rosemore · 2 years
Happy Valentines to @azureflame!
Golly gee willickers I hope I tagged the right person
I have a little thing for you! Going off of your prompt: Ace giving Julius chocolates. I tried to draw this but hoh boi was that not working, so a ficlet it is. I'm hoping sometime I can actually draw a little segment of this as well, I think the atmosphere of it would be cute! If that works out in the future, I will be sure to tag you in it <3
For now, I offer this! Thanks for the great prompts, I had a lot of fun with this.
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Julius didn't flinch when Ace slammed his door open.
He merely continued working as Ace sauntered over, carefully nudging a pin into the clock he had on hand. If he could just get a few more pieces in place, the clock would be practically finished—
"Julius~!" Ace sang out, leaning on the far side of the table. "Julius, I brought something for you."
"I should hope so," he didn't glance up from his work, instead poking through a pile of springs to find one of the right size. "You were meant to be here 17 time periods ago." Ace lit up at that, practically giggling as he casually shoved a pile of parts towards Julius.
"Don't - ugh." Julius made a half-effort to salvage the pile before giving up, pinching between his eyes. “Please Ace, I’m in the middle of working.” He watched as Ace slowly and deliberately slid a gear towards the edge of the table, not unlike a cat.
Julius caught the gear before it hit the ground.
“You’re happy to see me, aren’t you?” Ace had stretched across half the table at this point, the bag in his hands practically on display in front of Julius.
In fact, it likely was a display.  A very disruptive display, that had knocked Julius’ hand aside and knocked several parts askew in the clock he had been so diligently fixing.
“Ace…” Julius took a breath, finally turning his attention to his unshakeable nuisance, expression tense and, unfortunately, resigned. “I assume there is a good reason you could not just place those clocks in the box of broken clocks?” Ace’s expression turned mischievous for a moment before he stood back up, making his way to Julius’ side and leaning against the table beside him.
“I brought you a gift!” Ace proudly dropped the bag in front of Julius, who groaned as several bright pink heart-shaped chocolates spilled out onto his workspace. Ace chuckled at the reaction, waiting contentedly for Julius’ response.
“I don’t suppose you bought these in town…”
“Nope!” Ace grabbed one and unwrapped it, popping it into his mouth. “This one lady, she was headed to deliver these chocolates to someone. But she had been hiding her girlfriend’s clock,” he shrugged, and began stretching his arms out, “she was easy enough to kill. She wasn’t expecting it, I don’t think.”
Ace turned his mischievous expression to Julius, his face quickly brightening. “So, I got all this free chocolate!”
Julius began plucking the stray chocolates to drop them back in their bag, shaking his head. “It’s probably too sweet anyways, Ace.” Ace beamed in return, placing a second bag (that drooped with a much larger weight, the clanking of metal tipping Julius off that that was the delivery he had been expecting) out of Julius’ reach.
“Awww! C’mon Julius, you haven’t even tried one yet.” Ace pouted, moving closer into Julius’ space, who promptly tried shoving him away.
“And I don’t need to. I won’t like it, Ace.”
Ace laughed, grabbing another chocolate to unwrap. He held it up to Julius’ lips, tapping it against them once, twice—
Julius grabbed his wrist, pushing the treat away from his face as he grit out, “Ace, I’m not going to eat that—”
Ace wrapped his free arm around Julius’ shoulders, pulling him into an awkward side-hug carefully bordering on chokehold as he continued forcing the chocolate to Julius’ face, smile glowing.
“Ace—!” The chocolate was pushed into his mouth right as he shoved Ace off of his side, chewing remorsefully.
“Isn’t it yummy, Julius?”
Julius grabbed the bag with the rest of the chocolates, face perfectly controlled as he stood, placing the bag aside.
“You were late, Ace. Get going.”
Ace quickly changed his tune to pout again, glancing at the door with disinterest. “Ah, already? I just got here…” Julius huffed out a breath as he began to try and restore his workspace to what it had been. “And you’ve made plenty a mess in that time. Get out, I have work to do.” Julius paused, thinking for a moment before continuing, “There are plenty of others you can cause problems for.” He turned to glower at him. “So long as it doesn’t cause me more work.”
