as your little spring secret?
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rosedere · 1 month
Murder Mountain
(Yandere Azul ashengrotto x Afab reader)
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Modern Au
TW: Dark Content, Attempted Murder, Harassment, Non Con/Rape.
Cross Posted on AO3.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5 (you are here), Part 6-
We could take some Georgia peach
To a peak
Where the sunset's better
We could die little deaths
In the hills with no regrets
Quietly walking back to the master bedroom, you could feel the steam from the warm water begin to surround your. Flushed face. The steam swirled around you in heavy clouds, the condensation making the cabin floors slick.
Gee, how hot did he need the water to be?
Treading carefully through the mist forming you walked into the bedroom once more, a jolt of repulsion thick in you get as you saw the bed.
Azul was nowhere to be seen in the room, as you glanced back to the doorway, thankfully, you could hear his movements still in the bathroom from the cracked open door leading to the immense steam building up.
Inhaling you began to creep on your toes towards your destination. Readjusting your grip on your baseball bat, letting your fingers move in a comfortable position you could vizualize a target in the middle of a sandy lot, the familiar beige bases in front of you just like old times.
"(Name), are you there? The waters warm,” Azul's voice echoed off the walls of the cabin.
Duh, I have eyes idiot
As you pushed the bathroom door, you noticed it was a bit larger than what you had initially observed earlier.
The interior was reminiscent of a rustic farmhouse; the double sink and mirror were directly in front of you, while the milk-painted cabinents were next to the claw-footed tub and shower that sat next to a small window adorned with checkered print curtains. Just as you remembered them from the last company retreat.
You almost jumped with a start when you immediately saw Azul's half dressed back facing you, he seemed he was idly shifting through his bag, presumably looking for something.
“(name)... If you have a bit of energy maybe we can... Resume where we left off ” Azul purred, still looking through his bag.
You raised your bat and closed your eyes.
“(Name)?” Azul spoke up softly.
He stopped russling in the bag. His back stiffening. You only stood in place inches between each other.
Get him.
Running, you swung with all your might against where you imagined his knees would be giving him seconds to turn towards the ambush. The sickening crunch was all you heard as you slowly opened your eyes to witness Azul's horrified expression from the hard bat connecting with flesh before he quickly folded into himself in the corner between the tub and sink.
Azul's scream was piercing as it echoed through the wooden cabins enough to make your ears ring.
You didn't care anymore, though.
Each cruel swing to his knees made a sickening sound, akin to mashing a pound of meat.
All you saw were the splintered bones and pulpy flesh that were formerly his legs reveal themselves below you.
The primal screams he made were music to your ears. It was worth all the pain you've endured to hear the monster die.
Bringing your bat down remembering everything he did to you with a fury.
Your business in the mountains was complete.
He was certainly, at worst, going to lose his legs, and at best, he broke them from the shins down. Nothing that couldn't be fixed after all..
Yet As you stared down at the defeated monster, twisted legs and barely gasping out words you didnt care to listen to.
A voice in your head began to arise within you:
Finish him.
Smiling to yourself as you looked around you, his bag from earlier opened, your eyes caught a glimpse of a pair of long shaving blades laying neatly on top of the milky cabin.
You dropped your bat taking slow steps to the sink.
Grabbing the razor blade off the sink you only looked and examined the blades remembering the way the cool metal felt on your fingers, glancing back down at the pathetic monster whimpering and holding what was a compound fracture to his kneecap you faced him the blade resting between your blotchy red stained fingers.
A wail brought you out of your stupor.
"Please,(Name), stop!” He screamed at the top of his lungs gesturing to you with his free hand.
"My keys are in the other room and my phone" snot dripped from his nose and fat glops of tears fell onto his soaked shirt full of water and dirty red brown stains.
The monster was still fighting back.
“I-I love you, (Name)” he cried out as you loomed over him with the blade still feeling it on your fingers.
"I can give you whatever you want Dearest"
A rage consumes your body, causing you to finally...
You furiously lunged at him, going straight for his face slashing and trying to hack it off for, god knows, how long.
Maybe 150 times? That's when you stopped counting.
Eventually, the screams and wails died down.
And The blade broke in your saturated red hands.
dropping to the ground with a light thud.
It's over.
A smile began ebbing onto your face; you hadn't realized this was the first genuine smile in three years.
You stood up from the crouching position you had acquired, unaware you were in front of the foggy mirror from the continuous splashing of water from the tub faucet.
Slowly, you turned to face the new person you had become.
You were a piece of art- with vermillion reds mixing into the white cotton of your t-shirt, making pink blooms arise onto your body and leggings, Blood decorating your hair and neck in a deep crimson that eventually dripped down, creating additional splotches into the fabric.
Your lavender-colored leggings were sickly crimson, matching your top with the same shade of dark brown and bright reds.
The mirror showed your victory of slaying the monster.
Before leaving the bathroom, you turned the water off.
The bathroom was now silent, peaceful even.
Grabbing what remained of Azul's legs, you tugged them harshly dragging him out of the room, the colorful streak of blood leaving a trail behind his mangled body.
As you exited unceremoniously, you stopped remembering your items. Gingerly dropping his pathetic legs you went into the room containing your bag for the most crucial part of the plan.
Finally making it through the threshold you began your journey up the Mount Evergreen Trail to the top of the mountain.
The trail was illuminated with a beautiful gold color, making you look like you were lit within with fire. The trees and rocks looked like they were made of gold, along with the beautiful trees you could see below.
Setting off a while ago, you seem to have lost track of the time, you estimated it would take at least a hour, but you painfully didnt estimate that dragging Azul and not a bag of potatoes up the trail would add to your time significantly.
Passing a few rocks shelves overlooking the tall redwood trees and the ravine below showing the valley signalling you were halfway to the top was when you heard something.
At first, you ignored it assuming it was the various deer coming out to bask in the cool evening air and kept dragging Azul's broken body up the trail, trying to move as fast as you could before any hikers would run into you.
Only as you tugged on his legs maneuvering past the rocky trail it started sounding like a groan from...
A loud groan belted out of Azul in front of you, sounding raspy and pained.
You stopped to listen.
It was so soft, you would have missed it if you didn't stop dragging.
No way.
You drop Azul's feet to look at his eviscerated face, opened by the numerous cuts.
Azul's striking eyes were opened showing the light ice blue irises under the sunlight.
He was alive.
But barely.
His crimson-stained face looked up at you, disoriented as it seemed his eyes tried to focus.
Shit the pain must have made Azul pass out.
“Help me,” he whispered disoriented, holding onto his consciousness.
You just stared owlishly at his unmoving figure as it began to tremble.
A loud moan of pain was heard from him again as he stirred in the dirt below him as if he was trying to get up.
He looked pathetic.
You have to win.
Beside his neck your eyes saw a decent-sized rock with a sharp enough point.
You reached over his writhing form, about to sit up grabbing a hold of the chunky rock.
You need to hurry before the sun is completely gone, after all no one would want to be stuck here after dark going down a dangerous cliffside by themselves.
Grabbing his obliterated legs you continued up to the peak of the mountain.
You happened to have only been on this mountain twice but the view was beautiful everytime you gazed down below.
Looking across the mountain, you could see the houses in the distance and other mountain systems that ran through the city on the otherside of the mountain face.
With a grunt you finally unceremoniously dropped Azul in the middle of the clearing at the lush mountain top with a dull thump to the red dirt below.
Standing over him was ironic; you felt a sense of pride looking at the fruit your labor produced.
His face and top of his head decorated in a gruesome scarlet crown. Since he was the self proclaimed king of Mostro inc anyway it would be fitting for the king to be ontop of the world as he died a cold, lonely, pathetic death.
Squatting down ignoring the fire in your thighs from the long hike, you let yourself lean over his unabashed ear.
You knew Azul wouldn't be able to hear you since he was dead, but a part of you wanted to pretend he could hear what was on your mind.
"Well, Azul, this is where we part, forever” you whispered softly into his ear.
Tucking a few stubborn strands in his disheveled hair, your fingers tried to fix his beyond destroyed glasses that lay on his perfectly still face, letting the glass rest on his cheek.
You let your fingers then find themselves trail across his face to his beauty mark near his parted red stained lips.
Tracing a small pattern you only smiled to yourself as you looked down.
"I'm sorry it had to be like this, but I think it's for the best, yeah?" You stopped tracing your lone finger on his beauty mark before letting it find a new area to mess with beside the corner of his lip.
"I'm in a bit of a rush, so I'll just leave you with this before I go back to my home with the love of my life waiting paitently for me" you chuckled to yourself.
Caressing his face, you let your lips ghost his bloodied ones, remembering the friction and texture of his opened lip before latching onto the top of his lips.
Parting from his open lips after a few moments you let your breath fan his cheek.
"Remember, I won Today"
Reaching into your bag you retrieved the final items you needed for your final leg of the trip. Grabbing your GPS and map, you realized your hotel was north of the peak.
Time to get a move on.
And never look back.
Thankfully, your calculations were not wrong for once.
Scaling the cliff and tumbling slightly down had saved you some time but unfortunately roughed your clothes even more than previously, looking up at the sky you saw the gold peach color disappear now the sky being replaced with the violet red and dark orange color in the sky.
After a while of hiking in the silence of nature to the outskirts of the evergreen sea of trees, you changed into your fresh new clothes packed just as youd put them in your bag.
You neglected the fact that it'd be cold this late in the mountains as you shimmied into your shorts and a long sleeve t-shirt.
Looking back down at the pile below you of your previous disgusting reminder of clothes made you recall you had to rid of your works of art before anyone saw them on you returning to your safe haven.
On your way down the winding road with nothing to reminisce about a small smoke trail caught your attention on the other side of the road you were walking briskly down.
Perfect .
Cautiously, you crossed, eventually finding the source of the fire. It seemed the metal can on fire was from someones camp fire, seeing no one in sight you tossed the clothes into the unattended fire before booking it out of there without looking back.
It was too perfect how everything lined up for you.
Too perfect.
Scaling the window you left open in the dingy bathroom was tough without a cable, especially because of how exhausted you were. After a few failed attempts, however, you got yourself through the window into the bathroom falling in with a ungraceful landing on the empty tile floor next to the toilet, banging your knee quite hard.
It had only been a several hours, but for you, it felt like it had been days since setting foot in the small bathroom.
Definitely, after you check on the room, you'll be ready for a warm shower.
Wash off the day from your skin.
Upon opening the door, everything was just as you left it; As you suspected, the housekeeper left your room alone letting you sigh in relief.
And thankfully, when they do come around to your room, you'll have already left for the evening.
You went immediately to your phone sitting on the charger against the mold green wall.
In your detailed plan this is when youd open the curtains alerting everyone you were in the room for the evening.
But your mind wasnt preoccupied with the curtains didn't matter.
Only he mattered.
Name ✨: Hiii, im back! It's been a while huh?
You placed your phone on the bed, going towards the window, but before you reached the bulky window a/c unit the familiar ding from your phone alerted you of a message.
Sugar: I'm surprised you still remember me, stranger 😘
Sugar: I miss you (name).
You could feel your heart swoon in your chest.
Name✨: I mean, we can always meet up!!! The company finally banned inter-relationships.
Name✨: We can meet tonight??
You placed your phone on the bed.
Getting up you looked at yourself; You're sure you could get away with wearing a casual outfit to meet him since he doesn't really care much about how you look, but you still want to look attractive...
Sugar: Of course! Want me to pick you up at our usual meeting spot?
