rottingpath · 1 year
Im tempted to leave the MHA fandom completely. Not for any reason other than disinterest. I just find it difficult to really enjoy roleplaying. Thanks for having me.
May flip this blog.
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rottingpath · 1 year
sorry for the inactivity, drafts will come soon.
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rottingpath · 1 year
shigaraki's plan to kidnap the rockstar was grounded in logic to begin with. he was a commission kid with a quirk that he needed to know why it was so important that he'd be kept hidden. he had ties to heroes at their core this way and information was priceless.
the fact shigaraki was a huge fan of his music had absolutely nothing to do with it. nor the fact the so called holding room he was going to throw him in was his own room he's begrudgingly cleaned up and got rockband set up. shut up. has nothing to do with it.
anyway. with kurogiri, it should be easy. snatch and portal away. that's exactly what he was going to do. four fingered grip on his neck, voice low to his ear.
" im your biggest fan. " he purred. " and youre coming with me. "
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rottingpath · 1 year
i want spinner/shigaraki so badly..
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rottingpath · 1 year
he watched her carefully, like a wounded, dying predator might, with cautious eyes and teeth bared. he might have laughed at some point, deadly death giving hand rising but they never reach her. he winces in pain and his arm drops and it's hard to be terror incarnate when he looks so battered and pathetic.
" you should have finished the job. " he whispers to her what he's sure anyone else would say in her position. " — if endeavour stood before me.. and he was faced with this choice.. he probably would've snapped my neck and saved japan the trouble. "
it must be weird, looking his saviour in the mouth like that. there's a certain other kind of look too. a smile, horrible and wide, despite the blood.
" i think. i'll come back for you. " shigaraki echoes. " you have no problem healing a villain ... isn't it against some moral code that there are hero healers to begin with? what's your name... "
his gaze rises up, and it's like the first time he actually looked at her, like he's had a pause. all the adrenaline in the fight vanishes, all the blood loss catches up to him in a dizzying spin of his head and the words that roll out sound distant and almost.. childlike.
" ... puppy? " (mon-chan?)
he promptly passes out from the blood loss.
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She cocked her head to the side, one ear flicking back to really sell her confusion, "It's not unexplainable, silly, you saw where it came from!" Ash cheerfully wrapped the soft blanket around his greater injury. Gentle warmth pulsed from it, coursing through the ruined flesh and knitting it back together. It was slower going than she would have liked, but she was quick to school back her frown amd blink at him.
Was she supposed to know who he was?
Keeping pressure on the blanket, Ash stared at him long and hard. Maybe too long. Red eyes were pretty common around Japan, so that didn't ring any bells... Plenty of teens had rather pallid skin too, so that didn't help her any. It wasn't until her eyes grazed over his mouth and locked on the scar splitting his lips that recognition shot through her heart like ice water.
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Tomura Shigaraki.
Fear locked her in place, her claws digging into the blanket where she had willingly held it in place. Her ears flicked back flat against her skull, wide eyes not daring to look back up. Was this it? Was she going to die in a dingy alleyway all because she couldn't mind her fucking business? What would her parents do? She looked at the blood staining her hand, the blood staining him.
He had asked for help.
If she was going to die, she wasn't going to have her last moments to be in vain. Taking a deep, grounding breath–which smelled awful, thanks–she grit her teeth and said, "You asked for help... I can't just let you bleed out when someone might be waiting for you."
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rottingpath · 1 year
im starting to get through my drafts that i owe. nobody reply to me until i reach all drafts done or else
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rottingpath · 1 year
given the fact the cat demon-like creature could read his mind, he did his best to keep his true purpose under wraps. it's not exactly a secret to him now anyway that tomura wished to destroy absolutely everything, make it ruined beyond imagination. all he was built, born and raised to do was to destroy.
" then it seems like we can strike an accord. " he muses. now his thoughts were clear: they could work together. the cat's unstoppable might and his decay quirk. " — in order to bring this pathetic planet to it's knees. i'd shake your hand on it, but i kill things i touch."
he rises from his slouch, arms leaning against his knees, inspecting the other.
" what say you then ? "
Narinder could view the big middle finger in Tomura's head clear as day. It was more amusing than angering or anything. The god merely grins at the human, amused.
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"I am a cat to be exact, you are most correct," he replies, noting the fact that he heard the words 'cute cat' ring in the head. Though Narinder wouldn't give Tomura a hard time on it. "I do not care nor worry about heroes.. Or so called heroes.. If they bother me, then I will plague their kind with an illness.. Then we wouldn't see any heroes in a while, unless they survive the plague.."
