rosemund-fr · 3 years
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hello all you aberration lovers!
want to make your weirdos even weirder? want more eyes but hate how horribly multi clips with literally everything? want just so many wings? well, i’ve got something for you!
these were all designed to work specifically (and exclusively) with jewels so that you can match all the eyes for a more cohesive look!
seriously i have no idea how these work on any other/no tert. try at your own risk.
angelic aberrations is the latest accent line at origin_unknown accents; you can find the shop in the replies. drop by to sign up!
as always, boosts are super appreciated!
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rosemund-fr · 3 years
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rosemund-fr · 3 years
y’all like mass hatches?
yeah, me too.  so we’re doing one!
@radchaai-latte and i are doing a big hatch (exact number currently unknown, but it’s definitely over 100 eggs) on halloween! the specific time is yet to be decided, updates will be posted.
feel free to ask to be pinged when it starts, link to the thread in the replies (it’s still a very big wip, oops).
can’t wait to see you there for the spookiest babies! reblogs appreciated, we want this to be a fun event. ^^
tldr; big mass hatch on halloween day, let me know if you wanna be pinged when it starts
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rosemund-fr · 3 years
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I have so many copies of all of these and they need homes. So!  We’re gonna do something a bit different.
They’re all on the AH for 650g (link to the search in replies); I’ll discount that to 600g if you PM me on site (I’m kingcrown#87440).
However!  I’m offering bulk discounts!
Buy two for 1000g Buy three for 1500g Buy four for 2000g Buy five for 2500g Buy six for 3000g
If you get six (any six, can be one of each or any mix and match) that’s a whole one for free! Just PM me on site to work out details. ^^
As always, reblogs are hugely appreciated.  Thanks, and have a lovely week!
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rosemund-fr · 5 years
SURPRISINGLY quick and painless for the low number of prospective genetic contributors we found?? Fantastic
holy shit @rosemund-fr and i just finished a breeding project for a hatchery pair and aaAAAAAA
i’ll be needing input for what breeds the parents should be/what you all would like but AAAAAAAA
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rosemund-fr · 5 years
//shoves 30+hatchlings into a playpen in the garage to grow up for the last day of the dom battle// saaaame
i might have just spent 1.5mt on fodder babies i can’t be sure
i have no more money or space hah
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rosemund-fr · 5 years
Rosemund 120075, and here is my Tony Stark fandragon that took me A Very Long Time to breed (complete with accent by C0nsume)!
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Free Egg Friday
Enter to win one shady shadow egg!
Reblog with your FR Username/ID for a chance to win
Optional: share your favorite fan dragon for a second entry
Ends on July 13th, 2019 at 10:00 FR time
Good Luck! <3
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rosemund-fr · 5 years
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Pretty Fodder of the Day: Sand Petals/Teracotta Butterfly/Strawberry Glimmer (Nature Common). 
I’m just going to stick him on the AH for 10k so everyone can admire the beauty (and if you want to save him from fodder fate, take him!). Tomorrow he’ll go in with the regular fodder.
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rosemund-fr · 5 years
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so basically the art for the claws on gnarlhorn bothers me a lot  it looks like such a massive hindrance to have your claws…. bend your entire finger/toe like that….
so!!  solution!!  the gene alters the paws to allow them to walk on their knuckles and keep their claws out of the way!! i realise there’s a lot I left off but these sketches did not need to be more detailed than this, I just needed to get the concept across.
anyway yeah feel free to steal this idea if you want, no worries about credit.
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rosemund-fr · 5 years
y’all i love the ancients but //falls to my knees in gratitude// UPDATED SEARCH FEATURE!!!!!
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rosemund-fr · 5 years
can we talk about a ridgeback hatchling whose Ridgeback & Pearlcatcher parents got them laced/edged scrolls as a "you’re gonna be full grown tomorrow” present, only to be horrified when they started crying uncontrollably when they saw their new look
the parents eventually find out that in the 4 whole days they’ve been alive the ridgeback child’s two pearlcatcher siblings have convinced them that eating too much fish will turn them into a fish
the two pearl kids were gonna get scrolls as well but they’re grounded now
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rosemund-fr · 5 years
i already have more eg than i know what to do with so I'm just boosting & saying ALL ACES, AROS, GRAY-ACES, ASPEC FOLK ETC ARE VALID. Bossman agrees, thank u and good day. Morgan's sort of an ace pride dragon but will DEFINITELY fight you if you attempt to dismiss or exclude ace folks :D
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“Stormcatcher says ace rights” giveaway
So, I got two (2) lightning eggs from gathering today directly after reblogging a post about all aces being valid. The logical conclusion is that this was the Boss chiming in and shouting his complete agreement!
So I’m gonna give away one of them!
The catch? There isn’t one!  The entry requirement shouldn’t be any issue at all. You just have to say, in your own words, that you support every ace, bar absolutely none. If you don’t, you get instantly disqualified from this giveaway!
Just some things:
Only reblogs count, one per person
Please do not tag as giveaway because tumblr is a deranged, depraved beast
If you want, feel free to show off your ace/demi/grey/aro/generally aspec dragons or characters, or share your own experiences!!
That’s it!  That’s everything. I’ll be drawing probably around, uhh say 18:00 servertime, give or take.  Entries close then.
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rosemund-fr · 5 years
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My pixel icon shop is open again, and I have a new skydancer base! Link in the notes!
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rosemund-fr · 5 years
AGREED u can have all the fancy lace stuff and armor in the world but my nudist weirdos will only give up their Free Lifestyle for stained "BACK2WRK" t-shirts lbr
we really could use more nasty, gross apparel though
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rosemund-fr · 5 years
can vouch king's powers are extraordinary
general observation but if you ever need someone to convince you not to impulse buy a dragon i am your guy
dad friend powers i guess
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rosemund-fr · 6 years
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yall i know I’ve been basically Deceased here but: half some entirely unapologetic p-bark and some succulents. (.... i actually don’t even know what all vistas are available is there a list??)
ALSO: thank Swipp’s Quetzeel trade today for that grand Bestiary count I just noticed xD
I always like looking at these so show me your current icon and forum visa!
here’s mine becuase I also wanted an excuse to show off my new combo
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rosemund-fr · 6 years
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all natural eye types
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