rosewritesfanfics · 7 months
also personal opinion, I do NOT think Jack is bon. There's just a lot of stuff that wouldn't make sense if Jack was bon, hell I'm pretty sure they don't even have the same voice which is something we know is carried over into wonderland.
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rosewritesfanfics · 1 year
Is it alright to request a pt2 to the story helpless :)
Helpless Part 2
I gave this a happy ending, I might write a bad ending next simply because I love angst but we'll see.
The walk to the hospital had passed in a blur, people, buildings, and plant life merging together around him as Strelitzia guided him through the city. He'd stopped crying only once he had no more tears he could possibly shed, eyes red and puffy. Small injuries received during the battle did not register as he focused solely on trying to get your connection to respond. He couldn't tell you what hospital this was. He couldn't tell you what room number you were in. He couldn't tell you where Riku or Strelitzia had gone. All he knew was that he could see you and that's when he finally snapped back.
You were still on the bed, shallow breaths nearly unnoticeable if not for Sora's silence. The nurses had cleaned the blood off your face, and only then did Sora realize he was still covered in it. Oh god. The red coating his hands had been inside of you. You were so pale. Could you even regenerate enough to recover? There was so much. A stark contrast to the white sheets on your bed. He felt like he was going to be sick. He needed to get it off now. But if he left you, would you stop breathing? You still weren't responding to him. Normally it was instinctual, you'd have no awareness of your connection and your heart would do it even while you slept. Please just respond. Please. He was only met with silence.
Strelitzia and Riku re-entered the room with a rag and food, probably from the cafeteria. No words were spoken as Riku wiped the blood from his face. Sora would not look away from you.
"Sora" the sound after so much quiet almost scared him. "There's a sink in the adjacent bathroom if you want to clean the blood off your hands." Riku spoke gently, like he was talking to a wounded animal or a child. The worst part was, Sora couldn't disagree. His mind was completely adrift with fears about what was happening. Truthfully, Riku could have wiped the blood from Sora's hands as well, but he wanted to give Sora a moment to collect himself.
"I can't leave them." Sora's voice was scratchy from the screaming he'd done earlier. He hoped his heart didn't sound as weak. It had to be strong to even hope you'd hear him. Riku looked like he wanted to say something, probably to convince him to take care of himself. Sora knows you'd want the same thing. But he can't. Not when you're still not answering him.
"Sora the doctors said they're stable, but we can't do anything until they wake up." Strelitzia was trying to calm him from his internal storm of emotions but she didn't understand. You never ignored him calling out to you. "Sora please do you really want them to wake up and see you covered in blood? It's for both your sake and theirs." Strelitzia was playing on his weakness, and it worked. He was fragile in this state but he'd do anything for you.
Sora found his way to the bathroom and scrubbed his hands until they felt raw. He actively avoided looking at the mirror, he didn't want to know how he looked right now.  He called out one last time, in the vain hope he'd hear something. Anything. At first there was still only silence. Sora gripped the sink so hard he thought it might break. Somehow it seemed he still had some tears, and he grit his teeth as he fought against them. He didn't need to embarrass himself any further in front of his friends. He quickly forgot the sentiment when he finally, finally, felt your heart again. It was a quick pulse. Flickering and barely there. But it said what it needed to. I'm still here. I'm going to be ok.
Sora almost fell to the floor in sheer relief, allowing a few tears to fall before exiting the bathroom and pulling his chair up next to your bed. The other two left the room to give him some privacy as he cried next to you. He focused on his messages to you. Soothing and apologizing, trying to comfort you. You could hear him couldn't you? You had to. A few more minutes pass. Another small pulse. Sora allowed himself to smile. 
It's three long days of waiting before you wake up. Your heart had been getting stronger and Sora could feel it. Your connection was restored and arguably stronger than it was before. Even if you couldn't communicate with him past instinct, upon waking you'd find you could sometimes feel one of those pulses from his side of the connection. You'd woken up to it, Sora's heart buzzing and humming as it sensed you fully awaken, knowing before he'd been able to witness it. You gently squeezed his hand that was holding yours as he napped by your bedside. You felt him squeeze back as he slowly woke up, before blue eyes fully widened and Sora sat up in shock. His hair was even more a mess than usual, spikes depressed and messed up in all different directions, but other than that it seems Riku and Strelitzia had forced him to take care of himself. You'd have to thank them later.
Before you could say anything he scooped you into a hug. You gripped back and he laughed, and tears once again fell from his eyes, happy ones this time. You took a second to absorb your surroundings and how you got there. That's when you remembered how Sora had confessed to you. After ignoring you for months. Suddenly you pulled back, and the look Sora gave can best be described as that of a kicked puppy. 
