♘ - Rosemary
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Animal Aesthetics - Rosemary Parkinson - Siren( @rosemaryxparkinson  )
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★ - Rosemary
II would kill you. ✧ I would physically hurt you. ✧ I would attack you unprovoked. ✧ I would manipulate you. ✧ I dislike you. ✧ You annoy me. ✧ You scare me. ✧ You intimidate me. ✧ I hope I intimidate you. ✧ I pity you. ✧ You disgust me. ✧ I hate you. ✧ I’m indifferent toward you. ✧ I’d like to get to know you better. ✧   I’d like to spend more time with you. ✧ I’d like to be friends with you. ✧  I’m unsure what to think of you. ✧ I’m unsure how I feel about you. ✧ You are my friend. ✧ You are my best friend. ✧ You are my mentor. ✧ I look up to you. ✧ I respect you. ✧ You are my hero. ✧ You inspire me. ✧ You are my enemy. ✧ You make me happy. ✧ I want to protect you. ✧ I would fight by your side. ✧ I consider you an equal. ✧ I think you are beneath me. ✧ I think you are above me. ✧ I would lie for you. ✧ I would lie to you. ✧ I would sleep with you. ✧ I would sleep by your side. ✧ I would hug you. ✧ I would kiss you. ✧ You are family to me. ✧ I would die for you. ✧ I would kill for you. ✧ I would trust you with my life. ✧ I would trust you with my most precious belonging. ✧ I would trust you with a secret. ✧ I would trust you with my biggest / darkest secret. ✧ I love you (platonically). ✧ I love you (romantically).
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Send my character a ★ and I’ll bold everything they feel toward your character.
I like you // I love you // You’re one of my best friends // You’re like family // You are family // I dislike you // I hate you // I’d kill you if I got the chance // I want you to like me // I’m scared of you // I would adopt you // I’d date you // I’d sleep with you // I’d marry you // I’m worried about you // You confuse me // You’re annoying // I pity you // I respect you // I trust you // I feel protective of you // I’d invite you with me to parties // I’d lend you my money // I’d borrow your money // You’re good-looking // I’m suspicious of you // I’m hiding something from you // You’re fun // You’re boring // I’m upset with you // You’re nice // You’re mean // I’m envious of you // You’re smart // You’re stupid // I look up to you // I think you’re a better person than me // I think I’m a better person than you // I want to apologize to you // I wish I’d never met you // I never want to forget you // I want to get to know you better
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★ - Rosemary
Send my character a ★ and I’ll bold everything they feel toward your character.
I like you // I love you // You’re one of my best friends // You’re like family // You are family // I dislike you // I hate you // I’d kill you if I got the chance // I want you to like me // I’m scared of you // I would adopt you // I’d date you // I’d sleep with you // I’d marry you // I’m worried about you // You confuse me // You’re annoying // I pity you // I respect you // I trust you // I feel protective of you // I’d invite you with me to parties // I’d lend you my money // I’d borrow your money // You’re good-looking // I’m suspicious of you // I’m hiding something from you // You’re fun // You’re boring // I’m upset with you // You’re nice // You’re mean // I’m envious of you // You’re smart // You’re stupid // I look up to you // I think you’re a better person than me // I think I’m a better person than you // I want to apologize to you // I wish I’d never met you // I never want to forget you // I want to get to know you better
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With his gaze successfully averted, it was almost possible for Walden to ignore the woman’s presence completely - almost. Undoubtedly like every other man nearby, he had taken notice of the newly exposed skin that came when she shifted. He tried to focus on her words instead then, yet had already missed her reply and was too proud of the self control he so often claimed to have to ask her to repeat herself. “Whatever you say, Rosemary,” He mumbled. If his first impression of her was correct, as such things often were, then he felt it safe to assume that she said something about his observations being unnecessary or her interpretation of them being unflattering.
It was in the man’s nature to take note of his surroundings, and the greater part of his life had been spent clutching these observations to himself in preparation for an opportunity of blackmail to present itself. A woman’s unfaithfulness to her husband was a situation he didn’t plan to take part in. He allowed the fear of his ability to ruin her husband’s ignorance to settle within her for a moment, though. “That’s fine. I’ve never been the type of man to make them,” He stated callously. Where others found that giving warnings before an attack provided an opportunity for the opponent to have a fair fight, Walden believed that if a man wasn’t prepared for an unexpected attack then he would never be properly prepared for an anticipated one; and where others found that the result of making threats was that they didn’t have to follow through with it, Walden didn’t believe in second chances. “You can wipe that frown off your face, princess. I don’t have enough respect for Parkinson to tell him what you’ve been up to.” It was a family thing, a petty feud that dated back centuries; disappearing when necessary, reappearing during periods of extended boredom. He had little grievances against the opposing family himself, he had consequently never been close to Rosemary’s husband.
