rosegoldsuited · 4 years
     typically  beyza  was  all  for  trying  new  things  but  she’d  tried  one  too  many  “surprise”  dishes  in  her  life  that  ended  in  her  running  to  the  toilet.  the  femme  let  out  a  small  groan.  “ what if it does kill me? ”  there’s  a  smirk  on  her  lips  that  she  tries  to  conceal  but  it  ends  with  a  small  chuckle.  “ okay... okay, ”
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     she  clenches  her  eyes  shut  and  opens  her  mouth,  waiting  for  the  spoon  of  mumbo  jumbo  surprise.
status: open ( cafeteria )
“C’mooon just try it. Just a lil’ bit, a teeny tiny bit,” Jaime crooned with his features pulled into a honest pout. “It won’t kill you. Get a whole spoonful o—”
Florescent bulbs flickered once..
The lights steadied just as distant doors closed with a faint hiss. Something that never failed to send shivers down his spine in the oddest way imaginable.
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“Anyways— c’mon, just try the mumbo jumbo surprise and take a bite!”
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rosegoldsuited · 4 years
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socialising really wasn’t heledd’s forte. her attitude to most was off-putting and she was more than aware. though she had a slight change of heart when it came to bee. “let’s get going then.” she stood with ease, gaze fixated on the floor to avoid making much eye contact. “guess we should go there; it’s nice to explore new places.” she responded, a small smile visible. 
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     when  beyza  notices  the  hint  of  a  smile  on  the  other’s  lip,  she  mimicked  it  &  the  corners  of  her  lips  extend  into  a  grin.  “ is there any place you haven’t been yet? ”  asks  bee. “ you know, this ship is a lot bigger than i originally imagined it to be. ”  which  is  probably  why  she  hadn’t  visited  all  the  areas  yet.  she  preferred  the  cozy  &  familiar  cafeteria.
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rosegoldsuited · 4 years
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     “a fresh batch? seriously? since when did i become the luckiest guy on this ship?” sure, they were for dessert later on… but if she was willing to hand over one to him as an early treat, he certainly wasn’t going to complain. or tell anyone else, for that matter. “i don’t mind the wait, trust me. your desserts are always worth waiting for.”
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     cheeks  flush  a  pink  hue  &  a  smile  grows  on  her  lips.  “ my, my—— i don’t know what i did to deserve a compliment like that. ”  bee  rests  her  cheek  on  her  hand. “ you know, my nene... grandmother... taught me how to bake, ”  she  says.  “ she used to have this... adorable apron she’d wear every time she baked. ”  ....  “ ‘you can’t be a baker without an apron!’ she would say. ”  bee  misses  her  grandmother;  she  couldn’t  help  but  wonder  what  her  and  her  mother  were  up  to  these  days.  “ —which is why i always have my apron hand. ”
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rosegoldsuited · 4 years
red | blue | green | pink | orange | yellow | black | white | purple | brown | cyan | lime | fortegreen | tan |  misc.  ( rose gold )
astronaut helmet | backwards cap | brain slug | bush hat | captain hat | double top hat | flowerpot hat | goggles | hard hat | military hat | paper hat | party hat | police hat | stethoscope | top hat | towel wizard | ushanka | viking | wall guard cap | snowman | antlers | christmas lights hat | santa hat | present hat | candy canes hat | elf hat | yell party hat | white hat | crown | eyebrows | angel halo | elf cap | flat cap | plunger | snorkel | stickmin figure | straw hat | sheriff hat | eyeball lamp | toilet paper hat | toppat clan leader hat | black fedora | ski goggles | landing headset | mira hazmat mask | medical mask | mira security cap | safari hat | banana hat | beanie | bear ears | cheese hat | cherry hat | egg hat | green fedora | flamingo hat | flower hat | knight helmet | plant hat | cat head hat | bat wings | devil horns | mohawk | pumpkin hat | spooky paper bag hat | witch hat | wolf ears | pirate hat | plague doctor mask | knife hat | hockey mask | miner gear hat | winter gear hat | archaeologist hat | antenna | balloon | bird nest | black bandanna | caution sign hat | chef hat | ccc cap | do-rag | dum sticky note | fez | general hat | pompadour | hunter hat | military helmet | mini crewmate | ninja mask | ram horns | snow crew mate | misc. ( insert detail )
