rotten-white-rose · 3 years
Nightmares of the past
Word count: 1,560 words
Summary: Memories of the past are double-edged daggers. They help you mature, grow as a person and gain experience...but when it's something so painful...it's almost preferable not to remember. Melody ends up falling asleep without realizing it and dreams of memories that being honest, it's better to never remember.
Warning: This writing contains explicit gore as well as childish violence. It is somewhat "mild" (in my opinion), but it is not suitable for sensitive people.
Maybe it was the moon that night, or maybe it was the sight of the white roses and their nocturnal glow. Maybe it was her loneliness, or maybe it was her feeling of apathy at the approach of winter. She didn't think clearly when she decided to sit under that tree, watching those roses so dear to her. She simply planned to observe and get lost in her thoughts.
However, she didn't think it would be so easy for her to fall asleep under such circumstances and let her guard down like that. Well, not that it mattered either. If someone dared to "kill" her, she would regenerate as usual and feel nothing. Not like that time…
And now, she was sleeping, hoping to dream something pleasant… but what could she dream that was pleasant? Now she saw herself as a child. Crying tears of blood, begging for mercy, kneeling on the stone floor, with her non-existent legs. Without realizing it, she was crying, just like that little girl badly wounded.
–M-mo…ther…h-hurts…my…throat… –her voice sounded hoarse and barely audible. A small, pitiful, childish sound, calling her mother to help. She remembered that moment… when she was forced to ingest such a quantity of poison, boiling water and other corrosive substances that burned her throat, trachea and destroyed all her intestines. Melody knelt before the little girl and tried to touch her head, but it pierced her. Even when she wanted to change the situation, even a little, it was impossible. If only she could have the power to change things… if only she could rewind time…
The little girl began to squirm then and started clawing at her own throat, in a desperate instinct to expel the substances that were hurting her so much.
–…that only made it even worse. –Melody muttered as she backed away from her little self. Because her claws were exposed, it was worse the remedy than the disease, as she only inflicted more unnecessary wounds on herself. Melody then scanned the cell and her wet eyes filled with tears again when she saw a familiar figure.
–Mother… –both the present her and her younger self uttered that word. A woman with jet black hair, pale skin and sky blue eyes was tearfully watching her daughter. When she made sure there were no guards nearby, she knelt down in front of the cell. –My little girl… my child… if only I could get you out of here. –she whispered as she clutched the bars, sobbing in agony. Rosemary was Lucifer's wife, but she was powerless to help her daughter, even as she tried every possible way to convince her husband to release her. She even formulated an escape plan, but to no avail. The surveillance was strict and there was no escape.– I wish I could change my place for you, my little one… you should not have to suffer this.
–M-mo… ther… is… f-fi… ne… –it was getting harder and harder for her to articulate words. She crawled with what was left of his strength until he could touch his mother's hand. That little hand that was skeletal, full of wounds and mangled. The little girl gave a very weak smile, trying to show her mother that she was fine, that she didn't have to worry. She was strong, she could handle it. That man would soon get tired of torturing her, maybe he would even forgive her and she could go back to walking in the garden with her mother. She wanted to see the constellations with her, teach her how much she knew about each one. She wanted to play the melodies she loved so much on the piano, show her how good she was at it… She ended up losing consciousness, due to the state of her injuries. Sooner or later she would regenerate, as always.
–Why do I have to relive this? Do I have to remember my illusions as a child? My suffering from those tortures? Heh... at least, this was one of the milder ones, by comparison. –she muttered as she surveyed the scene and noticed that her mother was staring at her. Melody backed away slowly, could she see her?
–…Mellie? Is that you…? –the woman whispered.
-Mellie… you grew up so much… –Rosemary smiled bitterly– … I wish I could have been strong back then… so maybe, I could have seen you grow up through my own eyes.
–You asked me… –she hesitated as she spoke. She shook her head.– You shouldn't be able to see me... not like this.
–Mellie… –again, that voice and that nickname.
–Don't use that nickname! –she cried as tears welled up in her eyes again. She had hardly cried since she managed to escape from her cell. She thought tears only made her weaker, that's why she deprived herself of them. Anyway, she was always good at hiding her true feelings.– Don't look at me with those eyes full of affection! I killed you! I'm your murderer! You should hate me! Hate me!