“Of course not,” Walden answered quickly, almost defensively. Despite his words, the way he found himself ordering drink after drink possibly suggested otherwise. “I have a life. I work during the week, and typically can find a productive way to spend my weekends. … When I can’t, I go to the Hog’s Head - and when I find that they’re too crowded, I come here instead. If they learned how to serve the correct drinks in a timely fashion, it wouldn’t be too bad.” Anticipating the appearance of the server soon, he looked forward as he spoke, though his gaze flickered to Rosemary from the corner of his eye every so often. A corner of his lips twitched. “Do you wear dresses like that every time you come here, or is tonight a special occasion?”
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Rosemary couldn’t hide the smirk that grew on her perfectly painted red lips. She had seen that look too many times to not recognize it. It was the look she had gotten since she was out of school and when her beauty truly came into it’s own. It was the look of a man trying too hard to look away so that he was not caught staring at her body. It was a man trying to force himself to ignore her presence, to pretend that he was not just as tempted as the other men in the room to let his eyes linger on every inch of her body. It was a look that gave her power because she knew it meant that she had that kind of effect on someone. The rush that came with knowing she controlled everyone in the room, not only the ones who ogled at her, but the ones who tried to control themselves and look away too. 
His off handed remark made her question just how much he was actually paying attention. The idea that not only his gaze was averted, but that he was actively trying to keep himself under control that he couldn’t focus on her words was something that amused her greatly. Of course he was doing this. He may act disgusted by her being out here and catching her playing with a little toy, but he was just as bad as the rest of them. He still desired her like the rest of them. It was what made his threat even more disgusting. How dare he judge her or even try to threaten her? Was he mad? Was he truly that stupid? He knew nothing of her life and he did not have a right to judge her for her actions. Besides, he was very stupid to try to threaten her. Rosemary did not take kindly to threats, even when she did not care one bit if her husband learned of her affairs. Good. Let him. She would love to see his face when he found out that she publicly shamed him this way. “You better not be the type of man to make threats to me.” She replied, her voice even and cold. “I do not take kindly to them and one often regrets threatening me.” She leaned closer. “Let me make myself clear, I do not care if he finds out. I have nothing to hide from my dear husband. But, I am not to be threatened. And not by you, Walden.” She leaned back, taking a sip of her drink while keeping her gaze on him. 
She laughed, though the sound was one that lacked humor and that was sharp. “You have a life? Is that truly your excuse for not coming here?” She laughed again. “Please, do not act like this is some trashy bar where the rift raft indulge their needs. Do you think I would set foot in those places?” There was no need to know just how far she would go for what she wanted, the types of situations and places she would go that were deemed unladylike or below a pureblood woman as herself, but it was better to keep up the act. “Perhaps you should learn to place your orders correctly.” Rosemary smirked and took a sip of her drink. His question had her grinning from ear to ear. Oh, Walden. “Why? Whatever is wrong with my dress to make you question it?” She leaned forward, dress fitting her all of her curves perfectly while the slit lured him in. It was in that moment that she decided to leave with Walden tonight, he was the perfect challenge and she did so enjoy a challenge. 
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“Friendship includes certain aspects of understanding, Rose – and this is my happiness, my life which I’m about to change for the better. I only did what’s right for me, for my life.” she didn’t care if she was being selfish right now – she definitely was, but after a life like this all Cassandra could really think about was to escape, scarred by its events so far. Seeing Rosemary like this, heartbroken and unable to understand, really didn’t do much to change Cassandra’s mind. She couldn’t go back, at least not like this. But the other girl’s words hurt, more than she wanted to admit at first. “Not a thought? I’ve been scared this entire time, unsure whether my mother and father would hunt me down and drag me back. I refuse to be held captive, not one day longer.” she shook her head, unable to completely understand Rosemary’s reasoning behind her words. Others were much more likely to understand her pain, which is why she felt stuck right now, unable to move backwards or forward towards her best friend. Nothing felt entirely right at this point and, even though her heart ached, Cassandra kept her head held high, felt Rosemary’s hand against her skin, heard her hand slap her head towards the side, but Cassandra didn’t react, only closed her eyes.