"I'm not mad" you start and he perks up a bit as you continue, "especially not after what just happened, but we still need to talk. I can understand wanting me to be safe and why you kept your distance, but that doesn't change the fact it hurt me."
"I'm sorry, I know there isn't a good excuse." Sora sounded just as small as he looked, and your previously stern demeanor melted a bit. How were you supposed to stay upset when he was this adorable? It truly wasn't fair.
"I forgive you, just promise me you'll keep me updated from now on." As soon as the words leave your mouth he's once again at full attention, capturing your hand in both of his while looking at you with a seriousness you didn't think he was capable of.
"I promise. I was never planning on doing something like that again anyway. I don't even know if I could leave your side after seeing you while injured. The whole time we've been apart, I've still been able to feel you in a way thanks to the way our hearts are connected. I can feel it with all my friends, although some connections are stronger than others. But when you passed out, no matter how much I tried to feel you there was no response. Eventually your heart began calling back out to me, but before that I was terrified. For all I knew you were dead. That fear, that's how you've felt this whole time right? I'm so sorry I ever put you through that, I'll never do it again." He's choked up again by the time he finishes, and when you tug him back in for a hug he holds you tighter than ever before. The both of you still needed to talk things through, and there was still a war to fight, but for now Sora could focus solely on the person he loved without fear.
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rosewritesfanfics · 1 year
Are requests still open?
Yes! I am still working on the ones I have though as I am normally very busy. School is out now though so I've gotten back to writing :) feel free to send one in!
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rosewritesfanfics · 2 years
Pro Tip for Writers
If you want a great spelling check website, all you have to do is hit the "post/publish" button and all your mistakes will become abundantly obvious to you through the magic of absolute mortification
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rosewritesfanfics · 2 years
Helpless Part 2 - You get injured in an attack. Sora's been avoiding you for months in an attempt to prevent this. Angst ensues.
Not Your Fault - After your team's second trip to Hollow Bastion, you all stop at Disney Castle to recover from the long battle. Sora finds himself unable to sleep, and turns to you for comfort.
Human - You've been a nobody since the events of KH1, and while you've been reunited with Sora, he doesn't know it's you.
Reunited - You've been staying at the mysterious tower for a year now, studying under Yen Sid to improve your magic. You can't help but wonder when your going to see Sora again.
Anti-Aqua Headcanons
Powerful Mage Reader with Terra, Riku, and Aqua
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rosewritesfanfics · 2 years
Sora x reader
CW: blood, injury, possible character death (not Sora don't worry)
He had worked so hard to keep you out of this. He had tried so hard to keep you safe. When heartless began to to appear in Quadratum, with Riku showing up only a few weeks later Sora knew he had to distance himself. It hurt him immensely, but much of his guilt came from the way he was treating you. Sora, alongside your longtime friend Strelitzia, had completely ghosted you. He didn't care what he had to do to keep you safe. Even if it made you hate him, at least you'd be ok. But one time he almost bumped into you while walking, and he began to have regrets. You hadn't seen him, but one look at you was enough for Sora to realize that maybe they should have given you some kind of warning. You seemed tired, more depressed, and who could blame you? You'd been friends with Strelitzia for years and built a close relationship with Sora, only for both of them to abandon you at the same time. But it would be ok, he'd explain everything to you when this was all over. Or at least, when heartless ambushes were less frequent. All of it came crashing down once he saw just who had gotten caught in the crossfire of the latest attack.
When Sora first woke up in this reality, he'd quickly become overwhelmed. Everything was different here and he had felt exhausted due to the lack of magic. At first he couldn't even summon his keyblade, and he had no connection to any of his loved ones. He had no idea where to go or what to do, and for a while he just roamed the city aimlessly. Strelitzia was there and tried to help him the best she could by setting him up with a job and an apartment. But nothing she did could help with the pain of losing everyone.
Then he met you, and for a year it'd been almost perfect. You helped him adjust to this world and had become his closest friend. It all started his first day at the job Strelitzia got him. It was at a small coffee shop as a barista, and it's how he met most of the people he knew here. You were a regular, and over time you started to talk. Sora had memorized your order, and began leaving you short messages written out on a napkin or your cup. Eventually Strelitzia bought him a cellphone, and he'll never forget the way your eyes lit up when you saw his number scribbled next to the words "call me". The following months were spent hanging out at each other's apartments, watching movies, getting dinner together, so many different activities he hadn't had the free time to do in years. He was surprised at how much he enjoyed the domesticity. He still itched for adventure, and to get back home, but now he wanted that to include you. Sora started viewing spending time with you as that new adventure, an escape from everything else.
