roselmcswain · 7 years
In this race, They both win
Read more: http://ift.tt/2mTcISd
In this race, They both win
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roselmcswain · 7 years
A day in the life… (land, Finland)
Read more: http://ift.tt/2mdPvNH
A day in the life… (land, Finland)
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roselmcswain · 7 years
If You Text This Number They’ll Deliver Anything (Legal) That You Want
That apparently includes pizza, groceries, and even flight tickets. Someone also requested a tiger.
1. A brand new service called Magic aimed at lazy bums claims that you can order anything you want over text and they’ll have it delivered, as long as it’s legal.
In order to find users the best deal, operators rely on online delivery services like DoorDash or Instacart.
  3. Users start out by texting the word “Magic” to the service, which accepts credit cards and bitcoin. After you tell an operator what you need, a Magic employee will attempt to find and deliver the product via a third party.
The company is only a few days old but already had over 17,000 text messages by yesterday, TechCrunch reported, after it was added to Product Hunt over the weekend and quickly rose to the top spot at Hacker News.
Co-founder Mike Chen told TechCrunch that requests have run the gamut from “help getting out of court to a tiger delivered to a customer’s door,” and that demand was so great he had to pull in friends and family to help handle the volume of orders.
Magic’s founders did not immediately respond to a request for comment from BuzzFeed News.
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5. It’s not quite clear what the markup is on the products or what kind of cut the company takes, but judging by their screenshot showing a few groceries costing $65.27, it’s likely pretty hefty.
That same order would cost around $40 from a grocery delivery service like FreshDirect.
Chen, whose other startups include a 3D printer designed to work in space, said a more ambitious request will cause the fee to rise.
  7. Unfortunately, the service has gone so viral that it’s nearly impossible to get served. When we tried, the waiting list was over 14,000 people long.
Users can pay an extra $50 (increased from $25) if they insist on immediate access.
Rachel Zarrell/BuzzFeed
  9. Though the concierge service is ambitious, they can’t fulfill every request — but that hasn’t stopped people from trying.
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reddit.com / Via slimmtl
11. “As long as it’s legal and possible we can do that,” Chen said. “It may be expensive, you may want a helicopter to Vegas, but if it’s possible, we will do it.”
Read more: http://ift.tt/17uQQTU
If You Text This Number They’ll Deliver Anything (Legal) That You Want
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roselmcswain · 7 years
Give Me The Megyn Kelly
Read more: http://ift.tt/2nPgrzG
Give Me The Megyn Kelly
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roselmcswain · 7 years
Read more: http://ift.tt/2njJ8YJ
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roselmcswain · 7 years
Link25 (074) – The John F. Kennedy Anniversary Edition
For those of you that are new around here, every Friday we bring you 25 of the week’s best links, articles, images, and videos from all over the web in a list we refer to as “Link25″. This week around you’ll find everything from a compilation of some of the funniest Family Guy moments to the most dramatic John F. Kennedy pictures, so get ready because this is Link25 (074) – The John F. Kennedy Anniversary Edition.
25. Jenko’s Epic Split
22. One Classy Bird
This bird was made for Movember! If that’s not a classy mustache, I don’t know what is. The Inca Tern (Larosterna inca) is a seabird in the family Sternidae. It is the only member {…}
19. Bush Man in New York City
15. Discovering Quahog
12. Home Subscribe Surprise Articles Quick Facts Infographics Stalk Us! Stats Why Squinting Helps You See Better
Squinting causes two reactions that help you visualize the world around you in better detail. First, it changes the shape of our eye, allowing light to be focused better. Secondly […]
9. The Flowing Fins of Siamese Fighting Fish
Visarute Angkatavanich is a commercial photographer currently living in Bangkok, Thailand. In an ongoing photo series, Visarute takes breathtaking portraits of Siamese Fighting Fish (Betta splendens). Many of the portraits […]
6. Ultimate Instant Karma Fails Compilation 2013
3. Thirty Spectacular Photos Of John F. Kennedy
From his decorated war service to his infamous womanizing to his gifted oratory, John F. Kennedy was the world’s first made-for-television politician and […]
Read more: http://ift.tt/1aNiZCS
Link25 (074) – The John F. Kennedy Anniversary Edition
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roselmcswain · 7 years
The World at Night with Clear Skies and No Light Pollution
Ben Coffman is a landscape photographer based out of Portland, Oregon, who specializes in night photography, in particular ‘landscape astrophotography’ featuring the Milky Way. Not only does this give Ben the opportunity to explore the great outdoors, but it lets us city dwellers gain a greater appreciation for the awe-inspiring night sky as well as the breathtaking landscapes of our planet.