Narinder could do many other things other than things related to death. Such as illness, starving people, causing them to be unlucky, making them have severe fatigue and unable to sleep. He had many powers... Even create gold in the palm of his hands.
"Destroyed?" Narinder echoes, tilting his head to the side, an ear twitching. "You wish to destroy this world? I do not mind.. I can recreate it in my own. I have many followers in my own world I can transport here. And I can start life anew.."
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"If anything, that's more ideal than trying to convert an entire world into my own.."
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rottingpath · 1 year
shigaraki stared at him long and hard. he'd already blew his chance with overhaul once before and ended him prematurely when the man would be more than enough useful with the good doctor and his nomu. his lips and fingers twitched and an opportunity like hawks wouldn't come again.
it's clear he's hard to trust. he puts so much on the line for his league. it's not just him that he has to look out for now.
" fine. " he spits out after a tense moment, shoulders sinking. " - but you've got to prove yourself trustworthy to me. i don't care what you do to me but the moment you threaten my people you cease to be valuable. do you understand? "
he says it seriously, low and dark and full of malice. it must be strange, to see something that shigaraki cares deeply about.
" if you're in agreement, then i'll test how loyal you will be to us. "
Hawks froze, and for a moment it was just a very confused Keigo staring at Shigaraki. He didn't understand what he had said wrong. He could guess it was a hard idea to swallow that Hawks might want to defect to the villains but Shigaraki's words seem to indicate he did believe it and somehow that was a bad thing. Well, it was, but Hawks had evidently judged the guy wrong.
He held up his hands and took a neat step back, giving his head a small shake as the smile fell away.
"I do believe in protecting people. But that isn't what heroes are doing 80% of the time. The system needs to be turned around otherwise we're going to get to the point where all heroes are, are celebrities who barely do anything society actually needs." He explained cautiously, a few loose feathers sneakily spreading around - not to attack. Only to make sure doors were unlocked and ready should he need to get out of there quickly.
But he knew that turning and fleeing would only result in one thing - the League would never ever listen to him. And his mission would be a total failure.
"I think there are a lot more useful things I can do than become fertliser." Hawks said, eyes sharp but his words were calm. Not placating, just steady. "The League needs to grow and evolve to have any hope of having any impact on society. I offered my help. You don't want it? Fine. But you won't get an opportunity like this again."
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rottingpath · 1 year
" ah, i do apologise my dear.. you are growing up. no time for little headpats like you used to love. " he sighed wistfully as though he was recollecting on the follies of youth, or maybe thinking of a time when he was younger and gave his 'long lost' brother the same kind of family love.
he didn't seem put off by her curiosity, and all for one certainly wouldn't punish her for it. his smile just seemed to broaden, as though it was full of hidden secrets she just couldn't hope to comprehend.
" why, i need to ensure that they are able to make you grow and develop the potential that i see in you. a sponsorship is a big deal, ochako. that money needs to be going to a good cause, and if UA fail you in any way, i will pull that money out and find somewhere else for you to study. "
it's clever really, its not like the demon overlord was lying either. he could have traitors and spies everywhere, and it wouldn't do to keep ochako suspicious of his reasons and demands. he was still just that kind and caring uncle.
" is that going to be a problem ? " he asks after a moment, his tone suggesting that perhaps it would be wise for her to say it wouldn't.
Her uncle was truly kind! He didn't even want anything in return and did it just to see her full potential. He was just as supporting of her as her parents! She couldn't be more grateful to have him in her life! Ochako nudged at his arm that patted her head. "You're making me feel like a small kid," she chuckled, hinting at not wanting to be petted every time.
Ochako nodded at his words, feeling a sense of...uneasiness in his tone for a second but shook it off quickly.
Why shouldn't she accept?
"You're right! If I can get into a good agency I can finally help my parents properly and they wouldn't have to work so hard anymore." Though, it didn't cross her mind to ask her uncle to help with some of the expenses than spending on her. Perhaps because always wanted to be a hero deep down.
But eventually, he surprised her when he mentioned that there was something she could do for him and her smile faded. Of course, she'd help! She'd return the favors he did for her!
"Huh?" Ochako needed a moment to proccess what he said. All that went on? Why did he want to know? She understood if he wanted to know about her classes, training, her teachers even but what would field trips or room changes tell him about her academic progress?
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"Uhm, I think I can but why do you want to know about the things that aren't academically related to me?" She couldn't help it. She was curious.
