rosemary-oldsoul · 6 months
we’ll paint the sky together
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pairing: wonwoo x fem!reader
genre: idol!au, fluff/angst
w.c: 656 lawl it’s always like this
description: it would be otherwise but today he’ll share the yellows and you’ll share the blues
a/n: in my soft wonwoo feels today and I just started painting uh oh spoiler so here ya go!! <3 Oh and he performs love poem by IU for you
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His limbs were screaming at him - for mercy but he had yet to find you. You weren’t home like he’d suspected because at days like this home was not your comfort. You’d told him that.
“I love you” a pause. he’d then turned and rewarded you with a forehead peck. And waited.
in the consort of warmth and him. Oh him. a smile grazed your lips,
“I love you . . . . and you should know that it’s been long. So long since I found comfort in someone other than me . . . . then-. . . . you came along and now , now you’re my best person.”
‘Best person’? Oh how much he loves you
“You’re my comfort , my love and jus-. Thank you for making me feel I can come back to you”
So now he was rushing to you and if you are where he is on his worst days he’s very close. To seeing you, holding you. And he let out an audible sigh of relief as all the warmth of summer rushed back to him or it could be you it was you because there you are.
As he walks over to sit next to you, he notices your head tilted up ,eyes shut and a smile to greet his presence. As he sits ,his hand is on your waist to pull you closer, the other gently moving to tuck your head in his neck.
The sky , he’d noticed, always seemed much prettier when he was here. He lived his life again in those moments. It was something you both shared , the sky held too many memories.
He’d gotten to know that when you had picked up a new hobby of painting to pass time while he played his games,
“yes, love?”
“we’ll paint the sky together okay?” You’d seemed all giddy at the thought.
“Keeping only the sky reserved for me ? I see how it is”
“it’s just…I only look up to the sky when any moment has been intolerable for me and it does not give me peace , anything at all. Or when I feel lonely? Both ? and it doesn’t even make sense but I thought maybe if you join me ,my perspective will change ?”
and he still wonders how he found someone who loves him truly.
“I saw your performance wonu . . . . and I’ve never felt more grateful to be loved by you. I hope you know that even if I can’t attend your concerts.”
“we both know it’s not your fault you can’t tolerate loud noises without getting headaches and aren’t you the one who tells that you don’t have to be grateful to be loved. It’s a gift for being alive, isn’t it ?”
And even though he heard you sniffle and tuck yourself closer to him , your smile tickling his neck ,he didn’t look away from the sky because,
did you change his perspective about the sky, too?
“I’m glad you remember me saying that.”
“of course I do, I love you after all”
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Everything was set up perfectly - the lightings, his outfit, and he’d already told Mingyu to record his performance for you, now all he had to do was his best.
The only issue? It was raining and he was scared his only way of helping you would go waste. but somehow just as the lights dimmed and he became the focus of the crowd, it all stopped. The rain , the cheers , the thundering clouds. All he could, no, would see was the sky. The blue blue sky.
and oh? It looks familiar. He knows the sky today. As the notes fall and rise to come to an end he realises with moist eyes - there you are- without even trying- in the form the sky that you both painted together.
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rosemary-oldsoul · 7 months
genre | romance / drunken confessions / fake dating au
synopsis | you and hyunjin got drunk at different times, and you two took care of each other similarly. 
word count | 7.1k+
warning | mentions of insecurity / brief allusion to sexual themes / alcohol and drunkenness  
note | i changed almost everything about this.
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Hyunjin has gotten himself etched to the back of your mind, and you genuinely did not like that.
You didn't blame him, though. If anything, you blame yourself for falling so head over heels for him.
For one, Hyunjin couldn’t help who falls in love with him. He couldn’t suppress his overwhelmingly good looks if he tried, which he never did. He enjoyed the positive attention, however shallow they often were. He also couldn’t put a pause on his decent personality, which came as a genuine surprise to you after you got to know him better through this fake dating scheme. You always thought beautiful people harbored the ugliest heart, out of envy and bitterness. Hyunjin wasn’t like that. You didn’t think he was, at least. 
For two, you should have known better than to fall in love with a man leagues above your selection pool. People called it self-degradation, a lack of self-esteem, having no self-worth, and whatnot. You considered it a down-to-earth trait, a reality check, understanding your limits, and whatnot. Hyunjin was a boy you should fall in love with in moderation but never utterly, ardently, absolutely. You were, unfortunately, the latter. 
For three, and this was the stupidest part, you two were temporarily dating. Hyunjin was honest when he approached you and said that his friends, at the ripe age of twenties and pursuing higher education, thought you were good enough to be the butt of a romantic joke. They had challenged him to chase you, get you into a relationship, and break your heart. It was a heinous and, frankly, childish game, but you agreed to it with him for the prize money. 
It was worth it at that time. It was easy money! Who wouldn’t want that? You didn’t feel that way now. Pretending to be in a loving relationship with him has short-term perks but long-term losses. 
Hyunjin was practically in you, etched to the back of your mind, tattooed on the inside of your skin, taken by your bloodied hands to the bottom of your grave. The degree to which your heart dropped for him was unexplainable by yourself. Therefore, having the excuse to go on dates and hold his hands in public, snuggle with him during outings with his friends, and maintain a pleasant friendship with him behind closed doors were great experiences. But when the time comes for separation, you will hurt, not merely over the breakup, but the reminder that he has never felt more for you, that your wonderful experience with him was just an experience.
Clumsy stumbling could be heard outside his apartment, and not a second later came a round of demanding knocks. Hyunjin's head perked up at the noise, his eyes wide in alert at the sudden banging. He looked at the door momentarily before finally looking over to the clock, his brows furrowing slightly at the late time. He waited to check if it could be a drunken stranger approaching the wrong door, but soon enough, another round of aggressive knocks sounded.
Holding the thought that it could just be his roommate, Han Jisung, coming back home late for yet another odd reason, and also praying inwardly that he wouldn't have to spend the night taking care of a loud, obnoxious, and very drunk Jisung, he made his way up and approached the door.
Flinging the door open, Hyunjin did a double-take before his annoyed expression morphed into one of surprise. His arm went slack against the wooden frame of the door, and he took an instinctive step forward when he saw your drunken state—your features were scrunched up in discomfort, your eyes squinted because astigmatism had taken over on your walk to the apartment building, and you were hunched over. You were not at all the way you used to look, not the way he was used to seeing you, which was always so presentable and well put together.
An amused smile appeared on his face as he eyed you up and down, wanting nothing more than to make fun of and tease you even without your ability to form the perfect retorts he has grown to be highly fond of. But you sniffed for a moment and took a step forward. In that exact second, you had Hyunjin doubling over to catch you before you could fall to the floor, concern lining up the crinkles of his eyes as he looked down at you.
"Woah, alright! Let’s stand slowly, okay?" he commanded gently, cooing at your side as if talking to a child. 
His arms curled around your shoulder and waist with a protective grip, and he hoisted your weight by supporting you with his own. Pulling you into the apartment, he shut the door slowly with his feet before returning his attention to you, hoping to bring you to the couch where you could lie down and rest.
“Jeez, babe, how much did you drink?” he laughed, dragging your unresponsive body along with him.
You groaned lowly, trying your best to hold down the acidic taste rushing at the back of your mouth. You wouldn’t know it, but this was not what you had planned for the night. Your friends did their job sending you home safely. Who would have thought you’d leave your apartment shortly after just to stumble to Hyunjin’s home? It was a short distance from your place, but what a miracle you made it without any major accidents! And what a disaster you made it to his home while being high on alcoholic honesty!
You snapped your head up. You were at the perfect angle to stare at his side profile, allowing you the premium shot of his perfect jawline, luscious locks, beautiful lashes, button tip of his nose, and just the most kissable lips you have ever seen. A grimace reached your face. It was an instinctive response. His good looks indeed couldn’t hide even behind the blurriest of eyes. You thought if you lied to your body enough, your mind would follow, so you grimaced whenever you looked at him, hoping to start disliking him. It hasn’t worked. 
"Hwang Hyunjin,” you muttered.
He chuckled. “Yes. That is me."
You gulped, still staring at him. Then, as you lowered your eyes to the floor, you leisurely suggested what’s been on your mind recently, “We should break up."
Of all the things you have done within these few months of him meeting you, including you agreeing to help him lie to his friends about this fake dating challenge to punching someone in the face for shaming his impulsive sex life, which you weren’t surprised he has, this one caught him off guard the most. This one also made him panic. It was fear, like sweaty hands and dry lips, like his mind racing with terrible thoughts, racing with made-up reasons as to why you would want that, racing with every single action he has done that could be counted as a mistake.
"Wh–what? Why do you–why? Why are we breaking up? We are fine. I didn't do anything–did I do something?" Hyunjin stuttered, unconsciously tightening his grip on your body before he let out a gentle but firm whisper, "No."
“I know, I am sorry. I don’t know–I’m just sorry,” you slurred, long stopped looking at him and instead was now leaning your entire weight against him like a wall. Your hands waved about in the air. "You are mad at me, aren't you? Of course–“ you snorted obnoxiously–“it’s a lot of money! I’ll pay you. Break up with me, don’t be mad.”
Hyunjin stared at you as you laughed manically. It sounded choked up, like you’ve got wet coughs prepared in your throat, but he could tell you were far from shedding tears, unlike good ol’ sensitive him, who remained in a state of anxiety and was still trying to process why you brought up separation. It wasn’t time for the fake dating to end. It was nowhere near it! To suggest breaking up so early must mean something was wrong with him, but what was? He couldn’t tell! To think he was just losing his mind over what to do once it was time for this fake relationship to end. 
“Hyunjin,” you called him once when you noticed his silence. Looking up at him, you furrowed your brows and reached up to brush his face clumsily with your hand, pushing your fingertips against his skull. “Hyunjin? Hey. Answer me. Hey. Hello. Hyunjin!”
He leaned away from your aggressive touch, his shoulders relaxing at your playful antics. A smile formed uncontrollably on his lips when you doubled down on smearing your hands all over his face after his dodges. He was left haplessly struggling between missing your direct eyeball pokes and keeping you from falling to the ground. You grinned out loud; he mirrored it, and he didn’t hear the sound of your laughs mixing together because he hears it all the time.
“You are very drunk, [Name],” he managed to comment after grabbing both of your hands and keeping them at his face level. His tight-lipped smile sparkled when you attempted a struggle, like a parent reprimanding their child, then he moved your hands to your face and squeezed your cheeks together. Your lip jutted out in response. He leaned in to kiss your cupid’s bow. “You’re being silly. Let’s get you cleaned up and back to bed.”
The frown on your face made him nervous. His hands slowly slipped from your face, and your hands fell to your sides. You remained silent, and he let the clogs in your brain move. Your thoughts weren’t clear. The only thing you were sure of was that the man standing before you was Hwang Hyunjin, your temporary boyfriend, and you’d spent the whole night trying to drink your feelings for him away. You came to his apartment for a reason—you needed to break up with him for your own good.
“No, I can’t go to bed yet. I have something to do.” You yawned and waved an arm dismissively. You spoke before you finished yawning, leaving your words hanging in the air in slow motion. “I came to tell you something.”
Hyunjin’s hands curled into fists. He let go, tightened them, and let go again to alleviate the sweat gathering at his palms. You were surprisingly hell-bent on the topic, which led him to believe it went beyond a moment of drunkenness. It must have been a conclusion formed long ago, and you have just now mustered the courage to let him know. But why? What did he do? What did he not do? 
He was more than nervous, if there was a word to describe the state of his heart. This was more than a personal problem, which he admittedly still has to work through, but far more significant than himself was you—his feelings for you, his immense affection for you, the fact that he loved you the way you warned yourself not to love him but did anyway. It wasn’t your fault. Your observant eyes, your sincerity, your care for him. It wasn’t your fault. He fell in love with you of his own accord.
If you left him, he would be like a dog without a leash, a dog without an owner. He would wander aimlessly, filled with rage and dread, sniffing every darkened corner for a whiff of your scent. 
“Are you breaking up with me?” he asked meekly. 
You sucked in a deep breath to counter your congested chest, then you shook your head in agreement. “Yes.” 
You were very drunk. He shouldn’t take your words into consideration. “That’s fine,” he said as he stepped toward you, “can we get cleaned up and go to bed anyway? It’s very late.”
“No, I don’t want you touching me anymore.” You stepped back dramatically and hugged yourself into a protective stance. “It’s for the better.” 
He wondered what that meant. Were you repulsed by him? Did you finally realize how disgusting his inability to stay away from sexual and romantic validation was? Were you ashamed to be associated with him because of his impulsive behavior? He was only good for a short time; did you come to that realization? You were too good for him. He always knew that.
Hyunjin retreated his hand from mid-air. His hands met before his abdomen, his fingers immediately picking at each other as he uncomfortably shifted his weight. The corner of his lips arched downward at your rejection, but he tried to keep them neutral so he wouldn’t be influenced into crying. There wasn’t much else he could do with himself if being near you was no longer an option. He looked lost and wronged; he felt so.
“[Name], did I do something?” he asked, rubbing his elbow awkwardly. “Why do you suddenly want to break up with me?”
You blinked at a random space on the wall. Sitting below your sight was a messy square table with unwashed cups, scattered papers, and a closed laptop. Even in a state of haze, you knew they didn’t belong to him. Hyunjin was more organized than that. He told you once it made his school experience much easier to have everything in one place: his computer, which you knew he often kept in his school bag. You sniffed; you knew him like the back of your hand. 
“I can’t tell you,” you replied slowly, not looking at him. “It’s a secret.” 
Hyunjin tilted his head. “I won’t tell anyone, I promise.” 
He sounded convincing, so you gradually moved your eyes to access him. Standing in front of you, timid as a mouse, was Hwang Hyunjin. You knew that, and you knew that your secret was to be kept from him. Yet, somehow, all that did not register once you were engaged in a conversation with him. He was Hyunjin, just a person you were talking to. If he promised not to tell, then it should be fine. 
“You promise?” you asked. 
Hyunjin nodded. “I promise.” 
You pouted with a glare, willing him to waver and show any sign of deception, but he stood his ground and waited for you to expose your deepest and darkest feelings to him. A faint grumble sounded from your mouth. You looked around briefly to check for any eavesdroppers before you walked a few tentative steps toward him, and you confessed, “I’m in love with you.” 
It was like a shot through the heart, and the shot was aimed so successfully that the organ tore off its hinges and fell to his abdomen where his hands fiddled nervously with each other. It may be asking for an exit out of his body, it may be seeking its new owner, or it may come knocking boldly at your mouth and ask to fit inside you. Hyunjin remained perplexed at your confession. The confession had a bitter taste; he wasn’t sure what to make of it or if he deserved it from someone like you. 
“I’m sorry,” you apologized. “I am very in love with you. It’s stupid.” 
He couldn’t tell, but you understood, despite a fogged mind, that letting him know your affection for him was a cause for your demise. Your emotions were in a whirlwind, collecting up the fragments of all the heart pieces you've broken because of Hyunjin and how you had confronted yourself multiple times with your own delusions that this wouldn't be like the movies. He would never fall in love with you just because you two got closer from months of fake dating.
Even then, he was empathetic to your body language, especially how much they mirrored his. His shoulders slumped at how you turned away from him to trail your attention off somewhere safer, where he wasn’t in your sight. Registering his beautiful face was hard for you because you couldn’t have him; processing his existence and your proximity to him was difficult because you could never have him. You turned away from him to further signify to yourself the assumed truth, your trembling fingers pulling at each other to avoid an awkward standstill. 
Hyunjin was etched to the back of your brain. He was overwhelming, and he was far away. Unable to contain the sudden reminder that you were never going to get over him, a rush of tears started to tremble their way up to your eyes. Your face scrunched without remorse, and your head dropped near your shoulders alarmingly quickly that it startled him.
“I love you, I’m so sorry,” you sobbed. It made him panic. “Please break up with me.” 
“Why are we breaking up if you love me, silly?” he forced a laugh once he approached you. 
His lanky arms were clumsy and gentle after he pulled at his sweater sleeves to wipe your tears. They hovered awkwardly over your face, gauging how much strength to use to effectively dry your eyes but not push you any further away from him. He cooed a bunch of nonsense, but they were sweet like sleepy kisses on your hands. Eventually, he cupped your face and wiped your eyes with his thumbs. You let him; he made you laugh when he apologized for using too much force, even though he never did. 
“You don’t love me, Hyunjin,” you muttered. 
“Nonsense,” he retorted within a second, “who said that?”
You didn’t reply, so he stood with his arms raised for a whole minute while you leaned the weight of your head against his palms. He thought it terribly horrific that he ought to remember the shape of your face with his slender fingers because of his inability to sew his skin into yours. If his hands were like superglue, he could be attached to you forever—your face, your features, you, his most favorite thing in the world. His hands would burn, but what of it? Better you scorch him than to never be touched by you at all. 
“Hyunjin,” you called when you were finished zoning out.
“I love you. I’m sorry,” you said. “I’m so ugly.” 
Growing up being valued for his beautiful features taught him to devalue it. He didn’t care for it. He wouldn't cry about it if he were to earn a permanent scar across his face. Yet, even then, if he were to have one, he was sure people would rave about how the scar ruined his face rather than talk about how he obtained it. Except for you. You’d ask about it, like you always asked everything about him. 
The kind of person you were, his most favorite person in the world—you were detailed like that, and you made him feel an essence of humanity others didn’t. With you, he wasn’t ethereal, he wasn’t a God, he wasn’t an angel fallen to Earth. He didn’t have to be because you never put him on some miraculous pedestal. He was just Hwang Hyunjin; his favorite food is his mother’s cooking, he makes clumsy mistakes and looks funny when he does, and he enjoys making art. 
Not a model, not God’s favorite, not pretty. Just a boy, and he’s in love with you.
“Okay,” he said, “I’m ugly too.” 
He didn’t deny your false claims; you were the prettiest he had ever known, but only he needed to know that. When there comes a time for him to praise and worship your physical body, he will. For now, there wasn’t anything much he wanted to say in return. Just that he was the same as you. 
Your souls didn’t collide that way, obviously. You two were completely different people with varying hobbies and friend groups. However, Hyunjin was willing to chase you like Hell to meet where you were. There wasn’t anything he wanted to be if he couldn’t be it with you. Whatever you are, he is.
There was another long pause. Hyunjin patiently waited, tender eyes concentrated on each crevice of your face as he stroked your stained cheeks with his thumb. You didn’t say anything more, only slapping your hands over his and pulling them from your face. He thought you were moving away, but you took a step forward instead and dove into his arms. You hugged him around his neck, hanging off him like a sloth. He chuckled, swaying you side to side. You were tired, he knew. 
“It’s getting late, baby,” he whispered, leaning back to watch your closed eyes and laughing. He ran a hand through your hair multiple times, getting a clearer view of your face. “Let’s clean up and go to bed, okay?”
You groaned and muttered in response. He didn’t hear what you said. He kept sweeping your hair back. Supporting you with his weight, you were heavy, but he didn’t mind. You wouldn’t be able to change your clothes by yourself, so he would help you. It’d be sloppy and slow, and he wouldn’t mind. You would take up most of the bed, sprawled out without a clue that you weren’t sleeping in your apartment. Your body heat would scratch up a fever in him, and he wouldn’t mind. He enjoyed taking care of you. 
Staring at him as he stroked your hair, you pouted before uttering three familiar words, “I love you.” 
Hyunjin smiled. Whatever you are, he is. He kissed your nose and your eyes. He told you he loves you too.
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It was one of those nights when Hyunjin couldn’t spend time with you, and you were unreasonably disappointed about it.
You slouched atop the couch you got at a flea market, which Hyunjin had to convince you to get after repeatedly reassuring you that there wouldn’t be any actual fleas hiding in the creases. This uncomfortable position resulted from five hours of continuous mumbling about how you should not be upset that Hyunjin didn’t choose to spend the night with you, which he had done the past few weeks. He has been somewhat clingy lately, and you couldn’t imagine why. You thought your act was good. There was no way his friends doubted you. 
This could be the calm before the storm. Even though you two had concocted a detailed timeline for your fake dating, you wouldn’t be surprised if Hyunjin abruptly cut it short. If that was true, his current sweetness was nothing more than a buildup to a dramatic and convincing breakup. 
Pouting in dismay, you rolled up the bag of chips and reached for the tea table beside you, your fingertips wiggling to graze past the black binder clip you used to keep the plastic bag sealed. Amid your frustrated groaning, still refusing to get your ass off the couch even after more than ten seconds of struggling, the doorbell suddenly rang, and coming after that were loud bangs at your door.
A shiver ran down your spine as you snapped your head toward the direction of the noise, your brows rising abruptly at the fearful intrusion. Slowly throwing your chip bag on the table, you stood up and tip-toed your way over to the door where you pressed your hands to the wooden surface and carefully looked through the peephole.