You'd also supported him emotionally more than anyone else ever had. He loved his friends, but before you no one had ever truly listened to him before. You held him when he cried, and didn't force him to wear a fake smile. He was allowed to be angry, he was allowed to be sad, it wasn't out of place here. You didn't need him to be happy all the time. He had a hard time accepting you even believed him, but your only concern was how he felt. Granted he was first able to summon his keyblade again in front of you, but still. At the same time, you confessed how being around him just made you happier, how much brighter your world had been since he entered your life. It made leaving you hurt all the more.
He knew how he felt about you and was trying to build himself up to confess when the attacks started happening. Riku opening up that portal to Quadratum allowed darkness to seep in too. Heartless began appearing left and right, and he wanted to keep you as far away from it as possible. You were safer away from him, his connection to the keyblade would only draw them toward you if he stuck around.
Lot of good that did. If he had been there and able to protect you, maybe you wouldn't be bleeding out on the ground. The darkside had sent debris flying towards you, which had buried you until the fight was over and he'd been able to dig you out. Even that took too long in his opinion, as when they finally found you, your skin was pale and you were nearly unconscious. Some of the rubble had torn into your side, and blood was everywhere. He'd never felt so hopeless, so useless. You weren't like him, so his cure spell had no effect and he couldn't heal you. Sora tried to keep pressure on the wound like he was told, but if help didn't come soon you weren't going to make it.
"Sora, talk to them, you have to keep them awake." Strelitzia explained. At least she knew who to call and what to do. But even she seemed anxious about your condition, which only scared Sora more. He had only seen blood once before when you had accidentally cut your hand, and that had been a minor amount compared to the wound you had now. If Strelitzia, who'd been exposed to Quadratum for years was nervous, than just how hurt were you? Sora could feel and see the blood beneath his hands, no matter how much pressure he applied it just wouldn't stop. It'd been a struggle, the first time he tried you'd screamed and Sora flinched back. But no, apparently to help he had to put you in more pain. Sora could feel your shallow breathing, faint but still there. It was a small comfort, one that gave him enough focus to help you.
"Hey, sweetheart, can you hear me? You don't have to talk, just open your eyes, please." His voice cracked as he said the words. Despite how tired you felt, you managed to open your eyes halfway. Sora felt mildly relieved, thank god you could still hear him.
"Sora?" Your voice sounded weak. Sora quickly shushed you, not wanting you to waste your energy.
"You don't have to talk, just focus on staying awake ok? You'll make it through this, I promise." He'd never sounded so scared before. You fought to stay with him, but you could tell there wasn't much of a chance. Sora could also tell you were slipping, but he couldn't let you leave without you knowing how he felt.
"I'm sorry I haven't been around, I thought staying would make you a target, that I'd put you in danger." He rushed through his explanation of where he'd been, he could explain the details later when you were safe.
"I know this is really bad timing, and you can scold me when we're out of this, but you need to know that I love you. I'm sorry it took you getting hurt to get the words out, but you'll have plenty of time to be mad at me later alright?" Plans of telling you by your favorite spot in the local park were long forgotten. "It's ok if you don't feel the same, I just needed you to hear me say it before-" Sora began to breakdown sobbing, unable to admit that it wasn't looking good for you.
You weren't about to go without letting him know about your feelings either. You fought against the tiredness to press your hand to Sora's cheek. His head shot up, Sky blue eyes meeting your own. You moved your thumb to wipe some of his tears, but it did little to help with the amount still falling.
"Sora" you started, wincing as you spoke. "I feel the same way, I love you too." You smile as best you can, and if you weren't so numb you might've laughed at the shock on his face. Tears of your own continued to fall, it just wasn't fair. You didn't want to leave him, you wanted to stay, you wanted to show him how much you loved him. You wanted more time.
Paramedics finally were in sight, and Sora felt hope for the first time since he watched you get hurt. Strelitzia was quickly guiding them towards you as Sora waved them down. He even smiled a bit, you were gonna be ok! As he turned towards you though, his hope shifted to panic. You'd fallen unconscious while he was distracted, and he couldn't tell if you were breathing.
Before Sora could check on you, your body was pried away from him. He tried to go after you, but two pairs of hands held him back. He couldn't think clearly, he just knew you were being taken somewhere else. He fought as hard as he could against Strelitzia and Riku's grip, he needed to get to you. It took all their strength just to keep him there.
He cried and begged for them to let him go until his voice was hoarse, eventually giving up and falling to his knees. All that he could feel was grief, more powerful than any darkness he'd faced. You could be gone, and he wasn't there. He'd never hear your voice again, never see your smile, never get to create the type of relationship you both so desperately wanted. The dread and sadness that gripped his heart were made more painful by his inability to feel your connection like he normally would. Wailing finally registered in his ears, and he realized it was his own pained cries.