Name ✨: if you want to haha; remember we are free to hookup now ;)
Name ✨: Pick me up at 9 around the strip I HAVE to freshen up before we see each other.
Tossing your phone back down on the bed, you reached beside your bed for your luggage bag to start the short process packing your belongings.
When you glanced at your phone the time was already 8:30pm.
After neatly folding your clothes and bedding and putting the trash away, you paced back and forth trying to remember the last thing you had to do in your hotel room...
"Oh, I almost forgot.”
The curtains.
You went off to the window and pulled the cheapo vintage tacky flower patterned curtains back without a care.
As you did this, however, a blonde woman in a black dress passed your window, making brief eye contact with her.
You both stared for a moment before she carried on down the opposite staircase below to the parking lot.
You walked away from your window towards your luggage trying to find a fresh pair of undergarments and a nice blouse you packed for work.
Nothing could ruin your night.
Going back to the bathroom with your phone in tow, you turned the faucet on hearing the water fall fast into the drain, looking on your phone you selectes your favorite music app turning on your favorite playlist: Date night <3 playlist
Stripping quickly you took your clothes off quickly getting in to wash your hair and body.
When you reached for the small bottle of cheap shampoo that came with your room, you swore you heard noise outside the outdoor hallway.
It was hard to decipher between your music playing and the echo of the bathroom. so You ignored it, taking the rest of your shower in peace.
Drying yourself, you started applying your minimal makeup, you didnt realize it had been forever since you wore makeup, choosing not to be harrassed by Azul for wearing lipstick at work you began to completely abandon the routine.
Smiling to yourself in the small mirror you grabbed your eyeliner, about to add a little eyeliner to make your eyes look more smoky you held the pencil up to the corner of your eyes.
But when you were about to glide the pencil over your eyelid...
A scream; very loud and guttural was unmistakenly heard.
You turned around towards the window.
Packing your makeup and dirty clothes into your luggage you closed the bathroom door, dressed in your pencil skirt and blouse and small kitten heels hurrying towards the currently open window.
Only as you bended over the A/C to look out in the now dark concrete hallway you saw...
Backing away from the window your sense of dread came back.
You weren't sure if you should go out and look at the source or keep minding your own business inside.
Shaking the feeling you went back to your date-night routine, finishing spraying yourself with your favorite perfume on your wrist, ignoring the bad feeling in your stomach.
As you grabbed your things and luggage, ready to go downstairs to finally end this weekend of misery, you heard more of a commotion outside getting louder and louder below. Finally gathering the courage to look outside the window you leaned over once more
But nothing again.
Hesitantly, holding onto your luggage and bag tighter you left the key to the room on the bed like the Pamphlet had told you for when you checked out, you walked out of your room with your car keys between your knuckles, ready to open your car immediately.
Mentally thankful you parked right below your room.
Closing the door you were in the concrete hallway about to turn to the left side of the corridor.
That's when you heard it:
“Someone help! I think he was mauled by a bear!"
“Just keep the cloth around his legs; the ambulance is almost here”
"I think he came from the woods back behind the motel!"
No way.
The sound was coming from the staircase you had to go down to get to your car.
Leaving your luggage against the concrete railing, you silently walked to the landing of the staircase where the voices were heard below.
Creeping over the ledge you immediately gasped.
Two women who were dressed to go out were at the base of the staircase: One was in a green dress that was now painted in dark sploches of blood and was holding a phone to her ear with panic in her eyes, The other Blonde woman was in a black dress, holding a black strip of cloth around something, and looked panicked out of her mind.
And right between the two women, leaving a red trail of blood, you could make out familiar strands of seafoam gray hair you had remembered caressing ontop of the mountain.
You backed away.
Do you go back to your room?
No, they might get here and ask everyone questions.
You can walk to the other staircase on the right side of the motel, but you might be suspicious walking that way and not going down to help...
It was obvious your choice was to just wing it and get out of here. Slowly backing away from the scene you turned and nervously sped down the long walkway to the staircase you had to get to.
As you reached the bottom of the staircase, you could hear the approaching sirens.
You hurriedly grabbed your things hastily resting on the wall, almost falling down a fee steps as you fell down the last step throwing your things in the trunk of your car.
You didn't care anymore; you just wanted to get out of here.
Speeding off into the night faster than you'd ever thought you could drive turning occasionally to make sure no one had seen your car.
After a couple of moments in traffic,you make it to the strip, as everyone in the city called it.
It must have been a coincidence.
There is no way he could have gotten down the mountain—no, impossible even.
He was dead when you left, and you felt it when he didn't respond to your touch. You almost passed a stop sign with how fast your mind and heart was racing.
Shit, you needed to calm down.
You parked a bit further from the initial meeting spot by the tiny park.
Trying to concentrate on anything else but that incident at the motel. You reached in your glove compartment for your mirror, reapplying your makeup so it would calm your nerves. Something familiar...
Jumping you almost broke your mirror before you peeked at your drivers side window.
You sighed, rolling down your window.
“You almost scared me!” You chuckled smiling up at him.
"Well, you looked too cute. I couldn't wait forever for you to put your makeup stuff on,” he blushed. You smiled back at him and got out of the car, immediately embracing him.
Craning your neck you kissed his neck and face.
“I never want to let you go,” you murmmured into his expensive suit.
"Well, your wish is my command,” he says, holding you in place besides him.
Nuzzling yourself into him to ground yourself, and you were beginning to forgot the trauma you experienced. Your worries were just about to melt completely away until a continuous buzz was heard from your date's jacket.
“Thats weird… I never get calls this late on my work phone"
Still holding you, he reaches with his free hand into his jacket to fish his phone out and answer the phone.
You felt your stomach churn.
"Yes hello?"
"What happened?"
“He what? Oh my gosh, that's terrible."
“I could never picture him being suicidal. Maybe he did fall off the mountain trail. You know what they say? It's a tough trail to travel on your own"
Your date held you closer nuzzling you with the top of his nose.
Completely missing the loss of color you had on your face as you heard his side of the conversation.
"Well, I guessed I could send something to his office just so they know he's on my mind; despite us not having the best relationship, I wouldn't want him to die, you know?"
"Yeah, talk to you later. Have a good night,” a small beep was heard as he hanged his phone up, pocketing his cellphone once more.
“Who was that, if I may ask?” You coyly asked, staring up at the large man in front of you.
"Oh, it was just my secretary; that Azul guy apparently was in some sort of accident in the mountains; but that's all my secretary was told,” he then waved his hand.
You felt your stomach drop.
“come on, let's get going. The reservation was specifically for 9 p.m; it's that one place you loved" he smiled, giving you a peck on the top of your head.
"You smell nice by the way honey bun"
He then grabbed your hand as an invitation to hold his hand as you walked to the restaurant.
Little did he know, right?
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rosedere · 1 month
The Liyue Lotus and the Merchant from Snezhnaya (Pantalone x Fem Reader)
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MDNI +18
Cw: kidnapping, Stalking, non con elements, Graphic violence (later chapters), Yandere content *will update as the series goes
Cross posted on AO3
Part 1,Part 2,Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6,Chapter 7: The Last dinner (you are here), Part 8, Part 9, Part 10~
Synopsis: Unfortunately, The Regerator develops a fixation with you while you are working undercover for Yelan. And there’s no one who can get in his way of his prized Lotus.
Convinced myself to like the beds I shared
While crying, going numb and lying bare
I did it all for them and more
With all my body getting sore
How could I be so brutal to myself?
Will I ever love?
You laid beside him breathless.
Of course, he wasn't even close to done; still laying down a row of warm kisses to your collarbone, signaling for another round.
You had your eyes shut trying to catch your breath.
The whole incident was strange to you, musing silently about your slain co-worker.
No other soldiers Were around from what you could observe when you both made it from the tunnel.
The only one there was Pantalone.
But from your reports he had no vision on him from what Yelan had briefed you about him; even if he had some combat experience that shot would have been too far to make from him.
You knew you had to go back, Or at least find Yelan once again without whoever was hiding around the estate possibly hunting you know that you were alone.
You reopened your eyes;His amethyst eyes glowed in the dusk-filled room, eyes meeting yours while he lay nestled against your breasts. Pantalone's hair was strewn in a mess compared to his usual tied-back hairstyle.
Pantalone's glasses were strewn on the nightstand near the sturdy bed.
“You seem distracted” He stared you down scrunching his brow.
His hand began to creep from under the rustled sheets towards your cheek.
“Just a bit tired” you murmured, “I heard from Galina you've been easily exhausted” he began to rub your cheek.
“Oh that's nothing, I just assume it's from the weather” you sighed, closing your eyes once more.
He didn't respond, but he didn't stop touching you. 
“I wonder…”
You felt Pantalone's lithe hand run over the swell of your stomach.
“I wonder if someone might be…”
Your eyes fluttered open.
Fear rises in the pit of your gut.
The Archons wouldn't be cruel enough to curse you again with that same pain from those 15 years ago.
Pantalone snapped to focus on your face, previously focusing on your exposed stomach.
“I- just don't think it could happen… at my age” you muttered the last part your head low to your chin.
“Besides, you wore protection didn't you?” Looking at Pantalone for confirmation of your sentence he only kept idly tracing your stomach creating a tickle bubbling in your gut from the sensitivity in the area.
“Maybe we should take you to the doctor” he nonchalantly told you, “even if your claim is true It's not normal to be so tired princess” 
You scoffed at the mention
“Princess?” you repeated
“your beauty is of one Lián” Pantalone replied, 
You only made a scrunched-up expression as you flicked your eyes up to the larger canopy above both of you, The main structure of the fabric attached to the top of the pillars on the corners of the bed reminded you of a large night sky.
You only lazily nodded in response; your eyes still focusing on the top of the canopy above.
“would you marry me if I asked you” 
oh, Archons no.
“Depends” You looked down to see him observing you with hope in his eyes, He with haste grabbed your hand aligningyour palms together in front of the two of you.
“I don't think I'm the type you should settle down with” you smiled to yourself, “After all you shouldn't put all your eggs in a basket Pantalone” 
His face immediately fell at your answer; a forlorn look of despair and annoyance. He grasps your hand once more playfully holding it to his cheek.
“I did a lot of thinking while I was away Lián” he cleared his throat “and my heart doesn't hesitate when it tells me who is destined to be my future fiancee”
“I'm not saying you shouldn't be with me” you panicked trying to quell the storm beginning to brew in his flawless face,“it's more of maybe you should just be patient” 
However, it seemed he was fuming at your words. His brows cross and the end of his mouth twitching with displeasure.
“I thought I told you when I returned I expected an answer”
His tone was now deeper, a silent rage rising.
“I even allowed you to roam in my abode to decide what you truly wanted” 
You rolled to your side reaching for his back.
Your fingers slide to the center of his neck gently pressing into his firm back.
“I love you” you quietly confessed.
There was more silence from the raven-haired man.
“I just…” 
You hesitated exhaling as you focused your fingers into the rough spot on his back.
“I do not want to get married again” 
You felt your head lower at the mention.
In all honesty, you don't know why you were making legitimate excuses to him, you weren't going to marry him either way if he genuinely proposed, you were just an agent undercover.
It wouldn't work out anyway…
“I thought you'd never been married to anyone before” He snapped back at you angrily.
“Well… We never got to get married” you trailed off, “It didn't work out between us” The tears began to trail your lash line at the small fragment of memory.
“I just don't want to deal with that embarrassment again” 
This time it was your turn to roll yourself in the blankets and sheets turning to the left side to look out the gated balcony outside.