“I know you’re furious, hurt and feel betrayed. But I’d rather take my chances somewhere else than have a solid life of obedience with the Dark Lord  – and Evan, or Augustus, or anyone else that has been betrothed to me,” she clicked her tongue, making fun of herself this time around. “What we have will never be forgotten, will never be over, do you understand?” she’d opened her eyes by now, looked at Rosemary with a puzzled expression. “What makes you think they’re bad people? At least they’re not complete lunatics trying to take over the world. I might have a chance at happiness, isn’t that worth so much more than a life with no future?””
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“Understanding?” Rosemary shot back, her voice shaking with anger. “Oh, that is rich Cassandra! Do you honestly expect me to understand a single thing you have done? When you have been a selfish, hateful, deviant and betraying creature to me?” Her body shook with anger. “You told me nothing!” She shouted, the horrid tears rising to the surface when she finally broke down in front of the woman she thought had been more than a sister to her, the only person she thought she truly could care about and be cared for. “Nothing!” She hissed. “We were sisters! We were closer than that! And you told me nothing! You did not reveal a single aspect of your plan! Instead you ran! You ran from the ball, the very ball I was at like a thief into the night! You turned your back on me like I was nothing more than the others who you think have wronged you so much! You put me on the same level as your parents, your precious fiancés, and the Dark Lord! You didn’t trust me, you betrayed me and you ran after you wedged the knife so deeply that you felt brave enough to run!” Her voice echoed off the bricks before she screamed, the sound painful and nothing more than a wounded, angered animal. Her hand shot out and she blew up the trash can behind them before turning her anger to the street and blowing up the street front of the store across the small street. Fire and debris rained down on them and highlighted the tears on her face. 
“You know nothing of how I feel.” She hissed, each word full of vile. “Stop lying to me!” The shrill, angry sound echoed and she cast another spell, blowing up a store front closer to them. “You speak of gaining freedom, of running from your enemies into the hands of those who care for you.” She spat the words. “But you betrayed the only person who will ever care for you. All for what? Nothing! You treated me no better and now you lie to my face? We could have had freedom! We could have fought! Together.” The tears wouldn’t stop and she was so angry and hurt. “You didn’t tell me anything. Don’t you see? You have betrayed me so deeply and you still think you did nothing wrong. Stop wasting your breath since you see me as no better than your captors.” Rosemary spat, her whole body shaking. “They will prove to be just as bad. Their cause is as full of lies and delusions as the Dark Lord’s and if you do not think that they have manipulated you and lied to you to work for their cause in the hopes of using you as the shiny example of a Death Eater turned good, then you are wrong.” She laughed, but the sound lacked humor and was only filled with pain. “Do not insult me anymore with your lies. You have shown me exactly how you view me, Cassandra Burke. I see now how little I truly meant to you.” 
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Three people you always want to stay in your life?
“Caradoc, Rosemary and Amos. But also Orion and Charity, Alice, too.” @caradxc-dearbxrn @rosemaryxparkinson @amxsdxggory @orionblvck @charitysbvrbage @xalice-clara
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★ - Rosemary
Hamilton Lyric Meme: Rosemary - Wait for It
“Theodosia writes me a letter ev'ry day.
I’m keeping her bed warm while her husband is away.
He’s on the British side of Georgia.
He’s tryin’ to keep the colonies in line.
He can keep all of Georgia.
Theodosia, she’s mine.
Love doesn’t discriminate
between the sinners
and the saints,
it takes and it takes and it takes
and we keep loving anyway.
We laugh and we cry
and we break
and we make our mistakes.
And if there’s a reason I’m by her side
when so many have tried
then I’m willing to wait for it.