Ace chuckled, finally making his way to the door. “I guess I should stop by the castle. I think I heard that Alice was headed that way!” Ace disappeared through the door, calling a quick “Be back soon!” before shutting it behind him.
Julius muttered a quiet, “Feel no need,” before sitting back down. He glanced at the bag of chocolates, taking it in for a moment before returning to his work.
The next time Alice visited the Clock Tower, she was surprised to find a bowl of cute heart-shaped chocolates on the counter. Julius shut her down before she could even ask about it.
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rosemore · 2 years
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Why would Alice be concerned, the stains will disappear soon! And she can get new stockings and shoes, if it bothers her so much? Happy Valentines Day AxZi!
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rosemore · 2 years
Friendly cats. (hnkna valentine exchange).
So, here you go @malewifemammon you wanted Boris or Julius, so I decided to give you a bit of both! it's not romantic, just a bit of platonic tomfoolery, but I hope you enjoy anyway. (I hope all went well on the post this time - I'm unused to Tumblr and it's noticeable in the mistakes I'm making, lol).
Friendly cats.
Boris was by nature a friendly cat. Though he liked exploring the little known nooks and crannies of Wonderland and was a cat who was fine going his own way and in fact would have problems if anybody tried to hold him down in one place for too long, that didn't mean he was an introvert. There were many moments where he could build upon his friendly reputation, first and foremost during special (or not so special) occasions. 
He enjoyed the post work drink celebrations, or the new attraction festivities, or the old "attraction to be bulldozed" festivities. He enjoyed the charged atmosphere of the flickering lights and the cozy delirium which took one over when they had one too many drinks. He enjoyed bugging and fussing over people too.
All of this, naturally, didn't mean that other people were as much of a party animal as he was - but what Boris was also was somebody who enjoyed dragging others in situations they might not fully agree with. It was like chasing Pierce - Boris could do that forever, be satisfied with the evidence of his hunting prowess and with the feeling that the creepy mouse was pretty much helpless to resist him and he could do whatever he liked with him. 
Julius was another one of those who resigned themselves to situations they hated simply because they thought it was easier than making too much of a fuss about it. Besides, Boris had been easy on him when they'd met unexpectedly near the merry-go-round, and the man who wore too many layers had shot at Boris in his own playground.
 He could have done more than graze his cheek and his elbow with his bullets, even if the rule was "meet eachother periodically and fight" not "put your back into the fighting and take it seriously". That he hadn't obviously meant the grumpy hermit owed him entertainment. 
He was even kind enough to go get him bandages. "Hey, the doctor's office is around that corner. What do you mean 'you'll deal with it yourself?' Cmon, you don't want an infection, and it's not as if I don't need medical attention from your lucky shot either." 
And it had been a lucky shot - the bullet had pinged against a metal panel and bounced right back just when Boris had lifted his gun to start shooting back. Speckles of red rained from his hand. 
He couldn't say it wasn't unexpected to get injured during the fights that the game forced them into - meeting people when they were having a bad day automatically led to them taking the bad day out on whoever was their partner that moment - and Boris enjoyed really getting into his fights with people, and often picked them even outside of the requirements. 
That was the reason he didn't actually mind getting injured - it was just how much of a lucky shot Julius had managed to made his inner sadist stand up to attention. 
Though it might look like he was being kind, dragging the kicking and complaining deluxe clockmaker with him to be seen by one of the park's many first aid centers. (Because of course they had many, there were too many, for when their attractions derailed or went at a speed that damaged the human body. Everything was about thrill and excitement in their park, including the excitement of uncertain death or crippling). But that was just to bring Julius into a fake sense of safety. 
Boris planned to meet up with Gowland soon and with the two of them, he was sure they'd be able to pressure the man into going on one of their attractions free of charge, because they were just being "kind and thoughtful and you didn't want to spit on Gowland's hospitality, did you?" 
They'd get drinks and watch the fireworks afterwards, so long as the time period didn't move from being night and even if it did, then the fireworks would be replaced with some other kinds of festivities. The other roleholders could say one thing about the amusement park, but it wasn't that they didn't know how to party. 