“What if we just try Lián”
You couldn't contain the few silvery tears dampening the pillow below your cheek.
“We can both go to Sneznyha and get married and see where it takes the both of us” He rustled the sheets, still not closing the gap between you in the bed.
“you even said it yourself you've lived your whole life in Liyue harbor; don't you want to leave to create new memories somewhere else?” 
You didn't reply, but you decided to sit up covering your chest as best as you could with your blanket.
“Where are you going?” He demanded
“I want to freshen up a bit”
“Alone” and that you did, you wandered off on unsteady feet to the bathroom where your robe would most likely be.
You didn't dare to look back at Pantalone as you shut the folding door. 
Exhaling a breath you didn't realize was sitting in your chest you immediately turned on the warm tap you had seen Galina do many times.
Ironically this was one of those times you wished she was here, or at least Fedor to muse about your current situation.
The steam began to fill the room signaling for you to get ready to sit in the tub.
Your hair was tousled, but you did your best to comb out the small hair pins that were still attached.
As you racked your hair through the top of your head your eyes widened.
It had to be a mistake, your hair was messed up from laying and sitting up but the small shining gem should still be tucked underneath your hair where you placed it from before.
Holding your hand out you tried to channel your Cryo energy.
Your fingertips collected a small amount of Cryo, but it wasn't as strong as when you first retrieved it.
Mentally retracing your steps, you were relieved to know it had to be somewhere either in the bedroom or back into the entranceway, recalling feeling the vision as you brushed up against Pantalone.
frustrated you placed the hairpins on the sole rocks next to the tub.
you grabbed your towel about to get in when you felt shaken. You wobbled back, trying to correct yourself, back and forth you felt your vision funnel around you. Stepping back to what you thought was the tub, only to feel yourself tumble backward.
Falling onto your back with a loud thud.
Your vision turned pink; you slurred trying to murmur for help.
And with a spiral-like finish, you fell into darkness.
A throne room.
You were walking along the icy path leading to the tall dark navy throne in front of you in the spotlights of the windows above the cathedral-like room.
A woman was there with a dark navy veil, only silver locks fell from the side of her face as she sat on the throne.
“There you are (name)”
Her voice sounded like crystals hitting the ice.
You felt yourself stop,standing in front of the throne.
“I've been watching you for a long time” she chuckled.
You only narrowed your eyes at her.
“It seems you don't realize the true danger of this trap you have fallen into” she sighed.
She lifted her left cloaked hand extending a long manicured nail as pale as snow to the left.
Footsteps were rapidly approaching you both.
You couldn't see who it was as they hadn't reached the spotlights yet but the footsteps were small but dainty and calculated reminding you of a familiar someone.
“I apologize for the troubles you had to befall in the past and the current”
She clasped her hands, you realized the footsteps stopped.
Your eyes darted to the spotlight beside her throne.
The world felt as if it had stopped.
You couldn't react to this dream or illusion. Only spectating.
But if you could you would have died.
“I hope this gift will find you well; although the tragedy that will have to occur for you to finally carry this gift with you” 
Her words were powerful as the person—
Or the child standing in front of you in the spotlight.
She at least had to be 8 years old; tall, she wore a long fur robe around her body only being able to tell she was wearing a floor-length gown that had white and blue glittering tulle underneath.
Your complexion and similar colored eyes looked back at you, a simple smile on her fine lips as she looked towards you.
Her hair was a dark ebony color, long flowing back her chest reminiscent of mermaid waves.
She reminded you of the daydreams you had picturing him and your child occasionally.
“How can you be so cruel to me and show me a future that will never happen” you thought.
The woman only smiled as you glared at her.
“Goodbye (name)”
“I'll see you very soon”
You gasped— the breath returning into you.
The first face you saw surprisingly wasn't Pantalone but the tall Fatui Mage, her trademark hood in clear view as she was in front of you holding a leaf or something to your nose.
Of course, Fedor was standing beside Galina, it seemed you were on the ground of Pantalone's room.
“Lián! She's awake” Fedor announced
“I knew this would awaken her” Galina sighed a sigh of relief.
“Lián, do you remember what happened before you passed out?” Galina asked.
You didn't realize you were propped up in someone's arms until you felt Galina grab you to sit up in her arms.
“I had a weird dream” you slurred trying to keep your eyes from shutting once more.
“It was really cold” You tried to recall the scenes only remembering the feelings.
It was like the dream was gone from your memory.
“She went into the bathroom by herself without me; I tried following after her but she locked shut the gate before I could enter,” Pantalone said from behind you.
“I heard the water turn on but I never heard Lián get in” he gestured to the tub that you didn't even notice was full, soaking the ground around the tub.
You did recall the events though, remembering getting up to go wander the estate without Pantalone. 
And your vision.
You only stayed silent nodding in agreement.
“Ironic as I'd just been scolding my princess to go see a doctor” Pantalone exaggerated a sigh.
“I guess I will call one immediately” He left the room leaving you.
he hesitated before he got up from where he was seated on the bathroom floor, and stopped very close to your ear.
“You win tonight” he mumbled under his breath.
“Is something missing my lady?” She parted your hair once more allowing her to form a single French braid.
“I lost one of my favorite silver trinkets earlier” you sighed, “I found it in the steam during noon and then I lost it once Lord Pantalone got home” You tucked your face into the pillow.
“don't tell me that's why you trespassed into dangerous territory lián” Galina scolded 
“That area is Fatui personnel only; you could have gotten yourself killed down there” she tsked you giving a light pat to your back.
after a few moments of silence, while she meticulously braided your hair, you still lying on your pillow resting your chin.
The thought occurred to you that this was the first time you'd truly been able to relax.
Before Pantalone had “captured” you most of your days would be from running through the bustling harbor to keep your body in shape, to having the occasional pleasure of Running into Ganyu and Keqing in their usual spot under the pavilion before you'd scurry off and train in the mountains with your bow and vision for most of the evenings.
A change of pace that you had now.
Your brow furrowed as you thought about Pantalone's proposition.
Did you want the rest of your days to be occupied with seeing Pantalone, Galina, and Fedor every day?
Lying on your side as you got dressed up all day like a doll.
oh, Archons no.
“Depends” You looked down to see him observing you with hope in his eyes, He with haste grabbed your hand aligningyour palms together in front of the two of you.
“I don't think I'm the type you should settle down with” you smiled to yourself, “After all you shouldn't put all your eggs in a basket Pantalone” 
His face immediately fell at your answer; a forlorn look of despair and annoyance. He grasps your hand once more playfully holding it to his cheek.
“I did a lot of thinking while I was away Lián” he cleared his throat “and my heart doesn't hesitate when it tells me who is destined to be my future fiancee”
“I'm not saying you shouldn't be with me” you panicked trying to quell the storm beginning to brew in his flawless face,“it's more of maybe you should just be patient” 
However, it seemed he was fuming at your words. His brows cross and the end of his mouth twitching with displeasure.
“I thought I told you when I returned I expected an answer”
His tone was now deeper, a silent rage rising.
“I even allowed you to roam in my abode to decide what you truly wanted” 
You rolled to your side reaching for his back.
Your fingers slide to the center of his neck gently pressing into his firm back.
“I love you” you quietly confessed.
There was more silence from the raven-haired man.
“I just…” 
You hesitated exhaling as you focused your fingers into the rough spot on his back.
“I do not want to get married again” 
You felt your head lower at the mention.
In all honesty, you don't know why you were making legitimate excuses to him, you weren't going to marry him either way if he genuinely proposed, you were just an agent undercover.
It wouldn't work out anyway…
“I thought you'd never been married to anyone before” He snapped back at you angrily.
“Well… We never got to get married” you trailed off, “It didn't work out between us” The tears began to trail your lash line at the small fragment of memory.
“I just don't want to deal with that embarrassment again” 
This time it was your turn to roll yourself in the blankets and sheets turning to the left side to look out the gated balcony outside.
“What if we just try Lián”
You couldn't contain the few silvery tears dampening the pillow below your cheek.
“We can both go to Sneznyha and get married and see where it takes the both of us” He rustled the sheets, still not closing the gap between you in the bed.
“you even said it yourself you've lived your whole life in Liyue harbor; don't you want to leave to create new memories somewhere else?” 
You didn't reply, but you decided to sit up covering your chest as best as you could with your blanket.
“Where are you going?” He demanded
“I want to freshen up a bit”
“Alone” and that you did, you wandered off on unsteady feet to the bathroom where your robe would most likely be.
You didn't dare to look back at Pantalone as you shut the folding door. 
Exhaling a breath you didn't realize was sitting in your chest you immediately turned on the warm tap you had seen Galina do many times.
Ironically this was one of those times you wished she was here, or at least Fedor to muse about your current situation.
The steam began to fill the room signaling for you to get ready to sit in the tub.
Your hair was tousled, but you did your best to comb out the small hair pins that were still attached.
As you racked your hair through the top of your head your eyes widened.
It had to be a mistake, your hair was messed up from laying and sitting up but the small shining gem should still be tucked underneath your hair where you placed it from before.
Holding your hand out you tried to channel your Cryo energy.
Your fingertips collected a small amount of Cryo, but it wasn't as strong as when you first retrieved it.
Mentally retracing your steps, you were relieved to know it had to be somewhere either in the bedroom or back into the entranceway, recalling feeling the vision as you brushed up against Pantalone.
frustrated you placed the hairpins on the sole rocks next to the tub.
you grabbed your towel about to get in when you felt shaken. You wobbled back, trying to correct yourself, back and forth you felt your vision funnel around you. Stepping back to what you thought was the tub, only to feel yourself tumble backward.
Falling onto your back with a loud thud.
Your vision turned pink; you slurred trying to murmur for help.
And with a spiral-like finish, you fell into darkness.
A throne room.
You were walking along the icy path leading to the tall dark navy throne in front of you in the spotlights of the windows above the cathedral-like room.
A woman was there with a dark navy veil, only silver locks fell from the side of her face as she sat on the throne.
“There you are (name)”
Her voice sounded like crystals hitting the ice.
You felt yourself stop,standing in front of the throne.
“I've been watching you for a long time” she chuckled.
You only narrowed your eyes at her.
“It seems you don't realize the true danger of this trap you have fallen into” she sighed.
She lifted her left cloaked hand extending a long manicured nail as pale as snow to the left.
Footsteps were rapidly approaching you both.
You couldn't see who it was as they hadn't reached the spotlights yet but the footsteps were small but dainty and calculated reminding you of a familiar someone.
“I apologize for the troubles you had to befall in the past and the current”
She clasped her hands, you realized the footsteps stopped.
Your eyes darted to the spotlight beside her throne.
The world felt as if it had stopped.
You couldn't react to this dream or illusion. Only spectating.
But if you could you would have died.
“I hope this gift will find you well; although the tragedy that will have to occur for you to finally carry this gift with you” 
Her words were powerful as the person—
Or the child standing in front of you in the spotlight.
She at least had to be 8 years old; tall, she wore a long fur robe around her body only being able to tell she was wearing a floor-length gown that had white and blue glittering tulle underneath.
Your complexion and similar colored eyes looked back at you, a simple smile on her fine lips as she looked towards you.
Her hair was a dark ebony color, long flowing back her chest reminiscent of mermaid waves.
She reminded you of the daydreams you had picturing him and your child occasionally.
“How can you be so cruel to me and show me a future that will never happen” you thought.
The woman only smiled as you glared at her.