I’m willing to wait for it…”
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Femme Fatale
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So many faces were familiar to her, but she couldn’t speak to any of them. If she would, then her acting had to be on point and every word had to be chosen with the utmost care – something Cassandra couldn’t pull off at the moment, not while she was completely focused on letting Rosemary believe she was, in fact, Cleopatra Delacroix, a French witch and actress, not Cassandra Burke, her lost best friend. Gracefully, Cassandra sighed and grabbed a champagne glass from the nearest silver platter before looking at Rosemary again. She always looked so effortlessly beautiful, a trait both shared and liked to point out to one another if they had a chance. Witches had to stick together, not duel one another because of some other bloke they fancied for one night and would never look at again. Alas, she fell in love while distracting one of them and she prayed that Rosemary Parkinson would never see Amos Diggory, or else Cassandra would raise hell on her own. After all a woman scorned was capable of monstrous things. 
“I’m glad you do. It’s actually a French made necklace from Paris, to be precise. They possess some of the most amazing and clear sapphires in Europe, and, together with some of the finest metal, do know how to craft everything a witch could ever want,” she raised an eyebrow. “I’m actually not invited, per se – I’m not familiar with your husband and I do not wish to be anytime soon, or ever – I’m just here for you, sweet Rosemary. Also, free champagne.”
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Rosemary felt the aching absence of Cassandra. The people who surrounded her were just fake friends, if one could even call them that. They were no true friends of her. They flocked around her because of her beauty, her fashions, and her name. To them, she was another ticket to the perfect pureblood world they should all be living in and she loathed every single one of them. There were quite a few pretty airhead pureblood women around here and she suspected that some of them were her husband’s mistresses. That mixed horribly with her sense of hurt and loneliness. Not only was she surrounded by people who were truly not her friends, but she was also surrounded by the horrid women her husband found love and comfort in. She wondered if he beat them like he did her, if he yelled at them like he did to her? The way they smiled and touched his arms told her that he did not. It only hurt her more, the vile feelings growing stronger and more hurtful in her body. 
“You are from France?” it was only politely spoken as a question, but her accent told her everything. This witch was from France. “Why are you in England then? Especially at the birthday part of a woman you have never met before?” Rosemary had the perfect mask of politeness and friendliness. But inside she was suspicious and did not understand why this woman was here. The necklace was beautiful, and Rosemary hated it that somehow the woman had been lucky enough to get a necklace that perfectly suited her tastes. A perfectly sculpted eyebrow arched. “You are not here for my husband?” That certainly made her more suspicious. Did she think she could grow closer to the wife in hopes of being something more to her husband? “And why would you be here just for me?” 
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In My Mind I Call You Home
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Helen of my heart, For that is who you are, Not Helen of Sparta, or even of Troy, But Helen of me. I have spent my nights thinking of you, Thinking of your hair spun like gold, Your eyes, shimmering lapis jewels, Pink lips, drifting apart for me… You trembled the first time I whispered Prayers between the sanctuary of your thighs. I called you my Goddess, And I worshipped you, Ever devoutly on bended knees. Forgive me, I cannot help but write poetry to you, You are the sweetest thing I have ever tasted, And I have tasted the sun. I am whole again, the voices are silent. You have made me love you in ways I have never loved anyone, Not even myself. Forever yours, Cassandra – Cassandra, Dearest of all to me, I think of you far too often. I am going mad without you! I want your poetry, Your prayer, Your hymns, I want to devour you, In all the ways you have devoured me. I ache for you even in the moments we’re near to each other. I ache for the taste of your skin, Dark and sun-kissed, it is sweet like the scent of you. I ache and ache and ache… I am going mad without you! Let us meet tonight, beloved, Whisper your prayers into my lungs, I will sing them back to you! Immortally yours, Helen of your heart
Love Letters: Helen and Cassandra [a.m.b.]
For Cassandrha and Pelions
(via hyppolita)
(via cassandraburke)
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Aurora’s head tilted to the side ever so slightly, trying to do her best to read the situation but, like the rest of the party, Rosemary was being pretty good at being unreadable. Aurora went with the safest answer she could think of. “I gave it some thought,” she replied with a small chuckle. “I mean,” she continued before giving the other woman a chance to speak, “I’m not an invigorating party conversationalist by any means, but I’m not…” Fake didn’t seem to be the best word to use considering the crowd. Plus the last thing she wanted to do was say the wrong thing about the rest of Rosemary’s friends. “Overly sweet?” It would have to do for now. Best not give her time to put too much thought into Aurora’s feelings on purebloods and parties though.
