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I honestly hit the jackpot when I was born in France. I am not even talking about welfare, social security or paid leave. I was born in the one place in the world where at every street corner there is a boulangerie where you can spend two euros and get a croissant and a baguette. And it will be good. This is legitimately the one thing that hurt when I lived abroad.
The Netherlands is a nice country but the fucking bread. It is not even bad, it is just not French. If I ever emigrate it will be an exile. I will long for French bread. I will look out the window sadly thinking about baguette.
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my great-grandfather had to leave italy in the 20鈥瞫 because he hit a fascist with a tuba, so if you think I am going to take this sitting down you are going to have to catch these hands and also this tuba
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All the torso animated studies.
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Pang Jiun (Taiwanese, b. 1936) Watery Wonder - Li River 2016 Oil on canvas 72 x 90 cm
Misty Mountains 1987 Oil on canvas 88 x 73 cm
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This legitimately needs to be in future literature textbooks to capture the Covid-19 Pandemic.
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Recent flower commissions
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I want to give up for a while. To stop trying so hard with everything. I wish I could turn it all off for five minutes. I know it is my brain being a little bitch but it all feels overwhelming. Maybe I will just sleep in and miss class. I can't do it right now
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you think you have it so bad here, you think tumblr posts are cursed. this is the height of privilege. i am not native here, and am an immigrant from the foreign website called "reddit". i came here in 2018 because i wanted to make a better life for myself and my posts. on reddit we have nothing. our posts vanish within hours. people do horrible things to earn even the smallest number of upvotes. they quote weather man. they quote weather man again and again and again. thats how it is on reddit, quote weather man or starve. i am ashamed to admit even i have stooped so low.
on tumblr if you make a spelling mistake no one will judge you. in my country if you make a spelling mistake every response will be someone passive-aggressively correcting you.
and the horrors. you here do not know the horrors. you think superwholock posts are cursed. you do not know the horrors of the cumbox. you do not know the horrors of the cum drawer. you do not know the horrors of the cum jar. you do not know the horrors of the woman who stuck rotting meat up her vagina or the ask a rapist thread. you do not know colby.
i have come to your website because i think your culture is beautiful and you are such a warm and welcoming people. i have worked hard to assimilate to your ways. i am honored to say that i, too, am a tumblrina. but please, you must know how good you have it here. when i see your "heritage posts" i cannot help but feel pangs, pangs of sorrow for my comrades who lived and died in a world you cannot imagine. that is my heritage posts. remember how good you have it.
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Reblog if boobs are pretty cool
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im just in love with deep blue shadows and the warmest of light
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France divided by rail links from Paris train stations.
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oh to be a nun in 1350 enjoying quiet time and gardening and having lots of lesbian sex and then dying at the ripe old age of 36
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I offer this for your consideration:
Not that many books from smaller languages are translated into English, comparably speaking.
That means if a book is translated from Finnish*, for example, it鈥檚 usually because it鈥檚 very good. Something to consider when picking your next reading challenge perhaps? Books from all over the world!
*about 5 million people speak Finnish in the world.
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694K notes View notes
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230K notes View notes