roses-and-latte · 3 years
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here’s a quick guide on how i proofread and edit my essays as an humanities undergrad! i tend to spend more time on research and editing and much less time on writing and my first drafts are often horrendous, so editing is really important for me :^)
i’ve also created guides on essay preparation, the 5-paragraph essay, how to research, and how to write essays. you can find all my other masterposts here.
transcript below:
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roses-and-latte · 3 years
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roses-and-latte · 3 years
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Monthly Planner Printables + Etsy Shop
Hey everyone, I hope you're all doing well! Just wanted to let you know that I've opened an Etsy shop! Check it out at Eintsein Designs - I'll be listing some of my new printables here!*
So far, I've published the following printables
Horizontal Monthly Planner Printables
Vertical Monthly Planner Printables
Some other ones I'll post in the coming weeks (either in the store or free in my drive)
16-week planners
2-month trackers
Daily planners (academic, task prioritization)
Weekly planners (bullet journal style, schedulers)
Yearly overviews (by week, by day)
Mood trackers
Yearly trackers
Student starter kit
And some planned releases (subject to change/updates)
Study aids, including an assignment breakdown/planner/tracker, a mistake log, reflection pages
Financial planners/trackers
Project planners
Mental health-related printables to help with anxiety and stress
Hope you'll check it out and definitely reach out if you have any questions, feedback, or suggestions. Also, let me know via my ask or messages if there are any specific printables/features you wanna see! Have a great day y'all xx
* all my old printables that are free will remain free and can be found in my google drive
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roses-and-latte · 3 years
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roses-and-latte · 3 years
rezeki kita lain-lain, ikut apa yang sesuai untuk kita, mungkin kita rasa tak cukup tapi hakikatnya He knows whats best for us.. just wait patiently.. and be in your own lane, Allah blesses us differently ❤️
have you ever question yourself after doing soo much..but that one thing/goal you're trying to achieve just lets you down?
if you ask me.. yes, i've faced that ever since i was in primary school, i got rejected
to three schools in each stage of my school journey.. primary school, middle school and one biggest heartbreak of all was being rejected by my dream high school. eventhough i did have good grades to enter that "dream" school..
it was rough for me to accept it because my father was one of the alumni of that "dream" school (i put my hopes high to enter).. after that rejection..i downgraded myself soo hard that time, i hated myself soo bad eventho i wasnt pressured by my parents.. and i even loss ppl i love.. which made things even worse.
and during my finals i did real bad.. i got my first fail in addmaths and that had to be a closure to one of my worst year in highschool during form 4.. tbh i didnt study srsly.. i had a burnt out.. and most of the time i'd cry..but behind doors... and my friends knew nothing abt it.. im good at hiding this from them i guess..
after all the dreadful feelings, the constant self hate and abusive habits ive done to myself that year... my dad.. helped me to get back up.. that was when he told me that he was never ashamed of me because i got rejected, he never was.. and he hugged me and said that i was enough just where i am.. that helped me, alhamdulillah i have him.. i couldnt imagine what else bad things i'd done to myself if he didnt reassure me... i think... i was suicidal.. i think lah but it was close to...
but now.. i'm done with highschool.. and alhamdulillah i got one of the best grades ive ever managed to get throughout my years of learning ❤️ alhamdulillah.. ngl i never thought i actually managed to get it alhamdulillah.. and plus i managed to get into my "dream" uni when i was like in form 1... and i even got a chance to pursue in a course im in love with (lol) but yeah..
see? Allah delays something to give you something even better..
see? goals that were rejected for you, is a redirection from Allah for your own path.. Allah plans our path uniquely different..
and each path is unique for everyone..nobody on earth deserves to be downgraded just because their path is different.
see? you loss people you love, yet you still have chances to connect with new ppl that loves you for you..and you know how amazing they are, and how exciting it is to get to know these new ppl.
and lastly,
see? how these hard times.. just reminds you to be closer to Allah.. think of it as a message from him..cause he misses your tears in your prayers..and he loves you.. thats why you had to face them..
yours truly, rose 🤍
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roses-and-latte · 3 years
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— Sylvia Plath.
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roses-and-latte · 3 years
Pernah tak..
persoalkan diri.. kenapa Allah letak kita dekat suatu tempat..kita rasa kita tak layak berada dekat situ...sebab kita tak cukup baik..mungkin tak cukup pandai atau mungkin tak serasi dengan komuniti..
tapi.. Allah letak kita kat situ..
saya pun tak tahu..
tapi... saya nak percaya.. yang mungkin Allah letak saya kat situ..sebab Allah nak saya dekat balik dengan Allah.. mungkin Allah rindu rintihan saya.. mungkin sebab tu saya banyak ujian.
tapi ada masa.. saya lupa.
saya lupa saya boleh merintih dengan Dia,
saya lupa saya boleh luah semua perkara dengan Dia,
saya lupa Dia sentiasa mendengar,
saya lupa saya banyak dosa,
tapi saya leka dengan nikmat yang Dia kurniakan, bahkan saya tak bersyukur.. Dia boleh tarik balik bila bila masa sahaja, nikmat yang ada.
semuanya sementara, dunia ni bukan tempat kita tinggal selamanya.
apa jadi kalau saya dah terlambat nak sedar diri. ?