–I could never hate my daughter. You are my treasure. That's why I gave you that pendant in my last moments. The situation back then was not easy and I ended up asking you for something very cruel. I'm sorry, I'm sorry for not being a strong mother… if I had had a stronger will, I could be with you now. It could have been you, me and Kuroko. If only we had been an ordinary family…
–Shut up… Shut up! All this is nothing but a dream! A damned dream of my memories! Everything you say, everything you do… is nothing but my subconscious trying to heal my wounds! …even though so many millennia have passed, I'm still the same!
–Mellie, wait! –Melody ignored her mother's voice and approached her unconscious little self.
–If only… If only I had really died back then! –and she woke up, before kicking her then-self. She had woken up in tears and in a completely different place. She was not leaning against the tree in the garden, but lying on a large sofa. She then realized that she had been scratching her throat and large hands were holding her hands tightly, to prevent her from continuing. Her maroon eyes stared into his brown ones.
–What? Will you stop acting so creepy? Seriously sow, you're going to finish me off. –the vampire's tone feigned disinterest very well, but there was a hint of concern in his eyes.
–I think I remember I was sleeping under a tree… so I guess I'm here for you, hm? –she was quite calm, even though the tears in her eyes were still overflowing as the blood flowed from the scratches on her neck.
–It would be a nuisance for someone else to find you so unprotected, so it was better to bring you with me. –he just said and looked at the wounds, starting to lick them.– You know, you kept calling for your mother.
–… oh, really? –her voice sounded quite muffled and unusual to how she acted. Normally, she was more of a nuisance and an ordeal to him, so seeing her act so differently shocked him.
–Oi sow, what the hell did you dream up to be like that, huh? Whatever it is, you shouldn't give it any importance, a dream is a dream, not reality. –he protested frustrated to see her like that. He finished licking the wounds and stared at her. He frowned seeing her so weak, what the hell was wrong with that woman? Always pretending to be all-powerful, always being so self-centered and annoying. Why was she now looking at him like a little girl looking for a hug?– Fuck, what the fuck do I have to do to see you again like always, hah?
–I'm surprised you want to see me act like I always do… wouldn't a submissive woman who lets herself be bitten without complaining be so much easier? –there was a hint of humor in her voice, but she still had that dead look in her maroon eyes.
–Pass. That wouldn't be the least bit funny. –that answer caused Melody to laugh after a long time. She reached her hands behind the vampire's back and pulled him down on top of her, startling him.–Oi, what the– !  
–I'll be back to my old self after this, so let me stay this way for a while. –she hugged him while closing her eyes.
–Tsk, you're too whimsical. –he mumbled and ended up hugging her, trying to measure his strength.
–You don't have to be careful, even if you break me, I'll regenerate again. –she whispered as he settled into her arms, with a soft smile.– Fufu~ that's the thing about being an eternal corpse.
–You're a very annoying corpse when you want to be, and quite ungrateful, and I'm trying to be careful! –he protested and fell silent, as she opened her eyes to stare at him. She placed one of her cold, pale hands on the vampire's lips, to silence him.
–And you're a noisy doggy. –she settled back and closed her eyes again. She would go back to sleep… hoping, now that she was in the arms of that silly doggy, she wouldn't have nightmares again.
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rotten-white-rose · 3 years
Random Headcanon Meme!
⍤ : What does your muse’s voice sound like? Is it light? High pitched? Scratchy? Deep?
✍ : What is your muse’s handwriting like? Is it neat? Sloppy? Fancy?
☕ : Does your muse prefer coffee or tea?
⌚ : Is your muse good with keeping on schedule for meetings, appointments, or events, or are they always late? Or, are they always a bit early?
♿ : Has your muse had any injuries in the past?
☺ : What is your muse’s smile like? Do they smile often?
⚡ : How does your muse feel about storms? Are they afraid of them, or do they calm them?
⚠ : How does your muse react to possibly dangerous situations? Do they face them head-on, or do they plan out their actions first?
☃  : What is your muse’s favorite season? What about their least favorite season, if they have one?
☂  : Does your muse like rain?
☼ : Does your muse like daytime or nighttime more?
🏨  : How well does your muse sleep?
❤ : What are your muse’s thoughts on love? If they are not in a relationship, do they believe that they will ever find a perfect someone for them?
☘ : Does your muse believe in luck? How about fate?
⚯ : Does your muse have good eyesight? If not, what is it like? Are they nearsighted or farsighted? Or both? Do they use glasses? Or do they prefer contacts?