Riku sat next to his old friend, placing an arm around his shoulder. Sora leaned into him, cries becoming muffled by his shirt. Strelitzia crouched down and placed a comforting hand on his back. No words were exchanged, what could they even say? There was no guarantee you'd be ok. Eventually, they'd leave and Strelitzia would guide them to the hospital you'd been taken too, and they'd figure it out from there. For now, all Sora had the strength to do was mentally plead with the universe to let him see you again.
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rosewritesfanfics · 2 years
Dark Aqua and Reader headcanons? Can be anything (like fluffy or sad) :○
Anti-Aqua Headcanons
By the time you find Aqua with Mikey and Riku, she's already fallen
She's spent 11 years without you, and during that time she tried desperately to cling to the hope of seeing you and her friends again
The darkness has taken her grief and corrupted it, from her clouded perspective your just as guilty as Mickey for leaving her
As angry and hurt as she is though, she cannot bring herself to fight you. That is something Aqua just cannot do. You are helpless to watch as Riku confronts her.
After she's saved, she panics briefly upon waking up. How did you get trapped too?
Once she realizes where she is expect a whole lot more tears than in the game. She could hold her composure ok because she still had friends to save, but you hugging her would make her realize it's real. She's finally free. Don't expect to be let go anytime soon.
If she did end up fighting you, Aqua would need to be under direct control instead of just Anti-Aqua. In that scenario, I don't think she ever fully forgives herself.
Whether or not it actually happens though doesn't make a difference in her dreams. Many times she's woken up crying after watching herself strike you down. If she fell to darkness once it could happen again, and what's stopping her from falling further? Enough to not care who she hurts? She spirals and freezes up, similar to the battle in kh3
Practicing grounding techniques with her helps a ton. Aqua sometimes needs help to be guided back to reality, and you help keep her in the present. You're a reminder that she's escaped the darkness's clutches against all odds and found a way back to her loved ones.
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rosewritesfanfics · 2 years
Hi! Sorry it's been so long, I swear I'm working on the requests I have 😅
I just finished my first semester at school so I should have more free time, I'm going to try and post at least two of the requests sitting in my inbox tomorrow! Sorry for the wait!
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rosewritesfanfics · 2 years
I don’t know if your still accepting requests, feel free to ignore this if you aren’t, but can I ask for Riku, Terra, and Aqua with a reader who’s a talented mage?
Sure thing! And this is actually the first request I've gotten haha. Thank you for sending it in!
He's not only impressed by your ability with magic, but incredibly thankful for it. You're more talented at healing spells than he'll ever be, so your constantly having to patch him up after a fight.
He's definitely gonna want some tips, so magic lessons can be a fun bonding activity for you both! Just be ready with a water spell for when something inevitably catches fire.
If you've been wrapped up in research for a while or trying to innovate new ways to use magic, he's gonna make you take care of yourself. Riku will make you take breaks, eat, drink, and sleep. He's impressed with your capabilities, but that's no excuse not to take care of yourself!
Riku is a bit of a hypocrite however, and you've caught him practicing his own magic late at night instead of sleeping. In his defense, he really wants to impress you! Please make sure he goes to bed though.
Surprisingly he's the most chill about you experimenting with darkness. He's definitely anxious don't get me wrong, but his journey taught him not to cower because darkness. He's kind of glad your taking it head on instead of waiting for it to consume you. Just be careful, ok?
You two are quite the power couple, as Aqua is very talented with magic herself. Heartless stand no chance against you, so you often finish missions early if you're paired together.
She will definitely ask for tips when it comes to fire magic, though she is a little bit embarrassed. Despite being the "easiest spell" she could never get the hang of it. Reassuring her that she's doing great is a wonderful confidence boost.
She will be so excited if you have a move that's flashy like spell weaver. You two can combine attacks and be super op lol
Aqua also loves if you can make intricate patterns with your magic. Sometimes at night you'll both shoot designs into the sky, it's like your own mini firework show!
Loves to spar with you too, and constantly tells you that she's proud of each new achievement. She's impressed you can keep up with her so easily!
She is extremely wary of you doing anything with the darkness. You might give the poor girl a heart attack. Aqua trusts you though, she might just ask to be present incase something goes wrong.
Terra's fighting style relies more on brute strength, so in a way you help to complete him. Expect to patch him up after fights much like with Riku.
He's so impressed with you and is not shy about it. Like if he could announce how cool he thinks you are to the entire universe he would.
Ven joins in on your training sessions together sometimes, and Terra would love it if you'd help teach him magic. Terra is very protective of Ven, so he's glad to see the two of you getting along. The way to Terra's heart is through being good with his little brother.
He actually tried to help with your research! He'll run field tests, help you organize your spell books, anything you want him to help with! He may not understand it all but he wants to support you in anyway he can.