A gasp caught in your throat when you saw Hyunjin’s face standing just a few inches away from the circle as if leaning against the door for support. You immediately moved out and unlocked your door, swinging it open to reveal him fully. Taking a good look at his face before he started to throw his little drunken tantrum—messy hair, concentrated brows, droopy eyelids, and a general look of discomfort—you concluded that he definitely has been downing more shots than he could handle.
“What happened to you?” 
You stepped up to put your hands on either side of his arm, carefully bringing him into your apartment. He stumbled with most of his weight straining on your shoulder. There were so many stutters in his steps that you almost dragged him into a fall with you on your way to the couch. After setting him down, he snorted at the cushy feeling of your couch. It took him a while to process the new environment, and then he arched his neck to find you. 
Hyunjin could barely make out your face. He couldn’t even be sure if he went to your apartment, but subconsciously, he could tell he was at your place. He felt it in your timid touches just now, and whatever scent he whiffed out of the air, it smelt like you. Licking his lower lip as his worries slowly faded away and his attention—as much as he could muster—returned, he mumbled a string of incoherent noises under his breath before he, much to your palpitating heart’s dismay, pulled you onto the couch next to him. 
He got on top of you; his legs had to bend in weird ways to accommodate the small couch, and he placed his palms on either side of your head to trap you under him. You felt heat forming on your cheeks as you shrunk beneath his shadow, your eyes widening at the proximity. Hyunjin has never done this before. The closeness wasn’t new, but the position of it was. Being under him was an unbelievable feeling. He looked beautiful, and his toned muscles became more visible by supporting his own weight. How your thoughts were smeared! You doubted your body would forget how well he could cage you in. 
Hyunjin stared at you with a low, drunken hum. Then, suddenly, he leaned down to meet your face. 
“[Name],” he started, lowering his head tiredly to your shoulder, “you wanted to break up with me?”
You blinked up at the ceiling, confused, but you figured it could be the alcohol talking for him, so you chose to disregard all the questions that popped into your head. Holding out your arms to push against his chest, you attempted to sit up. “I don’t want to break up with you, Hyunjin.”
He seemed to be processing your answer as he allowed you to set him aside and give yourself more space. You sat quietly next to him, letting him have the time to think over what he wanted to say. The thoughtful pout on his face told you it was difficult for him to use his brain, but it looked cute enough that you almost took a picture to tease him about it once he got sober. You wondered if his response would be nonsense as well.
“Why do you want to break up with me?” he whispered, causing you to sigh. He hasn’t heard you, after all. His lips were pursed into a frown, and his eyes were squinted to show that he was very close to leaking a few tears down his cheeks, but you couldn’t read between the lines and realize what his despair meant. Hands fiddling with the hem of his shirt, he abruptly turned to you and sniffed. “You can’t do that to me. I won’t–I won’t let you do that to me.” 
You tilted your head to the side, your brows constantly furrowed. Where was he getting this idea from? You tried to recall any off-handed comments you made. Still, they were primarily directed elsewhere and never at your fake relationship. You’ve never said anything bad about him, not to him, and never behind his back. There wasn’t anything outstandingly mean to say anyway, so what sprung this on? 
Returning to reality, your head faintly shook as you looked up at Hyunjin to ask his drunken state about the reason behind this outburst. Your eyes widened instead when you saw he had taken his shirt off, the lump of fabric discarded on the floor carelessly. Heat blossomed at the base of your neck, and you felt your joints sour in panic; seriously, what sprung this on! This was a much bigger issue than drunkenness! 
When you noticed his hands reaching to the belt of his jeans, you immediately lunged toward him and circled his wrists to stop his movements. Your panic became a surprised concern at his need to strip naked in your apartment. You doubted he wanted to show you his body. Even if he did, this wasn’t how you wanted to do it. 
Moving his hands away, you urged, “No. We’re not doing that.”
“No, I have to! I have to!” 
He snatched his hands away from yours and dove to unbuckle his belt again. His movements grew increasingly frustrated the more you blocked his attempt to remove his pants. You were annoying, but he wasn’t angry at you. He was scared. He wasn’t getting what he wanted, and he thought you might leave him if he didn’t show you what he could offer. It scared him that you didn’t want to see him whole, so eventually, he began to sob. 
“I have to show you, [Name]. Please let me!” Hyunjin whined, hands tugging harshly at each other by his chest.
“You don’t have to show me anything,” you assured as you grabbed a few tissues from the tea table. You dabbled softly at his eyes. “Come on, let’s put your clothes back on.”
Tears rolled down his cheeks like knives against your skin. He felt uncomfortable at this unfamiliar sequence. Things usually go smoothly after he reveals himself. Nobody has ever refused to see him, so why did you? What about himself was so repulsive that you couldn’t take one look at his bare skin? Why didn’t you love him back? 
“No.” he slurred, then paused to catch his breath. 
The moment of calm was gone too soon. His hands reached up to ruffle his hair in a frenzy. His heart hammering against his chest, yet his brain wasn’t sane enough to understand what the sudden panic was about, just that it had something to do with you. That obliviousness, as a result, was making him even more agitated.
“You need to love me again!” he exclaimed, eyes brimming with unknown tears. “People love me when I take my clothes off. You need to love me again!” 
A puff of air slowly made its way out of your half-parted lips. You could feel the stretching of your heartstrings. Hyunjin cried as he shrank into himself, his arms going around his cold body for a sense of comfort, and the sight toyed with your head by sending waves of deep anguish like mere laps of the ocean. The feeling deranged you—to realize Hyunjin experiences such a level of hopelessness and loneliness was heartbreaking. More importantly, you felt ignorant of his problems. You should have been a better friend, perhaps even a better lover.
“Hey,” you called out gently as you scooted toward him. You brought one hand up to his face to direct his eyes to you. You smiled softly when you found that he was opening his squinted eyes to stare back. “I’m going to get something, so wait here for me, okay?”
He sniffed, tasting the tears rolling down his mouth, and nodded. You rubbed his cheek with your thumb, ever so gingerly placing a hand at the small of his back, hoping to calm him down, but it turned out Hyunjin had a thought of his own. After feeling the warmth of your hand, he took it as a sign that you wanted to hug him, so he obliged immediately by wrapping his arms around your torso and putting his head on your shoulder.
You breathed a small chuckle when he made weird noises after finding a space at the crook of your neck. The transition from him throwing a tantrum to having a mini panic attack to being the clingiest person you have ever met was amusing. As was the transition from your mind being filled with annoyance and confusion to having your feelings torn into shreds to breathing out a chuckle. It was entertaining, and the fact that Hyunjin could bring out so many different aspects of your emotions was undeniably endearing.
He was that kind of person. He has always been. More than beautiful, he was expressive, selfless, and tender-minded. Watching him allowed you to live an emotional life vicariously. All the things you ignored in the past because of mental stress were repainted in colors by his hands. The movie you never watched, the ice cream you never tried, the districts you never visited, and the fireworks show you never stayed for—everything meant something to Hyunjin, so everything meant something to you. 
To him, love was a grave of sacrifices. Of his time, his space, his body, and his mind. He was willing to give, and he has given you all except one. You wouldn’t know any of it. 
You moved to the back of the couch, cautiously pressing your back up against the edge. Hyunjin followed you, shifting his position so he lay stuffed against your chest with your arms around his shoulders. His fingers played with each other shyly on top of his bare chest as he looked around your apartment absentmindedly. He couldn’t register anything but the fabric of your clothes and how small you made him feel. 
He finally looked at you after a moment. His cries had long ceased and left only trails of dry tears on his dearest cheeks. With his eyelashes still wet, glittering beautifully in the air, he blinked, his eyes widening after he found out you had been looking down at him. Suddenly, he grinned childishly with a hint of sun hidden in his smile. “What are you looking at?”
You hummed, finding Hyunjin utterly irresistible even with his tear-stained cheeks and slurred laughter. He was all messy and puzzling, but your heart pushed against itself to give him space to stay inside. “I’m looking at you, silly.” 
“Oh, you’re looking at me.” He giggled, covering half his face with his hands and shutting his eyes shyly. He squirmed around in your arms, but not once did he move far enough to not feel you against him. When he was done, he returned back to the original position, and he peeked an eye through the gap between his fingers. He laughed. “ I am looking at you too.”
“I know you are,” you said, fingers threading through his feathery locks with serenity, and a smile so heartwarming that Hyunjin couldn’t help but focus his sight on it.
“Why?” he asked, his eyes shaky.
You pursed your lips together and shrugged. “I can’t tell you. It is a secret.”
Hyunjin’s gaze hardened naively, a gasp ripping through his throat as he leaned back against your hand. “Tell me! I promise I won’t tell anyone else.”
“You promise?” 
“I promise!” he exclaimed, sitting up slightly and bumping his forehead against your chin. He burst into a fit of giggles then, rubbing his forehead for a while before reaching the same hand out to touch your chin sloppily. “I’m sorry, I hit your face.”
“It's okay,” you said, your thumb soothing against the spot he had bumped into you. “But you promise me you can keep a secret? It’s very important!”
He nodded eagerly. “I promise!”
“Okay,” you said as you looked up at the sky, pretending to think. “The reason why I am looking at you is really simple. It is because I love you.”
You glanced back down at him to find him looking at you in astonishment. He licked his lower lip. His mind cleared a little for the first time, and he felt all of the universe that was your body pressed close to him. Beyond that, there were more minor things. Your heart beat faster than his, making him chase after you like a madman; the warmth of your skin equated to the warmth he manually cultivated in his bed by stacking multiple blankets together, an attempt to replicate your presence at night; your soft voice, going through his blurry ears, sounded like the subconscious voice he hears all the time. Maybe his subconscious was all just you.
Those were all fragments of proof of how much he loved you. To think you returned his feelings—he didn’t know what to think. 
“Really?” He sounded so surprised. It was almost heartbreaking.
“Yes,” you nodded, “even when we both have clothes on.” 
He looked down and touched your shirt. “Oh, you are wearing a shirt.”
“Yes, I am.”
He gazed at it briefly before, with an invisible shrug, leaned his cheek against your chest. “You’re warm. I like it.”
You smiled, feeling like your lips were about to extend out of your cheeks to become wider. “You’re cold because you took your shirt off!”
He scoffed and said nothing. Hyunjin was unguarded and half-stripped before you, chastely snuggling up against your chest while slurred words spilled out of his mouth like a mantra. You didn’t try to understand him; he wasn’t looking to have a conversation. You just wanted to lay together without a thought or a worry. Occasionally, he would sit up just to look at your face, then hum and lay back down, continuing to rot. 
It was such a wondrous thing.
“Do you want to wash up and go to bed?” you asked. “Are you tired?” 
“No. I want to stay here. I like it here.” 
Hyunjin let out a dreamy sigh. He threw his head back with a smile, his hair hitting your jaw and sprawled over the crook of your neck. He tilted his head then, letting it fall along your shoulder. His eyes were closed with bliss, and he laughed to himself. When he opened his eyes, there was only the shadow of your side profile, which was good for him. He wanted to kiss the skin, filled with close-up bumps and blemishes. It was a side profile he’ll know for the rest of his life, and he’ll whisper ‘I love you’ to a million times. 
“I have a secret to tell you,” he mentioned.
You raised a brow, intrigued, and urged him to continue, “What is it?”
He bit his lower lip and scurried off your body. You sat up straighter then, watching as he stumbled over to the front door for the bag he discarded on the ground. He crouched to pull a small notebook out easily before returning to you. He stopped by the couch, his eyes concentrated as he stared at the notebook's cover. Then, without another word, he dropped back onto your body and made you wrap your arms around him like before. 
“I draw you all the time. In my sketchbook.” 
He grinned out loud in the same way you would grin at him. His fingers played with the blank pages before, finally, he arrived at one filled with traces of his pencil. You gasped. He wasn’t spilling nonsense. The page was filled with beautiful sketches of your face, and so was the next one and the next. He kept flipping his notebook, and everywhere you could find pieces of yourself dotted out sincerely by his hand. 
They didn’t look to come from memories, but they were definitely from moments not even you could remember. But Hyunjin remembered everything because he detailed it all in the lines. His inability to not consume all of you tied his hands together and made you his ultimate muse. Almost unconsciously, for a while, the only thing he knew to draw was you. If he didn’t, he wouldn’t know how else to pour you out of his mind. 
It was overwhelming, and you could see that. He was showing you all his blood work: mornings spent missing you with the tip of a crooked pencil, afternoons spent recalling your features in his head, nights spent tracing your face with his lead-filled fingers under a desk lamp. If he could inhale these sketches of you into his bloodstream and poison himself with those images, leaving an organ tattoo of your presence, he would. 
“I love this one,” he said, pointing at a full-body sketch of you. “I was waiting for you at the coffee shop, and you were walking towards me. I love it. I was so excited to see you. I memorized what you wore.” 
This sketchbook stayed with him all the time; he felt like he was bringing you with him, like a kid refusing to let go of their blanket. You wouldn’t know anything about that. The beautiful boy in your arms admired you constantly, from the farthest corner of his soul to the tip of his button nose, and you wouldn’t know anything about it. 
“I draw you all the time,” he added. “I will never forget what you look like, but I always want to remember.” 
The implications of that didn’t fly over your head. His addition to telling you the truth disabled your ability to attribute the fact that he draws you in his free time to him being artistic. But more than being afraid of rejection, you feared a mutual connection. The only thing worse than you finding Hyunjin loveable was him finding that you were as well. 
“Do you know why?” he asked, looking at you expectantly. 
You wavered. You hadn’t spoken since he showed you his sketches. “Why?”
Hyunjin stared at you. Within the drunken fog of his eyes, there was earnestness. “Because I love you too.”
You didn’t know what to say, and you wouldn’t. There was solace in choosing to believe that he didn’t mean it. When tomorrow arrives, and he returns sober, you wouldn’t speak of this conversation at all. When night comes tomorrow, and he’s had a full day of rest, Hyunjin would vividly recall how you took care of him and told him you loved him, and he would draw you again. 
“Do you like them?”
His question snapped you out of your trance. Your sight blurred through a sudden quake before it focused on his face. Hyunjin pouted, his fingers tapping patiently at his notebook for your response. You softened with love and squeezed him in a hug, a smile blooming on your face. 
“I’ve never liked anything more,” you complimented, “except for you!”
His legs kicked when you nuzzled your face to the back of his neck. His heart filled, like the sun could fill up a piece of land and the moon could fill up a river, and in return for his joy, he let out a boisterous laugh. He didn’t hear how it sounded with yours. Still, it was such a wondrous thing. Your love was such a wondrous thing.
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rosemary-oldsoul · 8 months
𝐀 𝐅𝐫𝐨𝐠 𝐓𝐨 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐞
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☆ Genre: Domestic, fluff, slight crack
☆ Warnings: None
☆ Request: No
☆ Characters: Chan, Y/N, Sky, Noah
☆ Word Count:
"Any more broken things?" Chan asked casually. "Tables, chairs, trees … "
Chan's face glowed a warm amber as the small fire in front of him spat and crackled with feeble energy. He rubbed his hands and wiggled his fingers in the heat of the flame, the cold autumn air suddenly non-existent as the warmth seeped through his body in gentle waves.
Chan grinned when his son brought over the bottom half of an old wooden chair, and he playfully ruffled the seventeen year old's hair with his warm hand as he took the item from him. Picking up the hammer from beside his foot, Chan began to hit against the chair's joints. He laughed to himself suddenly as Noah plopped himself down onto one of the chairs beside his father.
"Wow," Chan grinned, snapping off a chair leg. He examined it before tossing it into the fire. "This takes me back."
He tossed the wood into the slowly growing bonfire. Noah watched as his father's face grew soft, the twinkling of his eyes wistful.
"What does?" Noah asked.
Chan waved another wooden leg in the air. "This. The wooden chair, making a fire, cold air … reminds me of a time years ago when I came home for a few days. Dad made me burn old wood stuff for a fire too," Chan chuckled. He sighed then, his cheek dimpling. "Memories, aye?"
"You sound old," Noah said simply. It made Chan laugh, and the older man shuffled his seat closer to his son so he could playfully squish him in a hug.
"I am old," Chan mused. He slid his arm around Noah and patted his shoulder. "Though I think doing things like this makes me feel young again."
Noah peered at him through the curls of his heavy fringe. "You were young once? Really?"
"Really," Chan pulled a silly face, rolling his eyes as Noah started to laugh.
They lapsed into an amicable silence. A trace of sweet memories lingered on Chan's face through the tenderness of his smile, and he continued to toss pieces of old materials into the fire pit as Noah leaned back in his seat. The teenager was beginning to feel sleepy, the warmth wrapping him in a blanket, and he tucked his hands into his large pocket before sinking further into his hoodie.
"There … " Chan was saying. He was poking the fire with a long metal rod, and a satisfied expression painted his face. "What do you think, Noey? Big enough? Warm enough? Cosy enough?"
"It's perfect, dad," Noah's voice wobbled. He stifled a large yawn, and Chan watched in loving amusement at the way his face contorted.
"Tired?" Chan placed a hand on Noah's knee.
Noah wrinkled his nose. "It's the heat."
"Hmm … " Chan pursed his lips until he resembled that of a duck. "So, too cosy then?"
Noah smiled in response as another yawn washed over him. He was about to reply further when a familiar rush of footsteps thumped onto the alfresco, and both Chan and Noah turned to see Sky waving two large bags of marshmallows in excitement.
"This bag is mine," Sky said, hugging a bag to herself. She dropped the other bag into her brother's lap before sitting down next to him. "You guys can share the other one."
"Wow, a whole bag to ourselves?" Chan hummed, a mischievous glint in his eye. "How generous of you."
Sky grinned widely. "I might let you share mine. Depends on your behaviour."
"Ah, well," Chan nudged his son as his wife padded out of the house behind them all. "Now we have to behave, huh?"
Noah snorted. "There's no way she's gonna finish that whole bag of marshmallows. She'll give up halfway through."
"Is that a challenge?" The twelve year old folded her arms over her chest.
"No comment," Noah said mildly.
Sky grinned devilishly. "Just watch me."
Y/N shook her head as she made to sit beside her husband. "I don't think any of us want to watch you throw up in the bushes, darling."
Giggling at his wife's comment, Chan leaned over and kissed her cheek. He tilted his head towards Sky. "Oh, I don't know. Maybe we should give her the benefit of the doubt. I mean, come on … look how determined she looks."
Chan, Noah and Y/N all turned to look at Sky. The girl in question looked slightly sinister, her wide grin warping in the wisps of smoke that trickled upwards and dissipated into silvery dust.
"I'm not a part of this," Noah held his hands out in declaration. "I didn't instigate this at all. If Ky throws up it's not on me."
Chan chuckled. He patted Noah's head. "Noted."
Sky ripped open her bag of marshmallows. She immediately shoved three into her mouth, her cheeks puffing up like pink clouds.
"Oh Sky, here … " Y/N held out a long metal rod to her daughter before handing one to Noah and one to her husband. "Honestly. You're going to finish them before you even get the chance to toast them."
"They taste … mmf … good … " Sky garbled through a large mouthful of the melting marshmallows. She swallowed aggressively, her eyes almost popping out of their sockets.
Noah stared at her. He snorted quietly before bursting into quiet laughter as he observed his sister's antics.
"Ooh this is so fun," Chan suddenly exclaimed. He had opened the second bag of marshmallows and he impaled one on a rod of his own. He grinned at his wife, his eyes crinkling. "Isn't this fun?"
Y/N's body shook as she laughed in silence. She nodded. "It's fun."
"We haven't done this in ages," Chan continued as he pushed a fourth marshmallow onto the metal. He then held it close to the fire, childish joy glowing on his cheeks as he watched the marshmallow flesh morph from pearly white to burnt umber in fascination.
Just then, Sky gasped. Stumbling up from her seat, she ran back inside, her voice trailing behind her. "We forgot the chocolate! And the crack - "
"Oh, she's definitely throwing up tonight," Y/N nodded as she finished placing marshmallows onto her stick. "No more than ten marshmallows, I'm guessing."
Noah leaned his elbows on his knees as he began toasting his marshmallows. "Not even ten. Eight.'
Chan grinned. "Seven."
"Stop betting on me," Sky clattered back. She was clutching a large bar of chocolate and a box of crackers, and her step was hurried as she ran back to her seat.
Chan's eyes widened a little as she got a little too close to the fire in her excitement. Reaching out, he clasped the hem of her sweater and pulled her away from the flames.
"Careful baby," Chan patted her arm. "We don't want any accidents, do we?"
"No Sir," Sky shook her head. She stopped running and slumped into her seat again, her long hair flying around her face with her movements. "Does anyone want these?"
"I'll have some," Chan nodded. "But later. Let me finish these first."