Julius let out a heavy, heavy sigh, the type that involved his entire body, shoulders slumping, rocking forwards. No matter how much "no, stop, I'm not going to do that" or how authoritatively he tried to sound, Boris was one of those people who could really play deaf to the hilt and he was led into a cart for a rollercoaster. 
On one end Gowland was jabbering:  "This is one of my latest builds! Look at that streamlined, silver track which gleams in the light! Some people have complained that when the sun hits them just right they'd end up blinded, but it's dusk right now so that's not something you need to worry about-" while on his other side there was a cat muffling his snickering and meeting his eyes for a second with a mischievous light in their golden depths. 
Julius' injuries itched underneath the bandages the cat had cajoled him into, and he'd just wanted to get this meeting over with so he'd eventually accepted getting help with them. 
(Besides, it meant he didn't have to tie them at home, freeing him up for more efficient work. Besides, no blood in the delicate gears was always a plus - otherwise he'd probably not even do anything about them, just leave them open as a reprimand to himself about letting the Cheshire Cat get the best of him.) 
The cart tipped over the incline, speeding down the track as people let out excited screams, while Julius himself held onto the railing with a white knuckled fist. At least he was aware that Gowland wouldn't want to kill a "guest" or he'd be worried about going into any rollercoasters he and his freeloader suggested, even with their company. 
Boris was skillful at making sure he always landed on his feet, and Gowland's muscles probably meant he'd end up with less broken bones, compared to his own, which were far more fragile as somebody who didn't exactly eat right and spent most of his time indoors working on clocks.  
Despite how this was supposedly an apology for shooting him twice, this felt like a punishment for shooting the cat once. 
Boris tried to make up for it afterwards. "Come on, I'll show you all the best snack stalls. You like coffee… don't you? There is a cafe not very far away that does really good ones!"
Though the cat's tail had twitched in a way that showed he was hunting while they were going on the attractions, it was now simply confidently tracing the air while its owner moved through the crowds, looking back at Gowland and him now and then to assure himself they were following.
"You know, you might think he's bullying, but that's really how he shows his love," Gowland stated, amused at the wariness and confusion warring on Julius' face. 
He scoffed. Julius was aware of how people avoided him, and while he didn't take injuries from forced fights as personally as he could, that didn't mean he trusted friendly gestures more. 
But somehow, he had a feeling as Boris turned a toothy grin his way at the counter of the café, and asked for his favorite drink - now that the cat had him in his sights, and knew what a pushover he was, he wouldn't easily let him be. 
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rosemore · 2 years
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rosemore · 2 years
“Yes, yes,” Humpty professed. “Twins, can’t you tell?” As if it should have been obvious. He beckoned along with his brother towards the gate. “Of course there will be others. We don’t live here by ourselves.” Dumpty added. “Our boss and his stupid rabbit will be there. The faceless might join us too if they’re not busy. Everyone in the mansion is invited to the tea parties, unless boss says otherwise.”
"Twins..." Jun-Ha echoed. He looked at the both of them, who definitely looked to be younger brother and older brother. "Twins..." He wondered if it meant something else here in Wonderland than it did back home. Another thing he was going to be used to. He wasn't the twin police though, confiscating people's birth records to see if they were allowed to call themselves twins, so he ended up nodding seriously. "Gotcha. You guys are twins."
He felt a sliver of unease when he recognised there would be more people. But the mention of a "stupid rabbit" made him perk up. "There's going to be a rabbit there, too? Aah, that's exciting! I have a rabbit myself back home, he's blonde and a real gentleman, I called him mister Fluffles! The many times he would judge my actions..." He sighed in happy nostalgia, remembering how he anthropomorphised that pet. He apologised to him so many times when he messed up with a person! Hahaha, the memories. The horrible, horrible memories.
"Will you guys boss mind if I pet...?" He wondered how whoever their boss is would have the rabbit out. In the garden maybe? Or maybe on his lap, like supervillain and a cat.... Remembering that Dumpty seemed disgruntled when he mentioned him, he said, "Did the rabbit try to gnaw something of yours?" knowingly. They did that. Mr Fluffles did too, even despite his gentleman reputation.