“Goodbye (name)”
“I'll see you very soon”
You gasped— the breath returning into you.
The first face you saw surprisingly wasn't Pantalone but the tall Fatui Mage, her trademark hood in clear view as she was in front of you holding a leaf or something to your nose.
Of course, Fedor was standing beside Galina, it seemed you were on the ground of Pantalone's room.
“Lián! She's awake” Fedor announced
“I knew this would awaken her” Galina sighed a sigh of relief.
“Lián, do you remember what happened before you passed out?” Galina asked.
You didn't realize you were propped up in someone's arms until you felt Galina grab you to sit up in her arms.
“I had a weird dream” you slurred trying to keep your eyes from shutting once more.
“It was really cold” You tried to recall the scenes only remembering the feelings.
It was like the dream was gone from your memory.
“She went into the bathroom by herself without me; I tried following after her but she locked shut the gate before I could enter,” Pantalone said from behind you.
“I heard the water turn on but I never heard Lián get in” he gestured to the tub that you didn't even notice was full, soaking the ground around the tub.
You did recall the events though, remembering getting up to go wander the estate without Pantalone. 
And your vision.
You only stayed silent nodding in agreement.
“Ironic as I'd just been scolding my princess to go see a doctor” Pantalone exaggerated a sigh.
“I guess I will call one immediately” He left the room leaving you.
he hesitated before he got up from where he was seated on the bathroom floor, and stopped very close to your ear.
“You win tonight” he mumbled under his breath.
“Galina” you lazily called over the massive pillow you were currently lying on your side.
She only hummed in acknowledgment as she kept braiding your hair back.
“Did you happen to see…. A small accessory anywhere?” You knew subtly was the way to ask, You weren't even sure if Galina knew what visions were anyway.
“Is something missing my lady?” She parted your hair once more allowing her to form a single French braid.
“I lost one of my favorite silver trinkets earlier” you sighed, “I found it in the steam during noon and then I lost it once Lord Pantalone got home” You tucked your face into the pillow.
“don't tell me that's why you trespassed into dangerous territory lián” Galina scolded 
“That area is Fatui personnel only; you could have gotten yourself killed down there” she tsked you giving a light pat to your back.
after a few moments of silence, while she meticulously braided your hair, you still lying on your pillow resting your chin.
The thought occurred to you that this was the first time you'd truly been able to relax.
Before Pantalone had “captured” you most of your days would be from running through the bustling harbor to keep your body in shape, to having the occasional pleasure of Running into Ganyu and Keqing in their usual spot under the pavilion before you'd scurry off and train in the mountains with your bow and vision for most of the evenings.
A change of pace that you had now.
Your brow furrowed as you thought about Pantalone's proposition.
Did you want the rest of your days to be occupied with seeing Pantalone, Galina, and Fedor every day?
Lying on your side as you got dressed up all day like a doll.
It just wasn't the life for you.
“Lián, if it's that important to you then I'll go look for it once the doctor finishes his examination”
She sounded frustrated, but her tone was the lispy-sounding caring voice she always had with you.
“No-no it's alright I shouldn't have made you worry about it I'll just buy another one” you frowned.
“I insist my lady, I'm very familiar with this whole estate If it's here it cannot hide from me” She smiled to herself, andshe grabbed an elastic tying off the end of the braid.
“There, now you're ready” 
Galina got up and approached the hallway leaving you by yourself on the bed, now empty.
Pantalone had left downstairs doing god knows what. 
You only assumed the worst, possibly trying to figure out who else to strike down while he was in Liyue.
“Miss Lián” 
You heard approaching footsteps behind you.
lazily you turned to look up at the Fatui medical agent, his long white coat adorned with what you'd heard was a delusion on his hip. 
Dendro from the looks of its unusual appearance.
“H-hello”  you replied weakly, you gulped as you saw him leave his doctor's bag on the ground beside you.
“She seems fine right now, and my subordinate took her to bed straight away to make sure she didn't wound her head or body” Galina then approached the doctor near your bedside.
“She's also been complaining of fatigue and extremely weak along with a weak stomach sometimes” Galina fussed once more.
The doctor grabbed a few tools before he began to feel around your head with his large hands, “Can you follow my fingers Lián” The doctor reached into his coat to retrieve a light flashing it all around your eyes and head as he made you look left to right several times.
“Lay back for me miss Lián” 
You rolled to your back now sprawled out the white nightgown you had on barely covering your knees.His hands pressed the sides of your stomach gauging if you felt pressure or vice versa.
It wasn't until he reached your hips that he immediately hesitated.
You felt your heart race as he focused above your belly button.
“Miss Lián have you had any cramps in this area?” 
You shook your head no feeling that horrid feeling of your neck and face being ebbed away by the sensation of discomfort that came with panic.
Watching him as he held his hand over your stomach; a green glow filling his fingertips as a bubble of Dendro energy was radiating over your naval.
And just as soon as it started he stopped.
“I may have found the issue, but I'll need to take the patterns of my energy synthesis to confirm my findings” He turned to Galina who only nodded in agreement.
“So what is wrong with My lady?” Galina questioned. “Her head and reflexes are fine, no reason for the fainting” he held the small pieces of Dendro energy in his hands. 
“I'd say once I process this in a moment I can confidently give you and Lord Pantalone a diagnosis” he got up leaving the room in a hurry.With just you and Galina in the room, you decided to lull your head over your shoulder to look at Galina patiently waiting by your bedside.
“Galina” you breathed softly.
“Yes my lady” she attentively responded.
“Pantalone isn't mad at me is he?” you felt repulsed by how heartbroken your tone sounded.
“Of course not my lady, He's just busy preparing the special dinner…” Her words faded away as she paused.
“No— I mean to say why would he be angry at you my lady” Galina corrected herself a bit too late.
“We… got in a small argument before I passed out” you sighed, “and I think he might have been a bit bothered about it” Your mind replayed the conversation once more, the fury in his eyes and face when you told him to not settle down with you.
You had hoped he'd fall out of love with you anyway but being human after all, it hurt to see someone as lethal as Pantalone to be angered by you.
Galina sat beside you on Pantalone's side of the bed only smiling a comforting smile to you.
you let your thumb find your lip as you press it nervously into your bottom lip area.
“I may have rejected him when he was confessing his true feelings for me”  You swallowed a thick gulp nervously.
“I'm lying, It was when he suggested I might have been pregnant, then I got annoyed, and then he told me he'd wanted to marry me but I told him he shouldn't just settle for me— after all, I've been hurt before and if I have another marriage fail with the man I love—”
You stopped yourself.
You heard it
And Galina had just heard your abrupt confession.
“You did Lián” Galina giggled
You bit down on your thumbnail hard instead of saying any more.
Galina's melodious laugh filled your brain.
“Oh Lián, you're just overthinking so many things” She lifted the side of your braid playing with it.
“You've never truly seen him mad before” she lowly whispered
“If you truly want to make it right I think you should apologize to him— if your little confession is anything then you'dwant him to know you weren't being heartless on purpose” Your braid was now the focus of her attention as she spun it around.
“Maybe I should tell him now…” you sat up letting your legs curl underneath you.
“I would wait for a little… like uh” Galina looked at her wrist under her cloak “Maybe at dinner time” she specified.
“He is very busy with something right now” 
you looked up at her and nodded.
A few seconds of silence radiated from you.
Then finally the sound of the send to the doctor came in.
“My readings show you are indeed healthy Miss Lián” he cheerfully announced.
“I did see some abnormalities in your lower stomach I will keep an eye on but for now I'm focusing on your poor nutrient intake” he reached for your arms once again poking and prodding them.
“Your body needs more water and food” The doctor held onto your hands infusing the Dendro liquid into your skin.
It was after several minutes that you felt a kick of energy in your body.
“See? Feel better?” He smiled at you letting his big hands move away from your arms
“No skipping meals and double the intake on everything you eat and drink” he reached in his bag for a bottle of medicine, the continents reminding you of small amber orbs or crystals packed full in the cylindrical bottle.
“This should keep you from any more nasty incidents like previously” He patted your shoulder, beginning to pack his bag and recede from the bedside you sat at.
While Galina and The doctor spoke beside the bedside you were able to get out of the bed; making small movements like swinging your feet back and forth, moving your head side to side.
The dizziness and illness you felt were gone.
Your mood elevated greatly you got up to walk out onto the balcony.
Passing the ornate gateway you looked over the edge of the balcony railing hitting your waistline.
The sun was still strong over the mountain but you could look down and see the misty clouds of the rocky formations below.
A part of you wished you had an anemo vision just so you could experience flying above the tall mountains and weaving through the heavy clouds underneath you.
“Oh no my lady, Not again” Galina rushed beside you grabbing you gently by the hip “You are not the Anemo archon nor have an Anemo vision” She guided you back into your room.
“Besides now that you feel a bit better It's time for me to wash you up and make sure you look presentable” Galina took you towards the open bathroom door.
Seated in the middle of the table was a first for you; looking across you could see the seat you usually sat at for when dinner was served.
You never guessed it was where Pantalone would sit.
“My lady don't forget to drink your water” Fedor reminded you once again from the opposite side of the large dining hall.
He stood against one of the dark wood panels, one of the various chandeliers above his head illuminating his tall figure above you.
“I will!” You grabbed your glass from across the table, letting the cold water brush past your lips.
Normally dinner would be served by now, but with Galina spilling the news you needed to eat more might have delayed the normally fast dinner.
“Fedor,” you asked
The man only stood at attention.
“Do you know why the delay with the food?”
“Not to seem picky Im just famished” you added quickly.
“I can inform the chefs to hurry if the speed displeases you, My lady” 
“But I will add tonight Pantalone requested a special Dinner for tonight” Fedor was about to exit through the one steep stone entranceway on the right side of where he stood.
“No, it's alright! I was just wondering” but to no avail, your words weren't heard as Fedor walked through the entranceway leading to the kitchen area.
you continued to sip your water in silence.
It was just you and the long brown ornate table decorated with small paper flowers of various colors on top of the red table runner.
Pantalone was still busy when you and Galina tried to find him earlier.
You were dressed now in a loose maxi gown, your bare feet exposed, preferring to roam without any shoes, your hair still in its braid from earlier but more put together. Lilac and dark grey were the colors of the dress, admiring the long flowing sleeves next to you.
Hearing the distant sound of metal and plates hitting you perked up at the familiar sound of your food arriving.
Quickly you heard the footsteps fill the room with the many fatui chefs you'd become familiar with as you've stayed here in the home. 
Eyeing the meal before you it seemed to be a fancier spread, most likely since Pantalone and his expensive taste was going to attend dinner tonight. 
You had to admit now that you had the medicine you didn't realize you had been feeling physically miserable until now.
Waiting for your plate to be set in front of you, your mind filled with hunger as you eyed the crystal shrimp and crab roe tofu towards the center of the table.
However, you got a sneak attack for the first time in forever.
You weren't aware Pantalone even knew how to make his footsteps that quiet.
Lightly grazing the apple of your cheek with a pinch and kiss before he walked gracefully to the table his black robe flowing behind. finally reaching the other end of the table just as the servants began serving the plates for this evening's dinner.
“How did your checkup go Princess” he sat gracefully in front of you, reminding you of his status in the estate, his amethyst eyes watching you.
”I'm using too much of my energy; He gave me this wonderous shot and I feel like myself again” You smiled towards him, “I didn't realize most of my moodiness was because of the lack of energy”
”Well I'm relieved you're beginning to brighten up my lotus” 
your thoughts were interrupted when you saw your plate sitting in front of you, the food steaming indicating it was hot and fresh, you began to eagerly eat, you think you even rivaled Yelan with how much food you were shoveling into your mouth.