The Sifter caught up with Ben and he was gracious enough to answer some questions and offer insight into his craft and passion for night photography. To see more from Ben be sure to check him out at the links below.
BEN COFFMAN Website | Facebook | Google+ | Twitter | Flickr | Prints
1. Crater Lake National Park, Oregon
Photograph by BEN COFFMAN Website | Facebook | Google+ | Twitter | Flickr | Prints
2. False Dusk and Falls, Oregon Coast
Photograph by BEN COFFMAN Website | Facebook | Google+ | Twitter | Flickr | Prints
What is it about landscape astrophotography that you love so much?
I’ve been a fan of the night sky since the early ’90s, when public radio programs like “Star Date” or “Earth and Sky” would inform listeners about meteor showers or visible planets in the night sky. I’ve been a casual stargazer for years.   The other part is that I’m naturally drawn to art with a dramatic, dark aesthetic, so this type of photography fit nicely with how I view the world and I how I wanted to express myself. To me, taking a landscape photo at night is like playing the song “Happy Birthday” in a minor key: The whole tone of the piece changes to something a little darker, a little sinister, and in the case of a landscape photograph, something a little more wild.
3. Palouse Falls, Washington
Photograph by BEN COFFMAN Website | Facebook | Google+ | Twitter | Flickr | Prints
4. Oregon Coast
Photograph by BEN COFFMAN Website | Facebook | Google+ | Twitter | Flickr | Prints
What are the biggest challenges?
There are so many challenges to night-sky photography: light pollution, the luck needed for a clear sky to line up perfectly with the astronomical events I want to photograph, the difficulty of getting clean-looking prints out of files shot at high ISOs, dew forming on your lens. Then there are factors as simple as being cold. Oregon has cold nights year round; I have absolutely frozen while taking photos at night in July.   There’s the “boogeyman factor.” As silly as it sounds, this dissuades many photographers from shooting at night or feeling comfortable shooting at night. It’s especially troublesome when you’re by yourself. I’ve been absolutely terrified by deer crashing through bushes near me, curious porcupines, pigeons that quickly evacuate abandoned houses, unseen owls sitting patiently on fence posts until you’re setting up your tripod right next to them and then they squawk and take flight…or even the idea that I might encounter a large nocturnal carnivore, like a mountain lion, in the woods at night. I try to avoid hiking in the mountains by myself at night, but I still log dozens–maybe hundreds–of solo, overnight miles every year.
5. Aurora Borealis at Trillium Lake, Oregon
Photograph by BEN COFFMAN Website | Facebook | Google+ | Twitter | Flickr | Prints
6. Milky Way Silhouette
Photograph by BEN COFFMAN Website | Facebook | Google+ | Twitter | Flickr | Prints
Do you prefer to shoot alone or with people?
I think I prefer to shoot with other photographers, especially at night, although there’s no question that I do better work when I’m by myself. I really dislike shooting with non-photographers, no matter how patient they are. Inevitably I feel rushed and fail to get the shot I really want.
7. Jefferson Park, Oregon
Photograph by BEN COFFMAN Website | Facebook | Google+ | Twitter | Flickr | Prints
8. Abandoned House in Oregon
Photograph by BEN COFFMAN Website | Facebook | Google+ | Twitter | Flickr | Prints
Can you give us a brief overview of your process to create these incredible photos?
A great deal of the work involved in getting these photos is done in research. Any astronomer will tell you that seeing the night sky is hugely dependent upon moon phases, weather, and the amount of nearby light pollution. To see a really robust Milky Way, like what I often try to photograph, you really only have about four or five nights per month, and only about six months of the year. So I do a lot of research. And I put a lot of stock into weather reports and cloud-cover reports, which can make or break me.   I have a pretty dialed-in workflow once I’m in the field. The photography gear in my backpack is generally ultra-organized. Everything has to have a very specific place, or I won’t be able to find it in the dark. I have memorized every “click” on the manual aperture dials of my lenses. I have memorized the infinity point on my lenses. I can easily change lenses and batteries in pitch blackness, just by feel. I know where every button on my camera is, so I rarely have to turn on my headlamp and destroy my night vision when I’m shooting. The less time you spend thinking about basic technique, about being cold, about being lost, or about being hungry, the more time you can spend pre-visualizing your photo and getting creative.   There’s no better feeling than being in that creative zone, when the images you’re seeing on the LCD screen on the back of your camera are turning out exactly how you had hoped. It’s a pretty intense rush. Conversely, if things are not going as you’d hoped it can be a long night.