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rottingpath · 1 year
❛  wall .   to  pin  my  muse  against  a  wall . (from my tomura for spinner hehe) @timescaping [making my dreams come true thank you <3]
so, there's three possibilities going on here in spinner's boggled mind.
one, shigaraki's fuckin' pissed, and he's able to get the most awkardly tense (for him) lashing of a life time.
two, he's dreaming, and he really should be ashamed of himself but he's thought of this exact thing happening albeit with more rpg elements and fancy pink-red tint over everything --
or three, this is actually happening. probably safest bet was to go with number one, and as he lets out an oof from the force of his back hitting the wall and his words dying in his throat at shigaraki's closeness, he can only manage an awkward squeak as red eyes meet with red. he's so close it's like he could feel his breath against his sensitive scales. spinner's a tough guy, honestly, so it means a lot the fact he was fucking trembling, however slightly, as he stared back at him. fuck fuck fuck -- he was blushing. shit. maybe he wouldn't recognise the purplish flush on his face as that due to his mutation.
"b- boss," iguchi stammered out. " a-are you, uh. ah, you uh, you okay.. ? did i piss you off or - something? "
it's probably more telling than anything that he isn't even trying to fight him off, body lax and oh so compliant against the wall as his tail flicks uncertainly behind him.
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rottingpath · 1 year
𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑬𝑵𝑶𝑹𝑴𝑰𝑻𝒀 𝑶𝑭 𝑴𝒀 𝑫𝑬𝑺𝑰𝑹𝑬 .    (   a  series  of  nsfw  prompts ,  separated  by  quotes   &   acts .   ‘ my ’  muse  belongs  to  the  one  who  posted  the  meme .  send   “ + REVERSE ”   to  reverse  the  prompts  )
       →  WORDS .
❛  i’m  sorry ,  you  don’t  enjoy  being  teased ? .  ❜ ❛  you  know  what  i’m  waiting  for .  ❜ ❛  keep  your  hands  where  they  are .  ❜ ❛  i want you to ride  [ me / my fingers ] .  ❜ ❛  you  make  the  prettiest  sounds .  ❜ ❛  say  please .  ❜ ❛  i  want  to  make  this  last .  ❜ ❛  look  at  me .  ❜ ❛  i’m  yours ,  only  yours -  ❜ ❛  yeah ,  just like that -  ❜ ❛  i’ve  barely  even  started .  ❜ ❛  i  need  you .  ❜ ❛  god ,  shut  up  and  fuck  me  already !  ❜ ❛  god ,  yes ,  [ name ] ,  don’t  stop .  ❜ ❛  you  have  no  idea  how  long  i’ve  wanted  to  do  this .  ❜ ❛  who  gets  to  touch  you  like  this ?  ❜ ❛  come  for  me .  ❜ ❛  ah ,  ah -  don’t  touch .  ❜ ❛  brace  your  hands  on  the  wall .  ❜ ❛  could  you  come  like  this ?  ❜ ❛  please ,  let  me  come -  ❜ ❛  god ,  you’re  beautiful -  ❜ ❛  i’ve  been  waiting  for  this  all  night .  ❜ ❛  you’re  such  a  tease .  ❜ ❛  take  these  off .  ❜ ❛  i  want  to  feel  your  [ mouth / fingers ] .  ❜ ❛  do  you  have  any  idea  how  good  you  taste ?  ❜ ❛  tell  me  what  you  want .  ❜ ❛  we  shouldn’t -  ah ,  we shouldn’t be doing this .  ❜ ❛  faster ,  [ name ] ,  i  need  more .  ❜ ❛  is  this  good ?  ❜ ❛  keep  your  eyes  open .  ❜ ❛  i  can’t  wait  to  find  out  what  else  you  can  do .  ❜ ❛  you  don’t  have  to  be  so  gentle .  ❜ ❛  i  want  to  hear  you  beg .  ❜ ❛  can  i  take  this  off ?  ❜ ❛  please ,  please ,  please -  ❜ ❛  you’re  doing  so  well  for  me .  ❜ ❛  please  touch  me .  ❜ ❛  keep  reading ,  i  want  to  see  how  long  you  last .  ❜ ❛  i’ll  buy  you  another  one .  ❜ ❛  say  my  name .  louder .  ❜ ❛  i  can’t  wait  any  longer .  ❜ ❛  you  feel  so  good .  ❜ ❛  you’re  going  to  leave  a  mark -  ❜ ❛  touch  yourself  for  me .  ❜ ❛  do  you  deserve  it ?   ❜ ❛  did  i  say  you  could  come ?  ❜ ❛  i’m  so  close -  ❜ ❛  they’re  going  to  catch  us -  ❜ ❛  i  want  you  right  here .  ❜ ❛  we  have  to  be  quiet .  ❜
         →  ACTIONS .