Stopping immediately you looked up to see Galina in the doorframe bedside the entrance closest to Pantalone.
”You can't be eating like you're uncivilized just because your beloved is here” she scolded you once more.
“Oh she’s fine Galina, it’s not as if there's any company here that requires it” He waved his glove before lifting his chopsticks to his mouth.
despite Pantalone’s approval you only decided to slowly pick each crystal shrimp slower than the last, as you diligently picked each one off your plate.
his eyebrows quirked up as glanced up from his bowl of rice.
you breathed out.
”I'm sorry about earlier” Looking down at your plate you weren't brave enough to look back at him.
”your right, I should try something new in my life, after all, it’s not like any of us are getting younger” You fluttered your lashes.
”is that why you were searching for me earlier Lián?” He set his chopsticks down, a deep rich laugh escaping his lips, “you do not have to apologize to me, it should be me apologizing to you”
Looking up you were met with his harsh amethyst hues focused on your face.
”no really, I felt like I hurt you and I love you, Pantalone”
Fedor and Galina looked at each other in surprise from beside Pantalone’s grand chair.
Pantalone however only clasped his hands together before resting them on the table. closing his eyes he sighed to himself.
”To me, actions mean more than words darling” he cleared his throat, “anyone can just utter an apology” Pantalone then reached for the glass of green tea beside him, picking up the white and blue teacup as if he was going to drink it.
The steam from the tea was still billowing, not bothering to blow it.
Only, when it was going to reach his lips, at the same moment a servant was walking away. Right when her long blouse was flowing past him you watch a dark glint in his eyes before he tossed the small teacup at the woman.
The scream was gut-wrenching to hear, you stared with wide eyes as the side of her face was now scalded and red from the sweet liquid dripping down her injury.
You instinctively scooted out of your chair to go and help the poor girl, only for you to be quickly sat back down by Fedor who was the closest to you, blocking you from going to render care.
Feeling your stomach dropped you watched as she ran off towards the hallway leading back to the kitchen.
Pantalone only sat there unbothered, this time innocently picking at the remaining few pieces of meat on his plate.
”Sorry” he only monotonously said, continuing to finish his meal for the evening.
”I have said an apology but that doesn't mean I undid my actions”
Deciding now was a good time you only sat yourself silently back into your chair.
’So, what can I do to show you then?” Trying your best to not quiver.
”I promise I do want to try Pantalone” 
The hesitation before he said anything else was making you uneasy. Now halting from eating anymore from your plate.
he held a finger to his chin, but you knew it was an act from his body language, after tapping his finger to his chin he finally spoke.
"Why don't we.. go to Snezhnaya together?”
”let’s consider this our last dinner here in Liyue for a while” he smiled gingerly, “you’ll do it for me won't you my lotus?”
”you did say you love me” He softly grinned.
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Note: Btw my request are open! After August I wont do any until October (shh I haven’t made a request page for genshin stuff but shoot me a ask if you want lol)
31 notes · View notes
rosedere · 2 months
Twst Index
Riddle Rosehearts 🌹:
Professor Riddle Rosehearts (Yandere!)
Deuce Spade ♠️:
Police Sargent Deuce Spade (Yandere!)
Truth or dare (Yandere!)
Ace Trappola ❤️:
Ace confesses his feelings to you (again) (Yandere!)
Truth or dare (Yandere!)
Jamil Viper 🐍:
Promise (Yandere!)
Azul Ashengrotto 🐙:
Sugar Daddy Azul (Yandere!)
Escaping the monstro lounge(Yandere!)
Sea god Azul (Yandere!)
Murder Mountain (Yandere!)
Our Spring Secret (Yandere!)
Jade Leech 🍄:
Mushroom fae (soft yandere!)
Our Spring Secret (Yandere!)
Floyd Leech🦈:
Frat! Au (Yandere!)
Swim (Yandere!)
Neige leblance 🍎:
Behind the scenes (Yandere!)
Rollo Flamme 🧿:
Flames of deception (Yandere!)
More to be added! So keep an eye out 🐚 Updated date: August 3rd, 2024
Big ol Masterlist for my other fandoms/ things im working on: here!
7 notes · View notes
rosedere · 2 months
But it was so good!! Ive been thoroughly enjoying it and im loving your portrayal of Azul and Jade!
I almost dropped my phone when I saw we were mutuals! But thank you for liking my art! Idk if you saw the preview I posted, but I got some horror boys planned, so hopefully you'll like those too!
thank you x10!!!!! Im glad their portrayal was like not too ooc 🥹 Im a horrible Octavinelle fan and I still haven’t actually read through book three so I had to guess so hard for some things aksjsjksjsi.
Omg haha yeah no problem! Also 👀 I wasnt aware but Im gonna go lurk after im done writing this to see if I haven’t already liked it. Im on a massive horror kick rn because halloween is coming (in like 2 months lollll).
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rosedere · 2 months
𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓡𝓸𝓼𝓮 𝓸𝓯 𝓱𝓲𝓼 𝓔𝔂𝓮
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(Professor! Riddle Rosehearts x Student! Reader)
CW: Power abuse, Older man/Younger Girl Relationship, Drxxxing
You have a secret. A secret that could be exciting to some and was even exciting for you when you mused about it.
You were in a relationship with Dr. Riddle Rosehearts
Head of the Veterinary Science Department.
Recalling anything from when the arrangement began would be difficult. It started naturally since you were just as fond of all animals as he was, the interest in you snowballed into you both hanging out away from the lab and sterile environment you'd see each other in every day.
He invited you over to his country home of sprawling green fields and some hay and cow pastures since you two were on pretty friendly terms. The reason for the spontaneous visit from the university to his whimsical home was so you could practice conducting checkups on young mares since you had complained that there wasnt much you could learn from looking at the images in a Textbook.
You were excited since you'd only practiced on the small animals the department took care of it'd be the first time you ever observed animals from outside of the textbook.
Everything seemed to have been going fine.
Leading you to the back of his vast… Well, a yard of sorts since there wasn't a house or fence for a while he led you to the horse stables introducing you to his three polite and healthy horses.
Midnight,Vorpal, and finally Rose
You bent over to pet the lying down mare who was taking a liking to your gentle strokes on her muzzle. 
Unbeknownst to you your professor standing behind watching you silently interact with his prized horses. The short jean skirt you wear under your practitioner jacket riding up revealing your biker shorts beneath. Unaware of the signals you were giving the mostly tenderhearted Dr. Rosehearts. you felt his mature, but smaller than usual sized hand begin to wander behind to the hem of your skirt under your lab coat.
Startled you only looked up with question at your Professor, your hand still perched on Rose’s muzzle.
And when you looked into his eyes, something flickered inside of you, like it connected the both of you together in that moment.
rising to your feet you only contemplated, staring still with a slight confusion about what this feeling exactly was.
It was then with pleading eyes he suddenly was now leading you inside his house up the stairs past the very vintage— but Farmhouse kitsch interior to An immaculate master bathroom that screamed of old money all around you before he abruptly sprawled you out on the rose-scented sheets. You both began to undress each other; Being smoldered with lustful kisses all along your tense body, his eyes filled with desire as he whispered sweet nothings into your skin.
That was the evening you lost your virginity in the rustic master bedroom of your professor's queen-sized bed with the sun setting in the distance outside the two-story window. The technicolor sunset was all projected into the room as you tried your best to catch your breath; your professor beside you Riddle gently stroking your hair as he tucked you against his chest.
It was the beginning of a secret relationship.
You honestly enjoyed it. 
Deepening the friendship the both of you shared he began to pay more attention to you in class. Asking you if you needed assistance with your assignments or if an animal was being stubborn he’d help you keep them subdued enough to complete the lab assignment for the day.
Your grades were never under 100 marks as he'd hand your reports with a small peck to your cheek.
Or how he noticed you were hungry because of most of your funds going to Books or pointless fees for your course. Almost like a caring angel He would arrive at your apartment different snacks you had told him you loved to eat in passing along with packing you meals he’d tried to make himself to feed yourself for the few days you both wouldnt see each other.
You'd accept the warm meals despite them tasting weird you weren't going to hurt him since you could tell he had made them with you in mind.The look in his eyes he'd have the minute you'd walk into class; full of radiance and warmth swirling in them as he’d quickly approached you to wish you a good morning with a secret kiss behind the various curtains around the Examination stables away from prying eyes.
It was the first time someone was attracted to you which is what made you fall even harder for him. It might seem like your secret was being in this taboo or strange relationship with your professor.
But it wasn't.
You started your relationship when you were 18; now 22 about to finish your veterinarian degree was when you tire of him.
The feelings you were beginning to feel was something that couldn’t be told to him; still receiving flowers for your birthday every year and eventually being as bold as to walk hand in hand with you in the city together.
It was one evening when he picked you up after class for dinner as usual; Riddle and you were preparing dinner together as per usual; Riddle was cutting the ingredients grown from the planter box by the window outside while you were stirring the now softening noodles in the ceramic clay brown pot on the vintage gas stovetop for your main entree for dinner.
“(Name) my beautiful dearest?” 
Involuntary clenching your jaw You hummed in acknowledgement as you stirred the noodles creating a tiny greasy whirlpool in the pot.
“It's been five years since we've been together”
You felt a tinge of nerves shoot up your spine.
“And I know you're graduating next month”  he continued while he shakily cut the last few herbs in his hand.
Hesitating you turned to see the faint blush forming on his face.
He paused for a moment as he began to clean the knife he had in his hands. Setting the knife down he reached behind him in a tall cabinet in a smaller drawer.
Your worst fear confirmed when the small velvet box was revealed.
”I saved up my last five paychecks to buy this one” he dreamily sighed. “I want you to be my wife (name)” Riddle nervously blurted barely getting the words out of his mouth, a hint of anxiety in his voice.
You were in utter shock.
Turning back to the steaming meal you didn't have to look at Riddle to know he was probably standing still in front of the cutting board on top of the wooden kitchen island. His facial features were tense but his mouth was in a small smile confessing his feelings for you.
“Your my sunshine (name) if I lose you next Month it'll be like if the land lost its light”
I won't know how to live.
Grabbing your frozen hands over the simmering pot and ladle holding it to his cheeks warm pliable cheek.
“I've already told my mother about you and sent her your pictures” he bashfully spoke as he ran your hands in his.
“For once she approves of one of my love interests, which means we are meant to be” he once again nervously smiled.
You only stayed silent for the longest going back to making dinner.
It was a good thing Riddle was preoccupied in his ramblings about the future, something about opening his own clinic in the small town he lived in together and maybe making the empty nest that was his home into a more lively abode.
You just wanted to leave.
You didn't want to be married and tied down with kids; you wanted to pursue your career. 
Especially at your age.
What you thought you could salvage from the situationship you found yourself in now seemed impossible.
You realized he had to go.
It seemed like it couldn't be as hard to end a relationship with someone as it was to enter it. You were sure He was only enjoying the sex you gave him every time you came over.
So that was where you began trying to dismantle the relationship first; declining any advances simply using excuses consisting of not being able to due to your period or being too tired from earlier in the day. He'd only reassure you it was alright with a soft smile as he cuddled beside you in bed intertwining his legs with your own under the bed sheets.