👓 : If your muse wears glasses, what are their glasses frames like?
♨ : Does your muse have good table manners? How do they feel about bad table manners?
❀ : What is your muse’s opinion about flower crowns?
♬ : Does your muse sing well? Regardless of whether they sing well or not, do they enjoy singing?
📐 : Is your muse good at math? Do they like it, or do they hate it?
♞ : What is your muse’s favorite animal?
εїз : How does your muse feel about bugs and insects?
📱 : Does your muse prefer calling or texting?
☆ : Of the sun, stars, and the moon, which is your muse’s favorite?
ツ : Does your muse prefer lots of friends, or just a few close ones?
✝ : Is your muse religious?
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rotten-white-rose · 3 years
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Mun: I'm too clumsy with this kind of thing, so I feel like it came out too dirty *cries* anyway, at least I did it, so I feel like it was worth it.
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rotten-white-rose · 3 years
feel free to elaborate as much as possible !
Who is the most affectionate?
Who initiates the handholding?
Who worries more for the other?
Who is more likely to ask for help?
Who is the one always losing the keys?
Who leaves little love notes for the other?
Who can’t sleep unless the other is there?
Who is more likely to propose to the other?
Who introduced the other to their family first?
Who is more likely to play with the other’s hair?
Who makes sure the other has meals/stays hydrated?
Who is more likely to stand up to anyone for the other?
Who is the most likely to prepare a surprise for the other?
Who makes the other pinky promise not to do certain things?
Who puts a blanket over the other when they fall asleep on the couch?
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rotten-white-rose · 3 years
Bites between stars
Word count: 1.554 words
Summary: Melody is tired of rubbing elbows with the humans in her class and decides to use lunchtime to sneak out. What she doesn't know is that her moment of peace and quiet will be cut short.
Possibly she should have summoned a clone to come to the academy for her so she could have continued to sleep. To be honest, Melody had gone there more out of curiosity than out of desire to learn. At her 19 millennia old, she had never set foot in something called "school." She remembered observing those institutions when she was in the human world for those brief times, yet she had never entered that place. From a very young age, she had learned everything she needed on her own. She didn't need to go to the stupid human classes, since history knew it as well as the name and number of constellations in the sky. And there she was, watching bored as humans rubbed shoulders with her kind.
She raised an eyebrow when a group of girls approached her table, curious.
–Don't you have lunch, Gheata-san? –asked one. There was also that of calling each other by surname and honorifics. She never used that being in hell and in Romania was not used either. Not in Germany either. Japan was such a strange place… although not unpleasant. Although she had to admit she had a hard time keeping those fucking honorifics. Was it so hard to speak directly and call by first names instead of last names?
–Hm, I forgot. –she answered calmly. She noticed how there was suspicion in those human eyes. Well, it was really strange that she was never seen eating any food. Not that she needed it in the first place, though. Ah, but she had to pretend to be human. What a nuisance.–  Seeing the time, I'll go get something from the machine. See you later, girls ~.
It didn't take long for her to leave, exhausted from the stench of that place. She didn't hate those humans, but she disliked those prejudiced looks. That her hair was extremely long. That her temperature was too cold. That her complexion was too pale. Oh well, a secret: She was a corpse of a few millennia, what did you expect?
She ended up reaching the rooftop and gave a sincere smile when she saw the sky covered with stars. At last, at last a place where she could be free. She walked to the railing and leaned back, watching the sky.
–There is Andromeda… Cassiopeia, Cygnus… –she whispered thoughtfully as she moved her index finger, indicating the constellations that she was seeing. She smiled wider, wistfully.– Crux, Lupus… Spica.
–Wow, are you a star freak, sow? –a voice made her look down from the sky, until she ended up in brown eyes.– I don't understand what you see in those lights, there is no use knowing her names.
–It is useful to know the names to divide the celestial sphere into identifiable regions. Each constellation corresponds to a small section of the celestial sphere. This allows stars and astronomical objects to be classified according to the constellation in which they are found… although I learned their names for another reason. –she commented while she returned to focus her gaze on the sky.
–They're just stars. It would be more useful if you learned to cultivate something than to know those names. Or be more useful. –he answered as he approached her, until he cornered her against the railing. Her eyes ended up meeting.
–For you they are stars, for me, they are memories. –she crossed her arms without flinching and smiled.– To be of greater use? Oh sure. Do you want my blood so badly right now, doggy?