The family kept up an easy, light stream of chatter as they continued to toast their marshmallows. Giggles erupted from everyone at different times, and big smiles sparkled on their faces. As Chan leaned back, he secretly ran his loving gaze over his family. Regardless of the flickering fire in the middle of them, Chan felt a pang of happiness as he realised how warm and cosy the atmosphere felt. There wasn't an air of awkwardness or hostility in sight; even the silences were warm, and Chan was growing aware of the pain in his cheeks from how hard he was smiling.
Sky grimaced as she suddenly caught sight of the love hearts exploding in the centre of his pupils. "Dad's in his sappy mood."
All eyes turned towards him, and Chan started to chuckle. He looked down at his marshmallows, avoiding their looks as he turned them over the flame. "I'm just happy."
Sky launched into a string of retching sounds and Noah grinned at her as Y/N shuffled a little closer to her husband. She leaned against his arm, and the man peered down at her with his tender eyes.
"Here," Chan held his toasted marshmallows out to her. "Eat these."
Y/N's eyes widened. "But you toasted them!"
"For you," Chan shrugged as he reached for her untoasted ones. He winked at his wife before going back to toast the other marshmallows, his lips permanently upturned at the corners.
Hiding the blooming smile on her face, Y/N gently tested the temperature of the top marshmallow with her fingers. It seemed cool enough, and she pulled it off the rod before holding it out to Chan, who had no other choice but to clamp his mouth around it as quiet giggles escaped him.
The couple were so caught up with silently doting on each other that neither of them noticed Sky vacating her seat. Nor did they notice the pile of chocolate and marshmallows she had dumped on the small table beside them; not until they heard sounds of real retching, unmistakably wet against the leaves.
Noah wrinkled his nose. "It was five. Five marshmallows. Froggy is down."
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Tag list ~ @koos-euphoria @raethethey @hotmesshapa @manonblackbeak-trash @hendsernoodle @stanskzseungmin @ateez-babygirl @dalamjisung @dinosdawn @cookiemonstermusic258 @strwbrryfroyo @gazelle-des-pres @qtieskz @stigmvta @necromancersupreme @super-btstrash-posts @changlix-mp4 @exonations @changboobies @jeyelleohe @rae-blogging @planetdemon @dani41 @jumbocircus @octalalica @velvetand-roses @foivetimesacharm @anaaam @waverzzzzzzzz @peachy-flxwr @elizabeth11moreno @lenfilms @xhazmania @starshine-moon @snow-pegasus @lixiesbabyhands @bbychannie97 @laylasbunbunny @americanokisses @bluechans @bellamuerte1987 @meowmeowisdaname @chanssmiles @minunivers @septicrebel @bangchans-angel @spacegirlstuff (let me know if you wanna be added or removed)
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rosemary-oldsoul · 8 months
Faking It
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Pairing: College Athlete!Bucky x Reader
Summary: Bucky Barnes was in love with his girl—disgustingly, annoyingly so. Enough to start fights on the ice just to make sure he saw her after a game.
Word count: 3k
Warnings: This is FLUFF!! With HOCKEY MAN
a/n:​​​ This was originally something completely different but then I hated it so now it's all fluff and now I do not hate it. Pleaseeeee let me know what you think and if you enjoy it!! I love you thanks for reading ❤️❤️❤️
“Jesus Christ, Buck. Again?” 
Bucky grinned, split lip tightening uncomfortably. When he turned to his captain, he had the gall to act oblivious. “What do you mean, captain?” 
Steve gave him a disapproving look. “Give it up, pal. There was no need to pick a fight with that guy and you know it.” 
“He was talking shit about the team!” 
“They’ll always be a player talking shit about the team.” 
“Then why’re you breathing down my neck right now, huh? We won. Be happy, Cap,” Bucky encouraged, slinging an arm over his shoulder. Steve raised a brow back at him but was clearly fighting back a smirk. Bucky could tell by the way his eyes lifted, contrasting his deep—albeit fake—frown. 
In truth, Bucky had been looking for a fight. He’d been looking for a plethora of fights since the start of the season, and was usually quite successful with his venture. It had garnered him quite the reputation, but where the crowd saw it as a short-fuse on a large man, Steve saw it for what it really was. 
An opportunity to see you. 
And while Steve could appreciate the dedication, it made one of his best players ride out unnecessary time in the penalty box. 
“I am happy. Just not with you,” Steve clarified, knocking Bucky’s arm away. 
Bucky let out a sound close to a scoff. “Even with my extra time in the sin bin I still helped carry. It’s just part of the game, Steve. Gotta protect the team’s pride.” 
“Yeah,” Steve drawled sarcastically, stopping in front of the locker room doors. “I’m sure that was your reasoning. What was it last game? Someone said something about your ma?” 
“Hey, he did.” 
“They always do.”
Heavy footsteps created a commotion in the hall, the rest of the team finally catching up with the pair. They funneled their way into the room for showers and a fresh change of clothes, and Steve stood with his crossed arms leaning against the wall, somehow still directing an admonishing look towards Bucky amidst the crowd. Bucky did his best to look baffled by the unspoken accusation, but then Sam Wilson passed by and Bucky’s ploy was disintegrated. 
“Hey man,” Sam greeted, slapping a friendly hand against Bucky’s arm as he passed. “You let someone beat the shit out of you again so you could go see your girl?” 
Bucky’s scoff returned, but this time Steve was having none of it. He kicked off of the wall and went to follow the rest of the team into the locker room. Bucky watched with a grimace, not only caught, but put on display.
“You know,” Steve called over his shoulder, not expecting Bucky to follow. “You’re dating the girl now. You don’t gotta keep up with this whole schtick.” 
“I don’t have a schtick,” he called back. At the responding laugh from Steve, Bucky yelled, “I don’t!” but no one was listening to him. Or believing him. 
But fine. If his schtick involved you, in any capacity, Bucky would admit to having one. 
Some of what Steve said was right. Bucky was dating you now. You were his girl and that would imply total access to you all the time, whenever he wanted. He didn’t need to pick fights or feign injuries anymore (the latter never really worked anyways), because he had a key to your apartment. And you were in his bed more weekends than not. 
But, damn, were you busy right now. 
Bucky had never really considered how much schooling went into becoming a physical therapist until he met you. You were typically swamped with papers and tests and requests from Dr. Cho, but this past month had been exponentially worse thanks to finals. He had seen you about once a week if he was lucky, and that was a generous estimation. Add your crazy schedule to the alarming amount of away games he had over the past few weeks and he was champing at the bit to see you. 
Bucky just prayed it was you in the training room today and not Dr. Cho. His odds were pretty favorable considering the team’s main trainer didn’t usually stick around after games if there were no major injuries, but there was always the off chance she let her interns go home early. But, knowing you, you would be in that room until the rink lights went off. 
God, he loved you. Every overworked, high-strung bit of you. 
He even loved the scolding look you shot him as he pushed open the training room doors, his bruises and cuts on full display. You dropped the pen you were tapping against an overflowing notebook and rocketed out of your rolling stool, and Bucky adored the way you stomped over to him, biting the inside of your cheek to stop the curse you clearly wanted to let free. 
“Hey, baby,” Bucky smiled, this time ignoring the sting in his lip. “Funny seeing you here.” 
You huffed, bringing careful fingers up to his chin. “Not very funny,” you mumbled. “Not when you look like someone hit you with their car.” 
Bucky let you fuss for a moment, following your touch as you turned his head back and forth and examined his split knuckles. This was your job, so obviously he let you do it, but he enjoyed watching you. So he didn’t stop you from lifting his jersey up to inspect his middle, because how else would he catch the cute way you scrunch your nose up in concentration? If he pulled his hands away when you started testing the range of motion in his wrists, when else would he be able to track your lips as you softly counted and mouthed gentle confirmations? 
Never. Because you were so damn busy. 
“Missed you,” Bucky said after sneaking a kiss on your forehead while you were prodding at the bruise on his collarbone. “I’ve been missing you a lot.” 
You let a small smile interrupt the disgruntlement on your face. Bucky grinned at the change, pressing another kiss to your hair while he still could. 
“Did you miss me enough to send a right hook into that guy’s jaw?” 
Your smile was gone again. Now you looked aghast. “Bucky.” 
“What?” he exclaimed, sliding his torn hands from your healing ones to wrap you in his embrace. “You want me to lie instead? Okay, fine. No, sweetheart, I didn’t start a fight just to have an excuse to see you. That guy got all these punches in on me because I’m out of practice, is all. I don’t think about you every waking second of my life, and while we’re at it, no I did not use your shampoo this morning because I miss how—”
“Okay, okay,” you laughed, resting your forehead on the divot in his chest. “I get it. Thanks for being truthful.” 
Bucky relished in the feel of you. He had been slightly worried that his state would cause you to be more upset than anything. If you weren’t so tired right now, there was a high chance you’d be yelling at him because of his recklessness instead of resting against his chest. So Bucky jumped at the opportunity, trailing one of his hands up to cup the back of your head. He craned his neck down, burying his face into the juncture of your neck. 
He hadn’t been lying about the shampoo. 
“I miss you too. Even if you act like an idiot sometimes,” you mumbled against his jersey. 
Something in Bucky felt lighter, warm. “Acting like an idiot’s the only way I get to see my girl.” 
You hummed. “Sorry ‘m so busy.” 
You had to be exhausted. Not even a single reprimand had tumbled from your mouth. Bucky had expected at least three. 
“When’s the last time you slept, baby?” Bucky kept his voice low, his thumb making unconscious circles against your hair. 
“I don’t know. In the night.” 
“Okay, thanks smart ass.” Bucky jostled you a bit until your eyes met his. “I meant when did you last take a break? Get a good night’s sleep?” 
You sighed, gaze trailing over his face. “Let me fix you up. Then we can play twenty questions.” 
“No, Buck, this is the training room, if you haven’t noticed,” you quipped, stepping back and rifling through a few drawers. “Take a seat and I’ll fix you. That’s my job.” 
“Well, what about my job?” he grumbled back. 
“You have failed at your job. Your job is hockey and you instead played human punching bag.” 
“Not that job. My other job. The one where I take care of you.” 
You spun on your heel, a basket of supplies resting on your hip. The sweater that engulfed your frame had the university’s logo stamped across the front, but instead of jeans or slacks—the usual uniform for PT interns—you wore leggings. Your hair was pulled back in the most endearing, pretty mess, and Bucky’s chest hurt as he looked at you. 
“My tired girl,” he hummed, bringing his hand up to your cheek as you pushed him down on the exam chair. He sat if only to appease you, his feet still flat on the floor even with the tall seat.
“I’m only a little tired,” you weakly fought. Bucky chuckled in response, sanitary paper crinkling beneath him. “Now let me clean you up.” 
You snapped gloves onto your hands and Bucky fought back a petulant whine. If he had been any other member of the team, those gloves would have been on the second they walked in the door. He should be grateful, then, that you only put them on when it was time to tend to his wounds, but he wasn’t. He missed you too much to feel latex instead of your skin. 
Bucky’s lip stung as you cleaned it, but he hardly flinched. If he moved, he would miss the pretty way you bit into your lip as you stared at him. 
“Remember when I’d be in here all the time?” he asked when you turned back down to grab antibiotic cream. 
You let out a tired laugh. “How could I forget? You picked a fight every game. If that didn't work you’d come stumbling in here complaining about a torn ACL or whatever. Big liar.” 
“I wouldn’t call it lying.” 
The smile you gave him was replicated on his own face. 
“You were literally lying.” You dabbed the cream on his lip, and then moved to the cut on his cheek. “You would come limping in here and then I’d see you an hour later running out to the parking lot.” 
“You wouldn’t look at me if I wasn’t injured.” 
“It was my job, Bucky!” you laughed, eyes giving away your amusement. “I wasn’t supposed to be fraternizing with the players. I’m pretty sure Cho only lets us be together because you wouldn’t leave her alone otherwise.” 
Bucky moved his hands from his thighs to your waist, tugging you closer as you worked. “Hey, sometimes drastic measures are needed.” 
“You called her multiple times a day… bought her an edible arrangement. Wait, didn’t you offer to drive her kids to school a few times?” 
“It worked, didn’t it,” he posed, nudging his nose against your cheek. You giggled, lightly slapping his arm to get away. 
“The edible arrangement was a good touch,” you relented. 
Bucky released you as you wiggled from his grip, flitting around the training room to put supplies back. He spotted your backpack in the corner of the room, unzipped with the water bottle tipping out. When you sat down at the computer to document his care, which he found a bit ridiculous (you only put a bandaid on his face), Bucky walked over and gathered your things. He did so slowly so you wouldn’t notice; you probably had plans to stay at the rink for another few hours, and that was not okay with him. 
With a final zip and your water bottle now standing upright, Bucky meandered over to your seated position. He hooked his chin over your shoulder as you worked, leaning over and tapping your phone screen for the time. His heart twisted warmly in his chest when he saw a picture of himself smiling under the 8:00 pm displayed on the homescreen. 
After all the pining and work it took to get you, Bucky often felt this wasn’t real. 
God, he loved you. 
“I know what you’re trying to do,” you whispered, clicking away at the computer. “I still have some charting to do. Peter hit his head yesterday and I have to do the follow up work.” 
Still in his uniform, Bucky wrapped you up from behind. Now you would both need a shower and he could get you to leave. He kissed the back of your head, and then your temple, and then your cheek as he craned his neck to watch you work. You smelled like fresh laundry and books and the subtle hint of your perfume.
“Parker’s fine. He was up and playing today. Let’s go home, baby,” Bucky murmured, most of his words spoken against your skin. 
“I know he’s okay. But head injuries are a completely different protocol and I have to—” 
“I miss you,” he reiterated. “And you’re working too hard. All the lights are off in the rink ‘cept for this one. Come back to my place. Let me take care of you.” 
“Why don’t you shower and change first? I’ll leave with you once you finish.” 
Bucky spun your stool around suddenly, one hand on your waist, the other reaching back to steady himself on the desk now at your back. “Oh no, don’t try to pull that on me. I get back in here, you’re gonna tell me you started something new you can only finish on the PT computer and you can’t leave for another hour. I wasn’t born yesterday.”
You let out a quick sigh, caught. “Well, what about—” 
“Nope,” Bucky interrupted. He used his far hand to shut the facility computer and then guided you up. “You’re coming home with me. You’re gonna sit in the car while I drive you to my apartment and then we’re gonna take a shower together and I’m gonna make you feel so good you don’t even remember what a concussion is.” 
“Bucky,” you chastised, hiding your face in his shoulder. 
His laugh shook your head. “Still so damn shy.” He reached down to grab your bag, slinging it over his shoulder and placing a hand on the back of your neck, meeting your averted gaze. “Just me in here, baby.” 
“I know. But you don’t have to be so vulgar.” 
“Vulgar? Sweetheart, if you want vulgar I’ll tell you exactly what I’m gonna do to you the second we—” 
You slapped your hand over his mouth, careful for the delicate skin there. Still, Bucky was sure you could feel his smile against your skin, and he fought back an even bigger one when he saw the embarrassed twist of your brow. 
Slowly, he pried your wrist down, kissing the palm of your hand on the way. “Sorry,” he whispered, not sorry in the slightest.
You pursed your lips, flustered. “You’re such an antagonizer.”
Bucky could do this every day and never grow tired of it. It had been months now and he found himself only wanting you more. 
“Can’t help it. I love you.”
Your faux annoyance morphed into a bashful smile, the kind Bucky remembered from his time faking injuries. It was reminiscent of when you were trying not to laugh at his jokes, or smile at his flirting, or give him any reaction he was looking for. 
But he always got what he wanted in the end. 
And, more than anything, he wanted you. 
“That one do the trick?” Bucky asked. “Am I finally getting my girl to come home with me?” 
When you looked up at him with raised brows and a smile twisted up at the corners, he knew you’d given up. Perfect timing, too, because—in all honesty—Bucky had been punched in the side during his on-ice tussle, and his ribs were starting to hurt. You were going to be pissed when you saw the bruise form tomorrow morning, but you would be pissed in his bed, so it was worth it to Bucky.
“I have to get a little bit of homework done when we get there,” you reasoned, pointing an accusing finger at your boyfriend. 
He threw his hands up in surrender, dropping one down over your shoulders as you both walked out. “Okay, okay. Homework at my place, I got it.” 
“That comes first, Bucky. Before anything else. Shower, then homework, and then… other things.” 
“I know what first means, baby.” 
But Bucky had other plans, and they did not involve homework. He was pretty sure you were ahead, anyways. Like, weeks ahead, actually. 
“You eat dinner yet?” he asked, fishing his keys from his pocket. 
You looked up at him, incredulous. “What did I just say?” 
“What?” he defended, tugging you closer as the wind in the parking lot whipped at your clothes. “I can’t make sure my girl’s had dinner? What am I allowed to do?”
You only scoffed, tucking yourself further into his side. “Keep me warm.” 
“Always, baby.” 
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rosemary-oldsoul · 8 months
𝐇𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐒𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧
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☆ Genre: Domestic, fluff
☆ Warnings: Slightly suggestive
☆ Request: No
☆ Characters: Chan, Y/N
☆ Word Count: 1.1k
Stifling a very large yawn, Y/N pulled a soft t-shirt over her head. It was her husband's t-shirt, one that he had most likely discarded earlier on in the day. Y/N snuggled into the neckline of the fabric and felt herself smile; it smelled exactly like him, warm, sweet, and incredibly addicting.
It had been a long day, and Y/N had previously been convinced that her social battery had been drained so much that she would never be able to communicate with another human being ever again.
Or, in realistic terms, for at least a week.
But once she had gotten home and slipped off her starchy clothes and replaced them with her husband's, Y/N felt herself slowly recharging. Her husband was the only person in the whole world who she wanted to see after a gruelling time; for some reason, he was the only one who didn't seem to exhaust her further. He rather replenished her energy, and he understood her better than anyone else … something that only aided in her refuelling.
Y/N yawned again as she removed the hair tie that seemed to be lacerating her head; as soon as her hair dropped, the woman groaned. A combination of pain and pleasure washed through her, and she rubbed at her scalp in a disgruntled manner.
She then jogged down the stairs, eager to see her husband. The man in question had just set two steaming mugs down on the coffee table, and he slumped back onto the sofa with an endearing sigh.
Y/N giggled. She made a beeline for the sofa and immediately dived onto her husband; Chan jumped in surprise, though happiness spread across his face as he engulfed Y/N with his muscular arms.
"Hey baby," Chan laughed, squeezing her waist. "Miss me?"
"More than you could ever understand," Y/N groaned into his shoulder. His body shook as he continued to chuckle at what he thought was a very adorable act of affection; Y/N suddenly jerked her head up a second later, and her eyes widened in realisation.
She gasped.
"What?" Chan chuckled. "Why are you looking at me like that?"
"It's hoodie season!" Y/N explained.
Chan peered down at his wife. "You're not wearing a hoodie though … ?"
Giggling, Y/N tugged at the man's clothing. "Not for me. For you."
His eyes crinkling with fondness for the sparkly eyed woman beside him, Chan shook his head. "For me?"
"I like hoodie season because you start wearing clothes again," Y/N grinned, dropping her head back against his shoulder. She slid her arms around his waist and hugged him tightly, the fabric of his hoodie incredibly soft and warm and heavy against her fingers. She snuggled further into him, suddenly very, very happy. "Specifically hoodies. Obviously."
Chan's mouth dropped open. "I start wearing clothes again? I … what - baby have you hated my body this whole time?"
"No," Y/N shook her head energetically. "No, that's not what I mean. I mean … I love your body."
Chan sniffed.
A grin on her face, Y/N suddenly shoved the hem of the man's hoodie up his torso. Chan had no time to express his surprise when Y/N planted a flurry of tender kisses over his soft abs.
She pulled his hoodie back down, patting his tummy before returning her earlier stance
Chan's face slowly turned the colour of milk to strawberry syrup.
"As I was saying," Y/N said innocently as Chan cleared his throat in a flustered manner. "I like it when you wear hoodies because then you're extra cosy and when I hug you it makes me feel even cosier. And they make you extra warm and it's like you're this massive … blanket. You know?"
Chan giggled. "Well … if you put it that way … "
"Not to mention that you look adorable," Y/N continued, turning her face to kiss his clothed shoulder. She reached out and playfully squished his face. "I mean, come on. Nothing is cuter than the way you look right now."
"Fine, I'll let it slide," Chan grumbled, though he couldn't keep the flush off of his face as he wrapped his arms around Y/N's shoulders. He kissed her cheek, and he giggled when she bumped her nose against his.
"Besides," Y/N said a little more quietly. "You being naked all the time always leads to … circumstances."
His face against the top of Y/N's head, Chan started to laugh. "Circumstances?"
"Circumstances," Y/N repeated. "At least this way we can be a bit more wholesome and I can keep my sanity intact."
"Wow," Chan snorted. He pulled her closer to him and hooked his legs around hers. "You do know that this hoodie won't stop anything, right?"
