rosemary-clark · 11 years
“Heads Will Roll” - Yeah Yeah Yeahs
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rosemary-clark · 11 years
Off with your head! Dance! Dance! Dance till your dead! Head will roll, heads will rooolll
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rosemary-clark · 11 years
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rosemary-clark · 11 years
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rosemary-clark · 11 years
It's not like I'm not used to the quiet
But this silence is creepy, like super quiet... Was there a zombie apocalypse, is everyone dead.. Am I the only survivor, is this like I am Legend. 
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rosemary-clark · 11 years
I vote clean it, I'll help if I get to keep a few t-shirts...
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Maybe I should clean my room?
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Then again, maybe not.
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rosemary-clark · 11 years
As long as you bring the coal and stuff to start the barbecue. I can bring some food. Let's make it happen!
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I’ll help you out! We can get a grill and start a whole barbecue too. Dude, I’m so down for this to happen.
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rosemary-clark · 11 years
I get your point, I don't personally like the beach that much, but everyone else does soo.... I'll start trying to get people to agree to fishing.
Beach is nice, just extremely overrated ya know? Fishing would be new and different, so it’d be cool.
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rosemary-clark · 11 years
You put him in his place right? Aside from Mr. Handsy did you have fun? I was very sad you were gone, I didn't have you here to entertain me. You know Bayside isn't the same without you. 
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Back from my spa holiday a little earlier than expected.
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One of the guys got a little handsy. Not my thing. Sorry but he was way too tan and the fact he was covered in oil was just unnerving. Besides he was listening to Pink like he was so hardcore. 
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rosemary-clark · 11 years
Maybe we can plan a trip to the beach with everyone. I still have that fishing plan, but everyone's been off and about. I don't know about a party, there's always the mess afterwards when it comes to parties.
If I’m being honest, nah, I expected a lot more to be honest. But other than that, alright. So I see we’re basically having the same problem, we should find a way to get unbored; throw a party or something.
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rosemary-clark · 11 years
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rosemary-clark · 11 years
Yeah, double shift Ray. Just okay? Summer not living up to your standards? I'm doing good, recently bored out of my mind.
Yep! Hardworking Ray, haha. I’m doing okay thanks. How bout you, Clark?
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rosemary-clark · 11 years
I feel the same way, you'd think we were twins or something
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I think that's a really smart idea, and I don't know why you didn't think of it before
I like summer, but I don’t like the heat. 
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Well, maybe I should come inside.
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rosemary-clark · 11 years
No it's an excuse, sure it's also true. Yeah, she can, she's probably just been working a lot. How are you?
Not an excuse, it’s so true! Ray’s fine, I haven’t seen her much either but you know her, she can handle herself well.
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rosemary-clark · 11 years
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rosemary-clark · 11 years
Because it's Summer, sis. 
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But it's nice and cool inside, with the AC going
Why is it so hot?
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I’m going to the pool.
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rosemary-clark · 11 years
Yeah, Ray Ray could have you begging for mercy at any minute. Sure, sure, use that as an excuse, Langdon. How is your sister btw, I haven't seen her around much...
My sister? Oh really now? Only because I can’t hit girls hahah
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