–Tch, I told you not to call me that, sow! –he hit the railing and she looked at him, amused.– I'm your owner, so have respect me! I could break you in two if I wanted to, or is that what you're looking for, hah?
–Do it. –she just said as she leaned against the railing and revealed her fangs with a cold smile.– Break me.
–You really are such a damn sow… –he grabbed her violently by her neck, strangling her. He was holding back so much not to kill her and she was provoking him. Despite the fact that Karl Heinz had clearly said that she was very important to the second plan… that woman drove him crazy. And still, her blood…
He tore her uniform, exposing her neck and cleavage. Around her neck was hung a necklace with a cross adorned with 5 red gems. Yuma frowned and took the cross, pulling it slightly, to which Melody's eyes darkened, with a slight fear.
–I told you to take this off… it's irritating to see how you carry a stupid cross around your neck. –he lowered his tone, threateningly as she frowned.
–It's something important to me. Does it really bother you that much that I wear it? …you are such a childish dog. –she murmured as she got him to drop the cross and protected it with her hands. If that necklace broke, she would end up just as broken.– You can do whatever you like to me. Break my bones. Behead me. Torture me… but you will never, never get me to stop wearing this necklace. You'll have to kill me to get it and I'm sorry to say… I'm already dead.
Yuma growled extremely furious and grabbed her arm with all his might, digging his fangs deep into her neck. As much as he hated her, her blood tasted too good. And as much as he hated her, she was an important person to the plans of the man who saved him from death. But that did not prevent him from breaking one of her bones, although unfortunately she would never scream and end up regenerating. It was so annoying to see her act like a doll every time he bit her. Although certainly, if he managed to rip that necklace from her, he could play with her. What would she do to get it back? Would she cry if he broke it into a thousand pieces? What would her tears taste like? Just thinking about it put his in a good mood.
While Yuma was drinking, Melody had closed her eyes and was assimilating the pain. As much as she pretended that she did not suffer, if she did, but her body had ended up getting used to the pain. Yuma licked the mark from which the blood flowed from her and grunted as he saw the newly made wound disappear through her blissful regeneration.
–Oi, I told you not to regenerate the marks. It is a nuisance that they disappear and cannot see who you are from. –he protested irritably and she laughed. That sounded funny to her. She stroked his head, causing the vampire to widen his eyes in disbelief.
–My fault, but I can't control it. The regeneration of my body forms itself. So no matter how many marks you leave me, there won't be any left. –she explained calmly and gave a small gasp of surprise when he bit her cleavage, digging deep into the pale flesh of her breasts.
–Heh, that sound wasn't bad. Then I just have to bite you deeply until my bites cannot regenerate. –he then began to bite her mercilessly, drinking her sweet and cold blood. It was like having a slushie, a frozen cake, a delicious and cold sweet. He ended up pulling away when rang the bell, watching her with a wicked smile.– To be so irritating, you're showing me some pretty good views, sow.
Melody had ended up with her neck, clavicle and cleavage covered in bites, some of those wounds still bled slightly. They would regenerate, but they were probably going to take longer than the simple bites he sometimes gave her. Her torn shirt was splattered with dried blood and she was watching him with a very barely noticeable blush on her pale cheeks.
–Hm, you really don't know what caring is. –she answered as she touched one of the marks on her breast.– You are such a lewd dog… biting your owner's breast.
–Haaah? My owner? You? In your dreams, sow. You are my prey and I am your owner. And you better stop calling me a dog. –he whispered and took her chin.– I'll see what I do with this.
–Huh? …–Melody's calm expression abruptly changed when she touched her bare neck. The cross. The necklace was missing. The memory of her mother… she looked up and looked fearfully at Yuma.
–Wow, that's an expression I've never seen. Interesting ~. I'll confiscate it for a while, you'll be the one to decide if it ends up destroyed or not. –he put the necklace in his pocket, just looking at it for a while. He began to start his way inwards.– I that you, I would start behaving like a good little pig.
Melody was left alone on the roof and touching her neck, trembling slightly. For the first time in a long time, she showed her true feelings. Terror, was what she felt at that moment. Sadness, because she felt distant from her mother by not having that memory of her. And I hate that vampire who stole something precious from him. She would get the necklace back, even if she had to become a doll again to get it.
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rotten-white-rose · 3 years
Well well, I will introduce the protagonist of this blog.