9. Venus and Jupiter rising, Crater Lake National Park
Photograph by BEN COFFMAN Website | Facebook | Google+ | Twitter | Flickr | Prints
10. Haystack Rock at Cannon Bech
Photograph by BEN COFFMAN Website | Facebook | Google+ | Twitter | Flickr | Prints
Do you have a favourite place to photograph?
I think my favorite place to photograph is Crater Lake National Park, here in Oregon. It’s Oregon’s only national park. It has jaw-dropping beauty, it’s wilderness, and it has amazingly dark skies. Maybe someday I’ll get tired of shooting there, but right now I can’t wait to get back there for some snowshoeing and snow camping this winter.
11. Dalles Mountain Ranch, Washington
Photograph by BEN COFFMAN Website | Facebook | Google+ | Twitter | Flickr | Prints
12. Lost Lake at Mount Hood
Photograph by BEN COFFMAN Website | Facebook | Google+ | Twitter | Flickr | Prints
What are three places you would love to capture the night sky from?
I would love to capture the night sky over Machu Picchu and the Inca Trail. My wife and I took a trip to Peru five years ago and spent some time trekking on the Inca Trail, and it was an amazing experience. I’m in the process of putting together a night-sky workshop/photo tour for sometime in 2016. I’m really looking forward to some once-in-a-lifetime photography of Inca ruins and Andean peaks under the starry night sky.   I’ve never shot the Milky Way in the southern hemisphere, which has a different view of it than those of us in the northern hemisphere, so my other options would be somewhere in Africa, like Tanzania, Mozambique, or Madagascar. Australia is another place I’ve never visited, but it has been high on my “must see” list for a while. It seems very wild and wide open. And I’m sure it also has very dark skies.
13. Yaquina Head Lighthouse, Oregon
Photograph by BEN COFFMAN Website | Facebook | Google+ | Twitter | Flickr | Prints
14. Lyrid Meteor Shower at Crater Lake
Photograph by BEN COFFMAN Website | Facebook | Google+ | Twitter | Flickr | Prints
What advice would you give to aspiring photographers?
I guess I would advise an aspiring photographer to do what they love, and to treat photography first and foremost as a means of self-expression. If the first question you ask yourself is “Will this win any photo contests?” or “Will this sell well as stock photography?” or “Is this a better photo than so-and-so’s photo?” then you may have lost the plot. I don’t have anything against photo contests, stock photography, or a competitive spirit, but those external influences only serve to dilute or to warp your vision. Please yourself first. Ignore photography trends and what’s cool or not cool to shoot: You can’t go wrong photographing subjects that appeal to you.
15. Jefferson Park, Oregon
Photograph by BEN COFFMAN Website | Facebook | Google+ | Twitter | Flickr | Prints
Read more: http://ift.tt/1yIVlUI
The World at Night with Clear Skies and No Light Pollution
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roselmcswain · 7 years
20 Cat Thoughts That Will Change Your Perspective
Read more: http://ift.tt/2mZsDjI
20 Cat Thoughts That Will Change Your Perspective
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roselmcswain · 7 years
16 Steamy TV Affairs
1. Fitzgerald Grant with Olivia Pope (Scandal)
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Cheating on your wife is bad enough, but doing it when you’re the President of the United States is especially dangerous. Fitz’s affair with Olivia has dominated much of Scandal’s run, even as both parties have tried to move on.
2. Alicia Florrick with Will Gardner (The Good Wife)
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Let’s not forget that Alicia’s husband Peter cheated first — with hookers! Still, Alicia’s on-again off-again relationship with Will was never really kosher, especially since he’s also her boss. They’re on the outs now, but who knows what the future holds.
3. Dylan McKay with Kelly Taylor (Beverly Hills, 90210)
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CBS Television Distribution
Oh, sure, Dylan and Kelly were always meant to be together. But before they were a couple, Dylan was very much involved with Kelly’s best friend Brenda. If it helps, Brenda also had a fling while she was away in France.
4. Rayna Jaymes with Deacon Claybourne (Nashville)
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Rayna and Deacon hooked up before Nashville started — and again well into its first season — but their dalliance resulted in an illegitimate daughter and a long, tumultuous unrequited love situation. Sounds like a country song.