"Stop," Y/N wheezed.
"I mean, if I wanted to, I could just … " Chan cheekily slipped his hand under the hem of Y/N's t-shirt. He tickled her skin and the woman squealed, immediately reaching for a cushion to pummel him with.
Chan burst into another fit of laughter at her response. He grabbed the cushion from her and tossed it away before pushing her back against the sofa seats. He hovered himself above her for a moment, a cheeky spark in his eyes before he leaned down to kiss the wide eyed woman softly on her mouth.
Then he dropped himself onto her, scooping his arms around her waist as he rested his head against her chest.
"I'll deal with you later," Chan chuckled as he felt Y/N almost deflate underneath him. He was quiet for a short while, enjoying the way Y/N had trailed her hand up his hoodie and was rubbing his back in soft, firm circles. "I missed you more, you know."
Y/N smiled. "That's impossible."
"I thought you always say nothing is impossible?" Chan lifted his head. "Are you going back on your words, Mrs Bahng?"
"Well … no," Y/N sighed, and Chan stretched a little to kiss her cheek before dropping his head against her chest again. "Fine. You win. But I'm the real winner here … my favourite heated blanket is crushing the life out of me right now."
Chan immediately made to get up. But Y/N grabbed at the front of his hoodie and pulled him back into her again. "Stay down. It's a good weight."
"You always say that," Chan laughed. "Oh, yeah … I made you tea. I think it's at a drinkable temperature now."
"You made me tea?" Y/N hummed, peering over to the table. She smiled. "How did you know I wanted tea?"
Chan shrugged. "I had a feeling."
He got up then, and he curled his fingers into Y/N's hand before pulling her up onto a sitting position. He grabbed the mugs and handed one to his wife with a soft smile.
"Drink your tea and I promise we can cuddle after," Chan said.
"Do you promise to be my blanket again?"
Chan laughed over the rim of his mug. "Yes. I promise to be your blanket."
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Tag list ~ @koos-euphoria @raethethey @hotmesshapa @manonblackbeak-trash @hendsernoodle @stanskzseungmin @ateez-babygirl @dalamjisung @dinosdawn @cookiemonstermusic258 @strwbrryfroyo @gazelle-des-pres @qtieskz @stigmvta @necromancersupreme @super-btstrash-posts @changlix-mp4 @exonations @changboobies @jeyelleohe @rae-blogging @planetdemon @dani41 @jumbocircus @octalalica @velvetand-roses @foivetimesacharm @anaaam @waverzzzzzzzz @peachy-flxwr @elizabeth11moreno @lenfilms @xhazmania @starshine-moon @snow-pegasus @lixiesbabyhands @bbychannie97 @laylasbunbunny @americanokisses @bluechans @bellamuerte1987 @meowmeowisdaname @chanssmiles @minunivers @septicrebel @bangchans-angel @spacegirlstuff (let me know if you wanna be added or removed)
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rosemary-oldsoul · 10 months
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Love should catch like food in the teeth.
(I’m once again trying to find the text post that Inspired this)
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rosemary-oldsoul · 10 months
here. take this dad chan.
week seven
Something feels…off.
The bathroom is oddly dim. A light flickers above the mirror, dull enough that it doesn’t bother you but definitely noticeable. Your legs are bouncing, belt buckle blending in with the cheers of the crowd. Five minutes until they go out. Ninety seconds until you know.
Is this something that can wait until the end of the show?
Tucking the evidence in your jacket pocket, you exit the bathroom. Into the nearly empty waiting room — only your husband and Changbin left behind. He’s fixing his friend’s ear piece, Chan’s head tilted to the left to give him better access.
“Hey!” He says with a smile when he sees you, reaching out. His hands are a little shaky; they always are when they’re about to preform. The gold wedding band catches the light, sparkling under it.
It reassures you. This is what is supposed to happen right? First comes love, then comes marriage.
Some would say step three is way overdue.
You grab his hands, moving into his body to give him the hug he desires. Chan’s arms are firm around your body, peppering kisses along the side of your face—
“Stop moving.”
Chan smiles sheepishly. “Sorry, Bin.” He moves his head back into position. “How are you feeling, love? You still look a little pale.”
Now would be a good time to tell him. Your gut is screaming to do it now, to get it over with before the word vomit comes out like every other meal you’ve had lately. Do it. Do it before he walks away, tell him now—
“There we go.” The younger man claps your husband’s shoulders, giving him a light shake before stepping away. “All ready?”
“Yeah, give me a second.” His hands fall to your waist, pulling you in for a proper hug now that he’s not Changbin’s doll. You melt into his touch, the jewels from his outfit rubbing against your skin. It feels nice.
You almost feel guilty, the weight of everything about to crush you.
“Hey.” Chan says softly, grabbing your chin and tilting your head back. His expression is so soft, so gentle. The man you’re madly in love with looking at you with beautiful stars. The trust unending in his dark eyes. “Talk to me. What’s up?”
Now. Now tell him now. Tell him before he’s busy for three hours, unreachable as you stew in your new reality. Now. Tell him now—
“Nothing.” You say with a smile, leaning up to kiss him quickly. “I’m okay.”
If he doesn’t believe you, you can’t really tell. The adrenaline of the show running through him already, his mind in a million different places.
“Come help me change at the ment?”
This really isn’t something that can wait.
“Yeah, of course.”
But for now, it will have to be.
week ten
In. Out. In. Out.
God, pregnancy cramps are worse than period cramps. Somehow.
You’re curled in the bed, knees pushed up and a hand cradling your stomach. There’s no bump yet, no outward signs yet. Just a bunch of weird pains and feelings that you don’t fully understand. It’s normal, you’re told by your doctor. You’ll get used to it.
That doesn’t make it that fun, though.
Chan said he would be home by now. There’s a comeback on the horizon, so it’s no surprise he was in the studio late tonight. But he promised you when he left that he would be home before you went to bed.
You’ve been a little extra needy lately. Who would have figured?
It’s hard to be upset with him. It’s not like he knows yet — when have you had the time to tell him? Between tours and a comeback and all the other million things he does daily, you haven’t had the chance to bring it up. Besides, it’s not like you’ve told anyone other than your doctor yet. So it’s not like you’re hiding anything from him.
Your phone buzzes near your head, a photo from your honeymoon lighting up the screen. Chan looked so sweet that day; his skin sun-kissed, curls laced with seawater, making them even more prominent. It’s your favorite picture ever of him. You’ve never seen him happier.
“Hey.” You say groggily into the phone. You tap the speaker button, not bothering to bring it to your ear.
“Hi, my love.” He singsongs into the phone. “I’m sorry it’s late, but I’m getting ready to wrap things up here.”
“It’s okay. When will you be home?”
“Hmm, an hour? Maybe?”
There’s so many things happening in your body. In your mind. And sixty minutes feels like an impossible entirety. Three, two, one and the tears are flowing in earnest. You take a shaky breath, letting the sob that’s been building all day release. You can’t do that, you can’t wait a single second longer.
You need Chan like you need to breathe.
“Woah, what’s wrong?” Your husband sounds so concerned. It’s easy to picture his scrunched face, the little pout of confusion from your sudden outburst. “Why are you—“
“Come home now.” You sob in the phone. “I can’t, Chan, I c-can’t—“
“Okay. Okay, I’m leaving now.” The door slamming in the background proves it. “Is there anything you need—“
“No.” You shake your head, pulling the sleeves of his hoodie over your hands. “J-just need you.”
“I’m coming, love. I promise.”
You pull his pillow into your body, burying your nose into the center of it. He washed his hair before bed last night; the shampoo is still heavy on the silk cover.
In. Out. In. Out. Breathe in smell of oak, finding peace in knowing your comfort will be home soon.
Light pours into the dark room, your husband hurrying over to the bed. You’re facing the edge, still hidden in the pillow though your tears have stopped. Chan crouches by your head, warm fingers peeling your colds open.
“Hi, baby.” He says softly, intertwining his fingers with yours. “I’m home.”
You peek out from behind the pillow, eyes burning red. Oh, the guilt is painted bright red on his face. He must have ran out of the company building. Sped through the city. Did he even turn the car off before he leaped out of it? Shut the front door?
Chan didn’t stop until he was in front of you. You need him? He’s always right here.
“I’m sorry I’m home so late.” He apologizes, pulling the pillow down a little more. Wanting to see you better. “I know you weren’t—“
“I’m pregnant.”
His mouth is open, the words he was going to speak lost in the air. He blinks, head shaking slightly as the weight of your words hit him hard. You’re surprised his balance wasn’t lost. “You—“ his hands loosen their grip a bit, shock making his body run cold. “There’s—you—wait—“
Your lip is wobbling, new tears stinging your eyes. All you can do is nod. Over and over, confirming the question he’s unable to ask.
“You.” He gasps, tears now rolling down his face. A bright smile breaks out, a little laugh sneaking out. “You!”
Chan climbs onto the bed and grabs you, pulling you into his body tightly. Back and forth he rocks you, laughing into your shoulder. It’s unbelievable, exciting, terrifying. All the emotions you were feeling now reflected in your person, who can’t seem to start crying.
“Oh my god.” He says, pulling his head out of your shoulder. His hands cup your face, beaming so brightly at you, you might go blind.
A beanie covers his curls, though a few peek through. The gold earrings catch in the light of the television, though nothing could shine as brightly as his smile. His cheeks must be hurting.
Never mind. This is the happiest you’ve ever seen him.
“How far along are you?” Chan asks when he can finally form a sentence, the words coming back to him.
“Ten weeks.” You say, a hand mindlessly going to your stomach. “So not very far.”
He nods, his own hand following. Together, your hands lace over the nonexistent bump. “How big is that?”
It’s such a Chan question, you can’t help but giggle. “The size of a prune.”
“So small.” He mumbles, looking down between your bodies. “What foods have prunes in them?”
You blink. Out of all the things you expected him to say, this was the last on your list. Actually, it didn’t even make the cut. “I don’t know. Why?”
“Well, we should eat something with prunes to celebrate!”
It’s the cutest thing you think you’ve ever heard, your heart swelling as you cup his face. “Should we make something every week? To correlate with the size?”
The idea hadn’t even crossed his mind. You can see it in the way his eyes widen, lips parting in a bit of shock. “That’s a great idea.”
698 notes · View notes
rosemary-oldsoul · 11 months
In my dreams
Seungmin x reader. (fake) enemies to lovers. my interpretation of in my dreams by tearliner, love X stereo.
Seungmin has never liked you. You never understood why, but you were slowly coming to terms with it. However, you gradually come to learn that there is more to his feelings than what meets the eye.
skz song series
cw: reader has anxiety and deals with lots of self-doubt and insecurities.
a.n: the end of our skz song series!! and a pretty personal final fic, this one is based on my own experience with anxiety, so it might differ for everyone :) thank you for reading as always <3
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You watch, a soft smile on your face as two little girls play with one another in the playground. It reminds you of simpler times, when you could just walk up to another human and become friends with them instantly.
But reality is much more challenging, especially for someone like you, constantly plagued by their anxious thoughts.
Anxiety didn't tiptoe into your life, one drop at a time so you'd get accustomed to its overwhelming presence. Instead, you woke up one day and it barged into you, through cracks and dents you didn't even know existed in your being, and then it made itself a permanent home within the confines of your heart.
You never truly learned how to live with this parasite feeding off your soul, draining you completely until you became a mere shell of who you once were. You never fully adjusted to the invisible hands choking you from within, to the voice nagging you in the back of your mind, telling you that something horrible was bound to happen.
Because nothing ever went wrong, day after day, nothing bad happened. And yet, the feeling of dread persisted and lingered until you started to believe that the problem was you.
And once you opened the door to self-doubt, you could never fully close it again.
You're too overwhelmed, too nervous, too much of everything bad. Your conversations are scrutinized, down to every syllable you uttered, to the way you smiled and how you laughed. The interactions might differ but the regret that haunts you after is the same.
So, you diluted your being, in an effort to be more acceptable, easier in the lives of the people around you. You believed that if you pleased everyone you ever encoutered then at the end you must satisfy yourself too.
You sigh softly, drumming your fingers along your knee. You’re starting a new year in college tomorrow. Your first one wasn't exceptional by any means. Aileen, the girl who sat beside you from time to time was nice, and you grabbed coffee sometimes as you prepared for your exams together. But she had other friends, ones she's much closer to, ones she invited to her birthday party, ones who she didn't simply fill her free time with.
You shake your head, putting a stop to the thoughts in your head before they get too much once again, pushing you over an edge you don't want to be in right now. 
You'll try harder this year. You'll be okay, for once.
Your professor Lee is scribbling something on the large whiteboard, as he waits for the class to fill up. Someone sits next to you, and the smell of their cologne wafts to your nose- hints of vanilla and wood seemingly calming down your nerves. You quickly take a glance at them, to find a guy with long brown hair and freckles dusting his cheeks. He's taking out his notepad from his bag, and you smile at the chick keychain he has on it. He catches you looking and you quickly avert your gaze, heat creeping up your cheeks. 
"Hi, I'm Felix," he greets enthusiastically, and you turn your head slowly to be met with his wide grin. It softens his features, making his eyes turn into moon crescents. You envy his ability to smile without overthinking how he looks. 
"Yn," you introduce back, and he nods, the grin still etched on his face. "You were in my Economics class last year, no?" he asks and you tilt your head to the side, as you mull over his question.
"I was but I don't remember seeing you," you admit sheepishly and he waves a hand in the air, not bothered the least by your words. 
"It's okay, I just remembered your presentation on Inflation. I finally understood why we can't just print more money," he admits with a chuckle, and you giggle against your will. 
"I don't blame you, it sounds like an easy solution," you agree, and his eyes widen. 
"Right! when I tell my friends they just stare at me in disappointment."
You laugh at his adorable pout, an unfamiliar warmth stirring within your chest. He's nice. 
"I'm glad I helped you then, I was so nervous presenting it," you clear your throat as he smiles impressively at you. "Really? I couldn’t tell at all." 
Mr. Lee calls for your attention and you both turn your heads back to the board. You couldn’t really focus, Felix’s words echoing in your head like a broken mantra- he couldn’t tell you were nervous. A sudden relief dawns on you at the possibility that, maybe, not everyone is aware of the neverending storm raging within you, threatening to drown you at any giving moment.
"Movie night at my dorm?" Felix proposes as he packs up his bag, your two hours long class finally done.
"Will Seungmin be there?" you ask, a slight edge to your voice and Felix pauses, shaking his head at you.
"Yn, you're overreacting. I promise he doesn't hate you."
"Have you ever seen him smiling at me?" you ask, arching your eyebrow expectantly at him. He stays silent and you wiggle your finger in the air. "Exactly! Please tell me he won't be there."
"About that... He's helping me bake the cookies," Felix smiles sheepishly and you groan, falling dramatically on your seat.
"I’m not coming."
"But the cookies," Felix pouts, and the promise of the chewy baked goods is so enticing it makes you second-guess your decision.
"The cookies...," you whine, and Felix giggles grabbing your hand to pull you up.
"I’ll see you at 5?"
"Yes," you concede, a small smile on your lips. You wait until Felix bids you goodbye for it to finally slip from your face.
Seungmin has never liked you, from the moment Felix introduced you to him. You still remember it clear as day, the way his eyes slightly widened when they fell on you, before narrowing down. How he didn't utter a single word when Felix left you both alone to get your drinks. Your panic grew as an uncomfortable silence reigned on the both of you, and you racked your brain for something to say to cut through that eerie quiet.  
"Seungmin, right?" you asked, a bit too cheerfully, and you winced inwardly at your tone. He didn't reply, only humming back. It was so faint you wouldn't have caught it had you not been staring at him intently.
"What's your major?" Your voice cracked.
"Computer science." He replied curtly, and you waited patiently, expecting him to return the question. He didn't. And you shifted awkwardly from one foot to another. Maybe he just didn't do well with strangers. Maybe he wasn't a chatty person, to complement Felix's extroverted nature.
But you were wrong. You watched in complete astonishment as he teased Felix relentlessly, a wide smile on his face. It made his eyes soften, a newfound fondness itching itself on his expressions. He laughed and he joked and you felt yourself shrink more and more, this way he wouldn't notice you anymore, wouldn't glare at you as if you did something horribly wrong to him.
Felix tried to include you as best as he could in their conversation, but you tuned it out. It was hard to focus on their talk when there was a tumultuous one ongoing in your mind. Seungmin's behavior just further cemented every horrible idea you held about yourself. There is something wrong about you, and he can see it. You may have fooled Felix but you didn't fool Seungmin. If you were him you wouldn't talk to you either.
Every encounter with Seungmin since then left you feeling fifteen years old again, in a classroom full of unkind eyes zeroed on you. You tried to talk about his interests, to string along a normal conversation, one that would reassure that your first encounter was a wrongful impression.
But he did not like talking to you, only offering short replies in response. It’s as if his tongue was tied in your response, and in return it only magnified the knot in your stomach. You went through every conversation with him a million times in your head, trying to pinpoint what exactly went wrong. What warranted him to be so silent in your presence, and yours only, as if you weren’t worthy of a simple conversation. And the answer always tied back to you.
So, you’ve been avoiding him like the plague for the past month, sparing him the chore that is existing near you. It was particularly hard since Felix was his best friend and roommate, and surprisingly he actually enjoyed spending time with you. Still, you couldn’t help but think that it was only a matter of time before Felix started to hate you too.  
"You're moving too much," Seungmin chastises and you freeze in your place at his words. You are sitting on the couch of Felix’s dorm later on that day, a horror movie playing in the small TV before you. Felix decided to lay on the floor, buried in a pool of yellow blankets, and a long pillow that weirdly had the picture of one of their friends printed on it. "It's my safety net," he explained and you didn't question him any further.
For some reason, Seungmin decided to sit next to you, instead of the opposing couch. Granted, he can see the TV more clearly from here, still this is the first time he willingly went somewhere near you, let alone talked to you.
You decide to ignore him, too focused on predicting the next jump scare, your feet tapping the floor furiously. But still, it happens so abruptly, eliciting a startled gasp from you, anf you clutch the edge of the couch even tighter.  
"Close your eyes," Seungmin speaks suddenly and you raise an eyebrow at him, confused. 
"There is a jump scare coming soon," he clears his throat, "just... close your eyes if you don't want to see it." 
You comply without much thought and soon enough, you can hear a shrill scream coming from the screen. He was right. 
"It passed," he says softly, and you tentatively open your eyes once again. There is a foreign expression on Seungmin's face, one you haven't seen before, but it passes as quickly as it came, like a dream slipping between your fingers as soon as you wake up. 
"How did you know?" you ask, hugging your knees tightly to your chest. 
"I already watched this movie."
"Really? Why are you watching it again?"
"Because. I had nothing better to do," he says, almost defensively, his hand now covering his mouth as if he had to physically stop the words from spilling out. 
You don't reply, turning back to look at the screen. Seungmin doesn't tell you when a jump scare is coming next, he simply taps your arm, and you close your eyes on cue. 
His hand brushing against your bare skin feels weird, not uncomfortable by any means, but it still is a foreign sensation. You didn't know he had such soft hands, and you always imagined them to be cold. But they are warm, and you wonder what other things about Seungmin you've been wrong about.
"I'm so tired," Felix groans, laying his head on your shoulder and you giggle, patting his head in mock sympathy. It's been three months since the start of your year, which means that the assignments are starting to pile up on you all.
"Me too," you sigh, and Seungmin stays silent next to you. Felix dragged you both to this coffeeshop, a little outing to recharge his spirit, as he texted you. You're slowly getting used to Seungmin's brooding presence. He talks to you a little more, even cracking a few jokes here and there. But you’re still wary of him. You keep your guard up just in case he forcefully brings a mirror to your face once again, reminding you of everything you despise about yourself.
"I'll go order, it's my treat. Pick a place for us?" Felix says and you nod, walking ahead of Seungmin towards a table near the back.
You sit down first, and Seungmin follows second, sitting right across from you. You quickly bring out your phone, scrolling mindlessly through the apps to distract yourself from the man in front of you.
"You have a presentation tomorrow, right?" Seungmin speaks up, startling you, and you slowly put your phone down.
"Yes, how did you know?"
"Felix told me that it makes up 25% of your grade. Are you nervous?"
"A little," you admit, even though ‘a little’ didn't even begin to cover it.
"Don't be. You'll do well," he says, a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. You almost feel as if you've imagined it before it dissipates.
"Thank you," you nod, as Felix brings the tray down your table.
"Is this for me?" you ask tentatively, pointing to the strawberry milkshake, a sore thumb sticking out between the iced americano, and the hazelnut Frappuccino, Seungmin’s and Felix’s respective go to orders.
"They got the order wrong. I got you an iced matcha," Felix pouts, double checking his receipt.
"It's okay," you smile slightly. There was nothing you despised more than having to change up your order.
