rosegold-ocs · 4 years
“Oh, no, of course not. But it was considered that she.... might need an extra boost, so that she doesn’t give up in like... ten minutes or less. Let’s just say that she isn’t making this the easiest, to say the least.” The angel sighed. Meanwhile, the little demon was staring into space, her eyes half lidded as her tail wagged slowly. She found a lolipop, too. She most likely stole it from him while he was looking away. “I can hear you....” she muttered bitterly.
He could hear the noise of angry stomping getting closer, before he could see Qbe, who looked fairly upset. “I am ONE minor inconvenience away from losing my sHI-“ she was about to finish her sentence, before her shirt got stuck on the door handle, and she tripped and fell on her face. Her reaction started as quiet growling, but progressively turned into frustrated yelling. ~rosegold-ocs
[ @rosegold-ocs ](He was sitting on a freaking big pillow when she arrives,seeing his sweetie that upset makes him think: “maybe I should hide the knives”.And then that scene: her face slamming on the ground,but for his own good he tries to not make any giggly sound)
S-sweehe- sweetie? OH SHIT!
(Jack shouts, at her yelling, stretching out his long arms to grab her and take her closer)
Well, there it goes one of my eardrums..What’s happening? why are you so angry today sweetie?? Come on tell me..
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rosegold-ocs · 4 years
A very light tint of blush appeared on both of them at his tone. They were the practically the same person, being connected, anyway. “Er- y-yeah. Well, I was sent down there to watch over her, because of some of her recent activities. And I can’t disobey orders!” She explained. The little demon girl we were all familiar with tilted her head to one side. “....what do you mean?” She asked, before getting the response; “You’re trying to redeem yourself, are you not?”
He could hear the noise of angry stomping getting closer, before he could see Qbe, who looked fairly upset. “I am ONE minor inconvenience away from losing my sHI-“ she was about to finish her sentence, before her shirt got stuck on the door handle, and she tripped and fell on her face. Her reaction started as quiet growling, but progressively turned into frustrated yelling. ~rosegold-ocs
[ @rosegold-ocs ](He was sitting on a freaking big pillow when she arrives,seeing his sweetie that upset makes him think: “maybe I should hide the knives”.And then that scene: her face slamming on the ground,but for his own good he tries to not make any giggly sound)
S-sweehe- sweetie? OH SHIT!
(Jack shouts, at her yelling, stretching out his long arms to grab her and take her closer)
Well, there it goes one of my eardrums..What’s happening? why are you so angry today sweetie?? Come on tell me..
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rosegold-ocs · 4 years
“uuuuuh, fuck if I know? But she’s makin' it quite tempting to RIP OFF all her limbs and FEED EM to Guinean.” Guinean, her pet manticore. (One of them with the LIONS face, not the HUMAN face. She finds those ones creepy.) “I mean, look at this fucking abomination to mankind. This is some kind of rainbow-barf, neon unicorn BULLSHIT, RGB Corsair keyboard BULL-FUCKIN-CRAP.” She was strangely expressive and animated as she said this. The angel seemed rightfully confused as she said all of this. “Thank you, Q, very cool....”
He could hear the noise of angry stomping getting closer, before he could see Qbe, who looked fairly upset. “I am ONE minor inconvenience away from losing my sHI-“ she was about to finish her sentence, before her shirt got stuck on the door handle, and she tripped and fell on her face. Her reaction started as quiet growling, but progressively turned into frustrated yelling. ~rosegold-ocs
[ @rosegold-ocs ](He was sitting on a freaking big pillow when she arrives,seeing his sweetie that upset makes him think: “maybe I should hide the knives”.And then that scene: her face slamming on the ground,but for his own good he tries to not make any giggly sound)
S-sweehe- sweetie? OH SHIT!
(Jack shouts, at her yelling, stretching out his long arms to grab her and take her closer)
Well, there it goes one of my eardrums..What’s happening? why are you so angry today sweetie?? Come on tell me..
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rosegold-ocs · 4 years
“Jinx sixty th- oh- okay.” The Qbe that he’s familiar with broke the loop that they were getting themselves into. “Apparently Shes my... ‘angel counterpart’ or something like that.” She said ‘angel counterpart’ in air quotes. “Hey! Be nice! I wasn’t lying to you!” The angel whined at her. “I’ll be as ‘nice’ as I want!” She growled at the angel, before turning back to him. “You see! She’s so annoying!”
