rosewolfin · 9 months
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fly me to the moon. let me play among the stars.
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rosewolfin · 9 months
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fly me to the moon. let me play among the stars.
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rosewolfin · 9 months
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fly me to the moon. let me play among the stars.
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rosewolfin · 9 months
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rosewolfin · 9 months
“You can say that again.” FULL OF SURPRISED. Both universes. – She shouldn’t be here after all. This was not the universe she had stranded in twice, just to find a life, that was so NORMAL and yet everything but normal at the same time. This was – her home universe. Different. So different, she could feel it now. The air smelled different. The sky looked different. It was funny, really, how many details she now saw, that she knew where she had to look. And it was funny how she had run into HER again. Perhaps it was destiny – even if she was still unsure whether she believed in it, or not.
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“If I remember correctly, you’re great at tinkering.” A smile returned; something lingering in her eyes, too. SHE is great at tinkering, too – definitely got that from her Dad!
“ – and it would be great if we’d find out what’s going on here. I haven’t got the foggiest idea. – ALIEN, I can tell you that much… Looks… Not from this galaxy.” | @chloevlinder
CHLOE HAD BEEN SURPRISED TO SEE HER AGAIN. Questions kept whirling in her mind that she didn't dare ask, past not something that she dared mention. It would make everything so very complicated, and she didn't want that. She didn't want to inflict that kind of pain or the obligation on someone who simply didn't deserve it. None of it was this Rose's fault or her doing. She didn't even look the same.
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"It's going to take a bit of tinkering." A smile just about warm enough to look normal was cast to Rose until she turned back, carefully toying with the device that she'd found. "But once we can get it back to working order, we can use it to figure out what's been going on here. I have my suspicions, but you never know. The universe is always so full of surprises, isn't it?"
@rosewolfin // sc. (accepting)
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rosewolfin · 9 months
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Miss Carter, there is not a man or woman, no matter how fit he or she may be, who is capable of carrying the entire world on their shoulders.
Steve was. I AM.
independent PEGGY CARTER. written   by   achilles. 
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rosewolfin · 9 months
“I’m everywhere.” Words have barely left her lips when her eyes shine GOLD; light seemingly escaping from them, while she still holds the Doctor in her gaze. HER DOCTOR – only so many years after they have last seen each other. She knows. The story will end – her story – but she will not remember how. Another universe. Another time. Trapped for eternity, but not alone. Does it make things better? PERHAPS. She knows everything – but she cannot feel it all. It’s burning her up inside, but there is a job she needs to finish first. A REMINDER. Everywhere. Bad Wolf.
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“ – I know you’re tired, my Doctor. But things will change.” Lips curling to a smile; gold ebbing away for a moment as she meets his eyes. Angry. Tired. Sick of the war that clings to him. – She reached out; fingers so close to touching him, before she lets him hand sink again. SHE COULD CHANGE IT. End all wars. What if she just did? It was as easy as snapping her fingers now. – But something holds her back.
“It’s not time yet. – You’re too young.”
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"Angry?" he queried, his rageful emotions masking his logical response, his pain evident for all the suffering around him. "Isn't that a perfectly normal reaction to this?"
A quiet simmering fury brewed within him, only breaching occasionally, such as when he kicked the remnants of the weapon out of his sight. War sickened him; he despised it down to his core, and now this face was so tired of it. He had known war for over half of his life now.
The kick was cathartic in a way, quelling the raging fire within him to soft-burning embers as he returned his attention to Rose.
"Why are you here?" he wondered, concern etched across his features. This was not a place to find someone he held dear.
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rosewolfin · 9 months
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Absolutely ridiculous, I don't paint. [ ind. sel. mutuals only. ] written by achilles.
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rosewolfin · 9 months
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OOC. I dusted off my boy at @dereiserne, so...
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rosewolfin · 9 months
“ – I guess you’re AUNT Donna then.” A smile; a warmth in her eyes that just had to be there, because – oh, it was going to sound so CHEESY, but they all were a family, were they not? Even without the WEIRD part, they had seen so much and lived through so much together, they were only two ways they could have made it out. And they had made their choice. A family. Split across universes, perhaps, but it didn’t change anything. There was not a day Rose didn’t think of the people left in this universe. Martha. Jack. Donna.