astronaut | captain | mechanic | military | police | doctor | black suit | white suit | wall guard suit | mira hazmat | mira security guard | mira landing | miner gear | winter gear | archaeologist |  misc. ( insert detail )
squig | bedcrab | brainslug | ufo | dog | hamster | mini crewmate | robot | henry | ellie |  misc. ( insert detail )
cafeteria | weapons | navigation | o2 | shields | communications | storage | admin | electrical | lower engine | security | reactor | upper engine | medbay
align engine output | calibrate distributor | chart course | clean o2 filter | clear asteroids | divert power | empty chute | empty garbage | fix wiring | fuel engines | inspect sample | prime shields | stabilize steering | start reactor | submit scan | swipe card | unlock manifolds | upload data
reactor meltdown | o2 shutdown | communications | lights | doors
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rosegoldsuited · 4 years
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     “have to admit, i’ve been having cravings all morning,” he said, a shy smile stretched across his lips. “you don’t happen to have any more of those famous brownies of yours left, do you?”
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     bee  bites  her  bottom  lip  as  a  wide  smile  grows.  “ lucky for you mister, i actually have a fresh batch in the oven right now. ”  she  was  glad  her  grandmother  taught  her  how  to  make  those  brownies.  “ i was baking them for dessert tonight, ”  she  explains. “ i do have a few left from the ones i made yesterday if you don’t feel like waiting a the 10 minutes for the fresh ones? ”
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rosegoldsuited · 4 years
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thrown into the whirlwind that was her own mind, heledd didn’t even flinch when bee spoke to her. she hadn’t seemed to notice the other. blinking a couple of times, she soon cleared her thoughts with a small sniff. “uh, i’m not in the mood for food… or a chat.” she clarified, emotionless. “walk it is, i guess.” she gently sighed, pushing herself from the table.
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     she  blinks  a  few  time,  a  bit  taken  back  by  the  harshness  of  the  other.  guess  socializing  wasn’t  for  everyone  . . .   “ a walk would be nice, ”  smiles  bee.  she  gets  up  from  the  table.  “ you know, i’ve never been in the research room before. ”  ... “ never really had a reason to. maybe we could go check it out? ”  the  femme  holds  her  hands  together  behind  her  back  as  she  walks.
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rosegoldsuited · 4 years
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Sitting quietly in the cafe Donny was nursing a coffee, probably his fifth of the day if he was counting. Of which, he wasn’t. Not consciously at least. Bee’s voice lead his head to lift and a meek smile to tug at the corner of his lips. “Hey mmm…” he hummed, quirking a brow before pointing. “Sweetness.” A little shrug was offered at her words, leaning back in his seat now as he tapped the table. “I wouldn’t mind a chat, I’m not all that hungry, but I might take you up on that later.” 
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     her  face  lights  up  when  he  says  sweetness;  there  was  a  special  place  in  her  heart  for  little  nicknames  like  that  ( especially  platonic  ones ),  they  were  too  darn  cute.  beyza  bows  her  head.  “ sure thing. a chat would be lovely, ”  she  was  already  thinking  of  a  few  different  things  she  could  make.  " that coffee smells great by the way— how do you usually take yours? ”
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rosegoldsuited · 4 years
LOCATION:  cafeteria.
TIME:  2:10pm.