After three weeks of this, he wouldn't leave only talking more about this imaginary wedding he was planning asking you your thoughts on what kind of honeymoon you'd prefer. Your next plan involved you trying to turn down his invites to come to his home, being busy with other classes since you still had to finish your thesis and exams for other classes in your major before you graduated.
He began to waver, asking if he had done something to offend you his smile still soft on his face.
You never answered; only insisting you'll see him before graduation.
Walking away you didn't want to see the heartbroken stare of your professor. It seemed to work for a little while giving you time to stall.
But on the third week before your graduation while you were out in town shopping for the perfect white dress and heels to wear across the stage downtown you got an email from your advisor.
Check your grades and this instant; if the alarming reports I have received are true then I'm afraid you might not be able to walk down the stage at this spring graduation or ever
Going into your phone and logging in you felt the rush of bile begin to form in the back of your mouth.
“Failing due to unprofessional conduct including; plagiarism, unfriendly conduct towards students and staff, possibly stealing drugs and assorted medications from internship”
All under Dr. Rosehearts class notes and comments.
you instantly left the boutique, rushing to the nearest bus stop: the destination was Dr. Rosehearts Office.
Riddle Rosehearts office was empty, but you knew he was nearby. He dared to write all those lies about you an hour ago. Letting yourself into the opened office you saw his almost barren office besides a rose-shaped lamp in the corner of the hardwood desk and a green swivel armchair.
His plaid messenger bag was hanging on the nearby coathanger next to his desk,  other than those few items it seemed empty of any personality.
With vigor, you sat in front of the desk ploping abruptly into the hard oval chair. As soon as you plopped into the chair you were fuming as you tucked your phone under your arms.
At first glance, you only saw the mountain of papers and a few magazines strewn about. But sitting against the keyboard was a small white phone.
He must be coming back soon if he left this you thought to yourself.
Feeling his cold shaking hands on your bare shoulders before the door shutting was heard behind your seated self.
“Did you finally decide I was good enough to be seen with now” he spat.
His hand pressed deep into your shoulder feeling his forearm shake violently threatening to break your shoulder blade with the uncomfortable hold he had on you.
“Get off of me” You pried his hands off of you as you stood up to tower over him. But before you were able to get another word in he suddenly struck you; hard.
It was a sharp dull pain now spreading around your lower stomach.
Wheezing from the impact of his closed red cardigan fist you kneeled below him collapsing on top of his brown leather loafers.
Riddle awkwardly squatted beside you as you writhed in pain sprawled out on the hard shabby carpet below.
“Now, I'm going to give you two options (name)” he cooed as he began to run his hands on the back of your exposed shoulder blades.
“I either give you this horse tranquilizer and we begin our new life together” 
The cold metallic tube you handled so many times during your examinations for your fieldwork was unmistakable as you felt it brand itself to you. A threat.
“or you indulge me with an apology” He then got close to your ear feeling it tingle as he breathed in.
“And I'll allow you to graduate” After a few more splutters trying to reclaim the breath he had knocked out of your body, you rolled to your side to look up at Professor Rosehearts tight frown.
“I-I'm sorry Professor Rosehearts” you murmured while you began to try to sit up. Another kick collided with your side as you grabbed your sweetheart sweater. “Please calm down dear—”  you cried out as you tried to sit back up once again.
He only grabbed the top of your sweater; the hand holding the syringe in his other hand squirting the liquid up from the tip. Your eyes grew wide, shaking now while he held you up like some dog under examination.
Now, what you did next you still mentally scold yourself for. You could have just let him inject you and just found out if you would awaken from the large dosage.
But the words slipped out of your terrified dry lips.
Riddle, the baby—
His eyes dilated and his breath grew ragged as the red on his angered face disappeared. Your mouth was agape as his grip was about to waver.
his other hand trailing your sweater. Gulping a large lump in the back of your throat you watched him touch under the tender part of your abdomen, clothed by your thick sweater.
“I-I was going to surprise you after my graduation” you blurted, “but I guess you had to ruin the surprise” you screeched at him.
The thunk of the syringe falling on the floor confirmed to you all that you needed. His arms immediately embraced you, his cheek connecting to the side of your neck.
A soft sniffle, and then the feeling of salty warm tears trickled down your shoulder, catching in your cashmere sweater.
Stiff, you didn't know what to say.But the danger was gone now. At least he stopped. “I'm so sorry (name)” he whispered, Looking up at you with hazy steel orbs, tears still freefalling onto the ground. 
His hand now reached to caress your face so you both would be staring back at each other. A small smile started to form as he searched inside your own eyes. “I apologize for what I just did to you my love” he stuttered as he rasped his words, “You were hiding from me and I thought I was about to lose the only Rose that grew in my garden”.
He held you there for what felt like forever.
You only nervously looked down at your feet.
But if this would spare your life and get him to let you graduate what would be the issue?
You had gotten reinstated to walk the stage. Receiving your degree in the rustic green mailbox in the hill country where you resided.
For now. Riddle was idly upstairs painting the nursery for your baby. You just politely declined saying you were too tired to go upstairs and help.
Not like he even cared, he was on a cloud of delusion.
Today was the day you will finally come clean.
The piece of paper you patiently waited to be mailed was here.
No more wearing the gaudy maternity dresses he picked (his mother helped pick out together with him), having to pretend to be more tired and sick. Although he was more pushy about the wedding since you decided to push it a few months after your graduation ceremony that he crashed despite your insistence you didnt need him to be there. You shudder at the thought of having to explain to your family who the man who wore a velvet red tuxedo beside you was.
Dismissing him as a close friend you made in the veterinary science department you kept your distance from him.
Slamming shut the mailbox door you decided to stop stalling your chance at freedom. Walking up the gravel path up the driveway you had the mail gathered in your left hand.
Your right hand sitting on top of your “bump” as you walked up to the familiar property. A small plastic syringe of horse tranquilizer in your right frilly pink and jade apron you had around your waist.
knocking on the screendoor you let yourself inside.Wiping your feet on the mst he had gotten when you suggested a welcome mat at the farm supply store, you continued your trek inside.
you stood in the entranceway. But you didn't hear his record player spinning upstairs like it was before you left him to go outside.
Calling out loudly once more making sure he was still present in the house.
“My Strawberry tart I'm back with the mail” 
but silence. You slipped your house slippers off near the grand wooden entry table before you continued into the kitsch hallway. Your ears perked when you heard a sound coming from the kitchen.
Holding the mail and your certificate closer to yourself you cautiously walked up to the open space.
your foot crossed the threshold of the kitchen before you felt yourself pulled back.
You thrashed as you felt his much stronger arm wrap around your neck. In a headlock, you only flailed around before you remembered your apron. The mail is scattered on the floor below your feet.
Your hand grabs the syringe in one fluid motion. You stabbed his long exposed arm in front of your neck. Plunging it deep you heard an angry grunt as you pushed down on the syringe. Watching the clear viscous liquid enter his veins you knew the struggle should be over.
Pulling the needle out of him you waited to feel the muscles relax before he inevitably fell back onto the lacquered floor.
But he never did.
A dark chuckle bubbled from his throat.
You didn't have to turn to see the malice his face was probably coated in.
“I count all of my medicines every Tuesday (name)” he rustled something in his back pocket behind you. “Color me surprised when I looked last Tuesday and saw my horse tranquilizer missing” 
A wet stream of something fell into your exposed arm.
“I wanted to believe it wasn't true so I checked your Diary drawer” 
He then constricted his arm around your neck, now being strangled you could only gasp and sputter. The pain from no air entering was hurting you.
“You lied to me” The sickening tap against your skin he made before he squirted some of the liquid out of the larger syringe in his possession on you.
“So I did a little lying myself; Saline is also the same consistency as Xyaline” he chuckled to himself.
“I'd rather be dead than let you leave my garden” 
And with those words.
The dull thud into your neck. The liquid was now inserted into your bloodstream; the sickening sound of it entering your head was now all you heard. He finally let go of the back of your neck too. Catching you as your heavy body limply laid in his arms.
It felt like you were made of lead as you tried to pick your head up to no result.
It happened so fast.
Your eyes fluttered shut slowly.
Riddle waited a little while, truly examining your tired face. Brushing a few scattered hairs covering your face he pushed them back to frame the side of your sleeping face.
Just sleeping.
Humming he held you close to his beating heart.
“I love you my Rose Pudding” he smiled. Patting the top of your head he let his other finger trail over the floral blue and yellow milkmaid dress you were wearing. Riddle was going to make your small lie a reality. You did owe him after all; this would merely make your relationship stronger. Unwrapping the lacy ribbon in the front or the dress he was already eager to begin right here in the kitchen. But ignoring his urges he lifted your dainty body now heavy with a dreamless sleep. Going up the wooden stairs he built himself he could only imagine how special it would be when he took you up these stairs after the wedding.
Your modest dress His mother will help you pick out draping down the banisters as you hold onto his neck; you giggle remarking about how he smells like a fragrant rose. He would look down at you like right now and plant many dozen kisses that night onto your tempting lips.
Reaching the landing he wouldn't bother to close the door to the bedroom. Only laying you sprawled out under the flannel cotton sheets.
Just like the first time…Temping him to let you consummate your marriage. He smiled to himself as he kneeled on top of your heavenly body.
Riddle kissed the top of your forehead.
“I love you (name)” Silence was all that he was met with. His hand finds your silky locks once more.
“I hope our baby has your beauty (name)”
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rosedere · 2 months
The Liyue Lotus and the Merchant from Snezhnaya (Pantalone x Fem Reader)
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MDNI +18
Cw: kidnapping, Stalking, non con elements, Graphic violence (later chapters), Yandere content *will update as the series goes
Cross posted on AO3
Part 1,Part 2,Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Chapter 6: Blizzard/Found (you are here), Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10~
Synopsis: Unfortunately, The Regerator develops a fixation with you while you are working undercover for Yelan. And there’s no one who can get in his way of his prized Lotus.
This is our divide
Need to go our separate ways, I'm too scared if you stay
We'll hold another grudge, who am I to judge?
If I will wake up one day and miss you too much
Yeah, we play with high stakes, it's a risk I need to take
A blizzard was due anytime in Snezhnaya.
But that was the least of his concerns; he had already finished pretending to care enough about the slaying to the harbinger known as “La Signora” or Rosalynne-Kruzchka Lohefalter. 
Pantalone was taking his leave from the snowscape anyway now that the day of mourning was over. He just wanted to get back to his Lotus patiently waiting in his abode for his return.
You were always on his mind nowadays. More than before.
Adding to the collection of items he could obtain to win your love as he walked the streets and shops of the cold capital. He could only imagine your eyes lighting up as you read his letter and saw the items he so lovingly picked out for his Lotus
He knew he was incredibly close to finally unlocking your icy heart; he just had to keep being more persistent.
As he touched the custom-made silver and indigo veil in the boutique he could only imagine you under it while you walked side by side with him down the falling snow in the bustling city.
The thought crossed his mind when you had both retired for the night together he wanted badly to broach the topic with you. He had after all finally convinced you to Stay with him for the night.
But you only lay curled on the left side of the bed beside him.
Your face smushed into his chest as you peacefully breathed in rhythm beside him.
Finally relaxed, revealing your true beauty to him.
But every time he tried to wake you from your slumber you only nestled yourself further against him, pressing your naked self harder against him.
After the fifth time of trying to wake you he only signed frustrated at the dilemma.
He knew It'd be unfair to bring you without your say in the matter.
But the loneliness of being without his new bloom beside him was disheartening especially since he finally had what he had desired since he set eyes on you all those weeks ago.