"You don't want to drink this," Seungmin says, staring at you expectantly and you wave your hand in the air dismissively. "I don't mind."
Seungmin stands up, grabbing the drink from your hand before taking the receipt from the table. He goes to the counter and you watch in astonishment as he comes back, a green drink in hand this time.
"Here," he hands you your cup, before grabbing his own and sipping from it. Your drink is cold, but the warm tingles spreading through your being at his sweet gesture outweigh any other feeling.
Talking in front of 267 people never gets easier.
You memorized your presentation; you rehearsed it so much you could probably recite it with your eyes closed. Yet, the nerves still found a way to weave themselves inside you. Your hands were shaking, so much you couldn't even stare at the notes you prepared. Your palms were sweaty, blood rushing rapidly to your ears, tuning out your voice as you spoke.
You can’t even recall what you said exactly, it’s as if your body had a mind of its own, your mouth moving itself without you commanding it. You aren’t sure how it was, but someone smiled at you reassuringly from the first row, and the professor clapped, so you assume you did okay.
The class finally ends, your nerves slowly dissipating and leaving in their trail an excruciating exhaustion. You rub your eyes tiredly, as you slowly walk out of the door, before stopping in your tracks when you notice Seungmin leaning against the wall, hands buried in his varsity jacket.
His eyes are closed, a pair of earphones dangling across his chest. But then, as if he feels you looking at him, he opens his eyes, locking his gaze on you. You stay put in your place as he walks to you, his bag loosely hanging from his shoulder. He hooks his thumb underneath the strap, keeping it in place
"How was it?" he questions, and it takes you a few seconds to register what he was asking about. Your presentation. Was he waiting for you?
"I think I did well?" you reply, but it comes out more of a question to which he giggles softly.
"Are you asking me?" he teases and you roll your eyes playfully. "I did well," you repeat and he smiles, nodding a bit. "I’m sure you did. Here." He opens his bag, taking out your favorite chocolate bar from it- it had bits of caramelized pistachio and almonds in it. Seungmin doesn’t like it, he prefers plain milk chocolate, as Felix told you one day.
"Eat this, I ended up buying two by mistake, I still have an extra one at the dorm." You grab it from his hands, and he quickly leaves before you could properly thank him.
You always dread the days you'd wake up with a heavy weight crushing your chest.
You try to distract yourself, try to focus in class and take notes. You try to laugh at Felix's jokes and savor the brownies he just brought you. But you can't. It feels as if you're a cup filled to the brim, each passing second bringing you closer to when that fateful drop would finally make you overflow. And you could do nothing but watch yourself unravel.
Seungmin's eyes never leave you, and it only makes your anxiety spike. It feels as if he's peering inside your soul, witnessing how a cord ties itself around your throat, making it impossible for you to breathe. You can't speak anymore, every word you say threatening to make tears spill out of your eyes. You aren't sure you can make them stop if they ever start falling.
Nothing happened, nothing's happening, you try to remind yourself. But you are scratching your hand incessantly, and you feel an overwhelming need to flee. To run away, somewhere where only you would witness the display of your broken soul. So you sputter a meek excuse, and then you stand up and head to your dorm.
It's raining outside, and you don't have an umbrella. But you are grateful for it, since the rain mingles with your salty tears, shielding them from the curious eyes of the people passing by. You need to get home, you need to hide somewhere and you need to remember how to breathe-
"Yn," a hand grabs your forearm and you startle, instinctively taking two hurried steps back. It's Seungmin. He removed his blue hoodie and he's now placing it over both of your heads.
"What are you doing? You'll get sick," he sounds mad, and you can't take his disappointed tone anymore.
"I'm having a bad day and I don't need you to make it worse," you say, startling yourself with the raw emotion in your voice.
He physically recoils from your words, his arms faltering as he gazes at you, a wounded look in his eyes. "I make your days worse?" he asks quietly and his voice sounds so small, you can't help the regret that courses through you.
"Come on, Seungmin," you chuckle warily, "don't you hate me?"
"Hate is a strong word, okay. You dislike me."
"I don't. Why would you think that?"
"Because you never wanted to talk to me, from the moment we met. And it wouldn't matter if you were this way with everyone, but it's only me. And you make me feel so small each time I'm around you," you ramble angrily, as Seungmin's eyes widen with each passing second.
"Yn, yn, I don't- I didn't know you felt this way, but I don't hate you. I truly don't, I promise you," he's panicking, voice growing higher with each word, and you feel a sudden embarrassment flood your being for lashing out at him.
You don't know what to say and he sighs, looking up at the cloudy sky before meeting your eyes once again.
"This is embarrassing, God, um..." he places his hoodie on top of your head before running a hand through his face. "I don't talk to you because you make me nervous." 
"I do?"
"Yes. A lot," he chuckles, a pink hue tinting his cheeks. "I just... I find you very interesting, and funny, and I like watching you, not in a creepy way, my God what am I saying," he whines, hiding his face in his hands and you can't help the giggle that escapes your mouth.
"Don't laugh," he pouts and you nod, willing the smile to disappear from your face. 
"I like watching you exist. Just laugh and smile and talk. You look very pretty doing it. I just don't know how to deal with it. That's on me."
This time the smile is effectively gone from your face. The weight of his confession distracting you from the turmoil of emotions that swirled within you.
"I'm sorry, for making you feel that way. I never meant to. For what it's worth, you make me feel like a small kid again, as if I'm having a crush for the first time." 
A fresh wave of tears brims in your waterline, and Seungmin's eyes soften at the sight.
"Please don't cry," he says, gently wiping the rain droplets from your cheeks. "I don't hate you, I think I like you too much and that's the problem." 
I'm sorry I misjudged you, until you wiped my tears off away
"Okay," you say quietly, your mind not yet registering what he said, too busy focusing on his hands on your face. You can't believe you've ever felt invisible because of Seungmin, when he's looking at you like you're the most precious being in the world. 
"You had a bad day?" he asks, his knuckles brushing against your cheek tenderly, and you nod, silently. 
"Would you like a hug?" he asks, and you nod again. A hug sounded nice. 
He steps forward, wrapping his arms around you. His t-shirt is cold, clinging to his now wet skin. But a surprising warmth emanates from his chest, shielding you from the pouring rain- it travels from his body to yours, as if it's a familiar path, one it underwent a million times before. His hand finds your back, and he pats it gently, following a soothing rythme, one you try to sync your breathing to. "You did well," he whispers, "you always do well," and his words feel like a patch of shade on a scorching day.
You exhale softly, tightening your arms around his waist. You think you can stay here, for a while. You could rest in Seungmin, now and tomorrow, and maybe for the following months. If he still likes you this much. 
"I'm ready," Seungmin says, his soft hair tickling your bare skin. He's laying on top of your stomach, black tie undone, a piece of crumpled paper in his hands. You can tell he's nervous, with the way he looks up at the ceiling, avoiding your gaze. You lean down, pressing a sweet kiss to the top of his head. He closes his eyes, his hold on the yellowed paper slightly faltering.
"I'm all ears," you whisper, and he smiles softly at you, before looking at his written vows- the ones you decided to read to each other after your wedding ceremony, just the two of you, in your personal bubble. It feels much more intimate this way, they are words meant for you only to hear, after all.
"My love," he starts, and he can already feel the tears welling up in his eyes. He blinks repeatedly, in a desperate attempt to keep them at bay. "If I'm reading this it means I finally married you, which is probably the best thing I've ever done in my life." You giggle and he can't help but smile at the sound of your laugh.
"I am writing these vows one year into our relationship, I haven't proposed yet, but I just know you're the one I want to marry. And I suppose I don't want to forget everything I want to say to you, when that day comes." His words make your breath hitch in your throat as realization dawns on you- he wrote this three years ago, and he kept it safe, till this day.
"I still remember when I saw you for the first time. I couldn't talk because you looked so pretty, and you were smiling at Felix and I felt an overwhelming need to be the one you were smiling at. I think you cast a spell on me because I couldn't even ask you about your major back, I couldn't believe how awestruck I was. But you already know this, don't you?" He looks up at you, pressing a quick kiss to your stomach and you smile widely. You still remember when Seungmin recounted the first time you met, from his perspective. Rosy cheeks and fumbling words as he explained how much he felt for you in that instant, and how little he could express it.
"But there are still things I haven't told you," he clears his throat. "Like how Felix told me what horror movie he was planning to watch with you, and I looked it up the night before, to memorize all the jump scares just in case you were afraid. And you were, and I'm glad I did. I don't even like horror movies, but it was worth watching it three times in a row, just for you."
"Also, how I had to run out of my class to yours, so I'd catch you after the end of your presentation. I bought that chocolate only for you. I kept a stack of fifteen bars hidden in my desk, just in case you were feeling down, and you ended up needing it. I kept asking Felix about everything you liked, and disliked, and he was probably sick of me at that time," he chuckles, as memories of begging his roommate for any bit of information about you flooded his mind.
"I don't know how far into the future it'll be when I'll finally read this to you. I don't know how I'll be, or where I'll be, but as long as you're with me then I must be okay. I used to overthink everything, plan every part of my life so it'd run smoothly. That is until you came into my life, so suddenly, and you flipped it upside down. I didn't care to plan my life anymore, all that mattered is that it revolved around you," he pauses, sucking in a deep breath.
"I knew I wanted to marry you when you took me stargazing. You talked about the stars and galaxies so excitedly. And then you brought up Saturn; how it was unique among the planets, adorned with thousands of ringlets. And I remember thinking that you're my saturn, you're the dazzling planet that everyone admires and I'm the ring spinning around you, the one you're keeping afloat. And as long as you're here, I have a purpose and I'm okay. So please..." his voice wavers, as silent tears slip out of his eyes.
"Don't leave me. I know we're married now, but still, don't leave me. I love you. I feel like I've loved you in different lifetimes, in different earths and timelines. Everything can come crashing down around us, but one thing that'll forever remain the same is my love for you. I was made to love you, after all. My eyes were made to look at you, and my hands to graze your cheeks. And my heart... My heart was made to beat for you. And I love you. I feel like I don't say it enough but I truly love you. As long as I'm breathing then I'm yours."
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rosemary-oldsoul · 11 months
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Pairing: bang chan x fem!reader
Genre: idol!au, fluff/angst
w.c: 598
Description: he’s made Han’s designated driver and figures this is his destination
A/N: this can be read as a standalone drabble or as the very first part of the series as this supposedly takes place long before her smile
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The room smelled of cloves, Chan noticed, as he entered the room , serene and warm in contrast to the brisk chilling winds outside.
It was winter , and even after so many years of being in Korea he still hasn’t gotten used to the cold weather.
Maybe it was how the clinic looked like home , wood everywhere paired with velvet burgundy, everything set up for the patient’s priority - so much that he could smell the crisp and newly washed duvets from somewhere in the room
Did patients really sleep here ? Who was he kidding , he would as well.
And just like that Chan was hit with waves of homesickness and nostalgia. He missed home.
When a throat cleared somewhere behind him , he turned around , his body relaxing in the warmth.
“Hello , how can I help you sir?” A soft and experienced voice from a fairly young looking man , Yunho, as his badge suggested.
“Oh? I’m here for Jisung. Han Jisung. Sorry , I probably should’ve informed before coming”
His smile was welcoming , perfectly fit for this place as he replied ,
“It’s perfectly fine. He’ll be out in a few minutes. Why don’t you make yourself comfortable.”
Was it the tea he was drinking ? He smelled of cloves too. Just then-
“Do you want some tea , Han?” It was persuasive and crisp, hot chocolate with mini marshmallows.
Shaking his head Chan thought Oh how he needs some sleep or maybe it was the smell penetrating his lungs ,filling each corner.
“Ah sorry hyung is here.”
It was the tea. He was right. He’d love to try it as well. He wanted some part of this place to remain with him.
A secret place. His discovery. Childlike thrill.
“Hello Chan, I’m Dr Y/n. It’s nice to finally meet you.”
His heart felt lighter, the waves slowing, he had heard of you from Jisung , how you were good at your profession, the medicines working on his anxiety, the ways you’d taught him when it was out of control.
Someone was taking care of him. He was glad , hoping you could see how sincere he was as he bowed.
“Hello Dr Y/n , thank you so much.”
You were smiling or perhaps your smile never fell , he didn’t notice.
He is at the beach with his family, his love of beaches had to come from somewhere and it was here,
He could hear his heart pounding , blood rushing through his ears- even drowning the crashing waves around him , his muscles burning.
He could hear his dad laughing as he ran after him. Or maybe it was his mother? Was it him? He doesn’t know.
But something tickled his feet , warmth trickling in his body, and despite everything he didn’t feel anything but relief.
He really did need some sleep, how could it be tea , anything material, object ; when you were here. Smiling at him with those eyes, eyes that held reason.
Chan realised, as he left the clinic , he had grown a liking to cloves. He’s lying he knows , after all he had found his home.
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“Do you…by any chance have her number?”
His first stray kid laughed a laugh too familiar, who knew him best.
“The Y/n I know would appreciate if you spoke to her, physically first”
There was laugh again , echoing in the strangely empty street as a shorter man saw his taller companion enter a particularly cozy looking building with a determined face.
#where home is found #where he stays
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rosemary-oldsoul · 11 months
her smile
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pairing: bang chan x fem!reader
genre: fluff;angst, idol!au 
w.c: 684
description: he hasn’t learned her smile yet and he’s afraid he’s lost the time for it
A/N: this is the first story of the series or at least the first story where the characters that will remain common appear for the first time ,until mentioned otherwise.
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He didn’t like it.
Your voice.
Something wasn’t right , because he didn’t smile. And your voice always makes him smile.
With a start he rushed out of the studio because you sounded almost-
You realised as you stood shivering , that perhaps it’s your loss that is great and loss that was ebbing away at your heart now flickered with anger.
Why did he go?
“I got-” a deep breath “I got a letter. Nothing else”
You sounded wounded?
“They wouldn’t let me meet him”
No. You sounded lost and eyes widening,Chan realised.
The reason. He had known of it. He was warned.
“Y/n ,where are you?”
He knew of your loss before you.
He remembers vividly what took place-
“Its her smile , isn’t it ?” The man asked.
Chan must’ve made a confused sound considering that was the first thing the stranger had said, because the man smiled.
“You don’t know who I am , do you?”
Why was this man here ? Chan thought. In this place. He didn’t seem like someone who belonged here.
“Y/n never mentioned your name. She told me I’ll know soon anyway”
A soft chuckle, warm and soft with certain adoration, passed his lips.
“I’m Yeon Soo. I’ve heard a lot about you Chan”
Something stirred deep in his bones, spreading slowly and greatly , moving outside.
“Tell me, it’s her smile right?
You fell for her smile, didn’t you?”
And suddenly Chan’s tongue felt heavy , his mind was a black canvas and he knew he wouldn’t be judged by a man so soft ; so fragile so he answered
“I don’t know”
His smile never dropped.
“I like her smile. It doesn’t reach her eyes , have you noticed?”
Somehow he didn’t feel ashamed, you were going to be with him for a long long time. He can learn. It’s not too late.
“Y/n?, Where-” that feeling-in his bones -was growing again “are you baby? Please ”
“I’m heading home” a whisper so lost
Chan was afraid he didn’t know where this home of yours was.
“She smiles with no effort, a quiet joy, like-”
his eyes were swelling up
“like she needs no other reason of happiness. She smiles the same at you.”
The feeling grew to his chest, his throat tightening and despite himself Chan smiled.
“After I’m gone-”
The tears were flowing now, slow and endless
“You protect that smile. Be good to her okay? She’s not a bad person”
“I will.” He promised. And then you entered.
He was panting , harsh breaths tumbling out his lips. He has a long time with you , no? He wasn’t late. That’s what he told himself. He has time. He’ll learn.
He has you. But why didn’t he feel like it.
He was out of the building , ready to rush to where you were but he stopped with a jerk.
You were here , standing in front of him trying to make yourself look small and unnoticed or maybe it was the heaviness you felt.
He must’ve called you , because you looked up and his heart relaxed , his body no longer tight with unknown feelings.
There it was , that smile. Your smile of quiet joy - for him.
And you were crumbling but Chan had you in his arms in no time.
As your tears touched him , he thought, he’ll learn. He has you. He has your smile that didn’t reach your eyes.
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“Where are you going Yeon Soo?” Chan asked
His voice tight before he cleared it. If his absence was going to hurt Y/n, why was he leaving.
“Dignitas. I’m going to my family”
His throat hurt now , so tight he had to clench his fists.
“Isn’t Y/n your family?”
Loss. Chan realises. Even his bones were cold, he’s experiencing Y/n’s loss.
“No.” He was still smiling.
She thinks of you as her family , Chan wanted to say but his body was aching and he felt sick.
And as if he heard it, Yeon Soo replied “Y/n has no family”
#where love is warm and soft as his smile #there is more to this
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rosemary-oldsoul · 11 months
we’ll paint the sky together
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pairing: wonwoo x fem!reader
genre: idol!au, fluff/angst
w.c: 656 lawl it’s always like this
description: it would be otherwise but today he’ll share the yellows and you’ll share the blues
a/n: in my soft wonwoo feels today and I just started painting uh oh spoiler so here ya go!! <3 Oh and he performs love poem by IU for you
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His limbs were screaming at him - for mercy but he had yet to find you. You weren’t home like he’d suspected because at days like this home was not your comfort. You’d told him that.
“I love you” a pause. he’d then turned and rewarded you with a forehead peck. And waited.
in the consort of warmth and him. Oh him. a smile grazed your lips,
“I love you . . . . and you should know that it’s been long. So long since I found comfort in someone other than me . . . . then-. . . . you came along and now , now you’re my best person.”
‘Best person’? Oh how much he loves you
“You’re my comfort , my love and jus-. Thank you for making me feel I can come back to you”
So now he was rushing to you and if you are where he is on his worst days he’s very close. To seeing you, holding you. And he let out an audible sigh of relief as all the warmth of summer rushed back to him or it could be you it was you because there you are.
As he walks over to sit next to you, he notices your head tilted up ,eyes shut and a smile to greet his presence. As he sits ,his hand is on your waist to pull you closer, the other gently moving to tuck your head in his neck.
The sky , he’d noticed, always seemed much prettier when he was here. He lived his life again in those moments. It was something you both shared , the sky held too many memories.
He’d gotten to know that when you had picked up a new hobby of painting to pass time while he played his games,
“yes, love?”
“we’ll paint the sky together okay?” You’d seemed all giddy at the thought.
“Keeping only the sky reserved for me ? I see how it is”
“it’s just…I only look up to the sky when any moment has been intolerable for me and it does not give me peace , anything at all. Or when I feel lonely? Both ? and it doesn’t even make sense but I thought maybe if you join me ,my perspective will change ?”
and he still wonders how he found someone who loves him truly.
“I saw your performance wonu . . . . and I’ve never felt more grateful to be loved by you. I hope you know that even if I can’t attend your concerts.”
“we both know it’s not your fault you can’t tolerate loud noises without getting headaches and aren’t you the one who tells that you don’t have to be grateful to be loved. It’s a gift for being alive, isn’t it ?”
And even though he heard you sniffle and tuck yourself closer to him , your smile tickling his neck ,he didn’t look away from the sky because,
did you change his perspective about the sky, too?
“I’m glad you remember me saying that.”
“of course I do, I love you after all”
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Everything was set up perfectly - the lightings, his outfit, and he’d already told Mingyu to record his performance for you, now all he had to do was his best.
The only issue? It was raining and he was scared his only way of helping you would go waste. but somehow just as the lights dimmed and he became the focus of the crowd, it all stopped. The rain , the cheers , the thundering clouds. All he could, no, would see was the sky. The blue blue sky.
and oh? It looks familiar. He knows the sky today. As the notes fall and rise to come to an end he realises with moist eyes - there you are- without even trying- in the form the sky that you both painted together.
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rosemary-oldsoul · 11 months
to forgive
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Pairing: bang chan x fem!reader
Genre: idol!au, fluff/angst
w.c: 612
Description: he’s a little late and acknowledges his newfound love for tea
A/N: this takes place after her smile , so if that is read there will be a better understanding of the names mentioned
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He couldn’t look up like he would’ve, like he wanted to. Not when he felt a black knot twisting inside of him, eating him up. Guilt.
You wouldn’t look at him either and suddenly he felt like your home was too warm.Burning his skin.You were hurting. And he was the reason.
“My father was an angry man. He was always angry.” A whisper too loud.
“I loved-”
A sudden breath, your nose twitching with the familiar burn
“my family…but they were not good for me , so I left”
A young woman determined to love and be kind to herself.
“I made that decision as a responsible adult and I’m not going to let you use that against me.”
He was here , breathing fast and harsh with a feeling he recognised as ugly gripping his veins as his heart pulsed loudly.
You were here. He was angry.