Allah, waktu tu mungkin tangisan saya tak cukup untuk bersihkan hati saya yang kotor...
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roses-and-latte · 3 years
trust in His planning, you may think you're not good enough to be there, but you never know what Allah has planned for you..
there will be days i'll be at lost, casted away, wronged..
but how many times i've been there and i'm okay again..
believe in yourself, just try, and do the best thing you can do for yourself..
ya allah i feel so small... i never felt soo small before.. so lift me up with my spirits when i'm at my lowest.
i can't do anything else but only rely to you..
la illah ha ilallah
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roses-and-latte · 3 years
im worried, that i may not be enough.. im worried that im not as good as i seem.. im worried how You (Allah) see me soo differently from what ppl assume me as a kind person.
the truth is, im not.
im fighting my demons..and running away from things that trigger them..but sometimes i get back to them. and those silent moments, only you hear me ya allah.
i swear i feel lonely.. but i know you're there..
i question myself why you gave me all these blessings when i sin a lot, and repent too little.. im afraid i may seem nice to ppl but ugly to you.
im afraid these blessings would tear me down when i feel like im at my highest self, im afraid of losing ppl because i forgot abt you. im afraid my pride gets the best of me and you let it that way..
im afraid im not under your mercy.. so pull me close. and with this path you allow me to follow let it be for me to love you even more ya allah.
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roses-and-latte · 3 years
i miss the ocean like the moon misses the sun
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roses-and-latte · 3 years
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roses-and-latte · 3 years
like i promise if you find a way to be physically active in a way that you enjoy your life will literally change for the better in every other aspect. Sometimes u dont need a new relationship or a new job or whatever u think u need ur body is literally telling u Hey we havent climbed anything or leaped or ran for fun in the past 10 years and u have all this built up tension.
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roses-and-latte · 3 years
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roses-and-latte · 3 years
i do this all the time 😭✌🏻
ok so crying over a book is one of the most prominent sign of compassion for humanity. you’re crying over someone who isn’t really there, doesn’t really exist, but you still feel for them as if you've known them your entire life.
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roses-and-latte · 3 years
6 Things People Don't Always Tell You About Studying
1. you ace tests by overlearning. you should know your notes/flashcards/definitions basically by heart. if someone asks you about a topic when you’re away from class or your notes and you can answer them in a thorough and and accurate answer, then you’re good, you know the material. 
2. if you don’t understand something, it will end up on the test. so just don’t disregard and hope that this specific topic won’t be on the test. give it more attention, help, and practice. find a packet of problems on that one concept and don’t stop until you finish it and know it the best. 
3. sometimes you just need that Parental Push. you know in elementary school, they would tell you “ok now it’s time for you to do your homework! you have a project coming up, start looking for a topic now!” ONE of your teachers might be like this. be thankful for it and follow their advice! these teachers are the best at always keeping you on track with their calendar. if not a teacher, then have one of your friends be that person that can keep you accountable for the things you promised you would do. 
4. you just need to kick your own ass. seriously. i know it sucks and its hard to study for two things at once. BUT. I DONT CARE IF IT’S HARD. you need to do it and at least do it to get it over with because you can’t keep putting things off. If you do, you will eventually run out of time and you will hate yourself. force yourself to do it. i made myself sign up for june ACT even though there’s finals because if i didn’t, i probably never would. like do i think i’m gonna be ready in one month? probably not, SO I BETTER GET ON IT AND START STUDYING! 
5. do homework even if it doesn’t count. if you actually try on it, then you will actually do so much better on the tests, it’s like magic. 
6. literally just get so angry about procrastinating that you make yourself start that assignment. I know how hard it is to kick the procrastination habit. I have to procrastinate. So I make myself start by thinking about my deadlines way early. I think, “oh i have a presentation in three weeks (but it really takes 2 weeks to do), i’ll be good and start today.” when that doesn’t happen, you say you’ll do it tomorrow, and this happens for like the next four days. I get so mad at myself for not starting when i am given a new chance to do so with every passing day. By that time, you actually have exactly how much time you need for it AND you were able to procrastinate the same way you usually do ;)
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roses-and-latte · 3 years
Allah is with you and will never deprive you of [the reward of] your deeds.
Holy Qur’an, Muhammad 35
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roses-and-latte · 3 years
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my masterpost | my studygram | ask me anything
[click images for high quality]
[transcript under the cut]
Other advice posts that may be of interest:
How To Study When You Really Don’t Want To
How To Do Uni Readings
Active Revision Tips
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