rotten-partty · 9 months
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I was taken over and couldn’t not, have a rattle snek medusa-like cowboy(?). Maybe I’ll make a full pic sometime
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rotten-partty · 10 months
canada lynx voted the animal of all time. Boy why are you so paws
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rotten-partty · 10 months
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another banger from dril
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rotten-partty · 10 months
"You aren't OK with AI Voices but you're OK with Miku????"
First off, never insult my dearest friend Hatsune Miku like that ever again.
Second, Miku isn't stealing voices. That's the issue with AI voices. They're stealing other people's voices. Miku? She is a funky little hologram with a funky little hologram voice.
Big difference.
Edit: The difference is Hatsune Miku’s voice bank originator consented to have her voice be used. The people making voice copies of say, Commander Jane Shepard are directly violating the voice actor’s wishes.
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rotten-partty · 10 months
Here is my chell design, enjoy
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rotten-partty · 10 months
Girls…are like strawberries
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rotten-partty · 10 months
sitting anti-kink posters down in front of a wrestling match and explaining kayfabe to them with the patience of a preschool teacher
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rotten-partty · 10 months
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rotten-partty · 10 months
Cis people think trans people have this:
Chosen name
But honestly we really have:
Other name
Business name
Old nickname only some people have rights to use
Online name
Extra special secret name you don’t get to know, unless… ;)
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rotten-partty · 10 months
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rotten-partty · 10 months
adding the entire userbase to a big discord server named 'tumblr 2.0' to solve no problems whatsoever and invent several new ones
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rotten-partty · 10 months
Man but the notes on that post really are just tumblr showing they have no idea how anything works.
"report to your local animal abuse people not to cops" local animal abuse people would be animal control. Animal control officers are cops.
"rabies is treatable if you go to the doctor right after the bite" rabies is PREVENTABLE, not treatable. There is no cure for rabies. If you suspect you came into contact with a rabid animal, you need to get a series of rabies vaccinations to prevent the virus from taking over your body. This is not a treatment and it only works if you go right away. If you show any symptoms of rabies it is too late.
"rabies is fatal in animals but treatable in humans" rabies has a 100% fatality rate and is not considered a survivable disease at this point in time. If you contract rabies YOU WILL DIE. The "treatment" in humans is called the Milwaukee Protocol, only 14% of people survive it, and it leaves you with massive brain damage and effectively turns you into a vegetable. You do not return to a normal life afterwards. Very few people who have undergone this process are capable of doing more than laying in a hospital bed and eating and breathing through tubes. To my knowledge only one person was able to live a semi-normal life after years and years of ongoing therapy and was not expected to have made it even through her first year after treatment.
I cannot stress enough how rabies is unlike any other disease you may be thinking of. It's required on a federal level in this country to vaccinate pretty much any domestic animal that comes into contact with wildlife for one reason and one reason only: it is not considered possible to cure rabies and the spread of disease would threaten all mammalian life including our own if allowed to continue to propagate.
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rotten-partty · 10 months
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rotten-partty · 10 months
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rotten-partty · 10 months
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rotten-partty · 10 months
They should make shapeshifting real already, give it out to the furries and the trans people and the therians for early access and a beta period or whatever
I mean arguably for therians you could call it a theta period for the pun and all but that's irrelevant to the plight at hand
I gotta be a dragon right now damnit, let me turn into things auuuuuuuu
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rotten-partty · 10 months
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