How could it go down?
“Han is not going on a hiatus. Not when our tour is close.”
Was that his voice? If yes, why did you look unfazed?
Chan please stop. But his members were hurting and you were the reason.
“I know. I just-…I’m sorry Y/n. I really am.”
He doesn’t remember what he said. His mind is blank but his heart feels full. So many emotions. Too many. Choking him.
“…How would you know anything about it? You have no family”
And just like that he was brought back to a familiar smell - chalky and ill with a man that smelt like old pages and green leaves for someone who’d never been out for quite a few years
Hospital? No. Asylum?
“I will”
a promise was made
“Be good to her”
Tight throat , tears , shivering, cold. Too cold.
Yeon Soo
“I have no family-”
“Y/n please” strained , an almost whimper
“Not anymore .You’re right Chan”
“It’s not your words that hurt me , it was your intent. You reminded me of him then.”
You were staring now, looking for something on his face, or perhaps it was his eyes. Into his eyes?
With drowning energy he realised-
“My father. And you’ve never looked so ugly before.”
He realised, now as his throat hurt, his face got sweaty, how far you stood or rather close,that he felt dirty.
Why was he here?
He was tired. His eyes felt heavy from perhaps fatigue but he felt the wetness of his lashes as he left your clinic.
“How can I make you forgive me?”
Slight pause. A bated breath. Three days is late.
“Please Y/n.”
“Come here”
Soft , everything was so soft when you hugged him and he held you just as tight. You were here.
He could hear muffled static from somewhere. What was it saying ? Leaves rustled as spring winds rolled in, so sweet and warm.
When you settled your gaze on him there was the look again, you were searching for something perhaps, some feeling. He hoped you found it because he wants to help you. Somehow. He has to learn.
“Be good to her”
“Be good to me Chan. I’m not a bad person”
“I will…I promise. I will.”
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“Do you want some tea?”
Is it the one you offered Han?
“Yes, please.” Too eager
And you noticed it , letting your head tilt back as you laughed. He could see the unshed tears shining.
“Come on. I’ll teach you how to make it.”
Your fingers were cold as you brushed his hair aside, your smile of quiet joy was closer now,
“If it makes you that happy, I think you should learn it.”
He has you now , he’ll learn.
#where truth is revealed #where forgiveness is a hug
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rosemary-oldsoul · 11 months
who failed you, darling?
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pairing: ot8; bang chan x fem!reader
genre: idol!au, fluff/angst
w.c: 658 (that’s a bummer)
description: and just like that they realized, wishes did not need to be heavy
a/n: jus some feels for all of you. The reader will make an appearance in part 2 if you all like this , her appearance is one of the main reasons I wrote this. also the reader is closer to Chan than the other members but yeah everyone knows her. <3
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It was just a question, not even a part of the script- just an alternative in case some parts get edited and there’s not enough screen time. A thoughtless question on their end but for the kids it was finally something they could answer earnestly. Unfortunately, some still didn’t have that liberty.
“Is there something you would like to wish for?”
As the eldest Chan was to go first but the answers, surprisingly, on request of the director were to start from Lee Know who had constantly been blinking his eyes the entire show
“I wish to be able to express in a way that is acceptable. I…have a hard time formulating sentences in a way that could give my thoughts meaning so I resort to doing things- through actions, but… I’ve come to figure out that not everybody’s emotions can be adjusted according to my difficulties. I’m not mean everyone. I’m just learning and it’ll take me some time, okay?”
since they were made to sit in a way where no one could meet others’ eye, it was safe to say Lee know had stopped his blinking until he was sure no tears would escape.
Chan hadn’t expected the question to be answered this way, it seems today they were going to be true to themselves.
“ah…” he was sure his ears were turning red, his nervous giggle had already appeared
“I wish to be gentle with my ways. Of handling mistakes, working hard, resting, sleeping. All of it. All of me. Just a few days ago someone told me that my words feel empty- that since I don’t heed them at all, they feel soulless. It was not offensive, just shocking because I felt sorry? I think. For myself? For others? because they deserve so much, no? For the love they give me. But I want this for myself, for my words to feel true to me. Yes. I wish to be good to be myself”
and just like that Minho’s head found refuge in his hyungs’ neck and the message was understood by all kids.
‘Oh, we’re all crying today’
Felix was already scrunching his nose when his turn came. His careful words did not agree with his heart -running miles, miles away to hide from confrontation.
“I wish there’ll come a day where I’ll bring justice to my dreams.Somewhere, at least, in some ways I still find myself in that room where I was eliminated. It hurt, not only because it was unnecessary but also because I was made to doubt myself, my abilities, and sometimes without realising I find myself working only for that, only to not get eliminated. It is unfair isn’t it? This used to be my dream once.”
In Seungmin’s mind it was unfair, their source of warmth was now hindered with wisps of tears, and trembling hands.
“I wish to smile freely some day. Since I love making people laugh it should be as easy for me to laugh, no? This is what I keep thinking whenever I hide my smile but for the longest time I was made to believe my smile is not good . Maybe because I never really said anything people must’ve thought I also feel nothing regarding it. That was my justification all this time. And despite thinking of myself as someone I can be proud of, make others feel proud, I’ve never really given myself or my insecurities any consolation. Yes , I wish I’d realised this sooner.”
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and you thought you would remember it forever,
eight boys huddled together, providing comfort to each other through silent words and held hands, failed to notice how it had all turned quiet for them.
fingertips on astonished lips, shushed whimpers all in an effort to give respect. To these young souls and maybe theirs ,who were robbed of a childhood they all deserved,
somewhere we are all to blame for each others tears.
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rosemary-oldsoul · 11 months
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when it's your turn to be patient and love in silence
a/n: nothing. I miss seungkwan and it's been some time since I wrote anything for him. Comfort fic, bc Seungkwan is my comfort🩷
Seungkwan is a gentle lover.
He always tries to communicate without being too forceful nor does he make you feel bad when he doesn't understand what you're trying to say.
He pries in the best way possible; rearranges your words when your sentences are too much of a mess and holds your hands through everything when you need him to.
For the whole time you've been with him, it feels like he's always the one comforting you. Now that it's your turn to be there for him, you're embarrassed to say you're not sure what to do.
You'd usually try to joke and make him laugh, perhaps distract him with activities outside.
But you can tell that's not what he needs now.
He doesn't need a distraction.
He needs to feel whatever’s bothering him right now and lets it pass whenever it will pass. You're not certain how to deal with him when he's like this, but perhaps he doesn't need you to do anything special.
"I've always liked your scent, have I ever told you?" You say quietly, plopping yourself right into his embrace.
Seungkwan jumps a little, but wraps his arm around your shoulder like it's second nature to him before he readjusts your position on the sofa.
Usually, he would've teased you about it to hide his embrassment, always so weak against your compliment. But he simply smiles and rests his chin on top of your head.
"Mmhm." You nod, your finger caressing his arm. "They make me feel calm."
He chuckles, the sound is weak but you're glad you can hear it.
"I better not change my parfume then."
You let go and frown at him, and he tilts his head in confusion. He's adorable like this, but it's not the time so you click your tongue before speaking.
"I don't mean your perfume." You bop his nose. "I mean your smell."
"I have my own smell?"
"You do." You nod and returns to your previous position, satisfied that your message is delivered. "It's just... your smell. I can't describe it."
You feel his chest vibrate as he chuckles once again, making your heart warm at the sound of it.
If this was your usual Seungkwan, he would've prodded about it; asked why you liked it, how did it smell, and why you've only said it now. But Seungkwan settles for: "I'm... glad that you like it then."
"You know I like everything about you." You say without missing a beat, though you do miss the way his heart skips one and the subtle way he holds you a tiny bit tighter.
"Thank you." He whispers against your head.
You nod and buries yourself tighrer into his chest, hoping that your warmth reaches him this time around, able to give him comfort no matter how small.
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rosemary-oldsoul · 11 months
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When Mingyu helps you up with your boxes, you don't think too much of it, really, but when he shows up in the hall with a kid in his arms - something changes.
✦ KIM MINGYU - f!reader
✦ Genre: neighboors-to-lovers, daddy!Mingyu (slightly), angsty (slighlty), smut (minors don't interact), a little bit of health problems, oral sex (f! receiving), unprotected sex (don't do this at home), reader has a few insecurities so keep that Mingyu.
✦ word count: 11k+
✦ Title inspired by Carly Ra Jepsen - Too much.
✦ Thea note: Mingyu is so boyfriend coded I want to punch a wall, lately been thinking about daddy!mingyu a lot and how that would look like, but also Mingyu is not an easy character I swear this was a struggle, but here it is - and of course, it has a pussy drunk mingyu scene. Also thanks again @ni-aaaaaaa for helping me with this one 🫶
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Moving is hard. Moving places is hard. Moving places almost across the country is harder.
So here you are - struggling to hold the elevator and a load boxes, but then he arrives - a knight in shiny armor or just a fit guy in gym clothes and sweats.
"Do you need help with that?" he asks pointing to the boxes.
"Hi, hm -" You start, and you want to be the crazy strong independent lady who doesn't need help, you listened to Destiny Child for fuck sake, you can pay your bills and load your boxes on the goddamn elevator, but you are so freaking tired. It's the second round of boxes and you will probably need to do more and drive to hand over the moving truck, but all you need and truly want is to take a shower, get rid of the sweat, and lay down with arms and legs open on your bed like you are a starfish. But then you remember, did you pack the body soap in the backpack? Suitcase? Boxes n 03 with bathroom-related things? And the bed sheets? Fuck.
"Do you have more or?" The nice guy with strong arms and gym clothes asks already lifting the three boxes at once, putting them in the elevator and stepping in the elevator door and letting you in.
"I have a few more in the truck but-" You click on the fourth floor button.
"Oh" He says pointing at the button and at you. "We’re neighbors, nice. You’re probably in the Mrs Smith apartment, right? Lovely lady, it was nice that her daughter took her in after she moved." The guy continues and you don't quite follow but hey, he is already unloading and leaving the boxes at the 03 door so you gonna take all the help. "Do you want to put them in or do you want to pick up the other boxes on the truck?"
"You don't actually need to-" You ask trying to be a polite neighbor and not a pushover, but Mr. Nice Guy and nice arms cuts you off.
"Oh don't worry, I didn't do back or arms today, if I don't need to squat too much it's alright" He says, big smile gracing his face as he tilts his head and, oh god ,he is quite hot and he is just so nice and big all over and you’re way too tired so you don't want to take the last few boxes and do a fourth trip to the garage when you can do just two - maybe one if the nice guy with big arms lift more than you think in his everyday trip to the gym. So, you just accept, because he could do what your noodles arms could never: lift more the two boxes at once.
"Look,” You say tidying the boxes near your door because you are a good neighbor and you don't want someone to trip in the hall because of you. "I'm very grateful, and I drove for like, more than ten hours, so I'm taking all the help I can get. And I don't know your diet but I'm so buying pizza after this so if you want you can joy. Like paying for all your service with a half of pizza."
So that's how you end up with nice-guy-strong-arms-buff-chest in your new apartment and learn that his name is actually Kim Mingyu and that he’s a software engineer and that he mainly goes to the gym to see people otherwise he would not get out of the house because he works remotely. So you also give your resume-of-life talk that you worked on rehearsing in that ten hour drive - needed to change cities because working on research isn't easy, new PhD in town, works on gender studies, and has a side hustle with a nonprofit.
"Oh, so you are smart smart,” Mingyu replied with a mouth full of pizza, trying to wash it down with coke.
"Nah,” You reply in the same situation. "Dumb enough to go into humanities actually.”
"Hey! That's nothing wrong with humanities," He says. "Once I wanted to be an archeologist - that goes into humanities, right?"
"I don't really know, probably?"
And you and Mingyu guy don't really turn into friends per se - and that's mainly your fault. He’s easy going and always talks to you in the elevator or hall when you’re going to the university and he’s going to the gym. He tells you to knock on his door for a movie, tells you that you both can go to a coffee shop nearby, and tells you that he knows nice restaurants, but you never quite follow his ideas.
You could say that it was because of your routine.  Kind of excruciating; you had a few classes to actually teach, research to plan and execute, and because you were the new one in the department, all the extra winter and summer courses to plan and teach was your obligation. Yey new job!
But the actual reason is that, yes, you are overloaded with your new job, and with the new city, and with new everything. So, when Mingyu asks you just can't bring yourself to actually do it. Part of you thinks he is just being nice, just trying to be friendly, he does have that kinda puppy energy going around him - too big, too excited, too much all over the place and knocking into everything. But part of you is scared that Mingyu nice-guy-all-over might be trying something with you that you can't actually handle right now. 
Because sometimes you catch how Mingyu looks at you - eyes lingering.. And God, this works wonders to your self-esteem. Once, when you actually wore your gym clothes and he was in his jeans for a change, you could see him visibly gulping on the hallway. He asked why he never saw you at his gym, you answered the only way possible, you don't go to the gym, you are one of the runs at the park lunatics, and he said it was a pity really, maybe he can start running and going to the park.
Or that time when you had to go to a nice dinner - fundraising and meeting people was the worst part of the job, but hey, you needed the money and the funds to go around interviewing women in politics across the country, so you put the nicest black dress you had and a pair of high heels. And when you leave the house, you scream to the person in the elevator to wait and do the silliest run in those shoes and it was Mingyu – dressed joggers and hair ruffled, contrasting to your polished appearance. "Hot date?" he asked in a small voice head tilting to look at you because even with your highest heels, he was still taller. "I wish, work, and you?" You answered. "Bad day.  Gonna pick up some beer." And you left the elevator just to see Mingyu ogling at your ass and getting flustered because of it.
So maybe when he asked you out you always brushed over, never actually said no. But you never said yes either. Because even though you were actually trying to handle all the other things in your life and a relationship did fall into the 'not-now-category' or in the 'probably-will-make-me-insane', you liked having Mingyu there, in the back of your mind, filling up your fantasies and what-ifs. It may be a bitch move, but it was what you could handle right now, because really, handling the new job, in a new city, basically friendless, and almost crying at your kitchen table, because one of the students needed a week extension and that alone was almost driving you insane. 
So having Mingyu on the back of your mind was the only thing you could handle right now. Mingyu and his big hands, strong arms and his nice fucking smile, and oh god, he did smell good. Your mind could - and would - wonder when you both got together on that dumb elevator and how you want to climb him like a goddamn tree. And sometimes you let your mind wander and think how everything would go if you said yes. If you went to a nice restaurant, what would happen? Would everything go smoothly and you end up on his sheets? Or yours? How would it feel having Mingyu in your bed? You have all the questions and none of the answers.
So, when you see Mingyu with a mini-Mingyu at his side, arms full of bags, and struggling to close his kid’s coat, you get a little mind blown. You think a little and Mingyu never actually talked about having a son or a daughter you couldn't really tell, and then you blame yourself maybe he didn’t say anything because you never said yes. You never went to the nice restaurant or the coffee shop. And then it fucks you up a bit, because what else do you not know about him - maybe silly things like what is his favorite food? What movies does he like? What in his binge-watch list?
Did Mingyu get married? He’s probably divorced - you think - because you never saw that kid before so mini-Mingyu didn’t live with Big-Mingyu, and also you never saw a woman and you think that if Mingyu was married he would not be looking at your ass in every step of the way down to the garage - or at least you hope not. Oh god, you don’t want to be a homewrecker, but then again, Mingyu doesn’t look like the guy who would do that: hit on you if he was in a relationship. Then it dawns on you, maybe, maybe he was just being friendly.
But when Mingyu picks mini-Mingyu in his arms, still with too many bags and gives you a big, warm smile, you almost freeze.
“Hey,” He says clicking the elevator’s button. “Going to the Uni?” He asks as you go to his side, Mini-Gyu’s big eyes on your face - so you just give the little kid your best smile.
“Yep, one professor is out of town so I have a few extra classes this week to teach the kids the joy of classical sociology,” You say eyes leaving Mini-Gyu and actually going to Big-Gyu, and your mind gets fucked up a bit, because one, how do genes work? That kid is actually Mingyu's carbon copy and of course, you have not stepped in biology classes in a few years - but you are pretty sure that cloning is not yet allowed - maybe you should check it out in the ethics committee or something. Maybe Mingyu is committing some kind of crime.
“Nice,” And Mingyu finally looks at the kid who is still staring at you. “This is Minseok.” He says kind of rocking the kid up and down trying to adjust the begs on his shoulder. “Minseok and I are going to the park for a picnic date, aren't we, Minseok?” But Minseok doesn't actually answer, Minseok just hides his face on Mingyu’s shoulder, looking a little shy and you smile because he looks like he just got caught staring.
“Do you need help or?” You ask seeing how Mingyu continues to struggle.
“Nah, this little guy will just walk. He is just being shy he doesn’t know how to act in front of pretty girls,” And you can actually feel the pink in your cheeks and now you quite understand Minseok and the urge to hide. And maybe, maybe Mingyu is hitting on you in every damn elevator trip.
"Poor baby," You coo and you can actually see Mingyu's legs giving up a little and picking himself up. Minseok looks at you, hand closed in your direction, you give him an open palm and he shyly drops a little sticker. "Oh! Thank you very much," You say hand closing against your chest, analyzing the little Pikachu sticker.
"Oh god, I'm raising a womanizer," Mingyu says ruffling the kid’s hair. "Did you already feel in love with noona?" Mingyu asks Minseok and strokes his pink cheeks with his massive hands. You actually can't figure out Minseok's age, is he tiny? Or it is Mingyu that is bigger than the average person?
"I'm old enough to be his auntie, Mingyu." You say actually putting the little sticker in your bag. And for once you are the one that holds the elevator door for Mingyu and the scene looks so domestic that makes your heart clench a bit. You don’t even want a kid, you don’t even know if you are ready for it, but why does Mingyu with little Minseok in his arms make you feel jealous? Jealous of the person that you don’t even know, someone who doesn’t even have a face in your imagination.
"Nah, pretty girls are always noona," Mingyu says and you can feel how your cheeks are turning pink because you feel them hot.. "Anyway, good luck with the classes. We would actually invite you over for our little picnic date but I guess you’re a busy girl."
"You know the real professor is always on my ass, Mingyu." You say heading towards your car.
"Well," Mingyu says finally letting Minseok on the floor, Minseok’s hands tiny on Mingyu's and your heart kinda swells because it is a heart warming picture really. Because you know Mingyu is a fine ass man, with a nice personality paired with a mindblowing body, and he just looks like such a father with Minseok on his hand, well it didn't help that Minseok was the cutest kid you ever laid your eyes on, even though he looked a little shy, a little sad. "You know I am always free, so you can hit me up anytime."
So, when you are talking about how Marx and Weber see the society and the conflicts in it you can't quite stop thinking about Mingyu and Minseok and you could actually cry.
Cry, because you somehow, even with all that Mingyu said to you and all the little flirtatious jabs going on you feel like you lost an opportunity. But at the same time, you want to cry because the relationship gets more complicated if a child is evolved. You may be a bitch over the fact that maybe you lead Mingyu on without actually saying no, but a child? You can't lead a child on, you can’t just kiss-kiss peck-peck your neighbor and say hi to Minseok, or even worse, you can’t start a relationship with Kim Mingyu and then break up with Kim Mingyu after being involved in Minseok’s life. You can’t picture going every weekend to the park and then just vanishing because your life is too busy and the relationship doesn’t quite work. You think that you may be a bitch and break Mingyu’s heart - even though you don't think he’s crazy in love with you to you actually break his heart, but you couldn’t break Minseok because his big eyes and small pout is too cute.
And you want to cry because Mingyu is hot. You noticed that when he picked your boxes and his arms bulged against his sleeve. You have eyes so you can see, every time you see him really, or going to the gym, or in his lounge clothes, or when he is a little bit tidy but still in not formal clothes, you stop a little and you think you never actually saw Mingyu going on a date, or in formal wear. And now it makes sense: having a kid doesn’t actually make dating easier.
But now you see another side of him. Mingyu is endearing, he is cute and you suspect that he could treat you well. He looks reliable, he has a good job, and he is a nice guy. But all that went to a new level when he had a kid in his arms, it made you twitch a little. The way that he looks at the kid in his arms makes your heart inflate like a damn balloon and makes you think about all the other things that you don't know about Mingyu, all the little secrets, all the gaps in his personality.
And oh damn. You had a new problem on your hands. Cute dilf Mingyu was the problem.
So, when you and Mingyu see each other in the hall, you breathe deeply. Afraid to say you are a little relieved when Mingyu is kid-less, but still hot in his gym clothes.
"Park today?" Mingyu asks with a gym bag in his hand.
"Yeah, I'm almost near my 10km mark so I'm pushing it a little bit." You say self-conscious tugging on your clothes, fixing your leggings and top. Fuck, maybe you should've put that baggy shirt on. Why the hell you got out of the house looking like a crazy lady without even brushing your hair? Ok, you said to yourself that the run was the last thing before washing your hair and putting a mask on it, but still, you knew that Mingyu was always in the hall.