5. Dexter Morgan with Lila West (Dexter)
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Rita was right to suspect something between Dexter and his NA sponsor Lila. As with all affairs on this show, it didn’t end happily — turns out Lila was just about as insane as everyone’s favorite sociopath Dexter.
6. Cersei Lannister with Jaime Lannister (Game of Thrones)
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Twincest alert! It’s not as though Robert Baratheon was ever faithful to his wife, but at least he wasn’t sleeping with immediate family members. Ah, those Lannisters. How else do you preserve such gorgeous blonde hair!
7. Arizona Robbins with Lauren Boswell (Grey’s Anatomy)
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We love hot doctor-on-doctor action, but not when it means splitting up one of TV’s best same-sex couples. And hasn’t Callie suffered enough without dealing with her wife’s infidelity? Blame it on the blackout, I guess.
8. Julia McNamara with Christian Troy (Nip/Tuck)
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I mean, everyone cheated on this show, so it’s almost unfair to single these two out. But as with Nashville, this affair resulted in a case of mistaken paternal identity — and angst that played out throughout the series.
9. Oz with Veruca (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
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20th Television
Willow had cheated on Oz with Xander, but that was just a little making out. Oz and Veruca went all the way — and yes, there were werewolf pheromones involved. That still doesn’t excuse it. At least it pushed Willow to Tara.
10. Skyler White and Ted Beneke (Breaking Bad)
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Those three little words: “I fucked Ted.” And frankly, Walt deserved to be cheated on. Weirdly, people still criticize Skyler for her actions, but it’s hard to judge someone whose husband decided to go and become a dangerous drug lord.
11. Julia Houston with Will Chase (Smash)
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It wasn’t long into the first season that Julia started feeling those familiar rumblings for another man. Soon she and Will were rubbing up on each other all over the Bombshell rehearsal area, which is basically the opposite of discretion.
12. Craig Manning with Manny Santos (Degrassi: The Next Generation)
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It’s not Craig’s fault: he’s bipolar. But before he was diagnosed, he cheated on Ashley and knocked up Manny, who ended up getting an abortion in an episode that was pulled from the airwaves in the U.S. That’s a lot for a teenager to handle.
13. Carrie Bradshaw with Mr. Big (Sex and the City)
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Even though we knew they’d eventually end up together, there was no excuse for the cheating Carrie and Big did — Carrie on Aidan, Big on a wife whose name we can’t be bothered to remember. That elevator scene, though.
14. Nicholas Brody with Carrie Mathison (Homeland)
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I suppose when you’re already a terrorist double-agent, cheating on your wife doesn’t seem like such a bad thing. And Jessica did sleep with someone else when she thought Brody was dead! Nah. No excuse, Brody.
15. Quinn Fabray with Noah “Puck” Puckerman (Glee)
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Back when Quinn and Finn were an item, she had a little fling with Finn’s best friend Puck — you know, the real father of her baby. Things were tense for a while, but this is Glee: they eventually sorted it out through song and dance.
16. Don Draper with everyone (Mad Men)
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Oh, I could go back and count all the different women Don has cheated with. Suffice it to say, a lot. Of course, Betty cheated, too. So did Pete. And Peggy. And Roger. And Joan. And — look, you get the idea. It was the ’60s.
Read more: http://ift.tt/2mdApaI
16 Steamy TV Affairs
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roselmcswain · 7 years
16 Great Ways To Avoid Talking To A Huge Creep
Read more: http://ift.tt/2nxM6JC
16 Great Ways To Avoid Talking To A Huge Creep
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roselmcswain · 7 years
15 Things You Totally Forgot You Used To LOVE Playing With
If you’re reading this, you’re probably an adult who is now glued to some form of technology. But when you were younger, fun was found in simpler forms.
I bet you’ve forgotten about most of these things you used to freak out over, like spending hours trying to get that freaking magnetic fish on the end of your line…
Flying Gliders
via: Rhode Island Novelty
First, assemble glider.
Next, wind back and let that sucker go!
Watch it do one loop in the air and crash into the ground.
Go back to step one.
A bird toy that balances on your finger.
via: Rhode Island Novelty
It just balances!
On your finger!
What is this sorcery among us?
Magic Math Machine
via: Constructive Playthings
Yes, it was educational and kind of lame, but at least it changed color and you could say you were studying or something.
Or you could just try andmake cool patterns with no regard for math.
Waterful Ring-Toss
via: eBay
This is just a classic.
In fact, right now I wish I was sitting on my old bedroom floor trying to manipulate those rings on to that pole, my Swatch watch timing me in my attempt.
It was mesmerizing.