❛  pin .   to  restrain  my  muse’s  hands  during  intimacy . ❛  mirror .   to  have  sex  with  my  muse  in  front  of  a  mirror . ❛  deny .   to  deny  my  muse  an  orgasm . ❛  distance .   to  have  [ phone / video ]  sex  with  my  muse . ❛  playlist .   to  have  sex  with  my  muse  while  music  is  playing . ❛  paw .   to  fondle  my  muse’s   [ chest  /  ass ] . ❛  wall .   to  pin  my  muse  against  a  wall . ❛  table .   to  hoist  my  muse  onto  a  [ table  /  counter ] . ❛  clothed .   to  make  my  muse  come  while  fully  dressed . ❛  finger .   to  finger  my  muse . ❛  oral .   to  give  my  muse  oral . ❛  fervent .   to  have  sex  with  my  muse  after  a  fight . ❛  distraction .   to  rile  my  muse  up  during  a  film . ❛  mark .   to  leave  marks  on  my  muse  [  optional :  specify where  ] . ❛  tie .   to  use  restraints  on  my  muse  during  intimacy . ❛  throat .   to  choke  my  muse  during  intimacy . ❛  sparring .   for  sparring  to  turn  into  sex . ❛  toys .   to  use  toys  [ vibrator / strap / otherwise ]  on  my  muse . ❛  imagery .   to  send  my  muse  a  risque  photo . ❛  drag .   to  pull  my  muse  closer  by  a  piece  of  clothing . ❛  tear .   to  tear  a  piece  of  clothing  from  my  muse’s  body . ❛  shower .   to  have  sex  with  my  muse  in  the  [ shower / bath ] . ❛  sneaky .   to  sneak  away  from  a  gathering  to  have  sex  with  my  muse . ❛  beg .   to  make  my  muse  beg . ❛  carnal .   to  [ scratch / bite ]  my  muse  during  intimacy . ❛  preoccupied .   to  rile  my  muse  up  as  they  [ read / work ] . ❛  jealous .   to  purposefully  make  my  muse  react  possessively . ❛  dare .   to  have  sex  with  my  muse  based  off  a  dare . ❛  read .   to  re-enact  something  from  a  [ book / show / porn ]  with  my  muse . ❛  collapse .   to  break  a  bed  during  sex  with  my  muse . ❛  caught .   to  get  caught  with  my  muse  during  sex .
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rottingpath · 1 year
" get off me, " his voice pitched high in a mockery of her voice as he mimicked her words, rolling his eyes at the useless display of defiance against him. he wasn't even hurting her in the slightest, just making sure she wouldn't get away and alert any other heroes in the vicinity. which naturally wouldn't end well for both of them. shigaraki did thankfully(?) shove her away from his side, but kept his grip on her neck as dangerous as ever.
" why sacrifice your integrity and so much just to save one person? i bet if i told you to get on your hands and knees in order to save everyone in this mall you would. " he spat at her, tone hateful. " besides .. you're missing the point. you're participating in a broken system that only gives you the illusion of working. "
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shigaraki turns his gaze away from her, towards the curtain of privacy, and where the shadows of passerby could be seen flitting against the fabric. a frown steadily turned his chapped lips down as he contemplated for a moment, hand on her neck slightly lax.
" if you actually WANT to save anyone, you'd do something more about it than being a mindless brainwashed sheep. come on, ochako. you know it's not working. you save someone but these civilains can't even fucking save themselves. i don't even mean against villains. day to day shit that people USED to be able to do but they just leave it to the heroes .. doesn't it even make you slightly mad.. ? "
Did he just call her a whore? Ochako definetly wanted to smack him now for his insult but she realized what was at stake and her hand remained in the air for a bit longer. Her neck was squeezed and she stiffened. He wasn't even going to destroy her! He'd destroy everyone else because of her!
Her gaze followed his. Why was he staring at her hands? But it seemed he had been somewhere else mentally as he returned from his momentary trance.
Ochako indeed squirmed a bit as he adjusted his grip and she tried to ignore his words before she raised a brow in confusion. What?
The villain squeezed her tighter against himself and she made a face because she could clearly smell the dirt on his clothes. "Get off me!" she groaned, trying to move her face away discreetly so it wouldn't seem like she was trying to wiggle out of his grasp. She didn't want anyone to turn to dust. The picture was finally taken but sadly, he didn't let her go yet and she glared daggers at him.