Jun-Ha fluffed down his locks, pleased. And what a pure smile. Yes, he didn’t have to be super on his guard…probably. He still didn’t really understand the eggs thing, but he guessed it had to be an inside joke or something. He felt like the other was warming up to him too. Great. “You too are siblings?” he asked in curiousity, before Dumpty hurried them up.
“Wait, there will be other people?” if a tea party had to start with the three of them still standing there. He hesitated. The strangers… probably wouldn’t mind if these two acted like it was fine. Well, he figured. He decided to ask. “Um, will they like.. be okay with like.. me showing up without an invitation or anything?”
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“Yes, yes,” Humpty professed. “Twins, can’t you tell?” As if it should have been obvious. He beckoned along with his brother towards the gate.
“Of course there will be others. We don’t live here by ourselves.” Dumpty added. “Our boss and his stupid rabbit will be there. The faceless might join us too if they’re not busy. Everyone in the mansion is invited to the tea parties, unless boss says otherwise.”
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rosemore · 2 years
prompts for emotionally stunted idiots
because my friends muses need therapy. will they get it? absolutely not. 
“  yeah i’m pissed off but i’d rather not talk about it.  that’s why you’re the one i came to.  ”
“  i’m not looking for a friend.  i’m looking for someone just as angry as i am.  ”
“  i’m not good at caring about people’s shit on purpose.  ”
“  i’m not gonna ask if ‘you’re okay’ cause that’s fuckin’ annoying.  you wanna get the hell out of here and do something?  ”  
 “  i don’t wanna talk about it. you got a beer?  ”  
“  upset?  why would i be upset?  ”
“  so you wanna go find something to break?  ”  
“  hey you want me to kill that guy for you?  ”
“  i just need to get this shit done.  and i trust you to help me do that.  ”  
“  you’re hot.  and i’m bored.  ”  
“  can we just have some meaningless sex we can both pretend didn’t happen tomorrow morning?  ”
“  i can think of at least a dozen people that need killing.  or a light beating.  will that cheer you up?  ”
“  i’ve a got job and i think you’d be the perfect fit.  so you in?  ”
“  yeah i don’t do the whole crying thing.  give me something to stab and i’ll be good in a day or two.  ”
“  i banged it out and now i feel great.  next question.  ”
“  if i think about it,  i get angry.  and i don’t know where that anger stops.  so i’d rather not start at all.  ”
“  if you’re gonna stay here you can’t be sober so either take the fruity beer or the shitty wine or let me be vibe in peace.  ”
“  how much insect essence do you think are in every square inch of chocolate? like just how many cockroach guts have i consumed with my hershey’s? ” 
“  you should’ve seen the look on their face.  it’s been so long since i’ve made someone that fuckin’ angry it was great.  ” 
“  i have this neighbor who keeps playing driver’s license at 10 a.m. every morning and i’m starting to question if it’s a sixteen year old getting over a breakup or a 36 year old trying to reclaim their childhood. at this point the mystery is the only thing keeping me going.  ”
“  do i trust you?  absolutely not.  next question.  ”
“  if i don’t get a nap in the next hour i’ll probably murder someone.  ”
“  you’re getting that look in your eyes like you’re about to ask me what’s wrong so i’m gonna save us both the awkwardness of finding an excuse to leave and just go now.  ”
“  i’m here to raid your fridge cause my date went really bad and all i’ve had is lukewarm water and breadsticks.  ”
“  i’m making a fake tinder profile to see how gullible guys are, wanna help?  ”   
“  hey i got something for you look!  ”   *holds up middle finger* 
“  why are you really here?  ”
“  i’m not leaving until you tell me what the fuck is going on.  ”
“  you can’t solve every problem with your fists.  ”  
“  i’m not here to talk about me.  what the hell is going on with you?  ”
“  you think i don’t notice but i do.  i can tell something’s wrong.  ”   
“  i can see beneath your smile.  ”
“  why won’t you just tell me the truth?  ”
“  what are you hiding? and don’t you dare try to lie to me. ”
“  what the hell did you do?  ”
“  so are we gonna talk about it or are we gonna pretend nothing’s wrong here?  ”
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rosemore · 2 years
Jun-Ha followed behind the both of them, clasping his hands uncertainly behind his back as he looked around in curiosity. This looked like a very huge private property. Who did it belong to? A Duke or something? He didn't really know very much about this Wonderland thing, having run away before Aster told him much. But he imagined that if there was a prince and a princess, other nobles existing wasn't such a surprising thing.