She pushed a thin lip smile onto her lips, looking over the view and back inside towards what she would call a ballroom. Aurora’s father, an inventor in the muggle, held a large home in Scotland, fairly close to the size of the Parkinson home, but it was decorated a lot more homely than this mansion. Not that it mattered in this part of her world. Her muggle and magic life were completely separate and while she had a nice flat, it was nothing like this. “I’m Aurora by the way. Aurora King,” she introduced herself, giving out her mother’s last name. Her mother had been the witch of the family. A Pureblood. It had been an impulse move, but the better decision given the crowd tonight. 
“I’m not a bold dresser. I wear more pinks, pastels, navy, black and white, so I’m not sure how far this will go, but I must say that is a very impressive dress. Just right for a birthday.” Aurora leaned against the balcony, looking out onto the beautiful view. The fresh air was already helping her head and her mood. Still, this was more talking she’d done in a long time.
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Rosemary was very skilled at hiding her true emotions and her feelings. It was very rare for someone to know just how she truly felt. And the very rare times that she had allowed someone to know her true emotions, it was always by her choice. The way the girl seemed to think about her words before speaking only told Rosemary that she was not sure how Rosemary would react and wouldn’t want to anger her. It was a good thing too. Tonight was not the night to annoy her when she was already pissed off, hurt, and angry with the way her birthday was turning out. “Overly sweet?” Rosemary repeated, pursing her deep red lips as she turned the term over in her head. Clearly, she was not impressed with Rosemary’s guests and was trying to place herself above them. “You mean to say that you are not so overly sweet? That you are more... real?” She wanted the woman to admit what she was dodging. 
She still hadn’t placed her finger on who this woman was or how she got into the party. She had to have some kind of invitation or arrived with someone who had one. But, her husband had sent out a few of his own. “Aurora King? I’m afraid we haven’t met before. I don’t know of you.” Rosemary knew of some of the King family members, but hadn’t spent too much time with any of them. Still, they seemed around the same age. Perhaps they had been at Hogwarts during the same time?
“Thank you.” Rosemary’s red lips curled up into a perfectly placed smile. The deep red color looked beautiful on her, but she was well aware of it. “I did have to capture the whole attention of the room somehow.” She smiled. Though, it wouldn’t be that hard with how beautiful she was on her own. “So tell me, Aurora, did my husband send you an invitation?” She knew her husband was trying to win over various people in order to win support for Orion for the upcoming election. Perhaps she was a teacher or a member of the ministry somehow? 
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Crowded High
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With Evan Rosier returning from his journey and everything drifting into an uncertainty Cassandra despised, she longed for something which wasn’t all too unpredictable, a constant in her life build on ruins and new beginnings. Rosemary had always been a constant in Cassandra’s life, though with her switching sides and Rosemary’s ego being more than just hurt, she feared nothing would ever be the same, so why not use her other face? The actual actress and not just one who manipulated others in her free time? No, she’d have to keep her distance as her original self, show herself as Cleo. Still, even as Cleopatra, Cassandra heavily cared for her style, the fashion she wore and who designed each and every detail on her body. So, with a haute couture dress in a fashionable coral red color, heels with gold vines and beautiful pale ruby earrings, Cassandra entered the party, immediately being an eye-catcher among all those pale, boring Pureblood women she’d always despised so much. The only beautiful and deadly Pureblood women, if anything, were her friends. Though she didn’t thought too much of them, if anything she’d wasted a second of thought on them, before her mind drifted back towards Rosemary, who’d always been an eye-catcher herself and, judging by today’s date, would definitely stand out.
And there she stood, beautiful as ever,stunning, her best friend and the highlight of today. Approaching her, Cassandra could feel her heart beat faster than usual, but she kept cool. “Mrs. Parkinson,” Cassandra grinned before embracing her tightly and placing a soft kiss onto her cheek. Happy Birthday, mon amour,” she whispered before separating herself from the birthday girl. Her hands were now placed on each of her shoulders, keeping her slightly in place. “I’m Cleo, by the way. Cleopatra Delacroix? You probably haven’t heard of me, yet. Ah, where are my manners?” she then stopped herself before stretching out her arm towards Rosemary, a small wrapped package in her right. It contained a necklace, adorned with some of the most expensive sapphires one could find. “It’s not as personal as I’d hoped my gift could be,” Cassandra stated “but then again I wasn’t sure what you like and don’t like, so I’ve got you something every girl likes,” she giggled, sugary sweet, keeping her facade as alive as possible.