Her glare intensified when he said he liked her. Of course he was lying! Someone like him could never like anyone! She could care less how Toga felt. Though, that wasn't entirely true. With their continued encounters, Ochako saw her a little bit more as a person now, not just a villain. What did make her think on his words was the fact that she had indeed seen that hero society had its flaws. She had seen first hand how heroes gave up in the first war.
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Ochako's gaze lowered. "The world isn't perfect and neither are heroes. But...if I can help just one person, then that counts for something." Her hands turned to fists and she gave him a serious stare. "Just because hero society is flawed won't make me join you!" She wasn't a villain! "And if you think I'll let you destroy anyone, then you're wrong! The others will know I haven't returned and will look for me," she hissed. It was a bluff. She hadn't told anyone she went out. So this was bad.
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rottingpath · 1 year
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the amount of top spinner content versus bottom saddens me
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rottingpath · 1 year
to shigaraki's credit, he wasn't trying to stare at her chest -- he was clearly wary about the light that was making his eyes squint and he hissed softly under his breath once it disappeared. maybe if he had all of his senses about him he could've made some smart comment about heroes and costumes and whatever, but right now, she was quite literally his saving grace.
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" alright, put the unexplainable glowing tit blanket around my injuries. " he muttered lowly. so much for the smart mouth. he cringed as his wounds were exposed to her in order for her to actually assess and get to them. " -- name ... mm. "
he's going to wait after she actually applies the damn thing before he reveals who he actually is. luckily there was nothing too terribly internal that would kill him, and he let her work unobstructed.
" do you really not know who i am ... ? or are you so driven by your need to help every little person that it doesn't matter if you're contributing to .. aw, ow - fuck - "
so much for his speech, he winces entirely in a new fresh wave of pain. honestly. he just looks kind of pathetic.
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An ear flicked back at the tension that followed her touch. Did he injure his side? Of course he probably did! She should have checked first, but it was too late to change her course of action. Ash started to guide him to the wall, scrunching her nose at his words.
"I'm helping as fast as I can, sir. If you move too quickly then you're liable to smash straight into the gravel! I don't have time to go picking pebbles out of your body," She chuffed and shifted to support him against the building. Now that she had the chance to, she gave him a proper look over. She didn't have time to disinfect anything which made her cluck her tongue distastefully.
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"Hopefully you don't get an infection within the next few minutes," Ash unbuttoned the collar of her costume, widening the heart-shaped cut-out to make way for something big. Light stuttered to life across her chest and a roll of minky, black fabric formed. It fell into her hands where she unrolled it, "I'm going to touch you again, okay? This should mend your external injuries, but I'll have to use something stronger if you have anything internal."
She reached out with the blanket, the fabric shining unnaturally in the streetlights, "And my name is Medifluous!"
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rottingpath · 1 year
the amount of top spinner content versus bottom saddens me
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rottingpath · 1 year
thinkin about spinner's soft and squishy tail thats the perfect pillow or stress ball much to his flustered chagrin
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rottingpath · 1 year
" hey . . this is a limited edition leauge of legends t-shirt that's not had a resell for years. hardly dumpster quality. " the man on the office couch scoffed, arms thrown over the back of it, one leg crossed over the other like he owned the place. in truth, he's a lot more on edge than he lets on. he knows what overhaul (the quirk AND the man) is capable of, and though he trusts toga and twice..
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" maybe i do have a death wish. " his head tilts, like a curious cat.. or maybe a cunning tiger staring down at his opponent. " i can destroy things with a single touch just like you can, overhaul. i want to see it in action. i want to see you try and combat against my decay. "
his smile widens, and there's no warmth in it. all teeth and promises as he leans forward, serious suddenly.
" i want to see how well you can fight against your own flesh rotting. i'm curious ... you're a scientist, aren't you ? aren't you curious too .. ? "
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@rottingpath asked — you’re dressed. special occasion, overhaul ?
death becomes her sentence starters — accepting
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The presence of the League of Villains in the Shie Hassaikai headquarters was slowly getting on Kai Chisaki's nerves. The blood thirsty girl and duplicating man were enough on their own, but easy enough to ignore. Shigaraki, however, found a way under his skin by presence alone.
"Not all of us dress like they just rolled out of a dumpster," he snaps, adjusting his tie once more before turning to Shigaraki. Deal with the League be damned, entering his office unannounced was crossing boundaries. "Is there a reason you're bothering me, or do you just have a death wish?"
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