Please do not try anything involving darkness around him, although I think that goes without saying. If he ever finds out you're experimenting with it he'd be terrafied. (Sorry)
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rosewritesfanfics · 2 years
I'd also like add if you want certain pronouns used, please say so in your request. I try to keep the reader's appearance as undefined as possible.
Feel free to send in requests, I'm seriously lacking motivation!
I write for Sora, Riku, Kairi, Namine, Roxas Xion, Ventus, Vanitas, Aqua, Terra, Axel, and Larxene.
(I do canon x reader stories, maybe in the future once I gain more confidence I'll do canon x canon)
I do headcanons and one shots. Headcanons can be up to three characters, if you request more than that I will choose three from the ones you requested.
Please keep any requests sfw, I will only do angst and fluff. If you send in an nsfw request you will be blocked.
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rosewritesfanfics · 2 years
Feel free to send in requests, I'm seriously lacking motivation!
I write for Sora, Riku, Kairi, Namine, Roxas Xion, Ventus, Vanitas, Aqua, Terra, Axel, and Larxene.
(I do canon x reader stories, maybe in the future once I gain more confidence I'll do canon x canon)
I do headcanons and one shots. Headcanons can be up to three characters, if you request more than that I will choose three from the ones you requested.
Please keep any requests sfw, I will only do angst and fluff. If you send in an nsfw request you will be blocked.
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rosewritesfanfics · 2 years
Not Your Fault
Sora x reader (It's fluffy this time I promise)
The battle you and your team had faced today was one of the toughest yet. On top of the usual antagonizing from Organization Thirteen, Hollow Bastion had been completely overrun with heartless. You and your friends must have struck down hundreds if not thousands, only to learn each one taken out by the keyblade only helped the organization in their goal of collecting hearts. Sora had then become hesitant to fight back, and you were quickly surrounded by the neverending swarm of heartless. After being saved by Maleficent of all people, you eventually all ended up back on the gummi ship. After realizing you were safe, the exhaustion finally set in.
Goofy thought it would be smart to find somewhere to rest, to which Donald recommended spending the night at Disney Castle. You suspected it was just because he wanted to see daisy again, although you weren't opposed to the idea of staying there either. With no heartless around the castle, you all could sleep easy. That was how you found yourself in one of the many spare bedrooms. Despite the fancy furniture and decor, it actually felt quite homey. The extra soft blankets were a plus too.
You were ready to settle in for the night when you heard shuffling outside your door. At first you were caught off guard, you assumed the rest of your friends went to bed a while ago. Even if you knew all the heartless here had been defeated, you cautiously pressed your ear to the door to make sure it was safe. Once you heard a familiar voice mumbling outside the door though, you quickly relaxed.
"This is dumb, she's probably asleep already." Sora whispered to himself behind the door, starting to turn away right as you opened it. It was clear he hadn't meant to be so loud, and was a tad bit startled when he saw you. You had never seen his face turn so red before.
"Sora? Not that I don't appreciate your company, but what are you doing here?" You asked. "You said you were going to bed hours ago."
"I couldn't sleep, I was hoping I could talk to you for a while, but if your about to sleep I won't keep you-" he began to explain, before you cut him off.
"No no no, I really don't mind." You invited him inside the room as you talked. "What did you want to talk about?"
"Honestly anything, I'm still thinking about the battle earlier. I really just want to get my mind to stop thinking about it." Sora yawned midway through talking. His hair was slightly tousled, likely from tossing and turning all night. He must really be exhausted for him to open up like this. Even if Sora wasn't a closed off person, he still found it difficult to talk about the things that bothered him.
You and him both sat on your bed, talking for what felt like hours. You shared your favorite stories from your adventures, your hopes for after the battle was over, what you missed most about the islands, and really anything that came to mind. You couldn't recall the last time you both felt this relaxed and safe. If you could keep Sora smiling like this for the rest of time you would. Any thoughts about Sora returning to his own room were long forgotten.
Eventually you both shifted to lay down, sharing a blanket to shake off the night's chill. He pulled it up a bit more when he saw you shiver. The two of you had also moved closer together, only a small space remaining between you. The silence after your conversation was comfortable, with the sounds of the wind and his breathing lulling you to sleep. Just as you felt yourself drifting off, Sora finally asked the question that had truly been bothering him.
"Do you think I've made this whole mess with the organization worse?" At your confused look he elaborated. "They said everytime I use my keyblade I've just helped them collect more hearts. Every heartless I struck down only helped them in the long run. Now they somehow found out about Kairi, what if they go after Riku because of me too?"
"Sora, no, you haven't done anything to make this worse, it's like goofy said, the heartless would only keep destroying the worlds if you didn't stop them." He looked like he was about to argue, but you spoke again before he could. "The organization was going to find a way to collect hearts anyway. At least now we know more about what they're planning. Kairi and Riku are both strong, they'll be ok."