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Name: Melody Gheata
Age: Apparently 19 (she really is millennia old although she is younger than Karl Heinz)
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Birthday: December 29
Zodiac: Capricorn
Nicknames: Mesubuta (by Yuma), Yuki-onna (by Laito), Watermelon (by Ayato), Lilith-san (by Azusa).
Blood type: -A
Status: Dead / Alive
Race: Demon (Succubus) / Vampiress
Height: 1'80 cm
Weight: 60 kg
Eye color: Garnet
Hair Color: White
Body type: Voluptuous
Occupation: 3rd year High School Student, Queen of Hell
Appearance: Melody's style ranges from casual to gothic. What she uses the most are dark colors, such as black, gray, maroon or dark purple. You will never see her in pastel colors or white, since for her, wearing white is wearing a funeral dress. She almost always wears cleavage. Also as an accessory, she wears a special necklace for her that is only removed from her when she goes to sleep, where she leaves safely.
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Personality: She is an arrogant and broken woman. She has great pride and always boasts of her benefits. She is flirtatious, she likes to play with fire but she knows the limits and she never gets to the point of burning. Although she flirts more to make the person nervous than to get something. Despite covering herself with an arrogant, frivolous and immature attitude, she hides a woman who wants to be loved just as she is. She always hides her true intentions and feelings.
Hobbies: Studying constellations, reading and playing the piano.
Favorite food: Sarmale (Romanian food)
Father: Lucifer (deceased)
Mother: Rosemary (deceased)
Twin sister: Kuroko (deceased)
Good traits:
Bad traits:
Immortality: She cannot die, not even if she wishes it with all her soul.
Self-regeneration: If she receives a fatal wound, she will regenerate, regardless of how long it takes.
Power and custody over two dragons: She ended up ruling hell and with it, by her unwanted power from her, she received the blessing and loyalty of two dragons who rule life and death.
Change in shape or appearance: She can turn into a wolf or change her appearance to hers at a different age.
Clone invocation: She can summon a clone of herself, but said clone is a shell that will only repeat what she wants it to say. Pretty useful if she doesn't feel like doing something.
In a cold winter, on a night where the moon was bathed in blood, two twins were born who were to be immortal human beings, pure and immaculate beings, all according to the plan devised by Lucifer. However, the older twin was born still alive, with no heartbeat or temperature. A being that was not human, if not a monster corrupted by the demonic and vampiric blood of her progenitors. The younger twin, on the other hand, was born everything as Lucifer had planned, an immortal human. It can be assumed that the monarch of hell was not at all happy with the outcome of it. A plan that ended in disaster, all because of "that thing".
Despite everything, both girls were given love and affection, at least, by her mother, who loved her little and adored Melody with all her soul. From the moment she saw her huge maroon eyes watching her, she fell in love with her tenderness. She was sorry that her husband hated her eldest daughter so much, but she was calm when she saw that she paid attention to her youngest.
"Since Kuroko receives affection from my husband, I will give all my affection to my precious and sweet Melody." Those were her thoughts. However, the demonic blood that ran through the veins of the little one of hers did not take long to blossom, unleashing and corrupting her with only 3 millennia. With an incessant thirst for blood, she slaughtered the army guarding hell and this gave Lucifer the perfect excuse to imprison her. Melody spent 12 millennia imprisoned and tortured. She couldn't die, because her body ended up regenerating even if she didn't want to. She wanted the light, she wanted freedom and wanted with all her soul, her death. But not even that was allowed.
At 15 millennia, she got enough strength to be able to escape from her prison, ending the life of the one who had locked her up and getting the power of hell. Unfortunately, her mother had lost her sanity, due to her guilt and sadness at not being able to rescue her from such an ordeal. Melody fulfilled her mother's request and ended her life in the smoothest possible way. As for Kuroko, the relationship of both sisters was always complex. They hated, envied and at the same time, admired each other. They had a confrontation and the winner was the oldest, although it was not by her own hand. To this day, Melody regrets both the death of her mother and that of her younger sister, she regrets not having been able to do anything. As for her powers, she had become so strong that she ended up gaining the loyalty of the two dragons that today channel her powers. Said dragons were the guardians of life and death: Vitae, the blue-eyed white dragon that hated humans and Mortem, the red-eyed black dragon that, unlike its companion, loved humans.