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     " hey darlin’, ”  she  sits  across  from  the  other.  “ feelin’ hungry? i can whip up a quick little snack for ya? ”  bee  tilts  her  head  slightly  &  smiles  softly.  “ or .. if you’re not, we can just sit here and chat? orrr stretch our legs and take a little walk around? ”
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rosegoldsuited · 4 years
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HELLOOO  !!  i’m  amanda  ( 20, she/her )  and  i......  am  very  excited  to  have  found  this  rp  because  i’ve  been  playing  among  us  a  ....  wild  amount  lately  DFKGHDJKSFG  and  i  do  be  loving  some  mysteries  ~  under  the  cut,  you’ll  find  some  info  on  my  angel  darling  muffin,  beyza  +  some  connection  ideas ♡♡
— ( hande ercel, cis female, she/her) see them in the ROSE GOLD suit? that’s BEYZA “BEE” KAPLAN, the TWENTY-FIVE year old COOK that works in CAFETERIA. i’ve heard they have a penchant for BAKING and a burning hatred of PEOPLE WHO TALK WITH FOOD IN THEIR MOUTH. on their good days, they’re known to be WARM and HUMOROUS, but watch out… when things get bad, they can get NAIVE and MOODY. think they can be trusted?
full name:  beyza kaplan.
nickname(s):  bee.
age:  25 years old.
gender + pronouns:  cis female + she/her.
orientation:  bisexual, biromantic.
voted most likely to:  cry over a cute dog video.
-ˏˋ  born and raised in a small town by her mother and grandmother; they were always encouraging her to “reach for the stars”.  her  mother, aysen, is a cosmologist and has always been fascinated by the universe, space, and everything in between. so, it only made sense that beyza grew some kind of interest for astronomy.
-ˏˋ  her adolescence was painfully typical. she wasn’t super popular but also wasn’t an outcast, she wasn’t naturally amazing at anything in particular... she was just going through life, as one does. she’d always been a kind hearted girl who cared far too much about the well-being of others & far too little about her own. this trait, of course, was something of an invitation for people to take advantage of her kindness; it had happened so many times that she had to eventually make a deal with herself:  3-chances-and-you’re-out, and it broke her heart every single time she had to kick someone out of her life. but she also knew that she needed to get rid of people who only took advantage of her ( which was surprising considering she didn’t really ever do much to care for her mental health ).
-ˏˋ  she loves to cook and bake and became very good at it. so good, in fact, that she decided to pursue a career as a cook! making food that others would enjoy was something she, herself, enjoyed. watching people do that “wow, this food is so good” face while taking bites of something she made was exciting for her.
-ˏˋ  bee decided to join genesis for her mother more than anything. being able to go up and come back with out-of-this-world ( literally ) stories to share with her was the exact reason she wanted to go up. plus, her ( and the other cook’s ) food would be much better than those nasty bagged astronaut foods.
has most definitely cried over a cute dog video & will also 100% cry if you raise your voice at or around her.
decided on a rose gold coloured suit because it’s her favourite colour.
makes the BBBEST!!!!!! brownies ever. for reals, you have not lived until you’ve tried one of her brownies with vanilla ice cream on top.
gives the best hugs :)
is just the sweetest bean and is also quite funny too and is just overall very wholesome.
01. THE BEST FRIEND  ————  you and bee clicked from the very second you two met and you’ve been two peas in a pod ever since. despite the threat of the imposters, she trusts you. taken by edward choe. 02. THE ROMANTIC INTEREST  ————  you and bee have been making goo-goo eyes at each other from across the room and she’s anxiously waiting for you to make the first move ( because you make her waaaay too nervous for her to make it )... so, will you already?!
03. THE MUTUAL ANNOYANCE  ————  you and bee both have the same attitude towards each other.. annoyance. you can’t help but roll your eyes whenever she talks and the feeling is most definitely mutual. needless to say, the two of you bicker a lot.
04. THE ONE NIGHT STAND  ————  you and bee try not to talk - or even think - about that night. she tries her best to avoid you & also avoid getting drunk / being alone with you.
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rosegoldsuited · 4 years
me: *on the verge of tears* ok not that i care but, 
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rosegoldsuited · 4 years
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rosegoldsuited · 4 years
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