Sora didn't respond, instead he moved to hold your hand beneath the blanket. You could tell this had been eating at him since he heard what the organization's been using him for. You could only hope he believed what you told him, that it wasn't his fault. You squeezed his hand as a form of reassurance, and he squeezed back. The two of your were now slightly closer together, Sora didn't let go of your hand, even after you'd finished talking.
It was quiet for the rest of the night. You fell asleep first, with Sora following shortly after. He was surprised how much he enjoyed talking with you and just letting out whatever was on his mind. Your presence alone helped to relax him. Sora found he wouldn't mind spending more time like this together in the future.
When Sora (surprisingly) woke up before you the next day, the first thing he noticed was that he wasn't in the room he'd been given. The second was that his face was resting on the top of your head. His arms were also wrapped around you, turns out you two had started cuddling while you were both asleep. As he began to wake up more, he slightly panicked. He almost shouted in embarrassment, but stopped himself, remembering you were still sleeping.
He didn't want to wake you up by moving, but he also wanted food. The queen had said something about pancakes yesterday and he didn't want to miss it. He tried to gently move your arm, but you only pulled him closer in your sleep. Looks like he'd be stuck here for a while. When he saw how peaceful you looked while sleeping though, he found he didn't really mind. Pancakes could wait he decided, letting himself fall back to sleep still holding you.
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rosewritesfanfics · 2 years
Me: Oh! Another fic idea, I should start writing so I don't forget it.
The six drafts I already have:
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rosewritesfanfics · 2 years
You ever notice a really big typo after you post the fic despite reading it over like 4 times 😅
Sora x reader
It had been exactly one year since you had last seen him, and you were beginning to lose hope that he would ever wake up. The updates you received on Sora's condition from Riku had suddenly stopped, and you couldn't help but fear the worst.
You wondered what he looked like now. There were certain things about him that you knew would never change, like how spikey his hair was, or the brightness of his smile. But a year was more than enough time for an appearance to change completely. You had definitely changed. Would he even recognize you?
Your open book of spells had long since been forgotten, open to a page you'd read about a dozen times before giving up and letting your thoughts wander. You weren't sure how long you had been there, since the sun did not rise and set in this world. Well, it wasn't really a whole world, just a tower. After Mickey had explained what happened, Yen Sid had been kind enough to let you stay here and improve your magic.
You were brought back to reality by the sound of a door opening. You turn around to see who else had entered the study, letting out a small gasp once you see him.
You can tell he's happy to see you by the look on his face, although your head is spinning too much to make out the greeting he's saying. You feel a lump form in your throat as tears burn in the corners of your eyes. He's back, he's safe, he's standing right in front of you.
You crash into him with a sob, and it's then you realize how much taller he actually is. Sure, you could tell he'd outgrown his current clothes, but now he was a whole head above you when before you'd been just slightly taller. You feel him return the hug, although you can tell you startled him.
It may have been a full year for you, but Sora hadn't thought about how much time he'd actually missed. He could feel it had been a while, but it wasn't until he got a closer look at you that it truly set in how much had changed. Your hair was completely different, and since when was he the taller one?
"Hey, I'm back now, it's ok." Sora said, trying to comfort you. You pressed yourself closer to his chest, wanting to make sure he was telling the truth, that you weren't just dreaming again, that he was here to stay.
When you pulled back, Sora could have sworn the smile you gave him had enough joy to fuel 10 different gummi ships at once. Tears still rolled down your cheeks, but they were happy ones.
"Hi," you finally spoke, "I missed you."
"Same here, sorry I took so long." He apologized.
"Don't apologize, I know you don't remember what happened but it wasn't your fault." You didn't need to forgive him, you had never been upset with him in the first place.
It was then that your two other companions decided to interrupt your reunion, as the embrace you shared with Sora quickly became a group hug. As Donald and Goofy pulled you away to greet you themselves, Sora found he couldn't look away from you. There was this feeling he had in his chest, he'd first noticed it towards the end of your last adventure but now it had returned stronger than ever.
"Sora?" You asked, "Are you ok?"
"Yeah!" He quickly replied, the word coming out more high pitched than he wanted. "I'm still waking up, ya know? I was asleep for a while!"
Donald was tempted to make a joke about how both him and Goofy felt completely fine and they had both slept just as long, but he decided to hold his tongue for once. Besides, if the blush growing on Sora's cheeks indicated anything, there was something far more fun he could tease him about.
The magician and captain hung back for a moment as you and Sora exited the room, giving each other a knowing look.
"Ya think he's figured it out yet?" Goofy asked, speaking slightly quieter than normal to avoid having the two teenagers hear him.