She decided to stay in hell so she could take over both the kingdom and to investigate her father's writings. She was able to understand the objective that she had set herself to achieve and the reason for those visits with that man who called himself Karl Heinz. That plan ... without a doubt, "that man" had no qualms about using anyone to carry it out. She also found "plan B" and was surprised to see that she was precisely the main target of that plan. She burned the papers after reading them and decided that she would live as a human. It was what she wanted. Freedom and light. She wanted to feel humanity in her own flesh, to feel the warmth and to be able to live among humans. She wouldn't be Lilith… she wouldn't allow herself to be part of a stupid experiment.
Years passed when she had come to the human world and settled in a Transylvanian town. That town was the home of her mother when she was human. Melody achieved a few years of happiness, where she had fallen in love and committed to a human. Just on her wedding day, when she was 17 millennia, she learned secretly that her future husband was only going to marry her to get her fortune and status. She could see that he was with another woman. It was then that she understood that humans were selfish, cruel, capricious, and lying beings. She was carried away by her anger and sadness, letting her emotions speak for her. That is why her snow-white wedding ended up being covered in crimson.
"If my feelings cause this ... if my feelings cause me so much pain ... I don't need a heart!"
She decided to return to hell, where she got a coffin full of white roses. Those flowers were her late mother's favorites and they were her favorites too. She lay down among the roses and decided to sleep for two millennia ... until someone woke her up, for her to continue her reign and receive a visit. Apparently her father's great friend, Karl Heinz, had decided to talk to her about business.
"So, will you accept the proposal, dear?"
“Yes, after all, my life is already boring. Living again between humans and vampires ... fufu, I wonder if your children can really bear it ... I'll make you see that both the plan of "that man" and yours, are not going to bear fruit. Just as my birth was a mistake, the plan to get Lilith and Eve to find two Adam and start a new race… will end in error. "
"We will see if it really is as you say. Until then, I will be a spectator. I hope you don't disappoint me. "
She has died in every possible way.
She is right-handed.
She has two bodies. The first is the real one, without self-regeneration and the second is the regenerated. Her real body is a decomposing corpse, but due to the self-regeneration that her body unconsciously exerts, she always has a young and immaculate body.
She loves cold temperatures as they make her feel "alive".
She hates and adores winter.
Her fangs are much longer, sharper, and larger than those of an ordinary vampire.
Although she doesn't admit it, she fears loneliness.
She has a great knowledge of the constellations and loves to see the starry sky.
Her hair is extremely long, as she reaches above her ankles.
She is lazy and loves to sleep.
She may feel pain, but she's so used to it that she doesn't notice it anymore.
She tends to woo cute girls, even though she's just kidding.
 When there is a red moon, her powers are increased, while in an eclipse she feels completely weak.
She always wears a necklace that her mother gave her before she died. It consists of a silver cross with five diamond-shaped garnet gems. Behind the cross, there is an inscription in Romanian that says: “You are my light. You are my life. Please live and be happy. " Melody feels extremely attached to that necklace and if it were to break, she would end up devastated, since it is the only memory she has of her mother.
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rotten-white-rose · 3 years
This is an original oc x canon blog between the character Yuma Mukami and my oc Melody Gheata.
~Ask box open~
Any questions are welcome, whether in English or Spanish. They can also be NSFW questions.
Spanish is my main language, so I may make a mistake in English.
Hate is not allowed on this blog, any question that professes hatred or insults will be removed.
I can't promise to fully canon DL characters as sadly I haven't played the games, but I have read routes and heard cds. I will do my best to do them correctly.
This blog will contain topics such as child abuse, gore, among other unpleasant topics. I will put a label on the posts to avoid scares.
Este es un blog original de oc x canon entre el personaje Yuma Mukami y mi oc Melody Gheata.
~ Caja de preguntas abierta ~
Cualquier pregunta es bienvenida, ya sea en inglés o en español. También pueden ser preguntas NSFW.
El español es mi idioma principal, por lo que puedo cometer un error en inglés.
El odio no está permitido en este blog, cualquier pregunta que profese odio o insultos será eliminada.
No puedo prometer canon completo de personajes DL ya que, lamentablemente, no he jugado los juegos, pero he leído rutas y escuchado cds. Haré todo lo posible para hacerlo correctamente.
Este blog contendrá temas como abuso infantil, gore, entre otros temas desagradables. Pondré una etiqueta en las publicaciones para evitar sustos.
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