He grew flustered a little again at the person saying he had a pretty head, tugging at a strand of his auburn hair below his ear. "Then I'll try not to be too anxious, haha. Ah, but there's going to be a rabbit there? That's exciting! I actually used to have a pet rabbit myself. He was blonde and a real gentlemen.. I called him Mr Fluffles. Will you guys boss mind if I pet...?" He wondered how whoever their boss is would have the rabbit out. In the garden maybe? Or maybe on his lap, like supervillain and a cat.... Remembering that Dumpty seemed disgruntled when he mentioned him, he said, "Did the rabbit try to gnaw something of yours?" knowingly. They did that. Mr Fluffles did too, even despite his gentleman reputation.
Jun-Ha fluffed down his locks, pleased. And what a pure smile. Yes, he didn’t have to be super on his guard…probably. He still didn’t really understand the eggs thing, but he guessed it had to be an inside joke or something. He felt like the other was warming up to him too. Great. “You too are siblings?” he asked in curiosity, before Dumpty hurried them up.
“Wait, there will be other people?” if a tea party had to start with the three of them still standing there. He hesitated. The strangers… probably wouldn’t mind if these two acted like it was fine. Well, he figured. He decided to ask. “Um, will they like.. be okay with like.. me showing up without an invitation or anything?”
“Twins, in fact!” Humpty chirped. Nodding to his brother and following along. The pair heading down the path that ran under the massive gates of the territory.
“Of course, our boss will be there and his stupid rabbit.” Dumpty huffed. Clearly having some sort of grudge or dislike of the second person listed. He wished Elliott wasn’t in attendance but what could he do other than plot his murder? 
“Yes, yes. There is always a chair for an outsider. Don’t you fret your pretty head over it.”
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rosemore · 2 years
Jun-Ha fluffed down his locks, pleased. And what a pure smile. Yes, he didn't have to be super on his guard...probably. He still didn't really understand the eggs thing, but he guessed it had to be an inside joke or something. He felt like the other was warming up to him too. Great. "You too are siblings?" he asked in curiousity, before Dumpty hurried them up.
"Wait, there will be other people?" if a tea party had to start with the three of them still standing there. He hesitated. The strangers... probably wouldn't mind if these two acted like it was fine. Well, he figured. He decided to ask. "Um, will they like.. be okay with like.. me showing up without an invitation or anything?"
Thia guy seemed really bombastic. Also, his hair really was an amazing shade of.. wine purple??? Jun-Ha didn’t know the exact name of the colour. He didn’t seem to mean anything badly either.. Jun-Ha hoped they weren’t planning any hazing or anything like that, like greeting a freshman new to a dormitory. He wondered if he was supposed to agree about him calling himself the most beautiful egg. “I’m not sure about eggs, but your hair is really pretty,” he ventured, as a compromise.
The way the other guy seemed to enjoy his friend’s behaviour was nice, though. It was good to see people get along. “Nice names, too,” he made sure to comment. He decided that he was going to go along with them for now. They didn’t seem to be bad people (for now). Unlikely to order random people to carry them on their backs, like Aster. He could always run if they turned out to be strange people or wanted to kidnap him or anything.
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“Not sure about eggs, but we’re eggs! What’s there to not be sure about. You’ve officially met two eggs. Brothers from the same nest!” Humpty chimed happily, pleased to be talking about himself and his twin. “And thank you, your hair is a lovely shade as well.”
Dumpty tugged on his brother’s sleeve. Urging him to come towards the inner parts of the gate. “The party will start soon, we better hurry.”