"Nope!" Donald replied, shaking his head.
"How long do you think it'll take?"
"With him? Probably forever." Donald snickered as soon as he said it, and while Goofy shook his head, he also had a smile on his face. Both of them knew he'd realize and confess eventually, but for now they (mostly Donald) would have fun watching Sora attempt to navigate his feelings.
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rosewritesfanfics · 2 years
Sora x reader
It had been exactly one year since you had last seen him, and you were beginning to lose hope that he would ever wake up. The updates you received on Sora's condition from Riku had suddenly stopped, and you couldn't help but fear the worst.
You wondered what he looked like now. There were certain things about him that you knew would never change, like how spikey his hair was, or the brightness of his smile. But a year was more than enough time for an appearance to change completely. You had definitely changed. Would he even recognize you?
Your open book of spells had long since been forgotten, open to a page you'd read about a dozen times before giving up and letting your thoughts wander. You weren't sure how long you had been there, since the sun did not rise and set in this world. Well, it wasn't really a whole world, just a tower. After Mickey had explained what happened, Yen Sid had been kind enough to let you stay here and improve your magic.
You were brought back to reality by the sound of a door opening. You turn around to see who else had entered the study, letting out a small gasp once you see him.
You can tell he's happy to see you by the look on his face, although your head is spinning too much to make out the greeting he's saying. You feel a lump form in your throat as tears burn in the corners of your eyes. He's back, he's safe, he's standing right in front of you.
You crash into him with a sob, and it's then you realize how much taller he actually is. Sure, you could tell he'd outgrown his current clothes, but now he was a whole head above you when before you'd been just slightly taller. You feel him return the hug, although you can tell you startled him.
It may have been a full year for you, but Sora hadn't thought about how much time he'd actually missed. He could feel it had been a while, but it wasn't until he got a closer look at you that it truly set in how much had changed. Your hair was completely different, and since when was he the taller one?
"Hey, I'm back now, it's ok." Sora said, trying to comfort you. You pressed yourself closer to his chest, wanting to make sure he was telling the truth, that you weren't just dreaming again, that he was here to stay.
When you pulled back, Sora could have sworn the smile you gave him had enough joy to fuel 10 different gummi ships at once. Tears still rolled down your cheeks, but they were happy ones.
"Hi," you finally spoke, "I missed you."
"Same here, sorry I took so long." He apologized.
"Don't apologize, I know you don't remember what happened but it wasn't your fault." You didn't need to forgive him, you had never been upset with him in the first place.
It was then that your two other companions decided to interrupt your reunion, as the embrace you shared with Sora quickly became a group hug. As Donald and Goofy pulled you away to greet you themselves, Sora found he couldn't look away from you. There was this feeling he had in his chest, he'd first noticed it towards the end of your last adventure but now it had returned stronger than ever.
"Sora?" You asked, "Are you ok?"
"Yeah!" He quickly replied, the word coming out more high pitched than he wanted. "I'm still waking up, ya know? I was asleep for a while!"
Donald was tempted to make a joke about how both him and Goofy felt completely fine and they had both slept just as long, but he decided to hold his tongue for once. Besides, if the blush growing on Sora's cheeks indicated anything, there was something far more fun he could tease him about.
The magician and captain hung back for a moment as you and Sora exited the room, giving each other a knowing look.
"Ya think he's figured it out yet?" Goofy asked, speaking slightly quieter than normal to avoid having the two teenagers hear him.
"Nope!" Donald replied, shaking his head.
"How long do you think it'll take?"
"With him? Probably forever." Donald snickered as soon as he said it, and while Goofy shook his head, he also had a smile on his face. Both of them knew he'd realize and confess eventually, but for now they (mostly Donald) would have fun watching Sora attempt to navigate his feelings.
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rosewritesfanfics · 2 years
Sora x nobody!reader
There was ringing in your ears, and your vision blurred before sharpening and making you hyper aware of your surroundings. Things seemed like they were going in slow motion as you watched the blade go through your abdomen. Riku- no, not Riku, he would never do this. The creep who had possessed your friend laughed. You didn't know if Riku was aware of what was happening, and you honestly hoped he wasn't. He'd never forgive himself. The last thing you saw before you lost consciousness was Sora's horrified face as he banged his fists against the invisible barrier that prevented him from reaching you. You may have been scared, but stronger than that you felt hope. You knew Sora would succeed without you, he's stronger than anyone ever gave him credit for. With that last thought, you blacked out.