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Multicolor retractable pen
via: Office Depot
And you always had to try and slam down more than one color at a time, inevitably breaking the thing.
YOU are why you can’t have nice things like a multicolor retractable pen.
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Read more: http://ift.tt/2j1zfO2
15 Things You Totally Forgot You Used To LOVE Playing With
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roselmcswain · 7 years
There’s A Pregnant Woman On “My Strange Addiction” Who Can’t Stop Smelling And Chewing Dirty Diapers
1. This is Keyshia, she’s a 22-year-old woman from Queens who likes to smell and chew on dirty diapers.
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TLC/My Strange Addiction
2. She estimates that she’s smelled and chewed on around 25,000 soiled diapers so far.
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TLC/My Strange Addiction
3. She says she likes them when they weigh more and have more pee in them because they smell better to her.
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TLC/My Strange Addiction
4. Her episode of My Strange Addiction aired on Wednesday.
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5. Aw jeez…
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Read more: http://ift.tt/2mT7d64
There’s A Pregnant Woman On “My Strange Addiction” Who Can’t Stop Smelling And Chewing Dirty Diapers
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roselmcswain · 7 years
Russia summarized in one sentence
Read more: http://ift.tt/18jkFRB
Russia summarized in one sentence
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roselmcswain · 7 years
Watch Leonardo DiCaprio’s impassioned, political thank you speech at the Golden Globes.
Leonardo DiCaprio made a lot of people happy last night.
First and foremost: the Internet, which has long been clamoring for him to win an Oscar and finally end his long list of snubs.
And while the Oscar party is still over a month away, Leo fans, or Dicapri-bros as I’ve just decided to call them, have more reason than ever to believe this could be the year.
The real prize is that bow tie. Photo by Mark Davis/Getty Images.
DiCaprio won a Golden Globe for his performance in “The Revenant,” a film by critical darling Alejandro Gonzlez Irritu.
The film, which also won the award for Best Motion Picture Drama, is a brutal survival-and-revenge tale based on the true story of Hugh Glass, a frontiersman who explored the upper Missouri River in the 19th century.
In the film, Glass, played by DiCaprio, (spoiler alert) fights rain, snow, several people, and a freaking bear, all to stay alive and exact revenge on the man who killed his son.
The movie and DiCaprio’s performance are receiving massive praise, and both are favorites to win in their respective categories as we move into Oscar season.
When DiCaprio took to the stage last night, he gave an impassioned speech with an unexpected shoutout.
DiCaprio’s words, which were made slightly more emotional thanks to the swelling play-off music that started a minute prior, are already receiving tons of media coverage and attention from fellow actors:
Thank you Leo for not letting ur speech get whitewashed Rowan Blanchard (@rowblanchard) January 11, 2016
Leonardo DiCaprio is one of the most socially active actors in Hollywood.
He’s long been an advocate for climate change and protecting fragile ecosystems with his Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation, and in 2014, he spoke at the UN Climate Change Summit as an official UN Messenger of Peace.
So he’s always tried to use his celebrity voice for good.
DiCaprio speaking at the “Help Haiti Home” gala on Jan. 9, 2016. Photo by Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images for J/P HRO.
However, some have criticized his words, noting that the conversation about the depiction of indigenous people in the film was not present until now:
In case you missed the Revenant pivot from “This was really hard” to “This is an issue movie,” that was it. Mark Harris (@MarkHarrisNYC) January 11, 2016
Indeed, “The Revenant,” which follows DiCaprio’s character as well as those played by British actor Tom Hardy and Irish actor Domnhall Gleeson, isn’t really about the indigenous people of the 1820s frontier.
But critics have noted that the depiction of the indigenous tribes in the film was multidimensional and complex, rather than one homogenous group of “natives” as Hollywood is wont to do. As reviewer Kate Taylor said, “Another intriguing aspect of the film is its depiction of the indigenous people, divided into various competing tribes, sometimes viciously attacking each other and the Europeans, sometimes happy to engage in peaceful trade.”
The conversation about the treatment of indigenous people in Hollywood, and in general, is one we need to have.
Here in America, that ugly part of our history often is ignored, and Native Americans are largely without voice or representation, especially in the media where they are often treated as stereotypes or punchlines.
Around the world, indigenous people face exploitation of their resources and land every single day. That’s a problem that won’t be solved by a movie or even a Golden Globes speech by a Hollywood heavyweight.