He could hear the noise of angry stomping getting closer, before he could see Qbe, who looked fairly upset. “I am ONE minor inconvenience away from losing my sHI-“ she was about to finish her sentence, before her shirt got stuck on the door handle, and she tripped and fell on her face. Her reaction started as quiet growling, but progressively turned into frustrated yelling. ~rosegold-ocs
[ @rosegold-ocs ](He was sitting on a freaking big pillow when she arrives,seeing his sweetie that upset makes him think: “maybe I should hide the knives”.And then that scene: her face slamming on the ground,but for his own good he tries to not make any giggly sound)
S-sweehe- sweetie? OH SHIT!
(Jack shouts, at her yelling, stretching out his long arms to grab her and take her closer)
Well, there it goes one of my eardrums..What’s happening? why are you so angry today sweetie?? Come on tell me..
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rosegold-ocs · 4 years
“Don’t associate her with me!” They both say at the same time. “Wh- hey! I was going to say that!” They were both talking in unison. “Jinx.... jinx one! Jinx two! Jinx three!” This went on for a while...
He could hear the noise of angry stomping getting closer, before he could see Qbe, who looked fairly upset. “I am ONE minor inconvenience away from losing my sHI-“ she was about to finish her sentence, before her shirt got stuck on the door handle, and she tripped and fell on her face. Her reaction started as quiet growling, but progressively turned into frustrated yelling. ~rosegold-ocs
[ @rosegold-ocs ](He was sitting on a freaking big pillow when she arrives,seeing his sweetie that upset makes him think: “maybe I should hide the knives”.And then that scene: her face slamming on the ground,but for his own good he tries to not make any giggly sound)
S-sweehe- sweetie? OH SHIT!
(Jack shouts, at her yelling, stretching out his long arms to grab her and take her closer)
Well, there it goes one of my eardrums..What’s happening? why are you so angry today sweetie?? Come on tell me..
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rosegold-ocs · 4 years
“Just a bunch'a little problems piling up onto each other. And, I met... her,” an angel girl, who seemed to look almost exactly like Qbe, with wings and a halo, walked into the room calmly. “You know, Q-zie woo-zie, you should really watch where your going if you don’t want to- OH GOD!” She nearly spilled her tea at the sight of the clown, “Who is THAT?!” Qbe grinned for a second. “What’s wrong, princess, did he scare ya?”
He could hear the noise of angry stomping getting closer, before he could see Qbe, who looked fairly upset. “I am ONE minor inconvenience away from losing my sHI-“ she was about to finish her sentence, before her shirt got stuck on the door handle, and she tripped and fell on her face. Her reaction started as quiet growling, but progressively turned into frustrated yelling. ~rosegold-ocs
[ @rosegold-ocs ](He was sitting on a freaking big pillow when she arrives,seeing his sweetie that upset makes him think: “maybe I should hide the knives”.And then that scene: her face slamming on the ground,but for his own good he tries to not make any giggly sound)
S-sweehe- sweetie? OH SHIT!
(Jack shouts, at her yelling, stretching out his long arms to grab her and take her closer)
Well, there it goes one of my eardrums..What’s happening? why are you so angry today sweetie?? Come on tell me..
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rosegold-ocs · 4 years
@judgementalprosecution liked for a starter!!!
((I have not watched/played anything that your muses are from, so, haha, this'll be fun!))
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"i am ONE minor inconvenience away from losing my SHI-!!" Qbe was about to finish her sentenc, before her shirt got stuck on the doornob, and she fell on her face.
0 notes
rosegold-ocs · 4 years
“..... I’m-..... I really just fell for that, didn’t I-“
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🎬 — " Uhh now listen, I got an important message for everyone. "
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rosegold-ocs · 4 years
This was supposed to be on another blog but that blog was being STUPID SO-
It literally took so long for me to figure out how to use an audio file just so that it wouldn't work yo
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rosegold-ocs · 4 years
She looked down, and started mumbling something under her breath, unable to hold back her little grin. The only thing he could make out is that she was using quite a lot of ‘swear words’.
Qbe just... appeared in the clowns lap, grinning. She had a cup of hot cocoa in her hands, and a sweater on. It was a fucking Christmas sweater, with some joke about being ‘naughty’ this year. “ITS CHRISTMAS!” Its December 15th... -rosegold-ocs (my new rp blog with a ton of my little goombers! :D)
[ @rosegold-ocs ]
( Jack was working on one of his puppets when she arrives
And while seeing her face his smile grows in size.