You hated those stupid memories. You hated those stupid feelings that you can remember but never have more than a glimpse of. You hated the boy who let this happen to you it's not his fault, you loved him
Well, that wasn't entirely true. You didn't really hate him. In fact, you didn't feel anything for him or anyone else you missed him
He didn't recognize you with the hood you wore covering your face. Whatever, it didn't matter it hurt
The only reason you looked out for him is because you knew that he didn't stand a chance. The organization would have torn him apart if you hadn't agreed to help. He had lost all his previous abilities, and had to relearn everything. He should consider himself lucky you were willing to work with him.
Despite that, the two of you were constantly at odds. You couldn't understand his compassion for others. He couldn't understand how you could be cruel to others and still fight for the light. It led you to yet another training-session-turned-argument.
"I still don't understand, why are you helping us? How do we know your not a spy for the organization?" He asked. Sora knew you were a nobody, so why did you act like you cared? Why did you help him train? Why have you protected him and helped him with his quest?
"If I was with them, would I be helping you?" You asked in response to his question, he was seriously getting on your nerves. "This coat is used to shield me from darkness, it's not just the organization that wears this."
"Sorry if I have a difficult time trusting you, I've only had an entire group of people with that outfit trying to kill me this whole journey." He snarked back.
"I used to have a life before this you know, like all nobodies. I'm lucky enough to remember mine, and those memories show me that whatever this organization is planning needs to be stopped." You explained. Of course, that wasn't the real reason, but you would never admit that.
"Then why won't you show your face?" Sora asked. "If we're really on the same side, then me seeing your face shouldn't matter."
You know what. Fine. It wasn't your problem if what he saw hurt him.
You pulled down your hood and whatever he was going to say next got caught in his throat.
You looked slightly older, like he did, but it was still definitely you. You were gone, he'd mourned you, he'd watched you die. But there you stood right in front of him, only it wasn't really you. This was only a shell of who his old friend used to be. The universe wouldn't even let you pass peacefully, instead giving you a fate some would consider worse than death. Once the shock subsided, he realized he'd started crying. It felt like he'd been frozen, unable to wipe the tears away
You had expected shock, and maybe even a sad look, but Sora was crying. He had finally stepped closer to you, like he wanted to do or say something, but he looked unsure. It was honestly pathetic-
Your train of thought gets cut off by something sharp going through your chest. It wasn't physical pain, but instead a split second of a feeling. You no longer had the ability to specify which one, but you knew you had felt something.
That split second of feeling compelled you to pull Sora closer, and then the two of you were hugging. There was only silence for a while as you let him process what he'd learned.
"I lied. I didn't tell you the real reason I'm helping you." You start, Sora looked up at you, no longer crying but still oddly quiet. "When I'm around you, sometimes I get brief moments of feeling something. I know I'm a nobody, and it should be impossible, but maybe there is a way to get my heart back. Maybe you're the key."
You both stay there just holding each other for a while, until Donald and Goofy became worried enough about Sora to look for you. When you hear them approach, you quickly pull your hood back up to cover your face. Sora frowns, but doesn't object. It's up to you to decide when you tell them, if you ever tell them at all.
Goofy and Donald were suspicious of you once they saw Sora's tear stained cheeks, but he assured them everything was fine. You didn't bother listening to the stupid excuse he came up with, but at least the two animals didn't press for anymore details. You walked back towards the campsite with the rest of them, the sun having set already (how much time did you spend just hugging him?). You don't really need to sleep, so you'd keep watch tonight like you always did. Sora pauses before he enters his tent (the one you used to share with him). He knew you didn't physically need to sleep, but you had looked so tired.
"I can keep watch tonight, if you want to rest." Sora spoke softly, trying to avoid waking Donald and Goofy.
"It's fine, I don't need to-" you began, but Sora quickly interrupted you
"I know, I know, you don't need sleep. But that doesn't mean it's not nice to have once in a while." Even if Sora was exhausted from all the crying, he felt enough energy to keep watch for a while. You didn't look convinced. "I promise I'll wake you up in a few minutes if that's what you want, but please sleep." He was almost begging at this point.
"Fifteen minutes, no more than that." You finally gave in. "You better wake me up before that if you feel too tired."
"I will, I promise." He smiled as he replied, and you felt another small jolt of emotion, only this time it lingered. You weren't sure what it was specifically, but you began to tear up from how overwhelming it felt. Sora looked at you with concern.
"I'm ok, this is just the longest I've felt anything since I became a nobody." You explained. His confused face changed into another smile. He wrapped an arm around you and pulled you closer while you sat by the campfire. You felt yourself begin to drift off once the feeling finally faded.
Not too long after, Sora fell asleep as well. He hadn't meant to, but the emotional exhaustion finally took it's toll. Luckily being a nobody apparently effects how long you sleep too, because when you woke up it was still dark. You'd tease him about it in the morning, but you weren't irritated. He was right, sleeping was nice.
"Thank you." You whispered, still leaning into him. It was the most human you had felt in a long time.
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