"Nice. I heard about the run, right? Some people at my gym are going." Mingyu says eyes still on you, making you twitch. And you know is not Mingyu’s fault.  He;’s always like that - he looks at you, pays attention, not even once you felt like you were not being heard when you were talking to him, not even when you were bitching because someone left the trashcan open.
"Oh god no, I'm not even close to the run’s entry level." You say tongue itching against your mouth. Mingyu has that quality really, he makes you curious and he makes you bold and afraid at the same time. But even if your mind says no, you still go for it. "So, no Minseok today?"
"Ah," Mingyu scratches his neck, almost shy, almost. "No, he is with his mom, the little guy was sick and had a few days off so no school for him, that's why he was so shy he was actually moody, but he liked you enough to give you his treasured Pikachu sticker."
"Oh yes." You actually pick up your phone and show Mingyu, and you feel a little silly but every time you see the Pikachu behind it makes you smile. "It’s not a sticker anymore, it evolved in the lucky charm category."
"Oh" Mingyu says looking at you and at your phone with an endearing look on his face that you couldn't quite puzzle. "That's actually cute."
"I mean," you shrug.
"Well, I gonna tell him that you treasure his Pikachu. It's not like he doesn’t already have a big crush on you." Mingyu teases looking at you like he wants to see every little reaction, like he wants to put the puzzle of you together like every detail matters.
"Stop, he was just being cute and polite you should be proud." You shove Mingyu but he doesn't even bulge. Damn, he was strong.
"Oh I am, but that's not polite, that's his love language, he even talked about you to his mom." Mingyu says eyes still on you, and you think for a second how funny it is, that he actually makes you feel this way, make you feel opposite worlds at the same time, makes you want to run and hide but and makes you want to stretch and bath of every ray of attention he gives you. "And he calls you elevator noona."
"Nooooooo," you say feeling pretty good that you stole the kid's heart in one elevator trip, Minseok was easier to win over than Mingyu.
"Yeeeees," Mingyu mocks you, and again he looks shy but Mingyu is not a shy person so that makes you think, makes you ponder. "Actually, he is going to be around for a few days so if you want to go to the park or-"
"Are you free today?" You ask, and you can see Mingyu's eyes bulge, his face making sure that you know that he is not understanding what you meant.
"Hun?" He says, head moving almost like a dog.
"Today, are you free? I mean I know that you are going to the gym, but we can go to that coffee shop you said and just chat a little." When the elevator stops, Mingyu, like always holding the door for you.
"Oh, hm-" He looks at his bag, then at the elevator door closing, then at you.
"Don't worry,” You say trying to soothe him, hands gesturing and all. “It was dumb to ask when I know you have plans, we can rain-check it."
"No, no, just-" Mingyu start to pat himself searching for his phone, chest, then front pocket, then back pockets, then looking at his bag. "Let me just call Chan and tell him I'm not going to the gym."
"Noooo," You feel so silly that you almost stomp your feet on the ground like a child. "You can go, we can just meet up or rain-check it, don't worry, you always understand when I'm too busy so-"
"Noooo," He copies you. "I’ll tell Chan that I'm doing cardio today," He starts typing on his phone. "I’m doing so much cardio in the park, running is the best exercise ever."
“Now, you’re just mocking me,” You say trying to push him again but this time he pretends you are strong enough to make him move.
“Nah, not doing anything.”
Mingyu doesn't make a big deal of changing plans - which is so weird to you, a planner and an avid checker of to do-lists. The only detour he needs is to stop at his car because he can't run with his gym bag. And that's how you end up running with Mingyu, and even though you have a good pace, Mingyu's legs are just way too big, so you always end up getting a little behind.
And again, Mingyu is so caring and nice that sometimes he dashes off but when he sees you are not following his pace he stops a bit, running in place waiting for you with a big smile. Damn, you are fucked because you feel like every time Mingyu smiles, a halo of sunshine forms against his figure. You knew he was pretty, you knew he was handsome, and you knew he was hot, but now you know that he may be mother's nature favorite and that is just unfair.
Mingyu has long legs, but you have endurance, so when he is almost dying you are good to go - maybe not so good, but you can keep going for a few more kilometers.
"See you could totally go for the run. You can take a lot more than I do." Mingyu says panting, hand on his waist, bending over.
"Nah, that would make running serious and with a goal, that ruins the fun." You say fixing your hair, tying it in a high ponytail again.
"Sometimes I wonder how your mind works," Mingyu says, seriously, making you stop in your tracks, making your head tilt, and actually look at Mingyu who looks like he is trying to puzzle you. "You say things like that and the way you think is so-" He trails off again, looking at his feet, then at everything but you. "The way you think gives me a new perspective on things."
And you could almost cry. Because at the same time, you feel so seen yet vulnerable. You feel more naked than when you are actually naked with some random guy. And you breath so deeply, because sometimes you run laps just to keep things hidden, you go through mental gymnastics trying to keep things under the rug. And it clicks in your head. Maybe that's why you avoid Mingyu, that's why you always say no because to him, you are so easy to read that actually scares you. So, you do the best you can, avoid.
"Ok Mingyu, you called me weird and now you are paying for coffee," you say storming off in front of him.
"I did not call you weird, don't put words in my mouth," He grins, again next to you because of his long legs. You almost think about kicking him in the shin and storming off. "What I am saying is that we are very, very different."
"And that's a bad thing?" You ask self-conscious, feeling your body actually shrink.
"It's not bad, it's different," Mingyu says opening up the door for you. "We think differently, that's all."
"A latte please and a-" You ask Mingyu.
"A latte and an Americano," Mingyu says.
So, you both get your drinks and sit on a pretty outside table per your request. The weather is good enough for it.
"That's what I am talking about," Mingyu says with a sip. "When I am all sweat what I want is to just be inside with the AC on, you prefer to sit outside."
"I'm sweat I feel sticky in the AC." You shrug.
"You see, I feel sticky outside," he responds.
"Do you want to go inside we can-" you say already picking up your drink and getting up when you feel Mingyu's hand on your arm.
"What I am saying is that we are different." Mingyu gives you a soothing smile. "I am data-driven, you lean towards contexts. I need goals, clear goals, otherwise, I feel unmotivated, but you feel like goals take away the fun. We are different and that's nothing wrong with that, so maybe that's why I feel so interested in you."
"I'm not that interesting," you say, taking only a sip to buy more time. Actually, I'm boring."
"See, you can't take a compliment either! I love compliments, just could play a 24h audio just praising me." Mingyu says shamelessly, making you laugh.
"Yeah, I'm not good on that but I'm serious. Like, there’s not much going on here." You say pointing to yourself.
"Oh, like the poets said, if you could see yourself though my eyes," Mingyu says making you blush and look away.
"Don't say things like that." You complain, pouting like a kid.
"Oh, come on," Mingyu’s smile is big, and you see that he’s enjoying making you shy, making you embarrassed. "It's not like it’s not clear that I'm into you, I even asked you out and you were the one that dumped me."
"I didn't dump you," You say almost kicking his shin below the desk, not because you want to but because you almost had a Pavlovian reaction. "I never said no and I'm truly busy."
"Not saying no is not the same as saying yes. I know that I'm being a little pushover, but I am a simple guy. I don't see why hide that I’m into you or find you hot and interesting. And I know that you know that, and I also know that you are not into me so" He shrugs. "It's not a big deal really."
"I-" You start but you almost freeze. "Fuck, I'm so bad at this," You say to Mingyu giving him your best I'm So Sorry Smile "Look I'm not good at this, I don't flirt, and honestly small talk almost kills me. And I gonna sound like such a bitch, but it's me it's not you?" You say again giving Mingyu that smile, searching for any trace of reaction on his face "You are a nice guy and you are funny, and god you are so good looking like almost unreal good looking -" And you laugh because Mingyu is liking the shower of praises, he is enjoying every step of the way like he said he did. "But, I feel like I'm not that ready, all the changes is making me freak out and it is making me so unsure and I need time to put myself up, and I can’t ask for you to wait-"
"Oh, I’m so waiting," Mingyu says, leaning on the chair, crossing his legs and arms and looking so smug.
"I cannot ask you for that because I don't even know when I will feel ready and-" You continue, behaving like Mingyu didn't say a thing.
"Once a week," He says still looking smug it makes you stop in your tracks.
"Once a week, we can see each other once a week. It can be a date in a nice restaurant, it can be run, it can be a trip to the market, anything really, just-" Mingyu breathes changing positions, and taking a sip of his coffee. "If you don't feel ready or don’t want me like that I will understand and if doesn't work out at least we can be friends, like you said I’m a nice guy."
And that's how you end up entering in Mingyu's life and letting Mingyu enter yours. That's how you end up on Mingyu's sofa, two weeks later, on a Friday night, chilling, Mingyu's head on your lap, fingers threading through his soft hair, paying more attention to him than the movie really. And that’s because Mingyu was kissing you before you two chose the movie. He kissed you against his door, and gave you a peck when you put your bag on his table, and he kissed you again on the sofa, make you whimper because the way he is holding your hips. But he is a nice guy, and you said you were not ready for all that, so he goes back to his good guy persona and lays on the couch, head in your lap, leg almost entirely off the couch.
And then his phone rings and rings, so Mingyu breathes deeply and annoyed, because who dares disturb his head-rubbing time and sits up.
"Hey," Mingyu says and his face changes so fast you can almost feel in the air "Okay okay, just-" he says already getting up and doing his back pocket tap that he always does to go out. "Okay, just give him some Tylenol, ok? I’m already on my way, I can call when I'm about ten minutes away so you can go down, ok? It’ll be faster."
He stops to look at you. And he looks so afraid that you just know it is about Minseok.
"It’s ok. Go." You say because it is, the change of his demeanor says is something important.
"Fuck," Mingyu says, hands going to his hair and tugging it "It’s just Minseok. We just found out he has Crohn's disease and he is having a flare up. We need to take him to the hospital, he is down with a fever so it’s not a good sign and I should go really."
"I can drive," You say getting up as well.
“Oh no, no you can stay really finish the movie, you can totally feel at home, you can cook something or shit-"
"Mingyu," You say searching for his hand, big against yours. "You are shaking." And you can almost feel the energy trapped inside him, making him tremble all over. "Hey it's gonna be OK, Minseok is gonna be fine. I just need you to calm down. I’ll drive and everything will be OK. Minseok needs you calm."
"Ok, ok. Thank you."
So you guys storm off. You guys ended up in Mingyu's car, you fixing up his car seat and his rear view mirror to make comfortable to you. And every time you stop on a red traffic light you check Mingyu out, breath still fast enough for you to notice, face full of worry. And in that moment, you think you care so deeply about Mingyu, because seeing him like that is making your heart break in tiny little pieces.
Because Mingyu is just not like that. To you, Mingyu is always warm, always full of energy. He’s like a warm soft blank that has just enough weight so you can feel grounded on your bed. Mingyu is a night sky - big but so full of stars, those same stars bright enough to guide you home.
When you finally arrive at Minseok's place you see the little guy in his mother's arm and that makes your heart break all over again. You see Mingyu open the door for them, and he goes to the other side putting Minseok in his little chair, the woman doesn't even look at you, her full attention on Minseok, but still you feel uneasy. Out of place. You feel like you are barging in in a scene that is not yours, like an extra ruining the shoot. But then Mingyu is at your side again, hands on your thigh, big in contrast, and you feel his warmth and assurance, so you just drive.
At the hospital, everything seems kind of hectic, and you again feel out place again, asking yourself if you should be there. In your mind, you know you did the best of the situation: you helped Mingyu, and that should be enough. But emotionally, you feel so damn invisible in it all, and that makes you feel even worse because it makes you feel so egoistic. For God's sake, a child is sick needing a hospital and here are you feeling like you need to cry because fuck you feel out of place? Feeling pathetic about it makes you want to cry too.
So, when you and Minseok's mother are side by side, coffee in hands and Mingyu on the loose searching for food, you want to just get up and leave without giving a proper explanation, but you think you need to be a reasonable adult.
"You see…" Minseok's mother starts. "Mingyu never brought a girl home." And you kinda feel strange what she is saying but hey her kid is on the hospital, she may be going crazy. "I never actually even saw one of his girlfriends, ever."
"Oh, I’m not his girlfriend, we’re just friends." You start, but the taste of the phrase feels weird against your tongue.
"Yeah," She laughs, and you know she is laughing at you, which makes everything worse. "I know my brother and I know how he looks to someone." She says, holding her head, elbows on her own thighs, and she looks so so tired, and that too, makes you want to cry. "But I’m glad that you are here. I may not seem glad because my kid is right now on a hospital bed, but-" she says laughing again, and now you are not so sure why she is laughing, she looks so exhausted she is almost out of it. "But since Minseok's father passed away Mingyu is just giving his all you know? He bends over backwards for us. He picks Minseok on school when I can’t get out of the work on time, he was the one who could actually take care of Minseok the last time he went to hospital because I was too damn busy, and he actually cooks for us and he just goes to my home to leave side dishes. He is doing more than he should. He is doing what a father should be doing." She says and you hear her heart breaking, you almost see the blood, because she is so transparent, so worried, so sorry, and all that don't make sense in your head. "What I’m trying to say is that my little brother is precious, so if you fuck up, I might kick your ass."
"I thought he was-"
"Minseok's father? I know I gave birth to a mini version of my brother, but like, it's a little screwed up you didn’t know. Maybe you guys should work on your communication."
And that stays on your mind. Stays on your mind when it gets too late to get an Uber so Mingyu insists on you driving his car back because ubers can be weird and unsafe. Stays on your mind when he doesn't text you. Stays on your mind when you are at university, yet again lecturing about sociology classics and some passionate kids are debating about communism, and you can't even make yourself worry that you are not that older than the people you call kids. Stays on your mind when you arrive home and you can't quite bring enough courage to knock on Mingyu's door.
But then two days after the whole not-Minseok-daddy’s fiasco, Mingyu is at your door. Looking like a truck just hit him, the same clothes from a few days, body a mess, and you suspect that mind too. So, you let Mingyu in, guide him to your shower, go to his home pick up his clothes, and you roll your sleeve and start making Mingyu dinner. You are not a good cook, and Mingyu is certainly better than you, but still, you try your best. It’s what you’ve been doing all your life really.
You are putting garlic and onions in the pan when you feel Mingyu's arms going around you. He puts his forehead on your shoulder, and you can smell your soap’s scent on his skin.
"I'm sorry I vanished."
"It's okay it must have been tough. I understand."
"I know you do, and I'm very thankful for that but-" Mingyu turns his head to your neck, and you can feel his smell you and his hot breath against it. "I still shouldn't have done it. It was a dick move. You were also worried."
"Yeah, but it’s okay. Is he okay?" You say lowering the fire.
"Yeah, he is already talking about how his mom should give him a better cellphone so he can play Pokémon go at the hospital because everything is so boring."
"See? He’s okay. Minseok is fine." You say turning and giving Mingyu a hug, his head going again to your neck, almost rubbing himself on you.
"Yeah, we just need to pay more attention to his diet." He says still bending to hug you.
"See, Minseok is fine, but you don't look so good sir, so let me treat you to a nice, homemade meal." You say giving his butt a little tap because one more second in Mingyu's and everything will be burned in the pan.
"What I did do to deserve you?"
"A lot of things, Gyu, a whole lot of things."
Mingyu eats, and it seems to improve his energy a bit because he insists on watching a movie with you, even tho you know he looks like he may fall asleep at every minute - he didn't actually sleep soundly for two days and you said that to him, but, being the stubborn guy he is, he still insists. So you two end up in your bed, bodies tangled, Mingyu's head on your chest, your fingers going through his hair - he favorite thing in the whole world he says and that makes your heart bloom, full of tiny little flowers.
You wake up in a different situation. Mingyu's body now pressed against your back, his thigh big against yours, and his hand splayed against your other thigh. Mingyu's strong arms around you, and he is warm against you and surprisingly soft. You squirm a little trying to change position until you can face Mingyu, face soft and peaceful.
And fuck.
Maybe you don't just care about Mingyu.
Maybe, just, maybe you have fallen in love with him. Maybe now, after having him on your bed, you will continuously think about how you want to wake up in his arms. Maybe you will continuously think about how you want to be Mingyu's shelter, how you want to be the place he comes back to when times get rougher. Maybe you want to be Mingyu's night sky clear enough and starry enough to guide him home. And all that makes you feel like you want to cry and weep because maybe you are not ready enough. Maybe you will never be. But you want to be, you want so much and that makes things even harder.
So when Mingyu gives you a peck on the lips when he is going home to change for the gym and you are ready for a day in the university you also feel like crying.
And when Mingyu sends you a message asking you out - on a proper date he makes that clear enough you also feel like crying.
And when Mingyu is knocking on your door because you didn't answer and he saw your car in the garage when he was back from his market trip you are already crying before even answering the door.
"Hey-" He freezes and his demeanor changes. "Hey, what's wrong?"
You just continue to cry, feeling like a dumb little kid, feeling like a pan full of water in the stove, boiling and overflowing.
"Hey, babe what's wrong?" Mingyu says, hands on your cheeks making you look at him. "You’re making me worried."
"I just-" You try to say, cleaning your face but you just hiccup harder.
"Are you feeling unwell? Do you need to go to the hospital?"
"No, I'm OK." And you say because you see Mingyu's face squirm in agony.
"Ok, ok. Do you need anything? Do you want me to buy anything? Fix anything? Did someone mistreat you?" Mingyus 
continues to try searching for something in your face.
"No I-"
"You can tell me if it is someone from your work or-" He tries again.
"It is not about work, it is about us." You finally say, not because you summed up the courage, but because the way Mingyu is acting is breaking your heart all over again.
"Us?" Mingyu bends his head to the side. "Okay, what's wrong with us?"
"Sometimes I get too wrapped up in my head and that's not your fault." You say, just leaving him there and sitting on the sofa. And you feel the urge to just tug at your hair and scream. "And the whole I'm not ready thing and your sister-"
"What did my sister say?" Mingyu cuts you, closer to you, arms folded against his chest.
“It’s  not because of what she said, she is actually right about it-"
"Look babe, I love my sister to death, I love Minseok to death, I’d die and kill for both of them, but my sister is overprotective so whatever she said-"
"She said we don't have good communication." You blur out at once.
"Oh, for fucks sake,"
"And she’s right because I thought Minseok was your kid right?" You tell Mingyu a little exasperated. "Like we've been hanging out right? And I didn't feel comfortable to talk about it with you"
"Everyone thinks Minseok is my kid." Mingyu says like is not a big deal.
"Yeah but your maybe girlfriend shouldn't and I found out on a trip to a hospital when all the time I was thinking about how worried you were because it was your kid." You say bringing your knees to your chest because all this is fucked up, you shouldn't be talking about this with Mingyu because you have no right to, you were the one that spent too much time not saying yes, and when you said yes didn't even feel like a yes to be honest.
"I was worried, and Minseok is my kid in a way.”
"Mingyu,” You breathe deeply, because you feel stupid, and you feel like you are asking too much "Maybe that's my fault too, I'm not blaming you, that's why I told you that I was not ready for a relationship because I always fuck things up. I get so scared that I fuck things up before people realize I'm not good enough fo-"
"For fucks sake," Mingyu says opening his arms and tilting his head again. And you think is the first time you see Mingyu mad or frustrated, or both at the same time, you really can’t time. "What the fuck do you mean with not good enough? You are caring, you are smart, and you actually drove me to the hospital and stayed there until I kicked you out. All that when we’ve been seeing each other for two weeks, how is that not being good enough?" Mingyu take your hand that is laying against your knee and caresses it with his thumb. "You make me go crazy every time we are together and I feel the happiest I've ever been in these months fuck this year actually has been a hell for me." Mingyu kicks nothing, and you feel so sorry for bringing it up, for crying, because you can see that this is hard for him too. "So yeah, maybe you are not ready so what? Maybe we don't have communication, yeah sure we fucked up, but if you get out of your head, maybe it’s all because I'm the asshole, I'm the one who loves his nephew enough to want to actually fit the dad shoes because Minseok deserves a father figure. I-" Mingyus says and you can see that his knee almost buckles, making him change positions. "I'm still lacking too, maybe I'm a mess too, fuck, maybe I'm not ready too, but I prefer not being ready together than being ready at the wrong time." Mingyu takes another step, and his hand goes to your cheeks caressing it, making you closer your eyes and just enjoy his faint touch. “So don’t feel pressured ok? You are not in this alone, and I told you I’m all okay with waiting and I’m- I may not seem like it, but I am a mess too, I have my doubts too, and I get into my head too. So when you are getting all crazy and stuff just, just let’s have a talk, ok?”