In 1973, Marlon Brando made an award show statement of his own by refusing to accept the Oscar for Best Actor in “The Godfather.” In his stead, Sacheen Littlefeather, an American Indian rights activist, went on stage and spoke of the mistreatment of Native Americans in film.
Littlefeather speaking on behalf of Marlon Brando at the 1973 Academy Awards. Image via Oscars/YouTube.
That was 43 years ago, and little has changed.
Sometimes, though, if you say something loud enough the whole world hears it. So good on DiCaprio for doing what he can to give a voice to the voiceless on a night when even his win was overshadowed by the bizarre face he made when Lady Gaga bumped into him on her way to the stage.
Lady Gaga has no time for famous elbows. DiCaprio should’ve known that.
Watch DiCaprio’s full speech here:
Read more: http://ift.tt/2mCpUcg
Watch Leonardo DiCaprio’s impassioned, political thank you speech at the Golden Globes.
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roselmcswain · 7 years
Daily Timelapse: Ibiza Lights III by Jose A. Hervas
Ibiza Lights III from Jose A. Hervas on Vimeo.
Read more: http://ift.tt/2mCwiAn
Daily Timelapse: Ibiza Lights III by Jose A. Hervas
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roselmcswain · 7 years
Joseph Gordon-Levitt And Other Famous People Are Auctioning Off Disposable Cameras
It’s all for a good cause. Dibs on Michael Cera’s adorable selfies!
1. MIX NYC, a nonprofit media arts organization, will begin auctioning off disposable cameras full of personal photos from various artists and celebs today.
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2. Over 150 disposable cameras – which were filled with images from various models, actors, directors, and artists – will be available for bidding worldwide on eBay as part of the #NakedEye Camera Benefit.
Mike Blake / Reuters
  3. A launch party will follow in New York City on May 15th, with all proceeds benefiting MIX NYC’s ongoing programs to “promote, preserve, and produce queer experimental film.”
Gary Gershoff / WireImage
  4. Several of the participants have included personal descriptions of their camera’s contents.
Mike Coppola / Getty Images
  Keenan Bolger, you are one poetic gentleman.
5. Actress Lea DeLaria’s camera seems to be an Orange Is The New Black fan’s dream come true.
Ilya S. Savenok / Getty Images
  6. Rebecca Gayheart promises a few photos from a “rare night out” with her husband… aka McSteamy from Grey’s Anatomy.
Courtesy of MIX NYC
Bryan Bedder / Getty Images for CAA
  7. Some other of the big names on the list include:
8. Modern Family’s Julie Bowen and Jesse Tyler Ferguson
  9. Rapper Cakes Da Killah
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10. Reno 911’s Wendi McLendon-Covey…
Phil Mccarten / Reuters
  11. … and Mary Birdsong
Alberto E. Rodriguez / Getty Images
  12. Seriously, dibs on Michael Cera’s selfies.
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13. You can buy a ticket to the event here.
Read more: http://ift.tt/2mdgb16
Joseph Gordon-Levitt And Other Famous People Are Auctioning Off Disposable Cameras
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roselmcswain · 7 years
U.N. To Investigate Alleged Chemical Weapon Use In Syria
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George Ourfalian / Reuters
A man injured by chemical weapons smiles during the visit of Syrian government officials at a hospital in Aleppo, March 21, 2013.
UNITED NATIONS (AP) — The United Nations will investigate the possible use of chemical weapons in Syria, which would amount to a crime against humanity, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon announced Thursday.
The investigation could be broader than the Syrian government’s request for an independent probe of a purported chemical weapons attack on Tuesday. Ban said he was aware of allegations of other, similar attacks and hoped the probe would ultimately help secure Syria’s chemical weapons stockpile.
The secretary-general said investigators would look into Syria’s allegation that rebels carried out a chemical weapons attack on Khan al-Assal village in northern Aleppo province. The rebels blamed regime forces for the attack.
A senior U.S. official, meanwhile, said Thursday that the United States now has strong indications that no chemical weapons were used at all in the attack. Officials won’t entirely rule out the possibility, but the official said additional intelligence-gathering has led the U.S. to believe more strongly that it was not a weaponized chemical attack. The official wasn’t authorized to speak publicly about the matter and spoke on condition of anonymity.
Syrian government officials and military personnel visit victims of chemical weapons at a hospital in Aleppo, Syria.
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George Ourfalian / Reuters
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George Ourfalian / Reuters
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George Ourfalian / Reuters
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George Ourfalian / Reuters
Read more: http://ift.tt/2mWfbNm
U.N. To Investigate Alleged Chemical Weapon Use In Syria
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