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rosemore · 2 years
Thia guy seemed really bombastic. Also, his hair really was an amazing shade of.. wine purple??? Jun-Ha didn't know the exact name of the colour. He didn't seem to mean anything badly either.. Jun-Ha hoped they weren't planning any hazing or anything like that, like greeting a freshman new to a dormitory. He wondered if he was supposed to agree about him calling himself the most beautiful egg. "I'm not sure about eggs, but your hair is really pretty," he ventured, as a compromise.
The way the other guy seemed to enjoy his friend's behaviour was nice, though. It was good to see people get along. "Nice names, too," he made sure to comment. He decided that he was going to go along with them for now. They didn't seem to be bad people (for now). Unlikely to order random people to carry them on their backs, like Aster. He could always run if they turned out to be strange people or wanted to kidnap him or anything.
Jun-Ha was flustered at the man’s somewhat predatory demeanor. He was kind of amazed he jumped from there. Jun-Ha remembered in childhood how jarring it felt in your bones when you jump from the monkey bars…which this sort of felt like the adult equivalent. “A tea party…? For outsiders?” Sounded sort of strange.. they didn’t even know him…
He got off track when the smaller, purpler person spoke and quickly nodded. “… it’s also you guys land, right? I’m the intruder so I should introduce myself first haha. I’m Jun-Ha. Jun-Ha Dokgo.”
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“You’ve got that right. Outsiders are the life of the party!” Humpty stopped his circling and stood in front of Jun-Ha. “As I said before, it’s a pleasure to make my acquaintance I know, I am Humpty, the most beautiful egg in all of Wonderland.”
The other egg started giggling under his breath. Eyeing his brother’s theatrics before introducing himself too. “Dumpty.” Short and sweet.
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rosemore · 2 years
Jun-Ha was flustered at the man's somewhat predatory demeanor. He was kind of amazed he jumped from there. Jun-Ha remembered in childhood how jarring it felt in your bones when you jump from the monkey bars...which this sort of felt like the adult equivalent. "A tea party...? For outsiders?" Sounded sort of strange.. they didn't even know him...
He got off track when the smaller, purpler person spoke and quickly nodded. "... it's also you guys land, right? I'm the intruder so I should introduce myself first haha. I'm Jun-Ha. Jun-Ha Dokgo."
Jun-Ha had been exploring Wonderland around after he’d given Aster the slip. He’d been surprised that the roleholder’s staff had even let him run out considering they all seemed armed and it wasn’t like Jun-Ha had any practice in fighting… But he was relieved too. He found himself naturally being pulled towards the forest and wandered a bit further, when the unexpected voices caused a hitch in his steps. “…Huh?” he looked around himself, before eventually looking up. The auburn haired boy’s eyebrows shot up. ….Wow. He was immediately struck dumb by the dangerous perching they were doing (and also by the colour of their hair. The more pinker purple was his favourite. For a moment he could only gape. “I…I am? Oh! I’m sorry!” he didn’t know this place was somebody else’s private property.
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Humpty was first to leap down from his perch. Landing ever so lightly on the ground in front of the stranger. “No, no, no harm done.” He cooed. Circling around the stranger as if a hunter stalking prey. “You’ve come at the right time anyways. It’s time for a tea party and outsiders are always invited.”
“Don’t you think you should introduce yourself?” Dumpty huffed, finally joining his brother on the ground. “It’s rude not to.”
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rosemore · 2 years
Jun-Ha had been exploring Wonderland around after he'd given Aster the slip. He'd been surprised that the roleholder's staff had even let him run out considering they all seemed armed and it wasn't like Jun-Ha had any practice in fighting... But he was relieved too. He found himself naturally being pulled towards the forest and wandered a bit further, when the unexpected voices caused a hitch in his steps. "...Huh?" he looked around himself, before eventually looking up. The auburn haired boy's eyebrows shot up. ....Wow. He was immediately struck dumb by the dangerous perching they were doing (and also by the colour of their hair. The more pinker purple was his favourite. For a moment he could only gape. "I...I am? Oh! I'm sorry!" he didn't know this place was somebody else's private property.
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“Hello, hello.” The egg chimed. Watching the stranger from above. “An outsider? It’s a pleasure to meet me I’m sure!”
“Right, Humpty.” The other egg spoke up. “Someone new wandering into our territory?”
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