“Okay, yeah. Okay.” You say catching his hand and kissing his palm. “Can we order food? Can we order Chinese?”
“Of course we can, baby.” Mingyu says with a chuckle.
“And then, " You start unsure of yourself because you still think you are asking too much and giving too little. "Then can you tell me about Minseok? Can we talk about the whole history?”
“Of course, we can” Mingyu says, looking at you fondly again, and for once you feel that being transparent to Mingyu is not that bad because you feel like he understands you need. “I may cry though, so…”
“It's okay, I'm pretty sure you gonna be cute crying.” Mingyu gives you a big smile and that makes you feel alright.
So Mingyu tells you a lot. He tells about Minseok's dad death, he tells about his own father's death and how that impacted him, and how he draws the parallel between Minseok and himself. He talks about how his sister is so protective of him even tho she is half his size, he talks about how his sister always picked his fight. He tells you about Minseok favorite things - Pokémon, ice cream, and dinosaurs. He tells you everything he can think of until you two finish up dinner, and he continues to tell you everything when you are laying in his arms, his hands on your hair, your body over him - legs and arms across Mingyu, because you feel the need to hug his big and beautiful heart, but you settle the need hugging him instead.
And you and Mingyu just fall into a routine easily. You sleeping on his bed or him sleeping on yours, even though his feet always hang on the end of your bed because he is just too damn big and tall. You always say goodbyes at the door, or on the elevator, Mingyu going to the gym, you to your work. Sometimes, when Mingyu has a deadline you stop at your favorite restaurant and order food to cheer him up. Sometimes, Mingyu picks you up so you guys can eat out for a change. But the thing is - its always more than once a week.
So when Mingyu knocks on your door, maybe the fourth time this week (without counting the times you knocked on his door) you are ready to give a pretty and polished version, with heels and all, because Mingyu is taking you to the new fancy restaurant across town.
"Hey-Wow" Mingyu says and you almost throw yourself at him, you almost drool and make a fool of yourself, because Mingyu is wearing black slacks and a white button-down, and god your boyfriend is so hot. "You look amazing babe." He says holding your finger up and making you twirl.
"Thanks," You give him a kick peck and spread your hands against his chest. "You don't look so bad either."
The restaurant is nice, the place is beautiful, the food amazing, and the wine Mingyu ordered tastes so good against your tongue. But the only thing you actually think of is him. His pretty skin pecking out of hir shirt collar, his pretty lazy smile against a few cups of wine, his strong arms and peck against the fabric of his shirt.
When you guys finally settle on the Uber, Mingyu does one of the things he does best - he thinks and conjures in his mind that every damn living thing is in love with you, and it is endearing really. He is so protective and caring and that makes you want to jump him too. He nods to the uber and his big ass hand rest on your thigh, just where the hem of your black dress ends.
And you want to kiss him so bad, if it wasn't for the Uber, you could probably ride him in the backseat. You tug Mingyu's arms making him bend a little in your direction, while your other hand is splayed on top of his, fingers interwind. You kiss Mingyu’s jaw and feel his arm up, god, he is so strong and so hard all over it makes you go crazy, makes you want to merge your body with his, so you just try to get closer to him even if you know it's not really possible.
“You smell nice,” You say almost sniffing Mingyu, hand on his biceps and face on the slot of his neck.
“I smell like I always do?” Mingyu answers you but is more a question really. His hand still on you thigh, but this time giving it a squeeze.
“Yeah, but you always smell nice, baby.” You hands travels up - stopping on his chest. Well, fuck the uber really, he probably sees couples feeling eachother up all the time, so you just paw Mingyu chest.
“Thanks babe but,” He says, holding your hand and giving you a chuckle when he sees you pouting on his shoulder.
“No fun.” You say still trying to get your hand free, to feel Mingyu up in the backseat like a fucking teenager. And to be honest you like the prospect of it giggling a little, feeling dumb, but oh so happy.
“No fun?” Mingyu asks you. “I’m the most fun guy you’ve ever met, I love fun. Fun and I are synonyms.”
“Well, I’m trying to feel you up in the backseat of an uber and you’re not letting me, so, you are the most boring guy ever.” You say on Mingyu’s ear, whispering the words, and you just see his body jerking. He starts to cough, looking at you disbelieved, and you do the only thing possible and laugh.
You take pity on Mingyu's situation, because he is almost choking on the backseat. So you behave like a little girl, hands on her lap, no more touching his boobs, or trying to lick his neck and jaw. But you still think about every other thing you want to do to him. You think about how Mingyu’s hands are big and the way he always put on the small of your back, and you question how it would feel against your neck.
You also want to discover every nook and cranny of Mingyu. Because you love the way he is so reliable in every aspects of adult-life that you struggle a little, he was the one that dealt with the new ac installation in your apartment, but you also love the way he gets so silly and pouts with the smallest and easiest things, and deep down you know Mingyu can do that task, he was big and strong, yet you were the one taking the grasshopper off his balcony.
But when Mingyu is glued to your back, hands on your hips and mouth on your neck on the elevator you think that you settle to discover this version of him today. The version that has you wrapped up in his arms, and the version that has the audacity to feel you up in the elevator.
“You are such a jerk.” You say to Mingyu still latched on your neck.
“Me?” Mingyu asks trailing his hand till they stop on your ribcages, fingers digging in.
"Yes, you." You say trying to get out of Mingyu's embrace but he’s just so clinging, glued to your back, and he is actually keeping you in place with his strong arms. "You can do everything and I can't feel up in the uber. It’s unfair."
"Baby, the uber was right there." Mingyus says guiding you though the hall and stopping on your door.
"Yeah and the crazy lady from the 07 can show up at anytime." You say trying to up your door but Mingyu hands are still on you, now on the hem of your dress, toying with it. "I really shouldn't you let get your way with me today."
"Don't even think about that." Mingyu says, hands again on your hips, this time he starts rutting against your back. "I might die." And you two almost trip when you finally open the door and Mingyu's body weight makes you go forward.
"Yeah, but I’m still mad with you." You say tugging on Mingyu's shirt, his large body pressing you against the wall.
"Baby’s mad?" Mingyu coos, and your legs almost give up because the condescending tone his uses make your brain stop. "What can I do then, hmm?" Mingyu says already lifting your dress up. "What can I do so my baby is not mad with me?"
So you do the only thing you think really, you put hands on Mingyu's neck and bring him to a kiss, it is sloppy but you don't even care, because Mingyu's lip feel so soft, and you can trace the taste of the wine on his tongue. And you are so distracted that you only realize Mingyu is getting you naked when he breaks the kiss to take off your dress.
"Fuck-" Mingyu says actually looking at you, hands on your waist holding you back enough so he can see the way that the black lingerie you bought a few days ago cling onto your skin.
"Come here." You say grabbing Mingyu's shirt again, wanting his mouth back on yours. But Mingyu cuts the kiss short again, leaving sloppy kisses on your jaw and neck. "Babe." You call again, hand going to his hair and tugging.
"I know, I know" Mingyu says kissing your collarbone. "Fuck-" He says taking a step back again and you can feel your body going in his direction, but Mingyu's hand steadies you against the wall. "Just- you look so pretty." Mingyu says looking at you and you’d almost feel shy if you didn't feel so needy. "Look at you." He says hand traveling to touch your boobs so fucking softly you almost melt, fingertips grazing against your lingerie.
"Babe," You whine again, trying to get Mingyu's attention, but he doesn't care, too lost kissing your chest.
"Fuck-" Mingyu says grabbing your hips, toying with your panty line. "Wanna eat you out so bad," He says like almost begging and you need to balance yourself on his shoulders. "You’ll let me right?" Mingyu says looking at you, eyes still against on your skin.
And you feel like your mouth is not working properly so you just give him a nod and it's enough for Mingyu trails his lips lower and actually kneel in front of you. And that alone should be fucking illegal, so when he plants a little kiss on your mound you think you are ready to go straight to hell because you just want to shove his face on your pussy, but instead you just hold Mingyu's face, hands on his jaw.
"I-" he starts, hands on your ass, fingers digging on your skin. When you look at him again he looks so out of it, so lost, so pussy drunk you can almost cry. And when Mingyu actually starts to lap at your pussy, your lingerie still in place you feel actually insane, clenching around nothing and the feel of your wet panties against your core makes you tug at his hair. The way Mingyu looks - eyes closed, hair a mess because of you, eyebrows furrowing in concentration makes your hips buckle against his mouth, but he just keeps going, like there is no other thought in his mind.
"Babe please I need-" You say breathing rapidly, and you feel the urge to cry again, because is so good but at the same time is not enough.
"Hm?" Mingyu says mouth still on you, eyes opening looking at you.
"Need more." You say pathetically, but if you need to beg, you will beg.
"Yeah?" Mingyu asks. "Gonna give to you baby." He says just so he can get his mouth off of you to tug your panties to the side. Then his mouth is on your pussy again, like he can't really spent more than two seconds apart. And you just mew, one hand on Mingyu's hair, and another one trying to keep your body straight against the wall. "Fuck-" Mingyu says again tugging at your panties to the side again, and you can feel it digging at your chest but you don’t care. "How can a pussy taste so good?" Mingyu asks but you doesn't really have an answer, and you feel Mingyu's strong hands on your leg, manhandled your into position, leg against his shoulder, hand splayed on your thigh, while the other one goes to your pussy opening you up. "Pussy’s so pretty fuck, could eat you out for days." He says almost breathless before going back to lap at your pussy, fingers still keeping your open and sucking at your clit.
And everything makes you feel insane. Of course Mingyu's tongue against your entrance makes your knees give up, of course the way he keeps you open for his mouth makes it so dirty, but whats really keeps you going, what makes you reach the edge so fast is the way he hums against your pussy, like it's his favorite thing in the world, the way he is so fucking desperately laps at it, the way the everytime your hips buckle Mingyu just follows the moviment because he can't take his mouth off you for a fucking second and it's what makes you cum. And you actually need to hold Mingyu's head for a minute so he leaves your pussy in other to you catch a breath.
"Need a minute," You say explaining when he looks at you puzzled. "Sensitive."
"Did you just-" Mingyu stops, looking at you and at your pussy making you laugh a little. "Did you just cum?"
"Fuck, you are so hot." He says giving the leg that still on his shoulder a bite. "But you can take more right?" He says fingers tracing your pussy, pressing your clit making you jump a little. "You need to take more babe, gonna eat your pussy again, open you up with my fingers," he says fingers on your entrance "and then will you make you come on my cock I know you will take so fucking well-" and he plants a kiss on you clit again. "Pretty pussy taking my cock hm? Gonna make you enjoy it, promise, gonna make you feel good."
And you don't doubt for a second that he will make you feel good, fuck he just made you cum against a wall two steps away from your door, but before you can say anything Mingyu is attatched to your pussy again.
"Wait, babe" Mingyu says. "This damn thing is getting on my way." He says letting your legs fall down and he finally takes off your panties, not even bothering to get really off of you, Mingyu just let one of your legs free while your panties sits on your feet. "God, if you let me, I will eat you out everyday, lick this pussy everyday before getting out of bed." He says like he is telling you about a new habits like drinking water first thing on the morning, or have a juice everyday - but he is talking about how he wants to bury his face on your legs like he is doing now, tongue going against your folders, arm going around your leg and opening you open again for him, while the other one goes to your ribcage keeping your body upright. And you loose track of time really, just focusing on Mingyu's tongue against you, humming all over again. "Fuck, how can a cunt taste so fucking good." Mingyu says mouth leaving your pussy as his fingers tacking its place. "You are making me insane, going to cum at my pants if we keep going like this." And you can actually see Mingyu palming himself.
"We can-" You try to start but he just chuckles.
"Oh no, don't worry about me." He says eyes leaving you and going again to your pussy, and you feel so exposed in Mingyu's hand, his digit finally entering you which makes you whimper, until know you didn't really paid attention on how empty you felt. "Making you feel good is enough for me." He says like he is not fingerfucking you to the second orgasm of the night. And again is not really the actions itself, of course. Mingyu’s longer fingers entering you is so fucking good, the way his thumb goes at your clitoris rubbing it in circles makes you cry, but when you look down and Mingyu barely blinks, eyes on your pussy and licking his lips like he didn't eat your pussy for minutes, is what makes you break, the way he looks so fucked blissed about giving you pleasure like he doesn’t need anything else.
And you come on his fingers and almost melting, but Mingyu lifts and holds you up, giving your ass a squeeze.
"So fucking hot-" Mingyu says his strong arms around you making you move towards the sofa, and you are pretty sure he is just dragging you around because your legs gave up. "Could use my mouth to clean you up-" and you almost scream when he is laying on the sofa, letting himself get comfortable between your legs.
"Babe, I love your mouth," you say tugging in Mingyus shirt, and how the fuck he is not naked. "but really I need your cock, otherwise I might go crazy." And you use your last few working neurons to start open the buttons on his shirt but suddenly stop when Mingyu just shoves two fingers inside you again.
"Hm, but you look stuffed enough baby." Mingyu says lowering himself and giving you a kiss, you feeling the taste of your pussy on his mouth.
"Mingyu, please" You beg. "Please, I-"
"Shh, it's okay, gonna give it to you." He says finally getting off his shirt and you feel so empty you can feel yourself clenching over nothing, and you can see how Mingyu just watches your pussy. "Fuck, baby, don't worry" He says already opening up his pants. "Gonna give to you real good, gonna make you feel so full."
"Oh, thank god." You say making him laugh before getting naked, and fuck, he was pretty and big all over. And you almost drool because, shit, even his dick is pretty. "Can I suck you off?" You ask already crazy enough that you mind-mouth filter just vanished.
"Oh fuck," Mingyu say hips buckling, making his cock sits on your mound, and he looks so big. Thank fuck he stretched you out. "Yeah, yeah not now though, might cum on your mouth."
"That's alright."
"Babe," Mingyus mewls, head resting on your collarbone, looking defeated. "Don't say things like that I almost-" He says hips buckling again. "Wanna fuck you properly."
"Ok, ok, but later…"
"Yeah, you can choke on it later, I won't be against it." And god, you want Mingyu to shut the fuck up because if he keeps talking to you, you’re gonna cum again without his dick inside you. "Fuck, might not last long" Mingyu says, and you almost laugh at him, because he is acting like you are not one step away from being spent just because of your mouth. Mingyu guides his cock with his hand, mouth watering looking at it, and when you feel hime ntering you you actually sees your boyfriend gulp.
And then you think about Mingyu saying how different you both are from each other. How his main sense is his vision, while for you, every touch sends you overdrive. And how both of you are so different but fit so well, because when Mingyu is fucking you, his body against yours, mouth at your jaw and hand holding yours, you feel like earth could collapse and the world could end because you already had the taste of the most important thing in the world; the taste of being loved by Mingyu, and you are sure nothing will come close to it.
You feel the urge to make Mingyu feel the same way, so loved and so cherished. So while Mingyu is fucking you, you try your best, you kiss his jaw - and it's messy and sloppy, but it's the best you can do when his dick is stretching you out. You claw at his shoulder, and you put your legs around his waits.
"Fuck, baby-" You try to speak again but you feel unable to, like your brain are not even trying to put more than two words together.
"I'm so fucking close." Mingyu says with his thrust getting faster, out of rhythm, body more pressed against yours.
And you just let the wave wash over you. You can feel Mingyu getting even more unruly, babbling things that you can't really make sense because, fuck, you are so gone. The way that he fills you up in every corner is just different, the way that he stretches you almost makes you feel like you arrived at a point of no return, and when you cum, clenching around him, Mingyu reaches his breaking point.
"Fuck-" He says getting off of you, and getting his hair out of his face, and his smile is so big, so beautiful and so lazy you could just kiss him if your limbs were working really.
"Hey baby, can you please take my bra off?" You say already turning on the bed but when Mingyu's laugh reaches your ears you are so fucking glad that you moved.
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rosemary-oldsoul · 11 months
what type of person i think wrote stray kids
a/n: i used to see this trend on tiktok a lot and even though i haven’t seen it in a while, i still think about it so here are my thoughts that nobody asked for <3
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
bang chan: a girl who lost her dad at a young age and always dreamed of having someone in her life that could make her feel the safety and protection and love that she always imagined he would give her
minho: a boy who’s been bullied most of his life and who imagines a friend who will cheer him up and unapologetically show his affection, but who will always fearlessly stand up to the bullies that he always cowers from
changbin: an only child who’s always wanted a sibling, whether it be older or younger, so they wrote changbin to show the strength and kindness of an old brother, as well as the cuteness and silliness of a younger brother
hyunjin: someone who’s always daydreamed of the type of love they read in books, where the guy is absolutely head-over-heels for them and sees them in absolutely everything, making them their muse
jisung: a mother who lost her child either before he was born or at a very young age, and still dreams about the sweet and goofy child he could’ve grown up to be
felix: someone who always wanted a childhood friend that they could grow up with and would do everything with them, would never judge them for anything, would love them even if they split up for college, and would wear a cheesy homemade friendship bracelet that said both their initials on it until the strings were worn and fraying
seungmin: someone who lost their friends during high school and wanted someone who was sharp-witted and would absolutely never let them make the mistake of wasting time with fake people ever again, but would still be their shoulder to cry on whenever they got hurt
jeongin: a mischievous twin who lost their other half and desperately craves to have their partner in crime back who’s always by their side and is always down to do anything with them, whether it be sneaking out of the house to go through the drive-thru at 1am and eating fast food in the parking lot, or playing dumb pranks on all their friends just to see them laugh
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rosemary-oldsoul · 11 months
when minho falls in love - l.m.h x reader
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summary: when minho falls in love with you, he realizes he will continue falling for eternity
pairing: minho x gn!reader
genre: fluff
wc: >1000
was this loosely based on when emma falls in love? who knows (yes it was). ily enjoy this little drabble <3
Minho realizes he's in love with you after you call him in the middle of the night. It's way past his bedtime — the one he has set for himself. Minho sleeps at 11 pm every day, with no days off. He's a morning person and, to him, nights were made for doubting himself.
But he's wide awake when he picks up the phone and hears your voice.
You begin to ramble about something he can't quite understand, but assume that it must be about this online order you placed a few days ago and never heard back from the seller. He can hear you pacing around the room, your footsteps hitting the wooden floor and the rain pouring and tickling your window. You change the topic and ask about his day, "It was good, let's go back to that issue."
"No, the seller has just shipped it," and he can't help but snicker. He tells you about his day and pays attention to the ruffle on your bed, your incessant tossing and turning to find the perfect spot and the faint click to turn off your night lamp, and Minho can't help but wonder what it feels like to fall asleep in the same bed as you right now. "Let's grab a coffee tomorrow? Since you kept me awake past my bedtime."
He hears your muffled confirmation, a sleepy "are you twelve?" and can almost picture you falling asleep on top of your phone when he whispers his goodbye.
Minho can't sleep now. He's wide awake and has to stare at the raindrops on his window until it dries out and he stops thinking about what it would be like to look at them if he was sleeping next to you. When he finally dozes off, one of his cats jumps on top of him and he can't help but dream about what you would look like being awakened by the same cat at that moment.
You meet him at the café. Minho solidifies the idea of being in love with you right then, right now. "I can't believe you kept me up just to blabber about an order that had already been shipped."
"I have to train you to keep up with my sleeping habits."
"You have no sleeping habits," he looks at you in the same way a beekeeper looks at their bees, "sleeping for three days and then not sleeping at all is not a sleeping habit."
"Then you should keep up with me,” and he swears you look at him with the same fascination as you look at seashells before stuffing your pockets with them, "it's lonely without you."
"Absence makes the heart grow fonder," Minho laughs and takes a sip of your latte, immediately fake gagging, "actually, I should keep up with you. Teach you how to have some taste."
You take your drink from his hands, lightly kicking his shin. Minho always laughs at your antics, and he always looks deep into your eyes to try and find the moment in your life when you started developing said antics. He tries to figure out when you started touching your cheeks when you laugh, why you started ducking when pigeons come near you and how you keep up with the amount of sugar you eat since he first met you.
When Minho sees you, he wants to figure out what makes you, you. He wishes to be one with you to uncover every part of your heart and mind before you call him out again for staring and not even blinking.
"Why are you glancing at me like this?"
"Go out with me." he says before he has the chance to think about his words, "or don't."
"I will," he sees your smile and foresees your next words, "or will I?"
This night, when you call him again, Minho realizes again he's in love with you. He had been realizing the same thing every day for the past few months, ever since you two started dating. When Minho fell in love with you, he knew that there was no escaping from this, there were no locks on his doors when it came to you and not one thing he could look at without thinking of you.
When Minho fell in love with you, he knew he was in it for eternity. So, when Minho calls you in the middle of the night a year or two later, he's not surprised to hear the word "husband" coming from your lips referring to him, and he's not surprised either when he feels like he has just realized that he's falling in love with you for the nth time in that day.
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