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Rosemary was seething and loathing tonight on the one night she was supposed to be happy since it was her birthday. Yet, she found herself hating everyone around her. None of them truly cared for her at all. In fact, none of them had even noticed when she hid on the balcony earlier or when she had disappeared for a half hour. It only drove the point home when she returned that not a single person here truly cared for her. It was all for appearances sake. There had only been one person she had considered a true friend, a sister. And now she was gone. She had decided that the fake promises of her Order members of a happy life were more important than the only person who truly cared for her. She felt more than abandoned, she felt truly and utterly alone and unwanted. Cassandra had been in Rosemary’s life since her birth. She remembered going to the Burke household with her parents to see their new baby girl. She remembered the way Cassandra grabbed at her dark hair and the way she won her over despite the fact that she typically did not like the babies of the other families. They had grown up together and had never been separated for long. The feelings had only grown stronger as the years went by and whenever she was with Cassandra she felt loved, wanted, and confident in the knowledge that she would always have her. Until the day that had become a lie. 
The absence of Cassandra combined with the hurt feelings and the fake friends surrounding her left her extremely bitter and hurt tonight. Still, she had to play her part. And as the woman approached her, Rosemary felt a wave of distaste wash over her. No one had dared to even try to outshine her tonight, and while this woman didn’t, she still was stunning. Not to mention that the bubbly air of the woman grated on her nerves. Who was she? Had her husband invited her? Rosemary kept her act up as well, though she felt like anything but smiling. “Ms... Delacroix, was it?” Rosemary searched her memory bank for that name and thought she had heard the woman’s name in relation to acting. “Tell me, how did you come by one of my invitations? Did my husband invite you?” Rosemary was sure he had. She was beautiful and bubbly, quite like many of the women he took to bed and treated better than his own wife. Still, she had to keep up the act that she loved her husband and they were nothing but happy together. “Thank you for your gift.” She smiled, the expression something that would take anyone’s breath away. Opening the small package, her eyes grew wider only by the smallest of fractions. No one would notice the brief look of surprise pass over her. She was impressed. Though, this woman probably did not know it, sapphires were one of her favorites. The color looks lovely on her skin and blue always reminded her of freedom and happiness. The gem was followed by emeralds and rubies. Still, it must have been luck that the woman picked out a necklace that she truly did like. Her practiced smile grew on her lips, she would never let anyone know that they actually had pleased her. “Thank you, it’s delightful, Ms. Delacroix. I must agree, every woman would love this.” That annoying sugary sweet laugh sounded once more and she sighed internally. 
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In My Mind I Call You Home
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By being here Orion was going behind a friends back, but he felt like it was the right thing to do. He didn’t know what he could do for Rosemary, if anything at all, but he could at least try. Rosemary didn’t deserve this. He couldn’t imagine a scenario in which she would. Orion sighed at her icy tone, bringing one hand up to run through his hair and down his neck. Maybe this was a mistake. Maybe he should just apologize and leave. Orion took one look at Rosemary’s flawless face and knew that whatever make up she had on was adding the truth. He wondered if anyone else knew what went on in this house, or if he was the only one. 
He couldn’t do nothing. As much as he and Walburga fought, they loved just as hard. He was lucky in his marriage, even if he was cheating bastard who didn’t deserve her. Maybe this was Orion’s way of atoning for what he’s done, whatever good that would do. He took a careful step forward. The look in her eye made him weary. Who knows what she would do. “It wasn’t a mistake. I’m not here to see him. I’m here to see you. I’d like to talk, Rosemary. About the other night,” he said his eyes flickering over to the wall before settling back on her. Orion didn’t want to upset Rosemary any more than he already has.
“I just…I don’t know. I wanted to make sure you were okay,” Orion took a another step forward with his arm reaching out towards her. “Are you?” He nearly cringed. What a stupid question, of course she couldn’t be okay. Her husband, his friend, was the kind of a monster Orion could never be. He could only imagine what she thought of him. They never talked much before, but he didn’t like knowing that Rosemary probably thought he was okay with men physically hurting their wives and if he could help her then he would. Orion just hoped Rosemary would let him. 
Rosemary was completely angered and insulted that Orion dared to show his face here again acting like he truly cared for her. If he had any true ounce of concern for her well being he would have acted the other night, not simply sat there and continued on as if nothing had happened. He was a spineless coward and came here all cloak and dagger like when he knew her husband was out of the house with the front that he truly cared. It disgusted her that he thought she was so vulnerable that she would eat up his knight in shining armor act. 