And then that sweater-
Insert “oh no” meme here )
Not you too please heheheh this is beyond evil ehehe
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rosegold-ocs · 4 years
Oh shit, let’s do it yo
Send me 🎤 and I’ll voice act my muse
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rosegold-ocs · 4 years
“HolD A FUCKING FUCK-!” She squeaked. Immediately looking back up at him. She was forcing back a smile and was blushing furiously.
Qbe just... appeared in the clowns lap, grinning. She had a cup of hot cocoa in her hands, and a sweater on. It was a fucking Christmas sweater, with some joke about being ‘naughty’ this year. “ITS CHRISTMAS!” Its December 15th... -rosegold-ocs (my new rp blog with a ton of my little goombers! :D)
[ @rosegold-ocs ]
( Jack was working on one of his puppets when she arrives
And while seeing her face his smile grows in size.
And then that sweater-
Insert “oh no” meme here )
Not you too please heheheh this is beyond evil ehehe
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rosegold-ocs · 4 years
She paused, her smug grin falling. Her face reddened, and she looked down. All she could get out was a soft mumble. “Oh shit-“
Qbe just... appeared in the clowns lap, grinning. She had a cup of hot cocoa in her hands, and a sweater on. It was a fucking Christmas sweater, with some joke about being ‘naughty’ this year. “ITS CHRISTMAS!” Its December 15th... -rosegold-ocs (my new rp blog with a ton of my little goombers! :D)
[ @rosegold-ocs ]
( Jack was working on one of his puppets when she arrives
And while seeing her face his smile grows in size.
And then that sweater-
Insert “oh no” meme here )
Not you too please heheheh this is beyond evil ehehe
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rosegold-ocs · 4 years
She grinned. “Yeah? You’re damn right I got tougher!~” she giggled playfully. “Try me!~” she winked.
Qbe just... appeared in the clowns lap, grinning. She had a cup of hot cocoa in her hands, and a sweater on. It was a fucking Christmas sweater, with some joke about being ‘naughty’ this year. “ITS CHRISTMAS!” Its December 15th... -rosegold-ocs (my new rp blog with a ton of my little goombers! :D)
[ @rosegold-ocs ]
( Jack was working on one of his puppets when she arrives
And while seeing her face his smile grows in size.
And then that sweater-
Insert “oh no” meme here )
Not you too please heheheh this is beyond evil ehehe
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rosegold-ocs · 4 years
She wasn’t going to let that fluster her or anything. Sure, she was blushing A BIT-!! But not that much. She leaned in, and gave him a kiss.
Qbe just... appeared in the clowns lap, grinning. She had a cup of hot cocoa in her hands, and a sweater on. It was a fucking Christmas sweater, with some joke about being ‘naughty’ this year. “ITS CHRISTMAS!” Its December 15th... -rosegold-ocs (my new rp blog with a ton of my little goombers! :D)
[ @rosegold-ocs ]
( Jack was working on one of his puppets when she arrives
And while seeing her face his smile grows in size.
And then that sweater-
Insert “oh no” meme here )
Not you too please heheheh this is beyond evil ehehe
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rosegold-ocs · 4 years
“Pff- oh my god...” she giggled, leaning in for a kiss anyways. “That’s cute.” She grinned.
Qbe just... appeared in the clowns lap, grinning. She had a cup of hot cocoa in her hands, and a sweater on. It was a fucking Christmas sweater, with some joke about being ‘naughty’ this year. “ITS CHRISTMAS!” Its December 15th... -rosegold-ocs (my new rp blog with a ton of my little goombers! :D)
[ @rosegold-ocs ]
( Jack was working on one of his puppets when she arrives
And while seeing her face his smile grows in size.
And then that sweater-
Insert “oh no” meme here )
Not you too please heheheh this is beyond evil ehehe
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rosegold-ocs · 4 years
This will constantly be changed lol, and is based on all of the roleplays I've ever had,including on my main blog-!
so yuhhh-
Olive Bunny: @calvinsmuses
Mary bunny: none (so far!)
Sayleen Bunny: none (so far!)
Qbe: @awkwardx-eyedintrov, @pop-goes-the-clown
Lollie: none (so far!)
Opal: @awkwardx-eyedintrov
Bernadette: none (so far!)
some of these aren't rp blogs, but- who cares!
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