Brows are raised at the other’s words and the tone she recognised. THERE ALREADY HAD BEEN A MESS, and she was sure she knew who was responsible for it, too. Same face, same Doctor? It partially answered her question, even if she wasn’t sure if she even wanted more of an answer. She wanted to see him, and yet, the thought was tying her stomach into a knot.
She would have to make up her mind soon, but for the moment there were other things to think about. “ – just like that? And he never thought about… Of course, he didn’t!” There’s nothing she can do but LAUGH about it; a laugh of relief because her friend had remembered and not died. And now? Did they mean she could still be there for the Doctor? He deserved someone who could be there for him. She couldn’t. Not any more.
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A small nod followed her own thoughts and Donna’s question. “ – still struggling with THINKING TOO MUCH, but he’s fine. Still driving me mad when he gets bored, but he started to give some lectures at university a few years ago. Every now and then, that is. Doing some things for UNIT, too.”
one shoulder shrugs up.
"i don't think i mind it. already a mum, aren't i?" at thirty five, she would've balked. now she's sure that enough time has passed. she could be an aunt. she doesn't mind being donna either.
rose has a kid. rose has a kid, that's incredible.
"let's just say they know in a very real way. i think they'd be thrilled."
a very real way. giant space chinchilla in her living room, which was evil, thank you very much, just as she said. you see a giant space rat, it's going to be evil.
"apparently, if you've got a kid, it passes down." she snaps her fingers. "splits in two, just like that."
she'll feel a little guilty for the rest of her life, for shunting that off on her daughter. it wasn't like rose had a choice, even if it had turned out alright in the end.
"is he alright, then? he's good?"
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rosewolfin · 9 months
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
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rosewolfin · 9 months
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
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rosewolfin · 9 months
She has asked the Doctor again – to go back into her own past. And of course he had reacted the way she had expected; face looking at her as if she had gone mad, BUT SHE HAD EXPLAINED. It wasn’t for her. It was for a friend. – One of those friends she didn’t see that much any more, because… That’s where she had stumbled. She didn’t know how to explain it. BUT HE HAD UNDERSTOOD.
And here she was now. Strict instructions still ringing in her ears. She wasn’t allowed to change too much, he had said – even though she knew; her lesson learned the last time.
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“I’m just looking for someone.” The truth, even if she had found her. Daisy.
@rosewolfin / baby dais sc.
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her feet come down to stop herself from swinging more when she spots the other. boots now half buried in the sand, she sways gently back and forth instead. her hands still gripping the chains on either side. " hey ! " the girl calls out to get the other's attention. " where are you going ? "
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rosewolfin · 9 months
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Miss Carter, there is not a man or woman, no matter how fit he or she may be, who is capable of carrying the entire world on their shoulders.
Steve was. I AM.
independent PEGGY CARTER. written   by   achilles. 
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rosewolfin · 9 months
OOC. Thinking of deleting some blogs and putting them on a multi... or just deleting them tbh.
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rosewolfin · 9 months
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OOC. I'm not really motivated to do anything...
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rosewolfin · 9 months
“ ‘ suppose that’s an important memory. Lost his hand that day, too.” And grew it back like it was nothing. She still remembers the day vividly. It had been an exhausting Christmas with everything that had happened. From nearly crashing into the Powell Estate to a nice and chaotic Christmas dinner.
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“ – actually sounds like a DREAM JOB. Showing up once a year and still getting’ paid? Great! – But as far as I understood, he didn’t start working for them ‘cos he was bored – he was sorta STUCK on Earth. – Sounds like a real nightmare for him, too.”
"the pyjamas! i didn't see it, mind, but it," she taps her temple. "back when i saw in his mind. when i was his mind." she doesn't remember it all - how could she? - but some of it sticks out. not his memories, but her own memories of his memories.
if she thinks for too long about that, she's not going to come out the other side of it.
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"i never expected him to hold a job. that's not a dig at him, really, it's not, it's just - he doesn't seem the type. all that running." a job seems like the type of thing he'd run away from. "to be fair, i think if he wasn't him, he'd have been fired already. i don't know any other job you can show up to maybe once a year."
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