Having to make the difficult decision once the mist began to rise and your head still tucked underneath his trimmed chest he slid you onto the silky pillows surrounding you. Dressing himself to be decent he went on with dressing himself for the long voyage ahead of him.
Once again hoping you'd surprise him by joining him as he cleaned himself in the spacious bathroom he was disappointed when he was ready only to be greeted by you now clinging to the dark satin pillow.
Pantalone only sat beside you watching you stir occasionally in your sleep. 
A few messy strains of hair fell across your face acting as a curtain over your face; he raised his glove only pushing the few hairs away from your face.
His gloved hand now stroking your cheek hoping to rouse you from your sleep.
Soft was what he remembered as he touched your now exposed cheek.
“Sir we must get going; the departure time was set several minutes ago” 
Pantalone only sighed.
Turning his attention back to you still nestled on the pillow he lowered himself, grazing his lips to your forehead before letting his smooth lips connect to your warm flesh.
“I'll see you as soon as I finish business my lotus” 
“Very soon”
“My lord? I thought you weren't—”
The two fatuu's walked forward carrying his luggage onto the tall cruiseliner in front of them leaving Pantalone behind now stopped a few footsteps away from the fatui officer standing in front of the dock; shivering from the whipping wind and snow surrounding everyone present.
“I have finished my business here for now” Pantalone dismissed; his hand reaching for his jacket to pull tighter to his body being afflicted to the harsh below-zero winds.
“Ah but my lord the storm is over the waters a voyage would be difficult to Liyue harbor,” the officer said through chattering teeth.
“Normally I would heed a warning but I have something important to tend to back in Liyue” he clasped his gloved hands together; his eyes in a closed smile as he chuckled to himself, “Thankfully this should be my last trip back there” 
“Oh? To Snezhnaya?”
“Dear archons no” he waved his hand expressively, “I mean to Liyue; I'm officially moving back to the main northland bank” 
He was about to continue walking up towards the boarding plank eager to get out of the way of the now aggressive winds blowing his white coat up and down.
“Ah! Um lord Pantalone!”
Pausing he turned back towards the fatui officer standing against the harbor posts that lined the docks.
“Is it true my lord that you got engaged?”  
Pantalone's heart fluttered at the mention.
“If you are referring to my request to meet with the Tsaritsa and the rooster then you are correct”
“So then you do have someone?” 
Pantalone only nodded; the only sound surrounding them was the billowing winds blowing against his turned back.
“Is it Nyla?” the soldier asked, Pantalone stiffened. 
“She has been mentioning you a lot recently”
“There is nothing between me and her anymore”  
The timbre of his voice felt colder than the snow flying past the two.
“Now if you're done gossiping I have to leave”
Pantalone with an annoyed scoff adjusted the warm coat once more over his torso before flipping the hood underneath his heavy jacket the dark fur surrounding his face.
Walking along the slippery dock into the heavy white flurries surrounding the baffled officer.
“My lord there you are”
Pantalone only passed a glance before entering the open cabin doors and boarding the luxury liner.
walking amongst the low-hanging lights to the back of the ship; his quarters.
It was made to be a replica of his office and home in Snezhnaya just as his Liyue estate had been made; the same purple and blue motif; gems fixed to either side of his smaller queen-sized bed directly in front of him across from the room under the wide window. His smaller Sneznhayan oak wood desk and chair sat against the dark jewel-toned lights all spaced evenly from each wall plane. Shedding his coats on the coat racks beside the entrance he was only left in his plain underclothes consisting of a long dark navy blue turtleneck and wool slacks.
Immediately approaching his desk he reached for his journal leather bound and still lingering with a cold feeling as he opened the cover to the last page he had written in. He had written a few words in the blank space of the journal. Initially telling himself he'd have some inkling of what to write when he arrived in Snezhnaya, but then it just became even more difficult when he was settled in the palace.
But now he was alone.
“Lián, I promise to be the best husband and—”
He only scrunched his face at the sentence written several weeks ago.
Crossing the sentence out he began on the next page.
“I promise to be able to fulfill my vow to you as your husband”
“And to stand by your side during the roughest of times”
Huffing he dropped the pen letting it roll towards the edge of the desk.
Pantalone supposed he could sleep on it, it seemed from the now rocking boat that they were going to be docked for the rest of the night.
Delaying him further to see the warm environment that was Liyue a few more days longer.
You had sworn the ledge to the secret entrance was in the bathroom.
But after your bath, you tried to slide the stone in the exact sequence you did the previous evening.
All that happened was the rugged edge of the tub to break off into your hands. Assuming you misremembered you pulled the outermost border of rock lining the tub.
All that happened was the rock staying firm in place.
“Lián? What are you doing”
Stopping your action of feeling the rocky surface you only stayed in place; your naked back facing Galina.
“here; let's get you a towel” she sighed going towards the bamboo rack in the upmost corner of the cavernous wall.
“I'm going to have to inform Fedor about the bathtub—” she sighed “If our lord comes home and sees the chip in his tub he'll be so upset” She scurried towards you wrapping you with the towel before she stood you up in front of the mirror leaning against a golden basinet across from the large tub.
She began to pull out a small bag; inside were different combs and accessories including what looked to be expensive hair care products.
“Why the fancy hair today?” You asked glancing back at the bag set on top of a rock near the tub's edge.
Galina only began to dry your hair between her hands with the towels beside her.
“I can't reveal much” She leaned down combing and adding something with a sweet milky honey aroma onto your hair.
“But you definitely can not go to sleep today” Galina brushed through the back of your hair.
“I'm going to take you to the sitting room today so you can keep yourself busy instead of rotting in our lord's bed” 
“The sitting room?” You asked
Galina nodded before she began digging in the bag separating your hair with a steel comb before she slid different clips into your still damp hair.
“It's… been under renovations since our lord wants to expand the estate even more than it already is” She paused grabbing a gold-speckled hairpin with purple amethyst hanging off the tip of the pin.
“But today it should be appropriate for you to roam, feed some koi fish, and have some pastries”.
Continuing to pull your hair up into an intricate bun winding the hair up in what you felt was a twist or braid into your thickened hair. It certainly felt new since you'd only worn your hair down or tied it back with ribbons if you felt it was necessary, or even just cut it during the warm season.
Especially now. 
You were thinking once you returned to your accommodations you could maybe see about shortening your hair. 
A hum of acknowledgment was heard from your left side where she was grabbing more hair ribbons it seemed.
“When will I be able to return home?” 
You didn't hear another sound from her, assuming she was just still busying herself with the task from before.
Only she didn't answer you; only beginning to tie the back of your hair up before sticking the hairpin in the back of your hair, with her sharper nail she cut the few ties holding the pieces of hair causing your hair to fall as it normally did.
Glancing in the mirror you saw what the final product looked like; your hair was now in loose waves while the back of your hair was tied into two intricate buns being skewered by the hairpins securing them to the top of your head.
“Do you like them, Lián?” Galina asked, grabbing the small mirror from beside her.
“Of course, I look so different”
“In a good way of course,” you corrected yourself as you turned to the side slightly.
Seemingly satisfied Galina rose from her spot going out to the wardrobe outside of the room.
You only kept staring at your reflection. 
It looked off.
Your reflection.
Leaning closer you were focusing on your face.
A small red blemish formed on your cheek.
Narrowing your eyes you picked at the small little bump forming. 
Red and enormous on your left cheek.
However when you looked down at your chin.
A small patch of those hideous bumps was there.
You gasped. Only realize when you heard Galina abruptly come back into the room.
Now you were joined in the reflected mirror with Galina looking curiously at your reflection.
“You see them too right?” You pointed to your cheek first.
“I don't know where it came from, '' you shakily exclaimed.
“Hmm, it seems like it's a pimple my lady” Galina then grabbed your hand placing it away from your face.
“It can't be? At my age It's probably a mole or something bad” your eyes still staring at the offensive bump on your face.
Galina only laughed before she patted your robed shoulder.
“My lady you know pimples can occur at any age; I remember when I had a breakout when I had my twins” she shrugged “I wouldn't think too much about it; If you are worried though I can begin a skincare routine for you to keep them away permanently” 
You only stayed eyeing yourself in the mirror.
“It's most likely from all that sleeping you're doing” Galina scolded, 
you groaned loudly, still concentrating on your chin with silent perplexment.
“I'll maybe add some makeup if that's okay with you my lady if the pimples are bothering you” once again patting you on the shoulder before she got up from her spot beside you.
“But I'll have to do that after we decide what to dress you in,” She said as she returned to resume digging through the long wardrobe once more.
Her words beyond that practically fell on deaf ears as you glanced back at the tub.
The entrance to roam the large estate that was Pantalone's home was now gone.
Another dead end and more hope lost.
The sitting area was just as unique in its own right.
It wasn't really inside the cave as the majority of the house was built into but instead, just an outside walkway practically hanging off the ledge of the Mt Aocang range below.
A misting waterfall flowed underneath where you were sitting; next to the small parquet woven table was the private doorway next to the small koi pond built into the one part of the wide room that wasn't on the ledge. 
Bamboo and ornate wooden gates divided the area you sat at from the entrance where Fedor was standing idly in front.
Galina somewhere off inside bringing the treats from earlier she promised.
Now this is when you'd slink off and find another way to roam freely around without either guard.
But a feeling told you not to.
It was strange as you'd never let a simple bad feeling stop you before.
It just felt completely unsafe to roam.
You decided to instead look down the side of the tall railing beside you.
The gentle current flowed down the edge in a freefall to wherever it was going.
It calmed your mind watching the few small fish and some leaves fall in a vertical drop.
The sound was also relaxing as you heard the water rushing.
Thankfully you were in a short layered summer dress that allowed you to be able to squat and look down to your heart's desire.
The silky lilac and white material stretched while you looked down towards the water.
Looking at a lone mossy rock you saw something shimmery hit said rock.
Dismissing it as just a lone reflection from the sun hitting the water you only kept looking down at the stream.
But every time you would focus on the horizon or another spot of the water the glint would shine.
Like it was a piece of metal…
Looking back behind you only Fedor was visible still standing along the wall looking towards the entrance of the sitting room most likely keeping a lookout for Galina to return.
You sat on top of the railing; thankfully it seemed the water wasn't deeper than your ankles. Shifting your weight you made a small splash into the rushing stream.
Treading the water to the rock you thought the object was settled against the rock would be visible as you stood over it but instead, the small currents distorted the water.
The small teardrop item was caught underneath the rock.
you dunked your hand to grab a hold of the metal item.
The shock of recognition when you realized what you were looking at.
Something that was supposed to be hidden under your accommodation's bedroom floor.
Grabbing the small stone the flowing cryo energy shooting straight up into your palm was the answer you needed.
The Liyue crest on the back of the vision plate was something you didn't realize you missed.
Channeling your cryo powers into your hands you let a small sheet of ice form over the fast-running stream halting it temporarily.
It was yours.
But the mystery of how it got here was pushed to the back of your mind now.
You needed to hide your vision.
The shawl you wore to hide your back was probably burnt in an incinerator somewhere leaving attaching it to the back of your dress out of the question.
Looking back into the water you only saw your befuddled expression looking back at you in the water's reflection.
your face looked more youthful with the help of the rigorous regime Galina did to your face before she applied small amounts of powder to the pimples you had suddenly accumulated.
At least you could say that your hair made up for the blemishes on your skin.
Swaying in the gentle breeze coming from inside the cavern back and forth.
your hair…
You touched your buns on the top of your head.