She stood her ground, staring down the elder witch. It was satisfying to see that he was intimidated by him and how he clearly cowered back, questioning his decision to come here. How she enjoyed scaring and intimidating those around her as she established power, especially men. “What is there to talk about?” She asked, her voice cold and dripping with vile. “I am not your campaign manager, that is my dear husband.” If he thought she would reveal everything to him in the hopes of saving her. 
Rosemary did not need anyone to save her. 
He neared her and stupidly reached out for her. Instantly her nostrils flared and she slapped his hand away. “Do not touch me.” She hissed. Rosemary lifted her chin and glared at the man. “Am I okay?” She repeated, the vile growing and mixing with disgust and skepticism. Was he that stupid? Did he truly believe that was a valid question? No, of course she was not alright. But he had made his bed last night and now he was to lay in it. “I am perfect. Or can you not tell, Mr. Black? Why would anything be wrong?” 
if walls could talk || Rosemary & Orion
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June Challenge Prizes - Helen / Cassandra
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Walking around the Parkinson Manor and just looking at the sheer indulgence of the place, Aurora wondered how she’d ended up on this side of the Wizarding World. Extravagant gowns, expensive spirits and the best society had to offer, which usually went hand in hand with the word pureblood. Aurora was just a teacher… Her family was wealthy, by muggle standards, and with the exchange rate being so dreadful, all that really got her was a nice flat in London. So, that wasn’t her in factor either. Maybe some things weren’t meant to be logical. The thought irked Aurora before she finally decided that she was here because she could pull off an appearance.  
Despite probably hearing some horror stories about her blunt personality and underdeveloped social skills, eyes followed her around the room. She looked nice this evening, as the fancy event invitation had dictated, but was not one to out-do the birthday girl. Birthdays, like the one this evening, were much like weddings. One does not out-dress the bride or birthday girl at their own event. If Rosemary was a bombshell, then Rory was a vision in pink. Soft. Unthreatening. Not a complete nun considering she would have liked to not end up at home alone that evening, but her first few interactions of the party had thrown those thoughts to the wind. Conversation this evening had been fairly flat which usually was a huge turnoff for Aurora and tonight was no exception. Which is why she now found herself in a corner, people watching while nursing a vodka tonic and wondering how she fit into the equation. 
Rosemary was the common factor, obviously. It was her birthday party after all and good manners dictated that one could not leave a party without acknowledging the fact. Shooting her drink back, Aurora decided it was time to find Rosemary. 
It took just a few moments to locate the woman, outside on the balcony alone. A peculiar thing considering this was all for her. Without spending too much energy on the thought, Aurora’s feet carried her onto the balcony to join her - friend? Acquaintance? Rosemary turned around and Aurora slightly panicked to find something to say. ‘Bloody awful party’ was not at all polite, but Aurora wasn’t one to spare people from the truth. “It’s a fine party Rosemary. However, the guests are very… Suffocating.” Aurora finished having found the right word. No good evening or happy birthday right out of the gate, but anyone who knew Rory, or at least interacted with her, wouldn’t be too surprised at this point by her direct demeanor. 
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Rosemary knew that her husband had invited his own guests for the night. That included those he wished to win over and gain their trust so that they would vote for who he wanted. Or be used as pawns to further the candidate of his choosing. Which was Orion Black. So, it was not unusual to have some people milling about she did not know. Typical of her husband of course. This was her party and yet he insisted on inviting those for business. At the end of the day, it didn’t matter that much since she was having a horrid time. Everyone here was fake. She knew that not a single one of them cared for her at all. 
So when the woman stepped out on the balcony, Rosemary raised one perfectly sculpted eyebrow to investigate her. She looked vaguely familiar, but Rosemary wasn’t sure who she was. 
But as the first words left the woman’s lips, she felt herself fuming. How dare she? How dare she utter those words to her? Did she not know that she was the hostess? Rosemary may have hated the party because it was full of people who did not truly care for her. But the party had still been perfectly planned and it should have been wonderful to everyone inside. A true show of how wonderful and perfect she was. If only that was true. Her nostrils flared, but otherwise she kept herself composed. Her opinion only changed when the woman continued. “Suffocating is certainly an interesting choice.” She replied evenly. That was an understatement. 
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Crowded High
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