Of course…
The pins keeping your hair up could conceal your vision if you redid your hair right.
Quickly undoing the work Galina had done to the two puffy buns on your hair you grabbed your vision in one hand before tying the small gem to the back of your hair wrapping your hair around the sticks to create a Rolled bun behind the top of your hair.
After you secure your hair checking to feel if it has been completely concealed by your hair you look back into the reflection.
Now instead of the buns were replaced by a few stray hairs framing your face as the rolled-up bun now sat on top of your head the hairpins sticking out the small amethyst gems swaying back and forth in the wind along with your hair.
feeling a sense of reassurance you decided to observe the stream more closely.
The stream seemed to go further deeper underneath the home, seeming like there was a bigger source of water somewhere.
Glancing back up towards the balcony above you thankfully seemed no one had noticed your abrupt departure.
looking back towards the opening where the water was rushing.
Your vision must be a sign there was more to be explored here.
So what's the worst that could happen?
Stepping closer to the opening you sized up the entrance.
It seemed big enough to slip in for your size.
But the real mystery was if you'd get lost forever inside the mountains of Aocang or you'd end up deeper into the home. 
Sighing you knew your answer; looking down at your dress and hair you only hoped they wouldn't ruin your spontaneous swim.
Taking a deep breath you treaded the water breaking under the surface.
Surprised as you swam further down the modest current at the different rock formations below and around you as you twirled and occasionally spun to maneuver around the few rocks blocking the wide mouth.
Your lungs were burning as you began to feel the water pull you forward. The water's depth rose giving you a sign you were soon to hit either an air pocket or an underwater lake.
You passed a lone stalactite when suddenly the current picked up. 
Unable to paddle against it you were swiftly carried upwards. Closing your eyes you brace for the rough treatment of colliding and scrapping against the rough rocky texture of the walls around you as you ride the current.
Being spat out by the current finally, you opened your eyes and inhaled the air you missed hungrily.
you were underground. 
in a large lit-up cavern.
Lamps that seemed to also line the hallways of Pantalone's home were hung by the walls near the shore.
Those bars from the other secret room were there. Rusted from erosion it seemed they were no longer being used.
Swimming through the crystal blue water towards the rocky shoal you picked yourself up flopping out of the water practically.
It seemed wherever you were it was completely vacant.
Only one barred area next to the most eye-catching feature is a giant red door; most likely from the erosion just like the jail bars beside it.
Other than that it was exactly like a regular cavern in the liyue mountains you'd seen numerous times.
Not even bothering to dry yourself you approached the first broken barred area. 
Nothing but rocks and chains remained.
Walking to the door you reach to pull the dark metal rings to open said door.
your eyes only widen, the illuminated staircase was just like the familiar stairs you'd taken downstairs during your stay.
But to see one of your fellow shadows in front of you was nothing you ever thought you'd find down here.
His blue and white layered shirt was now tattered, and the mask around his lower face was still intact covering him.
The exposed flesh on his body was cut into ribbons of Open wounds, a few wounds were bleeding while the others were only barely healing on his legs and arms.
He mirrored your expression; the look of panic but familiarity his eyes expressed to you.
For a moment you both stared at each other.
“Lua?” You whispered.
“(Name)” he responded in his daze.
Shaking his head he quickly rushed down the rest of the stairs grabbing you by your wet arm.
Wordlessly you let him pull you down the stairs before closing the door; you both began to rush towards what you first assumed was nothing but a pile of large stones, the closer he ran you saw a small dilapidated passage identical to the one you saw under the bathroom.
"Im glad to have ran into you; those fatui bastards are insane" He panted
"I lost the others and one other operative; it's just you and me now" Lua grunted
Your feet soon grew tired as you ran further and further into the now ever-dark passage. Signaling to stop you both gradually came to a halt in the passage as you caught your breath.
“Did you get captured during your Act?” Lua huffed from beside you.
“It's not important; but we gotta get you to Yelan”
You couldn't see Lua's face but from the silence, you could tell he was pensive.
After another minute passed you only grasped his hand as you both continued your steady sprint out of the darkness of the passage.
Occasionally dodging a long few pebbles or so the relief as you saw the passage brightening up by natural light. 
Lua reached the threshold of the mouth of the cave first.
Seeing his face bleed into relief realizing he was saved.
a  sharp sound cut through the air from above you both
Lua only turned back to you about to utter something, but the words fell into mush as he spat a clot of blood from under his mask.
The red bloom forming on his neck..
his body only rolled almost taking you with him down the side of the mountain ledge.
A trail of scarlet blood was now staining the umber soil below the exposed rock and soil.
Feeling his once warm hands slip from your grasp as he fell.
You would have screamed as you landed roughly on your backside. Sitting straight up while you absorbed what had just happened.
mouth agaped as you felt yourself collapse in the kicked up dust.
The crunch of rocks was heard coming from your left.
You didn't turn your head only staring shellshocked at the distant cliff ledge in front of you.
“Darling your all wet” 
You felt his frigid hands on your waist feeling him pull you towards him. You didn’t bother to look up knowing the guilty look on your face had all Pantalone needed to know
“I guess I can call off the search for you” his hands began to run through your still-damp strands of hair.
Being guided by your waist towards the rocky stairs leading up.
His other hand began to lace around your trembling ones as you walked beside him up the ledge.
Pantalone's grip was firm around your hand as he walked beside you up the rocky terrain his eyes never leaving your form as you both made it to the top of the cliff.
You didn't realize you'd never seen the true entrance of his estate.
Like a pillar bursting through the calm forest surrounding the small grassy forest that sat tall on top was the heavily guarded entrance inside two tall oriental gated doors.
The sense of awe was immediately replaced with panic when you saw the frustrated Galina yelling at Fedor next to the now wide-open gate.
“I have returned with my lotus unharmed ” Pantalone called out from behind you to Galina and Fedor, their attention now shifting to you both standing together.
“Lián!” Galina huffed as she marched up to you.
“You are in a lot of trouble! I only saw your shoes next to the table and thought the worst had happened” She then grabbed your half-damp smooth lilac dress in her hands.
“And you soiled the dress I picked for your reunion with our lord” Galina only began to try to dry the ends of your dress in a hurry.
“No need to worry Galina; we'll both be setting off once I’ve settled down and slept off the rough ride” he chuckled pulling you closer to him before he kissed the top of your head.
You only nodded as you let him practically snatch you away towards the door.
Trying your best not to look down the cliffside beside you both, you didn't want to confirm your last subordinate's untimely demise.
It was a horrible reminder of what is going to happen to you once Pantalone grows weary of you.
you were the last Subordinate left if what Lua said was true.
Silently you and Pantalone walked beside you leading you through the foyer of the home heavy with the previous thought in your head.
Your vision washed up in the same stream underground that seemed to be an extension of Pantalone's mansion.
And it was where you found Lua, the last confirmed shadow to have gone missing.
You glanced back at Pantalone's amethyst eyes; his smile would be infectious to you but it was clear now what he was thinking.
He was scheming something dark.
After a moment you both reached the familiar hallway to the staircase from the maze that was the bottom floor.
both of you stepping up onto the steps was all that was echoing, your foot being the first one to reach the threshold as you entered the familiar room; the intricate door shutting behind you reminded you that Pantalone was still here in the room.
you nervously gulped before you turned to see him; passion in his eyes like the last night you spent together.
“My beautiful bloom are you in the mood to… indulge me?” He crept closer to you as he let his heavy wool fatui coat fall to the ground.
"you dont have to of course-" his hungry hands immediately finding your body; one now caressing the side of your face. You paused for a moment; he only reached for the back strip of fabric holding your damp dress onto your body.
Looking up to his expectant gaze you sighed through pouted lips.
“If you promise not to leave me sleeping by myself again” you reached for the back of your dress untying the ribbon of cloth in the back letting the lilac dress fall to the ground. 
"I want you to show me you mean what you say"
It was all Pantalone needed to hear and see in the moment; his Lotus
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Note: oh man our trip to crazytown is coming soon— pantalone was NOT kidding about taking her back.
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rosedere · 2 months
I fully support your decision on cutting if genshin if they don't say anything BUT THANK GOD YOU PLAN TO FINISH lIYUE LOTUS 😭😭
I actually am in love with that series ≧﹏≦ it made me start crushing on pantalone😭😭😭
ah thanks anon! Yup I just would feel weird having everything I’ve written just never shared haha im too far in.
Also totally feel that I wasnt crazy about him when he first was revealed until I heard his voice and I had a straight up Cesar salad.
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rosedere · 2 months
Hello!? Hi! I'm so sorry, I'm so late to this, I didn't realize we're mutuals!?!? Thank you for your wonderful Murder Mountain series!!!
nooooo ur totally fine!!! Better late than never imo!! 🥹 Im glad u enjoyed it! Im so self conscious of it bc I felt I went a bit too crazy writing it haha compliments mean so much!
Omg also ur so right I just saw the lil purple thingy saying we’re mutuals!
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rosedere · 2 months
I thought maybe for the next chapter it was gonna be something crazy like Jade wished he wasnt a mermaid or something but im glad their going with him probably being able to serve Azuzu!!!
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rosedere · 2 months
So if genshin just completely ignores the situation and doesn't say anything about the skin tones does that mean your just gonna stop writing for genshin? 😔
Yes and no.
Assuming the worst happens (which most likely because they have said nothing about it officially) I'll finish the Liyue Lotus one and the other few genshin stories I have in my drafts but after those Im gonna disown Genshin 😭😭😭
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rosedere · 2 months
Hello! I saw that you were accepting requests but I would like to know your limits. I wanted to make a request for Twisted Wonderland but I would like to know: What characters do you NOT write? Are you aware of the story on the jp server? Is there anything in particular that bothers you? For example, student/teacher relationship. I just don't want to make you uncomfortable when making a request. Thank you for your time and I'm sorry for my bad english.
Oh my gosh you just reminded me I have not set any specific rules for my request AAAH!
But in all seriousness as of now Im pretty free with what people ask/requests Except:
Underaged Characters:
I will not write a underaged reader with a older character or Underaged Characters with a older reader! Everyone is Aged up to 18+ in my stories.
Anything that has to do with hurting/krilling kids
I guess this is a extension of the underaged rule but I do not want to write anything involving minors or the twst characters as kids being abused/krilled in any way!
Other than that im pretty open with any other topics/spoilers or even multi fandom stuff (like Twisted wonderland x Genshin impact) as long as its a fandom im familiar with or give a little info about the fandom I dont mind!
Im also open to receiving male reader stuff/ Gender neutral reader requests too just please mention it in your request!
Thats all I can think of at the top of my head what needs to be addressed but ya sorry this was long anon! Hopefully this answered you question and I didnt end up rambling + no worries about your english im 100% sure yours was better than mine in general haha.
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rosedere · 2 months
you write soft yandere so well omfg. still scary and creepy but also somehow cute. fuck i loved the mushroom fae idea 😭😭
Ah thank youuuuu I was too scared it’d be too soft for Mr Jade leech but you can’t tell me he’d be the most “hi I’m cute but I’m secretly a gREMLIN” kind of fae!
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Like omggg referring back to that book I was talking about on the AO3 version but Paranormal hunter darling stuck with annoying Reth fairy because you gave him ur name and now he’s bonded to you forever and keeps trying to take you back to his realm to fill you with his magic essences (dw he isn’t being dirty the fae in the book series fill the mc with their magic bc she’s like this lost paranormal entity that was lost by the fae and the main evil lil fairy is like WIFEYYYY)
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